Process Improvement of Colouring
Process Improvement of Colouring
Process Improvement of Colouring
In coloring process, usually the first step of cable production, ultra iolet curing in! is applied on a natural fiber so the fiber can be identified in production, construction and use" It is generally accepted that coloring process #ill increase the attenuation and influence the $icro bend resistance of the fiber, because cured in! layer #ith the thic!ness of %&'u$ is applied around the fiber surface, #hich #ill li$it the bending(" )hen the colored fiber applied #ith high $odulus in! is bent, lateral stress is induced and electro$agnetic #a e #ill not be totally reflected in bending area, part of #hich is re ealed fro$ fiber core to coating, and lead to attenuation increase or step in attenuation cur e" *o#e er, it is not applicable to +",'2
fibers" In the follo#ing section, coloring process. influence on bend perfor$ance of +",'- fibers #ill be discussed, and the test results +",'- fibers #ith i$pro ed bend perfor$ance is specifically de eloped to facilitate the installation and $aintenance of net#or!s, #hich brings data transfer technology to the indi idual end&user and is en/oying an accelerating deploy$ent #orld&o er" 0nd its capability to #ithstand bends #ith e1ceptional lo# radius #ithout increase in attenuation is highly appreciated in applications" 2y $odifying refracti e inde1 profile, +",'- fibers ha e achie ed bend perfor$ance i$pro e$ent3 ho#e er, #ith the de elop$ent and application of +",'- fiber cables, 4uestion has been raised for #hether the cable production process #ill influence the bend perfor$ance of +",'fibers"
)terlite i5 a leading glo6al pro7ider of Optical #i6er58 eleco99unication !a6le5 and Po:er ran59i55ion !onductor5. ;e !o9pan< i5 India=5 onl< integrated Optical #i6er 9anufacturer and i5 a9ong t;e 5elect fe: glo6all<. )terlite i5 a Pu6lic "i9ited !o9pan<8 li5ted on t;e $o96a< )toc> E?c;ange and National )toc> E?c;ange in India. -eloitte ;a5 no9inated )terlite a5 t;e 6t; #a5te5t Gro:ing !o9pan< in India and 73rd #a5te5t Gro:ing ec;nologie5
ec;nologie5 !o9pan< in
)terlite=5 e?perience :it; t;e 7ar<ing re@uire9ent5 of cu5to9er5 in glo6al 9ar>et5 ;a5 en5ured continuou5 i9pro7e9ent and cu5to9er orientation of t;e co9pan<. )terlite=5 cu5to9er li5t include5 5o9e of t;e 9o5t pro9inent co9panie5 in t;e eleco9 and Energ< :orld. In India8 )terlite i5 a 5ignificant 9ar>et leader. ;e !o9pan< currentl< 5ell5 it5 teleco9 and po:er product5 in o7er 60 countrie5 and currentl< 5upplie5 'A of t;e glo6al de9and for Optical #i6er5. All )terlite=5 teleco9 product5 co9pl< :it; I ,- reco99endation5 and $) EN 1&&0008 EIAB IA / !EI-IE! 607*3 e5t )tandard5. All )terlite=5 Po:er tran59i55ion product5 co9pl< :it; I)8 IE!8 $)8 A) +8 N#!8 -IN8 A)8 CI) / !)A International )pecification.
2rief *istory8
)terlite range of eleco9 !a6le5 ;ad 6een 9anufactured under )terlite Indu5trie5 DIndiaE "i9ited fro9 1*&& to 2000 and under )terlite Optical ec;nologie5 fro9 (ear 2000 on:ard5. )terlite Optical ec;nologie5 "i9ited :a5 for9ed 6< t;e de9erger of t;eer5t :;ile teleco9 di7i5ion of )terlite Indu5trie5 DIndiaE "i9ited :it; effect fro9 Cul< 18 2000 to ena6le a 5;arper focu5 on eac; of t;e 6u5ine55e5.
