Forgotten Circles Supplemental Scenario Book 2P

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Monster Artificial Intelligence Reference

1 1
Movement Valid Invalid Focused Attacked Initiative
path movement movement Attack-hex enemy enemy value

1. Initial check
1.1. Check for Attack ability and conditions 3
If a monster is DISARMED or does not have an Attack ability, it behaves as if a melee
attack targeting a single enemy was possible. An IMMOBILIZED  monster ignores any
Move abilities. A STUNNED monster cannot find focus, will not move, and ignores all
instructions on its ability card. 1
1.2. Check for a movement path
Measure a path to an unoccupied hex from which an attack can be performed (line-of-sight
to a target required). All identified hexes are attack-hexes  .
If no such path exists, the monster cannot find focus and will not move or attack. Move 2
Attack 1

2. Find focus > Path to attack-hex?

The monster finds a   and focuses a single enemy   applying the

following priority list: 15

2.1.   with a movement path that will trigger the fewest negative
hexes possible
2.2.   with a shorter movement path 1 2 1
2.3. Enemy in closer proximity to the position of the monster
2.4. Enemy earlier in the initiative order 1

Rules for initiative order for figures with identical initiative value: Move 2
Attack 1

non-leading ability cards break ties, if still tied players decide; summons
activate directly before their controller; characters performing a long rest
activate last; characters activate before monsters

Path length > Proximity > Initiative order

3. Execute Monster abilities (move, attack, and others)
Execute monster abilities from top to bottom. For move abilities:

1 The monster must end its movement with

a shorter path to the   or will not move.
2 The monster chooses a movement path
3 2

that will trigger the fewest negative hexes 2 2 2

possible. 1
Move 2

3 The monster moves to a   to attack 1 1 1 1 Attack 1

Range 3

its focus and as many additional enemies as

Move 2
Attack 1
Target 2 1
Move 1 Move 2 Move 2 Move 2

4 The monster moves away from its focus

Attack 1 Attack 1 Attack 1 Attack 1
Range 3 Range 2
Target 3 Target 2

until it can perform a ranged attack without

Disadvantage. 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 If the monster can move to multiple   to attack its focus, it will prioritize   that allow:
1. attacking the focus without Disadvantage,
2. attacking as many additional enemies as possible applying focus and attack rules based on the position of the monster
before movement.
3. attacking as few additional enemies with Disadvantage as possible.
6 A muddled monster will not move to lose its adjacency disadvantage. Elemental infusion/consumption is performed by the
first monster of the type activated, and the complete group gains any related benefits.

ends her turn adjacent to the altar, it is
Section 01 destroyed. When the altar is destroyed, no
Flame Demon is spawned in the rounds in
Section 02 :
Volcanic Wasteland : which a Flame Demon would be spawned. Proceed to section 50 on page 18.
“There is an altar through each of those
rifts!” the Aesther calls out to you. “They
must be destroyed to stop more demons
from coming through.” Section 03
Sapphire’s Winery :
As you step closer, you notice a heat radiating You step into a finely decorated winery and
from the portal. Its swirling, colorful surface b are greeted by a friendly female Orchid.
does not allow you to see what lies on the “Welcome to my humble establishment! We
other side. Bracing for the worst, you step carry wines from the world over and grace
through. your tongues with only the finest tastes.
d We even have some very fine Valrath black
The nearly unbearable temperature almost from the Red Desert. Is there something in
knocks you off your feet. Around you is an particular you are looking for?”
inferno of demons and molten rock. Through
the smoke, you spot an altar not far away. Purchasing some of her stock may make it
A red sphere rests atop it, and within the easier to get the information you require.
sphere, you notice drifting, black swirls. Flame Hot Coals
Demon (x4)
Special Rules :
Special Rules :
Any character attempting to persuade the
The Altar of Wildfire d has C+L+1 hit Orchid merchant a may spend 5 gold to
points and Shield 2. If the Aesther Diviner Dark Altar lower her persuasion value by 1 for the
Corridor (x1) (x1) current check before flipping an attack
modifier card.
Section 04 Special Rules :
Open door 1 (if closed).
Barge Ablaze : a
As you board the Orchid ship, you see your As long as ship a has less than 12 damage
a pack of lowlifes rummaging through the tokens, any character adjacent to table e
cargo, looking for books, scrolls, or the like. may perform a Loot action or forgo a bottom
Anything found is immediately thrown into action (discarding one card instead) to save
the fire. Clearly, someone hired them to the Record of Accounts.
commit this horrendous act.
Any character adjacent to hot coals g
may forgo a top action (discarding one
card instead) and remove a bucket of water
from their character mat to discard 8-C
damage tokens from ship a .

Barrel Shelf
g (x3) (x1)

Bandit e
g Section 05
Moving Walls :
Special Rules :
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
Spitting c c 1 c 3 , 5 , 8 , and 11 .
Move the six iron walls to positions:
p , t , s , a1 , a5 , and a6 .

Hot Coals Stairs Stone Pillar Shelf Table

(x4) (x2) (x1) (x2) (x1)
Section 06 Special Rules :
Open both doors 1 .
Kennel of Things : 88
From behind the door of the northern All Hounds are Wolf-Viper Abominations.
cabin, you hear guttural growls and They have H+3 hit points, where H is a
hissing noises that warn of impending Hound’s regular hit point value.
danger. When you enter, you recoil at the
stench. You’re greeted by an angry crowd Instead of using all the Hound ability
of slithering creatures baring jagged fangs cards, use only those with initiative
and covered in fur. values of 06, 72, and both 19s. Shuffle
these together with the Giant Viper
By the look of it, Valraths were not the ability cards with initiative values of
only thing these cultists experimented 23, both 43s, and the one 58 with
on—you now face a vile pack of “Move+1, Jump”. All references to Hounds
abominations. The beasts you see before or Giant Vipers apply to Wolf-Viper
you are held back by heavy leashes. They Abominations.
were genetically spliced together from 1 1
vipers and wolves.

Unimpressed by your intrusion, their

handlers snap loose the chains, setting
the creatures upon you as they raise their
weapons. Bandit Hound Valrath Treasure Barrel Shelf
Guard Tracker Tile (x1) (x2) (x1)

Section 07 past and present collapse on themselves—

cause and effect, again and again!”
Conclusion (97) : A
With the last of the necessary documents
in hand, you follow Cassandra back to her
She suddenly breaks from the trance and . I
stares at you with purpose. “Too much to do
sanctum through another mind-bending at once. Too many places to be at the same
gateway. She immediately gets lost in the time! These documents don’t paint the whole W
literature, leaving you with nothing to do but
wait. At least the expanse of stars around you
picture. I need more to plan a course of action.
We need newer texts from the Orchid society
W . N
offers plenty to ponder. 98 . But at the same time, I have concerns T
N 1
3 1
about the lasting effects the Void may have 1
N .
While reading, Cassandra falls into a deep had on the citizens of Gloomhaven 99 . The
trance, occasionally making cryptic utterances atlas did allow me to pinpoint one location New Locations :
to herself. “Duplicate the experiment to bring of Bastian’s work on the rift device 100 . And Past in Flames 98 (D-18),
forth unspeakable horrors—circles within possibly related, I have recently heard rumors
circles within circles, without a solution— of a tainted crypt that may hold more clues Aftershocks 99 (B-16),
spinning back and forth, letters over letters 101 .” Shifting Gears 100 (E-9),
on stone walls—shrouded in a black veil, Shrouded Crypt 101 (K-9)
poisoning their minds—setting ablaze their Cassandra slips a loose piece of paper from
most precious possessions—far and wide the folds of the atlas and hands it to you. Rewards :
we must search for more answers—hunted “There is also this, written by Bastian himself
through the city, through the planes, through in some sort of language I am not familiar 10 gold each
time—caged, robbed of his voice, left to rot— with. Maybe with time it could prove useful.” Add City Events 88, 89,
and 90 to the deck

Instead of dying, the red tone of her skin Special Rules :

Section 08 deepens. Her horns grow prominently from
her head, and her whipping tail sprouts
Place one elite Valrath Savage in the hex of
the civilian that was just killed. From now
A Life Taken, a Life Given : spines at the tip. Her eyes open, imbued on, any time a civilian a is killed, replace
Regrettably, your aid comes too late for one with ferocity. She leaps to her feet in a them with one normal Valrath Savage.
of the civilians, and you watch while she completely feral state, ready to tear apart
is mercilessly cut down before you. In her anything in her way. Valrath Savages do not activate until the
final moments, one of the cultists produces round following their appearance. They
a vial of red liquid and pours the contents “I have not seen such features in a Valrath are enemies to you and allies to all other
over her. The fluid mixes with her blood since the Demon War!” Cassandra cries. monster types.
and permeates her body. “Whatever is in those vials, it is bringing Valrath
back their original savagery instilled by the Savage
Section 09 Treasure Section 10
Crossing a Stream : Tile (x1) Moving Walls :
The caravan keeps a steady 4 The plate depresses easily, and at first,
Water you think perhaps it does nothing at all.
pace as it advances down (x5)
the road. You stay close, It’s possible all these little twigs have
dispatching attackers one 6 clogged up the underlying mechanisms.
Bush But then the floor suddenly rumbles, and
after the other. Up ahead, (x1)
you spot a small tributary of the loud sound of metal scraping against
the Serpent’s Kiss River—a stone emanates from the main hall. Once
location readymade for an 1 Stump the cacophony subsides, you look through
ambush. And sure enough, (x1) the door to see a vastly different scene
more highwaymen leap out, 7 than the one you left. The positions of the
surrounding your position. iron walls have changed, opening up new
passageways and closing off others.
In the chaos, you try to get
a peek at what is inside 5 8 “Oh my,” Cassandra muses. “This could
the caravan wagon, but an get complicated. Perhaps it might be
imposing Orchid blocks your view. “We do prudent to take some notes.”
appreciate all your help,” she says. “But be 3
warned that we will protect our cargo from 12 81 Special Rules :
any agent, friend or foe. Step back or you
will be crushed with the rest of this rabble.” Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
3 , 8 , 9 , and 10 .
9 11
Special Rules : c 10 Move the six iron walls to positions:
q , n , r , t , a4 , and a6 .
Respawn any two monsters (if able) in the c
previous room. These spawns must be
normal for two or three characters, or one
normal and one elite for four characters. Section Links :
When the Orchid Caravan a or any
character opens a door c , open the other
door c and read section 53 on page 19.
Section 11
A Tear in the Fabric :
Section 12 If any character without INVISIBLE loots
the treasure tile in this room, place 2 damage
Arranging the last element into one of the
Oddities and Trinkets : tokens next to the round tracker.
resonators, you notice all six start to glow
blue and hum at the same low frequency.
You are intrigued by this little shop on the The air begins to crackle and sparks jolt
corner and the tree sprouting through its across the room erratically. You watch as
roof. You step in the triangular door and find conduits in the floor absorb the energy
the whole building has been constructed b and guide it to a centralized point where
around this tree trunk—multiple planks a pattern emerges. Over these enigmatic
attach to it, forming ladders up to platforms markings, a projection of light arises.
storing heaps of gadgets and trinkets.
It looks like a window into a foreign
“Ah, come in, come in!” A disheveled Quatryl dimension. For some reason, your gaze
dressed in a patchwork rug greets you. “It’s is drawn to some earthen pots bound by
great to see new faces in here. Take your 77 ethereal chains. One sits on a shelf in an
time to marvel at my collection! I barter for old decrepit shack, a second is buried in
oddities from all corners of the world—one a heap of treasure, and the third lays next
man’s trash is another man’s treasure!” He to a sarcophagus in an old tomb. But the
picks up a small box and winds up a crank image then blurs and odd runes begin to
on the side. It begins to play a wonderful form out of a black smoke. They read:
“The protectors of the faith led their
Special Rules : Stairs Treasure marvelous creations to a war in the north.
Any character adjacent to the Quatryl The opposition held a guide to the ancient
(x2) Tile (x1)
merchant b may buy any number of teachings in a bejeweled hand.”
available small items with a cost of 20 or
more gold from the shop (modifiers for Tree (x1)
reputation apply as normal). Orchid and Special Rules :
Quatryl characters receive an additional Bush Cabinet All figures on the map gain
discount of 5 gold on each item they buy. (x1) (x1) CURSE .
You move to get a better view of the
Section 13 writing, but the statue suddenly comes
to life, channeling power from the altars.
Shrine of Ashtar : Additionally, some defensive mechanisms
You enter what appears to be a small place power up around it.
of worship for an ancient god of revelry,
community, and rejuvenation—Ashtar.
Intricate depictions of bonfires and festivities Special Rules :
decorate two great altars at the back of the The Savvas Lavaflow is the Avatar of
room, each of which is inlaid with massive Ashtar.
elemental gemstones. However, a large
statue of the god blocks your access, its arms Any character adjacent to altars or
outstretched toward the two walls flanking may spend a free action during their
it. Looking closer, you notice glyphs carved turn to infuse or , respectively, if
into the stone where the statue points. they are not suppressed.

Sense the creative mind

wander free at noon, its
passion fiercely defying the
natural motion.
Ancient Earth Flame Savvas Rubble Altar Wall
Artillery Demon Demon Lavaflow (x2) (x2) Section (x2)

Section 14 Special Rules :

From now on, use stone pillar a as the
The Floor Moves : center of a circle around which tile F1a e
You step on the floor switch, and the will rotate. Rotate tile F1a clockwise and
machinery below you immediately place tile D1a as shown. Open doors 1 .
kicks into gear. You can hear an engine
powering up and water rushing through When any character ends their turn on 76 85
nearby pipes. It almost sounds like the pressure plate e , remove it from the
thing is starting to breathe—first slowly, map, and remove one numbered token
but now growing to a rapid pace. next to the round tracker.

The floor shifts under your feet. Scraping Section Links :

and screeching—the sound of stone upon Number Pressure Pressure
metal—echoes through the chamber. You of tokens plate b plate c
feel the room rotate around the central
4 50 on 46 on 1 1
glass cylinder in a clockwise direction and
then lock into place before the machinery page 18 page 16
finally quiets down to a hum once again. 3 39 on 71 on
page 14 page 24
The glyphs on the wall blink and shift
as a stern, mechanical voice begins to
speak. “You put things in motion that
you cannot bring to an end. Each gear
is needed to set you on the correct
path. Like a pendulum, you must swing
forward and backward at the same pace
to reach a standstill right back here.”
c b

Living Stone Treasure Pressure Damage Water Boulder

Spirit Golem Tile (x2) Plate (x1) Trap (x2) (x3) (x1)

Sarcophagus (x2)
Section 15 Section Links :
Whenever any character ends their turn on
Section 16
Trash Dump : pressure plate d while there are no other Conclusion (99) :
A vile stench of excrement and rotten characters on tile N1b, read section 31 on Thanks to your efforts, lives were saved
leftovers washes over you as you open the page 11. in the gardens, but it becomes clear soon
door. Gnawed bones and other foul garbage enough that this was not an isolated incident.
litter the floor, and the walls are riddled with Cassandra failed to predict the extent of the
holes. You begin to wade through the refuse, corruption, as Valraths were attacked and
when a number of Vermlings emerge from d converted to savagery all across the city.
some of the larger of these holes, intent on
defending this trash pile with their lives. Luckily, the insignia on the cultists’ robes is
familiar to a few of the survivors. Apparently,
this is the doing of a recently formed “Cult
Special Rules : 1 2 of the Void”. After a little digging, you find
All hexes in this room are considered difficult a lead that may point to their location 105 .
terrain. Whenever any character enters a hex
in this room, they gain POISON . Cassandra is still visibly shaken by the
events. “This took a much darker turn than
I’d foreseen. Not only are they recreating the
Vermling Vermling Pressure Gloom’s work, but the strength the cult was
Scout Shaman Plate (x1) able to wield across the city—I fear they
may be drawing their power from a new
tear between the planes. I think it is time to
Section 17 Special Rules :
Hail a suffers damage equal to half her
consult Hail about the possibility.” You look
at her quizzically. She takes in a deep breath.
Escape is Not So Easy : current hit point value (rounded down) and “Yes, Hail and I are...familiar. Let’s head to the
“Cursed mongrels!” Hail cries as a dagger gains POISON . From now on, instead of Crooked Bone soon 104 .”
flies into her shoulder. She stumbles forward, performing “Move 2” during her turn, she
a mix of blood and green poison oozing from only performs “Move 1” and is unaffected New Locations :
her wound. by difficult terrain. A Gaping Wound 104 (J-3)
“The device I need is on top of that Monstrosities of a Cult 105 (B-10)
cabinet,” she grunts, nodding toward b
the corner of the storage room because
she cannot raise her arm. She continues
Global Achievement :
moving, determined not to die here. Knowledge is Power
(If this is the second “Knowledge is
The distance is not large, but Power” achievement gained, read
between you and the cabinet section 27 on page 10)
stand yet more foes and traps,
as if they had anticipated your
every move. Rewards :
Aesther Aesther Wind Damage Cabinet 10 gold each
Ashblade Scout Demon Trap (x2) (x1) +1 prosperity
“Minor Antidote” design (Item 153)

