Vigilant Attention T Others
Vigilant Attention T Others
Vigilant Attention T Others
Sleep deprivation severely compromises the ability of human beings to respond to stimuli in a
timely fashion. These deficits have been attributed in large part to failures of vigilant attention,
which many theorists believe forms the bedrock of the other more complex components of cog-
nition. One of the leading paradigms used as an assay of vigilant attention is the psychomotor
vigilance test (PVT), a high signal-load reaction-time test that is extremely sensitive to sleep de-
privation. Over the last twenty years, four dominant findings have emerged from the use of this
paradigm. First, sleep deprivation results in an overall slowing of responses. Second, sleep depri-
vation increases the propensity of individuals to lapse for lengthy periods (>500 ms), as well as
make errors of commission. Third, sleep deprivation enhances the time-on-task effect within each
test bout. Finally, PVT results during extended periods of wakefulness reveal the presence of in-
teracting circadian and homeostatic sleep drives. A theme that links these findings is the interplay
of “top-down” and “bottom-up” attention in producing the unstable and unpredictable patterns
of behavior that are the hallmark of the sleep-deprived state.
Key words: sleep deprivation; psychomotor vigilance; lapses; time-on-task; caffeine; modafinil;
The PVT is a test of simple reaction time (RT) to data in the field over the past 15 years. Broadly, these
a cue that occurs at random inter-stimulus intervals results have revealed four large areas of behavioral
(ISI). In the standard administration, the ISI varies change, namely that:
randomly from 2 to 10 s. Across the duration of the
1. Sleep deprivation causes a general, overall slow-
run, the distribution of reaction times is flat in this
ing of reaction times.
range. The standard test is 10 min long. During this
2. Sleep deprivation results in increased errors of
time, subjects are seated comfortably, and instructed
omission and commission.
to attend to a small, rectangular area on a dark screen.
3. Sleep deprivation enhances the time-on-task
They are told to respond as rapidly as they are able
whenever they perceive the appearance of a bright
4. Tests of vigilant attention during periods of SD
millisecond counter inside this rectangular area. Stop-
are sensitive to both circadian and homeostatic
ping the counter allows subjects to view their reaction
time, which remains on the screen for a duration of
1 s, and serves as feedback for that particular trial. But- Together, these discoveries have been consolidated
ton presses when the counter is not displayed on the in and form the leading theoretical paradigm describ-
screen are counted as false starts, or errors of commis- ing performance after SD: the state-instability theory.25
sion, which subjects are instructed to avoid. According to this theory, numerous competing systems
Numerous outcome measures can be collected from work to exert an influence on behavior during periods
a single 10-min bout of the PVT. Although the number of extended SD.26 Chief among these are an invol-
of lapses, or responses greater than 500 ms, is often untary drive to fall asleep and a counteracting top-
used as the primary dependent variable in the test, down exertion to sustain alertness. The interaction of
important information can also be obtained from the these drives results in unpredictable behavior, includ-
median RT, errors of commission, the variability in ing heightened RT variability, as well as the lapsing
RTs, and the slope of reciprocal RTs across the run and false starts that occur sporadically and randomly
(which is a measure of the time-on-task effect). throughout each test bout.19
Various properties of the PVT make it a particularly The unpredictability of neurobehavioral outcomes
suitable test of vigilance for studies of SD. These are displayed by sleep-deprived subjects suggests that ex-
summarized briefly later in this chapter; for a more tended wakefulness produces a liminal state in which
comprehensive discussion of the subject, see Dorrian multiple biological modules attempt to gain control of
and Dinges.17 First, the PVT has a high signal-load; brain and behavior. Indeed, our current state of knowl-
this allows for the collection of a large amount of data edge indicates that the neurobiology of sleep depriva-
in a relatively short period of time. This signal load tion is highly complex, and the systems that subserve
increases the sensitivity of the test in detecting even SD-related changes in behavior are, in all likelihood,
relatively small changes in attentional function with- not independent. Nevertheless, we attempt to survey
out making the task so onerous that it depletes moti- and synthesize the literature on the subject here, ad-
vation. The test is reliable, with intraclass correlations dressing each of the four changes listed earlier.
