Translation of Medical Terms

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The document discusses the translation of medical terms from Portuguese to German and some of the challenges that arise due to differences in terminology used among medical professionals versus everyday language. It also provides examples of Latin/Greek-derived terms and their Germanic equivalents.

When translating from Portuguese to German, there is often a choice between using the Latin/Greek-derived technical term or an everyday Germanic language term. This can pose challenges for translators. There may also be misunderstandings if different notions are associated with the same concept in medical versus everyday usage.

The examples given are Appendizitis (Latin) versus Blinddarmentzündung (Germanic) for appendicitis, and Diabetes (Latin) versus Zuckerkrankheit (Germanic) for diabetes.

Translation of Medical Terms

Katrin Herget, Teresa Alegre

Universidade de Aveiro

1. Introduction

The translation of medical terms from Portuguese into German represents

an interesting and rich area for translation studies. This article provides a
contribution to the characterization of the main translation-related
problems encountered in this area. All European languages share the same
Greco-Latin roots in medical terminology. The preservation of the Latin
language as the language of sciences until the 19th century, contributed to
a great range of lexical similarities in medical nomenclature, and its effects
can be observed until today. The knowledge of the Latin roots helps
professionals in the field of medicine understand medical texts in different
languages. The purpose of this study is not only to describe but also to
classify the analyzed examples. We believe that this categorization of
cases will help professional translators and students in finding solutions
when they encounter certain names of diseases in Portuguese which have
to be translated into German. The main focus of this article is the
communication between non-professionals, in particular journalists who
write for a general readership that has no special medical background

2. The function of popular science texts in the field of health care

During the last decades, the number of scientific

When translating
publications, in particular publications from the
medical terms from
field of health care, has increased enormously. On
Portuguese into
the one hand, advances in education contributed
German in popular
to the emergence of non-professional, but well-
science texts,
informed readers with a rising interest in health
students are often
care issues. An ever increasing number is
uncertain about
interested in learning more about their own body.
whether to opt for the
On the other hand, the rapid development of
erudite term or the
media and communication technologies has
term from everyday
decisively contributed to the popularization of
medical terms, which today form an integral part
of everyday language. Health care is a
widespread concern, and patients expect their doctors to provide them
with more and more detailed information. The increase in the number of
publications of popular science texts has made a very remarkable
contribution to the spread of medical language among the general
population. However, the use of scientific terms may constitute a
comprehension barrier between the doctor and the patient, which is why
professionals prefer to use terms from the everyday language when talking
to their patients. Such communication may, however, lead to
misunderstandings due to the fact that doctor and patient have a
completely different notion of one and the same concept. In German, for
instance, the doctor normally uses the term Diabetes, whereas the patient
would rather opt for the word Zuckerkrankheit ('sugar disease'). The
term Zuckerkrankheit gives a quite general idea of the disease and just
underlines one aspect of the whole pathological condition.

The main reason for our research is the specificity of medical terms in
German. While in Portuguese, many terms, especially names of diseases
(apendicite, cataratas, conjuntivite etc.), are used in both professional and
non-professional communication, i.e. between doctors as well as between
patients, in German we normally come across two terms that belong to the
same concept. One term is of Latin origin and typical of communication
between experts, the other one has Germanic roots and is part of everyday
language. Let us illustrate this situation by giving an example: Whereas
the German professional (doctor) would use the term Appendizitis, in the
communication between non-professionals the
word Blinddarmentzündungwould be preferred. When translating from
Portuguese (or from other Romance languages) into German, it is evident
that the option for either the Latin (or Greek) term or the Germanic term is
by no means arbitrary and depends basically on the "skopos" of the
translation. If the text to be translated addresses a general audience, it
would be correct to use the term of German origin, whereas in a
translation for professionals the erudite term of Latin origin would be
adequate. Although the question of synonymy (in sensu lato) seems
evident, it is a matter of fact that words and their use undergo constant
evolution, which may result in additional problems for the translation. As it
happened in economics, for example, the dissemination of medicine
enriched everyday language with terms that before had been used
exclusively by professionals, whereas, at the same time, other German
words fell into disuse and sound antiquated while they are still used in the
area of medicine. Apart from that, everyday language also 'absorbed'
disease terms which relate to currently discovered diseases and new ways
of treatment. Due to all of these reasons, the translation of medical terms
may present a translation problem. This is why we intend to contribute to
the identification of a set of problems encountered when dealing with
medical texts in translation classes and try to offer some possible solutions
for particular translation problems. We focused, therefore, on Portuguese
popular science texts that were extracted from the Internet. These texts
appeared in thematic sections of general publications, in health care
magazines, and in information leaflets directed at a general readership.
Most of these texts were written by technical journalists and not by