Section 18 It doesn’t take long at all to realize you are

being poisoned, even before your throat
Toxic Fumes : tightens and your eyes start to bleed. You
Arranging the last element into one of try to cover your mouth and nose with cloth Section 19
the resonators, you immediately notice but to no avail. A dreaded feeling overtakes Moving Walls :
something is amiss. The configuration of you—escape or suffocate. Special Rules :
the elements in relation to each other seems Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
correct, but their overall placement is not.
The glowing conduits in the floor quickly Special Rules : 1 , 6 , 7 , and 10 .
blink out, casting the room into darkness. All figures gain permanent MUDDLE , Move the six iron walls to positions:
POISON , and WOUND . These q , p , t , a1 , a2 , and a6 .
Soon after, a stream of reddish energy flows conditions cannot be removed in any way.
backwards from the center of the room to Heal actions targeting any affected figure do
the resonators. All six pillars reveal small not increase their current hit point value.
hidden nozzles that begin spewing a peculiar
green gas.
Section 20
Plane of Corruption :

Aesther Aesther Black Manifestation

Ashblade Scout Imp of Corruption d

Treasure Hot Coals

Maps :
Valrath Valrath
Savage Tracker Tile (x1) (x12) D2b

Altar Obsidian
(x2) Glass (x4)

Section 21 Special Rules : dockworker b , must lower his intimidation

All hexes in this room are considered difficult value by 1 for the current check. If this check
Discharge Warehouse : terrain. fails, place 1 additional damage token next to
Your entry to this building is impeded by the the round tracker.
departure of several busy Quatryl workers Any Inox, Valrath, or Harrower character
using mechanical carts to transport loads of attempting to intimidate the Quatryl
heavy boxes. It appears they are distributing
various ship cargo to the shops in town. You Water (x2)
thought the streets outside were bustling,
but it’s even more crowded in here. Ships
are either being loaded or unloaded, so the Crate
warehouse staff keeps a constant pace of (x2)
transporting and inventorying crates. b
A chief stands out in the crowd—an Orchid Cabinet (x1)
issuing precise commands to all of the
numerous workers. Currently, the chief is
yelling at a particularly timid Quatryl worker Stone
who doesn’t seem to be working fast enough Pillar (x1)
due to a faulty machine. He is trying his best,
but the steady stream of sharp rebukes has
left him in constant fear. He may be an easy
target for some intimidation.
Wall Section (x2)
cylinder in a counterclockwise direction and rotate. Rotate tile F1a counterclockwise
Section 22 then lock into place before the machinery and place tile B3b as shown. Open doors
finally quiets down to a hum once again. 1 .
A Rumbling Sound :
You step on the floor switch, and the The glyphs on the wall blink and shift as a When any character ends their turn on
machinery below you begins to rumble stern, mechanical voice begins to speak. “You pressure plate d , remove it from the map,
loudly. You can hear an engine powering up put things in motion that you cannot bring to and remove one numbered token next to the
and water rushing through nearby pipes. It an end. Each gear is needed to set you on the round tracker.
almost sounds as though the thing is starting correct path. Venture twice into the future,
to breathe—first slowly, but now growing to then return to the present to afterwards Section Links :
a rapid pace. meet the next hour alive.” Number Pressure Pressure
of tokens plate b plate c
The floor shifts under your feet. Scraping
and screeching—the sound of stone upon Special Rules : 4 39 on 71 on
metal—echoes through the chamber. You From now on, use stone pillar a as the page 14 page 24
feel the room rotate around the central glass center of a circle around which tile F1a will 3 50 on 46 on
page 18 page 16

Living Pressure IMMOBILIZE Damage Boulder

Spirit Plate (x1) Trap (x2) Trap (x1) (x1)

Boulders (x1) 1
d a

Section 23 Chest Inscription :

Narrow Vault : On uneven ground, walk
A small room opens to the north, and every third step towards
numerous animated bones and undead the end. Then return to a
corpses spill out. Through more obsidian lonely, even footing and let
glass, you spot a glittering heap. your thoughts ascend.
“Something of value must be stored here,” There are some more symbols scratched on
Cassandra remarks. “I should take a closer the bottom of the chest. You are quite certain
look.” Unable to reach it anyway, you are that the two inscriptions must be linked to
happy to oblige her wishes. each other. Together, they must provide the ???
key to opening this numerical lock.
Special Rules :
Open door e . e
The treasure tile in this room is not a Goal
and is locked. It cannot be opened, unless the
looting character guesses the correct
combination by going to the correct secret
section indicated in the runic inscription. If Living Living Treasure Obsidian
the character guesses wrong, they suffer trap Bones Corpse Tile (x1) Glass (x1)
damage and gain POISON . They must
then loot that chest anew to try again. 7 six 4 3 one seven 2 nine 5 eight 4 9 three

spawned in the rounds in which an Earth
Section 24 Demon would be spawned. Section 25
Withered Grove : Conclusion (99) :
You hesitate to venture across the planar Many died here today, and it becomes clear
barrier, which smells of must and decay, but soon enough that this was not an isolated
you do and end up in a rainforest where all incident. Cassandra failed to predict the
the flora has withered, its life force sapped. c extent of the corruption, as Valraths were
You spot, through the vines, a green orb attacked and converted to savagery all across
encased in black tendrils atop an altar. the city. Clearly, this was a highly coordinated
assault, and while you couldn’t have stopped
More pertinent, however, are the hulking
e all of it, you feel you could have at least done
shapes of earth demons, none too happy a little more.
with your intrusion. You’ll need to hack a
path through to your target. Cassandra is visibly shaken. “This took a
much darker turn than I’d foreseen. Not
Earth Thorns only are they recreating the Gloom’s work,
Special Rules : Demon (x4) but the strength the cult was able to wield
The Altar of Rot e has (Cx2)+L+4 hit across the city—I fear they may be drawing
points. If the Aesther Diviner ends her turn their power from a new tear between the
adjacent to the altar, it is destroyed. When planes. I think it is time to consult Hail about
the altar is destroyed, no Earth Demon is Dark Altar (x1) the possibility.” You look at her quizzically.
Corridor (x1) She takes in a deep breath. “Yes, Hail and I
are...familiar. Let’s head to the Crooked Bone
soon 104 .”
Section 26
Secret Library : New Location :
Moving through the secret door, you find A Gaping Wound 104 (J-3)
yourself in a small, private library. In Goal
addition to the numerous texts, you
also see a glass display case full of fragile Global Achievement :
mechanical parts. Before you can investigate Knowledge is Power
further, though, the floor opens and several (If this is the second “Knowledge is
defensive machines rise up from below. Power” achievement gained, read
Whoever designed this facility was clearly section 27 below)
not too keen on unwanted guests.

Scenario Goal : Rewards :

When the Goal treasure tile is looted, read 5 gold each
section 80 on page 26. “Minor Antidote” design (Item 153)
Ancient Treasure Bookcase (x2)
Artillery Tile (x1)
reminisces on the events since being with chaos will quell the hordes approaching 104 ,
Section 27 you, she grows more transparent. Eventually, though its grasp may already have spread far
she sinks into a trance and begins to ramble. and wide 105 .
Knowledge is Power 2/4 :
“Now that we better understand the “The flaming sails illuminate crystal scrolls. “And ignore not the device that brought upon
machinations of the corruption,” Cassandra The blaze intends to bury their ashes in the the Upheaval. Collect the parts, retrace its
says, poring over the information you’ve sea. Salvage the truth, for the secrets from steps, and redeem what’s been done 106 107 .
gathered so far, “we may be able to interfere the east must be found. Venture to their
with its work, but we still need to be cautious.
origin and make inquiries 102 . Or perhaps “Lastly, events of the Demon War are
We’ve not encountered the last of its agents, traversing a different axis is required. A shrouded in mystery. Witness the carnage,
and it may have worse things in store for us.”valuable item was stolen from the past. and take your clues from the dead 108 . A lost
Returning it to its intended destination may love may be the only hope to stop the flow of
She places the old atlas recovered from the lead to new knowledge of the present 103 . blood 109 .”
Vault of Knowledge on the table and starts
to circle various locations of interest. Each “But the Void will not sit idly. Its power calls Reward :
new marking makes your progress feel out to those weak in resolve, eager to serve, Add Rift Events 11 through 15 to the deck
more tangible. As she studies her notes and and easily convinced. Only settling the planar

Section 29
and STUN . Additionally, it is considered
Section 28 to have Flying .
A Bear of a Drake : Serene Path :
Instead of using all the Cave Bear ability Some force is protecting these monstrosities.
Bursting into the smaller shack south of cards, use only those with initiative values
the river, you interrupt an assemblage of You do not have the power to fight them,
of 03, 14, 61, and 80. Shuffle these together
cultists. A burly Valrath stands in the center with the Rending Drake ability cards with so you flee, moving back down the path
of the crowd, hunched over a pile of plans initiative values of 12, 13, 25, and 59. that brought you to your meditation spot.
and parchments. He looks up calmly as you Unfortunately, escape will not be that easy.
enter. His comrades draw their weapons, Ahead of you, more Valraths appear, eager to
but he merely reaches for a flask, uncorking 2 sink their axes into your flesh.
and emptying it down his throat in one fluid
motion. Special Rules :
You freeze as you watch the muscles strain When you open door 2 , read section 73
across his physique, ripping his clothes. Fur 2 on page 25.
and scales grow from his skin and both hands
sprout claws. His facial features contort
and yank at his mouth to form a muzzle of
ravenous teeth. 83
Just when you think his transformation is
complete, a lizard-like tail wriggles its way
out of his back, and he sprouts a pair of
leathery wings.

Special Rules : Bandit Cave Valrath

Open both doors 2 . Guard Bear Tracker
The elite Cave Bear is the Bear-Drake
Abomination. It has (HxC)/2 hit points
(rounded up), where H is an elite Cave
Bear’s regular hit point value, and it is Treasure Table (x1)
immune to IMMOBILIZE , DISARM , Tile (x1)

Section 30
Seal of Attraction :
You feel there is something odd about this e
room as you enter, as if it is enticing you 2
to get closer, pulling at your mind and
body. You look up to see concentric rings of
crystals, pulsating in a pattern that draws
your eye toward the center, where a glowing
white seal of power sits. Valrath Water Bush
You do your best to resist the pull of the seal
a Savage (x4) (x1)
and prepare to fight the skeletal warriors
and other strange horrors emerging from
the darkness.
Section 31
Moving Walls :
Special Rules : Special Rules :
d Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
Until the seal a in this room is destroyed, 2 , 3 , 4 , and 9 .
when any monster in this room suffers
damage from an attack and is not killed, Move the six iron walls to positions:
that monster performs “PULL 2” q , o , r , t , a4 , and a6 .
targeting its attacker.

Deep Living Rock Stalagmites Dark

Corridor (x2)
Terror Bones Column (x1) (x1)
Section 32 At the start of every round, place 2 damage
tokens next to ship b , instead of 1.
Section 33
Flaming Caravel : Through the Portal :
Once on the deck of this ship, you realize the As long as ship b has less than 12 damage Imagining the look of anger and despair on
flames here had more time to tear through tokens, any character adjacent to bookcase the face of the Sleeping Lion’s proprietor, you
the wood, creating a much more dangerous f may perform a Loot action or forgo a decide it more prudent to follow the Aesther
situation. With the raiders blatantly adding bottom action (discarding one card instead) through this newest planar rift. On the other
fuel to the fire, throwing every piece of paper to save the Record of the Journey. side, you stand inside a globe floating among
they can find into it, the boat is doomed for the stars. It is a wondrous sight.
the bottom of the harbor. It will take all your Any character adjacent to hot coals g
effort just to avoid the same fate for yourself. may forgo a top action (discarding one card “Welcome,” the Aesther smiles. “Sorry, I didn’t
instead) and remove a bucket of water from introduce myself earlier—I am Cassandra.
their character mat to discard 8-C damage In my journeys, I learned that in the endless
Special Rules : tokens from ship b . chaos of reality, universal patterns emerge.
Open door 2 (if closed). If you can spot the patterns, what seems
like random chance instead becomes very
predictable. To some, it may appear I can see
the future, but it is all just cause and effect.”

Cassandra paces as she talks, gently touching

Bandit 2 c various objects. “Centuries ago, once I was
confident with my gifts, I realized the Gloom
was not done with its destruction of this
f g plane, so I and...others tried to stop it. We
failed, and I have been a prisoner ever since,
Bandit doomed to watch the corruption’s plan
Guard g unfold with no way to intervene. Until now.”

She hesitates a second. “So, well, I hate to

79 ask, seeing as how so much has been thrust
upon you already, but I need your help. You
Spitting have already triumphed where I fell short,
Drake but the fight has only just begun. We—I
need to end the corruption once and for all.”

Cassandra looks at you expectantly, and you

nod in assent. “Oh, wonderful! Our first
Treasure Hot Coals Stone Pillar Bookcase Wall
destination is the Void. There is a vast library
Tile (x1) (x5) (x3) (x1) Section (x2)
of Bastian’s texts buried deep in the ruins.
Demon is spawned in the rounds in which a We’ll need many of these writings to uncover
Section 34 Frost Demon would be spawned. exactly what the corruption is planning and
how to react 97 .”
Frozen Cave :
A chill overcomes you as you approach the You are about to object, but she anticipates
swirling tear in reality. You are quite certain it. “I am aware the Vigil has blocked it off,
more frost demons lay in wait on the other a but I have other means of travel. I can bring
side, but nonetheless, you must trespass into us almost anywhere, although we might end
their plane. Frost up elsewhere first—navigating the infinite
Demon void is no simple matter.”
A cavern filled with frozen stalagmites
and black ice welcomes you with a gust New Rules :
of shivering air. Another altar sits here, a Separate Rift Events 01 through 10 from
glacial sculpture, with a blue sphere full of
crystalline facets forming and unforming f the rest of the cards, then shuffle them
Crystal to form a Rift Event deck. Any time a
inside. scenario has “Dimensional Travel” listed
Special Rules : as its link, a Rift Event must be resolved
instead of a Road Event.
The Altar of Blizzards f has (Cx2)+L hit
Name the Aesther Diviner “Cassandra”
points and Retaliate 2, Range 3. If the
Aesther Diviner ends her turn adjacent to
the altar, it is destroyed. When Stalagmite Altar Dark New Location :
the altar is destroyed, no Frost (x2) (x1) Corridor (x1) Lore Untold 97 (A-17)
As you attempt to inspect the glyphs further,
Section 35 the statue abruptly cracks and begins to
move, drawing power from the altars behind
Shrine of Thelija : it. At the same time, a mechanical humming
You enter what appears to be a small place of alerts you to automated defensive measures
worship for an ancient goddess of company, as well.
solidarity, and craftsmanship—Thelija.
Elegant carvings depicting communes of
smiths, carpenters, leatherworkers, and Special Rules :
jewelers laboring on some grand project The Savvas Icestorm is the Avatar of
are displayed on two great altars at the far Thelija.
side of the room. Massive elemental gems
are embedded in each, but a well-crafted Any character adjacent to altars or
statue of the goddess bars your path. Its may spend a free action during their
outstretched arms guide your eyes to the turn to infuse or , respectively, if
glyphs etched in the walls around you. they are not suppressed.