measuring test–retest reliability at 0.826 (P < .0001)
Sleep Deprivation Causes a General,
for median response times, and 0.888 (P < .0001) for
number of PVT lapses.17 The convergent validity of Overall Slowing of Reaction Times
the test has been demonstrated through its sensitiv- Although there is substantial interindividual vari-
ity to both total19–21 and chronic partial sleep depri- ability in vulnerability to sleep loss,27 average reaction
vation,18,22 as well as intervention with psychoactive, times on the PVT increase in length overall after a
wake-promoting drugs.23,24 Finally, the test shows very period of sleep deprivation.19,28–31 This generalized
minor learning effects,20,25 making it suitable for reg- response slowing is also reflected through a worsening
ular repeated administration over the course of hours of the fastest 10% of RTs on both visual and auditory
or days. vigilance tasks.32 The increase is independent of the
fact that subjects are also “lapsing”33–35 (defined on
the PVT as responding more than 500 ms after the
Effects of Sleep Deprivation stimulus onset), a phenomenon that will be discussed
on Vigilant Attention in the following section.
Because virtually all but the fastest RTs on the PVT
The widespread use of the PVT as an outcome mea- are affected, it is likely that cognitive slowing is as-
sure in experiments of SD has yielded a vast amount of sociated with general state-related changes in brain
308 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
activity. These changes have been explored using a Early PET researchers were among the first to re-
variety of instruments and methods. By employing port these changes. Using a continuous-performance
electrophysiological measures, steady fluctuations in test, Wu and colleagues47 revealed strikingly different
brain activity have been observed across periods of patterns of metabolic activity in sleep-deprived com-
SD. General drowsiness is associated with frontal in- pared to rested subjects. Although global mean cere-
creases in theta-band activity, and global increases in bral metabolic rate did not change, decreases were
resting alpha power.36 In agreement with this, Ca- seen in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.
jochen et al.37 found progressively increasing power The frontal and temporal lobes also showed significant
in the 6.25–9-Hz (high theta/low alpha) band of the decreases in absolute metabolic rate after SD. Greater
EEG power spectrum over 34 h of total SD, and drew a decreases in vigilant attention after SD (measured by
link between this and buildup of the homeostatic sleep reaction times) were associated with greater decreases
drive. This result has been replicated in a number of in absolute metabolic rates.
SD paradigms.30,38,39 Cross-correlational analysis has This shift in functional hemodynamics after SD has
shown that slow-eye movements (SEMs) during periods been replicated in a number of other PET studies. In
of eye closure40 and subjective sleepiness ratings40,41 an experiment with a shared but expanded subject pool
are good predictors of these EEG power changes. In- to their original work,47 Wu et al.48 found the same tha-
creases in absolute theta power are also moderated by lamocortical decreases in activation after 24 h of SD,
body posture, with attenuation in standing compared and also observed that these decreases were only par-
to supine subjects.42 tially reversed by one night of recovery sleep. Thomas
A number of EEG markers have been specifi- et al.49,50 found both global and regional decreases
cally correlated with performance on tests of vigi- in cerebral metabolic rate across an 85-h SD period
lant attention following SD. Using multivariate EEG, for subjects performing a serial addition/subtraction
Makeig and Jung43 found that a single principle com- task. Relative decreases were observed in bilateral pre-
ponent of EEG spectral variance was predictive of frontal cortex, dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate,
reaction time on a test of alertness. Of the several dorsal and ventral thalamus, middle and inferior tem-
frequencies that load onto this component, it has poral gyrus, and in medial temporal cortex. On a group
been suggested that decreased beta activity is most level, decreases in activation in the thalamus, parietal,
strongly associated with vigilance changes.44 Later, and prefrontal cortices were correlated with both alert-
Jung45 reported that full-spectrum EEG power was a ness and cognitive performance over time.
