Classifiers A Typology of Noun Categorization Devi PDF
Classifiers A Typology of Noun Categorization Devi PDF
Classifiers A Typology of Noun Categorization Devi PDF
Indefinite Pronouns
Martin Haspelmath
Intransitive Predication
Leon Stassen
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices
Alexandra A. Aikhenvald
Yan Huang
In preparation:
The Noun Phrase
Jan Rijkhoff
Double Object Constructions
Maria Polinsky
A Typology of Noun
Categorization Devices
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For Bob, okojibotee
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This book is far from being the last word on noun categorization devices. I
welcome reactions, counterexamples, new ideas and data, to further
develop, refine, and improve the generalizations put forward here. Please
send them to me at Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, La Trobe
University, Bundoora Vic., 3083 Australia.
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List of Maps xx
List of Tables xxi
List of Diagrams xxiv
List of Abbreviations xxv
1. Preliminaries 1
1.1 General remarks 1
1.2 Classifiers: an illustration 1
1.3 Theoretical framework, data, and sources 4
1.4 Approaches to the typology of classifiers 5
1.5 Parameters for the typology of classifiers 13
1.6 The structure of this book 16
2. Noun Class and Gender Systems 19
2.1 General remarks 19
2.2 Properties of noun class systems 20
2.3 Principles of noun class assignment 22
2.3.1 Semantic assignment 22
2.3.2 Morphological assignment 25
2.3.3 Phonological assignment 25
2.3.4 Mixed principles of assignment 25
2.4 Noun classes and agreement 28
2.4.1 A working definition of agreement and
agreement properties 28
2.4.2 Principles of noun class agreement 31
2.4.3 Variability in noun class assignment and
variable agreement 41
2.4.4 Determining the number of noun classes in
a language 45
2.5 Markedness and resolution in noun classes 50
2.5.1 Markedness 50
2.5.2 Noun class resolution 52
2.5.3 Markedness relationships in noun classes 54
2.6 Realization of noun classes 56
2.6.1 Overt and covert noun class marking 57
2.6.2 Morphological realization of noun classes 58
2.6.3 Double marking of noun classes 63
xiv Contents
2.7 Languages with more than one kind of noun class 67
2.7.1 Nominal and pronominal noun class 68
2.7.2 Different kinds of noun class in the same
environment 70
2.7.3 Languages with more than one kind of noun class:
a summary 76
2.8 Distribution of noun classes in the languages of the
world 77
3. Noun Classifiers 81
3.1 Properties of noun classifiers 81
3.2 Noun classifiers: discussion and exemplification 82
3.2.1 The choice of noun classifiers and the
cooccurrence of several classifiers within one
noun phrase 82
3.2.2 Semantic functions of noun classifiers 84
3.2.3 Size of inventory and degree of
grammaticalization of noun classifiers 84
3.2.4 Syntactic functions of noun classifiers 87
3.3 Noun classifiers and numeral classifiers 90
3.4 Realization and grammaticalization of noun classifiers 91
3.5 Overt noun class marking and noun classifiers 92
3.6 Distribution of noun classifiers in the languages of
the world 97
4. Numeral Classifiers 98
4.1 Properties of numeral classifiers 98
4.2 Numeral classifier constructions and morphological
realization of numeral classifiers 101
4.2.1 Numeral classifiers as independent lexemes 101
4.2.2 Numeral classifiers attached to numerals 105
4.2.3 Numeral classifiers attached to the head noun 110
4.3 Languages with more than one morphological type of
numeral classifier 112
4.3.1 Different types of numeral classifier in
complementary distribution 112
4.3.2 Different types of numeral classifier which
occur together 113
4.4 Problems with numeral classifiers 114
4.4.1 Mensural and sortal classifiers: distinguishing
classifiers from quantifying expressions 114
4.4.2 Incipient numeral classifiers 120
4.5 Distribution of numeral classifiers in the languages of
the world 121
Contents xv
5. Classifiers in Possessive Constructions 125
5.1 Categorization in possessive constructions 125
5.2 Possessed classifiers 126
5.3 Relational classifiers 133
5.3.1 Relational classifiers and their properties 133
5.3.2 Types of possession and relational classifiers 137
5.4 Possessor classifiers 139
5.5 Interaction of possessed and relational classifiers 140
5.5.1 Integrating relational and possessive classifiers 140
5.5.2 Languages with two types of classifier in
possessive constructions 142
5.6 Contrasting classifiers in possessive constructions 144
5.7 Distribution of classifiers in possessive constructions
in the languages of the world 147
Almost all languages have some grammatical means for the linguistic
categorization of nouns and nominals. The term 'classifiers' will be used
here as an umbrella label for a wide range of noun categorization devices.
Different types of classifier can be distinguished by their grammatical
status, degree of grammaticalization, conditions for use, meaning, kinds
of origin, mode of acquisition, and tendencies towards loss.
Classifiers and noun categorization devices have long been a particular
focus of interest in functional typology. The urgent need to establish a
comprehensive typology of classifiers is motivated by a number of factors.
First, a large amount of new data on classifier systems has been produced
during the past decades; on the one hand, this data needs to be system-
atized, and on the other hand, its existence creates the opportunity of
providing a typology with reasonable scope and validity. Second, due to
the lack of an overarching unified analysis of classifier systems in the
languages of the world, there exists a pervasive terminological confusion
in the literature which makes difficult the cross-linguistic comparison of
noun categorization devices as well as the analysis of new data. This book
is an attempt to provide such a comprehensive approach insofar as this is
possible at our present stage of knowledge about the structure and
mechanisms of human languages and human cognition. The book is also
intended to serve as a guide for analytic work on previously undescribed
languages and their mechanisms for noun categorization.
Examples of different kinds of classifier are provided in §1.2. In §1.3 I
briefly describe the theoretical framework used in this study, together with
the database and sources. The next section provides a short overview of
previous approaches to noun categorization which are precursors to the
approach adopted here. The methodological basis for this approach is
outlined in §1.5. The structure of this book is outlined in §1.6.
All human languages have some ways of categorizing nouns and their
referents in terms of their semantic and syntactic properties. The purpose
of this book is to investigate how languages employ classifiers to provide a
semantically based categorization, which may have far-reaching implica-
tions concerning human cognitive mechanisms.
Classifiers are defined as morphemes which occur 'in surface structures
under specifiable conditions', denote 'some salient perceived or imputed
characteristics of the entity to which an associated noun refers' (Allan
1977: 285), and are restricted to particular construction types known as
'classifier constructions'. Classifier constructions are understood as
morphosyntactic units (which may be noun phrases of different kinds,
verb phrases, or clauses) which require the presence of a particular kind
of a morpheme, the choice of which is dictated by the semantic character-
istics of the referent of the head of a noun phrase.
Nouns and their referents can also be categorized in various other ways,
e.g. by choosing different number forms for nouns with different semantics;
by assigning the nouns to different declension classes; or by using different
pronominalization strategies. These strategies of noun categorization
(sometimes also called 'noun classification') are not considered classifiers.
However, they may be used in a way functionally similar to classifiers, and
they often reflect comparable semantic parameters. Historically, they may
go back to classifier systems. Examples are given in Appendix 1.
The main purpose of this book is to present a typology of classifiers
primarily based on the morphosyntactic loci (or environments) of classifier
morphemes (following the approach in Craig 1992; forthcoming). This
implies establishing types of noun categorization system which acquire sur-
face realization in natural languages. As a result, the typology is inclusive in
that it covers types of classifier morpheme and construction types in which
they are required, and categorization types. We start with a typology of
classifier morphemes and the constructions in which they are employed,
and then proceed to uncover a link between these and universal and language
specific parameters of categorization types. This is the basis for distinguish-
ing definitional properties and contingent characteristics of classifier types.
The terminology chosen for each classifier type relies as much as possible
on currently accepted terminology. If there are several terms in use, I
employ the one which is most current and most transparently describes
the morphosyntactic locus of a classifier type (e.g. I use 'verbal classifier'
rather than 'verb-incorporated classifier').
Following Craig (forthcoming: 43), classifier types are not viewed as
discrete entities, but rather as focal points on continua of various properties
used for the present typology (see below). As the result, definitional as well
14 Classifiers
as secondary, or contingent, properties of different classifier types will be
shown to be gradient rather than categorical; this accounts for the exis-
tence of instances of classifier systems which 'do not fit squarely into any of
the types' (Craig forthcoming: 43). As Frawley (1992: 30) puts it,
if we look at ordinary language, we find that it is full of gradient phenomena, more
technically known as fuzziness. . . . The insight behind fuzziness indicates that
categories have vague boundaries and are internally organised from central focal
values, the prototype (Rosch 1973, 1975a, b), to less focal instances and fringe
values. As the centrality of the category fades, . . . criteria for membership in the
category are less decisively applied, and categories merge into each other.
Consequently, classifier types outlined and argued for in this study cor-
respond to prototypes, or focal instances, which display all the definitional
and most of the contingent properties of a type. Less focal instances
represent various points on continua for different parameters of a typology
of noun categorization; these display varying degrees of the prototypical
properties of each type. In describing and analysing the data on noun
categorization devices in a given language, it is important to situate them
within the continua of various gradient properties rather than to try and fit
them into the mould of cross-linguistically established 'types'.
This prototype-continuum approach is also justified by historical facts
about classifier systems—it is well known that distinct classifier types
'blend into one another through time' (Craig forthcoming: 43). These
points will be amply illustrated within the present study; they are summar-
ized in Chapter 15.