But beware the fatal chill

so deeply rooted, lest it
spoil fruitful years of
bounty close at hand.
Ancient Frost Savvas Wind Rubble Altar Wall
Artillery Demon Icestorm Demon (x2) (x2) Section (x2)

let’s be off. Hopefully, we’ll find a new lead after checking every salvaged scrap of paper
Section 36 somewhere else.” thrice, you realize you are no closer to any
clues about Bastian’s device.
Conclusion (100) : You grab whatever else you can, but hardly
Disposing of the last guardians within the any time passes before she’s yelling again. Global Achievement :
facility, you begin to rummage through the “Hurry! The counter has reached zero!” Knowledge is Power
leftover debris. You locate many statistical (If this is the second “Knowledge is
records, various design plans, and a few Right on cue, you hear ominous creaks Power” achievement gained, read
mechanical gadgets, but you cannot find any beneath you. Then, a heavy object drops section 27 on page 10)
research regarding the rift device. somewhere below, and a horrendous echo
resounds. The whole room begins to tilt and
Cassandra wears her concern openly on her collapse, and a dark liquid pours in from Rewards :
face. “I suppose it’s possible we overlooked above. Cassandra appears beside you and Choose to gain one of the following:
something.” She returns to the control panel rips open a rift, which whisks you away just
in the central hall, but then gasps and points “Telescopic Lens” (Item 059),
as the roof comes falling down on your head. “Ancient Drill” (Item 112),
at a prominent set of numerical glyphs on the “Curious Gear” (Item 125), OR
screen, clearly ticking down. “We don’t have With the entire workshop destroyed, you can “Remote Spider” (Item 126)
much time left! Grab whatever you can, and only hope you rescued what you needed, but

the Valrath commander, and obtaining his When revealing monster ability cards, reveal
Section 37 diary, you signal your allegiance to the one for each commander from the boss deck.
humans by assaulting the Valraths’ position.
Aiding Diamara : When Xangroth, the Valrath Commander,
Assessing the battlefield, you can tell the “Do not underestimate Xangroth,” Cassandra is killed, he drops a Goal treasure tile instead
humans are caught in a bad position, exposed warns. “He is a formidable opponent bristling of a money token.
and utterly exhausted. Protecting their with weapons and the skills to use them.
commander will be difficult, but Diamara It’s not by chance or dumb luck that he If Diamara is killed, the scenario is lost.
inspires faith, clad in heavy armor and commands this force.”
swinging her two-handed axe with ferocity.
Though the battle has turned against her, she Scenario Goal :
presses onward. Special Rules : When all enemies are killed and the Goal
All City Guards, Archers, and Diamara, the treasure tile is looted, read section 111 on page
The human troops feed off this energy and Human Commander, are allies to you and 36.
commit everything they have to the fray enemies to all other monster types.
through gritted teeth. You find yourself
drawn to their struggle—who doesn’t love At the start of the first round, all City Guards,
an underdog? Archers, and Diamara suffer L damage and
gain POISON and WOUND .
With your mind set on taking out Xangroth,
Section 38 neck. Just who is this person? the Aesthers, eternal and without home.
We all returned to this plane, but it was too
Conclusion (96) : “There is much about the history of the difficult to remain and watch the destruction
You finally manage to destroy the last altar Aesthers that you do not know,” she the Gloom brought forth. We vowed to let
and stumble out of the planar portal back continues. “Much is forbidden to tell you, but the deeds of Bastian be forgotten to history.
into the ruined interior of the Sleeping Lion. these are dire times, and I am in desperate Then we all drifted off on our own journeys.”
The mysterious Aesther mends the rifts need of help. I have seen what comes next...”
closed as you awkwardly try to somehow fix The Aesther suddenly snaps back to focus
the wreckage. There is a long pause as the Aesther stands on you. “But come, let us move to a more
with a faraway look in her eyes. When she hospitable place, and I will try to explain
“I cannot thank you enough for your help,” speaks again, the words seem to come from everything.” She turns and opens a portal.
she says. “When I finally broke free of my somewhere outside her body. “The place you
prison, I guess it was inevitable that I would call the Void was once the site of a great tower. Global Achievement :
draw such ire from my captors. With their Bastian built it to house all of us who strove
power sources destroyed, however, we should to stretch the limits of our knowledge and Through the Portal
be safe for the time being.” understanding. When the Upheaval began, (read section 33 on page 12)
this was where the Gloom took root, and the Add City and Road Events 82
You stare dumbfounded. “I’ve been observing tower and all its inhabitants were scattered to their respective decks
your struggles against the creatures of across the infinite beyond.
corruption for a while. In fact, your defeat of
the Gloom is what freed me, but I am getting “Those of us who survived—those who Reward :
ahead of myself again.” The utterance of that were able to find the shape of our bodies 10 experience each
name raises the hairs on the back of your and of our minds once again—we became

Special Rules :
Section 39 Rotate tile F1a and place tile I1b as shown. Ancient
Open doors 1 .
Another Revolution :
You operate the pressure plate, and the When any character ends their turn on
corridor is set into motion. You feel the pressure plate g , remove it from the Plate (x1)
room spin in a full circle before continuing map, and remove one numbered token
to move into its next fixed position. You next to the round tracker. a Rubble
are not quite sure if this was an error or (x6)
on purpose. Section Links :
Number Pressure Pressure Boulder
As you spin, the stern voice returns. “The plate b plate c (x2)
stagnation of progress is an excruciating
of tokens
b c
pain. How can one be satisfied with the 4 57 on 113 on
knowledge of a single universe? We page 19 page 36
reached the highest height and the deepest 3 54 on 70 on
depth, and with that, my colleagues seem page 19 page 23 Large
content. They have nothing left to do 2 77 on 02 on Boulder (x2)
but watch their sense of wonder slowly page 25 page 3
diminish, consoling themselves with
physical comforts. I will have it all. The 1 74 on 70 on
riddles of this world are not enough. I page 25 page 23
seek what lies beyond. Something calls 0 02 on 109 on
to me from outside the borders of our page 3 page 35
knowledge.” 1 1
You end up in a large hall, which appears
to have once been the lobby of the
complex. Now, however, most of the
room is buried beneath debris and rocks.
Luckily, the switch near the entrance looks

What’s not so lucky is that the mechanical

defenses seem to be intact, as well. They g
turn and point their barrels towards you.

Section 40 g
Section 41
Venerated Tomb : A Sphere of Nightmares :
“This room served as a burial Living Barely able to see your hand before your
site for our prestigious Bones eyes, you spot the outline of an object
scholars,” Cassandra says. in the dark. You feel the presence of
“They were entombed with Living shadowy figures, and whatever the object
their most renowned work. Corpse is, they definitely don’t want you near it.
Unfortunately, however, a
dark force is now keeping Treasure Cassandra comes close to you, her face
them from rest.” Goal Tile (x1) grim. “We must destroy that thing before
the growing evil cuts short our resolve.”
Special Rules :
Open door g . Special Rules :
At the start of every round, move the
Sarcophagus (x3) Dark elemental token to the Strong
column. At the end of every round,
Section 42 1
spawn one normal Night Demon for two
characters, or one elite Night Demon for
Collapsed Atrium : three or four characters, adjacent to altar
You come upon a spacious hall that looks to j .
be the original entryway to the workshop.
The walls are covered in depictions of Altar j is the source of unnatural
technological feats, but the teeth of time 4 darkness. It has 20+L+(2xC) hit points.
have chipped away at them—the colors fade
and the ornamentations crumble. Still, the Any character may forgo a top action
images are enough to evoke something in (discarding one card instead) to PUSH
Cassandra, who gazes upon them with deep boulder h onto pressure plate i .
nostalgia and sorrow. If the pressure plate is occupied, the
boulder cannot be moved onto it.
In addition to this deterioration, a large 78
cave-in has buried half of the room under f
impassable rubble. Broken statues and Section Links :
other ruined art are strewn about. It is not When boulder h occupies pressure
until they glow with a spectral aura that
5 plate i at the end of a round, read
you notice the bones, crushed under the section 93 on page 30.
collapsed ceiling. Angry spirits rise from the
dusty shards, forcing you to put them to rest.
Special Rules :
All Living Spirits treat all wall overlays as j
normal obstacles, except they must still obey
the line-of-sight rules outlined previously.
Living Treasure Pressure Rock Wall
Spirit Tile (x1) Plate (x1) (x1)
Section Links :
Whenever any character ends their turn on
pressure plate f while there are no other
characters on tile N1b, read section 05 on
page 3. Large
Rock Wall (x2) Huge Living Night Altar
Rock Wall (x2) Spirit Demon (x1)

by strong vibrations in the floor, indicates Special Rules :

Section 43 something massive has shifted in the main Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
room. You peer through the door to see the 4 , 6 , 8 , and 9 .
Moving Walls : layout has completely changed. The iron
You step on the corroded pressure plate and walls are now in different positions, opening Move the six iron walls to positions:
feel it scrape into the floor. Gears are set up new passageways and closing off others. m , s , p , a2 , a4 , and a6 .
in motion below your feet, and then some
grinding and screeching noises echo through “Oh my,” Cassandra muses. “This could get
the distant halls. A loud rumble, accompanied tricky. It may be prudent to take some notes.”
Section 44 With your mind set on taking out Diamara, When revealing monster ability cards, reveal
the human commander, and obtaining one for each commander from the boss deck.
Aiding Xangroth : her diary, you signal your allegiance to the
Assessing the battlefield, you see the Valraths Valraths by assaulting the humans’ position. When Diamara, the Human Commander, is
have the upper hand, holding a more killed, she drops a Goal treasure tile instead
defensible position by retreating into a nearby “Do not underestimate Diamara,” Cassandra of a money token.
cave. It should be quite easy to protect their warns. “She’s a very capable leader and has
commander, Xangroth, who wields a massive amassed an incredible force at her side.” If Xangroth is killed, the scenario is lost.
bow with deadly aim.

Not only that, but you see the Valrath Special Rules : Scenario Goal :
warriors’ numerous scars and a wildness in All Valrath Savages, Trackers, and Xangroth, When all enemies are killed and the Goal
their eyes. The demon blood flows strongly, the Valrath Commander, are allies to you and treasure tile is looted, read section 104 on
and you would be a fool to oppose them. enemies to all other monster types. page 34.

When Dominic sees you, though, the He concentrates on the parchment with a
Section 45 conversation ends abruptly, and he rushes puzzled look on his face. “I have come across
over to greet you. something similar before, but it was only in
Decoding with Dominic : fragments...” He takes the piece of paper and
Entering the Town Records building, you are “Ah, my dear friends. Welcome! I was just starts turning it in all directions, then grabs a
briefly reminded of your first trip here, when talking about you, actually. How can I help?” blank sheet and a quill. Holding it against the
the shelves were bare and only one person light, he looks through the parchment and
even cared about the place. The aisles are You explain about the Vault of Knowledge takes a couple of notes.
now lined with books, and it is hard to find and what was found within, including the
Dominic among the many people perusing strange Aesther writing. = e w
e w
r =r w
about. Eventually, however, you catch him = o r
o g
a =ag
near the back, conversing with a group about “Well, this vault has me intrigued, but for
the nuances of his work, “The History of now, I’ll take a look at this cipher and see = i t
i p
n =np
Gloomhaven.” what I can make of it.” = n m
n t
a =t a
these unpleasant experiences are intended— Section Links :
Section 46 some terrible part of the “defensive measures”
against you. There is nothing to do but resign Number Pressure Pressure
Quick Turn : yourself to more bruises. of tokens plate b plate c
Operating the rotational control, you are 4 109 on 57 on
surprised by the speed at which the floor page 35 page 19
flies from beneath you. You lose your footing Special Rules :
3 54 on 70 on
and slam into the nearby wall. Before you can Rotate tile F1a and place tile B3b as shown. page 19 page 23
recover, the rotation stops just as quickly, Open doors 1 .
hurtling you into the opposite wall. The 2 02 on 74 on
whole thing is very unpleasant. When any character ends their turn on page 3 page 25
pressure plate d , remove it from the map, 1 77 on 54 on
As you rub your bruises, you begin to wonder and remove one numbered token next to the page 25 page 19
if perhaps the erratic nature of this rotating round tracker. 0 57 on 109 on
room is not just caused by disrepair. Perhaps page 19 page 35

d a

Living Pressure IMMOBILIZE Damage Boulder Large

16 Spirit Plate (x1) Trap (x2) Trap (x1) (x1) Boulders (x1)
Section 47 Special Rules : Section Links :
All characters recover all their discarded When all characters have ascended stairs
Hall of Horrors : cards and up to one card from their lost pile. 2 , remove everything from the map and
You ascend what feels like an endless flight Set up the characters on the starting spaces, read section 103 on page 34.
of stairs, but instead of being tiring, the and place all active character summons in
experience has the opposite effect. The tower empty hexes closest to their owner.
renews you, encouraging you to climb it and
read the story it has to tell.

“And so, Elham collected all he could,

capturing the beauty of the world and
locking it within.” More words appear on
the walls as you rise. “And though life was 2
preserved, the beauty did not last. Trapped
in this gilded cage, robbed of freedom,
all that was once pure became corrupt.
Happiness turned to pain. Serenity turned
to terror. And beauty turned to monstrosity.”

Black Deep Harrower Damage and

Imp Terror Infester IMMOBILIZE
Trap (x6)

Stairs Stone Wall Section

(x2) Pillar (x4) (x2)
about where the next piece of the device is. Two hours later, covered in foul-smelling
Section 48 You search through the rooms one more time
brown liquid, you emerge from a narrow
tunnel under the roots of a tree, finding
Conclusion (107) : but find no conspicuous metal parts. You are yourself back out in the daylight of a
You stand atop the last slain batch of already tired when Cassandra delivers the seaside hill. Luckily, you didn’t encounter
Vermlings, surveying the carnage inflicted bad news. anymore aggravated Vermlings, but what you
upon them. They only tried to defend their experienced was still plenty for you to vow
home, which leaves behind a slight taste of “I still don’t think I can employ any never to return.
regret in your victory. Not only that, but you dimensional travel with this restrictive aura,”
begin to suspect you missed something vital she admits. “I think our best bet to get out of Reward :
exploring this labyrinthine workshop. With here is through one of those garbage tunnels.” 5 experience each
nothing left to uncover, you have no clue

offering it to a flustered Quatryl. “Is this what gizmos in the various heaps. After an hour,
Section 49 you are looking for?” he turns back to you, the device still far from
Pieces of an Artifact 3/3 : “Well, now where was that hiding?” the
You feel very satisfied with yourselves, having Quatryl asks, amazed. “I’m sure I would “This may take some time, but you know
acquired all three pieces of the rift device. have spent half the day looking for this, and it’s not going to work anyway,” the tinkerer
They fit together well, but in order to fully some elegant Aesther walks in and just... well, warns. “Not without a massively powerful
connect them to one another, you will need an color me impressed!” He takes the lever from energy source—something bigger than I’ve
assortment of wire and technical knowhow. Cassandra and places it on a different heap. ever seen.”
Luckily, both are in plentiful supply in the “So what brings you to my shop, anyway?”
Mixed District. You find a shop and enter. “Oh, yes,” Cassandra says. “Sorry, that must
You show the tinkerer the pieces of the device, have slipped my mind, but not to worry. I
“Where is that blasted lever?” You hear a explaining how it needs to be assembled. His think we can procure a power source for you
small voice cursing from behind a massive eyes go wide at the intricate mechanisms, and 112 . Please just keep working on the device
pile of scrap. Looking around, you wonder if within a matter of minutes, he has cleared off until we get back.”
maybe you took a wrong turn somewhere. his workbench and is working intently.
New Location :
Cassandra, unfazed, grabs a long, silver You wait patiently in the shop while Cassandra The Bottom of It 112 (E-16)
cylinder and walks around the counter, paces around, idly rearranging gadgets and 17
Section 50 your wishes. In her eagerness, on the brink of
exhaustion, she missed a vital step and lost
Section Links :
Slow Turn : her life. She is not to blame. I blame you.” Number Pressure Pressure
The pressure plate sinks into the floor, and of tokens plate b plate c
the machinery comes back to life. This time, 4 70 on 77 on
however, the movement seems to last ages. Special Rules : page 23 page 25
You lean against the wall with impatience. Rotate tile F1a and place tile B2b as shown. 3 02 on 74 on
Open doors 1 . page 3 page 25
Around you, the stern voice resonates once
again. “Tranquility is one precious thing we do When any character ends their turn on 2 109 on 57 on
not have. The constant assault of supplicants pressure plate f , remove it from the map, page 35 page 19
pleading for the latest results. She worked and remove one numbered token next to the 1 74 on 113 on
day and night to meet your needs and fulfill round tracker. page 25 page 36
0 113 on 54 on
page 36 page 19