marginally better predictor of reaction times than the fMRI paradigms have found decreased activation
single principle component, or any of its constituent in a very similar network of areas. In sustained atten-
frequencies. tion tasks administered to well-rested subjects, good
Across the substantial body of work on this topic, it performance is most closely linked to activation in a
has been generally noted that intersubject EEG out- right fronto–parietal network of regions.51,52 The tha-
comes only show strong correlations with performance lamus and reticular activating pathway has also been
on vigilance tests under conditions of severe impair- implicated with rapid responding.53 Finally, the im-
ment, due in part to the relatively poor signal-to-noise portance in task-related deactivation of certain brain
ratio of EEG recording.46 Moreover, scalp electrophys- regions has been noted by several authors to be critical
iology is limited in its ability to localize changes in to maintaining a high level of vigilance.51,53–55 These
function to specific neural regions. To achieve this, re- areas constitute the “default-mode network,” a set of
searchers have turned to neuroimaging methods such brain areas that show higher levels of cerebral blood
as PET and fMRI, both of which have spatial reso- flow at rest than during cognitive task engagement.56
lution adequate to the task. Brain regions affected by Default areas show anticorrelated activity to attention-
SD are to a large extent task-dependent; however, cer- related areas, and both networks are vital to optimal
tain areas—in particular the thalamus, anterior cin- task performance.57
gulate cortex, middle prefrontal gyrus, and inferior Portas et al.58 studied the effect of arousal as a mod-
parietal lobes—do appear to show hypoactivation af- erator of brain activity to an attentional task, using
ter SD across a large number of paradigms. Although manipulations of caffeine (high arousal), and sleep de-
a metaanalysis of the literature would provide stronger privation (low arousal). The task had a short dura-
evidence for the claim, we tentatively suggest that this tion in order to equalize performance across conditions
brain network is responsible for the main, state-related and ensure that differences were attributable solely to
changes in vigilance that drive global slowing of re- arousal state. The authors found that the thalamus was
sponse time. the area primarily affected by arousal-state changes,
Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 309
with greater activity in this region after SD. Areas as- Dongen and Dinges, unpublished data). FIGURE 1 il-
sociated with attention but not modulated by arousal lustrates this point using data from a 2-week partial
were superior and posterior parietal cortices, anterior sleep-restriction protocol, in which subjects were given
cingulate cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. either 4-, 6-, or 8-hours time-in-bed (TIB).64 Compar-
A series of experiments of performance and brain ison data are presented from a separate study of total
activation on a Sternberg-like memory task59–61 have sleep deprivation lasting 88 hours. In the 8-h TIB con-
led to the suggestion that the inferior parietal sulcus dition, subjects present with virtually no lapses when
(IPS) plays an important role in modulating attention tested during the day. With decreasing TIB, however,
following SD. On this task, the closest associations be- there is not only an increase in the percentage of lapses
tween brain activation and behavior were between de- per bout, but also a corresponding increase in average
clines in surrogate measures of attention (as opposed lapse duration. Expressed another way, subjects who
to working memory) and reductions in activation in show very few lapses after SD also tend to have lapses
bilateral inferior parietal cortex61 after 24 h of total of relatively short duration.
SD. Using a task that measures short-term memory Lapses have also been shown to correlate with slow-
capacity, Chee and Chuah62 also found task-related eyelid closures (SECs).65,66 The communication be-
reductions in IPS activity that were disproportionately tween hypothalamic or reticular nuclei and midbrain
lower than performance declines after SD, lending cre- oculomotor regions may account for this close associa-
dence to the suggestion that the area is implicated in tion. In the two experiments cited, SECs have proven
attentional dysfunction in sleep-deprived individuals. to be highly reliable and valid correlates of poor perfor-
mance after SD, and are of potential practical signifi-
Sleep Deprivation Results in Increased Errors cance in gauging the level of impairment of a worker
of Omission and Commission on the job.
Lapsing, or failing to respond in a timely fashion to a Researchers have employed a number of methods
presented stimulus, is a hallmark of the sleep-deprived to identify the neural differences between responses
state.19,25 On the PVT, this is defined as any reac- that fall on different points in the optimal to subopti-
tion exceeding 500 ms in length. Sleep-deprived indi- mal range. Using electrophysiological recording with a
viduals experience so-called “microsleeps” and slow moving window, Makeig and Jung67 found differences
eyelid closures,35 and these are typically the inter- in both tonic and phasic EEG activity to an auditory
vals during which prolonged lapses occur. Lapses also vigilance task after a period of SD, with higher mean
grow more frequent as cumulative wakefulness in- levels of beta, theta, and delta power. In the windows
creases,19,63 making this variable a useful outcome before undetected targets, theta activity decreased and
measure of the PVT. gamma activity increased, while the opposite pattern
An important but unanswered question in the field was observed before detected targets. Townsend and
is whether “lapses” as sleep researchers traditionally Johnson68 reported that decreased beta power in this
understand them are simply slower responses, or have prestimulus window was also a good marker of detec-
qualitatively different neural signatures. Certainly, mi- tion failure. Finally, in a continuous visuomotor com-
crosleeps are discrete phenomona, detectable by EEG pensatory tracking task performed during 42 hours of
and ocular tracking, where a subject is momentarily total SD, Makeig et al.69 found that epochs of poor per-
but definitively in stage I or II sleep. However, not all formance were accompanied by an increase in EEG
suboptimal responses on the PVT can be explained power, particularly in the high delta (3–4 Hz) band.
