Muscle Intelligence 30-Day Primer - Hams & Glutes

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B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

glutes] 3 0 - D A Y W O R K O U T
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


Top athletes, bodybuilders, and figure athletes come to me to accelerate their
backside, and learn how to optimize training for their bodies.
Heres the great thing, its always the same small number of things that everyone
does wrong, that when identified, addressed and corrected with strict
adherence to the plan, make a massive difference in way less time than
most people believe is possible.

Much like all other body parts, hamstrings and To truly work hard at challenging the muscle, you must
glutes and very dependent on precision execution first create the correct starting position and maintain
to direct maximum tension into the muscle while it as you increase the load and work. When you finally
minimizing the contribution of other surrounding “get it”, your muscles grow but you don’t feel as tired,
fatigued and beat up after workouts.
It’s a beautiful thing that allows you to train more often,
If you take the time to learn how to do the small grow faster, and massively decrease (likely completely
number of exercises in this program, first do them

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

eliminate chance of injury).
near perfectly, then learn to work hard, muscle
growth is not a matter of “if”, but instead simply a When learning the things to focus on, high frequency is
matter of when. a big part of the process. The total amount of work in
each workout might feel low, but thats the point.

HERES THE CATCH: We don’t want overall fatigue.

The best program in the world is only as good as
your ability to execute it. We need perfect practice, and that requires you to feel
like you’re never digging a huge hole with your energy.
Execute with strict adherence to mastering the form, You’re going to do the same exercises a lot, smile, say
increasing the ability to stabilize so you can scale the thank you, and become the master of these exercises over

load without losing the positioning, then once you’ve the next 30 days. Aim to get better and better at every
locked all that in stone, putting in effort far beyond single rep. NEVER to simply complete reps and sets.
what you ever thought was possible.

You’ve NEVER worked hard in your life.

Why? Because gritting your teeth and mindlessly

slinging weights is not muscularly hard. It might be
neurologically taxing (taxing to the nervous system,
so you feel “exhausted”) but its not a direct and
concentrated stimulus to the muscle.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

A small number of exercises, done perfectly, and then

scaled for effort, and lastly volume and load is how to
approach this.

CORE 40:

USE THESE • Lying Leg curl - hip extension

EXERCISES • Seated Leg Curl. (substitute 45 degree hip ext if

you don’t have one)
FOR • Stiff leg deadlift. (straight knee and fixed)

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

• Glute-ham raise.

• *Squat (hip dominant)

USE THESE • Lunge (hip dominant)
EXERCISES • Stiff leg deadlift (knee bent but fixed)
FOR GLUTES: • Glute Bridge
*If you cant squat, use feet high leg press.

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

Upper Body Warm Up (WU):
Thoracic and Scapula Mobility and Stability Drills:

5 Mins deep diaphragmatic breathing.

1) T
 horacic Ext/Rotation.
(Thoracic Spine)

2) Retraction/Protraction
(Rhomboid mid-lower trap/Serratus)

3) Depression/Elevation
(Lat, or lower trap/Serratus and levator)

4) External/Internal Rotation
(Supraspinatus, Infrapinatus,Teres / Subscapularis.)


Here is a list of the movements and exercises to assess and progress to optimize

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

shoulder mobility and stability. (Note: the complete shoulder mobility and stability
program is available on the Mi40 Nation members area).

• Downward dog/upward dog: Thoracic Extension/Flexion

• Hands behind head Thoracic ext/external rotation
• Seated scap Arm raises : lower trap/upper trap.
• Prone Trap 3, Seated trap 3: sagital, frontal : lower trap/upper trap.
• Supine Loaded protraction/external rotation: Serratus anterior
• Standing behind head DB triceps ext.

• Retraction & Humeral Ext (Reverse pec fly): mid/lower trap/rear delt.
• Kettle bell bottom under press (90 degrees GH rotation): Entire shoulder function.
• Wide grip scap depressions/downward rotation: lower trap.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

Lower Body Warm Up (WU):
Hip Mobility and Stability Drills.

