Martial Arts20 PDF
Martial Arts20 PDF
Martial Arts20 PDF
Martial Arts
By Charles Rice
Chris Davis
Rich Spainhour
anthony cournoyer
Joseph Wigfield
Graphic Design:
David Jarvis
Chris Davis
Paula Rice, Corey Hodges, Edward Lennon, Rich Spainhour
Table of Contents
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Chapter 1: Characters
This section provides new options for characters, including unarmed attacks, Dodge Focus: +1.5 bonus for each time
new occupations and new feats. Many of these feats are you take this feat (rounded down)
modeled on fighting styles found in the real world and serve
both as a method of combat and a way to individualize your Weapon Master
character. You make your living by your skill with a weapon. Though
somewhat old-fashioned, this occupation has no shortage of
employers seeking specialized skills.
New Occupations Professional Skills: Influence, Perception, Weapons
Improved Feats: Accurate Attack: +1.5 attack bonus per
These two new occupations represent characters who make –1 damage, Armed Defense: +2 Weapons skill for purposes
their living through combat, whether armed or unarmed. of this feat, Attack Focus (any non-firearm weapon): +2 to
attack rolls, Improved Disarm: the DC of the free disarm
Martial Arts Master check is Unarmed or Weapons +5
You make your living from your martial arts prowess,
whether in demonstrations or more contact-oriented
Professional Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Unarmed
General Feats
Improved Feats: All-Out Attack: +1.5 attack per –1 These two feats provide a way to counter specific fighting
Defense (rounded down), Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to styles.
attack rolls, Combat Martial Arts: +1 damage bonus with
Know Your Enemy
By studying a certain style you have learned its
weaknesses and can exploit them in combat.
Effect: When you select this feat, choose a
specific Martial Arts or Weapon style. You gain
a +2 bonus on attack, damage or Defense when
fighting an opponent using that style in combat.
You may change which category gains the bonus
from this feat each round.
Note: A fighting style cannot be easily “turned
off”. If a practitioner has a Martial Arts style and
is fighting unarmed, or a Weapon style and is
fighting with that weapon, a character with this
feat gains the effects of it.
Knowledge is Power
You have studied a specific style to an even
greater degree.
Prerequisite: BAB 9+, Know Your Enemy
(same style)
Effect: Anytime a practitioner of the
chosen style attacks you and misses, you may
immediately make a free attack against that target
once per round.
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Imitating Chuan Fa could choose the ability from Shao-
Lin Kung Fu at Unarmed rank 4, the improved feat from
Martial Arts Style
Monkey at Unarmed rank 8 and so on.
Aikido’s founder, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), was
Some styles are a combination of more than two styles,
affectionately called O Sensei (Great Teacher) by the
which works as described above, except the player may
teachers and students who follow his teachings. Ueshiba
select from more than two styles when eligible for a new
trained extensively in martial arts as a youth, mastering
maneuver or improved feat.
Jujutsu, Kenjutsu (Sword Fighting), and Sojitsu (Spear
While the ability to choose maneuvers from multiple
Fighting), and was an instructor at Japanese military
styles is a distinct advantage, combination styles come with
academies. Ueshiba claimed Aikido came to him in a vision
one serious drawback as well: if an opponent knows the
in 1925 when he was 42 years old. Using this new style,
Know Your Enemy feat for any of the component styles, he
Ueshiba defeated a military officer in a duel, without hurting
gains its benefits when fighting the student of a combination
him, by evading his blows until he dropped unconscious
from exhaustion.
For example, if a character with Know Your Enemy
Aikido means Blending (Ai) Energy (Ki) Way (Do),
(Tiger) fought a student of Hung Gar he would gain the
thus, Aikido means The Way of Blending Force. Instead
benefits of that feat.
of resisting blows and possibly taking injury, the defender
blends with the force of an attack, allowing it to harmlessly
Weapon styles: What Martial Arts styles are to unarmed
pass him by. Others translate Aikido as The Way of
fighting, Weapon styles are to armed combat: mystical and/
or practical techniques designed to increase effectiveness
with a chosen weapon. Weapon styles grant five maneuvers/ “Those who seek competition are making a grave
improved feats at Weapon ranks 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. mistake. To smash, injure or destroy is the worst sin a
Weapon style-granted maneuvers and improved feats only human being can commit. The real way of a warrior is
work if the character is armed with an appropriate weapon. to prevent slaughter— it is the art of peace, the power
Weapon styles are subject to the Know Your Enemy feat as of love.” –Morihei Ueshiba, 1942.
normal. Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts
Style Maneuvers
Designing your own styles: Previous iterations of these Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense when using the Reactive
martial arts rules for d20 Modern featured a mathematical Stance perk
formula for designing your own styles. This is no longer Unarmed 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1
needed in Martial Arts20, since there are fewer feat-based attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3
maneuvers and more things that used to be part of martial Defense for –2 attack and so forth).
arts styles (modifying attack rolls with Wisdom) have now Unarmed 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
become feats. Still, there are some guidelines to creating you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may
your own styles: make a free Trip attempt against that attacker
-- At Unarmed (or Weapon) ranks 4 and 12, each martial Unarmed 16 ranks: Poise: your Wisdom modifier is
arts style grants a maneuver, a special ability that modifies considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
a standard unarmed attack. Often these abilities require a Unarmed 20 ranks: Contemplative Master: your Wisdom
perk or Action Point to function. Many of these are seen modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
in multiple martial arts styles and include such classic
maneuvers as the Head Butt and the Jab.
-- At Unarmed (or Weapon) ranks 8, 16 and 20 a martial Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa
arts style grants an improved feat, similar to the improved Combination Style
feats seen in Modern20 Occupations (though more likely to Since the earliest days of the Shao-Lin temple the monks
be combat oriented). imitated the fighting styles of animals, studying them
Beyond these guidelines, the rest of creating a new closely to discover new ways to move and fight.
martial arts style is up to you and your game master. Using Prerequisite: One of the following: Combat Martial Arts,
the many styles found in these rules as a guide, you should Defensive Martial Arts, Improved Grab
be able to create a variant martial arts style in no time! Style Maneuvers
Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa is a combination style of
Shao-Lin Kung Fu and any one animal style, chosen when
this feat is selected. Each time you are eligible for a new
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martial arts maneuver or improved feat, you may choose unless absolutely necessary. Students of this style are taught
between the two styles. to attempt to disarm an opponent and to use the sheathed
blade unless a dire situation presents itself. Only then is the
student to resort to live steel.
Arnis Note: The sword used by Banshay practitioners is lighter
(Escrima or Kali)
than a traditional longsword. Use the statistics for the
Weapon Style
machete found in the Modern20 core rules to simulate the
Arnis was developed by the settlers of the Philippine
Banshay sword.
Islands, many of them from China, India, Indonesia, and
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (sword)
Southwest Asia. When the Spanish invaded the islands,
Style Maneuvers
they dubbed the fierce stick-fighting style of the natives
Weapons 4 ranks: +2 Defense when using the Reactive
“Escrima,” which means “skirmish.” After conquering the
Stance perk
island, the Spanish outlawed the style, and it was forced
Weapons 8 ranks: Dodge Focus: +1.5 Defense bonus per
underground. The style was preserved through dances
feat, rounded down (+1 Defense for one feat, +3 Defense for
and mock battles, in which the natives played the role of
two feats and so forth).
Spaniards, wearing the “arnes,” or medieval armor. These
Weapons 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
plays used the same footwork as Escrima and kept the
you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may
techniques alive.
make a free Disarm attempt against that attacker
Remy Amador Presas, who incorporated empty-hand
Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (sword): your
techniques, such as kicks and throws, into the style to make
it more rounded, and who blended more than 7,000 regional
styles into one national style, is considered the founder
of Modern Arnis. This updated style also has a mystical
side—dubbed “The Flow” by Presas himself—which
encourages each student to tailor the style to his body and
natural movements rather than conform himself to the style.
Arnis stylists refer to their greatest practitioners as “Grand
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (Club)
Style Maneuvers
Weapons 4 ranks: While using the Two-Weapon Fighting
perk your attack penalties are reduced by 2.
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (Club): +2 to attack rolls
Weapons 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
or chest hit due to injuries.
Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (Club): +3
Weapons 20 ranks: Two-Weapon Defense: you gain the
Defense bonus from your off-hand weapon even while using
it to attack.
Weapon Style
Banshay is a Burmese weapon art specializing in the sword,
although spear and staff are also taught by the style. Like
many Burmese martial arts, both Chinese and Indian martial
combat forms heavily influenced Banshay’s development.
Banshay teaches the student never to unsheathe his weapon
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Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of Style Maneuvers
this feat. Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage bonus when using the
Weapons 20 ranks: Attack Focus: +2 attack rolls Power Punch perk.
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Bear Unarmed 12 ranks: Bear Hug: While you have a target
Animal Style
grappled, you can inflict Unarmed damage automatically
You fight like the bear, using long strikes, fierce punches,
every round until he escapes.
and devastating grapples to defeat any opponent. This
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3
style is one of the Kung Fu animal forms, thought to have
originated at the Shao Lin monastery.
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Prerequisite: One of the following: Combat Martial Arts
or Improved Grab
Animal Style
You have trained to imitate the deadly, charging, close-in
fighting style of the Boar.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: +4 damage bonus on charge attacks
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once per encounter you
may render an opponent flat-footed by striking him with
your head when he least expects it. This ability renders
targets with the Uncanny Dodge feat flat-footed as well.
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
by spending an Action Point.
This ability may be combined with the Crippling Strike,
Critical Strike and Sneak Attack feats.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Move-By Attack: you may make
multiple charge attacks along your line of movement. If
all targets of this attack are in a straight line, you suffer no
attack penalty. If you turn between attacks, you suffer a –5
penalty for each target after the first. You still may not move
more than your normal movement rate (twice your move, or
three times your move if you spend an action point).
Unarmed 20 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3
Martial Arts Style
Boxing can be definitively traced to the Ancient Olympic
games as far back as 688 BCE, although its origins are
doubtless much older. As with wrestling, boxing appears
to be an almost universal activity in the ancient world for
both combat and sport. Modern competition boxing bears
little resemblance to these ancient matches, in which no
protective gear was worn, no time limit was imposed, no
score was kept, and matches sometimes lasted over twelve
hours, continuing until one combatant could no longer
stand or fight. Boxing, in its modern form, dates back to
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the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis. Some Boxers refer Unarmed 12 ranks: Eye Gouge: On a successful unarmed
to themselves as “sluggers,” “dancers,” or “pugilists” attack to your opponent’s head, your opponent must make
and many affectionately refer to their sport as “the sweet a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be blinded
science.” for 1-4 rounds. If you are using the injury rules, this is in
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial addition to any effects from a head hit due to injuries.
Arts Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: If you successfully
Style Maneuvers trip an opponent with this feat, you may make a free attack
Unarmed 4 ranks: Lightning Jab: when using the Fast against that target if you render yourself prone as well. This
Punch perk, you can render an opponent flat-footed once improved feat simulates the elbow drop, knee drop and
per encounter. This ability renders targets with the Uncanny similar combat maneuvers.
Dodge feat flat-footed as well. Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
by spending an Action Point.
This ability may be combined with the Crippling Strike,
Animal Style
Critical Strike and Sneak Attack feats.
You imitate the bull, overwhelming your opponent with
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
ferocious charge attacks, head butts, and sheer aggression.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
Unarmed 12 ranks: +2 damage bonus when using the
Style Maneuvers
Power Punch perk.
Unarmed 4 ranks: +4 damage bonus on charge
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization
(unarmed): +3 damage
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2
to attack rolls
Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once
per encounter you may render an
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu opponent flat-footed by striking
Martial Arts Style him with your head when he
In 1914 a Jujutsu master named least expects it. This ability
Mitsuo Maeda moved to Brazil. renders targets with the
In return for political assistance Uncanny Dodge feat flat-
given to him by Gastao Gracie, footed as well.
Mitsuo agreed to teach his son You may use this
Carlos Jujutsu. Carlos then ability additional times
taught his brothers, and through in an encounter by
constant no-holds barred sparring spending an Action
and competition created the art Point.
today known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, This ability may
sometimes called Gracie Jiu Jitsu. be combined with the
This style is also a fine style to use Crippling Strike, Critical Strike
for any of the growing number of mixed and Sneak Attack feats.
martial arts, such as Shoot Fighting, although Unarmed 16 ranks:
the School of Hard Knocks style would be seen Improved Trip: your melee
here as well. attack can be executed on
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or a charge. If this charge
Improved Grab attack hits you may follow
Style Maneuvers with a free Trip attempt
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage bonus when normally. This simulates
attacking a prone target a flying tackle or bull
Unarmed 8 ranks: Prone Fighting: +2 rush combat maneuver.
Defense while prone Unarmed 20 ranks:
Strength Training: +2
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Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once per encounter you
Burmese Bando may render an opponent flat-footed by striking him with
Combination Style
your head when he least expects it. This ability renders
Bando is a defensive martial art that favors long-range
targets with the Uncanny Dodge feat flat-footed as well.
attacks made from outside an opponent’s threat range. This
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
style favors extensive imitation of animal movements for
by spending an Action Point.
attack and defense and was probably influenced by Chinese
This ability may be combined with the Crippling Strike,
Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa.
Critical Strike and Sneak Attack feats.
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3
Style Maneuvers
Burmese Bando is a combination of any two of the
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
following animal styles, chosen when the style is selected:
Boar, Bull, Cobra, Deer, Eagle, Monkey, Panther, Python,
Scorpion and Tiger. Capoeira
Martial Arts Style
Escaped Brazilian slaves developed Capoeira as a means
Burmese Boxing of self-defense. These slaves developed their fighting
Martial Arts Style
techniques right under the noses of their Portuguese masters,
Burmese Boxing is virtually antithetical to Bando. While
disguising their training as a ritualistic dance in which the
Bando teaches use of its techniques in self-defense and
dancers (called capoeiristas) threw spinning kicks and head
favors long range attacks from outside the opponent’s
butts at opponents who performed acrobatics evasions,
reach, Burmese Boxing is a hard-nosed offensive style that
causing the kicks to narrowly miss. All the while, their
favors close-in fighting and grappling techniques. While
fellow slaves played drums and sang songs about freedom.
there are no weight-classes, Burmese Boxing does have age
When the Dutch invaded Brazil in the seventeenth century,
categories based on the amount of time a practitioner has
the slaves used the confusion created by these attacks to
competed and the number of matches won.
escape. As the Portuguese expelled the Dutch and set about
Burmese Boxing matches are fought in four rounds.
attempting to recapture their erstwhile laborers, they learned
Rounds one through three are ended by a telling blow or
what their slaves had been practicing. The authorities
grapple. The fourth round is ended only if the fighter is
subsequently outlawed Capoeira, and it remained illegal
knocked out, bloodied, admits defeat or blood is drawn
in Brazil until the mid-twentieth century. Capoeira stylists
from the head (not the body). For this reason the head is
refer to themselves as Capoeiristas and to their Masters as
the primary target of most attacks. Punching, kicking, head
butts and throwing are all legal though attacks below the
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
navel (including the groin), hair-pulling, scratching and
kicking a down opponent are against the rules and result in
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
Despite the relative lack of name recognition for Burmese
your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
Boxing this sport’s practitioners compete against Muay-Thai
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
boxers on a regular basis and Burmese Boxers reportedly
roll +10 or have his movement by one-half for the next 1-4
win more than they lose, though some observers have
attributed this to the average Burmese boxer being bigger
If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
than the average Thai boxer.
effects from injuries.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
Unarmed 8 ranks: Acrobatic Defense: you may use
Style Maneuvers
this feat as your Defense against melee attacks as well as
Unarmed 4 ranks: Legal Hit: you are skilled at landing
ranged attacks, though not in the same round. If you are
blows legal in the sport of Burmese Boxing. When using
being attacked at melee and at range in the same round,
the Precision Strike perk, your penalties to target locations
your Acrobatics skill only applies as Defense to one type of
above the waist are reduced by 2 additional points. This
ability applies to Precision Strike attacks to the arm,
Unarmed 12 ranks: Somersault Attack: when making a
stomach, chest and head.
charge attack, you gain a +1 damage bonus for each 4 ranks
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
you possess in the Acrobatics skill, rounded down. This is
in addition to the normal +2 damage bonus for making a
charge attack.
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Unarmed 16 ranks: Acrobatic Feint: the DC of your first Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making
attempt to feint using Acrobatics in a round is reduced called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with
to your opponent’s Acrobatics or Reflex +5. Additional Pressure Point Attack
Feint attempts in the same encounter have a DC of your Unarmed 16 ranks: Healer: +3 hit points healed per feat
opponent’s Acrobatics or Reflex +15. Unarmed 20 ranks: Poise: your Wisdom modifier is +2
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity higher for purposes of this feat.
Cat Cobra
Animal Style Animal Style
You imitate the sleek grace of the cat when fighting. You imitate the deadly serpent when attacking. This style is
Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial also one of the five animal styles associated with the Shao-
Arts. Lin temple: White Crane, Dragon, Leopard, Cobra, and
Style Maneuvers Tiger.
Unarmed 4 ranks: Your jumping distance is increased by Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
+5 feet. Arts.
Unarmed 8 ranks: Dodge Focus: +2 Defense bonus once Style Maneuvers
(taking this feat additional times only grants the normal +1 Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
bonus per feat). called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an points of damage on a successful hit.
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump, Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Initiative: +6 initiative
you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of Unarmed 12 ranks: Cobra Strike: you inflict +2 damage
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2 on all successful attacks against opponents who are after
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics you in the initiative order.
skill for more information. Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
this feat. Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
Commando Training
Chi Kung Adaptable Style
Martial Arts Style This fighting style represents the advanced combat training
Chi Kung is both a martial art of self-defense and a given to Special Forces personnel around the world. There
fundamental tool of Chinese Medicine. As a martial are as many variations of this style as there are military
discipline it stresses use of the whole body and a powerful organizations to teach it.
Ki to overcome attacks and heal the self. As tool of healing, Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
the practitioner learns the anatomy and how to focus his Style Maneuvers
Ki to aid in healing. Acupuncturists have both learned Chi Commando Training is an adaptable martial arts style,
Kung (as a means of better knowing what nerve centers meaning it receives maneuvers at Unarmed ranks 6, 12 and
to penetrate to promote healing and the development of 20 but may select any maneuver, from any style, provided
their Ki) and prescribed Chi Kung (since the stimulation the minimum number of ranks in the Unarmed skill have
of internal organs can trigger the body’s natural healing been achieved (see Adaptable Styles in the introduction
process and the overall health value of the art is tremendous) to this section for a more detailed discussion of adaptable
for centuries. styles).
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
Animal Style
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
You imitate the grace and alertness of the deer, avoiding
points of damage on a successful hit.
conflict when possible but lashing out with vicious attacks if
Unarmed 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1
attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Defense for –2 attack and so forth).
