Greek and Latin in Medical Terminology: Review

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Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk

Department of Applied Linguistics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Corresponding author: This paper offers an overview of the status quo of medical terminology. Most terms used in biology and
Katarzyna Jóskowska medicine are derived from classical languages, i.e. Latin and Greek. In previous years, Latin was listed as
Katedra Lingwistyki Stosowanej
a subject offered in the syllabus of medical studies. Now, things have altered. It is obvious however, that
Collegium Medicum
Skłodowskiej Curie Street No 9 a basic understanding of Latin and Greek etymology increases the productivity of learning and comfort
85–094 Bydgoszcz, Poland while using medical terminology. A knowledge of the meaning of the roots, prefixes, and suffixes enables
E-mail: [email protected]
the student to thoroughly analyse a given medical term in terms of its component parts. This is probably
Tel. +48 52 585 34 46
the greatest aid in learning to understand the vocabulary of medicine. The main part of this study consists
Folia Medica Copernicana 2013; of tables containing the most common morphemes together with numerous examples.
Volume 1, Number 2, 41–52 Key words: Latin, Greek, language of medicine, medical terminology
Copyright © 2013 Via Medica
ISSN 2300–5432 Folia Medica Copernicana 2013; 1 (2): 41–52

Introduction lishing a mechanical bond between specific terms and

a set of letters or syllables. This method of acquiring
Over the centuries, the development of medical termi- language competence is not sufficient or satisfactory,
nology has been based on the process of creating parallel because vocabulary acquired in such a way is easily
national and international terms, known all over the world forgotten. It is even easier to twist the terms.
and well-defined. In the field of medical, biological and The aim of the present paper is to offer a remedy for
pharmaceutical sciences, such a reliable tool of commu- the difficulties mentioned before, or at least, to familia-
nication was Latin and Greek. In recent years, gradually rise the reader with medical vocabulary. Terminology,
but consistently Latin has been replaced by the Polish which is gathered in transparent tables (Tab. 1–6), is
language, which is becoming evident in the diagnoses intended to unveil the structure of the Latin terms as well
of diseases. Simultaneously, another trend also pre- as to trace shades of the contents suggested by prefixes
vails. In fact, English has already permeated and partially and suffixes. Understanding of the etymological and
replaced even Polish medical language. This state of morphological mechanisms is a simple way to acquire
affairs is somewhat surprising, since basic knowledge of and remember the most curious phrases.
Latin names of diseases and drugs enables international It is worth mentioning that, admittedly, juxtapositions
communication, which seems crucial at a time when more similar to those offered in my paper have appeared
and more people enjoy travelling abroad. previously. However, it seems advisable to present them
Medical Latin still enables, or at least facilitates, once again in a more sophisticated form, especially
the use of multilingual specialist literature. It is in- at a time when educational standards for the medical
dispensable in communication with scientists from faculty do not include teaching Latin.
other countries. It enables us to precisely define and Today, the dominant language of science is English.
differentiate between concepts1. The benefits flowing All the most influential medical journals are written in
from knowledge of Latin are so significant that it seems English, and English has become the language of
impossible to imagine a physician, pharmacist or international conferences. We have entered the era of
physiotherapist without even elementary knowledge medical English, which resembles the era of medical
of this language. Nonetheless, fluent command of the Latin in that, once again, physicians have chosen
vocabulary requires a lot of effort. Learning numerous a single language for international communication.
names and terms without philological preparation is Note, however, that English is rooted in the classical
time-consuming; moreover, it usually leads to estab- languages. It is estimated that about 90% of the med-

1Astriking advantage of Latin is its brevity, clarity and precision, especially compared to its Polish counterparts, e.g. homoeopathia instead of "leczenie małymi
dawkami środków, które w większych dawkach wywołują daną chorobę" or hyperphoria instead of "zez utajony ze skłonnością do odchylenia osi oka ku górze". 41
FOLIA MEDICA COPERNICANA 2013, vol. 1, no. 2

ical vocabulary in English is of Greek or Latin origin. the curriculum was not the right decision. Even poor
One cannot deny the huge impact of ancient Greek on knowledge of a foreign language (English or a Romance
medical terminology. language, and even a Germanic language) is enough to
It may be concluded that the modern language read a diagnosis written abroad, on the understanding
of medicine basically represents the ancient Greek that the reader has at least a basic knowledge of Latin2.
language transcribed into Latin. English equivalents This review may be helpful in this respect and it
gathered in the tables and sounding almost identical might form the basis for learning medical terminology
to the original term show that removing Latin from in other languages, especially in English.

