Concept of Realism

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Concept of Realism:

A paradigm based on the premise that world politics is essentially and

changeably a struggle among self-interested states for power and position
under anarchy with each competing state pursuing its own national
A school of thought that explains International relations in terms of
Realism is the oldest of three contending thoughts.
State as the most important actor on the world stage
Self Help
Relative gains
Primary obligation of every state is to promote its national interest
World politics is a struggle for power prepare for war to keep peace
A concept of stability will results by maintaining balance of power
Neo realism: A theoretical account of states behavior that explains it as
determined by differences in their relative power within the global hierarchy,
primarily defined by the distribution of military power
Defensive realism: sees state as focused on maintaining security by
balancing others and essentially preserving status quo
Offensive realism: sees state as seeking to ensure security by
aggressively maximizing their power
Classical realism: state differ with regard not only to their relative power
but also their primary motivation and its emphasizes how systematic level
variables are translated through unit level intervening variables such as
decision makers perceptions and domestic state structure.

Causes of world





Unification of Germany in 1871-created army and navy

Triple alliance vs. triple entente

Ethnic attributes- alternative to war evaporated

System of secret alliances: divided Europe into two groups

Power struggle in the form of capturing colonies (economic imperialism)
balance of power politics
Failure of efforts towards disarmament (Arm race and mobilization of
Alliances a balance of power vs. collective security(Alliances and
counter alliances against one another)
Failure of collective security under the league of nations( The league of
nations failed to keep peace)
Failure of the league of nations
Dictate peace on German in the form of treaty of Versailles and it grew
more desire for redistribution
Balkonization of Europe
Collapsed of three empires
Emergence of communism under the leadership of lennin

Causes of World war two and its


Treaty of Versailles
The Reemergence of multi-polarity in the power distribution
as a key factor in the onset and expansion of world war two
Failure of Kellogg briand pact:1928
Great depression in 1930: collapse of economic
circumstances at home, Germany and Japan sought solutions
through imperialism abroad
Colonialism: The rule of a region an external sovereign
Power politics: German realist philosophy
Aggression of Germany under the leadership of Hitler
Failure of the right of self determination that caused
dissatisfaction of national minorities(strong feelings of
Policy of appeasement: more concessions were made to
Hitler and Mussoloni which encouraged on the path of war
Yalta conference: 1945
Formation of the League of nations
Failure of Non proliferation treaty
Composition of security council: institutionalization of great
powers, inequality of sovereign states in I.R
Redistribution of powers and borders
Bi polarity: Emergence of two Great powers in the world

Cold war

Cold war indicates their very realist assumption that alliances
are marriages of conveniences states pursue their individual
interests more rigorously. The allies of world war two were the
contenders of cold war.

Security dilemma
America was threatened by the Russian control of
eastern Europe because of its geographical importance
for world hegemony.
Russia was trying to make a buffer state around its
territory because she was fearing the contest for power in
the region by its allies in World war two.
Both the giants were perceiving each other as evil

Economic interests
America, being the newly emerged economic power, felt
discontented about the control of Russian a vast territory of Eastern
Europe. Which was major hurdle in the way of American access to
these markets.
Russia too had economic incentives in these areas.

Main events
Korean war
American deployed its forces even before the security council
resolution. This attitude of America indicates that she was too act
unilaterally in this case, had even the resolution been vetoed by any
veto power.

She had economic and security interests in the korea due to she
responded aggressively in that case otherwise she was not interested
in collective security.

Vietnam war
Vietnam war was waged on the basis of domino theory which was a
pure balance of power oriented theory.
Accordingly to it, the communist control in the Vietnam was a threat
to the whole of the East Asia and south east Asia.
For America this was would have jeopardize its economic markets in
the pacific.
It was these security control of the west that turned the colonial war
into civil war of cold war.

Sphere of influences
The cold war witnessed the division of influences of the globe into
two sphere of influences contrary to the views of world war two, that
the war was waged to end all wars and to free the world.

Failure of disarmament
The events of cold war indicated that the disarmament was Utopian
concept and no nation was ready to disarm. Cold war witnessed some
disarmament efforts but in the end it was agreements which solved the
tangles of cold war.
This proved the fact that nations understand the language of power,
not the praise worthy world or concepts of morality.

Nuclear deterrence

It was the mutual assured distribution capability of the both giants

that prevented the cold war turning into Hot world war.

End of cold war

The cold war ended with emergence of America as supper power and
disintegration of soviet union into Russia and emergence of about
fifteen new independent states.

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