The following dimensions will be employed to establish focal points on
the typological continuum of noun categorization devices.
(A) Morphosyntactic locus of coding
A noun categorization device can be realized in different morphosyntactic
loci, that is, on the head, or on all—or just some—of the dependents. We
will pay particular attention to languages which use different sets of clas-
sifier morphemes (often with different semantic and other properties) in
several morphosyntactic environments. The coexistence of these sets in one
language constitutes a strong argument in favour of the proposed typology,
since this indicates the independent existence and independent develop-
ment of different noun categorization devices in several morphosyntactic
environments in one language.
Some kinds of noun categorization device have several distinct subtypes
coexisting within one language: one set of noun classes may be used in one
environment, and a somewhat different set in another. For instance, many
Arawak languages of South America have a small system based on the
masculine/feminine distinction realized on verbal cross-referencing markers
Preliminaries 15
and on demonstratives, while adjectival modifiers show a large system of
agreement noun classes. Systems of this kind are called 'split' systems; they
may represent potential new 'focal points' for developing further classifier
(B) Scope, or domain of categorization
Noun categorization devices can refer to nouns within noun phrases of
different structures (modifier-head, possessive noun phrases, or adposi-
tional noun phrases), or within a verb phrase. They can also refer to
different constituents (e.g. possessed noun or possessor; A, S, O, or an
oblique argument). Thus, one can say that in 1.7 it is the O constituent,
'coconut', that is being categorized by the morpheme put 'classifier: round',
and thus it constitutes the scope, or domain, of this classifier morpheme.
(C) Principles of choice, or 'assignment' of noun categorization devices
The choice of a classifier may depend on some semantic properties of the
referent of the noun they categorize. However, it can also depend on other
properties of a noun (e.g. morphological or phonological).
(D) Kind of surface realization
Some noun categorization devices are realized with an affix or a clitic,
while others often appear as separate words.
(E) Agreement
Some noun categorization devices involve agreement, and some do not.
Agreement is understood as a requirement in covariance between gram-
matical meanings of grammatical morphemes (cf. Steele 1978: 610;
Lehmann 1982: 203; see §2.4 below). Categories which involve agreement
are 'syntactic' (or 'inflectional') in nature.
(F) Markedness Relations
Some noun categorization devices have a functionally and/or a formally
unmarked term; while others tend not to.
(G) Degree of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization
Some noun categorization devices are highly grammaticalized closed sets
while others tend to involve a lexical choice. A more lexical kind of noun
categorization can become grammaticalized.
(H) Interaction with other grammatical categories
Different types of noun categorization device tend to show different depen-
dencies with other grammatical categories (such as number, or case, or
verbal categories).
16 Classifiers
(I) Semantic organization of the system
Noun categorization in the languages of the world is based on a number of
universal parameters (e.g. 'human' versus 'non-human'). However, noun
categorization devices differ in terms of a number of other parameters,
termed their 'preferred semantics'. They also differ as to the organization
of their systems: in some, but not in others, every noun has to be assigned
a classifier. They also differ in the degree of their semantic transparency
and in the syntactic and discourse-pragmatic functions they perform.
Classifiers of different types differ in how they respond to socio-cultural
(J) Evolution and decay
Distinct types of noun categorization devices differ in their etymological
sources, and in the ways they develop and how they fall out of use.
Classifiers of one type can develop into another.
(K) Language Acquisition and Dissolution
Distinct noun categorization devices show fundamental differences in how
they are acquired by children, and what processes they undergo under
language dissolution in aphasia.
Properties (A-G) are definitional properties of classifiers, in agreement
with the morphosyntax-prior approach to classifiers adopted here. Proper-
ties (H-K) are contingent properties. Once the types of classifiers are
established with respect to characteristics (A-G), they will be shown to
display correlations with properties (H-K).
Quite a few languages use different sets of morphemes in different
classifier environments. Many languages employ the same (or almost the
same) set of classifier morphemes in different morphosyntactic loci. In this
case, the question to ask is whether we should consider them as instances of
distinct, albeit homophonous, classifier types, or as basically one type
extended to other environments. These and other related issues will be
discussed together with the problems of multiple classifier systems.
The structure of this book, as outlined in the next section, follows the
above order: we discuss the definitional properties of classifiers first, and
then proceed to consider the contingent ones.
We will first discuss the proposed types, or 'focal points' on the continuum
of noun categorization devices with respect to their definitional properties
(A-G above) in the following order.
Preliminaries 17
NOUN CLASSES and GENDERS are noun categorization devices realized
outside the noun itself within a head-modifier noun phrase. They are
realized, as agreement markers, on modifiers such as adjectives, but may
also appear on modifiers from closed classes such as demonstratives and
interrogatives. They can also be realized outside the noun phrase, e.g. be
marked on the predicate, or even on adverbs. They are most often affixes.
They usually contain reference to inherent properties of nouns, such as
animacy and sex, and sometimes also shape, structure etc. Some languages
have a special smallish set of noun classes/genders restricted to closed
classes of modifiers (demonstratives, and others) along with a different
set which appears on modifiers from other classes. These are discussed in
Chapter 2.
NOUN CLASSIFIERS are associated with the noun itself, and are indepen-
dent of any other element in an NP, or in a clause. They may be independent
words, or, more rarely, affixes attached to nouns. They refer to inherent
properties of nouns. Noun classifiers are free forms. Noun classes and noun
classifiers differ in their synchronic properties; however, noun classes often
develop from noun classifiers. These are discussed in Chapter 3.
NUMERAL CLASSIFIERS are another kind of noun categorization device
which operate within an attributive NP. These are realized outside the
noun in a numeral NP, and/or in expressions of quantity. Numeral classi-
fiers can be free forms, or affixes, typically to the numeral or quantifier.
They refer to the noun in terms of its inherent properties. These are
discussed in Chapter 4.
Noun categorization devices which operate within a possessive NP are
considered in Chapter 5. They can be of three kinds:
(i) The scope of categorization is the possessive relation itself, i.e. the way a
noun can be possessed, or treated. These markers are called RELATIONAL
CLASSIFIERS; they refer to the function of a noun, and not to its inherent
(ii) The scope of categorization is the possessed noun itself. Classifiers
which categorize the possessed noun are called POSSESSED CLASSIFIERS. The
noun is categorized in terms of its inherent properties.
(iii) The scope of categorization is the possessor, and its inherent proper-
Another type of classifiers which have a clause as their scope are VERBAL
(or VERB-INCORPORATED) CLASSIFIERS discussed in Chapter 6. Their scope is
an argument of the predicate, usually in S/O function, more rarely in an
oblique function, and they are realized on the verb. They refer to inherent
properties of the noun; and may also convey information on its position in
18 Classifiers
There are a few further, rare and rather problematic kinds of noun
categorization devices with an NP as their scope. LOCATIVE CLASSIFIERS
appear in adpositional NPs attached to an adposition, and characterize
the head noun in terms of its inherent properties. Some languages have
DEICTIC classifiers—morphemes which appear on deictics within an NP and
qualify the noun in terms of its inherent properties and its orientation, such
as horizontal or vertical. These are considered in Chapter 7.
Some languages have more than one kind of noun categorization—these
are discussed in Chapter 8. The same set of morphemes can be used in
several classifier environments—see discussion in Chapter 9.
We then consider contingent properties of classifiers. The ways in which
different classifier types interact with other grammatical categories are
discussed in Chapter 10. Parameters for the semantic categorization of
referents of nouns and the preferred semantics of different classifiers are
considered in Chapter 11.
The semantic organization of classifier systems and their functions are
dealt with in Chapter 12, together with a discussion of socio-cultural
parameters and mechanisms of human cognition reflected in noun categor-
ization. This chapter demonstrates the unitary basis for noun categoriza-
tion devices, providing support for considering them as variant realizations
of one phenomenon.
The origins, evolution, and decay of different noun categorization de-
vices are discussed in Chapter 13. The processes noun categorization
devices undergo in language acquisition and dissolution are considered in
Chapter 14. The results of the proposed typology and perspectives for
further studies are given in the concluding Chapter 15.
Appendix 1 describes noun categorization by means other than classi-
fiers, i.e. through marking number, grammatical relations, and other cat-
egories. Appendix 2 contains additional examples of semantic changes in
the process of development from nouns to classifiers.
Suggestions for linguists undertaking fieldwork on classifier languages
are provided in Appendix 3.
2 Noun Class and Gender Systems
However, if we follow Lehmann's (1982: 219) view of agreement, the use of these pronouns
to 'agree' in animacy/sex with their antecedent can be considered 'anaphoric agreement'; see
There can also be complicated relations between sex of speaker and form of other
pronouns, e.g. first person; these relate to the category of politeness: cf. Chapter 10.
22 Classifiers
languages (Dimmendaal forthcoming). This is a system of classifying
nouns and their referents; however, it cannot be considered a system of
noun classes. In contrast, Bantu languages have large systems of noun class
affixes which are portmanteau morphemes of noun class with number;
since they appear both on the noun itself and on the agreeing constituents
they 'qualify' as noun classes. Modern Hebrew distinguishes two genders,
masculine and feminine, both in the singular and in the plural (see §2.3.4)
which are realized in agreement within a noun phrase and on the verb.
Nouns also fall into several classes depending on their number and case
forms (Aikhenvald 1990: 48); this second kind of classification lies outside
the scope of the present study.