Living Pressure IMMOBILIZE Damage Boulder Large

Spirit Plate (x1) Trap (x1) Trap (x2) (x1) Boulders (x1)

a f

you realize that this will be the end for you, “I know I am supposed to see the future but
Section 51 as well. Caught up in Cassandra’s fervent what we did back there—it was beyond all
crusade to destroy the corruption, you comprehension. It was miraculous.”
Conclusion (115) : didn’t think about what would happen after.
With the manifestation nearly subdued, Perhaps she didn’t either. You signal the barkeep for a round of drinks
Cassandra yells, “Now! Bring it down!” and sit yourself down with a great sense of
“What are you waiting for?” Cassandra yells satisfaction. But Cassandra’s expression turns
You strike the corruption with everything at you over the cacophony of crashing stone. mournful, and she does not move.
you have left. Its tendrils dissolve away, and She points at a receding portal next to her. “I
the mass of pure darkness at its center lands created it right before the seal was completed, “You have my greatest thanks for everything
on the ground with a heavy thump. Ethereal and it’s closing fast. Hurry!” you have done,” she begins, “but I am afraid
shackles shoot out from the altars, wrapping it is time to part ways. Our futures no longer
around the formless black. Cassandra You sprint forward, bounding across the depend on one another, and I have someone
conjures a net of glowing blue cables, which ever-widening chasms between you and your who has waited far too long for my attention.”
spread over its pulsating surface, linking with escape. Cassandra jumps in, and you are
the chains. right behind her, leaping through at the last With a hesitant flick of her wrist, Cassandra
possible moment. creates one last portal. “Enjoy your drink,”
In a wild attempt to break free, the corruption she says as she steps through.
gathers the last of its power into itself, sucking The universe shifts around you, and suddenly
in its minions until they too are assimilated you find yourself falling face-first onto the You will. Oak bless it, you will.
into the pulsing shadow. wooden, beer-soaked floors of a bar, breaking
several chairs on your way down. Global Achievement :
But it is not enough. The bindings hold. The Severed Ties
mass grows smaller and smaller under the “Right where I found you.” Cassandra’s soft
weight, its power completely sapped. At long voice falls from somewhere above you. You
last, it is finished. roll over and glance around. Indeed, though Rewards :
they are currently wearing expressions of +3 reputation
Your relief, however, is short-lived. The rocks shock and incredulity, you recognize the faces
+1 prosperity
you stand on begin to crumble, cracking and of many Sleeping Lion regulars. Cassandra
falling away into the corrupted realm that extends an arm to help you up. Retire the Aesther Diviner
surrounds you. With this plane Add City and Road Events 83
cut off from everything beyond, “I cannot believe we did it,” she says, smiling. to their respective decks
Section 52 “Ah, ha!” laughs Hail, focusing her energies on Special Rules :
the dimensional rift. “She does have thorns! Replace the original order for spawning
The First Portal : And here I thought you an ineffectual tulip.” monsters with the new order of 2 , 3 ,
Hail reaches the first portal and sighs, “There 4 , repeat (starting with 2 ).
are so many of these wretched nuisances. I The portal widens, and through it you spot
have a great many things to do, you know. I the northern shores of the Lost Sea. Several Hail a now moves towards portal 2
can’t spend all day gallivanting about, closing more Lurkers emerge from the icy waters and instead.
hundreds of rifts for some whiny princess.” skitter towards you, but before they can cross
over, the portal collapses in on itself—fizzling
“There’s just the four,” Cassandra replies. into thin air. Section Links :
“Then you’re free to go back to whatever When Hail enters portal 2 , read section 79
vision quest you’re on.” “Never liked those things,” Hail yawns. on page 26.

Section 53 Special Rules :

Respawn any three monsters (if able) in
A Steep, Rocky Path : the previous room. These spawns must be
Undeterred, the caravan marches onward. You normal for two characters, or two normal
try to keep pace, but all this fighting is wearing and one elite for three or four characters.
on you, and Cassandra is looking more ragged 11
than ever. Spirits are low as you approach a Starting next round, all elite monsters
rocky hollow, where the disadvantage of the will treat the Orchid caravan a as if 12 5
it has initiative 01 instead of 99.
natural terrain will be tough to conquer, 1
especially as most of the Orchid guards aren’t
faring any better than you. Nonetheless, you
prepare for the worst and are not surprised 2 6 3
when more attackers charge at your position.
8 7
What does surprise you, however, is that
Boulders (x2)
some of your foes head straight towards the 4
caravan, neglecting attacks from the guards.
It seems they are determined to destroy d 9
whatever is in the carriage, no matter the cost. d 10
Boulder d
(x2) d
Boulders (x1)

during the formative years of Gloomhaven,

Section 54 : Section 55 but I can see the handiwork of corruption
between the lines. We need to figure out
Proceed to section 50 on page 18. Conclusion (98) : what cargo was so important 103 .”
You take a moment to watch the barge sink
into Merchant’s Bay, engulfed in fire and New Location :
smoke. You failed to recover the Record of
Section 56 Accounts, but at least you got one of them. Where It Is Needed 103 (H-8)

Moving Walls : Cassandra quickly unravels the scroll and Global Achievement :
Special Rules : browses its contents. It details the Orchid
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors involvement in the founding of Gloomhaven, Knowledge is Power
1 , 2 , 5 , and 7 . and strongly focuses on their supply caravans (If this is the second “Knowledge is
and routes to the city. Additionally listed are Power” achievement gained, read
Move the six iron walls to positions: findings in the ruins beneath Gloomhaven’s section 27 on page 10)
m , q , s , a2 , a4 , and a5 . foundation, political intricacies arising in
the early decades, and raids by the wild Inox
and Vermlings. The account of a caravan Rewards :
carrying something of great importance 5 gold each
especially stands out, as it never arrived at
its destination. +1 reputation
Section 57 :
“Hmm, this is something worth investigating,”
Proceed to section 71 on page 24. Cassandra remarks. “It is a small footnote
Section 58 the strange circumstances, and inquire
about her meeting with Naaret.
Section 59
Conclusion (109) : Conclusion (98) :
To calm two forces with so much dark “Hopefully, his words can bring peace to You take a moment to watch the caravel sink
history isn’t exactly child’s play, but you this conflict,” Daimara says. “We must work into Merchant’s Bay, engulfed in fire and
do your best. Eventually, the commanders something out with the Valraths so we smoke. You failed to recover the Record of
return, bringing order to the chaos. Those don’t both destroy ourselves. Your friend the Journey, but at least you got one of them.
still alive mutter about translucent figures in was instrumental in getting us here. I’d have
the fog, inciting them to violence. liked to take him back to White Oak, but he Cassandra quickly unravels the scroll and
was joined by others like him, and though browses its contents. It details the Orchid
“So the corruption continues its influence reluctant, he left with them. Vanished the trade agreements with other races, their
here, as well?” Cassandra says. “I can’t say same way he appeared.” partnership with Quatryls at important
I’m surprised.” ———— hubs, and every delivery they’ve recently
———— Otherwise, read: You approach the two made to Gloomhaven, most of which seem
If “Xangroth’s Aid” (Party) is complete, read: commanders cordially, asking what became to originate from a rather large commercial
“Well, I didn’t think I’d be seeing you blood- of Naaret. “After his speech to us, others of port across the Misty Sea by the name of
thirsty hounds again!” Xangroth laughs as he his kind appeared. We could not hear what Velcyll Harbor. It’s a well-known place to
approaches. He has many more scars than was said, but there was conflict there. He trade not only goods but also information
the last time you saw him. “The years of war followed them away but looked distressed and secrets. Needless to say, it would be wise
have not been kind to me, but they don’t about something.” to venture there and nose about 102 .
seem to have affected you at all!” ————
Always read: “More corrupted Aesthers!” New Location :
You inquire about his meeting with Naaret Cassandra says, clearly upset. “He must Bazaar of Knowledge 102 (M-19)
and he grows solemn. “He opened my eyes have left with them quietly to avoid any
to a whole new way of seeing the world. My bloodshed. Wherever they took him, we will
people must know of their tainted heritage, surely follow, and I have an idea on how to Global Achievement :
so that we can rise above it. As for your do so 113 .”
friend, he left with more of his kind. Didn’t Knowledge is Power
seem too happy about it, though.” New Location : (If this is the second “Knowledge is
———— Power” achievement gained, read
The Lost Thread 113 (H-16) section 27 on page 10)
If “Diamara’s Aid” (Party) is complete, read:
“You again!” The armored Diamara marches
up to you in agitation. “Meddling further in
my affairs? State your business!”
Rewards : Rewards :
10 experience each 5 gold each
You do your best to explain yourself, given “Protective Charm” (Item 052) +1 reputation

Section 60
Seal of Repulsion :
You enter the tunnel, and a lattice of glowing
crystals above your head begins to vibrate at Living Living
a disconcerting frequency. The waves rattle Corpse Spirit
your skull, throwing you off-balance and 2
making everything around you feel slightly
odd. It seems as if even the smallest push
will send you hurtling off into the unknown. Rock Rubble
Column (x1) (x3)
All the vibrations are emanating from a
single point—a glowing white seal of power.
It clearly does not want you to approach.

Special Rules :
Open door 2 (if closed).

Until the seal a in this room is a

destroyed, when any monster in this
room suffers damage from an attack
and is not killed, that monster performs
“PUSH 2” targeting its attacker.

researcher and then wait for hours while The man then compares his sheet with the
Section 61 messages are relayed back and forth and the one you gave him. “Yes, they are definitely
wheel of bureaucracy slowly turns. the same, although we found much simpler
Decoding with the Vigil : versions of them. We only were able to fully
You generally steer clear of the Void during “So what is it that you want?” A thin man in translate one word so far, but I’d need a copy
your dealings in Gloomhaven. It inevitably a Vigil uniform stares at you as you are finally of this for our records.”
brings back memories of the monstrosity led under heavy guard into a tent near the
within. Today, however, you approach. underground entrance. “Normally, no civilian You agree, and he scribbles a note on your
would be let near this site, but I understand paper and hands it back to you. “Here you
The whole area, though now devoid of any you may have had a hand in neutralizing it, so go. That is really all the help I can offer. Now,
dark power, is cordoned off by the Vigil, who I will extend you this one grace.” please leave us.”
is ostensibly researching the site for further
clues about what happened. The full extent You make up a story about how you ran
of their purpose is unknown, but they must across these Aesther glyphs and then hand Treasury
know more than they are letting on. over a copy of the writing. He grunts in mild
surprise, turning to fish out a paper from a
You petition for an audience with the head giant stack on his desk.
probably: “treasury”
my fingers!” He opens the door wide and, after Cassandra
Section 62 mends his fingers, once again clears off
“Did you give him the device?” Cassandra his workbench. He rummages through
Mechanical Splendor : asks, clearly worried. various piles muttering to himself until he
With the power source in hand, you return lets out a celebratory whoop and holds up
to the tinkerer’s shop, only to find the door “Of course not,” the Quatryl replies, “but that the assembled device. You hand him the
barred tightly. doesn’t help me with my fingers now does it? power source, and it is installed in a matter
Four! That’s half the fingers I got!” of minutes—a glowing core in a series of
“No one here!” a quivering voice responds concentric rings rotating in a complicated
from the other side. “Go away!” “We’re the ones who brought you the artifact but mesmerizing pattern.
to fix,” explains Cassandra. “Let us in, and we
“Surely, you can let us in,” Cassandra replies. will heal your broken bones. Install the power “This should perfectly replicate Bastian’s
“It is the ‘elegant Aesther.’ We have business source we recovered, and this whole mess device,” Cassandra says. “With the necessary
with you.” will be behind you. We will make sure you are safeguards installed, of course, it will allow
not troubled again.” for easier travel across the planes. We should
“Aesthers—nope!” the Quatryl yells. be able to use it to track down where the
“Definitely not opening the door for Aesthers! There is a long pause, and then the door corruption is hiding.”
One came into my shop earlier, looking for cracks open just enough so you can see the
some artifact. Said he was searching every tinkerer staring at you. “Ah, yes, I remember Reward :
tinkerer shop in Gloomhaven, and he’d burn you lot now. Fine. You heal my hands, I’ll
them all down until he found it. I told him I finish the device, and then I hope I never see “Rift Device” (Item 162)
didn’t know anything, and he broke four of another Aesther ever again!”

Lion, eager to hear about your quest. Relief

New Locations :
Section 63 spreads across her face when you tell her of
your success. She presents you with a small Prologue to the End 108 (O-1)
Conclusion (101) : sack of coins—her own personal thanks— Epilogue of a War 109 (N-4)
In a last ditch effort, you pull together your and hands you two old tomes from the
remaining strength to smash the sphere of archives in the Sanctuary of the Great Oak
darkness into pieces. The impact sends out before leaving. Global Achievement :
a final shock wave of maligned energy, which
crumbles the altar to rubble. “It took some convincing,” Cassandra smiles, Knowledge is Power
“But while you were lost in your drink, she (If this is the second “Knowledge is
“This was surely another conduit of power agreed to let us borrow these tomes for a bit Power” achievement gained, read
for the corruption,” Cassandra says. “I am as payment.” section 27 on page 10)
glad to be rid of it.”
She begins to browse through the books,
The remaining fog around you slowly lifts, entering a trance as she reads. “—It is wise Rewards :
and you walk outside to see the water now to care for those who protect the knowledge 20 collective gold
flows clear. You rinse the black ooze from of the past—their records may narrate a tale
your boots and cup your hands in the water, that shall once be seen by your own eyes—” +1 reputation
drinking from the purified stream before you Cassandra’s face flickers for a moment with +1 prosperity
make your way back to Gloomhaven. doubt and concern. You wonder just what
future events she has seen and if it is futile to
The Inox Keeper is waiting at the Sleeping try to change them 108 109 .
can move through figures but cannot end
Section 64 their movement on an occupied hex. When Section 65
any barrel enters water tile g , remove it
Flooded Catacombs : from the map.
Conclusion (Challenge) :
The pressure plate yields to the boulder’s Elham looks at you with widened eyes as you
mass and clicks into the ground, but the Any character may perform a Loot action deliver the final blow. His mouth opens and
prominent door ahead remains tightly while adjacent to a barrel to remove it from you hear a faint whisper before he dissolves
shut. A moment later, the ground rumbles the map and gain 3 money tokens. into fine, white ash. It feels like a cleansing.
beneath you, knocking you off your balance
and sending you sideways. You land with a All Living Corpses are unaffected by difficult A rumbling goes through the pitch-black
splash in the thick, dark mud as the nearby terrain. walls, and stone by stone, they turn into white
wall slides open, revealing a passageway into marble. The ceiling fades away to reveal the
the cavernous crypt. night sky full of vivid constellations. At least
Section Links : one thing in this place remained pure.
In the distance, you hear running water and When any character opens door 2 , read
low voices that wail and groan. Two small section 72 on page 24. After you take in the beauty of the sight
barrels sit in the middle of the catacomb, above, you look back to the room and spot
where rainwater gathers, flooding in from a pedestal holding a stone tablet. Just as
the holes in the roof. Soon, the water will 93 before, words begin to materialize.
carry the barrels away.
“Bless you for cleansing this place of my sins.
No amount of thanks could do your actions
Special Rules : justice, but I offer you the contents of my
Place dark corridors e as shown, vault, and I imagine the stars may offer
connecting the two rooms. thanks in their own way.”

