Week of May 25

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Math  Writing  Reading  Readers’ Notebook  Fundations 

Choose one activity each day.  - Write the steps of how to  Read everyday!  Write about​ a book you  We are in week 2 of unit 9 
Record your thinking in a  make a sandwich, then add  Choose from:  read OR listen to one of the  in Fundations! 
math journal or on paper!  pictures.   - Read to Self  books below and write your  1. Practice every day with a 
- Watch this ​video​ to  - Write a story about one of  - Read to Someone  own response.  new warm-up and drill your 
explore building 2-digit  your toys coming to life.  - Listen to Reading   1OC: ​The Monster Who Lost  sounds​. 
numbers with ​dice​ and  - Do you like apples or  Raz Kids​, ​1O’C​, ​1R​, ​1S 
His Mean  2. Learn the new concept of 
Unifix Cubes​. Try to build  oranges better? Why?  1R: ​A Tale of Two Beasts  the week: ​Open syllables​.  
some numbers on your  - Write a letter to someone  Poem of the Week  1S: ​Shy Spaghetti & Excited Eggs  3. Try the ​closed and open 
own!  you live with or near and  Read and illustrate the  You can find discussion  syllable sort​!  
- Play ​Dice Digits​ with a  deliver it to them!  poem ​Creepy Crawly​. Listen  questions for this read 
partner or by yourself.  to the poem ​here​!   aloud and more videos on  Making Words 
- ​Paper Chain Challenge  How ​many words​ can you 
Opinion Writing  Week of May 25  teacher websites:  
- Make up a pattern using  make using the letters: a, a, 
Next week we are going to  1O’C​ ​1R​ ​1S​. 
shapes. See if a grownup  1. Have fun!  c, e, i, l, l, p, r, r, t? Write the 
can tell you what comes  start writing reviews for our  Maker Challenge  letters on paper or post-its. 
2. Complete as many of 
next.  opinion writing. To get  the squares as you  Build a boat that holds the  Can you find the secret 
- ​Working Number Activity​!  ready, this week we will fill  can, in any order you  most possible pennies,  word using ALL the letters? 
Weekly share: When you  out a planning sheet.   choose.  using only one piece of  Hint: Insect 1! 
finish a math activity, share  First, look at and listen to  3. Try your favorites more  aluminum foil. How many 
Ms. Redburn’s example​.  than once!  Social Studies 
a photo, video, or voice  pennies will your boat 
Then complete your own  Materials for the Week  Watch these videos to 
recording of your work on  hold? Watch this ​video​ for 
planning sheet​.  learn about two artists from 
Padlet​!  instructions and ideas!  

Extra: Want to write more?  Morning Messages  Mexico - ​Diego Rivera​ and 
Problem of the Week  Write about another piece   
Science  Frida Khalo​. Choose one 
from your collection from  Weekly Padlet Share  artist to inspire a piece of 
Try the ​Making Shapes  1. Watch ​a video​ to learn 
problem of the week. Try to  last week.  about the differences  your own art! Create a 
Book Challenge  mural of what you see in 
draw at least three shapes!  between moths and 
Specials  25 Day Reading Challenge​!  your neighborhood like 
Hint: Do any ​pattern blocks  butterflies.  
Click on the links to go to  Find more books on ​Epic​. 
fit the description? ​Add  2. ​Help the Insect Detective  Diego Rivera. Or create a 
each site. Try at least one  Class code: qsg7929   portrait of yourself or 
your work to the ​Padlet​!  figure out if Insect 3 is a 
every day!  moth or butterfly!  someone else like Frida 
Scavenger Hunt  Music​ ​PE​ ​Spanish Idea from Ms. O  3. Check in on our insects:  Khalo. 
Now it’s your turn to ​Create  Watch this ​video​ and then 
Art​ ​Library  Insect 1​ ​Insect 2​ ​Insect 3   
Your Own Scavenger Hunt!   do the ​activity​! 

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