3. Theoretical background

Medical language belongs to the so-called languages for special purposes

(Fachsprachen / línguas de especialidade) which differ from everyday
language above all in the specificity of the terminology and in that they are
used in communication between professionals. These languages for special
purposes are part of the language system and can be classified in different
ways. This classification is always difficult, since these languages are in
constant development and partially overlap with everyday language.
Lothar Hoffmann (1985) presents two distinct ways of classifying
languages for special purposes: a vertical and a horizontal division. The
horizontal division is made on the basis of different knowledge domains
and is characterized by its open structure, which means that, due to the
evolution of science, new areas are continuously born. As far as the
vertical division is concerned, Hoffmann distinguishes according to the
level of abstraction, the text genre, the speakers involved etc.

Our analysis is based on the typology proposed by Löning (1981: 83), in

which she differentiates four main levels according to the degree of
specialization among the communication partners and the aim of the text
or the conversation:

1.1 communication partners: professional - professional (doctor -


2 aim: transfer of current specialized knowledge

3 style: scientific texts

4. examples : publications, summary reports

2.1 communication partners: professional - semi-professional
(doctor - medical student/health personnel)

2 aim: transfer of basic knowledge

3 style: instruction

4 examples: course books, handbooks, monographs

3.1 communication partners: professional - non-professional

(doctor - patient)

2 aim: education and practical instruction

3 style: education

4 examples: books and writings on patient education and instruction

4.1 communication partners: non-professional - non-professional

(journalist - reader)

2 aim: arouse interest and turn problems public

3 style: popular sCience texts

4 examples: articles in newspapers, magazines of general interest and

health magazines

Löning's typology is very detailed and therefore serves as theoretical

framework for this research. Since it is our objective to focus on popular
science texts written for a non-professional readership, we will exclusively
focus on levels 3 and 4.

4. Case studies

In order to understand the translation difficulties which arise from

translating into German, we should keep in mind that this Germanic
language, especially its scientific lexicon, has been greatly influenced by
terms of Greek and Latin origin. The effective use of Latin in medical
discourse did not start decreasing until after the 18th century, with the
ongoing substitution of the classical languages with the vernacular.
Nevertheless, specific medical vocabulary still kept a strong influence of
the Greek and Latin etymons, as happened in other European languages.
In German, the majority of the specific medical vocabulary derives from
Latin and Greek, but these terms did not reach the general language. Non-
professionals used a parallel term of Germanic origin to express
themselves about diseases or health conditions. So, along the centuries,
two different lexicons have coexisted: on one hand the erudite forms used
by physicians and, on the other hand, the popular form of Germanic origin.
According to the translation situation and/or to the textual genre, it is
necessary to take into account the different register levels and possible
changes in vocabulary, especially when translating from Romance
languages like Portuguese, which sometimes have only one term, of Latin
origin. Recent evolution in the influence of Anglo-American terms in
science should also be taken into account. The English language has
strongly influenced, and is still influencing, scientific language and, through
this influence, many terms (some of them from a Latin or Greek origin)
were introduced into the German language, both in specialized and popular

The terms analyzed in this study (mostly designations of diseases) were

selected from a variety of popular science texts, and many examples were
collected in practical translation classes. In spite of being restricted, this
group of terms allows us to characterize typical translation problems.
According to the translation situation described in this article, the
translator should make a choice between the German term and the Greek /
Latin equivalent when translating popularizing texts. We will now exemplify
and comment on specific situations, by introducing the Portuguese term
and its translation into German. It is possible to characterize three major
situations: A - translations in which only the term derived from Greek or
from Latin is adequate; B - translations in which both terms appear, the
German popular word followed by the erudite term in brackets; and finally
C - translations in which only the German term is adequate, because the
erudite term is known only by the specialist.