1988: Commencement of copper telecom cables business. 1993: Commencement of fiber optic cables business. 1995: Commencement of optical fiber business 2000: Demerger from Sterlite Industries and listing on S! " #S! 200$: Commencement of data cables business. 2005: Commencement of s%stems and solutions business 200&: 'c(uisition of po)er conductor*s business 2010: Commencement of +,-. cables business. 2011: Commencement of po)er infrastructure business
!apa6ilitie5 in interior5 and e?terior5. #ull-5er7ice 5upplier capa6ilitie5 for t;e de5ign8 de7elop9ent8 9anufacture and 5uppl< of air 7ent5 and a55e96l< product5.
)tate-of-t;e-Teleco$ cable, Optic fiber" "ogi5tic5 capa6ilitie5 in India and Europe to en5ure Fu5t-in-ti9e 5uppl<
G %aFendra +i5;ra8 !OO - Po:er G Anuraag %ai8 )r 3P H 0u9an %e5ource5 G Pra5ant; Pulio>ottu8 !IO G -;ar9endra Cain8 A3P - #inance
)terlite ec;nologie5 "td. D) "E i5 IndiaI5 pre9ier tran59i55ion 5olution pro7ider :it; 9ar>et leader5;ip Da9ong5t top . glo6al 9anufacturer5E in t;e Optic #i6er DO#E and copper ca6le. ) " i5 in t;e proce55 of e?panding it5 9anufacturing capacitie5 acro55 all it5 5eg9ent5. !on5idering leader5;ip 5tatu58 t;e 6enefit5 of 6eing an integrated pla<er and e?panded capacit<8 ) " i5 e?pected to increa5e it5 top line and 6otto9-line 5ignificantl<.
A >e< area of )u5taina6ilit< i5 co99it9ent to $u5ine55 E?cellence acro55 all area5. At )II"8 :e are co99itted to e?cel on t;e Fourne< to:ard5 6u5ine55 e?cellence. $u5ine55 e?cellence it5elf pro7ide5 t;e fra9e:or> for 5u5taina6le gro:t; 6< le7eraging 7ariou5 pro7en 6e5t practice5.
G #oa9 )>in In5ulated !opper eleco9 !a6le5 G )olid In5ulated !opper eleco9 !a6le5 G Aerial )elf-)upporting !opper eleco9 !a6le5 G P!+ 1-)creened !opper eleco9 5) STRUCTURED DATA CABLES Sterlite Cat 5e LAN Cables Sterlite Cat 6 LAN Cables
All of )terliteI5 Product5 are 9anufactured at I)O *001J200& certified facilitie5 )terliteI5 Optical #i6er facilitie5 are al5o certified for t;e I)O 1'001J200' En7iron9ent +anage9ent )<5te9 and O0)A) 1&001J2007 )afet< +anage9ent )<5te9.
Our 7i5ion i5 to K!onnect e7er< ;o9e on t;e planetI. ;roug; t;i5 7i5ion :e do not literall< 9ean t;at :e :ill go into e7er< ;o9e and :ire it :it; data connecti7it< ca6le5 or electrical :ire5. 4;at :e 9ean i5 t;at )terlite :ould 9a>e it ea5ier8 fa5ter and 9ore co5t-effecti7e for 5er7ice pro7ider5 to 6uild teleco9 and po:er infra5tructure5.
Custo$ersJ o reduced t;e 5crap and pro7iding 9ore and 9ore 6enefit to t;e plant E?ceeding cu5to9er e?pectation5 in L!- perfor9ance #la:le55 ne: product launc;e5 D9eeting all agreed progra9 9ile5tone5E !reating 7alue t;roug; differentiated product offering5 ShareholdersJ o create 6enc;9ar> 7alue 6< deli7ering -e5pite t;e tur6ulent glo6al econo9ic 5ituation t;roug; t;e <ear8 :e ;a7e ac;ie7ed t;e ;ig;e5t 5ale5 7olu9e5 ;i5toricall< for all our 6u5ine55e5. )terliteI5 5toc> ;a5 6een con5idered a5 one of t;e tran59i55ion 7olu9e conductor5 / optical fi6er5 ;a7e op 3 outperfor9ing 5;o:n 5ignificant 5toc>5 of India in 200*.$ot; our core 6u5ine55 5eg9ent5 of po:er gro:t; t;i5 <ear and t;i5 ;a5 re5ulted in 9uc; 6etter
Pro7iding pre-planned a7enue5 for 5crap reduction and gro:t;. #reedo9 to e?peri9ent.