A similar definition of agreement is provided by Steele (1978: 610): The term agreement
commonly refers to some systematic covariance between a semantic or formal property of one
element and a formal property of another. For example, adjectives may take some formal
indication of the number and gender of the noun they modify.' See further attempts at defining
agreement by Keenan (1978: 167); Lehmann (1982: 203; 1988); further analysis of the basic
parameters in terms of which agreement phenomena can or should be characterized is given by
Barlow and Ferguson (1988a: 3); also see Lapointe (1985: 84), and discussion in Anderson
(1992: 103-18). Agreement can be taken in a wider sense to include the so-called anaphoric
agreement, i.e. the 'determination of the form of personal and relative pronouns' by their
antecedents (Corbett 1991: 112; cf. Lehmann 1982). Barlow (1992) has shown that there are no
reasons to make a sharp distinction between agreement within a noun phrase, and antecedent-
anaphora relations. Historically, grammatical agreement often comes from grammaticalized
anaphoric markers (see §13.8; also see Given 1976; Bresnan and McChombo 1986). A number
of languages, including English, distinguish different forms of personal pronouns conditioned
by the gender and animacy of the antecedent. If agreement is understood in a wider sense,
English can be considered a language with genders (as it was done by Corbett 1991: 112, 169).
Following the distinction in Anderson (1992: 106 ff.). The important difference between
Anderson's approach, and the one suggested here lies in the treatment of adpositional and
possessive constructions. For the reasons which will become obvious in the course of this
chapter, I will consider the principles of agreement within a noun phrase under head-modifier
type; and the principles of agreement within a clause under predicate-argument type (unlike
Anderson, who groups together agreement of verb with its arguments, and agreement in
possessive and adpositional constructions).
30 Classifiers
Some languages have different noun class/gender agreement systems
depending on the domain of agreement (head-modifier vs. predicate-
argument) and on the morphological class of the agreeing element. These
systems, called 'split agreement', are discussed in §2.7.
Correlations between noun classes and other grammatical categories
which may also influence the ways agreement operates are considered in
Chapter 10; correlations with discourse-pragmatic functions are discussed
in Chapter 12.
An important distinction in the morphology of many languages is that
between inflectional and derivational processes. These are summarized in
Table 2.3 (cf. Payne 1990; Anderson 1992: 77 ff.; Aikhenvald forthcoming d).
Note that here and in other examples from Bantu languages the two numbers correspond
to singular and plural class markers.
Noun Class and Gender Systems 31
(CL7/8-male) 'maleness'; Swahili kubwa 'big', u-kubwa 'size' (Mufwene
1980: 248-9). Similarly, in Portuguese—and in numerous other Indo-
European languages—gender is used to mark agreement, e.g. agua branc-
a (water: FEM 'white water'; it is also used as a derivational
device, e.g. professor (teacher: MASC.SG) 'he-teacher', professor-a (teacher-
FEM.SG) 'she-teacher'; ministro 'he-minister', ministr-a 'she-minister'.
2.6. Pauline
Pauline(feminine) 3sGFEM-POSS-3 SGMASC story(masculine)
'Pauline's story'
Double agreement—with the possessor and with the possessed noun—is
also found in a few Bantu languages. In Shona, the possessive morpheme is
marked for the class of both possessor and possessed (Welmers 1973: 178).
Tuvana 'child' belongs to class 13 (diminutive plural), and imbwa 'dogs'
belongs to class 10 (animal plural).
There may also be occasional lexical 'exceptions'. In Tiwi, like in Yanyuwa, body parts
are assigned the gender/noun class of their possessor (Osborne 1974), but genitals are assigned
the gender of the opposite sex (Evans 1994: 2). Some Australian languages have several
patterns of agreement depending on body part lexemes. One of the most striking and com-
plicated examples is Gurr-goni (Evans 1994: 6; and R. Green 1995: 109 ff.).
Gender and number are marked on interrogatives in Bine, a Fly river language of New
Guinea with two genders (Fleischmann and Turpeinen 1975: 13) and in Kuot (Eva Lind-
strom p.c.); also see Pasch (1986: 154–5; 175) for the agreement on interrogatives in Mba
(Ubangi, Niger-Congo). Most Australian languages with agreement noun classes mark them
on at least some interrogatives; e.g. in Ngalakan noun classes are marked only on 'who',
while in Nunggubuyu they are marked on 'where'; see Dixon (forthcoming) for a detailed
34 Classifiers
marker, while the object agreement marker comes between the tense prefix
and the root. In Swahili, the occurrence of the object prefix is optional
when the object is inanimate, but obligatory when it is animate. Example
2.9 shows verb agreement with animate subject (Maryamu) and object
('children'), from Swahili (Bresnan and McChombo 1986: 293).
2.9. Maryamu A a-li-wa-onyesha wa-totoo ki-su
Maryamu CLlA-PAST-CL2o-show CL20-children CL7-knife
'Maryamu showed the children a/the knife.'
Noun class agreement with both subject (A/S) and object is found in
some prefixing Australian languages (Dixon forthcoming). In the North
Kimberley languages (Worrorra, Ungarinjin, Wunambal) agreement is
found with S/O, and not with A, while Jingulu has noun class agreement
with A, and not with S/O (see §10.7, for interactions between clausal or
predicate categories and noun class).
In Paumari (Arawa), there is agreement either with A, or with S/O,
depending on the type of construction and constituent order (Aikhenvald
MS; Chapman and Derbyshire 1991; see §2.7.2 below).
Noun class agreement with a peripheral constituent is rare. In Lak (North-
east Caucasian), there is noun class agreement on adverbs. This is illustrated
with 2.10: ars 'son' belongs to Noun Class 1 which includes human males;
the numeral 'two' takes Noun Class 1 agreement marker -j-, while the
locative adverb 'at home' takes the agreement marker -w-; the marker on
the verb 'be' is 0 (markers are underlined) (Khaidakov 1980: 206).
2.10. k'i-j'a ars sa-wa 0-usar
two-NCLl:MALE son at.home-NCLl:MALE NCLl:MALE-be
'Two sons are at home'
Agreement is very rarely marked on complementizers. However, these
agree in gender with the subject of the complement clause in West Flemish
(Corbett 1991: 113).18
Noun class agreement may take place with a topical constituent,
independently of its syntactic function. Motuna (non-Austronesian,
Bougainville: Onishi 1994 and p.c.) has five noun classes. The verb in a
clause takes obligatory subject and object cross-referencing, and also
agrees in noun class with the topical constituent. In 2.11, the object nii 'I
Garifuna (North Arawak, Central America) is reported to have neutral, or default
agreement on complementizers; thus complementizers can be said to agree with the clause
they introduce (Munroe MS: 7):
buse-tina 1-un n-abinaha
want-TI.SERIES:lSG 3SG.NF-DATivE ISG-dance
'I want to dance'
Noun Class and Gender Systems 35
(masculine)' is topical and its masculine noun class is cross-referenced on
the verb (Masa Onishi, p.c.).
2.11. nii Aanih-ki tangu-mu-u-ng
'Aanih (a female name) slapped me (topic).'
In contrast, in 2.12 the subject, Aanih, is topical and its feminine gender
is cross-referenced on the verb (Masa Onishi, p.c.).
2.12. Aanih nii tangu-mu-i-na
'Aanih (a female name) (topic) slapped me.'
(D) Noun class agreement on several targets
The majority of languages mark noun class in more than one place in the
clause. Dyirbal marks gender on determiners and interrogatives. Burush-
aski marks gender on pronouns, adjectival modifiers, and verbs. In
Anindilyakwa (Australian: Leeding 1989) gender is marked on head nouns,
verbs, adjectives, and all types of pronoun. Bantu, some West Atlantic
languages, and the North Kimberley languages of Australia (Worrorra,
Ungarinjin, and Wunambal) mark gender on every type of noun modifier
and on the verb.
A remarkable property of Bantu languages is ALLITERATIVE CONCORD,
whereby the same noun class marker is repeated on modifiers and on the
predicate, as in 2.13, from Swahili (Corbett 1991: 117; Welmers 1973: 171).
2.13. ki-kapu ki-kubwa ki-moja ki-li-anguka
CL7-basket CL7-large CL7-one CL7-PAST-fall
'One large basket fell.'
!X66, a Southern Khoisan language, has five noun classes (Traill 1994:
20-2). They are marked by suffixes on nouns and also realized through
agreement on various targets (adjectives, relativizers, object markers).
Noun suffixes bear a strong phonological similarity to agreement markers;
an example of such an 'alliterative' concord is given in 2.14 (Traill 1994:
21). Noun class markers are underlined.
2.14. n a |na-i |a-i !xa-i t-i
I PAST see-NCLl:O lion-NCLl big-NCLl which-NCLl
| aa
I'aa |ii
lii k-i
dead is which-NCLl
'I saw a large dead lion'
Only some nouns from classes 1-4 can take a noun class prefix. Others
do not, e.g. dao 'road' in 2.15; concord is then not alliterative.
36 Classifiers
2.15. n a |na-i dao xa-i t-i
I past see-NCLl:O road big-NCLl which-NCLl
!nolisi |ii k-i
broken is which-NCL1
'I saw the broken up big road.'
To account for them, Evans (1997) suggested a useful distinction between head class
(overtly marked on the noun itself) and agreement class (realized in agreement).
Noun Class and Gender Systems 39
as well. Yams which do not have any overt marking of class usually belong
to Class 3. Some speakers occasionally use Class 1 agreement markers for
these yams. According to R. Green (1995: 63), 'both patterns of reclassi-
fication act to unite yams within one noun class'. 'Double' agreement in
noun class is another instance of non-semantic agreement; it will be
discussed in §2.6.3, together with double noun class marking.