Table 1. Greek prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples Meaning of examples
Latin English In English In Polish
a-, an- without, an-aemia an-aemia lack of blood niedokrwistość, anemia
not Gr. (Greek) an + haima (blood)
an-aesthesia an-aesthesia loss of bodily sensation brak czucia, anestezja
(an-aesthesis) Gr. an + aisthesis (sensation)
an-orexia an-orexia loss of appetite brak apetytu, anoreksja
Gr. an + oreksis (appetite)
an-uria an-uria the absence of urine bezmocz
Gr. an + uron (urine)
ana-, an- up, ana-lysis ana-lysis separating into constituents in order to study rozbiór, rozłożenie na
upward, Gr. ana + luo (to loosen) czynniki, analiza
again ana-mnesis ana-mnesis the ability to recall past events; recollection przypomnienie, wywiad
Gr. ana + mimnesko (call to mind) lekarski, anamneza
ana-tomia ana-tomy art of studying the different parts of any rozbiór, anatomia
organised body
Gr. ana + temno (to cut, to hew)
anti- against, anti-dotum anti-dote remedy to counteract a poison odtrutka, antidotum
opposed to Gr. anti + didomi (to give)
anti-pyreticum anti-pyretic fever-reducing przeciw-gorączkowy
Gr. anti + pyretos (fever)
anti-septicum anti-septic capable of preventing microbial infection zapobiegający zakażeniu,
Gr. anti + septikos (characterized by putridity) antyseptyczny
anti-acidum ant-acid agent reducing acidity przeciw nadkwasocie
L. (Latin) anti + acidum (acid)
apo- off, away apo-physis apo-physis outgrowth odrostek, wyrostek
from Gr. apo + fyo (to grow, produce)
apo-plexia apo-plexy loss of consciousness udar mózgu, apopleksja
Gr. apo + plesso (to strike)
cata- down cata-menia cata-menia female period, menstrual discharge miesiączka, menstruacja
Gr. cata + men (month)
cata-tonia cata-tonia a severe psychiatric condition, stupor katatonia, osłupienie
Gr. cata + tonos (muscle tension)
cata-rrhus cata-rrh inflammation of the mucous membranes katar
Gr. cata + rheo (to flow)
dia- through, dia-betes dia-betes group of metabolic diseases cukrzyca
across Gr. dia + baino (to pass through)
dia-gnosis dia-gnosis identification of the nature and cause of an rozpoznanie choroby,
illness diagnoza
Gr. dia + gignosko (to learn)

dia-rrhoea dia-rrhoea flow through biegunka

Gr. dia + rheo (to flow)
dia-thermia dia-thermy local heating of the body tissues with an przegrzewanie tkanek,
electric current diatermia
Gr. dia + therme (heat)
is worth noting that even in countries in which there is an adopted habit of writing diagnoses in the national language, the basis of medical terminology is Greek /
Latin vocabulary: e.g. Latin myocarditis, English myocarditis, German Myokarditis, French myocardite, Spanish miocarditis, Italian miocardite; Latin strabismus, English
strabismus, Italian strabismo, French strabisme, Spanish estrabismo.

Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk, Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Table 1. Greek prefixes (cont. tab.)

Prefix Meaning Examples Meaning of examples
Latin English In English In Polish
dys- bad, dys-enteria dys-entery disease characterised by inflammation of the czerwonka, dyzenteria
painful, intestines
difficult Gr. dys + entera (bowels)
dys-pepsia dys-pepsia disorder of digestion zaburzenie trawienia,
Gr. dys + pepsis (digestion) dyspepsja
dys-pnoe dys-pnoea difficult respiration zaburzenie oddychania,
Gr. dys + pnoe (breeze) duszność
dys-trophia dys-trophy faulty or inadequate nutrition or development zaburzenie odżywiania,
Gr. dys + trophe (food, nourishment) dystrofia
ec-, ex- out, out of, ec-zema ec-zema acute or chronic inflammation of the skin wyprysk, egzema
outside Gr. ek + zema (to boil, to seethe)
ex-ophthalmus ex-ophthalmos abnormal protrusion of the eyeball wytrzeszcz
Gr. ex + opthalmos (eye)
ex-ostosis ex-ostosis a benign bony growth wyrośl kostna
Gr. ex + osteon (bone)
en-, em- in, inside, en-cephalon en-cephalon brain mózgowie
within Gr. en + kephale (head)
en-demia en-demic (adj) native to a particular area choroba występująca
(subst.) Gr. en + demos (people) na danym obszarze,
em-bolus em-bolus an obstruction causing an embolism: zator, czop zatorowy,
a blood clot embolia
Gr. em + bolos (throw)
em-bryo em-bryo fertilised egg before developing into a foetus zarodek, embrion
Gr. em + bruo (to grow)
hyper- over, hyper-aemia hyper-aemia excess of blood in a body part przekrwienie
above Gr. hyper + haima (blood)
hyper- hyper- excessive production of hormones by the thyroid nadczynność tarczycy
-thyr(e)osis -thyroidism Gr. hyper + thyreos (kind of shield)
hyper-tonia hyper-tonia increased rigidity, tension, and spasticity of nadmierne napięcie,
the muscles nadciśnienie, hipertonia
Gr. hyper + tonos (tension); cf hypo-tonia (an
abnormal loss of muscle tone)
hyper-thermia hyper-thermia an abnormally high body temperature gorączka, przegrzanie
Gr. hyper + therme (heat)
hypo- under, hypo- hypo-chondria an abnormally heightened and unreasonable chorobliwy niepokój
below -chondriasis fear of disease o własne zdrowie,
Gr. hypo + chondros (cartilage) hipochondria
hypo-dermis hypo-dermis a layer of cells beneath the epidermis in some tkanka podskórna
Gr. hypo + derma (skin)
hypo- hypo- low level of blood glucose niedocukrzenie krwi,
-glycaemia -glyc-aemia Gr. hypo + glukus (sweet) + haima (blood); hipoglikemia
cf hyper-glyc-aemia (an abnormally high level
of glucose in the blood)
hypo-thermia hypo-thermia abnormally low body temperature obniżona temperatura
Gr. hypo + therme (heat) ciała, hipotermia
meta- among, meta-bolismus meta-bolism complete set of chemical reactions przemiana materii,
between, Gr. meta + bolos (throw) metabolizm
after, later,
meta- meta- transformation przeobrażenie,
along with
-morphosis -morphosis Gr. meta + morphe (form) metamorfoza
meta-stasis meta-stasis the transference of a bodily function or przerzut, wtórne ognisko
disease to another part of the body nowotworowe, metastaza
Gr. meta + stasis (state of standing)
met- met- the anterior section of the hindbrain tyłomózgowie wtórne
-encephalon -encephalon Gr. met + encephalon (brain)
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Table 1. Greek prefixes (cont. tab.)