4or>-life 6alance.
-eli7ering on tran5parent contractual ter95. En5uring en;ance9ent of t;eir proce55e5 and capa6ilitie5. Co$$unityJ o 9a>e a difference in co99unit< ;roug; 5u5tained effort5 in c;o5en felt need5.
Custo$er 7ocus Anticipating8 under5tanding and focu5ing effort5 on 9eeting t;e cu5to9er need5 and e?ceeding e?pectation5. 6assion for e1cellence
%elentle55l< i9pro7ing8 continuou5l< rai5ing t;e 6ar in e7er<t;ing :e do. Integrity in all our dealings All our action5 and dealing5 5;ould 6e capa6le of 5tanding t;e te5t of pu6lic 5urutin<. Respect and Understanding 4e 9u5t 6e caring8 co9pa55ionate8 ;u9ane and re5pectful in all our interper5onal dealing5. Responsibility
0ere8 +< raining place ;ad 6eing in %a>;oli -adra/ Nagar ;a7eli D) "E for eleco99unication ca6leI5.
6RODUCT R0N+E O7 STERLITE TEC*NOLO+IES LTD 7OR O6TIC 7I2ER C02LE FIBER OPTIC CABLES )terlite=5 #i6er Optic !a6le plant5 produce t;e co9plete range of erre5trial #i6er Optic !a6le5 in 5tandard and cu5to9ized de5ign58 :it; fi6er count5 up to &6'. M)terlite -uct-"iteN )erie5 M)terlite Ar9or-"iteN )erie5 M)terlite Aerial-"iteN )erie5 M)terlite %i66on-"iteN )erie5 M)terlite Pre9i5e !a6le )erie5
OP I!A" #I$%E
Optical fi6er i5 a fle?i6le8 tran5parent fi6er 9ade of a pure gla55 D5ilicaE not 9uc; :ider t;en a ;u9an ;air. It function5 a5 a :a7eguide or Plig;t pipeQ8
to tran59it lig;t 6et:een t;e t:o end5 of t;e fi6er. optical fi6er i5 >no:n a5 fi6er optic5.
;e field of applied
Optical fi6er5 are :idel< u5ed in fi6er optic5 co99unication8 :;ic; per9it5 tran59i55ion o7er longer di5tance5 and at ;ig;er 6and:idt;5 t;an ot;er for95 of co99unication. #i6er5 are u5ed in5tead of 9etal :ire5 6ecau5e 5ignal5 tra7el along t;e9 :it; le55 lo55 and are al5o i99une to electro9agnetic interference .#i6er5 are al5o u5ed for illu9ination8 and are :rapped in 6undle5 5o t;e< can 6e u5ed to carr< i9age58 t;u5 allo:ing 7ie:ing in tig;t 5pace5. )peciall< de5igned fi6er5 are u5ed for a 7ariet< of ot;er application58 including 5en5or and fi6er la5er5. Optical fi6er t<picall< include5 of a tran5parent core 5urrounded 6< a tran5parent cladding 9aterial :it; a lo:er inde? of refraction. "ig;t i5 >ept in t;e core 6< total internal refraction. ;i5 cau5e5 t;e fi6er to act a5 :a7eguide. #i6er5 t;at 5upport 9an< propagation pat;5 or tran57er5e 9ode5 are called 9ulti-9ode fi6er5 D++#E8 :;ile t;o5e t;at onl< 5upport a 5ingle 9ode are called 5ingle 9ode fi6er5 D)+#E. +ulti-9ode fi6er5 generall< ;a7e a larger core dia9eter8 and are u5ed for 5;ort-di5tance co99unication lin>5 and for application5 :;ere ;ig; po:er 9u5t 6e tran59itted. )ingle-9ode fi6er5 are u5ed for 9o5t co99unication lin>5 longer t;an 180.0 9eter5 D38''0 ftE.
