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Peter Boyce
Anthurium Schott is the largest genus in the Araceae, with possibly
1000 species (Croat, pers. comm.). It is confined to the New World,
with the greatest diversity of species occurring in north-western
South America. The plant figured here, Anthurium warocqueanum
T . Moore (1878), was described in honour of the Belgian amateur
plantsman M. Warocqui from a specimen cultivated at the nursery
of Messrs Veitch. The Veitch nursery received their plant from
G. Wallis, a plant collector in their employ who had collected it in
Colombia. At almost the same time the English amateur plantsman
W. Bull received a specimen of the same species, also from
Colombia, gathered by his collector Carder.
Anthurium warocqueanum belongs to section Cardiolonchium (Croat &
Sheffer, 1983: 105) and is allied to several commercially available
species, for example Anthurium crystallinum Linden & Andri,
A. Leuconeurum Lem. and A. magnijicum Linden. In the wild, section
Cardiolonchium is confined to north-western South America, usually
in pluvial rainforest at low to moderate altitudes. T h e section is
defined by the combination of relatively short, stout stems, striate or
ribbed petioles and the peduncles and leaves having a con-
spicuously velvety upper surface with silvery grey primary and
secondary venation. The magnificent foliage is the main reason why
A. warocqueanum is so sought after by horticulturists since the
inflorescences, although large, are not conspicuously coloured as in
some of the better-known Anthurium species, such as A. andreanum
Linden and A. scherzerianum Schott.
CULTIVATION. The plants of Anthurium warocqueanum at Kew were
donated by Missouri Botanical Garden and originated from Col-
ombia. They are grown in a warm, moist atmosphere in a well lit but
not sunny position in the same glasshouse as the Begonia and lowland
Nepenthes species. The house is maintained at a minimum temper-
ature of 20°C with atmospheric humidity at approximately 70 per
cent. In hot weather temperatures are allowed to rise to 30°C with a
correspondingly higher atmospheric humidity. Anthurium waroc-
queanum is erect to somewhat arborescent in habit but with its large
pendent leaves is prone to toppling over, thus adequate support is
very important. At Kew a stout stake covered with living sphagnum
moss is used. This provides support and the moss encourages the

0Brntham-Moxon'l'rust 1995. Publishrd hy Blackwell Publishers. 108 Cowley Road,

Oxlard OX4 I,JF', U K and 238 Main Street, Camhridge. MA 02142. USA. 127
Anthurium warocqueanum. Habit. Drawn by Mark Fothergill

production of roots along the entire length of the stem. An open soil
with a large proportion of coarse bark chips and sphagnum moss has
proved the most successful. T h e large leaves are brittle and the
velvety upper surface is prone to damage, either through rough
handling or from water remaining on the surface. This damage does
Plate 27 1

Anthurium warocqueanum A N N FARRER

not appear to be detrimental to the plant and undoubtedly occurs in
the wild, but it is unsightly and spoils the plant’s appearance.
Propagation is possible from seed but, to date, fertile fruits have not
been produced a t Kew. The plant occasionally produces offsets and
the removal of these small side shoots provides a convenient means
of increase.

Anthurium warocqueanum T. Moore in Florist and Pomologist: 101

(1878); Engl. in A. & C . DC., Monog. Phanerog. 2: 638 (1879); Engl., Das
Pflanzenr. 21(IV.23B): 196 (1905). Type: Colombia, without exact
locality, Wallis s.n.; described from a living plant cultivated by Veitch
and Son, the type specimen prepared by N. E. Brown, 25 January 1879
(holotype K!).

Anthurium warocqueanum. A, stamen, front view, X 20; B, stamen, sidr view, X 20;
C, whole flower, X 20; D, ovary, X 20; E, ovary, longitudinal section, X 20. Drawn by Mark

DESCRIPTION. Large, erecl evergreen herb to 3 metres. Stem erect, 2-5 cm

diam., apex with large triangular, sub-fleshy prophylls and cataphylls,
lower part naked, rooting prolifically from the nodes. Roots 3-9 mm diam.;
epidermis spongy, greyish white when dry, mid-green when wet, tips bright
green, sticky. Leaves few to several, 160-250 cm long, 8-23 cm wide,
elongate cordate-lanceolate, apex acute, base cordate, sinus deep, rounded,
posterior lobes 6 8 cm long, sub-oblong, rounded, parallel; lamina leath-
ery, deep velvety green with somewhat strongly impressed silvery-grry
primary, secondary and tertiary venation adaxially, pale green abaxially .
Petioles to 60 cm long, terete, somewhat angled, geniculate apically,
geniculum 2.5-4 cm long, 7-8 mm diam., mid-green. Znforescence solitary;
peduncle u p to 30 cm long, 1-1.5 cm diam., mid-green. Spathe 8-20 cm
long, 1.5-3 cm wide, linear-lanceolate, green, reflexed at first, later
twisting, greenish white with paler and darker longitudinal bands. Spadix to
30 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, stipitate; stipe stout, 1-1.5 cm long, 8-12 mm

0Beotham-Moxon T r u s t 1995. 129

wide, deep green. Spadix cylindrical, tapering towards the apex, straight to
slightly flexuous, light brownish green, later becoming slightly darker.
Flowers bisexual, subtended by a whorl of four tepals; tepals scoop-shaped,
1.5-2 mm long, 0.8-1.2 mm wide, upper part expanded and short-beaked.
Stamens 1-3.5 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm wide, elongate-subtriangular, pale
green, thecae c. 1.2 mm long, narrowly oblong, cream. Gynoecium
2.5-3.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam., skittle-shaped; ovary 2-loculate, ovules
few, on axile placentas, stylar region rounded; stigma transverse, impres-
sed. Infructescence formed by almost the entire spadix, often consisting of
several hundred berries. Berries 8-10 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, pale
brownish, ovoid-conic, extruded from the spadix at maturity; seed not seen.
DISTRIBUTION. North-western Colombia, in the Depts. of Antioquia,
Choco and Valle.
HABITAT. Lithophytic, epiphytic or terrestrial herb in lower montane to
montane primary or disturbed pluvial rainforest; 200-1420 m.


Croat, T.B. & Sheffer, R.D. (1983). The Sectional Groupings of Anthur-
ium (Araceae).Aroideana 6 : 85-123.
Moore, T. (1878). New Anthuriums. The Florist and Pomologist: 100-101.

130 0Bentham-Moxon Trust 1995.

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