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Style Maneuvers “origin stories” for this martial art. Monkey, Eagle, and
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense when moving 30 or more Shao-Lin Kung Fu all have Drunken variants. If you wish to
feet in a round. play a Drunken Monkey, Drunken Eagle, or Drunken Shao-
Unarmed 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1 Lin martial artist, simply take both styles. There is also a
attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3 dedicated style, Shu-ju-chuan, which is the style presented
Defense for –2 attack and so forth). here.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once per encounter you Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
may render an opponent flat-footed by striking him with Arts.
your head when he least expects it. This ability renders Style Maneuvers
targets with the Uncanny Dodge feat flat-footed as well. Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
by spending an Action Point. opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
Unarmed 16 ranks: Move-By Attack: you gain a +2 roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
Defense bonus in a round where you use this feat. next 1-4 rounds.
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
effects from injuries.
Unarmed 8 ranks: Acrobatic Feint: +2 damage against
Dragon flat-footed opponents
Animal Style
Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once per encounter you
Many cultures revere the legendary power and majesty of
may render an opponent flat-footed by striking him with
the Dragon and attempt to emulate it when fighting. Dragon
your head when he least expects it. This ability renders
is a difficult style to master, because it requires power and
targets with the Uncanny Dodge feat flat-footed as well.
grace in equal measure. This style is also one of the five
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
animal styles associated with the Shao-Lin temple: White
by spending an Action Point.
Crane, Dragon, Leopard, Cobra, and Tiger.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
this feat.
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
Unarmed 4 ranks: Your jumping distance is increased by
+5 feet.
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack Eagle
rolls Animal Style
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an You imitate the fierce eagle when fighting.
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump, Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of Arts.
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2 Style Maneuvers
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
skill for more information. called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3 points of damage on a successful hit.
to damage rolls Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Disarm: DC of disarm
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength check for the free disarm granted by this feat is Unarmed or
Weapons +5.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Eye Gouge: On a successful unarmed
Drunken Master attack to your opponent’s head, your opponent must make
Martial Arts Style
a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be blinded
Like many ancient martial arts, the exact origin of Drunken
for 1-4 rounds. If you are using the injury rules, this is in
Master is hard to determine. There are many legends that
addition to any effects from a head hit due to injuries.
give possible origins for the style. The tale of the Eight
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Drunken Immortals, who fought with their fellow gods
while drunk, and the tale of an intemperate Monk who
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
defeated thirty of his fellows while drunk, then ripped the
doors off the monastery, are only two of the mythological
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(often with the cloak or by dropping the primary weapon
Eastern Wrestling and using the right arm to grapple) to allow a vicious stab to
Martial Arts Style
the ribs with a secondary weapon.
Every culture in the world has its own styles and traditions
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (sword)
of wrestling. In game terms almost all external non-aesthetic
Style Maneuvers
wrestling forms are covered by the Greco-Roman Wrestling
Weapons 4 ranks: When using the Two-Weapon Fighting
feat, while internal, aesthetic wrestling forms, such as
perk, your attack penalty is reduced by 2.
Ch’in-na (China) and Vajra-musti (India) are covered by this
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (sword): +2 on attack
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts or Improved Grab
Weapons 12 ranks: +2 damage bonus when using the
Style Maneuvers
Aggressive Stance perk.
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense when using the Reactive
Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (sword): +3 on
Stance perk
damage rolls
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple
Weapons 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or
Acrobatics +5
Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making Fencing- Spanish
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with Weapon Style
Pressure Point Attack Spanish fencing involves a heavy mystical element, mixing
Unarmed 16 ranks: Poise: Your Wisdom modifier is mathematics, philosophy, and swordsmanship. The Spanish
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat. style of fencing is noted not for its grace or its power, as
Unarmed 20 ranks: Self-Help: +2 Wisdom the French and Italian schools are but for its systematic and
analytic patterns of attack and defense.
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (sword)
Fencing - French Style Maneuvers
Weapon Style
Weapons 4 ranks: +2 Defense bonus while using the
The French school of fencing, depicted here, relies on speed
Reactive Stance perk
and grace. Considered by many a defensive fencing school,
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (sword): +2 on attack
French fencers favored disarming the opponent and then
offering him the chance to surrender. This ended any point
Weapons 12 ranks: +2 attack bonus while using the
of honor duels with minimal bloodshed.
Reactive Stance perk (you may choose between your attack
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (sword)
roll +2 or your opponent’s attack roll +2).
Style Maneuvers
Weapons 16 ranks: Contemplative Master: your Wisdom
Weapons 4 ranks: +2 Defense bonus while using the
bonus modifies the damage of your sword attacks as well as
Reactive Stance perk
your attack rolls.
Weapons 8 ranks: Improved Disarm: DC of disarm check
Weapons 20 ranks: Poise: your Wisdom bonus is
for the free disarm granted by this feat is Unarmed or
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
Weapons +5.
Weapons 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may Gatka
make a free Disarm attempt against that attacker Weapon Style
Weapons 16 ranks: Dodge Focus: +2 Defense bonus once Gatka is a Sikh weapon-oriented martial art with origins
(taking this feat additional times only grants the normal +1 in the Punjab region of India. Gatka has been used to great
bonus per feat). effect on a number of occasions in recent history, from
Weapons 20 ranks: Weapon Finesse (sword): Your the streets of Shanghai in the 1930’s (where Sikh Gatka
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of warriors were used as riot police) to Sikh regiments in
this feat. World War II, which were almost exclusively composed
of Gatka warriors. Gatka fighting techniques are based on
movements called “Panthra,” which are initially practiced
Fencing- Italian without weapons to perfect the footwork and balance needed
Weapon Style
to function effectively on the battlefield. This practice
Unlike the French school, Italian fencing relied more on
technique is analogous to the Kata of the eastern martial
power than grace. Two-weapon combat was favored with a
arts. Gatka uses a number of traditional weapons, such as
classic coupe-de-grace of this style consisting of a grapple
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the Khanda (an Indian Saber), the Kirpan (a dagger), and Improved Trip
the Kaman (a bow). However, this style also teaches the use Style Maneuvers
of exotic weapons such as the Katar (Indian punch-dagger) Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage bonus when attacking a
and the Chakra (or Chakram), a circular weapon with a prone target
razor sharp edge which is thrown at the enemy. This weapon Unarmed 8 ranks: Prone Fighting: +2 Defense while
has recently become a part of popular culture and is known prone
by millions of television viewers as the favorite throwing Unarmed 12 ranks: Bear Hug: While you have a target
implement of Xena: Warrior Princess. grappled, you can inflict Unarmed damage automatically
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (one of the following: Chakra, every round until he escapes.
Compound Bow, Knife, Longsword, Punch Dagger) Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: If you successfully
Style Maneuvers trip an opponent with this feat, you may make a free attack
Weapons 4 ranks: all attack penalties reduced by 1 when against that target if you render yourself prone as well. This
using the Precision Strike perk improved feat simulates the elbow drop, knee drop and
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (one Gatka weapon): +2 similar combat maneuvers.
to attack rolls Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Weapons 12 ranks: All range penalties reduced by 2 when
using Gatka ranged weapons
Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Focus (one Gatka weapon): +3
Goju-Ryu Karate
Martial Arts Style
to damage rolls
Goju-Ryu Karate is a form that dates after Shotokan and
Weapons 20 ranks: Strength training: +2 Strength
Shito-Ryu, in that order. To learn its early influences
see the histories of those styles. Goju-Ryu emerged as a
Greco Roman Wrestling distinct style after the departure of Funakoshi, the creator of
Martial Arts Style Shotokan, and Mabuni, the creator of Shito-Ryu to Japan.
As basic and instinctive a combat technique as the punch In their absence Chojun Miyagi became a leading figure in
or the kick, the grapple has likely been around as long Okinawan Karate-jutsu, developing a style that combined
as mankind in an informal sense. However, by as early the linear punches and raw power of Shotokan with
as 2600 BCE in Egypt, techniques for grappling were holds and throws. The name Goju means “hard-soft” and
codified into set locks and holds. However, it was in ancient represents the concept that rigidity and power are sometimes
Greece that this form of combat achieved its ultimate a detriment on the battlefield as is fluidity and gentleness.
expression, as evidenced by the name Greco-Roman Thus Goju-Ryu seeks harmony between these philosophies
Wrestling, which is applied to the Olympic sport form of in a complimentary fashion. Goju-Ryu is an extremely
this technique. In Greece, wrestling was viewed as essential powerful offensive style whose definition of defense is
to the development of a youth’s body and mind, and many disabling an opponent in the most efficient way possible.
of the greatest philosophers and scientists of the ancient Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial
world, such as Pythagoras, were also Olympic champion Arts, or Improved Trip
wrestlers. Wrestling was first included in the Olympics in Style Maneuvers
704 BCE, and the most famous practitioner of that sport Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
was undoubtedly Milon of Crotona, a six-time champion. your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
However, the Greeks recognized the military applications opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
of wrestling as well, and pancratists, feared gladiators roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
who fought with both wrestling and boxing techniques, next 1-4 rounds.
accompanied Alexander the Great on military campaigns, If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
and Pancratism is regarded by many as the world’s first true effects from injuries.
martial art (Kung-Fu is a possible contender for this crown, Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple
as the first recorded use of Kung Fu dates to the 5th century check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or
BC). Acrobatics +5
Although the history above is Greek, every culture in the Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
world has its own styles and traditions of wrestling. In game to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
terms all of the external non-aesthetic methods are covered make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
by this one martial arts style. Some examples include: flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
Shuai-chiao (Japan), Cireum (Korea) and Naban (Burma). injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Improved Grab or or chest hit due to injuries.
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Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip Arts
check for the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Style Maneuvers
Acrobatics +5 Unarmed 4 ranks: High Kick: on a successful attack to
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength your opponent’s Stomach, Chest, Throat, or Head, your
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
roll +10 or be Dazed for the next 1-2 rounds.
Gun Fu If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
Weapon Style
effects from injuries.
Gun Fu is a martial arts application to gun combat. This
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
style is seen in many popular movies and comic books, and
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
has even become the adopted name of a popular paintball
strategy guide. On a strictly historical note, since firearms
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an
were introduced to Japan the Bushi have had an art for
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump,
firearms known as Hojutsu. Perhaps Gun Fu isn’t entirely
silly after all… That said, campaigns striving for realism
including all gritty campaigns and many cinematic ones
may not wish to allow this martial art. Check with your
game master before selecting it.
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (pistol)
Style Maneuvers
Firearms 4 ranks: You may use the Two-Weapon Fighting
Perk with pistols, gaining an extra attack at –10 when
wielding a pistol in each hand. Your Firearms skill works to
negate this penalty.
Firearms 8 ranks: Attack Focus (pistol): +2 to attack rolls
Firearms 12 ranks: Bullet Time: once per encounter you
can make an extra attack roll with a firearm at no penalty to
your attack roll.
You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
by spending an Action Point.
Firearms 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (pistol): +3 to
damage rolls
Firearms 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
Martial Arts Style
Hapkido was created by Yong Shul Choi. In 1909,
Korea was conquered by Japan, and Choi, at the age
of seven, was sent to mainland Japan to serve as a
laborer. Choi came to serve Sokaku Takeda, who
was an instructor of Daito Ryu Aikijutsu, a more
combative form of the art that became Aikido.
Yong Shul Choi spent thirty years of servitude in
Japan, under the influence of Aikijutsu. Upon his
master’s death, he returned to the country of his
birth and soon took on his first students and opened
a school to teach Aikijutsu. In 1956, Ji Han Jae opened a
school in Seoul, where he began to teach his own style,
mixing elements of Aikijutsu he had learned from Yong
Shul Choi, elements of Taoist mysticism, and the offensive
kicks of TaeKwonDo, which he called Hapkido.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
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you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of Unarmed 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2 you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics make a free unarmed melee attack against that attacker
skill for more information. Unarmed 16 ranks: Poise: Your Wisdom modifier is
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of Unarmed 20 ranks: Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
this feat.
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
Hung Gar
Combination Style
Horse Hung Tsi-kuan in 18th century China created Hung Gar.
Animal Style Hung Tsi-kuan was studying Kung Fu from two masters,
You imitate the power and speed of the horse in combat. a specialist in the Tiger style and a specialist in the Crane
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial style, which he combined into one martial art. From the
Arts Tiger master he took meticulously crafted stances and
Style Maneuvers leaping attacks, and from the Crane master (a woman Hung
Unarmed 4 ranks: Immovable: the DC of trip attempts Tsi-kuan would later marry) he took the one-legged stances
against you is your Unarmed or Acrobatics +15 and wing and beak attacks. This style of fighting, taught by
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack both Hung Tsi-kuan and his wife became known as the “Fist
rolls Art of the Hung Family” or Hung Gar.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack Hung Gar is known for its many stances, providing
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must powerful and effective means of achieving balance, either
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be to hold one’s ground, or quickly close with an opponent. As
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the this style originated in Southern China, where fighting on
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach boats or in crowded alleyways were common, being able
or chest hit due to injuries. to hold your ground, or quickly close with an opponent to
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip deny him favorable ground, were both crucial to winning in
check for the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or combat.
Acrobatics +5 Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Unarmed 20 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3 Arts
to damage rolls Style Maneuvers
Hung Gar is a combination of the following martial arts
styles: Horse, Tiger, White Crane and Kung Fu.
Hsing-I Kung Fu
Martial Arts Style
Along with T’ai-chi and Pa-kua, Hsing-i is one the Hwa Rang Do
three main forms of internal Kung Fu. While T’ai-chi Martial Arts Style
concentrates on subtle yielding and slow movement to resist Hwa Rang Do, which means “Way of the Flowering
attack, Hsing-i, as its name suggests, emphasizes that the Manhood”, was created by Dr. Joo Bang Lee in 1960. This
thought and action are one, and is characterized by lightning martial arts style traces its combat techniques and strict
quick attacks. This does not mean the style is offensive in moral code to the Hwarang, or Flower Knights of Silla, one
nature, however. As one master put it “your attack begins of the three kingdoms that comprise modern day Korea.
after your opponent’s, but arrives first”. Although Dr. Lee’s style descended from much older
Hsing-i originated some time between 1637 and 1661. forms and traditions, it was he who created the syllabus
During this timeShanghai resident Chi Lung-feng claims he for systematic study of the art, and the requirements for
was taught this “profound boxing” by a mysterious stranger. belt rankings, so in the modern sense of creation this is the
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts creation of the style we today call Hwa Rang Do.
Style Maneuvers In addition to combat, Ki, and healing arts (known as
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense when using the Reactive Insool), Hwa Rang Do practitioners also follow a strict
Stance perk moral code based on five core principals: loyalty to country,
Unarmed 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1 loyalty to parents and teachers, trust among friends, courage
attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3 in the face of danger, and the taking of life only when
Defense for –2 attack and so forth). necessary. In addition to the five core principals, which
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extend back to the ancient Flower Knights of the Hwarang, Classical Jujutsu is the parent style of modern Aikido,
Dr. Lee added nine “founding moralities”: humanity, justice, Judo, and Karate. In modern times, the philosophy of this
courtesy, wisdom, trust, goodness, virtue, loyalty, and art has changed from its violent beginnings, and it now
courage. concentrates on a measured response to an attack, applying
Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial enough force to discourage an attacker. Obviously, however,
Arts this philosophy still includes the possibility of killing
Style Maneuvers a determined opponent. Jujutsu practitioners call their
Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making most accomplished warriors “Shihan.” A student who has
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4 mastered all the moves of the style, to the point that he is
points of damage on a successful hit. considered fit to teach Jujutsu to other students, is called
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed) +2 on attack “Kaiden.”
rolls Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making Arts
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with Style Maneuvers
Pressure Point Attack Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
Unarmed 16 ranks: Healer: +3 hit points healed per feat called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
Unarmed 20 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your points of damage on a successful hit.
Dexterity modifier is +2 higher for purposes of this feat. Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
Jeet Kune Do Unarmed 12 ranks: Brutal Strike: you suffer no penalties
Adaptable Style
for making a called shot with the Precision Strike perk
“The way of the intercepting fist” is perhaps best known
against a prone opponent.
for its creator, the legendary “little dragon,” Bruce Lee. Lee
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
rejected all aesthetics, stances, and other “mumbo jumbo”
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
(as he called it), instead focusing on the reality of combat.
this feat.
Jeet Kune Do focuses on fluidity and attempts to emulate the
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
indestructibility of water. In the words of Bruce Lee, “Try to
find a nicely-tied package of water.” Water will sometimes
flow around you unimpeded, but it can destroy boulders. Kajukenbo
“When you fight with a specific style, you are expressing Combination Style
that style. You are not expressing yourself.” In 1947 five martial arts masters met in Oahu, Hawaii to
–Bruce Lee. create the ultimate combat martial art. The goal was to be
Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial able to survive any streetfight or combat situation against
Arts an armed or unarmed opponent. The five masters were:
Style Maneuvers Adriano Emperado, a master of Escrima and Kenpo, Peter Y.
Jeet Kune Do is an adaptable martial arts style, meaning it Y. Choo, a master of tang soo do, Frank Ordonez, a master
receives maneuvers at Unarmed ranks 6, 12 and 20 but may of Jujutsu, and Clarence Chang, a master of Kung Fu. After
select any maneuver, from any style, provided the minimum synthesizing techniques for over two years these masters
number of ranks in the Unarmed skill have been achieved created a martial art they called Kajukenbo. The name is an
(see Adaptable Styles in the introduction to this section for a amalgam of the new art’s component styles: Ka (Karate), Ju
more detailed discussion of adaptable styles). (Jujutsu), Ken (Kenpo), and Bo (Chinese Boxing or Kung
Although all five masters contributed greatly to the
Jujutsu art, Emperado was the spiritual leader of the group, and
Martial Arts Style
his experiences fighting for his life in the back alleys of
Jujutsu, which means “gentle art,” is anything but in
Honolulu as a poor youth was the driving force behind the
practice. Originally, this style was the preferred unarmed
style’s focus on real street combat. It is for this reason he is
style of the Samurai (one of the three major combat schools
today regarded as the founder of Kajukenbo, if one single
of the Samurai, in conjunction with Kenjitsu and Sojitsu),
person can be called by that title. Emperado opened the
complimenting the swordsmanship learned through
first Kajukenbo school in Honolulu with a training regimen
Kenjitsu (known today as Kendo) and concentrating on
that focused on the reality of street combat. Full contact
simple, brutal, yet effective kicks and bone-breaking locks.
sparring was held daily and no holds were barred in these
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fights. Broken bones were a common occurrence. Needless the martial arts is “be humble,” but be humble only
to say there were soon few students attending this academy. to a point. Be a person because you choose to be, not
However, those who persevered gained a reputation as because you’re intimidated.
deadly streetfighters. Fight fast, fight hard: If you find yourself in a position
The following quote from a Kajukenbo master gives where you have no other choice but to fight, do it fast
an excellent insight into the mentality of the style’s and get it over with.
practitioners: Don’t be stupid: Remember that a good streetfighter
is as good as, or better, than a black belt in a street
Anything goes: The first thing to remember is to situation. Some of the streetfighters go out and fight
do anything it takes to win. Even if you have to bite, every Friday night. They know how to take a punch.
scratch, and kick, there are no rules. You have to They know how to use a beer bottle. They know how to
fight like an animal if necessary. The old phrase in use a lot of things and they move like a cat when they
Strike while he argues with you: If you can hit your
opponent while he’s in the middle of a sentence or a
word, you have the element of surprise. He can’t think
of two things at the same time.