#i6er :it; large core dia9eter Dgreater t;an 10 9icro9eter5E 9a< 6e anal<zed 6< geo9etrical optic5. )uc; fi6er i5 called multi-mode fiber8 fro9 t;e electro9agnetic anal<5i5. In a 5tep-inde? 9ulti-9ode fi6er8 ra<5 of lig;t are guided along t;e fi6er core 6< total internal reflection. %a<5 t;at 9eet t;e core-cladding 6oundar< at a ;ig; angle D9ea5ured relati7e to a line nor9al to t;e 6oundar<E8 greater t;an t;e critical angle for t;i5 6oundar<8 are co9pletel< reflected. ;e critical angle D9ini9u9 angle for total internal reflectionE i5 deter9ined 6< t;e difference in inde? of refraction 6et:een t;e core and cladding 9aterial5. %a<5 t;at 9eet t;e 6oundar< at a lo: angle are refracted fro9 t;e core into t;e cladding8 and do not con7e< lig;t and ;ence infor9ation along t;e fi6er. ;e critical angle deter9ine5 t;e acceptance angle of t;e fi6er8 often reported a5 a nu9erical aperture . A ;ig; nu9erical aperture allo:5 lig;t to propagate do:n t;e fi6er in ra<5 6ot; clo5e to t;e a?i5 and at 7ariou5 angle58 allo:ing efficient coupling of lig;t into t;e fi6er. 0o:e7er8 t;i5 ;ig; nu9erical aperture increa5e5 t;e a9ount of di5per5ion a5 ra<5 at different angle5 ;a7e different pat; lengt; and t;erefore ta>e different ti9e5 to tra7er5e t;e fi6er.
#i6er :it; a core dia9eter le55 t;an a6out ten ti9e5 t;e :a7elengt; of t;e propagating lig;t cannot 6e 9odeled u5ing geo9etric optic5. In5tead8 it 9u5t 6e anal<zed a5 an electro9agnetic 5tructure8 6< 5olution of +a?:ell=5 e@uation5 a5 reduced to t;e electro9agnetic :a7e e@uation. ;e electro9agnetic anal<5i5 9a< al5o 6e re@uired to under5tand 6e;a7ior5 5uc; a5 5pec>le t;at occur :;en co;erent lig;t propagate5 in 9ulti-9ode fi6er. A5 an optical :a7eguide8 t;e fi6er 5upport5 one or 9ore confined tran57er5e 9ode 6< :;ic; lig;t can propagate along t;e fi6er. #i6er 5upporting onl< one 9ode i5 called single-mode or mono-mode fiber. ;e 6e;a7ior of larger-core 9ulti-9ode fi6er can al5o 6e 9odeled u5ing t;e :a7e e@uation8 :;ic; 5;o:5 t;at 5uc; fi6er 5upport5 9ore t;an one 9ode of propagation D;ence t;e na9eE. ;e re5ult5 of 5uc; 9odeling of 9ulti9ode fi6er appro?i9atel< agree :it; t;e prediction5 of geo9etric optic58 if t;e fi6er core i5 large enoug; to 5upport 9ore t;an a fe: 9ode5.
)o9e 5pecial-purpo5e optical fi6er i5 con5tructer :it; a non-c<lindrical core andBor cladding la<er8 u5uall< :it; an elliptical or rectangular cro555ection. ;e5e include polarization-9aintaining fi6er and fi6er de5igned to 5uppre55 :;i5pering galler< 9ode propagation.
P;otonic cr<5tal fi6er i5 9ade :it; a regular pattern of inde? 7ariation. )uc; fi6er u5e5 diffraction effect5 in5tead of or in addition to total internal reflection8 to confine lig;t to t;e fi6er=5 core. ;e propertie5 of t;e fi6er can 6e tailored to a :ide 7ariet< of application5.
+,/IC'0 1I !2 C+0+32S
Coloring mac4ine
PA(-O##;e auto-tra7er5ing pa<-off i5 e@uipped :it; a 9otorized a?le :;ere t;e fi6er 6o66in5 of a great 7ariet< of 5ize5 can 6e ea5il< fi?ed 6< 9ean5 of central 6ore adapter5 and a @uic> relea5e nut.
;e fi6er i5 t;en guided t;roug; a la5er optic 5canner :;ic; control5 t;e tra7er5ing 9otor8 o7er a 5;oc> a65or6ing dancer8 a ten5ion 9ea5uring ;ead and a pigtail guiding.