Place one barrel at each water tile As soon as you finish reading, a bright, clear
f . Starting next round, at the end of every humming sound enters your ears. Your gaze
round, both barrels move two hexes along is drawn upward once again, where the stars
the water tiles towards water tile g . Barrels begin glowing in different colors, highlighting
the various constellations used to track the
passage of time. Those that glow brightest
2 match the ones you were born under. As
their light grows more intense, you feel an
immense amount of energy flow through
your body, filling you with newfound power.
f f
With newfound resolve, you leave the tower
and seal the door behind you forever.

e Party Achievement :
e Beauty in Freedom
e Rewards :
Living Living Treasure 15 gold each
Bones Corpse Tile (x1)
1 each
All characters may add one new card of
their class to their active card pool. The
card selected must have a level equal to or
Dark Barrel Rock Water less than the character’s level minus 2.
Corridor (x4) (x2) Column (x1) (x15)

hunter. Know your role, fools, and flee my and heals half its maximum hit point value
Section 66 wrath!” (rounded up). It is now considered to have
Shield 1 and adds +1 Attack to all its
Sardonic Smile : attacks. The Husk still cannot be reduced
With a wicked laugh, the Husk disappears Special Rules : below 1 hit point.
from in front of you, reappearing elsewhere Open doors 1 (if closed) and read section
down the alley. Most of its scars are gone, but 67 on the next page (if unread).
the patronizing grin remains. Section Links :
“Poor, delusional prey—they still Teleport the Husk to b (or the closest If the Husk is ever reduced to 1 hit point
think they can bring down the empty hex). It removes all negative conditions again, read section 128 on page 40.
Section Links :
Section 67 A fork in the alley opens to three different
routes to the gatehouse at the city’s entrance. The first time any character opens a door:
Branching Alleyway : To your left, a path leads through a narrow 2    , read section 81 on page 27.
back lane, all the way around the block. The 3    , read section 106 on page 35.
road in the middle seems to be obstructed,
2 but there might be a way to pass. The most
direct route, however, is the one to your right,
which goes through an old, overgrown park.
The location is infamous for being a host to
the night activities of quite ruthless criminal Fountain Wall
elements. (x1) Section (x1)

Aesther Black Night Treasure Damage DISARM Water

Scout Imp Demon Tile (x1) Trap (x2) and CURSE (x8)
Trap (x4)

“I lock away my secrets in this place to shield

Section 68 them from prying eyes. May they fade into Section 69
dust like your legacies.” Conclusion (112) :
A Tale Well-Recited :
You place the last element into one of the The voice quiets, and Cassandra sinks to As you fight and try to align the beams, the
resonators, and they begin to hum together the floor, clearly shaken by the experience. defensive machines in the lab slowly stop
in a harmonious frequency. By all accounts, After a long beat, she composes herself and moving, apparently sapped of power. At first,
you’ve discovered the proper alignment. stands. “Let’s go…” you think this a boon, but then the energy
Streams of energy combine in the center of beams flicker and go out as well, leaving you
the room, and a beam of light shoots out at Special Rules : with nothing to show for your efforts.
one of the walls. There, the floor ascends Place a stair tile at k and a door tile on the
into a set of stairs, and the ceiling gives way hex to its left. Cassandra checks a nearby control panel,
to a new door. but it is of no use.
The scenario goal has changed. Open this
The color in Cassandra’s eyes suddenly dims new door to reveal the new scenario goal. “The power to this facility has been drained,”
and her expression wanes. Lost in memories she says. You can hear the disappointment in
not her own, she speaks with a deep and her voice. “We took too long. There is no way
foreign male voice: Section Links : of powering any of this up again, so the only
When any character opens the new door, thing left to do is go back to the tinkerer and
“Ashtar, your power is divided and broken by read section 133 on page 41. tell him the bad news. All our work on the
my design. Thelija, I render your might to rift device has been for naught.”
dust through technological marvel. Nyema, Layout : Rewards :
the eternal hunt ends here for you. Eliador, New Map :
knowledge you once hoarded I now call my 25 collective gold
own. A1a D1a 5 experience each
1 each
“You are all myths of a bygone era, conjured
from obsolescence by primitive minds. What A1a M1a
little power you have remaining, I have taken
to create my device. With it, day and night Section 70 :
are torn asunder. The stars are now within
Stairs (x1)
D2a Proceed to section 46 on page 16.
my reach.
too soon. To honor her legacy, I can
Section 71 only push onwards, striving beyond
the realm of man to attempt the e
Quiet Rotation : impossible. A voice calls out to me
You step on a plate once again, and the in the dark. Is it hers? It pleads for
mechanism quietly whirls, rotating the me to bring her back...”
room at a steady pace. You’re not sure
why it worked so smoothly this time, but With clenched teeth, 76 85
you’ll certainly accept the brief reprise. Cassandra waves her hand
over the wall, and the voice
You notice the glyphs on the wall shifting, stops. “That is enough. We must
and the voice returns. “The gleaming continue our search.”
gems in the night sky are so far-flung.
They sparkle as if a source of light refracts
within. To one day build ships that could Special Rules :
sail high enough to reach them. To grasp Rotate tile F1a and place tile D1a as shown. 1 1 Living
for these jewels and all that they have to Open doors 1 . Spirit
offer. Would it be possible to reach them
by shrinking the space between?” When any character ends their turn on Stone
pressure plate e , remove it from the Golem
Cassandra nods knowingly in response. “It map, and remove one numbered token
seems as though Bastian left behind his next to the round tracker.
thoughts within this place. They reflect Treasure
his unquenchable thirst for something Section Links : Tile (x2)
more in his research. I helped him on Number Pressure Pressure
some of these projects and observed him Pressure
of tokens plate b plate c Plate (x1)
being consumed by this thirst.
4 02 on 113 on
“I eventually chose to leave his side. page 3 page 36 c b Damage
I could no longer bear the horrible 3 74 on 77 on
Trap (x2)
lengths he went to for his work, and my page 25 page 25
complaints to our colleagues only fell on Water
2 54 on 74 on (x3)
the deaf ears of those too enamored by page 19 page 25
his results. Perhaps if I had stayed, I could a
have...” Cassandra trails off, then replaces 1 109 on 70 on
page 35 page 23 Boulder (x1)
her frown with a resolute stare. “This
is why I study the patterns of time and 0 113 on 02 on
space. Never again will I make a mistake page 36 page 3
like that.”

After a moment of silence, the voice Sarcophagus (x2)

returns. “Life is finite. Hers... ended much

Night Demon for two or three characters, or Section Links :

Section 72 one elite Night Demon for four characters, When any character opens a door 3 ,
adjacent and to the right of any door 3 . remove all doors 3 from the map and read
Clinging Fog : section 123 on page 39.
As you approach the black fog, it seems to
disperse just slightly, as though it is retreating
from the light of your torch. In the distance,
you can barely make out another door.

You jump at the sudden sound of hissing

beside you. You are quite close to the source 3
now, and it appears that something is rather
desperate to protect it.
Special Rules :
At the start of every even round, move 3
the Dark elemental token to the Waning 1
column. At the end of every
odd round, spawn one normal Living Night
24 Spirit Demon
Section 73 Section 74 :
Reflecting Pond : Proceed to section 39 on page 14.
Your limbs grow heavy as you
continue to move, doing your
best to protect your rifts. You
are hoping to find some peace
Section 75
by this small pond, but again, An Unexpected Find :
you catch sight of another Rifling through the contents of this
foe emerging from the trees. well-hidden chest, you find a complex
3 apparatus, which Cassandra immediately
You don’t know how much
longer you can go on like this, recognizes as another piece of Bastian’s
but you will have to find the rift device.
energy to make it at least a
little farther. “Wonderful!” she exclaims. “Our work is
done here. There’s no need to linger any
longer in this Vermling-infested ruin.”
Special Rules :
When you open door 3 ,
read section 90 on page 30. Special Rules :
The scenario is now complete.
Valrath Thorns Water Bush
Savage (x1) (x6) (x1) Tree (x1)
Conclusion (107) :
The High Council is now very interested in With the artifact now in hand, Cassandra
Section 76 the conversation, murmuring in agitation. breathes a sigh of relief.
Ashtooth just sits, a wry smile on his face.
Conclusion (110) : “Of course,” she says. “It makes perfect
The crowd erupts in thunderous cheers as “That will certainly be a long conversation— sense in hindsight. The aura we were
you strike down the last of your adversaries. one to have behind closed doors,” he says. experiencing—it was caused by the
After spending all day in battle, you are “Come to my quarters in the Library of lingering energy of this device, amplified
grateful that it is finally over. You’d be happy Inquiry. There we can discuss everything you by the case it was in. Now that we have
to collapse with exhaustion, but there is one wish to know.” removed it, I have full use of my powers
thing left to do—meet with the High Council. once again.
While Cassandra is a tireless, eternal being,
You are summoned to the highest box in the the thought of hours of conversation at this “And none too soon,” she remarks as
colosseum, where the crowd watches on as point sounds overwhelming. You opt to rest in you hear the howls of Vermlings in the
you are presented with a crystal tiara made by the comfort of the Sylmir Inn, and Cassandra distance. “Let’s get out of here.”
a master Orchid artisan. All the High Council is there when you wake the next morning.
lounge in their seats with little interest.
Cassandra opens a rift and you quickly
“It took some effort to get the Orchids to
“While we appreciate the prize,” Cassandra stop contemplating their actions and actually make your escape, relieved to leave all
addresses Ashtooth directly, “this was not act,” Cassandra says, “but I now have what those endless corridors, incredibly tight
our motivation. I have an urgent matter to we came for. All the pieces are falling into spaces, and ever-shifting walls behind.
discuss with the Keeper of Secrets.” The place. Stopping this corruption might yet be
council members suddenly sit up in their possible after all.” Global Achievement :
chairs. Pieces of an Artifact
Without another word on the matter, she (If this is the third “Pieces of an
“And you must be Cassandra,” Ashtooth whisks you back to Gloomhaven. Artifact” achievement gained, read
replies. “She who carries the weight of the section 49 on page 17)
entire world on her shoulders. I have been
told of your coming. You were expected.” Global Achievement :
A Peril Averted
Rewards :
“If we were expected—” Cassandra is cut 10 gold each
short as Ashtooth swiftly raises a palm. (If this is the second “A Peril Averted”
achievement gained, read 5 experience each
section 118 on page 37)
“Is that really the question you came to ask?”

“No,” Cassandra replies. “We came to find

your histories of the western continent. What
Reward : Section 77 :
do you know of the Upheaval and the events “Crystal Tiara” (Item 163) Proceed to section 71 on page 24.
that followed?”
scattering cards and coins everywhere, and “Interesting! As luck would have it, I have
Section 78 starts screeching at you. seen something like this before, on an old
treasure map I once lifted off a traveling
Decoding in the Sinking Market : “How dare you show your faces here! You Aesther.” She disappears behind her desk
You head into the Sinking Market as the sun lot owe me five hundred gold!” The room for a minute, and you hear lots of shuffling
sets. The criminal element in this district is becomes dead silent for what seems like ages, noises.
incredibly active at night. The thieves are when the Vermling suddenly bursts out into
nothing you can’t handle, though, and it’s laughter, followed quickly by all her cohorts. “Here it is!” She holds up a yellowed
your best bet for finding a good information parchment and throws it to you. “Why don’t
broker. After reaching out to some of your “Sorry, just messing with you!” she says, once you just keep it? The treasure’s long gone, if
contacts and taking down a few robbers again taking her seat. “You should have seen you know what I mean.”
too stupid or desperate to realize they were the look on your faces! The name is Needle-
outmatched, you get a name and location: Eye, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you. You see a set of symbols in the corner of the
Needle-Eye at the Wrecked Dinghy. map, along with a scratched out translation.
“Though, honestly, maybe you should owe
The place is a derelict ship floating offshore, me something. You have no idea how many
but you find a ferry and make your way over. people come in asking to have you killed. I N34,62
You are led into the main cabin of the Dinghy,
where you meet a gathering of Vermlings
always refuse, though. A fool’s errand, I say.
= N 34° , 62’
playing cards around a large table. “Anyway, I hear from my people you have
some writing for me to look at?” You hand E18 ,95
The one at the head, clad in plenty of over a copy of the cipher and the Vermling
ostentatious jewelry, jumps up on the table, studies it intently.
= E 18° , 95’
me!” Hail yells. She almost has the rift closed, with this world, and these ‘simpletons’ are
Section 79 when it begins to widen and grow again. “It
was obvious those fools had been corrupted
our best chance at stopping it—something
you’ve already determined yourself—so you
The Second Portal : even before the Upheaval. And what about might want to consider stepping down from
“You know, a part of me might even consider our pact, you entitled baby? What gives that high pedestal of yours!”
this fun,” Hail says as she lifts her hand to the you the right to share our story with these
second portal. “If she weren’t here, of course.” simpletons? To risk having that knowledge
corrupt the future of our world?” Hail regains Special Rules :
“I had hoped the years of my absence would her composure and seals the rift. Replace the original order for spawning
have mellowed your hate,” Cassandra says. monsters with the new order of 3 , 4 ,
“There were many of us who worked closely “Hypocrisy!” Cassandra bursts out in repeat (starting with 3 ).
with Bastian that the lot of you couldn’t even uncharacteristic anger. “When the Gloom
look at. Is it really such a surprise I went on emerged from the Void and threatened to Hail a now moves towards portal 3
my own journey? Maybe if you hadn’t have destroy this city again, what did you do?” Hail instead.
shunned us, far less would have fallen under remains silent.
the influence of the Gloom.” Section Links :
“I am only doing the same!” Cassandra When Hail enters portal 3 , read section 85
“You can’t be serious, turning this around on implores. “The corruption is not yet finished on page 28.

Thankfully, another book provides the rough New Locations :

Section 80 location to two more of Bastian’s laboratories.
Comparing them to the atlas from the Vault Intricate Work 106 (I-12)
Conclusion (100) : of Knowledge, it’s easy to discern where to Mechanical Genius 107 (F-14)
You quickly fill your sacks with everything search next.
from the glass case, along with several books Global Achievements :
off the shelves and some of the more curious “The first is where Merchant’s Bay empties
apparatuses in the workshop. Then you make into the Misty Sea,” Cassandra points out. Pieces of an Artifact
your escape through one of Cassandra’s rifts. “Twin lighthouses rising from the water— Knowledge is Power
built before the Upheaval. They’ve weathered (If this is the second “Knowledge is
It takes days, but after searching through all the ages and remain untouched in modern Power” achievement gained, read
the tomes, you eventually locate a passage times, mainly because they are completely section 27 on page 10)
that indicates how the mechanical bits you inaccessible from the sea 106 .
found fit together. Once complete, it forms
a perfect replica of part of the rift device. “The second is also not far from Gloomhaven
Rewards :
The passage goes on to note how the piece —another underground facility, located near Choose to gain one of the following sets: 
functions but also alludes to two other the eastern shore of the city 107 . We may be “Telescopic Lens” (Item 059) and
parts necessary to get the device to work. able to reach it by boat, but using my skills “Ancient Drill” (Item 112), OR
could still prove necessary.” “Curious Gear” (Item 125) and
“Remote Spider”(Item 126)
“Even this part of town seems to be infested may forgo a top action (discarding one
Section 81 with the underlings of corruption!” Cassandra card instead) to climb over the wall, moving
to the closest unoccupied hex on the other
laments. “We cannot relent! There must be a
Narrow Street : way through!” side but still adjacent to the obstacle.
The walls of rickety, old buildings loom high
on all sides as you race through the back The Husk and all Aesther Scouts may move
alleyways. The cramped rows of houses leave Special Rules : through wall section d , but not end their
only one way to proceed. Any character adjacent to wall section d movement on top of it.

Section Links :
c When any character opens door 4 , read
section 132 on page 41 (if unread).

Aesther Black Night Wall

Scout Imp Demon Section (x1)

Damage DISARM Water

Trap (x2) and CURSE (x3)
Trap (x1)

Section 82 “Hmm, this is something worth investigating,”

Cassandra remarks. “It is a small footnote
Section 83
Conclusion (98) : during the formative years of Gloomhaven, Conclusion ( ):
The leftover ruffians flee as the city guards but I can see the handiwork of corruption Yes, you feel it now. As the last rift moves
show up to help you dowse the remaining between the lines. We need to figure out into position, the intensity of the vibrations
flames. Both scrolls in hand, you move to an what cargo was so important 103 .” increases. You feel a great power pressing up
alleyway away from the commotion to give against the boundary to your plane, and you
Cassandra a chance to browse the contents. New Locations : reach out to meet it.
The Record of Accounts details the Orchid Bazaar of Knowledge 102 (M-19) A shock wave ripples across the clearing as
trade agreements with other races, their Where It Is Needed 103 (H-8) you take hold, sending shivers through the
partnership with Quatryls at important trees and knocking back your enemies. And
hubs, and every delivery they’ve recently then you pull it through—a small basin
made to Gloomhaven, most of which seem Party Achievement : made of mother-of-pearl, just big enough to
to originate from a rather large commercial Custodians fit in your hands.
port across the Misty Sea by the name of
Velcyll Harbor. It’s a well-known place to
It fills you with a renewed energy, allowing
trade not only goods but also information Global Achievement : you to take advantage of the thinned
and secrets. Needless to say, it would be wise
to venture there and nose about 102 . Knowledge is Power dimensional divide and create a portal to
(If this is the second “Knowledge is escape. You jump through just in time to
The Record of the Journey details the Orchid Power” achievement gained, read avoid another salvo of throwing axes.
involvement in the founding of Gloomhaven, section 27 on page 10)
and strongly focuses on their supply caravans Once safely back in your own sanctum,
and routes to the city. Additionally listed are you resolve to be a little more careful when
findings in the ruins beneath Gloomhaven’s Rewards : venturing out on your own.
foundation, political intricacies arising in 10 gold each
the early decades, and raids by the wild Inox Reward :
and Vermlings. The account of a caravan, +1 reputation
“Basin of Prophecy” (Item 164)
carrying something of great importance, +1 prosperity
especially stands out, as it never arrived at Add City Event 86 to the deck
its destination.
Section 84
Gateway to the Firmament :
“Elham climbed his tower to the very top.” 89
The final chapter of the story now writes itself
on these high walls. “He attempted to escape
into the stars, but the stars rejected him,
fearing he would try to capture them and their
beauty next. Instead, the stars sent down their
guardians, who turned Elham’s magic against
him. He became the final piece of his own
collection, imprisoned by his own cruelty and

Special Rules :
All characters recover all their discarded cards
and up to three cards from their lost pile. Set
up the characters on the starting spaces, and
place all active character summons in empty
hexes closest to their owner.