A - Use of the erudite term (Greek and Latin origin)

Sometimes it is only possible to use a word derived from Greek or Latin,

because there is no other term of Germanic origin to designate this illness
(A -1). In this case, there is only one equivalent, and it does not represent
a translation problem. In several other cases, the erudite term is the only
one adequate for the popular science text, although the popular term also
exists. The reasons for that are not always the same, therefore in the next
part the different options will be analysed.

A - 1 Inexistence of a Germanic term

Portuguese German

(Latin and Greek


acne Akne

alergia Allergie

apatia Apathie

asma Asthma

bronquite Bronchitis

difteria Diphterie

edema Ödem

embolia Embolie

trombose Thrombose

In the previous examples, the diseases and health problems are well-
known to the general public, and there is no common Germanic word for

A - 2 Preferential use of the erudite term (of Greek / Latin origin)

because of its scientific precision

Portuguese German German

(exact term) (fuzzy term)

angina de peito Angina pectoris Herzenge

diabetes Diabetes Zuckerkrankheit

escoliose Skoliose Seitverbiegung der

exoforia / Exophorie / Schielen nach außen

esoforia Esophorie bzw. innen

leucemia Leukämie Blutkrebs

taquicardia Tachykardie Herzrasen, Herzjagen

A - 3 Preferential use of the erudite term (of Greek / Latin origin)

to prevent possible negative connotations

Portuguese German German

(adequate (non-adequate
term) term)

adiposidade Adipositas Fettsucht

anorexia Anorexie Magersucht

bulimia Bulimie Ess- und


disfunção erektile Impotenz

eréctil Dysfunktion

flatulência Flatulenz Blähsucht

The examples above illustrate a group of diseases which are taboo, not
socially accepted or simply unpleasant. They often refer to food disorders
or sexual illnesses. In these cases, the use of the erudite term derived
from Greek or Latin seems to neutralize the negative connotations of the
German term.

A - 4 Preferential use of the erudite term (of Greek / Latin origin)

due to an old-fashioned Germanic term
Portuguese German German

(adequate term of (old-fashioned

Greek or Latin popular term)

anemia Anämie Bleichsucht

doença de Huntington / Chorea Huntington Veitstanz

coreia de Huntington

epilepsia Epilepsie Fallsucht

febre tifóide Typhus Fleckfieber

hepatite Hepathitis Gelbsucht

sífilis Syphilis Franzosenkranheit

tuberculose Tuberkulose Schwindsucht

The above-mentioned examples demonstrate the effects of time and

language change. Some terms become old-fashioned and tend to
disappear from the discourse used in the media (A - 4). In some other
cases (A - 5), the disease is so rare that it is only known to the specialist
or investigator and to the patient's family. When one of these "orphan
diseases" is mentioned in the general media, there is usually no other term
that might be used.

A - 5 Use of the erudite term (of Greek / Latin origin) due to the
rareness of the disease (orphan diseases)

Portuguese German

hipofosfatasia Hypophosphasie

limfangioleiomiomatose Lymphangioleiomyomatose

listeriose Listerose

mucoviscidose Mukoviszidose
B - Use of popular term and introduction of erudite term as
additional explanation

Portuguese German

apendicite Blinddarmentzündung

arritmia Herzrhythmusstörung

gastrite Magenschleimhautentzündung

glaucoma Grüner Star (Glaukom )

meningite Hirnhautentzündung

pneumonia Lungenentzündung

poliomielite Kinderlähmung (Poliomyelitis)

sinusite Nebenhöhlenentzündung

In an attempt to elucidate the term or educate the public, popular science

journalists sometimes use the common term and add the erudite term in
order to clarify the meaning. These terms often refer to health problems
for which new treatments have been found and that are at the moment
being disseminated among the general public. Others simply reveal that
the Germanic word is becoming old-fashioned. These examples
characterize a transition phase, in which the erudite term is progressively
becoming part of common language.