5 Mins deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Here is a list of the movements and exercises to assess and progress to optimize
shoulder mobility and stability. (Note: the complete shoulder mobility and stability
program is available on the Mi40 Nation members area).

• 90/90 hip PNF: Mobility before the stability.

• Stationary March- looking at hip position/lateral hip shift.
• Single Leg RDL: stability at 90 degrees of hip flexion
• Hip Airplane: hip stability at 90 degrees of hip flexion and abduction.
• Walking Lunge: Internal rotation and extension of rear leg, knee tracking
of front leg and foot position/pronation.
• Glute bridge: Activation.

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


An important point to make is that muscle building is a result of creating an internal state, not a
result of achieving an external goal (like lifting a weight, or doing a number of reps).

The goal of this program is not to simply lift more, its to first learn to master the skill of each exercise
you do, get better and better at precisely directing the stimulus to the muscle you want to train, and
away from the other muscles.

Lifting more weight, or doing more reps is only

useful if it definitively creates an internal signal for
growth. Unfortunately for most people, it doesn’t.
This isn’t a result of poor genetics or poor
nutrition as most people wrongly assume.


1. The signal to the muscle is too weak. (This STRONG Optimal performance
has nothing to do with the weight used).
2. The signal to the muscle is getting overridden

by the amount of stress created from the performance
amount of volume it takes to create the signal. because of
This state is dependent on a lot more than anxiety
simply lifting weights, but of course, creating the
Increasing attention

internal signal for growth is dependent on and interest
maximizing the stimulus to the muscle, while
paying attention to and potentially minimizing the
total stress to the system caused by exercise. LOW HIGH

How to maximize the stimulus:

 ou must be able to get into the ranges of motion necessary to fully lengthen and
shorten a muscle (AKA Mobility). [hams + glutes]
 ou must be able to create stability in the lengthened and shortened ranges for a
muscle. (AKA Stability). If something moves, you’re not stable.
 our ability to contract will be in direct proportion to your ability to perform the skill of
the exercise with stability.
 nce you contract a muscle, increase the contraction, then keep it. (“Squeeze it like it
owes you money”).
 ake a point to train your weakest links. (NOTE: If its “tight”, its weak!)
 O NOT sacrifice training in places of weakness in favor of using more weight. Use
heavy weights where you’re strong, and appropriate weights where you’re weak.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


• Nasal Breathing ONLY. During your “warm up” or preparing your body for
• Aim for some strong breath holds. exercise:
• Do not sit down.
• Do downward dog poses with slow *5-5 breath • Perform the starting exercise for the number of
nasal-diaphragmatic breathing. reps prescribed with little or no weight.
• Practice perfect form; “Physical Rehearsal.”
*5 seconds in, 5 second breath hold, 5 seconds out,
5 second hold. • Add a weight that might be equivalent to 20%
of what you’re used to lifting. Perform the same
Do not stretch during downward dog pose when training starting exercise for the number of reps described.
legs. Focus on light active contraction of the muscles on Keep perfect form.
the front of the body, rather than attempting to lengthen • Add 20% more weight.
the muscles on the back of the body.
• Keep perfect form.
TIME THE REST PERIODS. • When you reach a weight that allows you to
They matter to change the stimulus. complete the prescribed reps with 70-80% of
max. effort, you’ve found your starting weight.

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

• DO NOT go to failure unless the program
They matter to maximize the stimulus.
specifically says “To Failure.”