Prefix Meaning Examples Meaning of examples

Latin English In English In Polish
para- near, para-noia para-noia psychotic disorder characterised by delusions obłęd, psychoza,
beyond, of persecution paranoja
outside of, Gr. para + noos (mind)
alongside, para-plegia para-plegia paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal porażenie poprzeczne,
by, from, disease or injury paraplegia
together Gr. para + plege (blow, stroke)
par-esthesia par-esthesia sensation of burning, prickling, itching, or złudne odczucie,
tingling of the skin with no obvious cause parestezja
Gr. par + aisthesis (sensation)
par-otis par-otid salivary gland przyusznica, przyuszny
Gr. para + us, otos (ear) gruczoł ślinowy
peri- about, peri-cardium peri-cardium serous membrane surrounding the heart osierdzie
around Gr. peri + kardia (heart)
peri-osteum peri-osteum membrane surrounding a bone okostna
Gr. peri + osteon (bone)
peri-stalsis peri-stalsis rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract perystaltyka, ruch
(peri-staltica) Gr. peri + stalsis (contraction) robaczkowy jelit
peri-toneum peri-toneum serous membrane in mammals otrzewna, błona
Gr. peri + tonos (stretch) wyściełająca jamę
pro- before, pro-dromus pro-drome an early symptom zwiastun, objaw
forward, in Gr. pro + dromos (a course, race) zapowiadający
pro-geria pro-geria premature old age, condition occurring in przedwczesna starość,
children and characterised by small stature, przedwczesny starczy
absent or greying hair, wrinkled skin wygląd
Gr. pro + geron (old age)
pro-gnosis pro-gnosis forecast of the future course of a disease rokowanie, prognoza,
Gr. pro + gnosis (inquiry, investigation, przewidywanie
pro-phylaxis pro-phylaxis prevention of, or protective treatment for profilaktyka, zapobieganie
disease chorobie
Gr. pro + phylaxis (watching, guarding)
syn-, with, syn-droma syn-drome recognisable pattern of symptoms or objaw choroby, zespół
sym- together behaviours objawów, syndrom
Gr. syn+dromos (a course, race)
sy-stole sy-stole contraction of the heart skurcz, skurcz serca
Gr. syn+ stello (to send)
sym-biosis sym-biosis relationship of mutual benefit forma stałego współżycia,
Gr. sym+bios (life) symbioza
sym-ptoma sym-ptom a sign or indication of something objaw, oznaka, symptom
Gr. sym+pipto (to fall)

Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk, Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Table 2. Greek suffixes

