Ay 19 W PDF
Ay 19 W PDF
Ay 19 W PDF
For Professionals
For Homeowners Yellow Nutsedge Control
Aaron Patton and Dan Weisenberger
This publication is meant for
Purdue Agronomy — Turfgrass Science
homeowners. For sedge control
for turf professionals, see
Turfgrass Management: Sedge
Control for Turf Professionals Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus
(Purdue Extension publication esculentus) is a troublesome,
AY-338-W), available from difficult-to-control weed that
the Education Store, is often found in turf areas
(Figure 1). It is also called chufa,
nutgrass, or watergrass.
It is important to remember
that yellow nutsedge is not
a grass or broadleaf weed,
Purdue Turfgrass Science but a sedge. Understanding
www.agry.purdue.edu/turf this plant’s biology makes it
easier to know how to best
control it. This publication
describes the life cycle and
identification of yellow nutsedge
and recommends cultural and Figure 1. Yellow nutsedge is a problematic turf weed that is difficult
chemical management options to control.
for homeowners.
Life Cycle and Identification
Yellow nutsedge is a perennial plant that reproduces primarily by small
underground tubers — called nutlets — that form at the end of underground
stems — called rhizomes (Figure 2). A single plant can produce several
hundred of these tubers during the summer. Yellow nutsedge can also spread
by rhizomes (Figure 3). Yellow nutsedge produces a seedhead when unmown,
but its seeds rarely germinate.
All photos by Aaron Patton Yellow nutsedge actively grows during the heat of summer when cool-season
except Figure 2 by Corey Gerber, turf grows more slowly. Yellow nutsedge typically emerges (germinates
Purdue Extension. from tubers) in Indiana in late April or May (a few weeks after crabgrass
germinates) and grows actively until the first frost in autumn. A frost will kill
the plant’s aboveground portion but the tubers will survive and overwinter in
the soil. Dormant tubers can germinate and emerge throughout the following
season or survive in the soil for more than three years.
AY-19-W Yellow Nutsedge Control
Figure 5. The three-ranked leaf arrangement of Figure 6. An example of a sedge herbicide that
yellow nutsedge. contains 75 percent of the active ingredient
halosulfuron and sold in prepackaged 0.9-gram
packets that treat 1,000 square feet of turf.
AY-19-W Yellow Nutsedge Control
control tubers that are viable in the soil but have ware stores, garden centers, home improvement
not yet produced plants. warehouses, and superstores. Some of these
Before using any herbicide, always refer to the products will be ready-to-use (RTU) in a spray
product label for specific instructions about bottle, while others will require mixing in a
proper use and turfgrass tolerance. sprayer. Table 1 indicates whether products are
The exact product that you use will be based on
its availability at retailers. See Table 1 for a list Before using any herbicide, consider the follow-
of products that contain these active ingredients ing steps for successful yellow nutsedge control:
that can be purchased online or at local hard- 1. Read and follow all directions on the herbi-
cide label.
2. Do not mow one or two days prior to or fol-
Find Out More lowing the herbicide application.
Purdue Extension offers many 3. Treat the area with the proper rate of her-
publications about establishing, bicide and volume of water listed on the
maintaining, and controlling lawn pests. product label. Do not apply the herbicide if
Get these publications from: the turf is stressed due to drought or high
temperatures (≥90°F).
The Purdue Extension Education Store
www.the-education-store.com 4. Six to ten weeks after the first application,
repeat steps 2 and 3 if the yellow nutsedge
The Purdue Turf Program has recovered or regrown from tubers.
AY-19-W Yellow Nutsedge Control
When using products that contain 75 percent Professional turf managers have additional
halosulfuron (that is, a 75DF formulation), add a herbicide options for yellow nutsedge control.
nonionic surfactant to improve control. Non- These herbicides are not readily available to
ionic surfactant is a soap-like liquid that helps homeowners and should only be applied by
herbicide sprays better cover the leaf tissue to kill professionals. Homeowners can hire profession-
the weed. Ask the experts at your local garden al turf specialists to apply these herbicides.
center about these surfactants and their avail-
ability. Many garden centers carry the nonionic Summary
surfactant Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker that can be In summary, sedges are problem weeds and are
used. difficult to control with nonchemical options.
If your retailer does not sell a nonionic sur- Many herbicides are available for sedge control
factant, certain liquid dish detergents such as but proper herbicide use and application timing
Ivory® liquid dish soap contain high amounts of is critical to optimize control.
a nonionic surfactant and they can be used as a For best results, apply herbicides prior to tuber
substitute. The detergent label may say whether production. The most common mistake is to
it contains a nonionic surfactant (do not use apply herbicides too late in the season after yel-
products that contain anionic surfactant). low nutsedge is big, spreading by rhizomes, and
For spot treatments of nutsedge with halosulfu- producing tubers. To be effective, you will need
ron, products will typically be sold in 0.9-gram to implement a sedge control program early in
packets (Figure 6). To use, mix one 0.9-gram the season and continue it for more than a year
packet of halosulfuron and 2 teaspoons of non- to reduce tuber populations in the soil and pre-
ionic surfactant in 1 gallon of water. This amount vent the spread of this problematic weed.
will treat 1,000 square feet. References
A new halosulfuron formulation may also be Bendixen, L.E. 1973. Anatomy and sprouting of
available at some retailers that already includes yellow nutsedge tubers. Weed Sci. 21:501-503.
the surfactant. This product is sold under the
trade name SedgeHammer+® (pronounced Patton, A.J., and D.V. Weisenberger. 2013.
SedgeHammer plus), so adding a surfactant to Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals.
this formulation is unnecessary. For spot treat- Purdue Extension publication AY-336.
ments with SedgeHammer+®, use one 0.5-ounce Rahn, E.M., W.H. Lachman, R.D. Sweet, and
packet per 1,000 square feet. Unlike halosulfu- R.S. Bell. 1962. Life history studies as related
ron, products that contain sulfentrazone do not to weed control in the northeast: 1 – Nutgrass.
require a surfactant to control nutsedge. Northeast Regional Publication, University of
Of the two ingredients (sulfentrazone and halo- Rhode Island Agriculural Experiment Station
sulfuron), sulfentrazone will provide the quick- Bulletin 364.
est control. Injury symptoms appear on yellow Webster, T.W. 2005. Mulch type affects growth
nutsedge within a few days after a sulfentrazone and tuber production of yellow nutsedge
application. Injury symptoms appear on yellow (Cyperus esculentus) and purple nutsedge
nutsedge about two weeks after a halosulfuron (Cyperus rotundus). Weed Sci. 53:834-838.
Glyphosate products (Roundup® and others) can
also be used to treat yellow nutsedge in land-
scape beds and gardens, but glyphosate provides
only marginal control. Make sure not to use
glyphosate to treat yellow nutsedge in your lawn
because this product is nonselective and will kill
the turf in your lawn as well as the weeds.
AY-19-W Yellow Nutsedge Control
May 2013
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