HOW TO READ TEMPOS: Failure introduces compensation patterns that slow

Example: 3121 long term progress. Just by doing exactly what is
stated in this program, you will concentrate your
3: the first number, represents the pace of the eccentric efforts and add more muscle than you believe
or lowering phase. possible both in the short term and long term.
1: the second number, is the pause in the stretched
2: the third number, represents the concentric or

1: the fourth number, is the pause in the contracted or
short position
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

At the beginning of every workout you will see:
BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
Intelligently executed breathing could be the biggest performance aid that
no one knows about...yet. Before you train, try a few of these breathing
techniques to: improve performance, increase work capacity, decrease
fatigue, decrease lactate (H+ accumulation), decrease perceived exertion,
increase aerobic capacity, improve utilization of fat as fuel at higher effort, ADVANCED:
improve focus and mental performance. (DO THE INTERMEDIATE AS WELL)

• Only ever breathe through

• Sit up straight in a chair,
• Only ever breathe through • Only ever breathe through cover your mouth and nose
your nose. your nose. with your cupped hands.
• Breathe into your cupped
• Sit up straight in a chair, • Sit up straight in a chair, hands with the intent of

after exhaling, hold your after exhaling, hold your making the breath as short,
nose for 5 seconds. nose until you feel a strong light, and small as you can.
urge to breathe. • Never fill your lungs, and
• Inhale and breathing
always aim to keep as much
normally for 10 seconds. • Inhale and breathing
air out of your lungs as
normally 30 seconds.
• Then breathe out and hold possible by staying close to
Repeat 5x.
your nose for 5 seconds. full exhalation.
Repeat 10x. • The goal here is to build a • Think “one centimeter” of air
strong air hunger and feel in and out only. Not more.
• This should be very easy • The air going out (and time of
like you need to breathe.
and only generate a small exhalation) should always be
amount of air hunger. more than the air coming in.
• The goal here is to
NOTE: Each of these breathing exercises can be made more effective by accumulate a large amount
incorporating walking, jogging, or running, while doing them. Any type of of CO2 in the blood and a
exercise that will increase the CO2 production in the body (movement increases strong air hunger that you
CO2 in the body that is then sent to the lungs to be excreted). Be smart, and
don’t let off for a long time.
don’t do things that put you in danger if you were to pass out. Passing out can
happen if you get to O2 (oxygen) levels less than 60% in the blood. • Stay with the air hunger and
resist the urge to take a deep
The goal of each of these is to increase the CO2 in the blood, which is the breath.
bodies trigger to release O2 from hemoglobin in the blood, and into the • Only take tiny sips of air.
tissues for use to improve performance. • Do this for 5-10 minutes.
These techniques are also very effective during workouts to increase CO2
and push more O2 into the tissue to drive better performance.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

Legal Disclaimer
The information presented in this work is by no way intended
as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling.
The information should be used in conjunction with the
guidance and care of your physician.
Consult your physician before beginning this program as you
would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose
not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with
your physician throughout the duration of your time using the
recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept
full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite
all precautions on the part of Pakulski Fitness International,
there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of
your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly
assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim
which you may have against Pakulski Fitness International, or
its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness
incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse
of the program.

Exercises are labelled as A, B, C. The letters refer to The rest listed for an exercise is the rest period
the exercise order. Complete all sets of exercise ‘A’ after each set . It is listed for each exercise
before moving onto exercise ‘B’. including super- and giant sets. Follow the rest

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

periods prescribed closely. When not listed, move
onto the next exercise without rest.
SUPER SETS: When exercises are labelled with a
letter and a number (ex. A1, A2), the exercises are
to be done in an alternating fashion, followed by the
Each exercise has a given rep range such as 8-10.
rest period prescribed. That’s ONE set.
The goal is to reach positive failure (the last properly
*NOTE: When there is no rest listed between performed rep) within that range or as close to the
A1/A2 etc., do them without rest. prescribed number as possible, unless otherwise
Example: indicated. Use your warm up sets to gauge the
A1 appropriate weight. Keep in mind it is normal for the
A2 weight to be reduced in the later sets to achieve
B the same rep range.

Perform A1 and A2 in sequence (that’s ONE set).
Repeat that sequence for the indicated sets before
moving onto the B exercise.