Suffix Meaning Examples Meaning of examples
Latin English In English In Polish
-ia pathological agon-ia agon-y the last struggle of life; death struggle walka ze śmiercią,
L./E. state Gr. agon (contest) konanie, agonia
-y (E.) hyster-ia hyster-ia behaviour exhibiting excessive or nerwica histeryczna,
uncontrollable emotion histeria
Gr. hystera (womb)
man-ia man-ia excessive or unreasonable desire natręctwo, mania
Gr. mania (madness)
ophtalm-ia ophtalm-ia inflammation of the eye zapalenie gałki ocznej,
Gr. ophtalmos (eye) oftalmia
branch of physiolog-ia physiolog-y the branch of science concerned with the nauka o czynnościach
study functioning of organisms organizmów żywych,
Gr. physis (nature)+logos (word) fizjologia
psycholog-ia psycholog-y the science of the mind or of mental states nauka o zjawiskach
and processes i procesach psych.,
Gr. psychē (breath, spirit, soul, mind ) + logos psychologia
taxonom-ia taxomomy the science or technique of classification. nauka o zasadach
Gr. taxis (arrangement, order ) klasyfikowania,
-iasis condition, elephant-iasis elephant-iasis disease that is characterised by a thickening słoniowatość
infestation, of the skin and underlying tissues
pathological Gr. elephas (elephant)
state or its
cause lith-iasis lith-iasis formation of stone-like deposits kamica
Gr. lithos (stone)
psor-iasis psor-iasis facial skin disease łuszczyca
Gr. psora (itch)
trichin-iasis trichin-iasis disease caused by the trichinae in włośnica, trichinoza
the intestines and muscular tissues
Gr. thrix, trichos (hair)
-icus(L.) having epilept-icus epilept-ic relating to epilepsy padaczkowy,
-ic (E.) the nature Gr. epilepsia (seizures) epileptyczny
of, like,
pertaining to oncolog-icus oncolog-ic pertaining to oncology onkologiczny
Gr. onkos (lump, mass, bulk)
patholog-icus patholog-ic corresponding to pathology chorobowy, nienormalny,
Gr. pathos (suffering, sensation) patologiczny
thorac-icus thorac-ic of the thorax piersiowy
Gr. thorax ( breastplate, cuirass)
-ismus (L.) a condition aut-ismus aut-ism abnormal self-absorption zamknięcie się w sobie,
-ism indicated Gr. autos (self) autyzm
(E.) by the stem
embol-ismus embol-ism obstruction of an artery zatorowość
Gr. embolos (peg, stopper)
hypnot-ismus hypnot-ism art of inducing hypnosis hipnoza, hipnotyzowanie
Gr. hypnos (sleep)
rheumat- rheumat-ism disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones gościec, reumatyzm
-ismus Gr. rheuma (stream, flow)
-itis disease, appendic-itis appendic-itis inflammation of the vermiform appendix zapalenie wyrostka
inflammation L. appendix (supplement) robaczkowego
arthr-itis arthr-itis inflammation of a joint zapalenie stawu
Gr. arthron (joint)
bronch-itis bronch-itis inflammation of the bronchial tubes zapalenie oskrzeli
Gr. bronchos (windpipe)
ot-itis ot-itis inflammation of the ear zapalenie ucha
Gr. us, otos (ear)
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Table 2. Greek suffixes (cont. tab.)

Suffix Meaning Examples Meaning of examples

Latin English In English In Polish
-oma swelling, carcin-oma carcin-oma invasive malignant tumour rak
tumour Gr. karkinos (cancer)
granul-oma granul-oma a tumour consisting of a mass of granular ziarniniak
L. granulum (small grain)
neur-oma neur-oma tumour composed of nerve cells nerwiak
Gr. neuron (sinew, tendon, cord)
sarc-oma sarc-oma malignant tumour of the bone, mięsak
cartilage, fat, muscle
Gr. sarx, sarkos (flesh)
-osis disease adip-osis adip-osis accumulation of adipose tissue stłuszczenie, otyłość
Gr. adeps, adipos (fat)
neur-osis neur-osis mental disorder nerwica
Gr. neuron (sinew, tendon, cord)
tubercul-osis tubercul-osis infectious disease gruźlica
Gr. tuberculum (small lump)
process or hypn-osis hypn-osis a trancelike state hipnoza
action Gr. hypnos (sleep)
metamorph- metamorph- transformation metamorfoza,
osis osis Gr. meta + morphe (form) przeobrażenie
mit-osis mit-osis division of a cell nucleus podział jądra, mitoza
Gr. mitos (thread)

Table 3. Greek nouns as a first part of a compound

Part of Origin Examples Meaning of examples
the word
Latin English In English In Polish
anthrop- Gr. anthropo- anthropo-genesis the origin of man pochodzenie człowieka,
anthropos -genesis antropogeneza
anthropo- anthropo-phobia fear of human beings lęk przed kontaktem
-phobia z ludźmi, antropofobia
bio- Gr. bios bio-logia bio-logy study of living matter biologia, nauka
(life) o organizmach żywych
bi-opsia bi-opsy to take a sample biopsja, pobranie
for pathological examination wycinka narządu lub
tkanki do badania
broncho- Gr. bronchos broncho- broncho-cele dilation of a bronchus miejscowe rozszerzenie
(gullet) -cele oskrzela
broncho- broncho- inflammation of the smaller odoskrzelowe zapalenie
-pneumonia -pneumonia bronchial tubes płuc
cardi(o)- Gr. kardia cardio- cardio- megalocardia, an enlarged heart powiększenie serca,
(heart) -megalia -megaly kardiomegalia
cardio-plegia cardio- deliberate cessation zatrzymanie czynności
-plegia of cardiac activity serca, kardioplegia
colo(n)- Gr. colon colono- colono- a virtual, non-invasive form nieinwazyjna metoda
(large -graphia -graphy of colonoscopy badania jelita grubego,
intestine) kolonografia
colon- colon- examination of the colon using badanie jelita grubego,
-oscopia -oscopy a colonoscope kolonoskopia,
cyto- Gr. kytos cyto-logia cyto-logy the study of cells cytologia, nauka
(cell) o komórce
cyto-megalia cyto-megaly enlargement of cells cytomegalia, choroba
Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk, Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Table 3. Greek nouns as a first part of a compound (cont. tab.)