The Aesther Ashblade is Elham, and all Savvas

Icestorms and Lavaflows are Guardians of the Aesther Earth Flame Frost Savvas Savvas
Firmament. All named monsters are immune to Ashblade Demon Demon Demon Icestorm Lavaflow
STUN and have Advantage on all their

At the start of every round, before choosing

cards, choose one element to move from the Wind Treasure Stairs Stone Wall Section
Inert column to the Strong column. Demon Tile (x1) (x3) Pillar (x4) (x2)

Section 85 The surface of the portal grows transparent.

You can briefly see through to an imposing
Special Rules :
Replace the previous order for spawning
The Third Portal : mountain range, blanketed by clouds and monsters with the following: At the end of
Hail, now visibly exhausted, once again dotted with nests of several subspecies of every even round, one Harrower Infester
pushes on to mend the chaotic energies in drakes. A group of the flying terrors move for spawns adjacent to portal 4 .
front of her. the rift just as it snaps shut. The feedback
sends Hail stumbling backwards, though she Hail a now moves towards portal 4
“I’m sorry if I—” Cassandra begins. manages to catch her footing. instead.

“Don’t,” Hail cuts her off. “I don’t have the “Just one more left,” Cassandra says Scenario Goal :
energy to argue, and I certainly don’t want reassuringly, but Hail remains silent. When Hail enters portal 4 , read section 102
your apologies. Just let me do my job.” on page 33.

“Bastian’s psyche entered my own,” she says. Global Achievement :

Section 86 “I’m not sure what to make of it—thinking
his thoughts, steeped in his emotions. The Pieces of an Artifact
Conclusion (106) : yearning for a greater knowledge consumed (If this is the third “Pieces of an
The glass case contains several circular objects him, making him easily susceptible to the Artifact” achievement gained, read
and small gears. Whatever their function, it’s corruption.” section 49 on page 17)
not immediately apparent, but comparing
them with the parts you previously found, it Cassandra shakes off the ill feeling and
becomes clear they belong together, though returns you to the city. You are getting close Rewards :
there are still missing bits here and there. now to assembling all the pieces of Bastian’s 175 gold each
device. Not only that, but the whole ordeal This money must immediately be
You grab the items and return to the main also taught you how to better master the flow spent on any , , , ,
hall. Cassandra is still investigating the of elemental energies. , or enhancements
resonators intently, as well as the runic + 1 prosperity
inscriptions upon the walls.

Section 87 Section 88
Elemental Storm : Conclusion (105) :
The moment you take your hand off the Killing those abominations was no easy
last resonator, the room bursts into chaos. feat, but you prevailed in the end. You begin
Elements shoot wildly around the room. to inspect the grounds, hoping to ascertain
Something has gone horribly wrong. what sort of influence the corruption
might have had over this cult. Maybe you
Boulders fall from the ceiling, traps spring
up from the floor, and water begins can even scrounge up some details on the
flooding in from holes in the walls. You mysterious Aesther who disappeared.
are assaulted by a cacophony of noises,
blinding lights, and a mix of sweltering Rummaging about, you stumble on an
heat and freezing gales. A storm rages, alchemical formula for a vaccine to prevent
battering you ceaselessly. the effects you first witnessed back in the
Sekhem Gardens. Regrettably, for those
already corrupted, it will do no good.
Special Rules :
All figures suffer 3 damage and gain “At least it will help us avoid any similar
CURSE , MUDDLE , POISON , attempts to come,” Cassandra states. “We
DISARM , and WOUND . can drop it off at the University, but I fear
there’s not much else here. We may have
Place boulders, traps, and water tiles as only managed to put even larger targets on
shown. our backs 111 .”
If any figure occupies a hex where a boulder New Location :
is placed, they suffer trap damage and move
to the closest empty hex. The Shackles Loosen 111 (B-18)
Damage Water Boulder
If any figure occupies a hex where a trap is Trap (x6) (x6) (x4)
placed, they immediately spring the trap. Reward :
“Major Antidote” design (Item 154)

Section 89 “I am Terra," the girl says. “Moonshard is

overly protective, and it will be the death of
suppose. But neither your part nor the part
you seek is here. Return to your own time
Conclusion (103) : her soon enough. I warned her, but she would and speak to Ashtooth, the Keeper of Secrets,
As the caravan emerges from the rocky not be dissuaded from accompanying me. in Velcyll Harbor 110 . For those who travel
hollow, it is finally able to distance itself through time, it should be easy enough to
from its pursuers. When you catch up, you “You see, I know my fate, even while you still reach.”
find the Orchids regrouping. Many of their struggle to put the pieces together. I know
defenders did not survive, but those who did you should not be here, but the one thing I “Thank you for your wisdom,” Cassandra
are determined to press on. cannot see is where you should be. It is very says, exhaling deeply. Before you can stand
curious.” up, you are whisked away back through the
“We cannot remain here much longer,” stream of time. Though still excruciating and
Cassandra whispers to you. “Time still wants “We are travelers,” Cassandra begins, “from overwhelming, at least this trip doesn’t tear
to right itself. We must get the information a time beyond this one. We are desperately you apart.
soon.” seeking information. We need whatever
knowledge your people have about the New Location :
You take the opportunity while everyone corruption and the great Upheaval.” A Circular Solution 110 (L-19)
rests to approach the wagon once again, but
the imposing Orchid is still ready to block “I see,” the girl ruminates. “Unfortunately,
your advance. my answers are not your answers. My fate is Party Achievement :
intertwined with what lies beyond the Gloom Guard Detail
“It is okay, Moonshard,” a soft voice emerges and its corruption. Your attempts here today
from inside the cart. “Let them enter. It is to alter that fate are extremely dangerous.
imperative that we speak.” The flow cannot be changed, and those who Rewards :
attempt to divert it will find only loss—a loss +2 prosperity
The Orchid guard grunts as you step up into greater than what already awaits them.”
Add City Event 87 to the deck
the carriage. There is no treasure here—
just a small Orchid girl smiling at you. She The girl looks wistfully towards the entrance
gestures for you to sit. of the wagon. “We all have our part to play, I
Section 90 Special Rules : Section 91
All rifts can now be focused on and damaged
Misty Glade : normally, regardless of where they are. A Burning Regret :
Trembling with exhaustion, you stumble The last element fits into the resonator, but
forward. You feel your grip on the rifts You may immediately move up to two rifts something feels off. The floor vibrates at a
weaken, and you know, in your current state, within four hexes of you to empty hexes low frequency and glows with a red lattice
you will no longer be able to protect them. adjacent to you. Any rifts that you did not pattern. The temperature quickly rises to
This thought fills you with dread as your move recover up to 3 hit points. unbearable levels, sapping your strength. If
enemies close in on you from all sides. you don’t get out of here fast, you’ll surely
succumb to exhaustion.
Still, at the end of the path, something Scenario Goal :
feels off. There is a hidden energy here—a When each rift occupies a b , read section
faint vibration. You hadn’t noticed it when 83 on page 27. Special Rules :
you passed this way before, but there is All monsters suffer 3 damage and gain
permanent WOUND . This condition
something behind the b cannot be removed in any way.
fabric of reality, and
you are convinced it b
is why the Orchids All characters must discard their entire
consider this place to hand, then lose one card at random from
be ideal for meditation. their discard pile. Do not discard cards that
were selected to be played this round or
With nowhere else to cards in a character’s active area.
go, your resolve now
shifts to exposing this Starting next round, at the end of every
energy. If you can round, all characters must discard one card
arrange your rifts in from their hand or lose one at random from
a specific pattern, it their discard pile. If they cannot do either,
should thin the veneer they are exhausted.
of reality just enough
to see what is behind it.
Whatever is there may
Section 92
be the only thing that b Nesting Grounds :
can help you now. Valrath Thorns Bush b You find the door to this room to be slightly
Savage (x1) (x2) stuck, forcing you to bang hard against it,
dislodging what appears to be a collection
of twig nests cluttering the other side. The
From now on, the Dark elemental token nests are adorned in unusual feathers,
Section 93 does not move at the start of any round, and
Night Demons do not spawn.
but more concerning are the small furry
Rays of Sunlight : shapes of Vermlings in some of the nests.
Though resting at one point, they have been
You heave the boulder onto the pressure Altar j is the source of unnatural awakened by your loud entrance and now
plate. Immediately, the door swings open, darkness. It has 5+L+(2xC) hit points. If you scramble to arm themselves.
and you see that the downpour has ended. read section 41 before reading this section,
The setting sunlight seeps in as the dark compare the current hit point value of the
fog disperses. At the back of the hallway, a altar to the value given here. The altar is Section Links :
black sphere sits atop an ornate altar. The considered to have whichever hit point value Whenever any character ends their turn on
incoming light seems to dampen its power. is lower. pressure plate e while there are no other
characters on tile N1b, read section 10 on
“The only thing left to do is destroy this evil page 5.
object,” Cassandra says.

A horrible shrieking draws your attention j

back to the door. Unfortunately, more drakes e
have emerged from their nests.

Special Rules :
Open door 1 . 3
Spawn one normal Rending Drake at k
(see page 10). Additionally, spawn one
normal Rending Drake for three characters
or one elite Rending Drake for Living Night Altar Vermling Vermling Pressure
four characters at m .
30 Spirit Demon (x1) Scout Shaman Plate (x1)
Section 94
Seal of Reanimation :
You move into the tunnel and are awed
by the crystalline array of densely packed a
filaments above you, all converging upon a
single point—a glowing white seal of power.
The seal pulses with an eerie light, reacting
to your presence, and shortly thereafter you
hear the moaning of the undead. Spirits
coalesce and corpses claw their way up from
the ground. This seal seems to be animating
these creatures to protect itself.

Special Rules :
Open door 1 (if closed). Living Living
Corpse Spirit 1
Until the seal a in this room is destroyed,
when any monster in this room is killed,
place that monster next to the round tracker
near the number three rounds from when it Rock Rubble
was killed. Column (x1) (x3)
At the end of every round, spawn any
monsters next to the current round number,
adjacent to the seal a in this room.
Section 95
The Horde’s Kitchen :
You shrink back, surprised by the number of
Section 96 Vermlings populating this area. A plethora of
Haunted Treasury : different animal carcasses are piled up on the
table in the back, giving you the impression
Unexpectedly, you find yourself in a you’ve found the kitchen.
chamber that was once surely grand.
Broken glass containers and splintered The cooks hack away at the meat with vigor,
wooden chests hint that this was a
chopping flesh and bone with serrated
treasury, now looted to its bare bones. The
floor is covered in shards of carved stone, 90 cleavers. Others sort through wild berries
relics, and glints of metal and crystal. and mushrooms, but all activities stop when
Shreds of once-beautiful tapestries dangle you enter the room. The Vermlings grab
from the walls, bringing spots of color to their knives and shake them menacingly in
an otherwise depressing scene.  your direction, squeaking wildly.

Most of what you can make out lays under

heaps of debris. It’s possible that something Section Links :
Whenever any character ends their turn on
of value still remains in this room on the 6 pressure plate g while there are no other
other side of the massive piles of stone
and ruined reliquaries, but you cannot characters on tile N1b, read section 19 on
see. What you do notice, however, are the page 7.
spectral shapes seeping in through the
walls. They slowly coalesce into humanoid 10 11
forms, dressed in exquisite costumes of a 7 8
bygone era.

Special Rules :
All Living Spirits treat all wall overlays Living Treasure Rock Wall (x2) g
as normal obstacles, except they must Spirit Tile (x1)
still obey the line-of-sight rules outlined

Large Huge
Rock Wall (x1) Vermling Pressure
Rock Wall (x2) Scout Plate (x1) 31
“Ah, welcome!” he says. “I am Demitri. I was I will reach out to some of my contacts in
Section 97 expecting you. Take a seat, make yourselves the Capital and see what I can find out. We
comfortable.” should also discuss, of course, what you can
Decoding in the Merchant’s Guild : do for the guild in return.”
The grand opulence of the Merchant’s Guild You sit in fine leather chairs, and Demitri
is both alluring and incredibly off-putting. All sets a platter of exotic fruits in front of you. You come to an agreement to escort their
of the luxurious tapestries, gold statues, and “So I hear you need a favor. I am happy to do next expedition, and he promises to get back
wait staff dressed in tailored purple suits— whatever I can to help those who have done to you as soon as he knows something. Days
it’s like they’re rubbing their wealth in your so many great things for the city.” later, a messenger arrives with a note. Inside,
face. But still, you can’t help but think how some of the characters of the text have been
nice it would be to live here. Maybe you’d like Between savoring delicious bites of food, you circled and translated.
to own some tapestries... take your time explaining the Aesther text
found in the Vault of Knowledge. Demitri o = y o
y = uh
You are led into a private office where a thin listens closely and with great interest. = a v
a = df
man stands up from his desk and comes
forward to greet you. His appearance is rather “I tell you what—I think I may be able to help.
= c o
c e = le
inconspicuous, but still neat and cultivated. If you can leave a copy of this text with me, = h o
h = ed
Section 98 creating transdimensional wards to make “I am sorry, Hail,” Cassandra says. “That was
sure you aren’t followed. not my intention, but fighting those assassins
Conclusion (114) : has given me more insight into combating
Hail snatches up an odd contraption from “So how long had you known they were after the corruption itself. I expect this will be over
one of the cabinet drawers. It looks roughly me before you decided to show up?” asks soon, if that is any consolation.”
like a telescope, but its thinner end sprouts Hail, staring coldly at Cassandra. She inhales
several antennae with different gemstones at sharply as the apothecary pours disinfectant “It isn’t,” Hail retorts, but you catch a faint
their tips. She twists the various interlocking on her shoulder wound. smile flash across her face.
tubes at its center in a specific way, and a
sudden shock wave blasts through the entire “We need to take every opportunity we can to
building. weaken the corruption’s forces,” Cassandra New Location :
says. “I wasn’t expecting such an elaborate
Future Uncertain 115 (H-16)
Without hesitation, Cassandra motions as trap, of course, but it all worked out in the
she did before, but this time a rift appears. end.”
You help Hail through, and within a matter Reward :
of seconds, you are all standing in an “Oh, you call this working out?” Hail asks in
Party Boon:
apothecary’s shop. a raised voice. “Because I call almost dying Additional costs of enhancing
and having my home half-destroyed pretty an ability card based on
The Savvas within is startled initially, but far from working out. So next time you’re the level of the card are now
when it sees Hail’s wounds, it immediately thinking about using me as bait for your little reduced by 5 gold per level.
moves to help, while Cassandra works on crusade, do me a favor and don’t!”

Section 99 “I will see you and your friends die at my

hands, witch! I will revel in joy as your blood
“There is no doubt that creature will return,”
Cassandra says, visibly shaken. “Sooner or
Conclusion (111) : flows from my knives down through my later, we will deal with the consequences of
You storm into the gatehouse at Gloomhaven’s fingers. I will watch as your corpses rot in our decision to not face it in combat.”
New Market entrance, interrupting a group of the sun, picked apart by scavengers. I will
guards playing a game of cards. You are about feed your souls to my master, drinking deep The guards all stare at you with a mix of
to explain the situation, when a booming as your meager power joins with the eternal disbelief and pity. One of them coughs
voice erupts from outside. superiority of corruption. nervously. “Yeah, uh...” he mutters. “Good
luck with that.”
“So my quarry wishes to hide like rats behind “But not today. You know the future, yes? You
the feckless guards of this city?” You look out can see these things with your own eyes too,
the door to see the Husk standing in the open, so I will leave you with that, then. Quiver in Party Achievement :
many demons and imps at its back. “Make no fear, dreading the day when I arrive again to
mistake, I could topple your walls—I could finish what was started!” Hunted Prey
crush the life out of everyone inside, but I
grow bored with this chase.” One last laugh emerges from the hulking
figure, and then a black smoke arises. In a Rewards :
The guards around you scramble to find their matter of seconds, the creatures have vanished 5 experience each
weapons and don their armor. One of them on the wind, and lights begin to blink back on Add Rift Event 16 to the deck.
races up to the battlements to sound the along the skyline. Whatever dark magic put Instead of shuffling this event into the
alarm, but none seem too eager the city to sleep has dissipated along with whole deck, shuffle it into the top 3 cards
to charge out and face the threat. your aggressors.
Section 100
Sekhem Fountain : a a
Guided by the screams of more innocents,
you head into the central room of the
greenhouse, the site of a large fountain.
Here, you unfortunately find more citizens
trapped in a binding spell by cultists who
summon creatures of pure terror to help 95
them ravage the populace.