in this fashion, particularly since subjects occasionally Because of their higher temporal resolution, event-
lapse even in a well-rested state. As a result, researchers related potentials (ERPs) have become an increas-
of lapses have worked from the assumption that many ingly popular tool for studies of attention after SD.
slow responses simply fall on the extreme end of a con- The P300, a positive, poststimulus deflection associated
tinuum, and are a result of perceptual, processing, or with the detection of unexpected stimuli, has a delayed
executive failures in the central nervous system. SD onset and reduced amplitude following SD.70,71 Gos-
amplifies the tendency of this system to fail, both more selin et al.72 observed that, in an auditory oddball task,
often and for longer periods of time. the P300 is reduced in frontal regions, but increases
In support of this formulation, a strong correlation over parietal areas, suggesting some measure of com-
has been found between the number of lapses made by pensation for impaired executive functioning. The N1,
a subject and the duration of those lapses, with a corre- another common marker of attention, is also reduced
lation of .75 between the two variables after controlling in amplitude after SD; this result was reported by Sze-
for intersubject variance and repeated measures (Van lenberger et al.73 on a Continuous Attention Test (this
310 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
FIGURE 1. The average number of lapses on a PVT bout is highly correlated with the average lapse duration. The top
left panel contains data from an 88-h total sleep deprivation paradigm, and the remaining panels depict performance over
a 2-week chronic sleep-restriction protocol (4-, 6-, and 8-h time-in-bed). After controlling for subject and repeated measures
effects, the correlation between the variables was .75 (P < .0001).
group did not find differences on the P300 component), beit only in the rested state. By employing individu-
and Corsi-Cabrera et al.74 on a simple reaction-time alized regressors based on the reaction time for each
test. These ERP changes occur over a diverse area trial on a global–local selective attention task, the au-
of cortical regions, with the P300 thought to orig- thors were able to uncover regions of the brain that
inate from the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal showed patterns of hemodynamic response that varied
areas, as well as the temporal–parietal junction, and according to response speed. Slow responses were pre-
the N1 found over sensory cortex. This suggests there dicted by the failure of early engagement of anterior
is no specific area responsible for lapsing, but rather cingulate cortex, middle, and inferior frontal gyrus, as
a network of regions that contributes to failures of well as increased target-related activity in the default-
attention. mode network. This failure in preparedness presum-
The neural correlates of slow responding have been ably led to degraded perceptual input, which resulted
explored in a couple of recent fMRI studies. Drum- in greater, compensatory fMRI response in frontal and
mond et al.54 imaged PVT performance in 20 healthy parietal cortices. Finally, the authors found that activ-
adults at rested baseline and after a period of 24 hours ity in the right temporal–parietal junction and right
of SD. Using an event-related analysis of individual re- inferior frontal cortex was related to reaction time on
actions, the authors found that fast reactions were asso- the subsequent trial, and suggested that these areas are
ciated with greater responses in the cortical sustained- implicated in re-orienting mechanisms that facilitate
attention network, as well as subcortical arousal and future performance. This network of regions corre-
motor systems, while, particularly after SD, relatively sponds well to the origins of evoked potentials in the
slower responses were associated with a failure to dis- studies discussed earlier.
engage default areas. When considered in tandem, the results of Drum-
Weissman and colleagues55 used a more sophisti- mond et al.54 and Weissman et al.55 support the con-
cated fMRI analysis method to investigate lapsing, al- clusion that many, though not all, lapses after SD are
Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 311
FIGURE 2. Number of sleep attacks, or 30-s lapses on a 20-min PVT (every 2 hours) over 42 h of
total sleep deprivation. Bars show mean (SEM) number of failures to respond for n = 14 healthy adult
subjects. Numbers above bars are percentage of subjects who had at least one failure to respond at each
test bout time. Failures began at midnight after 16 h awake and peaked at 0700 (7 A.M.) at 26 h awake.