Part of Origin Examples Meaning of examples
the word
Latin English In English In Polish
derma(t)- Gr. derma dermat- dermat-oscopy examination of skin lesions badanie skóry,
(skin) oscopia dermatoskopia
dermat-ologia dermat-ology the study of the skin dermatologia, nauka
and its diseases o skórze i chorobach
enter(o)- Gr. enteron enter-algia enter-algia pain in the intestines kolka jelitowa, ból jelit
entero-colitis entero-colitis inflammation of the small intestine zapalenie jelita cienkiego
and colon i grubego
gastr- Gr. gaster gastro- gastro-enterology the study of the digestive system gastroenterologia, nauka
(stomach) -enterologia zajmująca schorzeniami
układu pokarmowego
gastro- gastro-scopy examination of oesophagus gastroskopia,
-scopia and stomach wziernikowanie żołądka
gynec- Gr. gyne gynaeco- gynaeco-logy the branch of medicine concerned ginekologia, nauka
(female) -logia with diseases in women o chorobach kobiecych
i ich leczeniu
gynaeco- gynaeco-mastia development of breasts in males ginekomastia, przerost
-mastia sutków u mężczyzn
h(a)em-, Gr. haima haemat-oma haemat-oma swelling of blood krwiak
h(a)emat­- (blood)
haemat-uria haemat-uria the presence of blood in the urine krwiomocz
hepat- Gr. hepar hepat-oma hepat-oma a tumour of the liver hepatocyt, wątrobianka
hepato- hepato-megaly an abnormal enlargement powiększenie wątroby
-megalia of the liver
hydr- Gr. hydor hydro- hydro-nephrosis dilation of the pelvis and calices wodonercze
(water) -nephrosis of kidneys
hydro- hydro-therapy external use of water hydroterapia,
-therapia in medical treatment wodolecznictwo
hypno- Gr. hypnos hypno-lepsia hypno-lepsy uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep nadmierna senność
hypno-sis hypno-sis a trancelike state hipnoza
hyster- Gr. hystera hystero- hystero-scopy visual examination of the uterus histeroskopia,
(uterus) -scopia wziernikowanie macicy
hystero-ptosis hystero-ptosis prolapse of the uterus opadnięcie macicy
litho- Gr. lithos litho-nephria litho-nephria stone in the kidney obecność kamieni
(stone) w nerkach
litho-tomia litho-tomy a surgical method for removal usunięcie kamieni z dróg
of calculi moczowych, litotomia
narc- Gr. narke narco-lepsia narco-lepsy sleeping disorder napadowa senność,
(numbness) narkolepsja
narco-mania narco-mania pathological craving for narkomania
or addiction to narcotics
nephro- Gr. nephros nephro-logia nephro-logy branch of medicine that deals nefrologia, dziedzina
(kidney) with the kidneys medycyny zajmująca się
schorzeniami nerek
nephro-pathia nephro-pathy disease of the kidney choroba nerek, nefropatia
neuro- Gr. neuron neur-algia neur-algia paroxysmal pain along the course of neuralgia, nerwoból
(cord, a nerve
neuro-sis neuro-sis a mental disorder nerwica
odont- Gr. odus, odonto-classis odonto-classis breaking of tooth złamanie zęba
odont-oma odont-oma a tumour of odontogenic origin zębiak
osteo- Gr. osteon osteo- osteo- a softening of the bones rozmiękanie kości,
(bone) -malacia -malacia osteomalacja
osteo-porosis osteo-porosis a disease in which the bones become zrzeszotnienie kości,
extremely porous osteoporoza
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Table 3. Greek nouns as a first part of a compound (cont. tab.)