Spit in his face at the exact moment you strike:
Normally, a grown man will flinch because he doesn’t
like the idea of someone spitting in his face.
Use unexpected diversions and distractions: An
older person can fake a heart attack long enough for
the opponent to hesitate and be caught off guard by a
counterattack. Surprise is always an advantage.
Attack the most vulnerable targets: Kajukenbo
emphasizes attacking the most vulnerable targets
including the eyes, the throat, the groin and the knees.
Don’t stop until the person is finished: One or two
moves may or may not be enough to take a person out.
The Kajukenbo strategy is to strike or kick a person,
get him down to the ground, and then continue until he
(also known as Wae Gum in Korea)
Weapon Style
Kenjutsu is the central martial art of feudal Japan and
defined the mentality of the Samurai warriors who served
during that time. Although these warriors were trained in a
dizzying array of fighting techniques, from unarmed combat
techniques such as Jujutsu and Aikijutsu to horsemanship
and military tactics, the Katana was their symbol. Iaijutsu,
training in quickly drawing the Katana to gain and
advantage in combat, is an important related skill and is
treated as a maneuver of this style.
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This martial arts style also covers Korean swordfighting
that is known as Wae Gum and dates to the 16th century.
(Also Called Kempo)
Korean King Sukjong recognized that Japanese Kenjutsu
Martial Arts Style
was superior to the swordfighting techniques of his soldiers
Kenpo’s origins are shrouded in mystery, but this art seems
and had textbooks smuggled out of Japan.
to be Chuan Fa, transplanted to Okinawa and then Japan via
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (katana)
wandering Chinese monks. This inference is largely made
Style Maneuvers
because the Shaolin martial art Chuan Fa translates to “fist
Weapons 4 ranks: +2 Initiative when using the Aggressive
art” and Kenpo translates to “law of the fist”. Regardless
Stance perk
of its ancient origins the modern era of Kenpo begins when
Weapons 8 ranks: Improved Initiative: +6 to Initiative
James Mitose opens the “Official Self Defense Club” in
Weapons 12 ranks: Iaijutsu Strike: +2 attack bonus on all
Honolulu in 1936. Mitose taught William Chow, who in
opponents who follow you in the Initiative order
turn taught Ed Parker, who brought Kenpo to the United
Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (katana): your
States. Parker, a greatly influential teacher, is often credited
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
with “discovering” Bruce Lee at a Kenpo tournament, and
this feat.
was a martial arts instructor to the stars, including Steve
Weapons 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
McQueen and Elvis Presley. However, Parker also taught
police self-defense, lending credibility to his style’s combat
Kobujutsu effectiveness.
Weapon Style Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
When Japan conquered Okinawa in the seventeenth century Arts
the use of weapons was forbidden. In response to this, the Style Maneuvers
Okinawans developed two fighting styles: Te and Emono- Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
jutsu. Te is the precursor to modern Karate, and Emono- your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
jutsu is the precursor of modern Kobujutsu. Since swords opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
were forbidden, many farm implements were adapted roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
to serve as weapons, such as rice threshers (Nunchaku), next 1-4 rounds.
harvesting sickles (Kama), and so forth. Kobujutsu If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
training begins with the Bo-staff, then the Sai (which are effects from injuries.
used in pairs, although advanced practitioners carry a third Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
for throwing), then the Tonfa, the Kama, the Tekko, the rolls
Nunchaku, and finally Tinbe-Rochin. More information on Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
all these weapons can be found in the Martial Arts Weapons to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
section. make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (sai, tonfa, kama or flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
nunchaku) injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
Style Maneuvers or chest hit due to injuries.
Weapons 4 ranks: When using the Two-Weapon Fighting Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
perk, your attack penalty is reduced by 2. Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
Weapons 8 ranks: Improved Disarm: DC of disarm check this feat.
for the free disarm granted by this feat is Unarmed or Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
Weapons +5.
Weapons 12 ranks: +2 Defense bonus when using the
Two-Weapon Fighting perk
Knife Fighting
(Also Known As Tanto-Jutsu In Japan)
Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Focus (sai, tonfa, kama or
Weapon Style
nunchaku): +2 to attack rolls
As long as there have been blades there have been those
Weapons 20 ranks: Two-Weapon Defense: you gain the
who sought to master every facet of their bladed weapon
Defense bonus from your off-hand weapon even while using
both in combat where the best techniques for attack and
it to attack.
defense are studied, and out of combat where meticulous
care of the blade is performed. Although this martial art has
a street or gang connotation today, in the form of Tanto-jutsu
the noble Samurai of medieval Japan studied it.
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Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (knife)
Style Maneuvers
Krav Maga
Adaptable Style
Weapons 4 ranks: Quick Strike: +2 Initiative when armed
Krav Maga was created by Imi Lichtenfeld, who was born
with a knife
in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, a rough and tumble Jewish
Weapons 8 ranks: Feint: the DC of the Influence check is
ghetto, where his father, Samuel, taught self-defense
reduced by 5 (Perception or Will save +5 for the first feint
techniques and was a highly decorated police inspector.
attempt, Perception or Will +15 thereafter).
One of the lessons Samuel taught to his students and his
Weapons 12 ranks: Agile Strike: +2 Defense when armed
policemen was the importance of proper moral conduct. As
with a knife
Czechoslovakia became increasingly hostile for Jews in
Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (knife): your
the 30’s, Imi was involved in numerous streetfights against
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
fascist gangs that taught him the difference between the
this feat.
self-defense techniques taught by his father in the gym, and
Weapons 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
the reality of street fighting. When Hitler turned Europe
into a battleground and conquered Czechoslovakia, local
authorities forced Imi to flee, and he eventually made his
way to Palestine (modern day Israel), where he joined
Haganah, a paramilitary group that sought to create a Jewish
State. Imi began teaching hand-to-hand combat to his
fellow soldiers at this time. After WWII, when Israel was
recognized as a state, Haganah became the nucleus of the
Israeli Defense Force, and the Israeli government named Imi
the Chief Physical Training Instructor for the Defense Force
and asked him to create a system for hand to hand combat.
This system, called Krav Maga, is still taught to Israeli
soldiers today. The style detailed below is the “military”
style of Krav Maga.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Style Maneuvers
Krav Maga is an adaptable martial arts style, meaning it
receives maneuvers at Unarmed ranks 6, 12 and 20 but may
select any maneuver, from any style, provided the minimum
number of ranks in the Unarmed skill have been achieved
(see Adaptable Styles in the introduction to this section for a
more detailed discussion of adaptable styles).
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brought about the end of Japanese occupation, Korea was to temple around 500 BCE, when a Buddhist Monk arrived
see little peace, and In-hyuk Suh’s grandfather was killed by and imparted some of his philosophy and Yoga techniques
North Korean soldiers during the Korean War. However In- to the Chinese monastery. Whatever its origins, there can
hyuk Suh continued his training, traveling Korea studying be little doubt that the Shao-Lin temples and instructors
ancient texts at Buddhist temples and seeking out legendary aided the spread of Kung Fu to Japan, Okinawa, Thailand,
masters in the remotest areas. After decades of training Korea and beyond. Today, there are more than 1,500 styles
In-hyuk Suh named his new art Kuk Sool Won in 1961. In of Kung Fu worldwide, ranging from combat styles to Taoist
1974 In-hyuk Suh came to America, and today the World philosophies that are more exercise forms than martial arts.
Kuk Sool Association is headquartered in Houston. This Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
headquarters houses a magnificent training facility for hand- Arts
to-hand combat, knife throwing, archery, swordsmanship, Style Maneuvers
and horseback riding. Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
Arts opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
Style Maneuvers roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
Unarmed 4 ranks: High Kick: on a successful attack to next 1-4 rounds.
your opponent’s Stomach, Chest, Throat, or Head, your If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack effects from injuries.
roll +10 or be Dazed for the next 1-2 rounds. Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any rolls
effects from injuries. Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump,
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of
+5 your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump, skill for more information.
you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2 Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics this feat.
skill for more information. Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
Unarmed 16 ranks: Dodge Focus: +2 Defense bonus once
(taking this feat additional times only grants the normal +1
bonus per feat).
Kyokushin Karate
Martial Arts Style
Unarmed 20 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
Masutatsu Oyama is the creator of Kyokushin Karate. Born
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
in Korea in 1923, Oyama began to study the martial arts
this feat.
at the age of nine. As the Second World War approached,
Oyama moved to Japan and trained to become a pilot.
Kung Fu While doing so he continued his study of the martial arts,
Martial Arts Style studying Karate under the tutelage of Gichin Funakoshi, the
Like many ancient fighting styles, the origins of Kung Fu founder of Shotokan Karate (see the Shotokan Karate entry
are shrouded in mystery, legend, and misconception. Some for more information). Following WWII Oyama trained
sources date the origins of Kung Fu as far back as 3,000 in Goju-ryu Karate under So Nei Chu, who was himself a
BCE. Others believe Alexander the Great, in his contact student of Chojun Miyagi, that style’s founder (see Goju-
with India, imparted the Pancratium (a combination of Ryu Karate for more information). Following a retreat to
boxing and wrestling used by soldiers and gladiators) to the mountains, during which Oyama trained for nearly three
the Buddhist monks, through whom it made its way to years in complete solitude, he began to tour and demonstrate
China. (This theory is based on the similarities between his skills. During a yearlong trip through the United States,
ancient Kung Fu and the boxing and wrestling maneuvers Oyama would accept any challenge as he traveled to dojo
of Pancratium. However, all fighting styles seem to begin after dojo, and defeated all who opposed him, often with a
with these maneuvers, which appear to be universal among single punch. Upon his return to Japan in 1953 he opened
unarmed combatants.) Still others place the beginnings his first “dojo” in a vacant grass lot outside of Tokyo. Within
of Kung Fu as recently as the founding of the Shao-Lin four years he had a real dojo and 700 students. In 1964 a
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new facility was opened, and the style was given its own Weapons 12 ranks: Blind Shot: when attacking a foe with
name, Kyokushin, or “Ultimate Truth”. Oyama passed away Concealment, you may roll your miss chance one additional
in 1994, but his martial art continues to grow, currently time (twice, or three times if you have the Blind Fight feat).
having ten million registered practitioners, making this Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Focus (bow): +2 to attack rolls
potent Karate-do one of the most widely practiced martial Weapons 20 ranks: Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
arts in the world today. Kyokushin practitioners greet one
another with “Osu” instead of hello. This greeting comes
from osu no seidhen and means “perseverance under
Animal Style
pressure”. Through this greeting students are reminded to
You imitate one of the fiercest of jungle cats when fighting.
always persevere regardless of circumstances.
This style is also one of the five animal styles associated
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
with the Shao-Lin temple: Crane, Dragon, Leopard, Cobra,
and Tiger.
Style Maneuvers
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Unarmed 4 ranks: Lunge Punch: +2 bonus on attack rolls
while using the Power Punch perk.
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
Unarmed 4 ranks: +4 damage bonus on charge attacks
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
Unarmed 8 ranks: Move-By Attack: you gain a +2
Defense bonus in a round where you use this feat.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
or chest hit due to injuries.
or chest hit due to injuries.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Contemplative Master: your Wisdom
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
Unarmed 20 ranks: Endurance Training: +2 Constitution
this feat.
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training +2 Dexterity
(also called Kuk Kung in Korea)
Martial Arts Style
Martial Arts Style
Kyudo is a relatively recent term that means “way of
Lua is a native Hawaiian martial art that originated in the
the bow.” Older forms of Japanese archery were called
time before Hawaii had any contact with the outside world.
Kyujutsu and simply Ryu. Kyudo is a highly philosophical
Lua concentrates on techniques that would be familiar to
style, which focuses on attitude, movement, and technique,
any practitioner of Jujutsu. In fact, the parallels between the
all blending into harmony. Kyudo archers believe the
two styles are striking, considering that they developed (so
accuracy of a shot is determined by the mental state of the
far as we know) completely independently. Lua concentrates
archer. It is said that when a Kyudo practitioner’s arrow
on joint-locks, punching, and the striking of nerve centers.
hits its target, the student has found truth. In other words,
It is believed by some that the Hawaiian technique of
whether a shot is a hit or miss is determined before the
massage, lomi lomi, is related to these nerve attacks in the
arrow is fired. Although the influence of Zen on Kyudo
same manner that acupuncture and acupressure are related
is well known, the form is also strongly influenced by
to pressure points.
Shintoism, the indigenous religion and philosophy of Japan.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Improved Trip
Indeed, the use of archery during Shinto ritual is a practice
Style Maneuvers
that extends back over two thousand years. Kyudo students
Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
call their practice halls “Kyudojos.”
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (bow)
points of damage on a successful hit.
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
Weapons 4 ranks: Long Shot: when using a bow, your
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
range penalties are reduced by 2.
Weapons 8 ranks: Contemplative Master: this feat applies
Unarmed 12 ranks: Bear Hug: While you have a target
to your ranged attacks as well as melee attacks.
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grappled, you can inflict Unarmed damage automatically –1 attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack,
every round until he escapes. +3 Defense for –2 attack and so forth)
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or
Acrobatics +5
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Weapon Style
The Naginata is the traditional weapon of the Samurai
Lucha Libre daughters, and the fluid, spinning footwork taught by
Martial Arts Style this style for both attack and defense were considered
A martial art that believes mystery is the key to victory, the epitome of beauty, grace, and femininity in medieval
masks are worn during combat to protect the fighter’s Japan. Practice of this art by women dates back to Japan’s
identity and give him added ferocity in battle. Like many Tokugawa Period (1600-1867), but the form continues today
pure wrestling traditions Mexican Masked Wrestling has in a Kenjutsu-like sport, still dominated by women. This
made its way into Professional Wrestling… at least the
masks have.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: Immovable: the DC of trip attempts
against you is your Unarmed or Acrobatics +15
Unarmed 8 ranks: Low Profile: once per encounter if you
are masked you gain a bonus to a single attack roll equal to
the difference between your Reputation and your opponent’s
You may use this ability additional times per encounter if
you spend an Action Point.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Aura of Mystery: while wearing a
mask, your unarmed attacks are modified by your Charisma
rather than your Strength.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Banter: your Charisma modifier is
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat
Unarmed 20 ranks: Public Speaking: +2 Charisma
Animal Style
You use an acrobatic animal style, characterized by rolling
around on the ground like an angry monkey. Conventional
opponents find it difficult to fight you. Variants of this style
exist in both Africa and the Orient.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense when using the Reactive
Stance perk
Unarmed 8 ranks: Dodge Focus: +2 Defense bonus once
(taking this feat additional times only grants the normal +1
bonus per feat).
Unarmed 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may
make a free Trip attempt against that attacker
Unarmed 16 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per
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style, however, represents the older combative form of the called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with
art. Pressure Point Attack
Prerequisite: Attack Focus (naginata) Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (naginata): your
Style Maneuvers Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
Weapons 4 ranks: After a successful attack with a this feat.
Naginata, you may make a free Push attempt against your Weapons 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
opponent, using the Weapons skill in place of the Unarmed
skill. Consult the Unarmed skill for more information on the
Push skill use.
Martial Arts Style
Weapons 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1
The history of Ninjutsu and its practitioners, the Ninja, is
attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3
almost impossible to determine with any degree of accuracy.
Defense for –2 attack and so forth)
Every source seems to contradict every other source, and
Weapons 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making
all claim to be the “true descendants” of the “true art of
Ninjutsu.” The style detailed here is what d20 Modern
players and GMs will expect to find in the hand-to-hand
arsenal of a Ninja from popular books, movies, and video
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: Shuriken-jutsu: when making ranged
attack with a thrown weapon your range penalties are
decreased by 2.
Unarmed 8 ranks: Talented (Stealth and Athletics): +4 to
each skill
Unarmed 12 ranks: Shinobi-jutsu: the DC of your Stealth
checks is reduced to Perception +5 under normal
circumstances, or +15 if the target is especially wary.
This ability also increases your Climb speed
by +5 ft. per round.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse
(unarmed): your Dexterity modifier is
considered +2 higher for purposes of this
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
Combination Style
Along with T’ai-chi and Hsing-i, Pa-Kua is one of the
three main forms of internal Kung Fu. Whereas T’ai-chi
concentrates on slow movements, and Hsing-i on linear
attacks and blazing speed, Pa-Kua stresses circular
movements and open-hand attacks. The origins of this
art, like so many Chinese martial forms is shrouded
in mystery. It is claimed its first practitioner,
Tung Hai-ch’uan, learned this style from a
mysterious Taoist hermit he encountered in
the mountains.
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts
Style Maneuvers
Pa-Kua is a combination style that contains elements of
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two of the following styles: Eagle, Leopard, Monkey and
White Crane.
Pentjak Silat
Martial Arts Style
Pentjak Silat, which literally translates to “choreographed
Panther fighting,” is one of over two-hundred martial arts styles
Animal Style found in Indonesia. Pentjak Silat has a mystical side to its
You emulate one of the great stalking cats of the animal teachings, and it uses movements seen in Indonesian dance,
kingdom. as well as animal movements, to create an acrobatic style
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial of kicking and punching. Many Pentjak Silat styles employ
Arts what are known as “Binuntang Empat,” which means
Style Maneuvers “animal fighting mannerisms.” These styles mimic the
Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to fighting movements of the monkey, the tiger, the crane, the
your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your snake, the python, and the eagle. If you wish to mimic these
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack substyles of Silat, you should “cross-train” in two or more
roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the of these styles. Pentjak Silat practitioners call their training
next 1-4 rounds. halls Kendang. Students are either Pelajarn (Student), or
If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any for the slightly more advanced Murid (Disciple). They call
effects from injuries. their teachers Gurus, Pendekhar (Spiritual Grandmaster), or
Unarmed 8 ranks: Prone Fighting: +2 Defense while Dukun (Mystic).
prone Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an Arts
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump, Style Maneuvers
you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2 called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics points of damage on a successful hit.
skill for more information. Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
rolls +5
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with
Pressure Point Attack
Pancration Unarmed 16 ranks: Contemplative Master: your Wisdom
Combination Style
is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat.
There were three main combative events in the ancient
Unarmed 20 ranks: Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
Olympic games: Pancration, Pugilism, and Wrestling. While
Pugilism and Wrestling had weight classes and rules on
tactics that could or could not be used (Pugilism was not Pole Arm Fighting
allowed to grapple while Wrestling was not allowed to strike Weapon Style
with the closed fist) Pancration had no weight classes and A concomitant development alongside the spear, the pole
allowed both punching and grappling. In competition the arm is also an ancient weapon, and in its simplest form is
only goal was to force an opponent to yield and matches essentially a very long spear, giving up the ability to throw
had no points or time limits, continuing until one of the the weapon in return for increased reach and power.
combatants surrendered. Pancratists were thus highly In the modern world each pole arm is an exotic weapon.
thought of as combatants, often being recruited to serve as Statistics for European Pole Arms may be found in Core
soldiers in the army of Alexander. Rule Book I.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial Prerequisite: Attack Focus (any pole arm)
Arts Style Maneuvers
Style Maneuvers Weapons 4 ranks: After a successful attack with a
Pancration is combination style that contains elements of Naginata, you may make a free Push attempt against your
Boxing and Wrestling. opponent, using the Weapons skill in place of the Unarmed
skill. Consult the Unarmed skill for more information on the
Push skill use.