simply an enhancement of a tendency already nascent The features of catastrophic lapse occurrence em-
in well-rested individuals, although this remains to be phasize their qualitative distinctness. On the PVT,
empirically tested. Although further research is needed catastrophic lapses are those in which there is no re-
to identify the specific elements of failure in this com- sponse for 30 s. These extreme lapses—which we be-
plex system, current neurobiological evidence supports lieve are functional sleep attacks—start appearing after
the notion that sleep deprivation does not fundamen- 5–6 days of chronic sleep restriction (4–6 hours TIB),
tally change the nature of regular responding, but and, unlike shorter lapses, are completely absent in in-
rather slows it down due to a number of bottlenecks in dividuals with a full quota of sleep (FIGS. 2 and 3). Even
neural processing. though time-outs are relatively rare, they are neverthe-
What then, of the more catastrophic lapses that are less modulated by circadian and homeostatic drives,
not simply slow, but a result of progression into true first appearing after 16-hours time awake with peak
sleep? Microsleeps, or lapses into true sleep lasting sev- occurrences at the circadian nadir.76 However, unlike
eral seconds, have been attributed to a weakening of lapses of shorter duration, 30-s sleep attacks are not
the inhibitory mechanisms in the ventrolateral preop- completely unwarned. Plotted retrospectively, average
tic nucleus (VLPO). The VLPO has been identified as RTs 5 min prior to a sleep attack increase in a linear
a “flip-flop switch” that is stable during rested wakeful- fashion, suggesting that greater instability in the wak-
ness, but highly sensitive to small neurochemical per- ing state puts subjects at greater risk for falling into
turbations after SD.75 Because of this instability, the involuntary true sleep.76
sleep switch is prone to being involuntarily tripped af- It is worthwhile noting that errors of commission,
ter SD, most often without prior warning. This is only or false alarms, also increase in number during SD,
one putative mechanism among numerous plausible and show the same pattern of circadian modulation as
candidates; other brain regions and neurotransmitter lapses.19 The appearance of false alarms may reflect
systems include the ascending reticular activating sys- a compensatory response to drowsiness; however, little
tem, the basal forebrain, the orexin-hypocretins, as well work to date has been done to investigate this behavior.
as specific monoaminergic and brainstem nuclei (e.g., The two features described so far—generalized re-
the locus coeruleus). sponse slowing and lapsing—explain the change in the
312 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
FIGURE 3. Thirty-sec sleep attacks (30 s) during PVT performance as a function of 3 dosages
of chronic sleep restriction for 14 days.
FIGURE 4. Distribution of reaction times on the PVT over 4 days (88 h) of continuous total sleep
deprivation. Reaction times are bimodally distributed. As time awake increases, the left peak decreases
and shifts to the right, while the right peak increases, reflecting the growing number of lapses per PVT
Various moderators have been found that influence cillator with a 24-h period, and a homeostatic process,
the degree of impairment caused by TOT. In an exper- which increases exponentially with time awake, and
iment using both a clock vigilance test (monotonous) dissipates in a similar exponential fashion. Initially, this
and a driving simulator (engaging), Richter and col- model was applied to predict sleep propensity;84 how-
leagues79 found relatively greater TOT impairment in ever, it soon became clear that aspects of cognitive
the monotonous task. Steyvers and Gaillard80 reported function could be forecast using the model in a similar
that TOT-related declines can be reversed by incen- fashion.
tives or rewards. Both these results suggest that there Performance on the PVT is affected by both circa-
is at least a certain degree of top-down compensation dian and homeostatic drives;85,86 FIGURE 6 shows PVT
that subjects can exert to bolster performance; the re- data from an 88-h total SD paradigm, in which both a
ality, however, is that declining motivation is in and of steadily increasing linear trend and an oscillating circa-
itself an integral part of the TOT effect,81 and should dian rhythm can clearly be seen. The number of lapses
permissibly be treated as such in future experimental and the slowest (10th percentile) reaction times are par-
work. ticularly sensitive in tracking this pattern.63 Critically,
The biological basis of individual subject and task the pattern in this figure informs us that decline in per-
differences in TOT after SD has not been explored, formance over time during SD is not unidirectional,
but it is likely that many of the same systems that sub- for example, “circadian rescue” can account for better
serve general response speed slowing play a role in performance in the morning after 48 hours of contin-
this deficit. For example, caffeine and modafinil ad- uous wakefulness compared to the preceding hours of
minstration during the period of SD partially attenu- the night. Additionally, as time awake increases, the
ates TOT effects,23 while a study of insomniacs versus homeostatic drive interacts with, and exerts a mul-
controls has shown that it is enhanced in the clinical tiplier effect on the circadian cycle, thus amplifying
population.82 performance deficits at each circadian nadir.87
Edgar et al.88 elaborated on the neurobiological ba-
The PVT Is Sensitive to Both Circadian Effects sis of the circadian process in their “opponent pro-
and Homeostatic Sleep Drive cess” model of sleep–wake regulation. This updated
Human sleep–wake behavior is most commonly model highlights the probable role of the suprachias-
modeled using the two-process model of sleep regu- matic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus as
lation.83 This model consists of two interacting com- an endogenous circadian pacemaker. The SCN has di-
ponents: a circadian process, which is a sinusoidal os- rect axonal projections to the posterior hypothalamus,
314 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
FIGURE 5. Gamma distributions as a way of representing PVT data. All individual reaction times across a period of
interest are plotted as a cumulative distribution function. The left panel shows data from an 88-h total sleep-deprivation (SD)
protocol; the right panel shows data from a 14-day partial sleep-restriction protocol (4-h time-in-bed). One potential use
of these curves is to calculate a cutoff point for lapses that produces maximum discriminability between different groups of
interest. For example, using a 500-ms threshold, there is a 19.2% difference between subjects at baseline and after 88-h
SD, and a 16.7% difference between baseline and performance after 14 days of chronic sleep restriction.