PA(-O## EN)ION;e pa<off fi6er ten5ion :ill 6e 9ea5ured fro9 t;e ten5ion 9ea5uring unit. ;e regulation of t;e pa<off dri7e :ill 6e 9anaged 6< t;e 5;oc> a65or6er po5ition. 4;en c;anging t;e pa<off ten5ion8 it can ea5il< adFu5ted 6< read adFu5ting t;e dancer po5ition. ;e ten5ion i5 indicated at t;e 5;oc> a65or6er D-AN!E%E. ;e dancer ;a5 to a65or6 5;oc>5 co9ing fro9 inaccurate8 irregularl< :ound or eccentric pa<off reel5. ;i5 e?tre9el< lig;t :eig;t dancer ;a5 to 6e 6roug;t into a central po5ition 6et:een it5 5top58 under nor9al fi6re ten5ion in order to 6e a6le to a65or6 5;oc> e@uall< in 6ot; direction5. 4;en c;anging t;e ten5ion it can ea5il< 6e 5tetted 6< a read adFu5ting of t;e po5ition of t;e dancer. !o9pare t;e adFu5t9ent :it; t;e di5pla< of t;e actual po5ition.
IONI1A ION $A%Ionization 6ar i5 fitted :it; an ionizing 6ar near t;e inlet 5ide of t;e coloring and coating 5<5te9. It ;a5 independent 5uppl< 9ounted Dred 6o? in t;e control ca6inet of t;e pa<off unitE near t;e ionizing 6ar. Ionized air reduce5 t;e ad;e5ion of du5t particle5 and i9pro7e5 t;e air :iping effect of t;e anti du5t 6lo:er5.
IN2!O"O,%ING AN- ,3 !,%ING ,NI ;e in> coloring unit con5i5t5 of an in> applicator ;ead :;ic; i5 ;eated8 anti du5t 6lo:er and pre55ured in> 5uppl< :it; an Ana log le7el detector and pre;eating place for a cleaned in> applicator ;ead. ;e ultra 7iolet curing unit con5i5t5 of u7 irradiator and rele7ant cooling fan.
;e in> tan> i5 pre55ured. )o t;e ;eated applicator ;ead can 6e 5upported :it; in>. ;e in> feed tu6ing fi?ed on t;e top of eac; tan> at a connecting piece :;ic; fit5 into t;e appropriate receptacle of t;e in> applicator ;ead. 4;en t;e production line i5 not running 8t;e in> tan> can 6e re9o7ed 6< 9o7ing a little 6it up 8turning a ;alf round cloc> :i5e and t;en pre55ing do:n Dt;e in> tan> :ill not 6e 5et under pre55ure. 4;ile t;e production line i5 5toppedE. "e7el detector detect5 t;e 9ini9u9 le7el of t;e in> tan>.
IN2 APP"I!A O% 0EA-;e in> applicator ;ead5 are fi?ed nearl< t;e inlet of t;e u 7-irradiator5. Eac; of t;e9 con5i5t5 of an in> connector coupling8 a 5elf-centering inlet die Du5uall< a dia of 0.26.99E and a 5elf-centering outlet die Du5uall< a dia of 0.26399E. ;e applicator ;ead i5 fi?ed on t;e 5upport 6< 9ean5 of t;e ;eated cla9p le7er de7ice :;ic; ;old it fir9l< and at t;e e?act centre po5ition relati7e to t;e fi6re. )o t;e in> applicator ;ead can 6e ea5il< re9o7ed and in5talled.
#or t;e reducing t;e in> 7i5co5it< t;e in> applicator ;ead :ill 6e ;eated8 nor9all< P6et:een 30-6.S!. ;e range can 6e 9odified 6et:een 20-70 S!.
IN2 APP"I!A O% 0EA- P%E0EA E%#or pre;eating t;e in> applicator ;ead5 t;ere i5 pre;eating place on t;e in> coating unit :;ic; i5 con5tantl< pre;eated to t;e adFu5ted te9perature. )o t;e in> applicator ;ead i5 :ar9 :;en t;e ;ead :ill 6e u5ed.