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (pole arm): +2 to attack
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rolls your head when he least expects it. This ability renders
Weapons 12 ranks: Hold the line: +2 bonus to attack rolls targets with the Uncanny Dodge feat flat-footed as well.
and saving throws while using the Reactive Stance perk. You may use this ability additional times in an encounter
Weapons 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (pole arm): +3 by spending an Action Point.
to damage rolls This ability may be combined with the Crippling Strike,
Weapons 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength Critical Strike and Sneak Attack feats.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Sneak Attack: +2 attack bonus the first
time you select this feat (you only gain the standard bonus
Praying Mantis for subsequent selections of this feat).
Animal Style
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
You imitate one of the most feared hunters in all of nature.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Arts Python
Style Maneuvers Animal Style
Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making You imitate the powerful python, known for crushing the
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4 life out of its opponents.
points of damage on a successful hit. Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack Style Maneuvers
rolls Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with points of damage on a successful hit.
Pressure Point Attack Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your rolls
Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this Unarmed 12 ranks: Bear Hug: While you have a target
feat. grappled, you can inflict Unarmed damage automatically
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity every round until he escapes.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Prone Fighting: +2 Defense while
Professional Wrestling Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Martial Arts Style
Professional wrestling is a sport that has grown from circus
sideshow antics into one of the most popular spectator Rooster
spectacles in the world. This art uses the most innovative Animal Style
stunt work seen in modern movies, performing mock By imitating the jerky steps and pecking attacks of the
combat under dangerous conditions live in front of massive rooster you gain an advantage in combat (as well as being
crowds. the ultimate funky chicken dance champion).
Author’s Note: While the above history assumes Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
professional wrestling combat is not real combat, the author Arts
has the utmost respect for the skill and athleticism of the Style Maneuvers
performers. Also, even though the above history assumes Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
the sport is more stunt work than combat, for game purposes called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
it is assumed that these stunt talents have translations into points of damage on a successful hit.
real combat situations. Unarmed 8 ranks: Dodge Focus: +2 Defense bonus once
Prerequisite: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts or Defensive (taking this feat additional times only grants the normal +1
Martial Arts bonus per feat).
Style Maneuvers Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage bonus when using the to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
Power Punch perk. make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
Acrobatics +5 or chest hit due to injuries.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Head Butt: once per encounter you Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
may render an opponent flat-footed by striking him with Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this
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feat. Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity Arts
Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
ROSS your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
Martial Arts Style
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
ROSS is a Russian Martial Art. The name is an acronym
roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
which stands for Rossijskaya Otechestvennaya Sistema
next 1-4 rounds.
Samozashchity (Russian Native System of Self-defense).
If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
ROSS descends from an older form known as SAMBO
effects from injuries.
(also an acronym, standing for SAMozashchita Bez Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Oruzhiya or Self-defense Without Weapons), which was rolls
taught to Russian soldiers during World War II. SAMBO Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an
was a rough-and-tumble style of Streetfighting known to unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump,
prisoners who were released to fight on the Russian front you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of
lines during the darkest hours of the war. These prisoners your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2
taught what they knew to their fellows. ROSS incorporates damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics
SAMBO, along with techniques from boxing and modern skill for more information.
biomechanics, and was created by General Alexander Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3
Ivanovich Retuinskih. In 1991, ROSS was recognized damage
by the Russian Olympic Committee as the representative Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Russian Martial Art.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial
Arts, or Improved Trip School of Hard Knocks
Style Maneuvers Adaptable Style
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage bonus when using the This style has a long and colorful history, and it may be
Power Punch perk. described as the quintessential fighting proto-martial
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for art. Basically, this style is Brawling taken to the point of
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics science, and it is seen in street fights and bar brawls around
+5 the world every day.
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must Style Maneuvers
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be School of Hard Knocks is an adaptable martial arts style,
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the meaning it receives maneuvers at Unarmed ranks 6, 12 and
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach 20 but may select any maneuver, from any style, provided
or chest hit due to injuries. the minimum number of ranks in the Unarmed skill have
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple been achieved (see Adaptable Styles in the introduction
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or to this section for a more detailed discussion of adaptable
Acrobatics +5 styles).
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Savate Animal Style
Martial Arts Style You imitate the poisonous, stealthy scorpion.
Savate is a French kickboxing style that began among Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial
French sailors in the seventeenth century. Although this Arts, or Improved Trip
style’s exact origins are unknown, it is believed that sailors Style Maneuvers
who made frequent trips to Burma, China, and Thailand Unarmed 4 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
learned eastern techniques, which soon began to find their called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
way into French dockside bar fights. In the nineteenth points of damage on a successful hit.
century, Savate was formalized, and a sport form of the Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
art, Boxe Francaise was born. Savate practitioners call the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
themselves “Savateurs.” +5
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Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach next 1-4 rounds.
or chest hit due to injuries. If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your effects from injuries.
Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
feat. the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity +5
Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump,
Shao-Lin Kung Fu you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of
Martial Arts Style
your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2
The Shao-Lin temples are legendary schools for numerous
damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics
styles of Kung Fu, including Wing Chun and several animal
skill for more information.
styles (including Dragon and Crane styles). In the history of
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
the Shao-Lin, it is difficult to separate Chinese propaganda
Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this
from superstitious myth that has the students of the Shao-
Lin able to perform almost superhuman feats (the television
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
show Kung Fu did much to spread the mythology of the
mystical Shao-Lin temple to America). What follows is as
unbiased an account of the Shao-Lin as could be culled from Shito-Ryu Karate
various sources. Martial Arts Style
Shao-Lin—Chinese for “young forest”—was originally See the history of Shotokan for an early history of karate.
a sect of Chinese monks ordered by the emperor to translate After Gichin Funakoshi’s demonstrations of his Shotokan
Buddhist texts. When a Buddhist Monk from India visited style of Karate in Japan, interest and study of Karate had
this temple, he taught the monks, who were in poor physical exploded. In 1930, Kenwa Mabuni, who had been a student
condition, movement exercises based on Indian yoga under the same master as Funakoshi as a young man, was
and representative of the animals of Indian and Chinese invited to Osaka to teach his style of Karate, known as
mythology (tiger, deer, leopard, cobra, dragon, and crane, Shito-Ryu, Shito containing one letter of each of Mabuni’s
to name but a few). In time, Taoist philosophy merged with teachers and ryu meaning school.
Buddhist mysticism, and the exercise methods became Like Shotokan, Shito-Ryu places a heavy emphasis on
formalized forms of self-defense. Some of these Shao-Lin kata, the repetitive practice of basic maneuvers over and
monks—many of whom were politically active—became over until they become instinctive. However, one sees more
rebels during the Boxer rebellion of 1901. The Boxer offensive use of kicks in Shito-Ryu than in Shotokan (which
Rebellion led to a period of anarchy within China, as rebels, uses kicks primarily to disorient and disrupt balance).
loyalists, Imperial Europeans, and Japanese all warred Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
with each other over the Middle Kingdom. In the 1930’s, Arts
with almost all outsiders removed from China, the battle Style Maneuvers
became one of Nationalist vs. Communist, and although the Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
Shao-Lin tried to remain neutral in this conflict, they were your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
attacked as potential enemies by soldiers of both sides. Their opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
temples were destroyed, and the few who survived fled to roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
avoid a certain death. next 1-4 rounds.
Five animal styles are also associated with the Shao-Lin If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
temple: White Crane, Dragon, Leopard, Cobra, and Tiger. If effects from injuries.
you wish to simulate one of these Shao-Lin animal styles, Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
see Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa. the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial +5
Arts Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
Style Maneuvers to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
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flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
or chest hit due to injuries. injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack or chest hit due to injuries.
rolls Unarmed 16 ranks: All-Out Attack: +1.5 attack bonus for
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength every –1 Defense bonus rounded down
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
Shotokan Karate
Martial Arts Style Sojutsu
When Okinawa was conquered by Japan in the 17th Weapon Style
century, all manufacture and importation of weapons was For the medieval Samurai, there were three major fighting
forbidden. This led to both the use of innocuous farm styles: Jujutsu(Art of the Empty Hand), Kenjutsu (Art of the
implements as weapons (Kobujutsu, detailed above) and Sword), and Sojutsu (Art of the Spear). This fighting style
the clandestine study of Chinese unarmed fighting methods. was also widely used by the Sohei, Warrior Monks who
This rudimentary martial arts style was called te, which protected temples. This combat style is still in use today in
means simply “hand”. This name was chosen because it was the Japanese military under the name Juken-jutsu (the art of
so common and innocuous, allowing discussion without bayonet fighting).
drawing undue attention from watchful Japanese overlords. Prerequisite: Attack Focus (spear)
In 1903, when te was finally legalized and permitted to Style Maneuvers
be taught in Okinawan schools (in order to improve the Weapons 4 ranks: +2 damage rolls with the Aggressive
physical condition of Okinawan men so that they would Stance perk
make better conscripts in the Japanese army) the style was Weapons 8 ranks: All-Out Attack: +1.5 attack bonus for
renamed karate-jutsu. Karate-jutsu roughly translates to every –1 Defense bonus rounded down
“China hand art” a name that pays homage to the three Weapons 12 ranks: Lunge: +2 on attack rolls with the
influences of the art: kara- (China) -te- (Okinawa) –jutsu Aggressive Stance perk
(Japan). Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (spear): your
In 1922 Crown Prince (later Emperor) Hirohito witnessed Dexterity bonus is increased by +2 for purposes of this feat
a demonstration of Karate-jutsu, and was so impressed Weapons 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
that he urged Japan to study the style in order to assess
its potential benefits to the Japanese military. Gichin
Funakoshi, a leading practitioner of Karate-jutsu in Okinawa
Staff Fighting
(Also Known As Rokushakubo And Bojutsu In Japan)
was invited to Japan where he gave many demonstrations of
Weapon Style
his art, primarily at universities. Funakoshi’s style of Karate-
Clubs and staves were doubtless the first weapons used
jutsu was known as Shotokan and relied almost exclusively
by man other than his fists and teeth. These weapons can
on punching attacks, using the legs to create a stable base
even be seen in use in the animal kingdom by apes. When
from which to launch punching attacks, along with the
particularly sturdy pieces of wood were chosen, then
occasional low kick to attack your opponent’s balance. A
specially shaped to turn a simple stick into a sophisticated
high risk, high yield martial arts style, Karate-jutsu appealed
weapon is unknown, but this method of fighting is found
at a deep level to the Japanese psyche and Funakoshi was so
in virtually every martial civilization in the world where
impressive that in 1924 Keio University in Tokyo became
hardwood exists in abundance.
the first Japanese institution to establish a dojo for the
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (Staff)
practice and study of Karate-jutsu. By 1930 every university
Style Maneuvers
in Japan had such a dojo.
Weapons 4 ranks: +2 Defense bonus with the Reactive
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Stance perk
Weapons 8 ranks: Armed Defense: your Weapons skill is
Style Maneuvers
considered +4 higher when armed with a staff
Unarmed 4 ranks: Lunge Punch: +2 bonus on attack rolls
Weapons 12 ranks: Lunge: +2 on attack rolls with the
while using the Power Punch perk.
Aggressive Stance perk
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
Weapons 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (staff): your Dexterity
bonus is increased by +2 for purposes of this feat
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
Weapons 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
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the Bojutsu master announced Musashi the winner, never
Stick Fighting relinquishing his hold on his staff. Although he had earned
(Also Known As Jojutsu In Japan)
to right to kill his opponent, Musashi spared his life, and
Weapon Style
Muso retreated in shame to the mountains, pondering
Although clubs were undoubtedly the first weapons, they
his one defeat with extreme bitterness. After a decade of
have never passed out of use in the history of mankind. The
fasting and hardship on Mt. Homan, Muso received a divine
reason for this is clear. Although innocuous (appearing as a
inspiration to “attack the vitals with a log”. This technique
cane or walking stick) a hardwood club designed for combat
was not really possible with the longer Bo staff, and so the
is nearly as dangerous as a sword, especially in the hands of
master began to practice with shorter staves, used in pairs,
a trained wielder.
which he named Jo for close-in fighting. Muso came down
An example of just how dangerous sticks and staves can
from Mt. Homan and challenged Musashi to another duel.
be in combat is found in the annals of Bojutsu and Jojutsu
This time, with his twin Jo staves he bested the venerable
from medieval Japan. Muso Gonnosuke was a master of
master. However, as a man of honor, Muso spared Musashi’s
Bojutsu. He gained fame when he moved to Edo (modern-
life as his had been spared.
day Tokyo) and bested numerous swordsmen with his
Jojutsu was soon a very popular martial art in Japan,
staff prowess. Until the day he encountered Miyamoto
especially with police and law-enforcement who continue to
Musashi. After a long and vicious duel, Musashi’s dual
practice this art in –jutsu form today.
sword technique finally bested Muso when he locked the
Jojutsu has evolved into a –do form, Jodo, which is
Bojutsu master’s staff in a lock between his two swords.
currently practiced in a sport form in modern Japan under
To disengage Muso would have to relinquish his weapon,
the auspices of the All Japan Jodo Federation.
which would mean both dishonor and certain death. So
Note: The Jo Staff uses the statistics for the club found in
the Modern20 core rule book.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (jo staff)
Style Maneuvers
Weapons 4 ranks: While using the Two-Weapon Fighting
perk your attack penalties are reduced by 2.
Weapons 8 ranks: Attack Focus (jo staff): +2 to attack
Weapons 12 ranks: Pressure Point attack: when making
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, you inflict +4
points of damage on a successful hit.
Weapons 16 ranks: Greater Attack Focus (jo staff): +2 to
attack rolls
Weapons 20 ranks: Weapon Finesse (jo staff): your
Dexterity modifier is considered +2 higher for purposes of
this feat.
Sumo Wrestling
Martial Arts Style
The first mention of Sumo wrestling is in a Japanese
document called the Kojiki, which dates from the year
712 CE. However, since the Kojiki is the earliest written
document in the Japanese language, it is arguable (indeed
likely), that the sport is much older. Mythological accounts
trace the origin of Sumo to two giants who fought for
possession of Japan, with the winner granting ancestral
claim of Japan to the Imperial Family that still rules (on an
honorary basis at least) today. In 720 CE, the Nihon Shoki
relates a tale of a Sumo match fought for the Emperor in 23
BCE, which was a match to the death. The winner of this
legendary fight, Nomi no Sekune, is today considered the
“father of Sumo.” Sumo wrestling today is an immensely
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popular sport in Japan, Hawaii, and Samoa, and many Sumo Style Maneuvers
wrestlers retire fabulously wealthy. Sumo Wrestlers call Unarmed 4 ranks: High Kick: on a successful attack to
themselves “Sumotori.” your opponent’s Stomach, Chest, Throat, or Head, your
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
Arts roll +10 or be Dazed for the next 1-2 rounds.
Style Maneuvers If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
Unarmed 4 ranks: After a successful unarmed attack, effects from injuries.
you may make a free Push attempt against your opponent. Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to attack
Consult the Unarmed skill for more information on the Push rolls.
skill use. Unarmed 12 ranks: Flying Kick: when making an
unarmed charge attack in conjunction with a running jump,
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for you gain an additional +1 damage bonus for each 5 ft. of
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics your jump movement rate (in addition to the normal +2
+5 damage bonus for a charge attack). Consult the Athletics
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack skill for more information.
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the feat.
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
or chest hit due to injuries.
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or
T’ai-Chi Chuan
Martial Arts Style
Acrobatics +5
The goal of T’ai-chi Kung Fu could be seen as the ultimate
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
extension of meditation. The goal is to be in a meditative
Special: You add 20-80 lbs to your weight, but you suffer
state at all times, until the master of this style literally lives
no negative effects because of this. (Sumo Wrestlers are
in meditation. There are many stories about the origin of
amazingly agile for their bulk).
T’ai-chi, ranging from a 13th century Taoist priest learning
this style in a dream, to creation by an 18th century master of
TaeKwonDo Shansi Province. Scholars hold this 18th century date as the
Martial Arts Style first verifiable existence of the art.
TaeKwonDo can trace its philosophical background to Although the most popular form of this art in practice
Korea’s “warring states” period, when three separate today is a form of meditative exercise (see the T’ai-chi
kingdoms were combined into one in 670 CE. One of the general feat), T’ai-chi Kung Fu is considered the finest
forces that helped this happen were the Hwa Rang Do, representation of Chinese internal martial arts to ever be
which translates as “flowering youth”. These men were created, and one that is still widely practiced in China,
formidable warriors in the older styles of TaeKyon and Soo Hong Kong, and Singapore today. The primary philosophies
Bakh, and their honor code could best be described as a of T’ai-chi Kung Fu are: continuous movement, circular
form of Southeast Asian chivalry. This honor code is the movement, relaxation, and that Ki moves outside the body.
philosophical backbone of modern TaeKwonDo. Japanese In combat T’ai-chi is characterized by slow movements
martial arts also heavily influenced modern TaeKwonDo, and subtle yielding, rendering the most ferocious attack
because the Japanese occupied Korea from 1910 until the worthless beneath a calm, placid defense.
end of World War II. Following the Japanese occupation, Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts, Improved Disarm,
native Korean Martial Arts began to reappear, including the or Improved Trip
following eight major “kwans”: Chung Do Kwan, Moo Duk Style Maneuvers
Kwan, Yun Moo Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Oh Do Kwan, Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense bonus with the Reactive
Ji Do Kwan, Chi Do Kwan, and Sung Moo Kwan. In 1955 Stance perk
these kwans united into Tae Soo Do, but by 1957 more and Unarmed 8 ranks: Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1
more Koreans were calling this art TaeKwonDo to honor attack penalty, rounded down (+1 Defense for –1 attack, +3
TaeKyon, which they saw as the precursor for all Korean Defense for –2 attack and so forth).
Martial Arts. In the 2000 Olympic games, TaeKwonDo Unarmed 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses
made its debut as a full-fledged Olympic event. you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts make a free Trip attempt against that attacker
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Unarmed 16 ranks: Poise: your Wisdom modifier is Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts
considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat. Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 20 ranks: Self-Help: +2 Wisdom Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
Taiho-Jutsu roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
Martial Arts Style
next 1-4 rounds.
As Japan moved into the modern age, the needs of its
If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
police forces continued to evolve as well. Katana-wielding
effects from injuries.
Samurai could no longer be counted on to keep the peace,
Unarmed 8 ranks: Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 to attack
and so in 1924, faced with a rising incidence of crime and
police injuries the Tokyo police department asked a group
Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
of Sensei to come up with a martial art to address the needs
to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
of police officers. The sensei produced a system still taught
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
to police officers of many different countries called Taiho-
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
jutsu (arresting art) comprised of techniques drawn from
injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
Aikijutsu and Jujutsu, as well as some weapon techniques
or chest hit due to injuries.
from Kobujutsu (the Tonfa, a style of billy club now in
Unarmed 16 ranks: Attack Specialization (unarmed): +3
use by police worldwide) and the Jutte (a weapon used by
to damage rolls
Japanese peacekeepers for hundreds of years).