Questions race through your mind about

this group’s origin, motives, and how they
have been hiding out for so long. Finding the
answers, however, is not nearly as urgent as
ending their onslaught. a

a a

Black Cultist Deep Treasure Fountain Wall Section

Imp Terror Tile (x1) (x1) (x6)

Section 101 are already en route, so we’ll need to be When revealing monster ability cards, reveal
subtle but efficient in our intervention. Do one for each commander from the boss deck.
Getting Both Records : not take either commander lightly, and pick
Assessing the battlefield, you decide it may your battles carefully.” When Xangroth or Diamara are killed, they
be possible to use both sides against each drop a Goal treasure tile instead of a money
other to gain control of both journals. token.
Xangroth, the Valrath commander, has taken Special Rules :
a more advantageous position by retreating All Valrath Savages, Trackers, and Xangroth, Track the number of rounds throughout the
into a nearby cave, from which he wields his the Valrath Commander, are allies to each scenario. At the end of the fifteenth round,
great bow with deadly aim. While Diamara, other and enemies to you and all other the scenario is lost.
the human commander, sets to rousing her monster types.
troops out in the open, swinging a two-
handed axe with reckless abandon. All City Guards, Archers, and Diamara, the Scenario Goal :
Human Commander, are allies to each other When all enemies are killed and both Goal
“It’s important that we get both diaries in and enemies to you and all other monster treasure tiles are looted, read section 120 on
time,” Cassandra advises. “Reinforcements types. page 38.

weakly. “Point me at them. I’m ready to go.”she pauses and closes her eyes. “We’ll have
Section 102 to be discrete, so as not to stir up too much
“You’ve done enough for the day,” Cassandra unwanted attention... 111 ”
Conclusion (104) : says.
The last planar chasm widens and reveals a New Location :
bleak landscape full of insect swarms. They “Yeah, I probably have...” Hail sits herself in
gather and move closer, but the portal cracks The Shackles Loosen 111 (B-18)
a rickety bench and remains silent for some
and shatters like a broken mirror before they time. “Cassandra, I am not yet ready to
reach you. forgive you, but still, I understand the dire Party Achievement :
importance of your quest. We must neutralize
Hail collapses, completely exhausted. The this threat before it can orchestrate new wars Dimensional Equilibrium
whole area begins to rumble and close in on among the races. I fear it will not be satisfied
itself now that the rifts are no longer there until the world lies in ruin and every speck of Reward :
to sustain the larger scar. Cassandra quickly life is eradicated. I will be here to help in any
opens a portal, and you all escape back to the way I can.” “Major Mana Potion” (Item 048)
drab decay of the Crooked Bone.
Cassandra nods. “There are still more
“Just a few hundred left, right?” Hail jokes resources we need, but—” As if interrupted,
Section 103 Special Rules : All thorns and water hexes are considered
All characters recover all their discarded both difficult and hazardous terrain.
The Thorns of Hate : cards and up to two cards from their lost pile.
The climb continues, and with it, more white Set up the characters on the starting spaces,
words upon the wall. and place all active character summons in Section Links :
empty hexes closest to their owner. When all characters have ascended stairs
“What Elham ruled over turned against him. 3 , remove everything from the map and
Fueled by resentment and hatred, everything read section 84 on page 28.
within became warped and dangerous,
attacking their jailer at every opportunity.
And so, Elham fled the thorns of his flowers,
not away from his tower, but upward.”

Earth Forest Wind Thorns

Demon Imp Demon (x4)

Stairs Water Stone Wall Section

(x2) (x8) Pillar (x2) (x2)

you want off their dead commander, so long In its pages, you find suspicious reports of
Section 104 as I get her head!” meetings with cloaked figures said to be “half
here, half elsewhere.”
Conclusion (108) : You recoil at this declaration, and he laughs
With the entire human army destroyed, again. At least he seems happy. You think “No…” Cassandra whispers in confusion.
Xangroth approaches you, a disconcerting briefly about what it would be like to go “Could the entire war have been orchestrated
smile upon his face. He eyes your party up against the maniac in combat, and you are by corrupted Aesthers?”
and down, possibly deciding whether to satisfied with your decision to join his side
thank you or kill you. He finally settles on the of the fight. Party Achievement :
former. Xangroth’s Aid
You take Diamara’s armor, along with her
“Ha, well, that was an interesting turn of journal, and then make a quick exit before
events!” he bellows. “Do not misunderstand things get too grisly. Cassandra creates a rift Reward :
me—this victory was mine alone, but if you to return you to your own time, where you
want your share of the spoils, loot whatever pore through the diary, looking for clues. “Curseward Armor” (Item 155)

Section 105 pieces stand on ornate pedestals.

Crystal Statuary : “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” the sculptor
The sound of a hammer and chisel chipping says when she finally stops hammering. “How
away at stone can be heard before you even may I be of assistance?”
enter this shop, and the ground around the a
door is covered in white dust. Most artisans Discussing some of her art may make it easier
are likely to have some insight into the society to get the information you require.
in which they live, so you decide to pay this
one a visit. When you step inside, however,
the owner looks to be so consumed in the Special Rules :
Any Orchid or Savvas character attempting
creative process that she doesn’t notice at all.
to persuade the Orchid sculptor a must
You see multiple copies of the same figurine lower her persuasion value by 1 for the current
piled up in heaps of leftover check. If this check fails, place 1 additional Rubble Altar
rubble in the corner. On the damage token next to the round tracker. (x2) (x3)
other walls, much grander
Section 106 Section 107
Strangler’s Park : Decoding in the Great Oak :
A Valrath attendant leads you through
Looking to avoid the narrow streets of 4 the sanctuary under its vaulted ceilings
the alley, you head into the aptly named
Strangler’s Park, a site of numerous deaths and past the colossal oak in the central
now overgrown with unwelcoming vines. gardens, planted when Gloomhaven was
Only fools and robbers come here at night, first founded.
and you fret about what that makes you.
“It is always a great honor for us to see
Stepping tenuously onto the poorly lit grass, you,” the Valrath says. “Your donations are
you see dark shapes ahead—two Harrowers a boon to the sanctuary and a huge help in
hunched over a city guard, rifling through spreading the faith. The Head Keeper will
his belongings. At your approach, they turn be delighted to see you.”
towards you and hiss menacingly. As if you
didn’t have enough to deal with already. You are led to the archives of the Great
Oak, where Head Keeper Athan waits
Special Rules : 92 inside. You enter, but Athan does not
seem at all thrilled about your presence.
When any Harrower
Infester is killed, it His head is buried in a thick tome, and he
drops 3 money tokens hardly even looks up. You wait some time
instead of 1. for him to finish the chapter he is reading.

“So, explain your interruption,” he says

Section Links : vacantly. “I have much work to do.”
When any character
opens door 4 , read You begin to talk about your quest and the
section 132 on page 41 Harrower Vermling Water Thorns Treasure text found in the Vault of Knowledge. At
(if unread). Infester Shaman (x4) (x4) Tile (x1) first, he barely seems to be interested, but
very slowly, as you speak, Athan’s attention
moves from his book to you, until he is
Section 108 hanging on your every word. As you finish
your explanation, he quickly fetches a
Seal of Distortion : report from a drawer and hands it to you.
The moment you enter this room, you
know that something is wrong. Or rather, c “This is so interesting. An Inox missionary
everything is wrong. Overhead, a massive recently found a temple to some long-
crystal web spans across the ceiling. You can forgotten god out in the wilds—Thelija, I
hardly bear to look at it as white lights flicker believe was its name. There was a carving
in odd patterns, making your eyes see black on the capstone of a ruined arch—the
dots and other images where there are none. word ‘Mortifer’. Elsewhere, she found
The web itself seems to be always shifting, a symbols that look similar to what you
an ever-changing distraction from its source,
which you can barely make out at its center. have. It could be that it is the same word.
The whole experience is nauseating.
“And if it is of any help, I did some research
Struggling to concentrate, you force yourself into this Thelija character. Apparently, it
to look at the source—a glowing white seal was common practice for worshipers to
of power. Not only that, but you discern the write down the name of their greatest
shapes of numerous monsters gathering e fear.”
around it. It will be difficult to fight anything
in this room, but you don’t have a choice. mortifer
Special Rules : “Mortifer”
Until the seal a in this room is destroyed,
when any monster in this room suffers Deep Living Rock
damage from any source, that monster
suffers 1 less damage.
Terror Bones Column (x1) Section 109 :
Proceed to section 39 on page 14.

Stalagmites (x1) Dark Corridor (x2)

Section 110 Section 111
A Passage Revealed : 2 Conclusion (108) :
As the last pressure plate is activated, h With the last of the Valraths defeated,
hidden machinery comes to life around you. Diamara approaches you, a skeptical look
Four giant gears interlock perfectly, and an in her eyes. She studies each member of
engine starts to power their movement. your party carefully, deciding whether she
In the distance, you hear the satisfying can trust your intentions.
rumble of something shifting.
“I am commander of the 10th Battalion
from White Oak,” she announces. “Our
Special Rules : corps is thankful for your involvement,
Remove sarcophagus h from tile D1a and but state your name and business. I
place door 2 as shown. was unaware the general had hired any
mercenaries to ambush this battlefront.”
The scenario goal has changed. Open door
2 to reveal the new scenario goal. Layout : You briefly explain why you intervened on
their behalf, claiming that Xangroth stole
Section Links : C2b New Map : something of value and you were hired to
retrieve it. The story works.
When any character opens door 2 , read D1a C2b
section 26 on page 10. You take a pair of axes from Xangroth,
along with his journal, and then make a
quick exit before the situation gets any
Section 112 more complicated. Cassandra creates a
rift to return you to your own time, where
Access Hall : you pore through the diary, looking for
You look through the newly opened door, clues. In its pages, you find suspicious
and spot an Aesther grabbing something reports of meetings with cloaked figures
from a nearby case. With a crooked smile, said to be “half here, half elsewhere.”
he looks back at you. “So, we have found our
quarry as it flails in the dark, vainly looking “No…” Cassandra whispers in confusion.
for answers.” “Could the entire war have been
orchestrated by corrupted Aesthers?”
He holds up a scroll. “Is this what my prey f
seeks? Then it must come and face its end!”
Party Achievement :
Cassandra sighs. “Poor souls. Bastian was Diamara’s Aid
not the only one of us corrupted. Even after
finding their way back from the infinite, some
still lost their way, led astray by promises of Reward :
knowledge and power. They are so far gone, 2 “Throwing Axes” (Item 161)
there is nothing left to do but send them
back to oblivion.”
Special Rules :
Open door f .
Section 113 :
When the elite Aesther Scout is killed, it
drops a Goal treasure tile instead of a money Aesther Stone Proceed to section 46 on page 16.
token. Scout Pillar (x4)

Section 114 Many of the people you queried pointed to a

member of the Orchid High Council by the
New Location :
Conclusion (102) : name of Ashtooth. They refer to him as the A Circular Solution 110 (L-19)
Managing to procure the help of so many in Keeper of Secrets—a promising title—but
Velcyll Harbor was satisfying, but at the end you need a plan if you are to gain an audience.
of the day, you’re not much wiser than before. Rewards :
Most of the knowledge you gathered on the You were told of a monthly tournament 15 experience each
ancients and Bastian were tales, hearsay, or in the new Coliseum of Refinement 110 .
mere folklore. Even the library could not yield Meant to quell the recent uprisings, the If no more than 2+C inhabitants
much. winner is said to be presented their award by were intimidated: +2 reputation
the entire High Council. That might be your Otherwise: -2 reputation
36 Luckily, you still have one lead. ticket to the missing pieces of the story.
Orchid librarian works to keep the catalog
Section 115 meticulous. While farther inside, a Quatryl Section 116
Library of Inquiry :
operates light projectors to display maps Conclusion (106) :
around the library. Both appear quite
Where better to find knowledge than in knowledgeable, though you imagine that the With all the various threats of the towers
one of the most vast libraries in the known librarian may appreciate a conversation with now dead, you are satisfied, but something,
world? Velcyll Harbor easily rivals White Oak someone well-traveled. somehow, still feels odd. You found no signs
in its collection of books from a variety of of the rift device or anything related to it
intelligent races. The entryway alone is filled in your searching. There were only those
with countless volumes and spans three Special Rules : mysterious resonators. And while their
whole floors, but the building also contains Any level 7 or higher character attempting energy now lies dormant, your own is
numerous other rooms, both above and to persuade the Orchid librarian a , may waning, too. You look around one last time
below ground. lower his persuasion value by 1 for the but still find nothing.
current check before flipping an attack
Your best bet would be to find someone modifier card. If this check fails, place 1 “I was so certain this was the right place,”
who could direct you to the information you additional damage token next to the round Cassandra mutters, clearly confused. “Did
need. Behind a desk near the entrance, an tracker. I miss something? Did he destroy his own
work? No, that would be too unlike him.
Maybe he just moved the items?”

b On the one hand, at least the whole ordeal

Treasure taught you how to better master the flow
Tile (x1) of elemental energies. On the other hand,
you’re not quite sure if there was ever a
86 piece of Bastian’s creation here in the first
a place.
Reward :
Bookcase (x4) 175 gold each
This money must immediately be
else between trembling coughs. spent on any , , , ,
Section 117 “I am too,” Cassandra responds. “Naaret…you
, or enhancements

Conclusion (113) : once meant the world to me, but my priorities

With the last of the seals destroyed, the entire no longer concern just one world. While you Section 118
cave network is engulfed in a blinding white were imprisoned, I have seen through time, A Peril Averted 2/4 :
light and the intricate crystal structures above seen through countless possibilities…” She
you come crashing down. You shield yourself trails off and then glances up at you. In one “I believe we now have at least the bare
minimum needed to venture forth and
as best you can while Cassandra blinks to quick movement, she opens a portal and
assault the corruption in its own plane,”
Naaret’s side and catches him as his chains directs you into it, clearly wanting to be left Cassandra says proudly. “I know where to
shatter. Another loud crash can be heard in alone. You step through, allowing the two to look for it, and I know how we can stop it
the distance when the warden of this prison have a more private conversation. from retreating to another realm again.
crumbles into a heap of mechanical parts and What I do not know is if we are powerful
crystalline dust. Cassandra returns hours later by herself. She enough to fight it, but the only way to
does not wish to talk about it, except to say, determine that is to try.
Your vision returns, and you see Cassandra “He has given all the aid he can, and now it is
cradling the weakened and battered Naaret. time to move on.” “Unfortunately, we need to deal with
“You poor, stubborn fool,” she whispers. another problem first. Right now, agents
Global Achievement : of corruption are approaching the Crooked
Naaret’s eyes open, and he speaks with a Bone, intent on murdering Hail. They have
voice too quiet to hear. A Peril Averted failed to stop us, so now they attack our
(If this is the second “A Peril Averted” allies 114 . It is all cause and effect.
“Do not worry yourself about that,” Cassandra achievement gained, read
says to him. “Your actions have done nothing section 118 to the right) “But talking about it more won’t help Hail.”
but good for the rest of our world. Because of Cassandra creates a rift. “It is time for
you, they rebuilt our capital—together with Rewards : New Location :
all the other races.
135 gold each Ink Not Yet Dry 114 (E-14)
“I broke the oath as well, and it has led me This money must immediately be The party is forced to encounter this
back to you. My only regret is that I didn’t spent on any Move , Range , scenario immediately until it is complete
find you sooner.” or Jump enhancements
+1 prosperity
The frail figure in her arms says something
Section 119 Section 120
A Multitude of Tomes : Goal Conclusion (108) :
“Welcome to the vast library of the races!”
The carnage stretches out before you,
Cassandra excitedly proclaims. “You will find
the once green hill now stained red with
volumes of research and literature from my
blood. Not a soul remains alive, except
kind, meditative chants of the Orchids, songs
for you, of course. There will be plenty
and poetry of the Savvas, translations of the
of food for the scavengers.
verbal knowledge from Harrower societies,
animal skins of written texts by the Inox
“The result is the same, with or without
and Algox, technical scriptures from the h us,” Cassandra says, noting your
Quatryls, and even some scribbles attributed
concern. “This war demands countless
to the Vermlings.
unnecessary deaths. At least now, the
truth will not be buried beneath the
“I would be delighted to take as much of
bodies. These detailed war diaries will
this as—” Suddenly, the floor overflows
create a richer history and may contain
with a dark fog. As creatures of horror
Goal something of importance.”
manifest from it, documents start decaying
into black sand one by one. “Oh, my! Let’s
Along with the journals, you help
just grab the Orchid scroll and Bastian’s
yourself to Diamara’s ornate armor
schematics. Quickly, before this fiendish
and a pair of Xangroth’s deadly axes.
energy consumes them!”
Cassandra creates a rift to return you to
your own time, where you pore through
Special Rules : the diaries, looking for clues. Within
both, you find the same suspicious
Open door h .
report of meetings with cloaked figures
Black Deep Treasure Stairs Bookcase (x4) said to be “half here, half elsewhere.”
Imp Terror Tile (x2) (x2)
“No…” Cassandra whispers in confusion.
Section 121 If the path of any beam is interrupted by a
figure, another type of obstacle, or a wall, it
“Could the entire war have been
orchestrated by corrupted Aesthers?”
How Light Bends : is blocked and does not continue 5 . Beams
can cross each other without interruption.
Rules and Examples : Party Achievement :
Altars 1 emit beams of energy in the 2
direction of their stairs, which travel a path
1 Angels of Death
along a straight line of hexes.
Rewards :
If the path of any beam enters the hex
4 “Curseward Armor” (Item 155)
of a mirror oriented like 2 , it will be 3
reflected from the center of that hex at 5 2 “Throwing Axes” (Item 161)
a 60° angle. However, if the path of any 2
beam enters the hex of a mirror oriented
like 3 , it will continue straight through
that hex without change.