AN I -,) $"O4E%;e in> applicator ;ead t;e fi6er pa55e5 t;roug; du5t re9o7ing air 6lo:er nozzle :it; indi7iduall< adFu5ta6le air flo:. ;i5 pre7ent5 fro9 du5t particle5 to conglo9erate and to affect t;e ea5< fi6er pa55 :it;in an e?tended :or>ing period. ;e 6lo:er :ill 6lo: onl< :;en t;e fi6er i5 running for econo9izing co9pre55ed air. ;e adFu5t of flo: of done 6< uring t;e t;rottle 7al7e. Anti du5t 6lo:er a cla9p le7er de7ice :it; ru66er cap8 :;ic; ;old t;e fi6er 6< pre55ing it again5t a 5upport.
,3 "A+P22
;e ,3 Hla9p i5 9ounted in line :it; t;e fi6er. ;e fi6er pa55 i5 protected 6< a @uartz tu6e :;ic; i5 flooded :it; nitrogen and :;ic; can ea5il< 6e re9o7ed for cleaning. ;e u 7-la9p ;a5 to 6e cooled 6< a 5trong air 5trea9 :;ic; i5 5upplied 6< a cooling fan put n t;e upper 5ide of ,3 rac>5.
;e fi6er i5 introduced t;roug; t;e ,3 la9p 6< 9ean5 of an air 5trea9 :;ic; i5 opened 6< a 7al7e at t;e inlet 5ide of t;e la9p5. a>e care to u5e oil-free air Dno nitrogenE for introduction 6ecau5e of an e7entual ri5> of getting 6ro:n re9nant depo5it5 in> t;e @uartz tu6e5 :;ic; could affect t;e irradiation efficienc<. #or cooling t;e u 7-la9p5 irradiator5 t;ere i5 on t;e top of control ca6inet a cooling fan in5talled. ;i5 ;a5 t;e effect t;at t;e u 7-la9p5 :ill not get to ;ot.
#I$%E $%EA2 -E E! O%An optical fi6er detector i5 5ituated at t;e entr< of t;e cap5tan. A fi6er 6rea>5 relea5e5 a corre5ponding alert 5ignal on t;e alert proce55ing 9odule of t;e 9ain control ca6inet and di5pla<5 t;e alar9 on t;e 9onitor. 0e al5o 9anage5 furt;er operation5 for 6urnout c<cle5.
!AP) AN23
;e cap5tan i5 t;e 5peed deter9ining part of t;e fi6er line. A c<lindrical cap5tan pulle< 9ade of alu9inu9 :it; a cera9ic ;ard coating i5 dri7en 6< a 5peed controlled 9otor. Near t;e cap5tan pulle< a 5et of idle deflection pulle< on an inclined a?le i5 9ounted. ;e fi6er i5 :ound 2 ti9e5 around t;i5 arrange9ent in order to 6e dri7en :it;out 5lippage allo:ing a ;ig; degree of lengt; 9ea5uring accurac<. ;e :inding 5;a9e of t;e fi6er around t;e pulle< i5 5;o:n on t;e 6a5e plate of t;e cap5tan unit.
A2E-,P;e ta>e-up i5 dri7en fro9 a ten5ion controlled 9otor :;ic; control5 t;e ta>e-up ten5ion :it;in t;e :;ole 5peed range up to ;ig; degree of accurac<. It i5 :ill >no:n t;at t;e target reel 9u5t 6e :ound not onl< to a ;ig; degree of geo9etric preci5ion :;ic; en5ure t;e trou6le free furt;er proce55ing of t;e reel and al5o a relia6le 9ea5ure of t;e fi6er attenuation on t;e fini5;ed reel. Actual 7alue5 :ill 6e di5pla<ed on t;e 9onitor and can 6e ea5il< readFu5ted. ;e reel i5 fi?ed on t;e ta>e-up a?le 6< 9ean5 of a @uic> relea5e nut and a preci5ion center adapter fitting to t;e 5;ape of t;e reel central 6ore8 e?actl< in t;e 5a9e 9anner a5 it i5 fi?ed on t;e tra7er5ing pa<-off unit.