The Agreement Hierarchy suggested by Corbett (1979: 204; 1991: 226-
42) presents constraints for the choices between semantic and non-seman-
tic agreement. There are four types of agreement position (or agreement
target): attributive < predicate < relative pronoun < personal pronoun,
and 'as we move rightwards along the hierarchy, the likelihood of semantic
agreement will increase monotonically (that is, with no intervening
decrease)' (Corbett 1991: 226). The Agreement Hierarchy accounts for
the use of neuter on adjectives with Madchen 'girl' in German, and the
occasional anaphoric use of the personal pronoun sie 'feminine'.20
(G) Constraints on agreement
Agreement can be constrained by various language specific factors. In
some languages agreement only occurs in certain constructions. In North
Berber languages which have two genders (masculine and feminine) the
verb agrees in gender with its subject; however, there is no agreement in
cleft constructions (Laoust 1928: 201-3). In Palikur (North Arawak:
Aikhenvald and Green 1998) gender agreement shows up only in some
tense-aspect forms. Members of a given word class can show different
gender distinctions depending on their syntactic function; in Tamazight
and Kabyle (North Berber: Laoust 1928: 40; Vincennes and Dallet 1960)
demonstratives used as modifiers do not distinguish gender; they do
distinguish genders when used as noun phrase heads.
'Referential' constraints involve dependencies between agreement and
such discourse properties of nouns as definiteness and topicality. In some
Arawak languages of South America the form of noun class agreement on a
modifier is associated with the topicality of the head noun and with focusing
on a particular property. This is often the case in languages with a large
number of noun classes. In Baniwa (North Arawak: Aikhenvald 1996c),
-napi 'bone' can be considered part of the human body, in which case it
triggers agreement in the 'human' noun class, as in 2.18. If it is considered
as a vertical object, it triggers agreement in the 'vertical' class, as in 2.19;
and if it is looked at as a long object (e.g. a bone used to make a flute), it
triggers agreement in the noun class for 'long' objects, as in 2.20.
See Corbett (1991: 235-41) for further examples; reformulations of the Agreement
Hierarchy have been suggested by Barlow (1992).
40 Classifiers
2.18. ri-napi maka-dari
'a bone' (seen as an attribute of human body)
2.19. ri-napi maka-ne
3SGNF-bone big-NCL:VERT
'a big bone' (considered as a long vertical object, e.g. a leg bone)
2.20. ri-napi maka-pi
3sGNF-bone big-NCL:LONG.THIN
'a long bone'
In North Arawak languages, and in Abkhaz-Abaza, agreement in gender
is neutralized if the subject is preposed to the verb, as a means of focusing
the agent (Aikhenvald 1995b). In Garifuna, from the North Arawak sub-
group, predicate-argument agreement with the subject is obligatory;
agreement with an object depends on its definiteness: only definite objects
agree (Munroe MS: 2).
In Motuna (see 2.11 and 2.12) gender agreement on the verb depends on
the topicality of a noun. In classical Arabic agreement in gender in
predicate-argument constructions depends both on constituent order and
on definiteness. In verb-initial sentences, agreement in gender is optional
(Corbett 1991: 125; Russell 1984: 124-5); it is more likely to occur if the
noun phrase is definite. If the subject precedes the predicate, agreement in
gender is obligatory.21
There may be morphological constraints; for instance, agreeing modi-
fiers can divide into different morphological classes which determine their
noun class agreement possibilities. In Latin, adjectives fall into three
classes: those which distinguish three genders (masculine, feminine,
neuter), those which distinguish two (neuter vs. non-neuter), and those
which have just one form for all genders.
Phonological constraints on agreement imply that there is no agreement
because of some phonological property of a modifier. As pointed out by
Corbett (1991: 134), many adjectives in the spoken French of Paris which
end in a vowel do not distinguish genders. In Tsez (Northeast Caucasian)
noun classes are overtly marked only on verbs which begin with a vowel
(Bernard Comrie, p.c.). In Portuguese, adjectives which end in -e do not
distinguish gender agreement forms, e.g. urn homem gigante 'a giant man',
uma mulher gigante 'a giant woman'.
Finally, there may be lexical constraints; some modifiers simply fail to
show agreement, often due to some 'historical accident'. Many examples of
this sort are found among numerals. Cross-linguistically, smaller numbers
See also Corbett (1991: 124), for examples of referential constraints on agreement in
Noun Class and Gender Systems 41
are more likely to display agreement in gender/noun class than larger ones.
In most Berber languages of North Africa, only the numerals 'one' and
'two' agree with the head noun in gender. In the Nakh languages of the
Caucasus (Chechen, Ingush, and Tsova-Tush) only the numeral 'four'
shows gender agreement. In a number of Dravidian languages (Kolami,
Parji, Naiki) which have two basic genders (male human and the rest) lower
numerals have special female human forms. In Russian odin 'one' distin-
guishes three genders, as do all adjectives, but dva 'two' and oba 'both'
distinguish only two genders (one form is used for masculine/neuter, the
other one for feminine). Historically they are residues of duals, and fewer
gender distinctions were present in the dual than in the singular (see
§10.1.1). Other numerals do not distinguish genders.22
A smallish woman-like man can occasionally be treated as feminine, and a largeish
woman can be treated as masculine. The use of a different gender is impossible when the
shape cannot be changed (turtles are 'round' and always feminine), or when the 'masculinity'
is culturally important. Descent is strictly patrilineal, and so the word gwalugw 'patrilineal
clan' is masculine. Morphologically, gwal-ugw is the plural form of gwal which means 'father's
child (female or male)' and 'father's father'.
Noun Class and Gender Systems 43
forms mean 'growing, green', and feminine forms mean 'dead, dry state',
masc. ni-na 'green grass'
fem. na-na' 'dry grass'
Some inanimate nouns have three gender forms. The opposition of the
three is by size, e.g.
masc. e-mor-u 'rocky mountain, big stone'
fem. a-mor-u 'hill stone'
neut. i-mor-u 'pebble'
The degree of variability in agreement class assignment depends on the
language. In Dyirbal, variable class assignment is restricted to sex-
differentiable animals; the Class I/Class 2 correlation with male/female is
obligatory for humans. Each name of an animal has a fixed class member-
ship; however, exceptionally, noun class assignment can be changed to
stress the sex of a particular animal, e.g. 'to point out that a certain dog
is male bayi guda can be used' (Dixon 1982: 182). Usually, guda 'dog'
belongs to Class 2 (Dixon 1982: 180), and so the 'unmarked' usage would
be balan guda. Very occasionally, changing noun class can create a
pragmatic effect. In Dyirbal, yara 'man' belongs to Class 1, and so would
be referred to as bayi yara. However, Dixon (1982: 166) reports that a
hermaphrodite was once jokingly referred to as balan yara, with a feminine
Class 2 marker, pointing out his female characteristics. In this case, the
manipulation of noun class realized in agreement has pragmatic, as well as
semantic effect (see C below).
In these cases variability of noun class assignment is linked to a semantic
superclassing of nouns (see C in §2.4.4), most often into animate and
inanimate, or human and non-human.
Change in noun class agreement can be employed to distinguish dis-
tinct lexical entries. In Anindilyakwa (Australian) dirija 'dress' is treated
as feminine when understood as a piece of female clothing; it is treated as
a member of inanimate w-class when seen as a material (Julie Waddy,
p.c.).25 These nouns are said to have double or multiple gender, depend-
ing on their semantics. In Russian, Portuguese, or Anindilyakwa, only a
limited number of nouns can be assigned more than one gender. In other
languages, such 'reclassification' (which is reminiscent of the use of noun
classifiers—see Chapter 3—for disambiguating polysemous referents) is
much more widespread; this typically happens in languages with semantic
Just as in Turkana discussed above. Similarly, in Archi (Northeast Caucasian), lo can be
assigned to three classes, with a corresponding change in meaning. When assigned to Class 1,
it means 'boy'; when assigned to Class 2, it means 'girl', and when assigned to Class 4, it means
'young animal'.
44 Classifiers
gender assignment which involves parameters other than just sex or
Variability in 'overt' noun class marking on the same root is the way of
creating new words, in languages with overt noun class marking. In Bantu
languages, e.g. Swahili, most stems usually occur with a prefix of one class.
Prefixes can be substituted to mark a characteristic of an object. M-zee
means 'old person' and has the human class prefix m-. It can be replaced by
ki- (inanimate class) to yield ki-zee 'scruffy old person' (Dixon 1982: 166;
also see Shepardson 1982 on the correlations between diminution and
choice of class prefix in Swahili).
Garifuna (North Arawak) is reported to have a different kind of variable gender assign-
ment. A subclass of nouns which covers plant names and body parts changes gender according
to the sex of the speaker (Taylor 1952). This requires further investigation.
Noun Class and Gender Systems 45
Variable agreement is reported for other semantic groups. Kun-waral
'spirit' usually belongs to neuter Class 4 (which is also its 'head class',
kun- being the prefix of this class). When it refers to 'certain types of spirit',
especially malignant spirits, this noun takes agreement with Class 1, since
malignant spirits are a subclass of this class. Along similar lines, delek
'white ochre, white clay' takes Class 3 agreement when it is not associated
with art; but in association with painting, which is considered a typically
male activity, it takes masculine Class 1.