A mirror may be used by the same beam,

or even different beams, multiple times and 5 1
from any number of angles 4 .

Section 122 University library that can shed some light

on this, I will find it!”
Four days later, a scribbled note arrives.
“I haven’t slept at all, but I finally found
Decoding in the Library : something in an ancient account of an
“Truly fascinating.” You stand before a You wait while he runs about madly from Orchid adventurer. She details some glyphs
bookish Quatryl at the University, one who shelf to shelf, digging through old histories she encountered and gives a rough guess at
has helped you with translations before. and records. An hour later, he is still chipper their interpretation. I hope it is helpful!”
He marvels at the strange writing you have when he approaches with some bad news.
handed him. “I haven’t ever seen anything
like it before, which intrigues me greatly. “This may take longer than I anticipated,” L
us hg ro wth
But don’t let that worry you.
If there is anything in the
he says, “but don’t worry! I’ll find something
and let you know when I do.” “lush growth”
Section 123
Any character may forgo a top action
(discarding one card instead) to PUSH Section 124
boulder h onto pressure plate i . If From a Hostile Plane :
Lingering Darkness : the pressure plate is occupied, the boulder You arrange the last element into one of the
As you venture farther into the catacomb, cannot be moved onto it. resonators, and nothing happens at first. You
the shadows around you become more are starting to think you missed an important
imposing. They seem to siphon the light
from your torches, using it to fortify the Section Links : clue, when the glowing conduits in the floor
slowly grow dim. The configuration of the
defenses here. In the dimly lit chasm, you see When boulder h occupies pressure plate elements in relation to each other seems
another boulder and an old, rusty plate on i at the end of a round, read section 93 almost correct, but this has the reverse effect
the ground. on page 30. you were hoping for.
When any character opens a door 4 , Soon after, a stream of white energy flows
Special Rules : remove all doors 4 from the map and read backwards from the center of the room
At the start of every even round, move the section 41 on page 15. to the resonators. All six start to hum at
Dark elemental token to the Strong column. the same high frequency, attuning to one
At the end of every odd round, spawn one another. They emit beams up to a single focal
normal Night Demon for two characters, point in the ceiling, and a multitude of tears
or one elite Night Demon for three or in the fabric between the dimensions begin
four characters, adjacent and to the 4 to open overhead. Columns of light shoot
right of any door 4 . down from above, transporting demons
within them.
4 i Special Rules :
h Spawn one Flame Demon at g and one
Wind Demon at j . These spawns are
normal for two or three characters, or elite
for four characters. Additionally, spawn
1 one normal Flame Demon at i and one
normal Wind Demon at h for three or
four characters.

For all character counts, these spawns then

Living Night Pressure Boulder suffer H/2 damage (rounded down), where
Spirit Demon Plate (x1) (x1) H is their regular hit point value.

Section 125 Section 126 practice on ragged, makeshift dolls. They

wield crudely crafted weapons and dress in
A Locked Chest : Training Maneuvers : improvised armor made of beetle carapaces
You rotate the three cylindrical rings into the Passing through the doorway, you surprise and worn leather scraps. Across the room,
positions of one, two, and five, and there is a a band of Vermlings as they spar and sitting beside a metal plate, a shaman
gratifying click. Having unraveled the riddle, oversees the training. Behind him, primitive
it is with great satisfaction and wonder that weapon racks are placed against the back
you open the lid to gaze upon the contents 9 wall. Skulls and trophies swing from the
inside. ceiling above the combatants. Unfortunately,
the soldiers don’t seem too pleased about
Therein, you find black felt and other fine your presence, now taking the chance to
cloths wrapped around a wooden jewelry practice their skills on live targets.
box. The casing is engraved with a willow tree
swaying in the wind at the top of a hill and a
starlit sky above it. On the side of the box is Special Rules :
a name: Judith. h All Vermling Scouts and Shamans in this
room add +1 Attack to all their attacks this
“Bastian’s betrothed,” Cassandra says softly. round.
“She died in an accident shortly before their
wedding...” Section Links :
Reward : Whenever any character ends their turn on
pressure plate h while there are no other
“Ring of Duality” (Item 152) characters on tile N1b, read section 43 on
page 15.
Vermling Vermling Pressure
Scout Shaman Plate (x1) 39
When any Vermling Scout or Shaman
Section 127 revealed in this room is killed, all other Section 128
Vermling Scouts and Shamans gain
Guarded Nursery : STRENGTHEN .
Cracked Facade :
This room is in stark contrast to the other Once again, the Husk is subdued and blinks
warrens you’ve encountered. The walls are away farther down the road. This time,
colored a mossy green and accented with Section Links : however, you see the smallest amount of
fern-like ornaments. Layers of gathered Whenever any character ends their turn on concern in its gaze. A fear has crept into the
red cloth and dyed fur scatter the scene, pressure plate i while there are no other corners of its face.
and curious glowing orbs radiate a warm, characters on tile N1b, read section 56 on
nurturing light. page 19. It suddenly roars in anger and punches a
nearby wall, reducing it to rubble. By the
time the dust settles, the smirk has returned.
Then you see them—young Vermlings 10 11
squeaking and scurrying along the floor.
“Apparently, the lambs have some fight in
You’ve wandered into a nursery. In the corner them, but it will not be enough,” the Husk
of the room, an old Vermling rises from a chides, its blades glowing with a malevolent
stone bench and scratches at the wall with dark energy. “The force within me is stronger
her extremely long claws. In an instant, the i than anything you can imagine. I cannot be
room is filled with agitated adults, ready to defeated, so it is time to stop playing games
defend the offspring to the death. and end this!”

Special Rules : Special Rules :

All Vermling Scouts and Shamans in this Open doors 2 (if closed) and read section
room, add +1 Attack to all their attacks Vermling Vermling Pressure 81 on page 51 (if unread).
this round. Scout Shaman Plate (x1)
Teleport the Husk to c (or the closest
Section 129 empty hex) and remove wall section d
from the map. The Husk removes all
Fighting Dirty : negative conditions and heals a quarter of
The Stoneblessed are a marked change from its maximum hit point value (rounded up).
your previous opponents. They are hardened It is now considered to have Shield 2
fighters and don’t give ground easily. Still, and adds +3 Attack to all its attacks
you are confident that, given enough time, instead. The Husk can now be reduced below
you can outsmart and defeat them. 1 hit point and killed.

It’s clear the crowd wants more excitement, Scenario Goal :

though, and it looks like the organizers are
keen to give it to them. The gate to your If the Husk is killed, read section 135 on page
left quickly recedes into the floor, revealing 1 42.
a mud-covered alcove filled with menacing
blobs of sentient ooze. Maybe you’ll be able
to use this development to your advantage,
if you can manage to stay alive long enough.

Special Rules :
Open door 1 . All Oozes are enemies to
you and all other monster types. Ooze

drained of their energy. The power source, Global Achievements :

Section 130 however, still glows brightly, the electricity
captured successfully inside. Mechanical Splendor
Conclusion (112) : (read section 62 on page 21)
In a brilliant display of engineering, all four Luckily, it looks like whatever was enabling A Peril Averted
beams converge on the power source in the the defenses sputters and dies as well, leaving (If this is the second “A Peril Averted”
middle of the lab, bathing it in a luminous you to grab the power source and make your achievement gained, read
aura of crackling power. exit in peace. section 118 on page 37)
And it happens not a moment too soon. “This should be sufficient,” Cassandra says, Rewards :
Almost immediately after, the beams of light examining it closely. “Let us return to the
flicker out and die, having been tinkerer.” 10 gold each
5 experience each
Section 131 Section 132
A New Vessel : Near the Gates :
The gatehouse appears in the distance, along with a a
Finally able to translate the Aesther text another group of horrible figures lying in ambush.
and understand its meaning, you are a
bit puzzled as to what to do with the
If you can just fight your way through this last a a a
force, you should be able to find reinforcements
instruction, until you realize where the to help you fend off the Husk. You can even see a
note was found. You descend into the Vault squad of soldiers on the battlements.
of Knowledge, and though many of the
books are destroyed beyond repair, you “Do not let my prey escape!” the Husk bellows
locate many that are not. Looking through from behind you, driven into a frenzied rage.
the library, you find the tomes in section “Slaughter them where they stand!”
131 miraculously intact. You begin to read
them, searching for references to a vessel.
Special Rules : 2
The first few books are of little use, but After revealing this room,
then you come across a compilation of immediately draw another
schematics. You excitedly turn to page ability card for the Husk, resolve
41 and, sure enough, see a depiction of it, and place it on the bottom of
components and instructions to assemble a its discard pile.
strange looking vessel. It is a combination
of mechanical parts and natural elements, Section Links :
infused with powerful magic. Everything is
given in the finest detail, and you are sure, The first time any character
opens door:
with great effort and the right help, you will
2 , read section 81 on page 27
be able to construct it. Aesther Black Night Water
(if unread).
Scout Imp Demon (x4)
3 , read section 106 on page
The whole contraption is apparently 35 (if unread).
designed to adapt to its wearer and change
according to their needs. You imagine that
the vessel could even evolve over time and
gain in power and protective capacities.
Section 133 The Ancient Artillery has Shield
immune to all forced movement.
2 and is

With a few adjustments, the plans could fit A Secret Floor :

to the proper proportions and make great You open the door into a small alcove full Scenario Goal :
armor. of traps and other defensive measures. At When the Goal treasure tile is looted, read
the far end, you see a glass case similar to
Reward : the one in the rotating laboratory. Someone
section 86 on page 28.
clearly doesn’t want you to get to it, but
Open Envelope E that’s never stopped you before. 
Special Rules :
Remove damage traps m and n for
two characters. Remove damage traps m n m
for three characters.

2 Ancient Treasure Damage Sarcophagus

Artillery Tile (x1) Trap (x5) (x1)
You look into the alcove to see the giant crab
Section 134 creatures emerging from pools of brine.
They don’t look at all happy to be here, and
Clawing at Victory : they’ve decided to take that out on you.
With the end of the battle in sight, the
organizers let loose another surprise to
amp up the crowd. One more gate slides Special Rules :
down, this one to your right, and you hear Open door 2 . All Lurkers are enemies to
the fervent clicks of Lurker claws. you and all other monster types.
Lurker Water (x3) 41
corruption sends our way,” Cassandra says,
Section 135 inspecting the spot where the Husk fell, “but Party Achievement :
for now, at least, we are safe. In fact, we may Hunting the Hunter
Conclusion (111) : be better than that. It was a mistake sending
With its last dying breath, the Husk whispers: such a powerful foe after us.”
“The Fabric of Being cannot be saved. You are
Lost Party Achievement :
but a minor obstruction to the machinations With small gestures, Cassandra draws Hunted Prey
of the corruption, and your efforts will bear symbols in the air. “An aura of corruption still
rotten fruit...nothing but rotten fruit.” Its lingers, and with just a little manipulation...”
corpse vanishes in a flash of light, leaving only Her motions become more complex until a
Global Achievement :
an echo of its words behind. black rune appears. It lingers for a second and A Peril Averted
then fades from view, but she still watches (If this is the second “A Peril Averted”
With the Husk gone, you are finally able the emptiness intently. achievement gained, read
to breathe a sigh of relief. You proved your section 118 on page 37)
conviction and will hopefully now be able “Yes, I see it now so clearly. The strings
to go home and rest. You look around at the stretching all the way back to the puppeteer. Rewards :
destruction you caused—the ruined walls More preparations need to be made, of
and upturned cobblestone streets—and course, but this information is vital. 12 experience each
think about what a pain it will be for someone 1 each
else to clean up. “The arrogance of it! This corruption thinks
itself indestructible, but such hubris will only
“That will not be the last of the hunters the lead to its destruction.”

EXPANSION DESIGN: Marcel Cwertetschka
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Josh McDowell, Isaac Childres, Marcel Cwertetschka
ART: Alexandr Elichev, Josh McDowell
EDITING: Isaac Childres, Mathew G. Somers, James Patton, Jonathan Mathews
STORY: Marcel Cwertetschka
EXPANSION PLAYTESTERS: Isabella Mattasits, Tamo Fey, Dominik Goldnagl, Erik Stuible, Judith Stuible,
Sebastian Brunsch, Isaac Childres, Timothy Fiscus, Nicole Fiscus, Greg Smith, Jan Witt, Patricia Wouterse,
Kolja Hartmann, Marcel Kaufmann, Henning Knoff, Inga Knoff, Michael Bennett, Patrick Rose, Amy Rose,
Martin Jenner, Zane Gunton, Rob Watkins, Tom Lehmann, Jennie Mattila, Lynn Mattila, Nickolas Skeen,
Marcus Wong, Vincent Wong, Alfred McNair, Stephan Close, Stina Close, Mirko Mahovic, Jason Moulenbelt,
Jason Williams, Christopher Dickey, Robert Miles, Terry Montgomery, Daniel Keltner
Isaac Childres for giving me the opportunity to bring my ideas to life.
Mathew G. Somers and James Patton for helping me with my first design project and being awesome editors.
Isabella Mattasits for being a supportive partner during endless hours of design work and play testing.
Tamo Fey and Dominik Goldnagel for enduring over 600 hours of Gloomhaven with us, still having a blast
with it, and providing tons of creative input.
Vinay Baliga, Anthony Hanses, Tamo Fey, Timothy Fiscus, Jonathan Mathews, and Isabella Mattasits for
contributing their event card ideas.

Treasure Index
Do not read this information except to reference the contents of specific
numbered treasure tiles that have been looted
76: Suffer 3 damage, gain 87: Suffer 2 damage, gain
WOUND and 10 gold CURSE and 15 gold

77: Gain “Major Cure Potion” 88: Gain 1

(Item 090)
89: Gain “Second Chance Ring”
78: “Ancient Bow” design (Item 070)
(Item 157)
90: Read section 75 on page 25
79: Gain “Falcon Figurine”
(Item 035) 91: Gain 30 gold and Party
Achievement: “Opportunists”
80: Gain 1 and add Rift Event Add City Event 84 to the deck
19 to the deck
92: Gain “Halberd” (Item 068)
81: Gain “Scroll of Haste”
(Item 159) and 10 gold 93: Gain “Scroll of Haste”
(Item 159)
82: “Rejuvenation Greaves” design
(Item 158) 94: Gain 1 and add Rift Event
20 to the deck
83: Gain “Major Power Potion”
(Item 041) 95: Gain 25 gold and Party
Achievement: “A Strongbox”
84: Gain “Mask of Terrors” Add City Event 85 to the deck
(Item 066)
96: You find an old tome littered with
85: Suffer 3 damage, gain technical drawings and design
POISON and 10 gold schematics of a wide array of
exotic machines. There is a curious
86: You find a strange and intriguing handwritten note inside the front
book regarding Orchid meditation.
18 bal hcraeser
Unlock Solo Scenario suoniur oiranecs
“Forecast of the Inevitable” wen kcolnu
(see page 25 of the main book)

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