en5ion Para9eter
!;ec> t;e Pa<-off and a>e-up dancer ten5ion8 5;ould 6e 6et:een 30-.0 cN. Ad;ere to t;e Proce55 );eet. !;ec> it :it; ;ree-pulle< ten5ion 9eter in ca5e <ou are not confident a6out t;e ten5ion di5pla< !;ec> all t;e 6earing5 of pulle<5 De5p t;e one5 clo5er to t;e ta>e-up :indingE 6< rotating t;e9 and feeling t;eir 9otion 6< placing <our inde? finger at t;e centre. ;ere 5;ould not 6e an< noi5e8 friction in t;eir 9otion. -ie 5;ould 6e clean and ;a7e a perfect fit in t;e die ;older. !;ec> if t;e O-ring of t;e -ie i5 not flat and not :orn-out. Align9ent of t;e line to 6e c;ec>ed. !lo5e t;e iri58 if fi6er i5 in t;e centre it i5 o> ot;er:i5e re-align. Al5o c;ec> t;e align9ent at t;e die-5tand :it; align9ent tool. #i6er 5;ould 6e in centre. !;ec> t;e P,3T1000 i5 6et:een 1700-2100. If it i5 6elo: 1600 it 9ig;t cau5e o7er-curing of t;e fi6er re5ulting in 0A. !;ec> t;e pulle< 9otion i5 free :it;out friction8 e5p. t;e ra7er5e pulle< near t;e a>e-up. !o9pare t;e rotation of pulle<5. If 5o9e pulle< 5top5 7er< 5oon8 ;a5 too 9uc; a?ial pla< or i5 7er< noi5<O it5 6earing i5 :orn-out. -ie 5;ould 6e clean and ;a7e a perfect fit in t;e die ;older. !;ec> if t;e O-ring of t;e -ie i5 not flat and not :orn-out. Align9ent of t;e line to 6e c;ec>ed. !lo5e t;e iri58 if fi6er i5 in t;e centre it i5 o> ot;er:i5e re-align. Al5o c;ec> t;e align9ent at t;e die-5tand :it; align9ent tool. #i6er 5;ould 6e in centre. In t;i5 ca5e it i5 li>el< to 6e acco9panied 6< !olorlo55.
Ad;ere to t;e Proce55 );eet
%eplace t;e fault< 6earing8 al5o lu6ricate all t;e ot;er 6earing5. !lean t;e -ie. %eplace t;e O-ring. %ealign t;e "ine :it; t;e ;elp of t;e -ie align9ent tool. )ee> 0elp fro9 +aintenance Ad;ere to t;e Proce55 );eet i99ediatel< c;ange t;e 6earing and 9a>e 5ure it i5 ade@uatel< lu6ricated !lean t;e -ie and fi? it properl<. %eplace t;e O-ring. %ealign t;e "ine :it; t;e ;elp of t;e -ie align9ent tool. )ee> 0elp fro9 +aintenance re9o7e t;e pulle< and clean it5 groo7e :it; too;tpic> tuc> in ti55ue paper :et :it; acetone. If groo7e ;a5 9an< notc;e58 replace t;e pulle< or atlea5t file it :it; 5andpaper to te9poraril< 59oot;en t;e groo7e.
P,3 Para9eter
2END CUR9E Pulle< !;ec> t;e groo7e of t;e pulle< :it; toot;pic>8 if <ou find an< notc;e5 or e?ce55i7e dirt it 9ig;t 6e a po55i6le rea5on for $!.
en5ion Para9eter
!;ec> t;e Pa<-off and a>e-up dancer ten5ion8 5;ould 6e 6et:een 30-.0 cN. Ad;ere to t;e Proce55 );eet. !;ec> it :it; ;ree-pulle< ten5ion 9eter in ca5e <ou are not confident a6out t;e ten5ion di5pla<
!;ec> t;e tra7er5e 7alue 5etting8 Pitc; 5;ould 6e '&0.00 9icron. c;ec> :;et;er t;e 5en5or i5 not dirt<8 fi?ed in a 5ta6le po5ition !;ec> if t;e fi6er after fini5;ing i5 loop free 59oot;l< :ound o7er t;e 6o66in. If it i5 not8 6ad:inding i5 **A
Ad;ere to t;e Proce55 );eet 2. clean t;e 5en5or8 fi? it properl< c;ec> t;e tra7er5e para9eter5 and ten5ion para9eter. Ad;ere to t;e
,5e5 of 0.26. 9icron outlet die. !oating dia & 9icron. A7erage in> lo55e5 11& >g B9ont;. 60 g9 in> 5crap5 in eac; 6ottle. ,5e 100>9B1>g in>.