GIANT SETS: Similarly, if your workout consists of

a grouping of A exercises (ex.: A1, A2, A3), you
perform A1, A2, then A3 in sequence before going
back to A1. Repeat the cycle until you have
completed the indicated number of sets. Then
you can move on to the next exercise.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

Where you spend time during a rep can completely
change the stimulus on the body.
TEMPOS MATTER! Though most reps will be performed in a full range of
• Time in concentric will place a greater caloric and motion, there are times when partial reps, or a mix of
metabolic demand on the body. partial and full range movements will be used.
• Time in eccentric will be much less calorically Example: 1¼ reps - This means that for every full rep,
demanding, but cause more muscle damage. an additional ¼ partial rep is performed. In your
• Time in isometric can lead to greater workout it will designate 1¼ bottom or 1¼ top.
neurological recruitment if the contraction is For simplicity, ‘bottom’ or ‘top’ refers to where the
intentionally increased rather than relaxed. movement happens in space. So in a squat, ‘¼ top’
would be the top ¼ of a squat, ‘¼ bottom’ would be
FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS the bottom ¼ of a squat.


For the purposes of this program, an isometric hold
FOCUS SHOULD BE ON is employed following the concentric portion of a rep
EXERCISE MASTERY. when the muscle is fully contracted.
The goal is NOT simply to hold against the direction in
Focus on CONTROL as the only necessary tempo which the resistance is pulling, but instead to contract
right now. Pausing at the ends of the range of motion, / squeeze the working muscle as hard as possible
or anywhere in the middle, shows complete control. throughout the duration of the isometric, while remaining
The speed (in seconds) at which you should aim to in the most maximally contracted position possible.
perform each phase of a rep. There are four parts to Imagine BPak standing over you jamming his
every repetition, represented by a four-digit number. thumb into your muscle yelling “SQUEEZE it like it
Example: 3-2-1-0. owes you money!” ;)
• The first number (3) refers to the eccentric motion
of the working muscle. You are lowering the ‘NOS’ SETS
weight and lengthening the muscle. • Perform the set for the number of reps prescribed
(Ex; 8 reps).
• The second number (2) refers to the pause in the
• Then immediately perform 3 successive drop-sets.
stretched position.
• Allow 3 breaths to rest between drops.
• The third number (1) refers to the concentric • Decrease the load by approximately 20% each drop.
motion. You are lifting the weight and shortening • Aim to achieve 5 reps on each drop. These do not
the muscle. have to be to failure.
• The fourth number (0) refers to a pause (squeeze!) • At the end of the final full rep of the final set, end with
in the flexed position. as many partial reps as possible to absolute failure.
This will be the only complete failure point on this set.
Example: Bench Press with a 3-2-1-0 tempo • You will have completed 23 total reps plus finishing
Lower the bar to the chest (3 seconds), stretching partials.
the chest at the bottom (2 seconds), pressing up • Stay safe and only choose exercises that allow for
(1 second), no pause, the bar immediately comes failing safely (choose dumbbells over barbells).
back down. Example:
Example: Lat Pull-Down with a 3-2-1-0 tempo Last set of exercise: 8 reps
Pull the bar down (1 second), no pause (0), release •D rop 1 (after 3 breaths rest): 5 reps with 20% less weight
the bar up (3 seconds), stretch at the top • Drop 2 (after 3 breaths rest): 5 reps with a further
(2 seconds), repeat. 20% decrease in weight
• Drop 3 (after 3 breaths rest): to failure with a further
If you see an X in the tempo this means you 20% decrease in weight
perform this portion of the rep as explosively • Partials to failure
as possible.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


