6 Weeks To Great Abs - T Nation
6 Weeks To Great Abs - T Nation
6 Weeks To Great Abs - T Nation
The truth is most ab routines out there are complete garbage. Yes, diet is a key factor to seeing your abs, but doing a half-
assed ab exercise to wrap up each workout won't build the strong, chiseled abs you're after, either.
You'll begin each workout with anti-movements. These are to prevent injury and reinforce a strong, stable mid-section.
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Then add high-tension movements, single-limb movements, and direct ab movements. These will build dense muscle
through your abs.
Anti-Extension Exercises
These resist extension of the spine. They include:
Ab wheel rollouts
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Anti-Lateral Flexion
These build the ability to prevent your body from bending sideways. Deep stabilizers like the quadratus lumborum (QL) and
external muscles like your obliques carry out this role. They include:
Side planks
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These build resistance through the lumbar spine. You need the "anti" movements in your training if you want to maximize
performance and prevent injury. The goal here is to stimulate and strengthen. Program these exercises first in your workout
to boost performance and prevent injury:
Cable chop/lift
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After doing anti-rotation movements, you'll program strength-building exercises. They're a much a better way to get a six
pack than starving yourself. Build brutally strong abs with high-tension exercises that also build total body strength and
power. These big lifts are the backbone of all good programs. You'll perform a steady dose of the following:
Front Squat
If you're new to front squats, adding in these puppies will obliterate your mid-section. Your torso battles to keep you vertical
and prevent your hips from going into an excessive anterior pelvic tilt. This hammers your obliques, rectus abdominus, and
spinal erectors. It prevents folding forward like an accordion and dumping the bar.
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Front squats alone are a killer for your abs. Take them up a notch by adding in two pauses. First, pause in the hole of your
squat, then pause above parallel in your sticking point. You'll create immediate tension during the lift and then hold it
through the toughest part of the exercise.
Farmers Walk
Farmers walks (https://www.t-nation.com/training/farmer-s-walk-cure) require stabilization of your hip and spine with every
step. Your ab and back muscles work in concert to prevent unwanted movement, building a dense, strong core that's as
powerful as it looks. Posture dictates muscular function, so keep your spine tall and abs braced with each step.
Hang Deadlift
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Hang deadlifts are a full deadlift followed by a deadlift to the base of the knee before locking out. This ends up being a long
time-under-tension movement, requiring you to reinforce trunk stiffness. Your core works in all dimensions to prevent flexion
and transfer force. It all adds up to an incredible high-performance ab exercise.
Other useful high-tension strength building movements include cleans, chin-ups, deadlifts, and overhead presses.
3 – Single-Limb Ab Exercises
These force you to recruit more core muscles to stabilize the spine and transfer load in ways neglected by bilateral lifts.
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Beyond building world-class athleticism and shirt-stretching traps, dumbbell snatches provide a missing component in most
lifters' ab training – high-velocity movement. Using a total body movement like a single-arm dumbbell snatch requires your
core to contract and transfer force. Your abs contract to stabilize the unbalanced weight overhead.
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A split-stance dumbbell row turns your dumbbell row into an excellent anti-rotation and anti-flexion core exercise.
With a heavy dumbbell in one hand, lock the opposite arm out on a bench and hold a flat back position. Keep the feet
staggered and row the dumbbell in a "j-path" towards your ribcage while preventing unwanted rotation and flexion.
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All overhead presses are great core exercises, but single-arm varieties are even better. As you lift overhead, your core
must stabilize to prevent unwanted hyper-extension through your spine. Taken a step further, single-arm dumbbell presses
require you to prevent lateral flexion, training deep stabilizers like your quadratus lumborum (QL) and superficial muscles
like your obliques. Here's what the push press version looks like:
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Beyond attacking muscular imbalances from barbell pressing, single-arm bench presses force you to drive your feet into the
ground to prevent you from corkscrewing off the bench. As a result, you'll bring up weak points in your upper body while
hammering your obliques and QL.
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The mechanisms for hypertrophy are the same whether we're talking about biceps or abs. You'll need to combine high-
tension exercises, create metabolic stress, and create muscular damage. The exercises listed above provide plenty of
tension. Now your focus shifts to creating metabolic stress and damage through longer duration isolation sets to cap off
your training.
These isolation exercises will maximize your muscle-mind connection, but abstain from hammering too many rotational-
based exercises like side bends. Over-developed obliques leave you with the blocky abs look rather than a narrow, defined
mid-section. The anti-rotation and anti-lateral flexion movements described earlier provide plenty of stimulation for your
As with all isolation exercises, use a long time under tension to create metabolic stress. Take a one second pause at the
top, three to five second eccentric (negative), a slight pause, and a two-second concentric (lifting phase). Stay focused and
let your abs do the work rather than racing through these.
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Kneel while holding a rope attachment on a pulley at eye-level. With the sides of the rope held next to your head, push your
hips forward, extending your hips and stretching your abs at the top of the movement before flexing at the waist, squeezing
your abs as hard as possible at the bottom.
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Grab a pull-up bar with a double overhand grip, squeezing the bar as tightly as possible and keeping the elbows slightly
bent. Keep your shoulder blades retracted as if tucking them into your back pocket and holding them there. From this
position, flex your quads and bring your legs up past 90 degrees, allowing your hips to roll up, forming an "L" shape with
your body. Pause at the top range of motion for two seconds, lower under control.
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Hook your feet into the straps of a suspension trainer and assume a push-up position. Bring your knees in towards your
stomach while lifting the hips and crunching your abs. Extend back out to a full push-up position and repeat.
Remember, you're doing a program to emphasize the abs! Most of the exercises you do should be targeted towards your
Split your workouts into upper body and lower body sessions, but you only need to throw in a big movement or two to
target the chest (bench press) and back (barbell rows) on upper body days and a big movement for legs (squats or
deadlifts) on lower body day.
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The rest of the workout should consist of ab movements chosen from the 4 categories listed above: anti-rotation, high-
tension strength building, single-limb ab exercises, and muscular ab exercises. Each workout should contain one or two
movements from each category.
Each week, follow the basics of progressive overload by adding weight to the bar and getting a little bit stronger from
workout to workout. When combined with an aggressive fat loss diet, you'll have diamond cut abs.
Eric Bach
Eric Bach is a highly sought-after strength and conditioning coach, located in Colorado. Eric specializes in helping
athletes and online clients achieve optimal performance in the gym and on the playing field.
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