,5e5 of 263 9icron outlet die. !oating dia 3-. 9icron. A7erage in> gain 200 >gB 9ont;. Onl< . g9 in>5 5crap in eac; 6ottle. ,5e 0.06.>gB>9 in> in5tead of 0.07&>gB>9. %e5ulted in %+ 5a7ing of 11.3lac5 in 6 9ont;5.
Gi7ing t;e 5ignature e7er< e9pt< 6ottle. )a: t;e in> 6ottle5 proper e9pt< or not. -oing t;e die cleaning after 2.0f>9.
+ea5ure :;ic; 9ac;ine 9ore 5crap t;e in> / :;<. ;atI5 tac>ing action on t;i5 9ac;ine. -ail< coat dia 9ea5ure9ent and 9Bc :i5e anal<5i5.
No proce55 ;andling. No 9ini9u9 and 9a?i9u9 le7el.
No proper infra5tructure and location for e9pt< 5pool5 -irect du9ping to 5crap 6in re5ulting in dent and da9age. &0A reFection in rec<cling IGI.
STR0TE+: =0DE&
100A o> 5pool di5patc; to of. )e9i o> 5pool 9o7e to coloring. %eFected 5pool 9o7e to 5crap. )top du9ping in a5; tra<-5torage in trolle< after proce55. No 9ini9u9 and 9a?i9u9 le7el5 -continuou5 fre@uenc< to re9o7e or 9o7e t;e trolle< to t;e rec<cle location. No 9ini9u9 and 9a?i9u9 le7el5-capacit< of re:inding 9Bc en;anced D6pBo to 12pBoE and onl< '& 5pool in7entor< i5 >ept on :or>ing in 5tand6< trolle<. No proper 5pace-rec<cling 9Bc i5 9o7ed to a 5tructured floor 9ar>ed areaDdual 5ide :or>ing8 trolle< 5pace8 5pace for cleaning.8 pac>ing and igiE. No proper ;andling of 5pool5-5pool ;andling :or> in5truction5 follo:ed and 5torage and 9o7e9ent id done onl< t;roug; trolle<5 or 6o?e5. 0uge in7entor< in coloring area-all rac>5 are 9ar>ed for 9ini9u9 le7el of in7entor<.
!o5t co9pari5on :it; 5crap 7alueB5pool for O#!-%5 3.6 la>;5 o7er 5crap. O7er all profita6ilit< to t;e entire 6u5ine55 O# of-%5 3*.6 la>;5.
Total saving OF
In order to increa5e t;e perfor9ance of t;e ca6le8 to reduce t;e co5t5 of t;e final product and to en;ance t;e production range of t;e e@uip9ent8 ne: tec;nologie5 and de7ice5 ;a7e 6een in7ented to reduce optical lo558 increa5e production 5peed58 reduce t;e 5et-up and do:n ti9e5 of t;e line8 reduce product 5crap8 and allo: 9ore production fle?i6ilit<. o offer 9anufacturing e@uip9ent :;ic; allo:5 co9ple9entar< to ;ig; 5peed production t;e u5age of 7ariou5 t<pe of proce55 9aterial5 a5 :ell a5 t;e production of a :ide range of ca6le de5ign5 and to i9pro7e t;e O7erall E@uip9ent Efficienc< DOEEE :a5 t;e target5 for t;e a6o7e 9entioned de7elop9ent5. "
1. -. $. O5tro:5><8 #i6er and Integrated Optic58 1*7&. 2. +urata8 0iro5;i8 0and6oo> of optical fi6er5 and ca6le58 1*&&. 3. a>anori O>o5;i8 Optical fi6er58 1*&2. '. %o6ert G... )epal8 #i6er Optic58 1*&'. .. Optical fi6er co99unication HGerd 2ei5er 6. 0and6oo> of applied 9at;e9atic5 for engineer5 / 5cienti5t5D +0E 7. :::.5terlitetec;nologie5.co9 &. +ede> /)corner G+$0 +anual ;and 6oo> *. $ate58 %egi5 C D2001E. Optical Switching and Networking Handbook. Ne: (or>J +cGra:-0ill"