and regulates arousal through the action of melatonin The neural substrate of the homeostatic process re-
and hypocretins.89 Although there are substantial in- mains in dispute. One putative mechanism is thought
terspecies differences, the general effect of SCN lesions to be adenosine, although this contention is still under
is to disrupt the consolidation of sleep (i.e., during peri- debate. With increasing time awake, brain glycogen
ods when the circadian drive to sleep is typically high), and ATP levels in the animal brain are steadily de-
without decreasing total sleep time. pleted due to metabolic demand, with adenosine as
Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 315
FIGURE 6. Errors of omission and commission are modulated by circadian and homeostatic drives.
White circles represent subjects undergoing 88 h of total SD, and black squares represent control subjects
(8-h time-in-bed).
the final product of the breakdown of ATP. In ro- pathways are responsible for the modulation of gross
dents, sleep deprivation leads to an increase in the aspects of attention. In support of this theory, in vivo
levels of endogenous intra- and extracellular adeno- neuroimaging studies have shown that thalamocortical
sine in the basal forebrain.90–92 An in vivo PET study of activation does vary based on both the sleep homeo-
the adenosine A(1) receptor in humans after prolonged stat49,50 as well as the time of day during which the
wakefulness has also demonstrated its up-regulation in scan was conducted.60
widespread cortical and subcortical regions.93 Adeno-
sine is thought to have an inhibitory effect on wake-
promoting neurons in the basal forebrain,94 as well as Attention-Modulating Compounds
increase sleep pressure by acting on the VLPO.95 This and Their Molecular Targets
parsimonious hypothesis has been recently challenged
by Blanco-Centurion et al.,96 however, who showed Although the cellular and molecular changes that
that direct lesions in the basal forebrain of rats dis- occur during periods of sleep deprivation are becom-
rupted the build-up of extracellular adenosine, but did ing increasingly well-understood, little research has
not affect homeostatic sleep drive after 12 h of wake- been conducted that directly links these neurochem-
fulness. Moreover, the administration of an adenosine ical changes to the modulation of arousal and alert-
agonist to the basal forebrain induced sleep in these ness. Nevertheless, strong inferential conclusions can
lesioned rats. Thus, adenosine’s involvement in sleep be drawn from results of studies of psychoactive com-
promotion is not as a direct mediator, and further work pounds that temporarily attenuate or reverse the ef-
needs to be done to address this question. fects of SD. The most commonly used compounds
The consolidation of circadian and homeostatic in- at present are caffeine, amphetamines, and the rela-
formation from the SCN and the basal forebrain is tively new drug modafinil; these stimulant and wake-
thought to be carried out in the midbrain structures of promoting pharmacological agents have been exten-
the medial preoptic area and the anterior paraventric- sively studied for their ability to enhance cognitive
ular thalamic nucleus.97 Ascending projections from functioning following periods of SD.99 An extensive dis-
the diencephalon subsequently feed this information cussion of each of these compounds is beyond the scope
forward to higher cortical areas through a number of of this review, so here we present a brief survey of the
neurotransmitter systems,98 and it is likely that these literature.