Gender variation is often used metaphorically to describe unusual situa-
tions (see A above, on the use of the word yara 'man' with the feminine
class marker, instead of the masculine one, to point out the female
characteristics of a hermaphrodite, in Dyirbal). In Manambu, ab 'head'
is usually feminine because of its round shape, but it is treated as masculine
when a person has a headache, since then the head feels heavy and un-
usually big (properties associated with the masculine gender). Spontaneous
manipulation of gender variation is widely used in jokes, and to describe
unusual situations, in Cantabrian Spanish. A speaker may use the mascu-
line hiju miu 'my son' in a deprecatory reference to a young girl, i.e. a
female not yet fully developed, or masculine oveju 'male sheep' with a
reference to a particularly meagre and unattractive animal independently
of its sex (Holmquist 1991: 59-60; see Table 2.2 above).
Different gender agreement systems for different word classes can coexist
in one language. Languages with distinct noun class systems used for
different types of modifier often allow variable assignment only for one
of the systems; usually, the largest one (see §2.7).
Thus, nouns divide in three classes: (I) those which take -0 in the
singular and -i' in the plural, e.g. barbat 'man' as in barbatul e bun (man.DEF
is good) 'the man is good'; barbatii sint buni (men.DEF are good) 'the men
are good'; (II) those which take -0 in the singular and -e in the plural, e.g.
scaun 'chair' as in scaunul e bun (chair.DEF is good) 'the chair is good',
scaunele sint bune (chairs.DEF are good) 'the chairs are good'; and (III)
nouns which take -a in the singular and -e in the plural, e.g. fata 'girl' as in
fata e bun-a (girl.DEF is good) 'the girl is good',fetele sint bune (girls.DEF are
good) 'the girls are good' (Corbett 1991: 150-1). Thus, there are two target
genders and three controller genders (or agreement classes).
The gender system in the Dravidian language Telugu (Krishnamurti and
Gwynn 1985: 56-8) works on a similar principle (Table 2.5).
This is illustrated with the agreement on the verb 'to be' in 2.23-6.
2.23. waad(u) unnaadu
he be+MASC.SG
'He is'
2.24. ad(i) unnadi
She/it be + FEM/NEUTER.SG
'She/it is'
2.25. waaru unnaaru
they be+MASC/FEM.PL
'They (those persons: M,F) are'
2.26. aw(i) unnaayi
they be+NEUTER.PL
'They (those things) are'
Noun Class and Gender Systems 47
Khinalug (Northeast Caucasian: Kibrik et al. 1972: 154-5; 118 ff.) has a
more complicated system. Nouns divide into four classes: 1: males; 2:
females; 3: most non-human animates and some inanimates; 4: all the
rest (including abstract nouns and other nouns, e.g. nimts 'louse'). Gender
agreement is found on demonstrative pronouns, headless adjectives, and
verbs. There are two sets of surface agreement markers. Set 1 is used with
past and future tenses of resultative and non-resultative aspects. Set 2 is
used to mark gender/number agreement on different verbs depending on
their morphological class (Table 2.6).
A similar phenomenon in Tagalog has been pointed out to me by Randy LaPolla. Certain
nouns referring to humans and adjectives used to modify them, most or possibly all of which
are loans from Spanish, distinguish two genders, e.g. loko-ng Pinoy (crazy:MASC-ATT Philippine)
'a crazy Philippine man', loka-ng Pinay (crazy:FEM-ATT Philippine) 'a crazy Philippine woman'.
Noun Class and Gender Systems 49
Chechen and Ingush (Nichols 1989a) has five lexically determined noun
classes, formally marked by the appearance of an agreement prefix. There
are two human classes, which can be grouped into a human 'macroclass' (or
macrogender: Nichols 1989a: 162). For other classes, only a few semantic
generalizations can be made (e.g. fruiting trees and fruits and wild animals
are in the J class; non-fruiting trees are in the D class; names of manufac-
tured items are distributed among the D, J, and B classes). On the whole,
semantics is not a good predictor of gender. Surface markers used for these
classes partially overlap (see Table 2.8).
Alternatively, one may say that there are homophonous class markers used just with
demonstratives. This solution does not help us solve the problem concerning the 'number' of
noun classes in this language.
50 Classifiers
Superclassing does not necessarily reduce the number of classes. In some
languages 'superclassing' indicates the overlap of different classes.
Lokono (North Arawak: Pet 1987: 25-7) distinguishes two genders,
masculine and feminine, in the singular (see (C) in §11.2.1, on the semantics
of gender in Lokono). There are three distinctions in singular and in plural
which are based on an interaction of feminine and masculine gender, and
the feature human/non-human. All non-humans regardless of their sex or
number are referred to with an anaphoric pronoun tho and require femi-
nine agreement on modifiers and on the verb. Plural humans are referred to
with a plural anaphoric pronoun ne and require plural agreement. Singular
masculine nouns are referred to with li and require masculine agreement,
while singular feminine nouns require feminine agreement and are referred
to with tho.
2.5.1. Markedness
There are two main types of markedness—formal and functional. A term
in a system is formally unmarked if it has zero realization or a zero
allomorph. If the terms in a system, save one, are only used in specified
circumstances, and the remaining term is used in all other circumstances,
then it is said to be functionally unmarked (cf. Dixon 1994: 56-7;
Aikhenvald and Dixon 1998: 60).
A useful summary of criteria found relevant to markedness was provided
by Greenberg (1966); also see Croft (1990: 71).29 Only criteria relevant to
functional markedness are given here (Greenberg 1966: 25-30).
See Croft (1996) and Andrews (1990) on further issues concerning markedness relations.
When grammatical categories have more than two values, one value is marked relative to
another (cf. Croft 1990: 66; 1996). Markedness relations may be dependent on other categories
which correlate with them, and may be restricted to grammatical subclasses. For instance, in
the vast majority of the world's languages singular numbers are less marked than non-singular
ones (e.g. Tsonope 1988, on the relative markedness of singular and plural noun classes in
Setswana, a Bantu language). In some languages, the unmarked form is the collective one; and
the singular noun has a special singulative marker. This is an areal feature shared by a number
of families in the Northwest Amazon—Arawak (Resigaro, Tariana), East Tucano, and
Guahibo (e.g. Cuiba: Kerr 1995). There, noun classifiers are used as singulative markers;
and a noun can be pluralized only if it contains a noun classifier. In this case, formally
Noun Class and Gender Systems 51
(i) The unmarked value of the form will refer to either value (marked or
unmarked one) in certain contexts—e.g. the unmarked term can be used for
a supercategory which covers all the terms.
(ii) In certain grammatical environments, only the unmarked value will
appear (see below on gender resolution and neutral, or default agreement).
(iii) The unmarked category is the one most frequently used (or the one
that is used at least as frequently as each marked one).
(iv) The marked category displays syncretization of its inflectional possi-
bilities with respect to the unmarked member; i.e. there are 'at least as
many distinct forms in the paradigm with the unmarked value as in the
paradigm with the marked value' (Greenberg 1966: 27).
(v) The unmarked category is realized in neutralized contexts.
Formal markedness and functional markedness may correlate, but they
do not necessarily always go together (see Corbett 1991: 291; Hayward and
Corbett 1988, for discussion of Qafar, an East Cushitic language; Bulygina
and Shmelev 1996, for Russian30). There are systems in which all noun
classes are equally formally marked and no relations of functional marked-
ness can be established.
A noun class can be considered functionally unmarked under the follow-
ing conditions:
(a) It is used as a generic term and for indefinite reference.
(b) It is used when the noun class distinction is neutralized or is of no
(c) It may be used in default, or neutral agreement (see Corbett 1991:
206 ff., and below).
A functionally unmarked noun class is likely to be one of the largest
Noun class systems may have a special agreement form with heads, or
controllers which are not specified for any agreement class. This is called
neutral or default agreement (Corbett 1991: 203 ff.). These controllers are
called 'non-prototypical'. The range of non-prototypical controllers varies.
These may include infinitive phrases, nominalizations, and dummy
unmarked nouns are also functionally unmarked: they are used if number does not have to be
specified. This is called 'local markedness' or 'markedness reversal' by Croft (1990: 66, 144-5).
This may be limited to certain semantic subclasses. In some languages this 'reversal' is limited
to objects that 'naturally occur in groups and are difficult to individuate' (Croft 1990: 66, 144-
5), as in Semitic, Berber and Nilo-Saharan languages. In Amazonian languages, this is found
with inanimate nouns whose referents are easily individuated, and never with nouns which
have a collective referent. There may be different markedness relations between noun classes
and classifiers for animate and inanimate nouns.
For further discussion of relative markedness of Russian genders, see Jakobson (1984).
52 Classifiers
elements. The use of one of the noun classes for default agreement is an
indication of the functional unmarkedness of this class. In a two-gender
system, Hebrew uses masculine form for neutral agreement. Masculine
gender is unmarked—both formally, and functionally. In Zayse (Omotic:
Hayward 1989), feminine gender is unmarked and is used for default
agreement (see Fraser and Corbett 1997, for the notion of default gender
in Arapesh).
There may be unique forms used just for default agreement, e.g. neutral
resumptive pronouns in Spanish and Portuguese (discussed in §2.4.4; cf.
discussion of Spanish in Corbett 1991: 214-15).
Another strategy which is alternative to syntactic resolution is agreement with just one
conjunct (see a discussion on Swahili in Corbett 1991: 265-6; see also Steinberg and Caskey
1988: 301; Bokamba 1985).