C - Use of the popular term (of Germanic origin)

Portuguese German German

(Germanic origin) (non-

apneia Atemstillstand Apnoe

cataratas Grauer Star Katarakt

conjuntivite Bindehautentzündung Konjunktivitis

constipação Schnupfen Rhinitis


dor de Kopfschmerzen Cephalea


dor de dentes Zahnschmerzen Dentalgie

estrabismo Schielen Strabismus

sinusite Nebenhöhlenentzündung Sinusitis

tosse Keuchhusten Pertussis


The above examples refer to common health complaints and non-specific

health problems, which have long been known by the general public. The
translation of these terms from Portuguese into German represents a
problem, because the erudite word in German, similar to the Portuguese
word, is not used or completely unfamiliar to the non-professional. It is
advisable to make translation students aware of these cases, so that they
may select the adequate word according to the genre.

5. Conclusion

When translating medical terms from Portuguese into German in popular

science texts, students are often uncertain about whether to opt for the
erudite term or the term from everyday language. It is exactly this
synonymy that presents a challenge for the translator. According to the
translation skopos, it is necessary to decide on one term. For better
understanding of this tricky translation problem, we analyzed different
popular science texts and came up with a typology consisting of three main
cases, one of them divided into several subgroups. This classification shall
contribute to improving transparency when translating medical texts
written for a non-professional readership.

We also observed a very strong tendency of popularization of erudite terms

in popular science texts. These texts are often written by technical
translators for non-professionals in order to inform or instruct them. It is,
however, important to underline that today's non-professionals are
different from those of some decades ago. Nowadays, it has become more
and more important for a patient to learn about the most common
diseases, their symptoms and how to protect themselves against them.
The modern patient is more curious and also more demanding. This fact is
closely linked to the general tendency of popularization in science. It can
therefore be expected that Latin terms will become more widespread in
popular science texts in the future.


Eckart, Wolfgang U. (2005): Geschichte der Medizin. Berlin: Springer.

Hoffmann, Lothar (1985): Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache. Eine

Einführung. Tübingen: Narr

Löning, Petra (1981): „Zur medizinischen Fachsprache. Stilistische

Gliederung und Textanalysen". In: Muttersprache 91, 79-92.

Porter, Roy (2006): The Cambridge History of Medicine. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

The Problems of Translating Medical Terms from

English into Arabic
ARGEG, GARSA,MOUSBAH (2015) The Problems of Translating Medical Terms from
English into Arabic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
This study tackles the problems of translating medical terms from English into Arabic a. It uses
an evaluative approach to investigate and discuss the problems and intricacies of translating
medical terms from English into Arabic. The purpose of the study is to display the difficulties of
translating medical terms and how they were tackled by postgraduate students who are
competent in medical translation and professional Arabic translators who work in the medical
field. The study adopts a qualitative-quantitative approach. It focuses on different types of
medical terms, excluding pharmacy-related terms. In order to find out and identify the real
difficulties behind translating medical terms and how they could be approached by experienced
translators, the researcher utilized a questionnaire test that included a set of English medical
terms to be translated into Arabic by students who were doing a PhD in translation. The same
questionnaire was also given to a group of professional Arabic translators. As medical terms are
the key components of medical texts, the questionnaire included forty-five diversified English
medical terms taken from different medical reports, namely National Health Service (NHS)
leaflets and flyers and World Health Organization (WHO) reports for 2007 and 2008. The official
Arabic translations of these documents were used to assess the translations given by the
subjects in comparison to and contrast with some medical dictionaries and reliable medical
websites. The population of the study included 54 postgraduate students (doing PhDs in Arabic
translation) in Libyan (the researcher’s origin country) and UK universities and 12 Arabic
translators working in UK hospitals and clinics.
The results from the data analysis showed that the translation of the medical terms posed real
difficulties and challenges for the students and inexperienced professional translators although
the experienced professional translators found them comparatively straightforward. Hence, the
result highlights the problems of translating medical terms from English into
Arabic and the importance of training to work in the medical field as a translator. Also, the study
concluded that literal translation, the heavy use of transliteration, inconsistency, the students’
lack of sufficient experience and practice in medical translation, and lack of up-to date English-
Arabic medical dictionaries are factors that have given rise to problems in medical translation.
Also, the study showed that almost no professional translators use CAT tools or MT to help
them translate the medical terms.
Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)