Unarmed 20 ranks: Endurance Training: +2 Constitution
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial
Arts, or Improved Disarm
Style Maneuvers Tiger
Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 Defense bonus with the Reactive Animal Style
Stance perk You simulate the low, fierce, slashing Tiger. This style is
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Disarm: DC of the disarm also one of the five animal styles associated with the Shao-
check for the free disarm granted by this feat is Unarmed or Lin temple: White Crane, Dragon, Leopard, Cobra, and
Weapons +5 Tiger.
Unarmed 12 ranks: If an opponent attacks and misses Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
you while you are using the Reactive Stance perk, you may Arts
make a free Disarm attempt against that attacker Style Maneuvers
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip Unarmed 4 ranks: +2 damage rolls with the Aggressive
check for the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Stance perk
Acrobatics +5 Unarmed 8 ranks: Prone Fighting: +2 Defense while
Unarmed 20 ranks: Improved Grab: DC of the grapple prone
check for the free grapple granted by this feat is Unarmed or Unarmed 12 ranks: Body Blow: On a successful attack
Acrobatics +5 to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must
make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be
flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds. If you are using the
Thai Kickboxing injury rules, this is in addition to any effects from a stomach
(also called Muay Thai; known as Lethwei in Burma)
or chest hit due to injuries.
Martial Arts Style
Unarmed 16 ranks: Improved Trip: If you successfully
Thai Kickboxing, or Muay Thai, is both a brutal martial art
trip an opponent with this feat, you may make a free attack
and the most popular spectator sport in Thailand. Because
against that target if you render yourself prone as well. This
this style uses the hands, elbows, knees and feet to strike, it
improved feat simulates the elbow drop, knee drop and
is sometimes called the “science of eight limbs.” Although
similar combat maneuvers.
the modern sport requires the combatants to wear boxing
Unarmed 20 ranks: Strength Training: +2 Strength
gloves, the knees and elbows are not padded, and these are
used to deliver devastating attacks that serve to make Thai
Kickboxers some of the toughest fighters on Earth and the
careers of most Thai Kickboxers painfully short.
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at a monastery in Yim Wing Chun’s town. The Nun took
Wado-Ryu Karate pity on the girl, who was being harassed by a local ruffian
Combination Style
that sought to intimidate her into accepting his marriage
Wado-Ryu’s early history may be found in the history
proposal. After training with Ng Mui, Yim Wing Chun
sections of Shotokan, Shito-Ryu Karate and Goju-Ryu
eventually challenged the ruffian and beat him. After she
Karate, respectively. Wado-Ryu, whose name means “way
married, she taught the style to her husband. For centuries,
of harmony” was founded in 1934 by Hironori Ohtsuka.
this art was taught in secret to a select handful of students.
This style is a synthesis between Shotokan and Jujutsu
In 1949, Yip Man brought Wing Chun to Hong Kong, where
Prerequisite: One of the following: Combat Martial Arts,
the style quickly spread to the rest of the world.
Defensive Martial Arts, or Improved Trip
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Style Maneuvers
Wado-Ryu Karate is a combination style containing
Style Maneuvers
elements of Shotokan Karate and Jujutsu.
Unarmed 4 ranks: Low Kick: on a successful attack to
your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your
White Crane opponent must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack
Animal Style roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the
You imitate the grace of the White Crane in combat. This next 1-4 rounds.
style is also one of the five animal styles associated with the If you are using the injury rules, this is in addition to any
Shao-Lin temple: Dragon, Leopard, Cobra, Tiger and White effects from injuries.
Crane. Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics
Arts +5
Style Maneuvers Unarmed 12 ranks: Lunge Punch: +2 bonus on attack rolls
Unarmed 4 ranks: Crane Stance: you are immune to while using the Power Punch perk.
the Low Kick maneuver common to many martial arts. Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your
Though an attack can hit you on the legs and inflict damage Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this
normally (including injuries), your ability to quickly move feat.
from one foot to the next prevents the Low Kick maneuver Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
from reducing your movement rate.
If you spend an Action Point, you are immune to Trip
attacks for the next minute (10 rounds).
Ying Jow (Eagle Claw Kung
Unarmed 8 ranks: Improved Trip: DC of the trip check for Fu)
the free trip granted by this feat is Unarmed or Acrobatics Combination Style
+5 General Yue Fei created Ying Jow. He became a national
Unarmed 12 ranks: Vital lore: +4 damage when making military hero after leading an army legendary for its skill
called shots with the Precision Strike perk, cumulative with and discipline (an army he trained) against invaders during
Pressure Point Attack the Northern Song Dynasty (12th century). Yue Fei was
Unarmed 16 ranks: Weapon Finesse (unarmed): your highly regarded as both scholar and warrior, and was said
Dexterity bonus is considered +2 higher for purposes of this to know a legendary fighting technique known as the 108
feat. Techniques passed down to him by his master. Many of
Unarmed 20 ranks: Agility Training: +2 Dexterity these techniques formed the basis for Yue Fei’s art, which he
called Ying Jow.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial
Wing Chun Arts
Martial Arts Style
Style Maneuvers
Wing Chun was developed approximately three-hundred
Ying Jow is a combination style that contains elements of
years ago in Southern China by a Buddhist Nun named
the Eagle and Eastern Wresting styles.
Ng Mui, and it is named after Ng Mui’s first student, Yim
Wing Chun. Legend states that Ng Mui was fleeing the
destruction of her Shao-Lin monastery and sought shelter
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Many martial artists of legend harness their Ki to perform
fantastic feats of body and mind. For game masters who
wish to add this element of the fantastic to their Modern20
campaigns, the following rules are presented.
Ki (New Skill)
Wis; Trained Only
This skill represents the power of the spirit and is only
available to those who select the Initiate of the Inner
Mysteries feat. You may only call on your Ki a number of
times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you wish to
call on your Ki more often you may spend an Action Point
for each additional use.
Members of the Empath class can call on their Ki twice
as often as other characters. This is considered part of the
Empath’s core ability in campaigns featuring Ki as a form of
FX (meaning you only gain this ability if your first character
level is in the Empath class).
Ki is a part of every living thing. Though it is often
translated as an energy flow, Ki literally means “breath”
and everything that breathes, from animals and plants to the
world itself (as felt on the wind) is a part of Ki. As such, Ki
is essential to all aspects of the practitioner’s life. Martial
arts and yoga teach the student to channel Ki through
meditation and deep breathing exercises. Feng Shui arranges
a living space to allow Ki to flow freely through everything
in the room (including those who live there).
The importance of Ki to the martial arts is shown not only
in the vast number of styles that teach the student to harness
his Ki but also in the number of styles to which Ki is so
essential it is a part of the style’s name, such as Aikido and
Focus: Ki allows you to focus on a task to exclusion of
everything else. This grants a bonus to a single skill check
as listed in the table below. Because of the total focus on
this one skill check you are flat-footed while making it.
Meditation: Meditation allows you to reorder your body
and spirit and bring them into harmony. While this can be
used for a myriad of esoteric purposes, such as relaxation
and getting in touch with the universe, this skill use also
allows you to heal non-lethal damage at twice the usual rate.
The maximum number of hours you can meditate per day
is equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. Meditation is not a
substitute for sleep (meaning you will still be fatigued if you
don’t rest).
Slow Metabolism (requires perk): You have learned
how to use your ability to adjust your body’s energy patterns
to slow your metabolism substantially. This allows you to
hold your breath for twice as long as you would normally be
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able to or to simulate death.
Holding your breath with this skill use is automatic.
Bushido, Greater
Simulating death is a targeted skill check equal to Medicine
Your focus on your objective is so great that you can ignore
+10 of any character checking you for vital signs.
death itself for a brief time.
Speed Metabolism (requires perk): This use of the Ki
Prerequisite: Ki 12 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries,
skill allows you to use your Ki skill ranks in place of your
All-Out Attack, Speed Metabolism perk, Bushido
Initiative modifier. If you spend an Action Point, may use
Effect: You must state an objective that could be achieved
this ability to re-roll your Initiative.
within a single encounter (for example penetrating the
Ranks Bonus gates of a complex, killing a specific opponent or killing
all opponents). You may continue to function at full
4 +1 effectiveness until this goal is achieved or for a number of
8 +2 rounds equal to your Ki skill, whichever is less. You ignore
12 +3 all of the following while this ability is in effect: grappling
16 +4 attacks, trip attacks, poison, fatigue, death, unconsciousness
20 +5 and all status conditions.
When the duration of this ability ends, your character
23 +6
either falls into a coma (if she had hit points remaining) or
dies (if she was at 0 or fewer hit points).
New Feats For information on recovering from a coma, consult the
healing rules in the Modern20 core rules.
Breath of Laughter
Brainiac Calm Before the Storm
You knock your opponent’s back with a boisterous laugh. Speedfreak
Prerequisite: Ki 12 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries, Your inner peace allows you to stay one step ahead of your
One Finger opponent. Where he thinks and acts, you simply react.
Effect: This feat functions as the One Finger feat except Prerequisite: Ki 4 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
that if you successfully knock your opponent back, he is Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to Defense for a number of
knocked back an additional 5 ft. per rank you have in the Ki rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. This use of the Ki
skill. skill is a free action.
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
spend an Action Point for each additional use. spend an Action Point for each additional use.
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may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
Inner Focus
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
Your Ki allows you to ignore all distractions and focus on
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
the task at hand.
Prerequisite: Ki 4 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
Chyel Ki Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks for a
Tank number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. You
You use your Ki to make your skin as hard as steel. also make all skill checks in half the usual time. This use of
Prerequisite: Ki 12 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries, the Ki skill is a free action.
Ma Ki Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Effect: You gain Damage Resistance equal to the bonus may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
table in the Ki skill. This damage resistance stacks with any Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
you have from any other source (including armor and feats) ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
and has no weakness. spend an Action Point for each additional use.
This use of the Ki skill is an attack action and lasts for a
number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill.
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Inner Focus, Greater
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Your Ki allows you to ignore all distractions and focus on
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
the task at hand.
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries,
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Inner Focus
Effect: You gain a +4 bonus on all skill checks and attack
Healing Touch rolls for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki
Empath skill. You make all skill checks in half the usual time.
Your Ki is so strong you can heal others. You are immune to being pushed for the duration of this
Prerequisite: Ki 12 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries, ability. This use of the Ki skill is a free action.
Inner Peace Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Effect: You heal 1-4 points of damage (lethal or non- may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
lethal) per hour of meditation to yourself or another (by Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
touch). You can meditate for a number of hours per day ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
Inner Peace
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
You can alter your internal energy to heal yourself.
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
Effect: You heal 1 point of damage (lethal or non-lethal)
Initiate of the Inner Mysteries per hour of meditation. You can meditate for a number of
General hours equal to your ranks in the Ki skill.
You have begun to harness your inner power. Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Prerequisite: GM’s permission may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Effect: You may take ranks in the Ki skill, which is Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
always a class skill for you regardless of class. ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
Special: This feat is only available in campaigns that spend an Action Point for each additional use.
feature Ki abilities. Check with your game master before
selecting this feat.
Inner Power
You call upon your Ki to enhance your striking power.
Prerequisite: Ki 4 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls for
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a number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. This may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
use of the Ki skill is an attack action. Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Inner Will
Your will is as sharp as a knife, and as dangerous.
Inner Power, Greater Prerequisite: Ki 4 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
Powerhouse Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws for a
You call upon your Ki to enhance your striking power. number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. This
Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries, use of the Ki skill is a move action.
Inner Power Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Effect: In addition to the +2 bonus on melee damage may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
rolls granted by Inner Power, you also gain a +2 bonus on Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
all melee attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to your ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
ranks in the Ki skill. This use of the Ki skill is an attack spend an Action Point for each additional use.
You are immune to being grappled for the duration of this
Inner Will, Greater
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
Your will is as sharp as a knife, and as dangerous.
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries,
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
Inner Will
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
Effect: You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws for a
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
number of rounds equal to your ranks in the Ki skill. You
are immune to the fatigue and exhaustion conditions for the
Inner Resolve duration of this ability. If you are suffering from either of
Tank these conditions when you activate this ability, the effect
You call upon your Ki to make your will to win indomitable. does not return when the duration of this ability expires.
Prerequisite: Ki 4 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries This use of the Ki skill is a move action.
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus of Fortitude and Recovery Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
the Ki skill. This use of the Ki skill is a move action. Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your spend an Action Point for each additional use.
Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
spend an Action Point for each additional use.
You emit a startling war cry that rattles your opponent,
Inner Resolve, Greater giving you a temporary advantage.
Tank Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries
You call upon your Ki to make your will to win indomitable. Effect: Once per turn you may emit a Kiai that renders
Prerequisite: Ki 8 ranks, Initiate of the Inner Mysteries, your target flat-footed for one round. This is a targeted Ki
Inner Resolve skill check with a DC of your opponent’s Ki +10 or Will
Effect: You gain a +4 bonus of Fortitude and Recovery save +10, whichever is higher.
saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in This use of the Ki skill is a free action.
the Ki skill. Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You
You are immune to injuries as well as the Crippling Strike may use your Ki a number of times per day equal to your
and Critical Strike feats for the duration of this ability. This Wisdom modifier (twice this if you have the Empath core
use of the Ki skill is a move action. ability). If you wish to call on your Ki more often you may
Special: This feat counts as a use of the Ki skill. You spend an Action Point for each additional use.
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Chapter 2: Weapons
This section expands on the selection of weapons found A location with a damage modifier of 1.5 would have its
in Modern20 with a focus on weapons used in martial arts damage modifier increased to 2 and so on.
styles around the world. As always, a character is proficient The brutal advanced quality is meant to simulate a
in a number of weapons equal to his Weapons skill. weapon that can take a limb off entirely in as “gameable” a
way as possible.
Contrary to the vision of combat portrayed in many films Disarm (Improved Disarm): The DC of the free disarm
(including many films being honored in this book), the check granted by the Improved Disarm feat is reduced by 5.
systematic study of armed combat runs as deep in martial Grappling (Improved Grab): The DC of the free grab
cultures as the study of unarmed combat. When a man check granted by the Improved Grab feat is reduced by 5.
goes to battle with a sword, he needs training to survive. Penetrating (Attack Specialization): A penetrating
This section takes a more in-depth look at armed combat, weapon causes tremendous blood loss on hits to the throat,
providing characters with a plethora of new options when chest and stomach for wielders who possess the Attack
arming themselves for hand-to-hand combat. Specialization feat, even if the optional injury rules are
not being used. A hit to one of these locations (whether
determined randomly or through a called shot made with the
Advanced Qualities Precision Strike perk) causes mild bleeding. A second hit to
one of these locations increases the bleeding to serious and a
Advanced Qualities: To add more flavor to melee combat, third hit increases the bleeding to severe (see the Condition
Martial Arts20 adds the concept of advanced qualities to Summary on page 84 of the Modern20 core rules for more
weapons. Advanced Qualities are only available to wielders information on bleeding).
who possess certain feats or perks and represent the ability If the injury rules are being used, a hit with a penetrating
of a wielder to use his advanced training in combination weapon to the proper locations as described above always
with the unique qualities of a melee weapon to even greater causes bleeding, and if an injury calls for bleeding, that
effect. bleeding is one category more severe (mild becomes
Block (Armed Defense, Two-Weapon Defense): The serious, serious becomes severe).
weapon has qualities that make it ideal defensively. If a Precise (Weapon Finesse): A precise weapon handles
wielder has the Armed Defense feat, his Weapons skill is well and aids a wielder with the Weapon Finesse feat in
considered 2 ranks higher for purposes of that feat. landing carefully targeted blows. Reduce the penalty of a
If a wielder has the Two-Weapon Defense feat and is called shot made with the Precision Strike perk by 2.
using a weapon with this quality in his off hand, his Defense Set (Attack Focus): A weapon with this quality allows
bonus is improved by +2. a wielder with the Attack Focus feat to make a free attack
Bruising (Attack Specialization): A bruising weapon whenever anyone comes within 10 ft. of his location. If the
is functionally identical to a penetrating weapon, except wielder of this weapon is charged, he inflicts double damage
it causes bruising rather than bleeding (see below and the on this free attack.
Condition Summary in the Modern20 core rules).
Brutal (Attack Specialization): A brutal weapon can
inflict tremendous damage in the hands of a skilled wielder Weapons
with the Attack Specialization feat. When making a called
shot with a brutal weapon using the Precision Strike perk, Battleaxe: A large fearsome weapon, especially in the hands
the damage multiplier is increased by one-half. So for of a strong wielder.
example, if the damage modifier of a location was one-half, Advanced Qualities: Brutal, Penetrating
with a brutal weapon it would be one (normal damage).
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table: weapons
Melee Strength Dexterity Damage Damage Range
Weapons Min. Min. Type Inc.
Battleaxe 16 --- 2d6 Slashing --- 8
Blowgun 3 10 1 Piercing 20 ft. 5
Butterfly Knife 8 10 1d4/1d6 Piercing 10 ft./--- 13
Butterfly Sword 10 --- 1d6/1d8 Slashing --- 15
Chain 10 13 1d6 Bludgeoning --- 5
Chakra 8 10 1d6 Slashing 20 ft. 15
Claws 4 10 +2 Piercing --- 8
Composite Bow 12 --- 1d8+Strength Piercing 40 ft. 10
Fan 4 13 1d3 Bludgeoning 10 ft. 8
Hook Sword 8 --- 1d6 Slashing --- 12
Javelin 5 10 1d6 Piercing 30 ft. 3
Jutte 5 10 1d4 Bludgeoning --- 6
Kama 5 10 1d6 Piercing --- 5
Katana 16 --- 2d6 Slashing --- 12
Kris, Small 6 10 1d4 Piercing 10 ft. 10
Kris, Medium 8 --- 1d6 Piercing --- 12
Kris, Large 10 --- 1d8 Piercing --- 14
Mace 10 --- 1d8 Bludgeoning --- 7
Naginata 15 13 1d10 Slashing --- 11
Nunchaku 5 13 1d6 Bludgeoning --- 3
Piercing or
Polearm 16 --- 1d10 --- 11
Rapier 5 10 1d6 Piercing --- 10
Sai 5 10 1d4 Piercing 10 ft. 3
Shuriken 5 13 1d2 Piercing 10 ft. 3
Spear, light 6 --- 1d6 Piercing 20 ft. 3
Spear, heavy 10 --- 1d8 Piercing --- 4
Staff 8 --- 1d6 Bludgeoning --- 2
Tonfa 6 10 1d4 Bludgeoning 10 ft. 6
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Kyoketsu-Shogi: This variation on the Chain is closely Fan: The seemingly simple fan, like the chain, is a deadly
associated with the ninja. Rather than simply weight the weapon in the hands of a master. This weapon can serve to
chain at both ends, the Kyoketsu-Shogi has a hooked deflect attacks, disarm an attacker and even inflict damage,
blade at one end, which not only allows the wielder to stab usually in conjunction with precise strikes to nerve clusters.
with the weapon (inflicting piercing damage rather than Advanced Qualities: Block, Disarm, Precise
bludgeoning damage if desired), but the hook also acts as a
grappling hook, granting the user a +2 bonus on Athletics Hook Sword: This weapon has a standard sword blade
checks for climbing. but ends in a crescent-shaped hook rather than a point.