Part of Origin Examples Meaning of examples

the word
Latin English In English In Polish
ot- Gr. us, otos ot-itis ot-itis inflammation of the ear zapalenie ucha
(ear) oto-myc-osis oto-myc-osis fungal infection of the ear grzybica ucha
pod- Gr. pus, pod-agra pod-agra gout in the big toe zapalenie śródstopno-
podos (foot) paliczkowe palucha
pod-algia pod-algia pain in the foot ból stopy
pyo- Gr. pyon pyo-derma pyo-derma skin eruption characterised ropne zapalenie skóry,
(pus) by pustules or the formation of pus piodermia
pyo-metra pyo-metra an accumulation of pus ropniak macicy
in the uterine cavity
pyr- Gr. pyr pyr-exia pyr-exia fever stan gorączkowy,
(fire) gorączka
pyro-therapia pyro-therapy the therapeutic use of fever leczenie gorączki,
leczenie gorączką
zoo- Gr. zoon zoo-logia zoo-logy science that studies the animal zoologia, nauka
(animal) kingdom o zwierzętach
zoo-nosis zoo-nosis animal disease that can be zoonoza, choroba
transmitted to humans odzwierzęca

Table 4. Greek nouns as second part of a compound

End of Origin Examples Meaning of examples
the word
Latin English In English In Polish
-algia Gr. algos my-algia my-algia muscular pain ból mięśniowy
neur-algia neur-algia pain along the course of a nerve neuralgia, nerwoból
-asthenia Gr. asthenes my-asthenia my-asthenia abnormal weakness of the muscles miastenia, osłabienie
(weak) mięśni
neur-asthenia neur-asthenia nervous debility and exhaustion neurastenia, nerwica
z objawami wyczerpania
-cele Gr. kele cysto-cele cysto-cele hernial intrusion of the bladder przepuklina pęcherza
(protrusion, into the vagina moczowego
hydro-cele hydro-cele an accumulation of serous fluid wodniak
-kinesia Gr. kinesis brady-kinesia brady-kinesia slowness of movement spowolnienie ruchów
hypo-kinesia hypo-kinesia slowed or diminished movement hipokinezja, osłabienie
of the body czynności ruchowej
-ectomia Gr. ektome gastr-ectomia gastr-ectomy (partial) removal of the stomach wycięcie żołądka lub
(L.) (excision) jego części
-ectomy mast-ectomia mast-ectomy removal of all or part of a breast mastektomia, wycięcie
(E.) sutka
-(a)emia Gr. haima an-aemia an-aemia lack of blood niedokrwistość, anemia
ur-aemia ur-aemia an excess of urea in the blood mocznica, uremia
-esthesia Gr. aisthesis an-aesthesia an-aesthesia loss of bodily sensation brak czucia, anestezja
dys-aesthesia dys-aesthesia impairment of sensation zaburzenie czucia
-genesis Gr. genesis patho- patho- the origin and development patogeneza, wywód
(origin) genesis -genesis of a disease choroby
onto- onto- development of an individual ontogeneza, rozwój
-genesis -genesis organism osobniczy
-graphia Gr. grapho cardio- cardio- the graphic recording of the movement graficzna rejestracja
(L.) (to write) -graphia -graphy or other function of the heart czynności serca
-graphy encephalo- encephalo- an X-ray examination of the brain radiografia mózgu
(E.) -graphia -graphy

Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk, Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Table 4. Greek nouns as second part of a compound (cont. tab.)

End of Origin Examples Meaning of examples
the word
Latin English In English In Polish
-malacia Gr. malakia myo-malacia myo-malacia pathological softening rozmięknienie mięśni
(softening) of muscular tissue
osteo-malacia osteo-malacia a softening of adult bones rozmiękanie kości,
-mania Gr. mania clepto-mania klepto-mania an irresistible impulse to steal skłonność do kradzieży,
(madness) kleptomania,
megalo-mania megalo-mania delusions of grandeur, power mania wielkości,
-odynia Gr. odyne acr-odynia acr-odynia disease of the skin characterised zaczerwienienie kończyn,
(pain) by increased sensibility of the soles akrodynia
and palms
ot-odynia ot-odynia pain in the ear, earache ból ucha, ból w uchu
-opia Gr. ops my-opia my-opia a disorder of the vision krótkowzroczność,
(vision) miopia
poly-opia poly-opia multiple vision widzenie mnogie
-pathia Gr. pathos a-pathia a-pathy lack of feeling zobojętnienie, apatia
(L.) (suffering) psycho-pathia psycho-pathy a personality disorder osobowość
-pathy nieprawidłowa,
(E.) psychopatia
-phobia Gr. phobos arachno- arachno- irrational fear of spiders lęk przed pająkami
(fear) -phobia -phobia
claustro- claustro- the fear of enclosed spaces lęk przed zamkniętą
-phobia -phobia przestrzenią,
-plegia Gr. plege hemi-plegia hemi-plegia inability to move one side of the body porażenie połowicze
(stroke) para-plegia para-plegia paralysis of both lower limbs porażenie poprzeczne,
-rrhagia Gr. regnymi haemo-rrhagia haemo-rrhage a profuse discharge of blood, bleeding krwotok
(-rrhage) (break forth) phlebo-rrhagia phlebo-rrhagia venous haemorrhage krwotok z żyły
-rrhaphia Gr. rhaphe aorto-rrhaphia aorto-rrhaphy suture of the aorta zszycie aorty
(L.) (stitch) perinaeo- perineo-rrhaphy suture of the perineum zszycie krocza
-rrhaphy -rrhaphia
-rrh(o)ea Gr. rhoe dia-rrhoea dia-rrhoea abnormal frequency biegunka
(flow) and fluidity of fecal evacuations
leuco-rhoea leuco-rhoea white discharge obfite upławy białe
-scopia Gr. skopeo gastro- gastro-scopy examination of oesophagus wziernikowanie żołądka,
(L.) (to view) -scopia and stomach gastroskopia
-scopy (E.) hystero- hystero-scopy the examination of the uterus using wziernikowanie macicy,
-scopia a hysteroscope histeroskopia
-spasmus Gr. spasmos entero- entero-spasm increased, irregular, stan kurczowy jelit
(L.) (convulsion­- -spasmus and painful peristalsis
-spasm -cramp) vaso- vaso-spasm spasm of the blood vessels kurcz naczyń
(E.) -spasmus krwionośnych
-stomia Gr. stoma colo-stomia colo-stomy an incision into the colon to allow for wytworzenie sztucznego
(L.) (mouth) drainage odbytu, kolostomia
-stomy uro-stomia uro-stomy artificial excretory opening from the stomia na układzie
(E.) urinary tract moczowym, urostomia
-therapia Gr. therapeia photo- photo-therapy the use of light to treat disorders of the światłolecznictwo,
(L.) (treatment) -therapia skin and mood disorders fototerapia
-therapy physio- physio-therapy therapy that uses physical techniques fizjoterapia, fizykoterapia,
(E.) -therapia such as massage and exercise leczenie metodami
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FOLIA MEDICA COPERNICANA 2013, vol. 1, no. 2