(typically performed on equipment with • Scapula- shoulder blade
selectorized pin loading) • Pelvis- hip girdle
• Trunk- spine and core
Choose a weight with which you can execute
approximately 8 to 10 reps of the given exercise. ANATOMICAL POSITIONS:
Following the last rep, immediately drop the weight Body positioning is key for proper exercise execution.
stack by a single pin and continue on (rest only as Here is a list of the common anatomical terms you may
long as it takes for you (or ideally someone else) to see in your workouts.
change the pin). Repeat this process until you reach
the last/ minimum weight plate of the stack! Grip
• Pronated - Overhand grip
REVERSE 21’S • Neutral - Palms face each other
Perform 21 reps, divided into 3 phases: 7 reps in • Supinated - Underhand grip
the weakest half of the range, then immediately • Mid Grip - Shoulder width
followed by 7 reps using a full range, immediately • Narrow Grip - Inside shoulder width
followed by 7 reps in the strongest range. • Wide Grip - Wider than shoulder width

Example (using a bicep curl): Arm position

1. Perform the top half of the rep. 90 degrees at the • Abducted 90 degrees - arm is laterally raised, making
elbow to the top. Repeat for 7 half reps. an L with your torso.
2. Full bicep curls from bottom to top for a total of 7 • Adduction is brining the arm closer to the body.
strict reps.
Body Position
3. Immediately perform the bottom half of the rep
• Supine - lying on your back
for 7 reps. From fully extended arm to 90
• Prone - lying face down
degrees at the elbow (21 in total for the exercise).
• Incline - Head is higher than your body.
REST. Repeat as prescribed. • Decline - Head is lower than your body.
• Retraction- Pull your shoulder blades back and toward
When an exercise is to be performed on one side at • Protraction- Move your shoulders forward in the sagittal
a time (‘lunges’ for example), the rep target depicted plane (toward your chest). The opposite of retract.

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

indicates the number of reps to perform PER side, • Scapula Elevation- Scapula moves up toward the ear.
NOT in total; and should always be completed on • Scapula Depression- Scapula moves down away from
ONE side before moving to the other side. DO NOT the ear.
alternate sides unless indicated. • Posterior Pelvic Tilt- Pull your tailbone down (tuck your
butt under), and pubis (front of pelvis) up.
THE TRAINING SPLIT / SCHEDULE: • Anterior Pelvic Tilt- Pull your tailbone up from behind
Every training split we choose has a very specific (stick your butt out).
reason. In many instances, it has to do with • Lengthened Muscle - in stretched position
complementary exercises that have a synergistic • Shortened Muscle - in contracted position
effect, making both body parts/ the opposing
muscles work harder, better, or have better mobility. Foot position
• Plantarflexed - Ankle is extended, point toes away from

• Dorsiflexed - Ankle is flexed, pull toes up towards shins.
• Wide stance - outside shoulder width
• Normal Stance - shoulder width or slightly wider than
• Narrow Stance - slightly inside shoulder width
• Duck Feet - Feet are turned out.

(NOTE: I will never suggest turning knees/feet in.)

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


Challenge positions of
weakness with time.
(You may choose to do this
week 2x consecutively.)
30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 1: Monday
BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Walking Lunge Hip 3 12 4220 2 mins

B1 Lying leg curl 3 15 4022 2 mins

C1 Squat (glute emphasis) 3 15 4220 2 mins

D1 Stiff Leg Deadlift (straight knee) 3 15 4220 2 mins

E1 Seated Leg curl 3 20 3222 1 mins

DAY 2: Tuesday
Exercise Sets reps

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

A1 Lower Chest DB Press 5 5 1 mins

A2 High Cable Biceps curl 5 15 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 6 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 15 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 8 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 20 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 8 1 mins

D2 Upper Chest DB Fly 3 15 1 mins

E1 Standing DB Curls 3 6 1 mins

E2 Cable Side Lateral Raise 3 20 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 3: Wednesday
BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Walking Lunge Hip 3 15 4220 2 mins

Lying leg curl 3 15 4022 2 mins

1 20

C1 Squat (glute emphasis) 3 20 4220 2 mins

D1 Stiff Leg Deadlift (bent knee) 3 20 4220 2 mins

E1 Seated Leg curl 4 15 3222 1 mins

DAY 4: Thursday

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Upper Chest DB Press 5 15 1 mins

A2 Standing DB Curls 5 6 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 20 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 6 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 20 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 6 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 20 1 mins