Kusari-Gama: This variation on the Chain has a Kama While this makes the hook sword useless for thrusting, it
at one end, and the regular weighted chain at the other. It makes it much easier for a highly skilled wielder to disarm
grants the climbing bonus of the Kyoketsu-Shogi. his opponent. The handle of this sword is also protected,
Chut Gieh: This is the Chinese Chain, typically composed making it useful for blocking purposes.
of seven sections of metal linked with chain. It is otherwise Advanced Qualities: Disarm, Block
identical to the standard Chain described above.
Buddhist Prayer Beads: These weapons were so often Javelin: Along with the club, mace, spear and staff, the
used as concealed weapons that their use (with statistics javelin is one of the world’s oldest weapons and is found
identical to the standard chain) is taught in many American universally in every culture on earth.
Kung Fu dojos to this day. Advanced Qualities: Precise (melee only)
Advanced Qualities: Block, Bruising, Disarm, Grappling
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Jutte: The Jutte was both a weapon of the Samurai and Katana: The soul of the Samurai, these weapons are
used by feudal police forces in Japan. The Jutte is a baton synonymous with Japan’s warrior elite to this day, and are
with one curves hook projecting just above the handle. This still a symbol of great importance to the Japanese people.
makes the Jutte useful for blocking, disarming, and pinning Traditionally, these weapons were all Masterwork weapons,
an opponent’s hand. but today average and even low-quality versions of this
Advanced Qualities: Block, Disarm, Grappling weapon may be bought in stores and magazine mail order
Kama: A farming sickle converted to warfare, this weapon Advanced Qualities: Brutal, Penetrating
is still used today though it is primarily learned through the
study of certain Asian fighting styles. Kris: A Kris is a knife or sword with a wavy blade that
Advanced Qualities: Disarm, Precise causes more damage internally than a straight blade
would. These weapons come in sizes ranging from a knife
to a longsword of a conventional blade and statistics are
provided for each size.
Advanced Qualities: Penetrating
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Sai is a fearsome weapon in the hands of the properly
trained wielder. Although Sai are typically used in pairs, New Masterwork
advanced wielders of this weapon typically carry a third
specifically for throwing. Qualities
Advanced Qualities: Block, Disarm
In addition to the advanced qualities above, weapons also
Shuriken: The word Shuriken means “dagger hidden in have an expanded array of masterwork options that can be
palm”. Thus, any dagger small enough to be concealed in added to them. These allow a character with the Master
the hand was referred to by this name, some star shaped Craftsman feat to do more than add a bonus to a weapon’s
and thrown with spin, some spike shaped and thrown like statistics.
a dagger. According to legend, Ninja favored throwing
Shuriken at a wall to create a noise and distract guards. Aerodynamic: An aerodynamic weapon has been
Since the Shuriken would bounce away out of sight, it optimized for throwing attacks, gaining a +5 ft. bonus to its
would usually not be found. range increment.
Advanced Qualities: Precise Basket Hilt: This grants a weapon the Block advanced
Spear: Another ancient weapon, there are two versions of Heavy: A heavy weapon has had its weight increased
this weapon presented on the table above: one longer and to increase its damage potential. Increase the weapon’s
heavier, but still suitable for throwing, and an extremely Strength minimum by 2 and increase its damage to the next
long variety serving as an intermediate step between the higher die (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10 and 1d10 to
spear and polearm. a maximum of 2d6).
Advanced Qualities: Penetrating, Set Hooked: This grants a weapon the Disarm or Grapple
advanced quality. If applied to a weapon twice it can grant
Staff: Another ancient weapon, the staff is a longer club, both abilities.
typically wielded two-handed. Many combatants have Keen: This grants a weapon the Brutal advanced quality.
elevated the use of this seemingly simple weapon to a high Light: A light weapon has had its weight decreased
art. without affecting its damage potential. Decrease the
Advanced Qualities: Block (Armed Defense only), weapon’s Strength minimum by 1.
Bruising, Precise Mounted: A mounted weapon is optimized for use while
mounted. The weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and
Tonfa: A weapon whose usefulness has been recognized damage rolls while its wielder is mounted. If wielded while
by law-enforcement agencies across the world, the Tonfa is on foot, the weapon suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
typically wielded in pairs by the Kobujutsu practitioner. In Throwing: A throwing weapon is a melee weapon
addition to being used as a weapon, the Tonfa can be used optimized for ranged combat. A throwing weapon gains a +1
in conjunction with an unarmed attack, adding +2 to the bonus to ranged attack rolls and a +5 ft. bonus to its range
wielder’s unarmed damage. increment but suffers a –1 penalty to melee attack rolls.
Advanced Qualities: Block
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Chapter 3: Campaigns
Martial arts are usually not the focus of a campaign. At primarily in comics and video games where the martial artist
their most basic level they are a set of characters’ abilities is essentially a low-powered superhero.
as unlikely to be featured in a campaign as any other feat or For each of these sub-genres a discussion of running a
selection of feats. A character might be an extremely potent campaign suitable to the tone and character of the sub-genre
marksman, brilliant scientist or the baddest man alive but a is presented as well as a series of optional rules to help
campaign is rarely built around these character attributes. simulate the stories found within the sub-genre. Finally,
But there are movies, comic books and video games that several campaign models are presented below.
do feature these abilities prominently. Martial arts have
become one of the most popular sub-genres across all media
in the entire world and Modern20 campaigns should be no
In the gritty campaign the martial artist knows every fight he
exception. To assist game masters in formulating these
engages in could be his last. Although he is a highly skilled
campaigns a series of campaign models are provided below.
combatant he does not enter into combat lightly because of
the danger to himself and the person he fights against. The
Martial Arts Genres tone of the gritty campaign is dark and often sees the martial
artist on a quest for revenge, seeking retribution for the
death of a revered mentor or loved one. Gritty campaigns
Within martial arts movies there are several sub-genres.
feature no Ki abilities. Combat is all too real.
There is the gritty realistic portrayal one sees in Kurosawa
films, where a single sword stroke drawn at lightning speed
ends the battle. There are the cinematic films that comprise Injuries
as much as 90% of all martial arts media produced around In a gritty campaign, the injuries optional rules (see
the world where a skilled martial artist can face down a Modern20 core rules page 83) should always be used.
dozen armed men and come away from the battle barely Having the possibility for crippling injuries will give the
injured. Finally there is the fantastic portrayal found gritty campaign the right tone of darkness and violence that
it needs.
No Action Points
For the game master who wants his gritty
campaign to be really gritty, he can also do
away with action points. This will severely limit
the players’ more flashy abilities (restricting or
eliminating entirely some aspects of the characters’
core abilities) and force them to live with the roll
of their dice.
This might be a step too far for some players so
the game master should discuss this option with his
players before bringing it into a campaign. Still,
it would make for a very tense game, especially
if used as part of a revenge drama mini-campaign
where the characters will be lucky to see the end.
While based in the world we live in the cinematic
campaign is the real world “plus”. The “plus”
encompasses all the things that probably don’t exist
but should, such as world-spanning ninja families,
hook-handed Yakuza overlords and mysterious
billionaires hosting martial arts tournaments on a
remote island. Maybe even the occasional Sumai
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with a razor edged derby that he throws to cut your head off. all too well, and has been nursing a hatred for slights, both
The cinematic campaign is the one that uses the Modern20 real and imagined, the character committed against him
rules “out of the box” for the most part. Modern20 is a while they were in training together. Often these slights will
cinematic game, so using the rules as written, while adding center around a perceived preference by the Master for the
in the martial arts styles and flavorful melee weapons found character over his rival.
here should be all you need to cover the sorts of action This theme can mesh well with the Legendary Master
found in most martial arts fiction. theme (where the character and his rival both seek a new,
powerful master), and with the Revenge theme (where
the rival kills someone close to the character) or Revenge
Fantastic Tragedy theme. GMs with a comics jones (and a good
The fantastic martial arts campaign is equal parts martial source for old comics) should check out the classic Master
arts and superheroics. However, unlike a true superhero of Kung Fu series for an interesting variation on this theme.
genre where characters might be empowered from a variety In that comic, our hero, Shang Chi, is the son of Fu Manchu
of sources, the fantastic martial arts campaign assumes that and is raised to be his personal assassin. In this case, Shang
extreme mastery of the mysterious Eastern arts is enough to Chi is the good seed.
raise the heroes and villains of the tales above their peers. Common Skills and Abilities: The rival should have the
same styles and be of the same general skill level as the
Ki character. However, the rival should also have the Know
Fantastic martial arts campaigns should take advantage Your Enemy and Knowledge is Power Feats, both directed
of the new Ki skill and the Ki feats presented in this at the character’s style, giving him an edge over the
book. These give a character abilities that border on the character because he knows how the character thinks and
superhuman and allow him to imitate the less realistic fights.
martial arts fiction found in comics and Wuxia films.
The Evil Twin
Extra Action Points In this variation on the Bad Seed, the rival is the identical
For the game master who wants to ramp up the action just a twin of one of the PCs. This can cause all sorts of lovely
touch in his campaign, without including full-on Ki abilities, problems for the character, as his rival goes about
simply doubling the number of Action Points characters committing crimes and starting fights for which the
receive as they gain levels is one way to go about that. This character gets blamed. At first, the character should be
stacks the odds in their favor, without allowing them to leap unaware that he has an evil twin running around. It would
small buildings in a single bound. be quite plausible, in fact, for him to remain unaware for
some time, as he’ll be too busy fending off those “he” has
Of course, for the game master who wants his campaign to wronged to do much investigating.
run really hot, he could allow the PCs to select Ki abilities
and grant them extra Action Points as well. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
Martial arts stories have always had a strong affinity for the
Martial Arts Themes underdog. Many martial arts styles have been developed
to help unarmed peasants combat armed conquerors. In
Martial arts themes are threads or storylines common to martial arts movies, this is often depicted by a variation
martial arts fiction. These themes could weave in and out of the Bad Seed, the Bad Boss. This isn’t the kind of boss
of a martial arts campaign regardless of how realistically it who just won’t give you the day off you want; the Bad Boss
handles violence. sells his workers into slavery, works them to death, and
is generally increasingly heinous to them until one of his
The Bad Seed workers (usually a PC) or a friend of one of these workers
In this theme, the main character has a rival, trained in the (again a PC) takes matters into his own hands. At this point,
same techniques by the same master. However, whereas the the character will find out that this boss is either a fearsome
character honors his master’s peaceful nature, using what martial artist in his own right or has a henchman who is.
he has been taught for enlightenment and defense, his rival Fists of Fury (a Bruce Lee classic), and The Legend of
uses his training to seek power and wealth. Often, when this Drunken Master (a Jackie Chan classic) have this theme,
theme is introduced into the campaign, the character will not as do numerous (and I mean numerous) other martial arts
have seen his rival for many years, and may only vaguely movies.
remember him. The rival, however, knows the character
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with both martial arts training and spiritual harmony. This similar enough style feats to justify all having studied under
is the essence of the Legendary Master. Another example the same master). This is often an excellent segue out of
of this theme in a science fiction setting is Obi-Wan Kenobi the Legendary Master theme and can even work with the
from Star Wars. In Star Wars, this theme is blended with the Bad Seed, with the character beating out his rival to study
Fallen Master as well (see Revenge below). with the Legendary Master, only to have the rival return
(perhaps with some Tong flunkies) to kill the Master. This
Rite of Passage turns what the character might have regarded as mere rivalry
Every year, the character’s martial arts school hosts a into something a lot more personal. For a mystical take on
tournament, and the winner embarks on a mysterious this campaign theme, see the classic Sons of the Tiger comic
journey. Sometimes, this winner returns right away (very hard to find, but worth the effort).
with a tale of a harrowing trek through the wilderness,
unsuccessful in his journey. Sometimes, the winner of this Revenge Tragedy
tournament might return with new powerful knowledge, This variation on the Revenge theme can include any of
and a new sense of enlightenment. Other times, the winner the elements listed above. The only difference between
might not return at all. The character, as he learns and this theme and the others is that the tale is destined to
grows in ability as a martial arts master might see this cycle end unhappily. GMs who plan from the very beginning
repeated many times, before finally winning the tournament for their campaign to have an unhappy ending, no matter
himself and embarking on this rite of passage. Obviously, what actions the PCs take, should discuss it with the
this campaign theme meshes with the Competition theme. players before the campaign begins. Some players might
The Iron Fist comic, where the best martial artists occasionally enjoy playing characters they know are
compete for the right to attempt to slay an ancient dragon doomed to die at the completion of their missions, but in
(and thereby gain the power of the Iron Fist) is an excellent general this campaign theme is best left in the “accidental”
example of this campaign theme. category.
Japanese film has explored this dramatic genre more
Hand Off thoroughly than anyone this side of Shakespeare.
In this theme, the character loses one Legendary Master,
only to have him replaced by an even more Legendary Rival School
Master! George Lucas didn’t invent this theme in Empire
Strikes Back, but he did play it to perfection like no one In this campaign theme, the characters have rivals from
since Kurasawa. Often, as seen in Empire, this theme another martial arts school. Their Masters, teachers of
follows on the heels of the Fallen Master. If someone philosophically different styles, have been rivals for many
was bad enough to kill a Legendary Master and you want years and now fight through their students. This campaign
revenge (but don’t think you’re quite ready for the job), theme blends well with a number of the other themes
what do you do? Go find a more Legendary Master that’s discussed elsewhere in this section. In the case of the Bad
what. Seed, the character’s rival might start out studying alongside
him, and when it becomes clear that the character will be
Revenge the “chosen one,” the rival defects to the “other side.” If the
In this campaign theme, the character is out to avenge some GM wishes to blend this theme with the Legendary Master,
wrong that has been committed against him. If the person the character can discover, when he is finally accepted into
or group who has wronged the character is sufficiently the Master’s tutelage, that there is a rival master with a rival
powerful, this could be the focus of an entire campaign, school. The Karate Kid is an excellent example of how these
as the character and his companions, all seeking revenge, elements can blend together.
work their way closer and closer, through more powerful Common Skills and Abilities: Often, the rivals are much
opponents, to the person who wronged them. lower level than the PC but come at him in waves. See The
Chinese Connection for an example of this theme at its
The Fallen Master finest. If the characters and their rivals are to be the same
In this campaign theme, the character’s master has been level, then Know Your Enemy and Knowledge is Power
slain, and she seeks to avenge him. This is an excellent would be appropriate feats for both sides.
campaign theme for a Modern20 game, since the entire party
could be seeking to avenge their Master (they don’t even
need to all be martial artists per se; they just need to have
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Without weapons that would draw too much attention
Hong Kong Knights from the authorities these gangs fight with martial arts and
Cinematic Campaign Model the weapons of the martial arts: nunchaku, chain, fist and
Hong Kong is a city at war. An undeclared war being fought foot. These gangs are just pawns fighting at the behest of
between the Skinku Kobushi, the “Crimson Fists” against untouchable Yakuza overlords struggling for control of
the Barraku Yaiba, the “Black Blades”. These gangs fight Hong Kong’s ports, ports that will be used to smuggle drugs
over control of the harbors, the right to extort money from and other illicit contraband into Japan from all over the
the street vendors and most importantly of all; over the world.
control of the street level drug trade. The player characters are caught in the midst of this war.
As young men and women they must choose a side, or take
the most dangerous route of all and attempt to stay neutral.
Unable to turn to the police, their only ally in such a war
would be the martial arts masters who preach non-violence
from local dojos. Dojos that will themselves become targets
if they do not choose sides.
The Yakuza
There is an old saying that represents, perhaps better than
any other, the traditional Japanese mindset: “The nail that
sticks up must be hammered down”. The Yakuza crime
families, the Japanese equivalent of the Mafia, are the nail
that refuses to be hammered down. In a society based on
rigid conformity, Yakuza stand out, wearing shiny sharkskin
suits, driving bulletproof Lincolns and Cadillacs, sporting
tattoos over most of their body, and ritually disfiguring
themselves to atone for a mistake. Even the name Yakuza
denotes those willing to be losers in a society predicated on
perfection. The word Yakuza comes from Ya, (8) Ku (9)
and Sa (3) that adds up to 20, a losing hand in a popular
Japanese card game. Thus the Yakuza are the “losing
Yakuza fall into three broad categories: tekiya, bakuto
and gurentai. Tekiya are the street peddlers, and have been
a part of Japanese society since the 18th century selling
snake-oil and other goods not legally obtainable. Today
tekiya sell all manner of bootleg software and music,
mostly of American origin. Bakuto are the gamblers, and
in the distant past worked fairs, providing dice games and
other amusements. Today they operate pachinko parlors.
Pachinko is the Japanese equivalent of a slot machine, in
which a chrome ball races through a maze when released.
The gurentai, however, are the true gangsters, and their
name itself means “hoodlum”. The gurentai rose to power
in the years following World War II when the American
occupation created an enormous new market for
black market goods. Like Prohibition in the
United States, it was the American occupation that
allowed the Yakuza to gain a foothold in Japanese
society. And their numbers are enormous today,
estimated at more than 110,000 active members.
By contrast, the American Mafia is believed to have
20,000 active members, in a nation with more than twice
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the population of Japan. Not content with their position and Move-By Action, Point Blank Shot
influence in Japanese society (where they are closely allied Access/Contacts/Followers: Supply Contact (Wealth 16
with right-wing politics), the Yakuza have spread to Korea, and Restricted equipment)
Hong Kong, China, and the United States. Wealth: 12
Yakuza families are lead by the Oyabun, or the father. Possessions: Ducati 998R, TEC-9 (semi-auto), Knife,
His servants are the Kobun, or children. Like any father, Leather Jacket (1 DR/Ballistic)
the Oyabun will advise and lead his children, and must be Description: These street gangs are prime recruiting
prepared to punish them when they disobey or disappoint. grounds for Yakuza families.