Languages can combine several strategies of syntactic resolution, as does Hausa
(Schwartz et al. 1988), or several semantic and syntactic principles, as does Spanish (Steinberg
and Caskey 1988). A very complicated example of mixed semantic and syntactic noun class
resolution is found in Gurr-goni (Australian: R. Green 1995). Gender resolution may even be
determined on phonological principles, as in Xhosa, a Bantu language; see Voeltz (1971) and
Pullum and Zwicky (1986).
54 Classifiers
Some languages have no resolution strategies: nouns which belong to
different classes cannot be conjoined. Then, markedness relations cannot
be established (see C in §2.5.3).
But see objections to this raised by Doneux (1967: 235).
'Repeaters' as an agreement device have some similarities with phonologically condi-
tioned noun class agreement systems, e.g. those found in the languages of the Arapesh family
in the East Sepik province of New Guinea (Arapesh: Fortune 1942; Aronoff 1991; Conrad
1996; Bukiyip: Conrad and Wogiga 1991; Mufian: Conrad 1978; 1996), and in Yimas (Foley
1986). Elements of repetition are also found in the noun class assignment of loan words in
Wolof (described as 'the copy process' by McLaughlin 1997: 16-17), e.g. galaas gi 'the ice'
(from French glace), waliis wi 'the suitcase' (from French valise), soble si 'the onion' (from
Portuguese cebola).
Noun Class and Gender Systems 63
2.6.3. Double marking of noun classes
Some languages allow double marking of noun class. Examples of these
unusual strategies are found (A) in a few Bantu languages and (B) in some
Australian languages. Their properties are summarized in (C).
(A) Double marking of noun classes in Bantu languages
A number of Bantu languages with multiple noun class systems allow two
noun classes to be marked on a morphological word. Certain nouns that
already contain a noun class prefix which determines their agreement
properties may take a further noun class prefix.
In Kikuyu, if a noun is diminutivized, it can receive two noun class
prefixes: if a noun of noun class 1/2 (singular/plural) is diminutivized, it
acquires the diminutive class 12/13 which is then prefixed to the original 1/2
class marker, e.g. mu-ndu (Prefix l:CL1U/2-person) 'a person'; ka-mu-ndu
(Prefix2:CLl2/13-Prefixl:cLl/2-person) 'a small person' (Stump 1993:
171). A similar strategy is found in Swahili (Shepardson 1982; Helma
Pasch, p.c).
Not all noun class prefixes can occupy the pre-prefixal position. The set
of prefixes which can occur in this position (termed 'secondary' prefixes by
Vail 1974: 24) are typically associated with degree, or value: they include
diminutives and augmentatives, and sometimes pejoratives and honorifics.
Ndali (a Bantu language spoken in Malawi and in Tanzania) has 21
noun class prefixes which correspond to 14 classes: of the 21 prefixes, 14 are
singular vs. plural pairs, and thus correspond to seven classes; the remain-
ing seven classes do not have plural counterparts (they contain abstract
nouns and locatives). The system of noun classes in Ndali is illustrated in
Table 2.9 (adapted from Vail 1974: 25-47). Noun classes are numbered
in accordance with Vail (1974: 25).
As in the majority of Bantu languages, noun class assignment is only
partly based on semantic principles, and is partly opaque; there are also
some morphological principles in operation, e.g. all verbal infinitives
belong to Class 15. It can be seen from this table that secondary noun
prefixes correspond to augmentatives, pejoratives, and diminutives, and
also locatives, e.g. u - k a b w a 'dog (cL1a)', icokabw a (from ic(i)-u-
kafiwva) 'very dirty dog' (sec. CL?) (Vail 1974: 33). If the same prefix is
used as a primary, and as a secondary marker, the semantics of the primary
marker may be opaque; but the semantics of the secondary one is always
associated with augmentatives/pejoratives, or diminutives, as is the case
with Classes 3/4, 7/8, 12/13 above.
Double prefix structures in Ndali, and a few other languages (e.g.
Kikuyu: Stump 1993) are restricted to marking the overt noun classes;
this is to say, they appear on head nouns only.
64 Classifiers
TABLE 2.9. Noun classes in Ndali
No. Prefix SG Prefix PL Status Semantics
1/2 umu aba prim Persons; kinship terms
la/2b u0 awo prim Mostly animates and persons
3/4 umu imi prim, sec Prim.: inanimates, natural phenomena
Sec: augmentative, pejorative
5/6 10 ama prim Natural phenomena, body parts, plant
names, etc.
7/8 id ifi prim, sec Prim: miscellaneous, generally
Sec: pejorative
9/10 iN iN43 prim Impersonal; animals; tools,
implements, etc.
11 ulu prim Impersonal objects, body parts, plants,
insects, abstract concepts
12/13 aka utu prim, sec Prim: body parts, manners of action
Sec: diminutives
14 ubu prim Abstract nouns; names of
geographical areas, miscellaneous
15 uku - Verbal infinitives
16 pa sec Motion to/from, situation; proximity
to someone or something near the
17 ku prim Motion to/from, situation; proximity
to someone or something far from the
18 mu - prim Situation inside something
21 ili sec Augmentation, pejorative
Similar examples from the Zezuru dialect of Shona are given by Stump (1993: 173).
66 Classifiers
language, possessed body parts take two prefixes—the 'inner' prefix (i.e. the
one which comes closer to the root) corresponds to the noun class/gender
of the possessor, while the 'outer' prefix (the one which precedes the inner
prefix) corresponds to the gender of the possessed noun itself. In 2.47
(Evans 1994: 3; Bolt et al. 1971: 70) the possessed noun 'ear' has two
noun class prefixes: the Class 4 prefix marks its inherent class and the
Class 1 prefix marks agreement with the possessor, 'man'.
2.47. ni-ya-manga d-ununin
CL4:NEUT-CLl :MASc-ear CL! :MASc:ABS-man
'the man's ear'
The examples of double marking of noun classes with body parts in
Nungali are limited to masculine vs. feminine 'inherited' gender, and veget-
able and neuter 'intrinsic' gender. This is perfectly understandable from the
semantics of morphosyntactic contexts in which possessed body part terms
occur. Typically, possessors are animate (and thus belong to the masculine
or feminine class), and body part terms belong to either the neutral or
vegetable class.
In Yanyuwa (Evans 1994: 2; Kirton 1971) and Anindilyakwa (Leeding
1996) the multiple-marking strategy is found with kin terms. This multiple
marking of noun class is restricted to overt noun class marking only.
Languages differ as to the strategies of agreement: some agree with the
'intrinsic' gender only (i.e. the gender of the possessed noun, not that of the
possessor), as in Nungali, and some show more complicated agreement
patterns, as do Nunggubuyu, and Gurr-goni. This double marking is
related to the head noun; it does not correspond to agreement.
(C) Double marking of noun classes: a summary
Overt noun class morphemes in Bantu languages which allow multiple
noun class markers fall into two groups which correspond to primary
and secondary prefixes. In a way, they can be considered as two noun class
systems which coexist in a language. They can be marked simultaneously
on a head noun. However, they differ from systems described in §2.7 in that
they are used in the same morphosyntactic environments.
In Nungali semantic restrictions on cooccurrence of noun class prefixes
with possessed body parts which take double noun class marking are linked
to the semantics of possessive constructions. Unlike Bantu languages, only
body parts (which are inalienably possessed) have this double marking;
double marking is associated with a specific type of possessive construction
and a specific type of noun semantics.
It will be shown in §2.7 that, unlike the cases described here, 'split' noun
class systems allow 'double' agreement which is not attested in Bantu, or in
Australian languages.
Noun Class and Gender Systems 67
2.7. Languages with more than one kind of noun class
It was possible at one time to state that 'no example is known of a language
with two distinct systems of noun classes' (Dixon 1982: 220; cf. Craig
1986a; 1986b; 1986c). The discussion in this section is based mainly on
the data from languages which have been described only recently. This is an
example of a certain 'progress' in typology: the access to new, previously
unknown data broadens the scope of the typological generalizations we can
Languages which have more than one type of noun class fall into two
groups. On the one hand, there can be more than one noun class type, with
different semantics, used with different modifiers, and/or for different
agreement types. This type is sometimes referred to as 'nominal' and
'pronominal' noun classes (or genders)—see §2.7.1. On the other hand,
there can be more than one system of noun classes, with different semantics,
which are used, at least partly, in the same environment, e.g. with the same
modifiers—see §2.7.2. Both kinds of systems involve 'split agreement'; i.e.
different agreement rules operate for different morphological classes (cf.
Aikhenvald 1994a). A summary is given in §2.7.3.
The possibility of coexistence of 'noun classes' and 'semantic' gender
was in fact discussed by Dixon (1982: 169), for Mba (Niger-Congo) and for
Wogamusin and Chenapian (Papuan, based on Laycock and Z'graggen
1975: 743–4), and by Corbett (1991: 168-75). Corbett considers cases
like the South Dravidian languages Kolami, Parji, Naiki, which have two
genders (male human and others). In these languages, some lower numerals
have additional forms for female humans. Similarly, Wogamusin and
Chenapian have at least five noun classes, shown by different forms of
numerals; in addition, the number 'one' has distinct masculine and
feminine forms (Laycock and Z'graggen 1975: 744). Given the scarcity of
information, these data can be reinterpreted in such a way as to avoid
admitting the existence of more than one noun class, as Dixon does for
Wogamusin and Chenapian (positing 'ten noun classes, arranged in
masculine/feminine pairs, with neutralisation between pairs beyond the
number "one"').45 Corbett considers similar cases as 'overdifferentiated
targets', with a somewhat 'exceptional' behaviour.
