Islamic Economics - Online Lec1
Islamic Economics - Online Lec1
Islamic Economics - Online Lec1
Man as Vicegerent
Every one is ought to follow the orders of God even he is high dignitary in this world.
Man is vicegerent of Allah in this world. We ought not to follow our wishes in handling of this
Abundance of resources
Islamic economics teaches us that resources are abundant unlike conventional economics.
There is no distinction of short term and long term in Islamic economics. Resource are always
abundant. We need to use it abundant.
Ronald Reagan was presented facts about predictions for how long petroleum resources gonna
end. Analysts predicted that they are gonna deplete at end of century. However, we have seen
we got even more resources in 21first century.
Circulation of Wealth
Islam teaches that If someone is bless with gigantic trove of wealth, he should not hoard money
at home.
He should spend it through different ways, so that money should circulate in society. Money
can spend with charity.
Ergo, Economy would grow if wealth segments of society give it enough stimulus through
spending in different possible ways. Welfare
of society will be increased.
Economic Freedom
There shouldn’t be any prohibition on individuals on trade and usage of halal products in either
Private Ownership
Islamc doesn’t disown you from having your own personal property.
Man can use his personal property in either way for halal activities.
He can either dwell his property for residence or he can make lucrative business.
Moral Values
During business conduct, we should demonstrate values of morality we derived from Islamic
Through speaking gently and honestly, we can form stability in our conversations
Contemporary solutions for new emerging issues should be adopted in light of ijtihad.
Islamic system has such flexibility to adopt new notions if they are against the basic principles
set by Quran and Sunnah.
Government Interference
Interference by state is essential for checking the well being of poor. Government has to interfere to
increase the efficiency of market outcomes.