In extreme cases this punishment will take the form of
Yubizume, the amputation of the last joint of a subordinate’s Bosozuku 2
pinky finger. This practice traces its origin to feudal Japan, (Speedfreak 2): HD 2d8+2; HP 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft;
when a disobedient Samurai would be ordered to perform Defense 14, flatfooted 12 (+2 Dex, +2 Class); BAB +1; Atk
Yubizume for minor disobedience to his Daimyo. Since +3 melee (1d4+3, Knife), or +4 ranged (2d6+3, Skorpion);
the pinky finger bears much of the weight when using a SQ Need for Speed; AL Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +3, Ref
katana, this made the Samurai less able to fight and more +5, Will -1, Rec +1; Rep +5; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10,
dependant upon his lord’s protection. Today the act is purely Wis 8, Cha 12.
symbolic and is an unspoken order given to a subordinate. Background: Criminal
When a superior gives a yakuza a knife with a string tied Occupation: Mobster (Crime, Firearms and Streetwise)
to it (to staunch the bleeding after the finger is removed) he Perks: Professional Reputation, Burst Fire
knows that he has been ordered to perform Yubizume. The Hobby: Weapons
next time the subordinate appears before his superior, if he Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+7), Crime 2 (+2), Firearms 7 (+9),
does not have the finger joint wrapped as an offering, the Perception 4 (+3), Stealth 4 (+6), Streetwise 7 (+6), Vehicles
punishment is death. 5 (+7), Weapons 4 (+6)
Today the Yakuza operate like any other large criminal Feats: Attack Focus (Skorpion), Defensive Roll, Enemy
organization, dealing in drugs (opium and heroine being (rival family), Move-By Action, Point Blank Shot
their primary products), prostitution, pornography, loan- Access/Contacts/Followers: Supply Contact (Wealth 17
sharking, and protection rackets. Like the Mafia, their and Military equipment)
Pachinko gambling parlors have become less and less Wealth: 12
important to their bottom line. Standards for recruiting have Possessions: Ducati 998R, Skorpion (full auto), Knife,
been lowered, with many new members coming from the Leather Jacket (1 DR/Ballistic)
bosozuku, or the “speed tribes,” Japan’s violent motorcycle Description: These street gangs are prime recruiting
gangs. It may be telling that Japan’s police agency has grounds for Yakuza families.
officially reclassified the Yakuza as boryokudan, or “violent
ones”. This is the same term used for other criminals and Bosozuku 3
implies that the Yakuza are no longer going to be tolerated, (Speedfreak 3): HD 3d8+3; HP 20; Init +2; Spd 30 ft. (25
but rooted out and destroyed. ft. with armor); Defense 16, flatfooted 13 (+2 Dex, +3 Class,
+1 Dodge Focus); BAB +2; Atk +4 melee (1d4+3, Knife),
Bosozuku 1 or +5 ranged (2d6+3, Skorpion); SQ Need for Speed; AL
(Speedfreak 1): HD 1d8+1; HP 9; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0, Rec +2; Rep
Defense 13, flatfooted 11 (+2 Dex, +1 Class); BAB +0; Atk +5; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
+2 melee (1d4+3, Knife), or +3 ranged (2d4+4, TEC-9); SQ Background: Criminal
Need for Speed; AL Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Occupation: Mobster (Crime, Firearms and Streetwise)
Will -1, Rec +1; Rep +4; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Perks: Professional Reputation, Burst Fire
Wis 8, Cha 12. Hobby: Weapons
Background: Criminal Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+5), Crime 2 (+2), Firearms 8 (+10),
Occupation: Mobster (Crime, Firearms and Streetwise) Perception 4 (+3), Stealth 4 (+3), Streetwise 8 (+7), Vehicles
Perks: Professional Reputation, Burst Fire 6 (+8), Weapons 4 (+6)
Hobby: Weapons Feats: Attack Focus (Skorpion), Defensive Roll, Dodge
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+6), Crime 2 (+2), Firearms 6 (+8), Focus, Enemy (rival family), Move-By Action, Point Blank
Perception 4 (+3), Stealth 4 (+6), Streetwise 6 (+5), Vehicles Shot
4 (+6), Weapons 4 (+6) Access/Contacts/Followers: Supply Contact (Wealth 17
Feats: Attack Focus (TEC-9), Enemy (rival family), and Military equipment)
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Wealth: 14 attacks), Attack Focus (Katana), Attack Specialization
Possessions: Ducati 998R, Skorpion (full auto), Knife, (Katana), Career Advancement, Combat Martial Arts,
Concealable Vest (4 DR/Piercing) Enemy (Rival Family), Improved Initiative, Kenjutsu,
Description: These street gangs are prime recruiting Shotokan Karate
grounds for Yakuza families. Access/Contacts/Followers: Supply Contact (Wealth 23
and Military equipment)
Yakuza Wealth: 9
(Speedfreak 3/Star 2): HD 5d8+10; HP 36; Init +2; Spd Possessions: Glock 20, Katana (Masterwork- attack and
30 ft. (25 ft. with armor); Defense 18, flatfooted 14 (+3 damage)
Dex, +4 Class, +1 Dodge Focus); BAB +3; Atk +5 melee Martial Arts Maneuvers: +2 Initiative when using
(1d4+3, Knife), or +6 ranged (2d6+3, HK MP5); SQ Need Aggressive Stance Weapons perk; +2 attack bonus when
for Speed; AL Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3, using Power Punch Unarmed perk
Rec +3; Rep +7; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha Description: As an Oyabun’s “bullet”, this loyal enforcer
12. will seek out any enemies marked for death by his master
Background: Criminal and attempt to kill him. This particular Teppodama prefers
Occupation: Mobster (Crime, Firearms and Streetwise) the old ways, and will gladly engage an opponent in armed
Perks: Professional Reputation, Burst Fire or unarmed combat, using his pistol only if an opponent
Hobby: Weapons runs. As part of his samurai honor, this combatant will not
Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+5), Crime 2 (+2), Firearms 10 wear armor under any circumstances.
(+12), Influence 5 (+13), Leadership 5 (+6), Perception
4 (+3), Stealth 4 (+3), Streetwise 8 (+7), Vehicles 6 (+8), Fuku Honbucho
Weapons 4 (+6) (Speedfreak 3/Star 9): HD 12d8+24; HP 78; Init +3;
Feats: Attack Focus (HK MP5), Defensive Roll, Dodge Spd 30 ft. (25 ft. with armor); Defense 23, flatfooted 19 (+3
Focus, Endorsement Deal, Enemy (rival family), Expert in Dex, +9 Class, +1 Dodge Focus); BAB +6; Atk +8 melee
your field (Influence), Move-By Action, Point Blank Shot (1d4+3, Knife), or +9 ranged (2d4+2, Glock 20); SQ Need
Access/Contacts/Followers: Secret Access, Followers: 2 for Speed; AL Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +9, Ref +11, Will
Bosozuku 1 +8, Rec +6; Rep +18; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8,
Wealth: 21 Cha 15.
Possessions: HK MP5, Knife, Concealable Vest (4 DR/ Background: Criminal
Piercing) Occupation: Mob Boss (Crime, Influence and Legal)
Description: A low-ranking Yakuza, this is roughly the Perks: Professional Reputation, Professional Salary, Group
equivalent of a Mafia “made man”. He has contacts, a fair Cohesion (Leadership), Inspire Courage (Leadership)
amount of wealth and some ambitious Bosozuku to do his Hobby: Weapons
bidding. He is also a fair combatant on his own. Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+5), Crime 9 (+9), Firearms 8 (+10),
Influence 14 (+36), Leadership 12 (+14), Legal 9 (+9),
Teppodama Perception 11 (+28), Stealth 4 (+3), Streetwise 13 (+12),
(Powerhouse 3/Tank 3): HD 3d10+6 plus 3d12+6; HP Vehicles 6 (+8), Weapons 4 (+6)
52; Init +7; Spd 35 ft; Defense 15, flatfooted 14 (+1 Dex, +4 Feats: Attack Focus (HK MP5), Career Advancement,
Class); BAB +5; Atk +10 melee (2d6+11, Katana wielded Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus, Endorsement Deal, Enemy
two-handed), or +7 ranged (2d4+2, Glock 20); SQ Melee (rival family), Expert in your field (Influence), Expert in
Master; AL Yakuza Oyabun; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3, your field (Perception), Lucky, Move-By Action, Point
Rec +7; Rep +7; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Blank Shot, Public Speaker, Renown, Teamwork (Yakuza
Cha 8. family), Voice of Command
Background: Criminal Access/Contacts/Followers: Complete Access,
Occupation: Mobster (Crime, Firearms, Streetwise) Followers: 5 Bosozuku 2, Favors (1 RP)
Perks: Aggressive Stance (Weapons), Power Punch Wealth: 42
(Unarmed), Professional Reputation Possessions: Glock 20, Knife, Concealable Vest (4 DR/
Hobby: Streetwise Piercing)
Skills: Athletics 6 (+9), Crime 2 (+2), Firearms 11 (+12), Description: This Yakuza has risen to the rank of Fuku
Perception 4 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5), Streetwise 9 (+10), Honbucho, roughly equivalent to the rank of Capo in a
Unarmed 9 (+12), Vehicles 4 (+5), Weapons 9 (+12) Mafia family. Though still dangerous, he has risen to the
Feats: Armed Defense (22 Defense against melee heights of wealth and prestige and would much rather sit
back and allow others to fight his battles for him.
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In this campaign theme, the character tracks down the target
of his revenge, only to learn his nemesis has embarked
on a mysterious trip to Hong Kong to compete in “some
tournament.” The character has never been this close to his
quarry, and if he doesn’t join the Hanmei, he will lose the
trail of the one he has been hunting for so long.
Rival School
Here, the characters (quite possibly the entire group) enter
the tournament en masse to prevent their rival school from
walking away with the top honors. This is an exciting
option, as the characters might fight members of their rival
school, or each other, several times during the course of the
The Proven
The legends about the Hanmei are partially right. The
tournament is a way to locate the worthiest martial artists
in the entire world. However, the purpose of the Hanmei is
not to find bodyguards (Lin Qi would never allow someone
so dangerous to get so close to him). Rather, the tournament
allows Lin Qi to locate something even more valuable:
assassins. Lin Qi’s enemies, rival Oyabun, are known for
their paranoia, and an assassin who needed a gun to kill
would never get close to any of them. A character who
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seems bloodthirsty or ruthless enough to meet Lin Qi’s attacked with firearms, preferring to settle things with his
needs will be quietly approached on the eve of the final fists. If by some miracle he advances to the weapons round,
Stage of the tournament and given an opportunity to come John has a Katana that he has developed a surprisingly high
work for the family as an assassin. The character must prove degree of skill with.
himself by killing his first opponent in Stage 3 and making it Quote: “One in a billion? Suits me fine.”
look like an accident. Adventure Hook: John makes an excellent candidate
for the “Little One Lost” adventure hook described above.
Take an Asian-American PC, and cast John in the role of the
Hanmei Combatants rebellious kid brother. You can either change his last name
to that of the PC, or for a twist, have John Lee be a name he
“cleverly” assumed.
Stage 1 Combatants
These combatants will be found in the street level of the
Hanmei. One of these might be lucky enough to make it Terry McMannis
to the next round, but in all likelihood the back alleys of (Speedfreak 3/Star 3): HD 6d8+12; HP 42; Init +2;
California are all these fighters will know of this mysterious Spd 30 ft; Defense 21, flatfooted 15 (+2 Dex, +5 Class, +4
tournament. Banter); BAB +3; Atk +5 melee (1d8+2, TaeKwonDo), or
+5 ranged (1d6+0, weapon); SQ Need for Speed; AL none;
SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3, Rec +4; Rep +4; Str 12, Dex
John Lee 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15.
(Powerhouse 4): HD 4d10+8; HP 30; Init +1; Spd 30 ft;
Background: Athlete
Defense 14, flatfooted 13 (+1 Dex, +3 Class); BAB +4; Atk
Occupation: Actor (Art, Influence and Perception) Perks:
+8 melee (1d6+5, Shotokan Karate), or +8 melee (2d6+3,
Flurry (Unarmed), Precision Strike (Unarmed)
Katana), or +5 ranged (2d4+4, TEC-(); SQ Melee Master;
Hobby: Weapons
AL none; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2, Rec +4; Rep +2; Str
Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+8), Art (stunt fighting) 11 (+13),
16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Athletics 6 (+7), Influence 11 (+13), Perception 5 (+4),
Background: Criminal
Stealth 6 (+8), Unarmed 9 (+10), Vehicles 6 (+8) and
Occupation: Thug (Influence, Streetwise and Unarmed)
Weapons 4 (+5)
Perks: Power Punch (Unarmed), Precision Strike (unarmed)
Feats: Attractive: +6 Influence with women from Actor,
Hobby: Firearms
Banter: Cha +2 Def bonus from Actor, Combat Martial Arts,
Skills: Athletics 7 (+10), Crime 4 (+4), Firearms 4 (+5),
Cross Training (Unarmed), Defensive Roll, Endorsement
Influence 6 (+5), Perception 4 (+5), Streetwise 9 (+10),
Deal: Rep +2 Wealth bonus from Actor, Attack Focus
Unarmed 9 (+12) and Weapons 7 (+10)
(Unarmed): +2 to attack rolls from TKD, TaeKwonDo,
Feats: Attack Focus (Katana), Attack Focus (unarmed):
Weapon Finesse (Unarmed)
+2 attack rolls from Thug, Attack Specialization (unarmed),
Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per
Wealth: 20
–1 Attack from Thug, Shotokan Karate
Possessions: Digital Camera (for uploading video blogs
Access/Contacts/Followers: Followers: 1st level
to his official site), Voice Recorder (dictaphone), Laptop
Powerhouse (1)
with screenwriting software installed
Wealth: 9
Martial Arts Maneuvers: High Kick (hits to stomach,
Possessions: Katana, TEC-9 (not carried to the Hanmei
chest, throat, or head can Daze)
Character Disadvantages: None
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Lunge Punch (+2 to attack
Background: Terry parlayed a prime time television
rolls when using the Power Punch perk)
appearance at the Olympic games into a brief career as an
Character Disadvantages: Shady Reputation (Law
action movie star. With his contract over and no new parts
being offered him, Terry hopes to win the Hanmei (or at
Description: Born in San Francisco, John has spent a
least make it to one of the later rounds), write a book about
lot of time on the streets looking for trouble. Generally, he
the event, and reenergize his movie career.
succeeds in finding it. A bully and thug, John sees himself
Quote: “This is Terry McMannis, broadcasting from an
as the answer to the Hanmei’s prayers. If encountered on
undisclosed location. I’m in week three of a grueling, life
the street, John will be decked out in what he thinks is the
or death struggle known as the Hanmei, or “the Proving”.
height of “street samurai” fashion (dragon-embossed black
Yet despite the hardships and death, my opponents and I
silk shirt, leather pants, leather trench coat). He will carry a
have grown to respect one another, as true warriors of honor.
TEC-9 for “emergencies” but will typically only use it when
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Check out the excerpt of Chapter 1 of “Warriors of Honor” but Roy finds being a human punching bag boring. He
that I just uploaded to my blog, and be sure to go to the store overheard some guys in a bar talking about some organized
on the site for a “Warriors of Honor, Fighters of Blood” t- streetfight, and after knocking them out, showed up at the
shirt, now available in XXXXL! That’s all for now fellow appointment they paid for.
warriors, I’ll post more when I have the chance. If I survive, Quote: “C’mon, boy. I know you can hit harder than that.
that is.” Hell, I barely felt it.”
Adventure Hook: “My Bodyguard”: Willie Williamson Comments: Roy is a cagey veteran who knows the value
contacts A PC of 6th level or higher. As McMannis’ manager, of patience. Early in a fight he will use Defensive Martial
Williamson wants to make sure his client doesn’t get Arts and Defensive Attack, coupled with Fast Punches and
hurt on his “research” trip. Williamson knows where the Lightning Jabs to protect himself while he wears down
next Hanmei bout is and is willing to pay the entry fee in his opponent. Once his opponent is in trouble, he switches
return for the PC looking out for McMannis once they are entirely, abandoning his Defensive Martial Arts for Multi-
overseas. This is a form of the “Little One Lost” adventure Attack (with the Flurry perk), mixing in All-Out Attacks and
hook, except here, the PC is likely to have little love for Power Punches as necessary until he finishes his opponent
Terry. For humor, the GM can play this up, making Terry off.
incredibly effete and arrogant, or make him a likeable tough
guy with an unusual motive for entering the competition
(think John Saxon in “Enter the Dragon”).
Stage 2 Combatants
Combatants at this level likely did fairly well in Stage 1
but probably have little hope of coming home with the
“Rapid” Roy Waltrip prize. Still, these fighters are not to be trifled with, and a PC
(Tank 7): HD 8d12 +24; HP 81; Init +2; Spd 35 ft; looking forward to Stage 3 might find himself on the next
Defense 17, flatfooted 17 (+2 Dex, +5 Class); BAB +5; Atk plane home from Hong Kong at the hand (or foot) of one of
+10 melee (1d10+3, Boxing), or +7 ranged (by weapon); these fighters.
SQ Resilience; AL none; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3, Rec
+8; Rep +4; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Background: Blue Collar
Dukun Chakakirti Pasiasina
(Empath 9): HD 9d8+18; HP 62; Init +1; Spd 30 ft;
Occupation: Boxer (Athletics, Perception, Unarmed)
Defense 22, flatfooted 16 (+1 Dex, +6 Class, +4 Poise, +1
Perks: Fast Punch (Unarmed), Power Punch (Unarmed),
Dodge Focus); BAB +6; Atk +11 melee (2d6+0, Pentjak
Flurry (Unarmed)
Silat), or +7 ranged (by weapon); SQ Resolute; AL Respects
Hobby: Weapons
Life; SV Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10, Rec +8; Rep +4; Str
Skills: Athletics 12 (+15), Outdoorsman 10 (+11),
10, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 8
Perception 12 (+13), Streetwise 10 (+11), Unarmed 12 (+15)
Background: Adventurer
and Weapons 6 (+9)
Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor (Influence,
Feats: All-Out Attack: +1.5 attack per –1 Def from
Perception, Unarmed) Perks: Precision Strike (Unarmed),
Boxing, Attack Focus (unarmed): +2 attack rolls from
Reactive Stance (Unarmed)
Boxer, Boxing, Career Advancement, Combat Martial
Hobby: Athletics
Arts, Defensive Attack: +1.5 Def per –1 attack from Boxer,
Skills: Athletics 4 (+4), Influence 14 (+13), Medicine
Defensive Martial Arts (23 Defense against melee attacks
12 (+16), Outdoorsman 10 (+14), Perception 14 (+18),
with Move action), Diesel, Endurance Training, Strength
Read/Write Language (English, Hindi, Indonesian Malay,
Training: +2 Str from Boxer
Japanese), Speak Language (English, Hindi, Indonesian
Access/Contacts/Followers: Skill Contact: Doc Marlowe
Malay, Japanese), Stealth 4 (+5), Streetwise 12 (+16),
(Medicine 11 ranks)
Unarmed 14 (+14), Weapons 4 (+4)
Wealth: 17
Feats: Attack Focus (Unarmed), Contemplative Master,
Possessions: Cell Phone
Defensive Attack: +1.5 to Defense per –1 attack by Martial
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Lightning Jab (once per
Arts Master, Defensive Martial Arts: Unarmed skill +2
encounter opponent is flat-footed when using Fast Punch
higher by Martial Arts Instructor, Dodge Focus, Healer,
Improved Trip: trip DC reduced by 5 by Pentjak Silat, Mind
Character Disadvantages: None
Over Body: Wisdom modifier +2 higher by Martial Arts
Background: Roy feels he never got a “real” shot at
Instructor, Pentjak Silat, Poise, Self-Help, Uncanny Dodge
boxing. He didn’t kiss the asses of the right promoters, and
Access/Contacts/Followers: Favors (4 points)
very few of the big-name fighters wanted to fight the tough,
Wealth: 15
cagey slugger. He was offered jobs as a sparring partner,
Possessions: None
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Martial Arts Maneuvers: Pressure Point Attack: +4 Wealth: 26
damage from Precision Strike perk, Vital Lore: +4 damage Possessions: Cell Phone (for placing bets)
when making called shots with the Precision Strike perk, Martial Arts Maneuvers: Free push after successful
cumulative with Pressure Point Attack unarmed attack, Body Blow: On a successful attack to your
Character Disadvantages: Code (Never take a life): opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent must make a
DSR 2 Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or be flat-footed
Background: When he was a young man in Indonesia, for the next 1-4 rounds
Chakakirti was a bully, a thug, and a drunkard. After killing Character Disadvantages: Explosive Secret (DSR 5)
a man in a bar fight, he fled into the night, eventually finding Background: Otojiro has known nothing beyond the
himself on a beach, where he discovered a little old man life of a Sumotori since he was a child. Constant training,
sitting alone in the cold. Chakakirti tried to rob him, but competition, and conditioning at one of the many youth
the old man easily defeated him and then suggested to the academies across Japan led to a successful career as a
thug that he change his ways. Chakakirti followed the old professional. However, there was never enough money, and
man, learning from him, until his death last year. Now he Otojiro’s betting habit has landed him in debt to Lin Qi,
continues his journey, seeking enlightenment where he finds who has been using Otojiro to fix matches and reap vast
it and following the wind. profits. His appearance in the Hanmei will mark the end of
Quote: “You and I are the same. I go where the wind his athletic career, though he will fix at least one big match
blows me. You think you decide where you go and rule your along the way before coming to work for Lin Qi at the
destiny. Yet we are both here. Perhaps you simply do not tournament’s conclusion.
feel the wind?” Quote: “Taishita.” (Pointing at himself.)