316 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Caffeine Amphetamines
Caffeine is the most commonly used legal psychoac- The two main classes of amphetamines are l- and
tive stimulant in the world, and can be readily self- dextro (d-) amphetamine, which differ in their isomer
administered in coffee, tea, and many carbonated co- composition. Of these, dextroamphetamine is the more
las. Its arousing effects can be observed within an hour abundant subtype, and is also almost twice as potent
of ingestion, both through decreased subjective sleepi- as l-amphetamine in its arousing effects.117 Relative to
ness and improvement in objective measures of vigi- placebo, amphetamines improve vigor and reaction-
lance. Caffeine routinely improves performance on the time performance during sleep deprivation,118–121 and
PVT,100–102 longer visual vigilance tasks,103,104 more are considered among the most effective compounds
complex executive attention tasks,103 and reduces er- for doing so.
rors made on a driving simulator.105 Subjects also Various studies have specifically tested the effects of
report lower levels of subjective sleepiness when in- d-amphetamine on vigilance. Cochran et al.122 found
gesting caffeine versus placebo.105,106 The pharmaco- that 20 mg of d-amphetamine administered after 63 h
logical effects of caffeine have been reasonably well of SD improved performance on an auditory RT task
studied. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that acts as relative to placebo. Visual vigilance was also boosted
an antagonist on adenosine receptors, causing down- by 20 mg d-amphetamine administration after 40.5 h
stream increases in dopaminergic and glutamatergic of SD.118 Hartmann and colleagues123 compared the
activity.107,108 Its stimulant effects have been specifi- vigilance-improving effects of d- and l- amphetamine,
cally attributed to binding at adenosine A(2A), and not and concluded that the former is more effective in its
A(1) subtype receptor sites.109 As discussed, the accu- enhancement of this cognitive facility.
mulation of adenosine in the basal forebrain has been Outside of the laboratory, amphetamine use by mili-
implicated in escalating homeostatic sleep drive—the tary pilots has been a focus of study over the last decade.
fact that caffeine both counteracts the neurochemi- Dextroamphetamine has been reported to have been
cal changes and reverses the behavioral consequences used by pilots flying combat missions requiring ex-
of SD provides buttressing evidence for this conjec- tended wakefulness, and its users overwhelmingly show
ture. Adenosine A(2A) receptor mRNA is found ex- objectively improved performance, and report subjec-
clusively in portions of the ascending arousal pathway, tive benefits of taking the stimulant.124–126 The out-
including the ventral and dorsal striatum,110,111 mak- come measures in these field experiments are typically
ing it a plausible candidate molecule responsible for identical to predictors of costly errors in actual combat
the declines in sustained attention following SD. In- situations.
deed, preliminary evidence in a rat model has directly Endogenously, amphetamines bind to monoamine
linked this adenosinergic build-up with performance transporters, thus blocking the reuptake of, and sub-
impairments on a rodent version of the PVT.112 sequently increasing postsynaptic levels of dopamine,
More recent studies have focused on the association serotonin, and noradrenaline.127,128 Of these neu-
between individual differences in caffeine sensitivity, rotransmitters, it is thought that dopamine is the
which are mediated by a polymorphism (c.1083T > molecule primarily responsible for mediating the
C) of the adenosine A(2A) receptor subtype gene arousing effects of amphetamine.129,130 For example,
(ADORA2A).113,114 Differences in ADORA2A pre- dopamine knockout mice do not experience the arous-
dict the effects of caffeine on both the subjective qual- ing effects of consuming classic stimulants,131 and
ity of sleep and the differences in the EEG correlates Drosophila with mutations in the dopamine trans-
invoked by caffeine consumption during subsequent porter gene display high levels of activity and reduced
nREM sleep.114 Retey et al.115 found that caffeine- sleep need.132
sensitive individuals showed greater impairment than
caffeine-insensitive individuals on PVT performance Modafinil
after 24 hours of SD, but that caffeine administration Modafinil is a wake-promoting atypical stimulant
reversed this pattern of impairment. The anterior– drug prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy and ex-
posterior distribution of EEG theta power was also cessive daytime sleepiness. When taken after a period
different between groups, with caffeine-sensitive indi- without sleep, modafinil reverses deficits in vigilant at-
viduals showing greater increases in a frontal deriva- tention,23,118,133–135 speed of processing,136 executive
tion. The authors suggest that these adenosine receptor attention,102,118,137 and performance on operational
polymorphisms form the neurobiological basis of the tasks.138,139 Modafinil attenuated the TOT effect on
stable interindividual vulnerabilities to SD observed by the PVT in subjects who had been sleep deprived for
Van Dongen et al.27 and Leproult et al.116 54.5 h.23 In many of the experiments cited earlier, it has
Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 317
been noted that the beneficial effects of modafinil are search should produce better descriptions of the in-
dose-dependent, with 50–100 mg every 24 h producing teractions of these neurotransmitter systems, as well as
no significantly greater effect than placebo, and 200– more closely integrate our knowledge of attention from
400 mg every 24 h maintaining vigilance near baseline the level of the neuron to the level of human behavior.