Table 4. Greek nouns as second part of a compound (cont. tab.)

End of Origin Examples Meaning of examples

the word
Latin English In English In Polish
-thermia Gr. therme dia-thermia dia-thermy the production of heat in body przegrzewanie tkanek,
(L.) (heat) tissues by electric currents diatermia
-thermy electro-thermia electro-thermy the electrical generation of heat terapeutyczne
(E.) zastosowanie ciepła
-tomia Gr. tome laparo-tomia laparo-tomy incision through the abdominal wall nacięcie jamy brzusznej
(L.) (incision) lobo-tomia lobo-tomy the operation of cutting into a lobe, dawna metoda
-tomy (E.) as of the brain or the lung chirurgicznej operacji
mózgu, lobotomia
-trophia Gr. trophe a-trophia a-trophy a reduction in the functionality zanik, zmniejszanie
(L.) (nourish- of an organ się objętości komórki,
-trophy ment) atrofia,
(E.) dys-trophia dys-trophy faulty or inadequate nutrition or zaburzenie odżywiania,
development dystrofia

Table 5. Greek adjectives

Part of Greek Examples Meaning of examples
the word adjective
Latin English In English In Polish
allo- Gr. allos all-ergia all-ergy an abnormal reaction of the body to alergia, dosł. odmienna
(other) a encountered allergen reakcja
allo-kinesia allo-kinesis passive movement, reflex movement ruch bierny, ruch
kończyną inną niż
auto- Gr. autos aut-opsia aut-opsia a dissection performed on a cadaver stwierdzenie naoczne,
(self) oględziny, sekcja zwłok
auto-therapia auto-therapy spontaneous cure of a medical condition, samoleczenie,
self-treatment of a medical condition samoistne wyleczenie
brady- Gr. bradys brady-cardia brady-cardia abnormal slowness of the heart beat bradykardia, wolna
(slow) czynność serca
brady- brady- slowness of thought common to many zwolnienie czynności
-phrenia -phrenia disorders of the brain umysłowych
cac- Gr. kakos cac-hexia cac-hexia general ill health with emaciation charłactwo,
(bad) wyniszczenie
caco-genesis caco-genesis a morbid, monstrous, or pathological growth wadliwy rozwój
or product
crypto- Gr. kryptos crypto- crypto- the reappearance of a long-forgotten pamięć podświadoma,
(secret, -mnesia -mnesia memory as if it were a new experience kryptomnezja
crypt- crypt- the failure of one or both testes wnętrostwo,
-orchismus -orchidism to descend into the scrotum niezstąpienie jąder
ecto- Gr. ektos ecto-derma ecto-derm the outer germ layer in the embryo ektoderma, zewnętrzny
(outside) listek zarodkowy
ecto-zoon ecto-zoon any animal parasite that lives zewnętrzny pasożyt
on the surface of its host zwierzęcy
erythr- Gr. erythros eryth-ema eryth-ema abnormal redness of the skin rumień
erythro-cytus erythro-cyte red blood cell krwinka czerwona,
hemi- Gr. hemi- hemi-crania hemi-crania a headache affecting one side of the head połowiczy ból głowy
(one half)
hemi-plegia hemi-plegia inability to move one side of the body porażenie połowicze
hetero- Gr. heteros hetero-phoria hetero-phoria a tendency of the eyes to deviate from the zez utajony, heteroforia
(other, parallel
hetero- hetero- transplantation of tissue obtained przemieszczenie tkanki
-plastica -plasty from another person or animal obcogatunkowej,
Katarzyna Jóskowska, Zenon Grabarczyk, Greek and Latin in medical terminology

Table 5. Greek adjectives (cont. tab.)

