AST251 Lecture 2

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AST251 - Lecture 2

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1. can some yes but very rare and not common 6. Take a look at this
elements form 5 among highly abundant elements classification and examples
or more bonds? of extremophiles
2. Contrast water
with methane,
another abundant

3. How can use stonier bonds to preserve their

7. There are other atoms that 1. Carbon can form medium-
thermophiles folded state and can refold denatured
can form 4 bonds such as strength bonds with itself and
survive in extreme proteins
silicone. Why is earths life many other common atoms
carbon based then? (5) (allow for assembly and
4. How many disassembly)
electrons can the 2. carbon can form strong
first three shells fit double bonds
3. silicon does not bind
strongly with itself
4. Si-O bond is much stronger
than C-O
5. Si and O bonding results in
solids which are less available
2, 8,and 8 to reaction than C and O in the
gaseous state
5. If life can have
other chemistries 8. What are organisms that extremophiles
why did they not have evolved to survive in
occur on earth extreme environments
9. What are our definitions definition of the planet is based
for planets and what is the on the characteristics. This
issue with this means that there is a missing
paradigm for defining "planet"
Water = H20 but before the
understanding of atoms, water
were described by its
characteristics (wet, transparent
Not certain. Did it occur? if it did would
we recognize them?
- some have proposed that there may
be a "shadow biosphere" representing a
second genesis on earth
- eg. Desert varnish
10. what are some 1. electronegativity of O makes water 16. What is the most
chemical polar abundant
properties of 2. strong polarity breaks interatomic element in our
water that makes bonds (dissolves molecules) bodies
it suitable to 3. Strong H bonds makes water stable
sustain life to temperature fluctuation
4. When water freezes it forms a lattice,
making it less dense in the ice form
(solid water insulates)
11. What are the four Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen
categories of
17. What is the most
grouped by
element in the
earth's crust

12. What determines structure and shape of the proteins Oxygen, and silicone
the function of - misfolded proteins can lead to disease
18. what is the most
the proteins or death
13. what is denaturing element in the

Hydrogen, Helium, then oxygen

19. when there is a
difference in
charge what is the
When an enzyme's conditions are not
optimum and its shape changes so it
will not fit the substrate anymore
14. What is the A celestial body that
"definition" of a 1. is in orbit around the sun ionized
planet 2. has sufficient mass for its self-gravity
20. When there is a
to overcome rigid body forces os that it
different number
assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium
of neutrons in an
(nearly round shape)
atom what is it
3. has cleared the neighbourhood
around its orbit
15. What is the life is a self-sustained chemical system
definition of life capable of undergoing Darwinian isotope
according to evolution
21. While Hydrogen is the most abundant atom in the
universe, why are we carbon based

H can only bind to a single other atom but carbon can bind to 4
22. why do atoms bind

to fill their outermost shells by sharing elections

23. Why is water so important to life 1. to develop chemistry sufficiently complex to form LLU (life like us)
molecules need to react freely (dissolved)
2. water is the most abundant liquid and can act as solvent
24. Why was Pluto demoted from being a planet?

It does not follow the third rule of being a planet: it has not cleared the
neighbourhood around its orbit

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