The clinical benefits of modafinil are evident in
the treatment of shift-work sleep disorder. In a study
Summary and Conclusions
of 32 subjects undergoing simulated night-shift work,
The impact of SD on attention is far from straight-
modafinil adminstration resulted in significant im-
forward. The layers of complexity in this story arise
provements in the number of lapses and slowest 10%
from the fact that extended wakefulness affects a num-
of reaction times on the PVT.140 In a group of pa-
ber of neurobehavioral systems that then influence one
tients with shift-work sleep disorder, being on the
another in synergistic or antagonistic ways. Attention
drug improved objective performance (measured by
is also affected by the interaction of drives from mul-
PVT performance) and reduced the number of ac-
tiple cortical and subcortical networks, including sleep
cidents and near-accidents experienced during com-
pressure conceivably from diencephalonic and basal
mutes to and from work, although these patients con-
forebrain areas, compensatory, top-down effort to re-
tinued to show impaired performance compared to
main alert from the prefrontal cortex, and motivation
controls.141 In military settings, modafinil is being ad-
and engagement associated with dopaminergic path-
vocated as a superior drug to amphetamine; although
ways. Given this, it is perhaps unsurprising that perfor-
the two substances produce comparable behavioral
mance following SD is both unpredictable and open
effects, modafinil has fewer harmful side effects and
to extremely high levels of interindividual variation.
greater acceptability.142
Identifying the biological underpinnings of vigilant
The receptor targets of modafinil are not en-
attention may aid us in understanding the neurocog-
tirely clear, although several studies have implicated
nitive effects of SD. The PVT, a simple, yet highly sen-
dopamine, serotonin, and in particular norepinephrine
sitive and valid task, has already afforded us significant
transporters143–145 as potential mediators. The drug
insight into the behavioral features that characterize
is hypothesized to increase the inhibition of sleep-
sleep-deprived individuals. Future research will doubt-
promoting neurons in the VLPO via the action of
less focus further on the biological basis of these be-
norepinpehrine; evidence for this comes from increases
havioral features, and allow us to implement improve-
in plasma and urine norpeinephrine levels following
ments upon our present pharmacological solutions to
modafinil administration,146 as well as in vivo studies in
counteract the deleterious effects of SD.
rhesus monkeys.144
Indeed, the need for these solutions is urgent. It
The effect of modafinil vis-à-vis the orexin-
has been estimated that as many as 1 in 3 healthy
hypocretins has also been considered. Orexins are
adults obtain insufficient lengths of sleep,149 at consid-
thought to be responsible for stabilizing the waking
erable cost to society. Sleep deprivation leads to an
state, and their levels are reduced in narcoleptic indi-
increase in the risk of motor-vehicle accidents and
viduals. There is disagreement, however, on the precise
near-accidents,150,151 as well as increases in on-the-
effect of modafinil on this system. On the one hand,
job errors in a wide range of occupations, from truck
modafinil increases FoS expression in wake-promoting,
drivers and train operators to medical professionals
orexin-rich areas of the brain (the perifornical area).147
who are required to work long shifts with little-to-no
However, in a study of orexin (−/−) versus wild-type
intervening rest opportunity.152–154 It is arguable that
mice, modafinil surprisingly increased wake time in
many of these errors are attributable, at least in part,
the mutant more than the null strain.148 This suggests
to failures of vigilant attention. By coming to a fuller
that orexin may contribute to the arousing effects of
understanding of SD and its deleterious effects, scien-
modafinil, but does not on its own fully mediate the
tists put themselves in a better position to both create
relationship between drug and behavior.
effective interventions and educate the public on its
Although caffeine, amphetamines, and modafinil
harmful and sometimes devastating consequences.
all produce improvements in vigilance in the sleep-
deprived state, it is apparent that their receptor targets
are somewhat dissimilar. Thus, even at the molecu- Competing Interest
lar level, it is probable that multiple systems subserve
the changes in attention already discussed. Future re- The authors declare no competing interest.
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