Award: Doctor of Philosophy

Keywords: medical translation Arabic-English

Faculty and Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Modern Languages and Cultures, School of

Thesis Date: 2015

Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author

Deposited On: 08 Jun 2015 09:44

Medical Translation: Is it expected to medical

Image Copyright: nasakid / 123RF Stock Photo

Many tend to think that medical translation is something that can address the need for simpler terms
to replace medical jargon. There is a common misconception that medical translation is the solution
in understanding “difficult” words used in the health care industry.

The phrase “medical translation” is often understood by many as the translation of medical terms into
simpler words. But that’s far from reality.
Defining Medical Translation
It is basically the conversion of medical documents and content from one language to another. These
documents and content include:

- Clinical documentation
- Marketing material
- Technical and regulatory documents
- Medical devices
- Pharmaceutical product instructions or documentation
- Software training materials
- Medical product labels

There are also cases when documents used in conducting clinical trials need to be translated for the
consumption of local clinicians and regulatory representatives. Medical translation is still about
linguistic skills although there is the added factor of being knowledgeable with medical terminology.
Because of the highly technical and sensitive nature of medical content, it’s important for a medical
translator to properly understand medical lingo to be able to produce translations that properly
represent the idea of the content being translated.

Making jargon easier to understand is not the main objective of medical translation. After all, those
who will be using the translated content are not the patients but persons who have a higher level of
understanding on medical information. Medical translators, however, may become more conscious in
making things simpler when they are tasked to translate patient education materials. It’s a matter of
who the intended audience is.

The Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Translators

As mentioned, it’s not enough for medical translators to be fluent in the languages that will be used
for the translation. It’s also essential to have a thorough understanding of complex medical terms and
concepts. It’s impossible to properly translate something without properly understanding the context.
It is also expected that a medical translator is able to create translations that are precise and concise.
Additionally, a medical translator is expected to ensure the confidentiality of the information
exchanged between a physician and a patient.

The Impact of Medical Jargon on Patient Care

It is unfortunate that many in the healthcare sector still perceive jargon as a badge of honor. It is their
way of showing that they are knowledgeable and different from ordinary people. Often, this kind of
mindset affects patient care. It propagates the potential for misunderstanding. It diminishes the
accessibility of healthcare information to disadvantaged individuals.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 9 out of 10 adults find it
difficult to follow routine medical advice because of jargons. There’s nothing good about this since it
leads to patients deciding to skip important medical tests or in properly taking their medications.
Studies have already shown how poor understanding of healthcare related information worsens
patient outcomes.

