Trade PDL Slides
Trade PDL Slides
Trade PDL Slides
Thomas Chaney
University of Chicago
1 Simultaneity bias:
ω it a¤ects both productivity and input choices.
β and βk biased upwards.
2 Selection bias:
if low productivity realization, …rms with more kit more likely to survive.
) sprurious negative correlation between capital and productivity.
βk biased downward.
Qjt = Qst exp ξ jt + ujtq
Good j in segment s.
ξ jt : unobserved demand shock (may be correlated with price).
ujtq : i.i.d. demand shock.
Note: constant mark-up ηs 1 .
r̃it = β0 + βl lit + βm mit + βk kit + βs qst + ω it + ξ it + εit
ηs 1
with βh = ηs 1 αh , h = fl, m, k g , βs = ηs .
+ ω it + ξ it + εit
Demand shocks di¤er across segments (qst ), and …rms di¤er in their
exposure to those shocks (sis ).
φ̃t (iit , kit , qrit , npi ) = βk kit + h̃t (iit , kit , qrit , npi )
b̃ . Note: η̂ = 1/ β̂ .
) get β̂l , β̂m , β̂s , δ̂j , δ̂g , φ it s s
Second stage: (use a polynomial approximation for g )
r̃it β̂l lit β̂m mit ∑ β̂s (sis qst ) ∑ δ̂j Dij ∑ δ̂g Dig
s =1 j 2J (i ) g 2G (i )
= β0 + βk kit +1 + gt φ βk kit + ξ̃ it +1 + ζ it +1 + εit +1
) get β̂k .
Thomas Chaney (Chicago) ECON 357: Lecture 6 (de Loecker) 11 / 15
Key steps in the estimation
η̂ s
ω̂ it = ∑ sis r̃it β̂l lit β̂m mit β̂k kit β̂s (sis qst )
η̂ s 1