D2 Lower Chest DB Fly 3 8 1 mins

E1 High Cable Curls 3 20 1 mins

E2 Seated Overhead DB Press 3 6 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 5: Friday
BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Walking Lunge Hip 3 20 4220 2 mins

Lying leg curl 2 15 4022 2 mins

2 20

C1 Squat (glute emphasis) 4 20 4220 2 mins

D1 Stiff Leg Deadlift (straight knee) 3 20 4220 2 mins

E1 Seated Leg curl 5 15 3222 1 mins

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

DAY 6: Saturday Off

DAY 7: Sunday Off
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


Challenge positions of
weakness with extended time
(You may choose to do this
week 2x consecutively.)
30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 8: Monday
BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Lying leg curl 1 15 4020 2 mins
3 20

B1 Squat (glute emphasis) 4 15 4220 2 mins

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 20 4220 2 mins

(Straight knees)

D1 Seated leg curl 3 20 3220 1 mins

Walking Lunge Hip 4 12 4220 2 mins


F1 Glute Bridge 3 20 3022 1 mins

DAY 9: Tuesday

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Lower Chest DB Press 5 5 1 mins

A2 High Cable Biceps curl 5 15 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 6 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 15 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 8 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 20 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 8 1 mins

D2 Upper Chest DB Fly 3 15 1 mins

E1 Standing DB Curls 3 6 1 mins

E2 Cable Side Lateral Raise 3 20 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 10: Wednesday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
A1 Lying leg curl 4 20 4022 2 mins

B1 Squat (glute emphasis) 4 12 4220 2 mins

C1 Stiff Leg Deadlift (knees bent) 3 20 4220 2 mins

D1 Seated leg curl 4 20 3222 1 mins

E1 Walking Lunge Hip Dominant 4 15 4220 2 mins

F1 Glute Bridge 3 20 3022 1 mins

DAY 11: Thursday


30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Upper Chest DB Press 5 15 1 mins

A2 Standing DB Curls 5 6 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 20 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 6 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 20 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 6 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 20 1 mins

D2 Lower Chest DB Fly 3 8 1 mins

E1 High Cable Curls 3 20 1 mins

E2 Seated Overhead DB Press 3 6 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 12: Friday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.
Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
A1 Lying leg curl 3 20 4022 2 mins

B1 Squat (glute emphasis) 4 10 4220 2 mins

C1 Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 20 4220 2 mins

D1 Seated leg curl 4 20 3222 1 mins

E1 Walking Lunge Hip Dominant 4 20 4220 2 mins

F1 Glute Bridge 3 20 3022 1 mins

DAY 13: Saturday Off

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

DAY 14: Sunday Off

NOTE: If you’re measuring your HRV at this point
and it’s going down, take an additional 2 days off
before starting Week 3. Week 3 would then start on
Wednesday by doing the workout listed as “Monday”.
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


Progress distance and

ascending intensity
(You may choose to do this
week 2x consecutively.)
30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 15: Monday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Weighted Stationary Lunge 4 12 4220 2 mins
(front foot on 4” box)

B1 Lying leg curl 3 15 4022 2 mins

Squat (Heels elevated 2” quad 3 15 4220 2 mins


Stiff Leg Deadlift (Minimal Knee 3 15 4220 2 mins

Bend-toes elevated on plates)

E1 Glute Bridge 3 20 3222 1 mins

DAY 16: Tuesday


30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Lower Chest DB Press 5 5 1 mins

A2 High Cable Biceps curl 5 15 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 6 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 15 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 8 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 20 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 8 1 mins

D2 Upper Chest DB Fly 3 15 1 mins

E1 Standing DB Curls 3 6 1 mins

E2 Cable Side Lateral Raise 3 20 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 17: Wednesday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Weighted Stationary Lunge 4 10 4220 2 mins
(front foot on 4” box)