Adventure Hooks: Chakakirti makes an excellent Role: Otojiro is the dirty fighter. A PC will find him a
Legendary Master for a low-level PC. Any PC thinking of terrible opponent, and then, if the odds are right, he will
entering the Contemplative Master Advanced Class will suddenly go down. Otojiro has a bad temper, however, and
likely idolize the small man. While he does not see himself has “accidentally” won matches he was supposed to lose.
that way, Chakakirti feels an obligation to pass on what he Adventure Hooks: A Japanese PC who idolizes Otojiro
has learned, and will take a suitably serious student under (not an uncommon thing) might actually convince him to
his wing. return to the purity of his sport. This would, however, get
Otojiro a death mark from Lin Qi.
Otomo Otojiro “OtoOto“
(Tank 6/Powerhouse 4): HD 7d12+21 plus 4d10+12; Kochou “Kimmy“ Kimiko
HP 106; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 18, flatfooted 17 (+1 (Speedfreak 8/Powerhouse 2): HD 2d10+4 plus 8d8+16;
Dex, +7 Class); BAB +8; Atk +14 melee (2d6+7, Sumo HP 71; Init +10; Spd 40 ft; Defense 23, flatfooted 19 (+4
Wrestling), or +9 ranged (by weapon); SQ Resilience; AL Dex, +9 Class); BAB +8; Atk +8 melee (2d6+0, Jujutsu), or
none; SV Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +2, Rec +10; Rep +7; Str +15 melee (2d6+9, Katana), or +12 ranged (1d6+3, Javelin);
16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13 SQ Melee Master; AL Bushido; SV Fort +9, Ref +10, Will
Background: Celebrity +3, Rec +6; Rep +6; Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13,
Occupation: Wrestler (Acrobatics, Athletics, Unarmed) Cha 8
Perks: Professional Salary, Flurry (Unarmed), Power Punch Background: Rural
(Unarmed) Occupation: Weapon Master (Influence, Perception,
Hobby: Perception Weapons) Perks: Flurry (Weapons), Precision Strike
Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+3), Athletics 2 (+5), Crime 13 (Unarmed), Precision Strike (Weapons)
(+13), Influence 4 (+5), Perception 4 (+3), Streetwise 13 Hobby: Weapons
(+12), Unarmed 15 (+18), Weapons 13 (+16) Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+14), Athletics 12 (+12), Influence
Feats: Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to attack rolls 2 (+2), Outdoorsman 5 (+6), Perception 13 (+14), Read/
from Wrestler, Attack Specialization (Unarmed), Career Write Language (English, Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin),
Advancement, Combat Martial Arts, Damage Reduction Speak Language (English, Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin),
x2, Diesel, Endurance Training, Greater Attack Focus Stealth 13 (+17), Unarmed 13 (+13), Weapons 15 (+15)
(Unarmed), Greater Attack Specialization (Unarmed), Feats: Agility Training, Armed Defense (25 defense
Improved Grab: DC of free grab +5 from Wrestler, against melee attacks), Attack Focus (Katana): +2 to attack
Improved Trip: DC of free trip +5 from Wrestler, Sumo rolls from Weapon Master, Attack Specialization (Katana),
Wrestling Career Advancement, Combat Martial Arts, Improved
Access/Contacts/Followers: Favors (7 points) Initiative: +6 Initiative from Kenjutsu, Improved Trip: DC
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of free trip +5 from Jujutsu, Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, Quick Draw, damage, +1 per 5 ft. of jump on charging unarmed attack,
Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Finesse (Katana) Crane Stance: immune to Low Kick and trip (requires
Access/Contacts/Followers: Skill Contact: Medicine 9 Action Point), Vital Lore: +4 damage on Precision Strikes
ranks, Supply Contact (Wealth +20) cumulative with Pressure Point attack
Wealth: 14 Character Disadvantages: None
Possessions: Masterwork Katana (attack), 6 Javelins, Background: Jing Choi, which means fantastic, is what
Nunchaku, Tonfa he calls himself. No one knows if that’s his real name or
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Pressure Point Attack: +4 not, because his Cantonese is almost incomprehensible at
damage on Precision Strike hits, Brutal Strike: no penalty the speed he speaks it, and he speaks no other language.
for called shots on prone targets, +2 Initiative when using However, most people would call him that anyway, as
Aggressive Stance, +2 attack bonus against everyone after he yells it all the time after a good move in a fight, and it
you in Initiative sums up his manic, optimistic outlook perfectly. Jing Choi
Character Disadvantages: Code: Bushido (DSR 5) likes nothing more than a good fight. He is not a bully, and
Background: Kimmy has always rebelled against her prefers fights against opponents of his skill level or higher.
culture and traditional Japanese upbringing. She always felt However, anyone seen being a bully, or disrespectful to a
her father, who traces his line back to medieval Samurai, woman, will also attract Jing Choi’s attention. In short, if
wanted a son, and she chafes against his expectations for there’s any trouble around, Jing Choi will get in the middle
her. However, in many ways, Kimmy is the ideal son for of it, happily shouting his name while flooring opponents.
her father; swift and dangerous, steeped in the history of her Quote: “Jing Choi!”
country, she is the soul of a samurai in the body of a woman
barely five feet tall. Many opponents have failed to realize
this about her until it is too late.
Stage 3 Combatants
Any of these fighters could walk away with the tournament
Quote: “Atashi Samuraikatagi!”
on any given day. Anyone facing these opponents should be
on their guard, as a fight with one of these characters could
Jing Choi easily be fatal.
(Powerhouse 10): HD 10d10+10; HP 69; Init +2; Spd 40
ft; Defense 19, flatfooted 17 (+2 Dex, +7 Class); BAB +10;
Atk +15 melee (2d6+6, Shao-Lin Kung Fu), or +15 melee
Ishinomori Katsumoto
(Empath 13): HD 13d8+26; HP 88; Init +0; Spd 30 ft;
(1d6+9, Hook Sword) or +12 ranged (1d8+4, Compound
Defense 26, flatfooted 19 (+0 Dex, +9 Class, +7 Poise);
Bow); SQ Melee Master; AL Excitement; SV Fort +8, Ref
BAB +9; Atk +14 melee (2d8+0, Aikido), or +9 ranged (by
+5, Will +2, Rec +6; Rep +6; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10,
weapon); SQ Resolute; AL Family, Non-Violence; SV Fort
Wis 8, Cha 12
+15, Ref +8, Will +13, Rec +13; Rep +7; Str 8, Dex 10, Con
Background: Adventurer
14, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 13.
Occupation: Martial Arts Master (Acrobatics, Athletics,
Background: Military
Unarmed) Perks: Flurry (Unarmed), Precision Strike
Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor (Influence,
(Unarmed), Two-Weapon Fighting (Weapons)
Perception, Unarmed) Perks: Reactive Stance (Unarmed)
Hobby: Influence
Hobby: Firearms
Skills: Acrobatics 15 (+17), Athletics 15 (+19), Influence
Skills: Athletics 4 (+3), Firearms 4 (+4), Influence 2 (+3),
4 (+5), Perception 4 (+3), Stealth 4 (+6), Streetwise 4 (+3),
Legal 8 (+9), Medicine 16 (+21), Outdoorsman 8 (+13),
Unarmed 15 (+19), Weapons 13 (+17
Perception 18 (+36), Read/Write Language (Cantonese,
Feats: Armed Defense, Attack Focus (Hook Sword),
English, Farsi, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin,
Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to attack rolls from Martial
Spanish), Speak Language (Cantonese, English, Farsi,
Arts Master, Attack Specialization (Hook Sword), Attack
French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish),
Specialization (Unarmed), Career Advancement, Combat
Stealth 16 (+16), Streetwise 16 (+21), Unarmed 18 (+17),
Martial Arts, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Shao-Lin
Vehicles 4 (+4), Weapons 4 (+3)
Kung Fu, Strength Training, Two-Weapon Defense, White
Feats: Aikido, Awareness, Career Advancement, Combat
Martial Arts, Contemplative Master, Cross Training: Stealth,
Access/Contacts/Followers: Favors (6 points)
Defensive Attack: +1.5 Defense per –1 attack from Aikido,
Wealth: 14
Dedicated (family), Defensive Martial Arts: +2 Unarmed
Possessions: 2 Hook Swords, Butterfly Swords (pair)
from Martial Arts Instructor, Empathy, Improved Disarm,
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Low Kick: hits below waist
Mind Over Body: +2 Wisdom modifier from Martial Arts
penalize movement for 1-4 rounds, Flying Kick: +2
Instructor, Ninjutsu, Poise: +2 Wisdom modifier from
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Aikido, Self-Help 1, Self-Help 2 Perks: Flurry (Unarmed), Power Punch (Unarmed)
Access/Contacts/Followers: Complete Access (former Hobby: Weapons
diplomat with many ties in governments around the world, Skills: Athletics 16 (+18), Firearms 16 (+17), Influence
owed many favors in intelligence circles), Skill Contact 2 (+1), Legal 2 (+3), Outdoorsman 4 (+4), Perception 14
(Chemistry 10 ranks) (+14), Read Language (English, Korean, Spanish), Speak
Wealth: 18 Language (English, Korean, Spanish), Stealth 16 (+17),
Possessions: Medical Kit Unarmed 16 (+18), Vehicles 4 (+5), Weapons 8 (+10)
Martial Arts Maneuvers: +2 Defense with Reactive Feats: All-Out Attack: +1.5 attack per –1 Defense from
Stance, free Trip attempt on attacks that miss with Reactive Commando Training, Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to attack
Stance, Shuriken-jutsu: range penalties with thrown rolls from School of Hard Knocks, Combat Martial Arts,
weapons reduced by 2, Shinobi-jutsu: Stealth check DC Commando Training, Cross Training: Stealth, Damage
reduced by 5 Reduction x3, Die Hard, Diesel 1, Diesel 2, Endurance
Character Disadvantages: None Training 1, Endurance Training 2, High Pain Threshold,
Background: A professional diplomat, Katsumoto has Human Shield, School of Hard Knocks
served as a Japanese Ambassador to both Korea and the Access/Contacts/Followers: Supply Contact (Wealth +20
United States. While in America, he met and married an and military equipment)
American woman, who died five years ago. His wife’s
death drove a wedge between Katsumoto and his daughter
Brianna, who blamed her mother’s early death on the
family’s moves and the isolation caused by language
barriers in foreign lands. In an attempt to both protect his
daughter and heal the rift between them, Katsumoto has
joined the Hanmei, a use of the martial arts that he finds
particularly abhorrent.
Unknown to anyone, even his daughter, Katsumoto was in
fact a spy for the Japanese government. His ability to make
others trust him and use that trust to open up to him, as well
as a natural gift for stealth and subterfuge are all areas of his
former life Katsumoto attempts to atone for today.
Quote: “The way of the warrior is the way of love.”
Role: Katsumoto is the Sensei, always attempting to teach
the “true meaning” of the martial arts. He will attempt to
use his persuasiveness (which is considerable) to convince
younger characters to drop out of the tournament. For the
student seeking a master, Katsumoto makes an excellent
Adventure Hooks: If a female PC joins the Hanmei,
the GM could substitute her for Brianna, making her the
unwilling target of the “Little One Lost” campaign theme. A
PC seeking to train with Katsumoto might join the Hanmei
to make contact with him in the “Legendary Master”
campaign theme.
Max Riggs
(Tank 13): HD 15d12+75; HP 178; Init +1; Spd 40 ft;
Defense 20, flatfooted 19 (+1 Dex, +9 Class); BAB +9; Atk
+11 melee (2d8+2, Commando Training), or +10 ranged
(2d6+3, Colt M-1911); SQ Resilience; AL Brianna; SV Fort
+13, Ref +7, Will +4, Rec +13; Rep +6; Str 14, Dex 13, Con
20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Background: Military
Occupation: Bodyguard (Influence, Legal, Perception)
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Wealth: 16 Brianna Ishinomori
Possessions: Colt M-1911 (Max will have this almost (Speedfreak 13): HD 13d8+26; HP 88; Init +9; Spd 40
anywhere- he has friends in supply rooms around the world ft; Defense 28, flatfooted 23 (+5 Dex, +13 Class); BAB
who are willing to “lose” equipment for him) +9; Atk +14 melee (2d8+5, Hapkido), or +14 ranged (by
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Pressure Point Attack: +4 weapon); SQ Need for Speed; AL Max; SV Fort +8, Ref
damage on Precision Strikes, Body Blow: On a successful +13, Will +6, Rec +6; Rep +7; Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int
attack to your opponent’s stomach or chest, your opponent 12, Wis 15, Cha 8.
must make a Fortitude save equal to your attack roll +10 or Background: Adventurer
be flat-footed for the next 1-4 rounds Occupation: Reporter (Influence, Perception, Streetwise)
Character Disadvantages: None Perks
Background: Max met Brianna while both were Hobby: Vehicles
attending the University of Georgia. Max was in ROTC and Skills: Acrobatics 16 (+21), Athletics 16 (+16), Firearms
eventually dropped out to join the Army full time. He has 4 (+9), Influence 10 (+9), Perception 18 (+37), Read
served in the Special Forces and as a hand-to-hand combat Language (English, Japanese, Korean), Speak Language
instructor. Always looking for something more exciting, (English, Japanese, Korean), Streetwise 10 (+12), Unarmed
Max decided to become a mercenary, and when that became 16 (+16), Vehicles 4 (+9), Weapons 4 (+4)
boring, he gravitated to long-haul trucking. Feats: Acrobatic Feint, Agility Training 1, Agility
Quote: “My style? I’m a dedicated shitkicker. You?” Training 2, Awareness: Will save +2 from Reporter, Attack
Role: Max is the fish out of water. Though surrounded by Focus (Unarmed), Career Advancement, Combat Martial
Eastern Philosophy and lotus flowers, he remains the same Arts, Defensive Roll, Expert in your field: +2 Reputation
as he ever was—former Army Ranger, mercenary, and long- bonus from Reporter, Hapkido, Improved Initiative,
haul trucker. Improved Trip, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Self-Help: +2
Adventure Hooks: If a female PC takes Brianna’s place, Wisdom from Reporter, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Max might be helping Katsumoto look for her. However, (Unarmed)
the GM could just as easily make Max a villain, an absolute Access/Contacts/Followers: Confidential Access, Favors
terror, working with Marcel to become one of Lin Qi’s (5 points)
assassins. Wealth: 20
Possessions: Mini Digital Voice and Video Recorder
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Low Kick: hits below waist
penalize movement for 1-4 rounds, Flying Kick: +2 damage,
+1 per 5 ft. of jump on charging unarmed attack
Character Disadvantages: None
Background: By the time she entered college at the
University of Georgia, Brianna had seen more of the
world than most people see in a lifetime. She had been
to diplomatic functions in Seoul, watched Kabuki in
Tokyo, and met three U.S. Presidents. Having worked her
way through the ranks of several major newspapers, Brianna
sees the Hanmei as the perfect story to launch her into a
career as a Foreign Correspondent.
Quote: “Sugar, I know y’all can hit harder than that.”
Role: Brianna is a martial artist through and through,
blending power with speed, beauty with grace.
Adventure Hooks: A male PC might take Max’s place,
helping Ishinomori find his ex-girlfriend.
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Marcel Bontecou
(Powerhouse 13): HD 13d10+26; HP 102; Init
+1; Spd 40 ft; Defense 20, flatfooted 19 (+1 Dex,
+9 Class); BAB +13; Atk +20 melee (2d8+8,
Savate), or +14 ranged (by weapon); SQ Melee
Master; AL none; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +4,
Rec +8; Rep +1; Str 20, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12,
Wis 10, Cha 8.
Background: Military
Occupation: Assassin (Firearms, Stealth,
Weapons) Perks: Aggressive Stance (Unarmed),
Flurry (Unarmed), Precision Strike (Unarmed)
Hobby: Weapons
Skills: Athletics 16 (+21), Crime 16 (+17),
Firearms 12 (+13), Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 18
(+19), Unarmed 16 (+21), Weapons 16 (+21)
Feats: Antithesis (targets he was hired to kill),
Attack Focus (Unarmed): +2 to attack rolls from
Savate, Attack Specialization: +3 damage from
Savate, Career Advancement, Combat Martial Arts,
Critical Strike: +3 damage from Assassin, Enemy
(targets he was hired to kill), Improved Disarm,
Improved Trip, Loner, Savate, Sneak Attack x2: +3
attack rolls for two feats from Assassin, Strength
Training 1, Strength Training 2, Uncanny Dodge
Access/Contacts/Followers: Favors (7 points)
Wealth: 20
Possessions: Digital Camera (for taking pictures
of his victims)
Martial Arts Maneuvers: Low Kick: hits below
waist penalize movement for 1-4 rounds, Flying
Kick: +2 damage, +1 per 5 ft. of jump on charging
unarmed attack
Character Disadvantages: None
Background: Marcel always loved pain. Giving,
receiving, it was all a rush, a wonderful sensation.
Through his work in intelligence, Special Forces, and as
a mercenary, he has had ample opportunity to indulge his
desires. However, even his successes could not explain
away his excesses, and so legitimate military work became
harder and hard for Marcel to come by. As a result, he has
drifted toward the darker side of the international scene, and
now seeks employment as one of Lin Qi’s assassins.
Quote: “Bal périlleux?”
Role: Marcel is a killer. A villain through and through.
If a PC seeks to claim the Hanmei crown, it will likely be
Marcel awaiting him in the final round.
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
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right 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Page - 60
Blue Rose, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy
Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchoir, and John
Snead. Open Gaming Content
Future: Heroes -- Cyborgs, Copyright 2004, Philip Reed. Published by
Ronin Arts. Product Identity: Modern20, Martial Arts20,
Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Foundation, Copyright 2005 The
Hanmei, Lin Qi, Hong Kong Knights
Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Rodney Thompson, & JD
Chapter 1: Martial Style Descriptions are
Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Hero, Copyright 2005 The Game close content. Remaining text is closed con-
Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer, Rodney Thompson,
& JD
Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Col-
lins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
Mecha vs. Kaiju, Copyright 2006, Big Finger Games; Author Johnathan
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