This document appears to be a lecture slide for an economics class on international trade. It discusses a 2005 paper by EKK that examines firm-level export data from 113 countries. The slide lists 7 metrics that the EKK paper analyzes using the export data, including the number of firms entering markets in each country, fractions of firms at different sales percentiles, and numbers of firms selling to various numbers of markets.
This document appears to be a lecture slide for an economics class on international trade. It discusses a 2005 paper by EKK that examines firm-level export data from 113 countries. The slide lists 7 metrics that the EKK paper analyzes using the export data, including the number of firms entering markets in each country, fractions of firms at different sales percentiles, and numbers of firms selling to various numbers of markets.
This document appears to be a lecture slide for an economics class on international trade. It discusses a 2005 paper by EKK that examines firm-level export data from 113 countries. The slide lists 7 metrics that the EKK paper analyzes using the export data, including the number of firms entering markets in each country, fractions of firms at different sales percentiles, and numbers of firms selling to various numbers of markets.
This document appears to be a lecture slide for an economics class on international trade. It discusses a 2005 paper by EKK that examines firm-level export data from 113 countries. The slide lists 7 metrics that the EKK paper analyzes using the export data, including the number of firms entering markets in each country, fractions of firms at different sales percentiles, and numbers of firms selling to various numbers of markets.
EKK (2005) 1.Number of firms entering each 113 markets. 2.Fraction of firms selling the amount sold by the actual 5th percentile of sales in each country. 3.Fraction of firms selling the amount sold by the actual 75th percentile of sales in each country. 4.Fraction of firms selling the amount sold by the actual 95th percentile of sales in each country. 5.Number of firms selling to k or more markets. 6.Average sales in France of firms selling to k or more markets. 7.Number Econ 357 - Lecture 5 of firms selling to subsets of the 7 most 11 popular markets.