B1 Lying leg curl 3 12 4022 2 mins

C1 Leg Press (feet high) 3 12 4220 2 mins

Stiff Leg Deadlift Knees slightly 3 12 4220 2 mins

bent (toes elevated on plates)

E1 Glute Bridge 3 15 3222 1 mins

DAY 18: Thursday


30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Upper Chest DB Press 5 15 1 mins

A2 Standing DB Curls 5 6 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 20 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 6 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 20 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 6 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 20 1 mins

D2 Lower Chest DB Fly 3 8 1 mins

E1 High Cable Curls 3 20 1 mins

E2 Seated Overhead DB Press 3 6 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 19: Friday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Weighted Stationary 4 8 4220 2 mins
A1 Lunge (front foot on 4”

B1 Lying leg curl 3 10 4022 2 mins

C1 Squat (glute emphasis) 3 10 4220 2 mins

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 10 4220 2 mins

D1 (Minimal Knee Bend-
toes elevated on plates)

E1 Glute Bridge 4 15 3222 1 mins

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

DAY 20: Saturday Off

DAY 21:

Sunday Off
B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t


Ascending Intensity and Time.

(You may choose to do this
week 2x consecutively.) 30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 22: Monday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Stationary Lunge (front foot on 4 12 4220 3 mins
8” box)

B1 Lying leg curl 3 8 4021 3 mins

C1 Squat (Glute emphasis) 3 8 4110 3 mins

Stiff Leg Deadlift (Minimal Knee 3 15 4110 2 mins

Bend-toes elevated on plates)

E1 Glute Bridge 4 20 3222 1 mins

DAY 23: Tuesday


30-Day Workout [Quads]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Lower Chest DB Press 5 5 1 mins

A2 High Cable Biceps curl 5 15 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 6 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 15 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 8 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 20 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 8 1 mins

D2 Upper Chest DB Fly 3 15 1 mins

E1 Standing DB Curls 3 6 1 mins

E2 Cable Side Lateral Raise 3 20 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 24: Wednesday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Stationary Lunge (front foot on 3 12 4220 3 mins
8” box) 1 20

Lying Leg Curl 3 6 4021 3 mins

1 20

Leg Press (feet high)-Glute 2 8 4110 3 mins

Emphasis 1 20

Stiff Leg Deadlift (Slightly Bent 3 12 4110 2 mins


Glute Bridge 1 8 3222 1 mins

3 20

DAY 25: Thursday


30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

Exercise Sets reps
A1 Upper Chest DB Press 5 15 1 mins

A2 Standing DB Curls 5 6 1 mins

B1 Straight Arm Pulldown 4 20 1 mins

B2 Overhead DB Tricep Extension 4 6 1 mins

C1 One Arm DB Row 4 20 1 mins

C2 Lying DB triceps Extension 4 6 1 mins

D1 Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 20 1 mins

D2 Lower Chest DB Fly 3 8 1 mins

E1 High Cable Curls 3 20 1 mins

E2 Seated Overhead DB Press 3 6 1 mins

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

DAY 26: Friday

BREATHING: Performance Breathing Protocol
MOBILITY and STABILITY: Focus on Trunk/Spine and Pelvic Stability.

Exercise Sets reps TEmpo
Stationary Lunge (front 4 20, 15, 4220 3 mins
foot on 8” box) 10, 10

Lying leg curl 2 6 4021 3 mins

2 20

Squat (glute emphasis) 2 6 4110 3 mins

1 20

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 8 4220 2 mins

D1 (Minimal Knee Bend-
toes elevated on plates)

Glute Bridge 1 8 3222 1 mins

2 20

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]

DAY 27: Saturday Off

DAY 28: Sunday

B o d y P a r t S p e c i a l i z at i o n P r o j e c t

NOTE: This document is based

on advanced science and years of
application. The protocols set forth
are based around concepts known to
be effective when used in a range of
subjects. Please be sure to consult
a physician before using any of the
protocols as these are suggested
protocols based on experience and
science, not on the FDA guidelines.

30-Day Workout [hams + glutes]


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