Part of Greek Examples Meaning of examples

the word adjective
Latin English In English In Polish
hom(o)eo- Gr. homoeo- homeo-pathy system of treating diseases with very small leczenie małymi
homoios pathia amounts dawkami środków,
(similar) homeopatia
homoeo- homeo-stasis condition of bodily equilibrium zdolność do
stasis utrzymania stałości
środowiska wewn.,
iso- Gr. isos iso-tonia iso-tonia a condition of tonic equality jednakowe ciśnienie
(equal, osmotyczne, izotonia
like) iso-thermia iso-thermal occurring at constant temperature izotermiczny, o stałej
(adj) temperaturze
leuco- Gr. leucos leuc-aemia leuk-aemia cancer of blood forming tissue białaczka, leukemia
(white) leuco-cytus leuko-cyte a white blood cell krwinka biała, leukocyt
macro- Gr. makros macro- macro- having an abnormally large head wielkogłowie
(large) -cephalia -cephalic (adj)
macro- macro- enlargement of the tongue nadmiernie
-glossia -glossia powiększony język
mega- Gr. megas, mega-colon mega-colon abnormal dilatation of the colon okrężnica olbrzymia
(megal-) megalu megalo- megalo- delusions of grandeur, power mania wielkości,
(large) -mania -mania megalomania

melan- Gr. melano- melano- an unusual darkening of the skin przebarwienie skóry,
melanos -dermia -derma melanodermia
(black) melan-oma melan-oma type of skin tumour czerniak
mes- Gr. mesos mes- mes- midbrain śródmózgowie
(middle) -encephalon -encephalon
mes-enteron mes-entery the midgut jelito środkowe
micro- Gr. micros micro-bion micro-be any microscopic organism bakteria, drobnoustrój
(small) micro-somia micro-somia abnormal smallness of the body karłowatość
mono- Gr. monos mono-plegia mono-plegia paralysis of a single limb (or muscle) porażenie jednej
(alone, kończyny, monoplegia
single) mono- mono- a medical treatment using a single drug leczenie choroby
-therapia -therapy jednym lekiem
neo- Gr. neos neo- neo-natology branch of medicine that deals nauka o noworodku,
(new) -natologia with newborn infants neonatologia
neo-plasma neo-plasm abnormal new growth of disorganised tissue nowotwór
oligo- Gr. oligos oligo-phrenia oligo-phrenia less than normal mental development niedorozwój umysłowy,
(little) oligofrenia
oligo-pnoea oligo-pnoea abnormally infrequent respiration zwolnione oddychanie
ortho- Gr. orthos ortho-dontia ortho-dontia straightening of the teeth leczenie wad zgryzu,
(straight) ortodoncja
ortho-pedia ortho-pedics correction of deformities ortopedia
pan- Gr. pas, pan-creas pan-creas a gland near the stomach trzustka
pasa, pan pan-demia pan-demic epidemic over a large area epidemiczna na dużym
(all) (adj) obszarze
poly- Gr. polys poly-phagia poly-phagia excessive desire to eat żarłoczność
(much, poly-uria poly-uria abnormally large amount of urine wielomocz
pseudo- Gr. pseudo- pseudo- pseudopod nibynóżka,
pseudes -podium -podium pseudopodium
(false) pseudo- pseudo- portion of tissue that resembles a tumour guz rzekomy
-tumor -tumour
tachy- Gr. tachys tachy-cardia tachy-cardia a rapid resting heart rate częstoskurcz, szybka
(fast) czynność serca,
tachy-pnoea tachy-pnoea excessively rapid respiration szybki rytm
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FOLIA MEDICA COPERNICANA 2013, vol. 1, no. 2

Table 6. Greek adverbs

Part of Greek Examples Meaning of examples
word adverbs
Latin English In English In Polish
di- Gr. dis di- di-morphism existing in two forms dwupostaciowość,
(twice) morphismus dymorfizm
di-plegia di-plegia paralysis of the identical part on both sides of porażenie obustronne,
the body diplegia
endo- Gr. endon endo- endo- mucous membrane błona śluzowa macicy,
(within) -metrium -metrium endometrium
endo-scopia endo-scopy examination using an endoscope wziernikowanie,
eu- Gr. eu (well) eu-phoria eu-phoria an excited state of joy stan nienaturalnie
dobrego samopoczucia,
eu-thanasia eu-thanasia painless death pogodna, łatwa śmierć;
tele- Gr. tele tel- tel-encephalon the endbrain kresomózgowie
(distant) encephalon
tele-pathia tele-pathy ability to communicate by psychic means komunikacja bez użycia
zmysłów, telepatia
Abbreviations: E. — English; Gr. — Greek; L. — Latin.

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