Since 2010, the US federal and state officials have been pushing for the simplification of medical
language when used by doctors, health professionals, and insurers to interact with patients. In fact, a
federal program called National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy was even created to promote
simplified healthcare and medical language across the United States. Under this program, terms such
as dyspepsia (indigestion), cutaneous (skin-related), petechiae (rash), and anaphylaxis (abrupt and
serious allergic reaction) will have to be presented in simpler terms especially when used in medical
product labels and patient education materials.
Medical Translator vs. Medical Interpreter
The arguments change when talking about medical interpreting as opposed to medical translation. In
most cases, medical interpreters are hired to serve as the liaison between physicians and patients who
speak different languages. Interpreters may be hired to facilitate discussions among medical
professionals but their usual task is to facilitate understanding between patients and medical

Medical interpreters are expected to put their translations in simpler terms. Most of the time, they are
expected to address the jargon barrier issue. If they have difficulties understanding certain medical
terms, they should ask the physician for clarification to simplify things for the benefit of the patient.
Conversely, it is important for them to clearly, precisely, and concisely interpret the words of a
patient for a physician to make the proper diagnosis.

It is unfortunate that many hospitals continue to ignore policies in hiring qualified medical
interpreters. Many hospitals still employ untrained and inexperienced medical interpreters. There are
also interpreters who do the verbal translations simply for the sake of translating. They don’t care if
the patients understand what they are talking about. Some interpreters also fail to properly distinguish
similar-sounding words like the French “estomac” (stomach) and Creole “lestomak” *(chest), which
can lead to severe or life-threatening situations.
Ultimately, this post aims to emphasize the difference between a translator and an interpreter.
Translation is to writing while interpreting is to the verbal aspect of translating. Translators, for the
most part, only have to deal with the language-to-language concerns of medical translation. Medical
interpreters, on the other hand, are supposed to make things easier to understand for patients.
Moreover, they have to have the experience and keenness in properly differentiating words as little
mistakes (including mishearing) have serious implications.

To answer the question on this post’s title – NO, medical translators are usually not expected to
simplify medical jargon unless they work with patient education materials.

French- English translation dictionary

French medical terminology

By Sylvia Edwards Davis
| Contributing Editor
Rachael Dickens DO MROF
Registered Osteopath
The Treatment Rooms, 39 rue Vauban, Antibes
Tel: +33 (0)4 93 34 67 17

Human anatomy
General body diaphragm – la diaphragme
abdomen – l’abdomen
head – la tête back – le dos
skull – le crâne spine – l’épine
eye – l’œil vertebral column – la colonne vertébrale
nose – le nez pelvis – le bassin
ear – l’oreille
mouth – la bouche Leg
neck – le cou
hip – la hanche
General terms thigh – la cuisse
bottom – le derrière
surgery – la chirurgie knee – le genou
X-ray – une radio(graphie) leg – la jambe
surgeon – un chirurgien ankle – la cheville
anaesthesiologist – un/e anesthésiste foot – le pied
anaesthetic – un anesthésie local/générale toes – les doigts de pieds
medication – la médication
blood – le sang Special senses
blood vessels arteries and veins – les artères les
veines smell – l’odorat
blood test – le prise du sang hearing – l’audition
on an empty stomach – à jeun taste – la goût
a splint – une gouttière balance – l’équilibre
to cure – guérir sight – la vision
to treat – soigner touch – le touchè