The data from South American, Papuan, African, and Australian
languages discussed below show quite a few regularities as to the ways in
which more than one noun class system can operate in a language.
Another possibility would be to say that these languages have a set of numeral classifiers
fused with numbers 1–4 and an independent set of noun classes, or genders. This analysis was
adopted by Lock (forthcoming) for Abau, an isolate spoken in the same area as Wogamusin
and Chenapian.
68 Classifiers
2.7.1. Nominal and pronominal noun class
Different noun class systems can coexist in one language for different types
of modifier; this distinction was first outlined by Heine (1982a) for African
languages. One system of noun classes is used with personal, demonstra-
tive, and other pronouns, and for verbal cross-referencing; this is called
'pronominal' gender/noun class (Heine 1982a: 195). The other is used with
adjectives (and sometimes other modifiers, such as numerals); this is called
'nominal' gender/noun class (Heine 1982a: 195).
(A) Properties of pronominal and nominal noun classes
In each case the two types have all the properties of noun class systems.
They differ, with respect to:
(i) morphosyntactic loci (i.e. grammatical context of occurrence);
(ii) size of system;
(iii) semantics;
(iv) transparency of semantic basis;
(v) variability in assignment;
(vi) overlap with other classifier types in multiple classifier systems (see
Chapter 9);
(vii) possible interrelations with other categories.
These differences are summarized in Table 2.10.
First and second person (singular and plural) pronouns have inherent feminine gender:
that is, they trigger feminine agreement; and those of third person plural have inherent
masculine gender (trigger masculine agreement).
72 Classifiers
(A1) Gender assigment in Paumari All nouns with female referents
belong to the feminine gender. All body parts, parts of plants and the
vast majority of artefacts and their parts are feminine. Of 52 names for
cultivated plants (Chapman MS: A.g.l), 17 are feminine. Of 92 names for
wild plants and trees (A.g.4), 53 are feminine. Out of 45 mammals, 27 are
feminine; out of 80 bird names, 41 are feminine; out of 15 reptiles, one is
feminine; out of 34 amphibians (turtles, lizards, crocodiles), 25 are femi-
nine; all the 8 molluscs are masculine; out of 74 insects, 14 are feminine;
and out of 84 fish, 8 are feminine. Nouns denoting terrestrial natural
phenomena, such as 'earth', 'lake', 'beach', are feminine. Nouns denoting
celestial bodies are mostly masculine (e.g. 'star', 'moon', 'sun'); the word
for 'sky' is feminine. Some nouns denoting weather phenomena are mascu-
line (e.g. 'rain', 'fog'), and some are feminine ('rainbow', 'wind'); all names
of seasons are feminine.
Many nouns which denote higher animals can be of either gender
according to the sex of the referent, e.g. ojoro 'turtle', hotairi 'deer'.
Thus, gender assignment in Paumari is only partially semantically
(A2) The ka-class assignment in Paumari Nouns with human referents,
abstract nouns (e.g. nominalizations) and nouns which refer to natural
objects and phenomena, never belong to the ka-c\ass. The assignment is
partially semantic, and the principles vary, depending on the semantic field
to which the referent belongs. These principles are given in Table 2.11.
Some body parts distinguish two forms—a ka- class and a non-to- class
one (see (1) in Table 2.11).
The masculine-feminine gender and to-class interact in certain ways.
The vast majority of nouns with non-human inanimate referents which
belong to the to-class are inherently feminine. Few to-class nouns are
inherently masculine; these include kasi'i 'crocodile', vahajari 'alligator',
maoba 'the ritual building'.
Gender and to-class cooccur with non-demonstrative modifiers and on
verbs. (Note that all numerals are stative verbs in Paumari.) Demonstra-
tives distinguish only feminine and masculine forms (they do not take the
to- prefix).
2.55. ada kawina hoara-na
'one monkey'
2.56. ida hotairi hoara-ni
'this one deer'
Noun Class and Gender Systems 73
TABLE 2.11. Ka-class assignment in Paumari
Semantic group Ka-class Non-ka-class
1. Body parts a. Whole, extended: sa'ay 'hand', Singular parts: sa'ay
'damay 'foot' 'finger', 'damay 'toe'
b. Inner (i.e. more vital) organ: Outer organ: moroboy
moroboy 'inner ear', viridi 'inner 'outer part of the ear',
part of the nose', kajoi viridi 'outer part of the
'intestines'. nose'
2. Plants, fruit, a. Larger size/extension and/or Small, thin, long objects,
artefacts flat in shape, e.g. mesa 'table', e.g. dono 'pestle', hado
sandalia 'sandals', vanami 'knife'
'paddle', and most containers,
e.g. kanawa 'canoe', kojira
'spoon', carro 'car'
b. Substances which consist of Other substances and fruit,
small particles, e.g. ka'ija e.g. paha 'water', simaka
'pepper', jokira 'salt'; or are thick 'manioc', sipatihi 'banana'
in texture, e.g. kojahari 'banana
mash'; fruit with many seeds, e.g.
barasia 'watermelon', jaro'oa
3. Animals Big, flat, e.g. ojoro 'turtle', Others, e.g. hotairi 'deer',
ba'dana 'lizard' jomahi 'jaguar'
The two systems of gender marking can cooccur on the same modifier in
a noun phrase (Serzisko 1982: 115 ff.). In 2.64, the numeral 'one' has a
prefix bi- showing pronominal gender agreement followed by a prefix it-
showing nominal gender agreement.
2.64. ju bi-u-ma
'one woman'
Pronominal gender agreement is said to 'intensify' a demonstrative.
76 Classifiers
2.7.3. Languages with more than one kind of noun class: a summary
We have considered two kinds of situation. Different systems of noun
classes involving agreement can be independent and employed with
different kinds of modifiers used in distinct morphosyntactic contexts;
two different noun classes cannot then be marked within one morpho-
logical word. This is the case in African, Australian, and a number of South
American languages (§2.7.1). Alternatively, different noun class systems
may partially overlap; then two noun classes can be marked within one
morphological word, as in Paumari (Arawa), or Mba (Ubangi, Niger-
Congo); see §2.7.2.
These two kinds of systems are similar in that, in each case, one type of
noun class is used for pronouns and a different type for other modifiers.
If a language has a closed set of animacy-based noun classes, these are
more likely to appear associated with third person pronouns and demon-
stratives (see §10.2 on the link between person and noun class). A larger set
of animacy and shape-based noun classes are more likely to be used for
common nouns. This tendency, indicated in Table 2.10, is shown in
Diagram 2.1 (Aikhenvald 1994a).
MAP 1. Distribution of noun classes and genders in the languages of the world
Noun Class and Gender Systems 79
Torricelli family and some of those of the Lower Sepik family have fas-
cinating systems of about a dozen classes (see Foley 1986: 85 ff.; 1991 for
information on Yimas; Fortune 1942; Nekitel 1985; 1986; Conrad 1978
on the Arapesh languages). Angan languages spoken at the junction of
the Eastern Highlands, Morobe, and Gulf Provinces, have up to ten noun
classes (see Whitney n.d., for Akoye; Speece n.d., for Angave; Carlson
1991 for Taenae). Extensive systems with several dozen agreement classes
are found in the Papuan languages of Southern Bougainville: Nasioi,
Motuna (Foley 1986: 83 ff.; Onishi 1994) and in those of Central
Bougainville: Napues (or Kunua), Eywo, Keriaka and Rotokas (Kim
Blewett, p.c.), and in Reef-Santa Cruzan languages (Wurm 1992a; 1992b).
Small gender systems (with two or three members) are found in the non-
Austronesian languages of the Solomon Islands (Bilua: Kazuko Obata,
p.c.; Lavukaleve: Angela Terrill, p.c.; Savosavo), in Kuot, the only Papuan
language of New Ireland (Eva Lindstrom, p.c.) and in most languages of
the Fly river (Bine: Fleischmann and Turpeinen 1975; Wipi: Dondorp and
Shim 1997; Wara: Risto Sarsa, p.c.). Some non-Austronesian languages of
East New Britain (e.g. Baining and possibly also Taulil) have a complicated
system of agreement noun classes (Parker and Parker 1977 for Baining;
Lindrud and Nicholson n.d., for Taulil).
The typical noun class system in Australian languages contains four
terms which can be broadly labelled as masculine, feminine, edible
vegetable, and residual. Individual languages range from two noun classes
to six. The majority of languages with noun classes are spoken in a
continuous region of the central north 'prefixing' area with two outliers,
Dyirbal and Banjalang, on the east coast (Sands 1995; Dixon forth-
coming). A few other languages have a gender distinction just in the third
person singular pronoun (Sands 1995: 257).
American Indian languages north of Mexico (Sherzer 1976; Campbell
1997) divide into a number of linguistic areas, some of which show genders/
noun classes and classifiers, and some of which do not. Gender systems are
typically small (with two to three members). The most frequent opposi-
tions are masculine/feminine, animate/inanimate, or human/non-human.
Algonquian languages—spoken in the Eastern Subarctic, the Northeast,
and in the Plains linguistic area—distinguish animate and inanimate
genders. Chemakuan and Salish languages of the Northwest Coast
linguistic area distinguish masculine and feminine genders, and Lower
Chinook distinguishes between human and non-human. The distinction
between masculine and feminine is an areal feature of the Northwest Coast
area (Campbell 1997: 332). In the Plateau area, Upper Chinook has an
opposition between masculine and feminine. Among Californian
languages, only Pomoan distinguishes feminine and masculine (this is
considered an innovation). Animate and inanimate nouns are distinguished
80 Classifiers
in the plural in Pacific Coast Athabaskan, in Yuki (Yukian), in Karok and
Yana, and in Miwok and Costanoan.