Shoulder & arm General problems, & signs and symptoms

shoulder – l’epaule cancer – le cancer

shoulder girdle – la ceinture scapulaire diabetes – la diabète
clavicle – la clavicule allergies – les réactions allergiques
scapula – l’omoplate bone fractures – les fractures osseuses
elbow – le coude osteoarthritis – l’arthrose
arm – le bras rheumatism – l’arthrite rhumatoide
forearm – l’avant-bras osteoporosis – l’ostéoporose
wrist – le poignée arteriosclerosis – artériosclérose
hand – la main whiplash – le coup du lapin
fingers – les doigts Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) – les
microtraumatismes permanents
Torso muscular tear – un claquage musculaire
inflammation – l’inflammation
thoracic cage – la cage thoracique migraine – la migraine
ribs – côte glaucoma – le glaucome
influenza – la grippe throat – la gorge
“flu” (to describe “feeling unwell”) – la grippe trachea – la trachée
pain – la douleur larynx – la larynx
ache – le mal salivary glands – les glandes salivaires
itching – démangeaison oesophagus – l’oesophage
vertigo – le vertige stomach – l’estomach
fever – la fièvre duodenum – le duodénum
chills – sensation de froid small intestine – l’intestin grele
swelling – une enflement large intestine – le gros intestin
sleeplessness – l’insomnie gall bladder – la vésicule biliaire
shooting pain – une douleur lancinante pancreas – le pancréas
pins & needles – des fourmillements liver – le foie
rectum – le rectum
Respiratory system faeces – les selles
throat – la gorge Signs and Symptoms
trachea – la trachée digestion – la digestion
lungs – les poumons bowel movement – la défécation
Signs and Symptoms> swallowing – la déglutition
breathlessness – essoufflement vomit (noun) – la vomissure
breathless – esoufflé vomiting – vomissements
wheezing – sifflement nausea – la nausees
cough – une toux constipation – la constipation
phlegm – un phlegmon diarrhoea – la diarrhée
asthma – l’asthme mucus in the stools – mucus dans les selles
bronchitis – une bronchite blood in the stools – sang dans les selles
collapsed lung – le pneumothorax ulcer – l’ulcère gastro-duodénal
hernia – les hernies
Cardiovascular system gall stones – les calculs biliaires
irritable bowel syndrome – le syndrome d’irritation
heart – le coeur
lungs – les poumons
artery – l’artère Nervous system
veins – les veines
valve(s) – le(s) valve(s) nerves – les nerfs
aortic valve – valve aortique brain – l’encéphale
mitral valve – valve mitrale grey matter – la matière grise
blood group – groupe sanguin cerebral spinal fluid – le liquide céphalorachidien
Signs and Symptoms spinal cord – la moelle épinière
Signs and Symptoms
angina – l’angine de poitrine
mini stroke (transient Ischemic attack)- l’ischémie radiating pain – une douleur localisèe
transitoire shooting pain – une douleur qui lance
stroke (cerebral vascular accident)- l’accident linear pain – une douleur linèaire
vasculaire cérébral sudden but fleeting pain – une douleur brève,
heart attack – la crise cardiaque apparaissant et disparaissant brutalement
swollen legs – les jambes enflées progressively worse pain – une douleur
breathlessness – essoufflé progressive
arteriosclerosis – l’athérosclérose a burning pain – une douleur qui brûle
arythmia – l’arythmie pins and needles – les fourmillement
high blood pressure – l’hypertension artérielle epilepsy – l’épilepsie
palpitations – les palpitations multiple sclerosis – la sclérose en plaques
chest pain – douleur dans la poitrine Parkinson’s disease – la maladie de Parkinson
dementia – la démence
Digestive system
Urinary system episiotomy – épisiothomie
epidural – épidurale
kidney – le rein Tens machine – Tens machine
urethra – l’uretère cervix – col de l’utérus
bladder – la vessie
urine – l’urine
Signs and Symptoms
odour – l’odeur
colour – la couleur
infection – une infection
increase in urine volume – augmentation des
envies d’uriner
decrease in urine volume – diminution des envies
kidney stones – les calculs rénaux
urinary incontinence – l’incontinence
increase in thirst – être assoiffé
Hormonal system
hypothalamus – l’hypothalamus
pineal gland – l’épiphyse
pituitary gland – l’hypophyse
thyroid gland – la glande thyroide
parathyroid glands – les glandes parathyroides
adrenal glands – les glandes surrénales
pancreas – le pancréas
ovaries – les ovaires
testicles – les testicules
Signs and Symptoms
diabetes – le diabete
Reproductive system
penis – le pénis
testicles – le testicule
sperm – le spermatozoide
breasts – les seins
vagina – le vagin
uterus – l’utérus
menstruation – les règles
fallopian tube – la trompe de Fallope
pregnancy – la grossesse
egg – l’ovule
Signs and Symptoms
infertility – la stérilité
loss of erection – les problèmes d’érection
discharge – l’émission
Giving birth
Induced labour – accouchement provoqué
waters broken – perte des eaux
placenta – placenta

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