Of the Pueblo languages, Hopi (Uto-Aztecan) distinguishes three
genders (animate, inanimate, and vegetable) in the plural. Kiowa-Tanoan
languages (with Kiowa spoken in the Great Plains) have up to four classes
of nouns based on distinctions between number, animacy, and individua-
tion (Watkins 1984, 1995). In the Great Basin area, Southern Paiute
(Numic branch of Uto-Aztecan) has animate and inanimate 3rd person
pronouns. In the Plains, the opposition between animate and inanimate
genders is (as mentioned above) present in all Algonquian languages, in a
number of Siouan languages, and in Comanche (Numic branch of Uto-
Aztecan). Iroquoian languages fall into two subgroups: those of the North-
east have masculine, feminine, and neuter for the 3rd person pronoun,
while Cherokee, in the Southeast, distinguishes only masculine and
feminine. In the Southeast linguistic area, masculine and feminine are
distinguished in nouns and pronouns in Tunica (Gulf), and only in 3rd
person pronouns in Yuchian languages.
In Central America, two genders (animate vs. inanimate) are present in a
few Otomanguean languages and in Tequislatec (Costenla 1991: 117).
Many Central American languages have numeral classifiers and a few
have noun classifiers, rather than genders/noun classes (see Chapters 3
and 4).
More than half of the languages of South America show genders and/or
noun classes. A system of two genders, masculine and feminine, is
characterictic of languages of the Je, Guahibo, and Arawa families, some
Arawak languages, the languages of Gran Choco and related families, e.g.
Guaicuruan and Maka. Chapacuran languages distinguish three genders
(Everett and Kern 1997). The coexistence of two noun class systems for
different types of modifier is characteristic of Arawak and Tucano
languages, Yagua (Peba-Yagua), Zaparoan, Bora-Witoto and Harakmbet,
and a number of isolates, such as Waorani, Saliba, Itonama and Movima
(see Derbyshire and Payne 1990; Dixon and Aikhenvald 1999). One of
these noun class systems has two or three members, while the other is
larger. The Tupi, Pano, Carib, Yanomami, Maku,47 Tacana, Quechua,
Piraha, Aymara, Jivaro and Ticuna families, isolates Aikana, Koaia, and
four of the Arawak languages (Terena, Amuesha, Chamicuro, Bahwana) of
South America have no genders or noun classes; however, they often have
classifiers of other types. No noun classes or classifiers of any other type
have been reported for the isolates Jabuti, Trumai, Yaruro, and Warao (see
Aikhenvald and Dixon 1999).
Kakua is the only Maku language which is reported to have a gender distinction in
pronominal cross-referencing (Martins and Martins 1999).
3 Noun Classifiers
Walsh (1997) provides criteria distinguishing noun classifiers from compounds in
Denny Moore (p.c.) informs that noun classifiers in Gaviao (Tupi) are also better analysed
as markers of class nouns (see Moore 1984: 203–4), pace Carlson and Payne (1989).
In a famous poem 'Lullaby' ('Kolybel'naya'), Nikolai Zabolocki used generic-specific
combinations such as 'fish flounder' (ryba kambala), 'plant potato' (rastenie kartoska) and
'animal dog' (zhivotnoe sobaka) in describing a fantastic and absurd reality. This 'generic-
specific' construction is just a lexico-syntactic mechanism employed for stylistic effect.
Noun Classifiers 87
syntactic mechanisms of this kind may well be a historical source of noun
classification devices.
Noun classifiers are also different from nouns such as 'berry' in the
English combinations straw-berry, blue-berry, black-berry. These are some-
times called class nouns, and are usually restricted to few lexical fields
(generally a few floral and/or faunal domains) while noun classifiers are
more extensive in that they cover most of the lexicon. Class nouns do not
constitute a syntactic construction as classifier-noun constructions do, and
they do not have the contingent properties (i-iv) outlined in §3.1.
The noun classifiers considered so far in this chapter are all free mor-
phemes. They can be cliticized to the noun, as in Acehnese (Durie 1985:
139), and Akatek (Zavala forthcoming). Noun classifiers can be a subclass
of nouns (as in Yidiny or a number of other Australian languages: Sands
1995), or constitute a class of morphemes on their own. For instance, free-
form classifiers in Mayan languages are often derived from independent
nouns. Of fifteen free-form noun classifiers in Kanjobal Mayan, twelve
come from independent nouns (Zavala forthcoming).7
No system has been found with 'repeaters' employed as noun classifiers.
Noun classifiers can undergo grammaticalization and phonological
reduction and become affixes to nouns. This has happened in some Aus-
tralian languages (Dixon 1982: 207; Sands 1995: 252). In Olgolo, some of
the optional prefixes to nouns are reduced forms of generic classifiers, e.g.
y- is based on uyu- 'fish' and nh- comes from inha- 'animal'. The evolution
of overt noun class prefixes from free classifier forms in Olgolo has a
phonological motivation: the language is eliminating vowel-initial words
(which appeared as the result of consonant-initial dropping) (Dixon 1982:
Noun classifiers, once they become affixes to nouns, can further give
rise to noun class agreement (see Sands 1995: 253–4; see §13.4 below).
The grammaticalization chain: noun classifiers —> overt noun class
markers -> agreement markers, and the genesis of agreement are discussed
in §13.8.
The development of classifiers from independent nouns involves a few phonological
processes (Craig 1986b: 255 ff.; cf. §13.5.1) such as segmental reduction, e.g. loss of the first
syllable, as in winax 'man' > nax 'CL:MALE' and cliticization, i.e. loss of independent stress.
92 Classifiers
3.5. Overt noun class marking and noun classifiers
Numerous languages have several sets of nominal derivational affixes which are semanti-
cally similar to genders, or noun classes. In Afroasiatic languages gender markers have
derivational functions. Feminine gender is frequently used to form diminutives, as in the
majority of Berber langauges (Aikhenvald 1984), and Oromo (Cushitic: Clamons 1993). There
is another set of noun classifiers, suffixes to nouns used to mark semantic subgroups of non-
humans, such as *-(a)b 'non-domesticated or harmful animals', *-r 'domesticated animals'
(Diakonoff 1988: 57). Both can cooccur in one word. For instance, Hebrew ?arn(e)-b-(e)t
'hare' contains a Proto-Afroasiatic noun classifier *-(a)b 'non-domesticated or harmful
animals', and -t 'feminine marker'. Tariana (North Arawak) has several sets of derivational
gender-sensitive suffixes (see Aikhenvald in prep.). Their analysis lies outside the scope of this
Noun Classifiers 93
productively used to create new names out of nominalized clauses. A more
complicated example is in 3.18, with the Ngan'gityemerri name for 'metal
detector' (Reid 1997: 205).
3.18. yerr=[tyagani-merrendi gentyerrmi-gi-baty knife]
TREE/THING=[something-LEST 2pL.S:Aux-ou-hold knife]
'metal detector' (lit. a thing in case you might have something like a
This usage is very similar to the syntactic functions of noun classifiers as
relativizers and anaphoric pronouns described in §3.2.4, indicating an
'intermediary' status for Ngan'gityemerri noun classification devices, on
a grammaticalization continuum between noun classifiers and noun classes.
The Ngan'gityemerri system can be regarded as, in Reid's words, a 'system
in transition', from noun classifiers to noun classes.
In most languages with classifiers in multiple environments (Chapter 9)
classifier morphemes occur on the noun itself, adding new meaning to it. In
Arawak and Tucanoan languages they have individualizing functions, e.g.
Tariana (North Arawak): episi 'iron (as substance); iron in general'; episi-
da (iron-CL:ROUND) 'axe'; episi-aphi (iron-CL:HOLLOW) 'iron pan'; episi-kha
(iron-CL:CURVED) 'long thin piece of iron'; episi-pukwi (iron-CL:RING.LIKE)
'metal ring' (see Aikhenvald 1994a). Thus, these morphemes are used as
derivational affixes and as noun class agreement markers, and could be
analysed as derivational or as inflectional (see §9.1).
In a number of multiple classifier languages from Amazonia, classifiers
are also employed as relativizers. In Tuyuca (Central Tucano: Barnes 1990:
286; p.c.), a classifier can be suffixed to a nominalized verb, to yield the
predicate of a relative clause. In 3.19 the relative predicate, with a classifier,
is underlined.
3.19. ti-ba-re ado-pe kii
that-CL:PATH-RE here-THEM.CONTR 3msg
'He started down that path over here [that he had recently come on].'
These examples illustrate a functional similarity between noun classifiers
and overt class markers on nouns themselves (which can be considered
derivational). Similar examples from Nambiquara (Lowe 1999) are given in
We have seen in §3.2.1 that in some languages, e.g. Yidiny, several noun
classifiers can cooccur within one NP In Lowland Amazonian languages of
the Tucano, North Arawak, and possibly a few other families (such as
94 Classifiers
Guahibo and Witoto), head nouns can take more than one classifier suffix
simultaneously. Several (up to three) classifiers can cooccur on nouns with
inanimate referents. Examples below are from Tariana. (Note that 'aero-
plane' comes within the scope of the 'canoe' classifier -hwya.)
3.20. kara-ka-hwya-puna hanu-puna
'a big airstrip'
3.21. kar a-ka-hwya-puna-way
'corner of an airstrip'
There seem to be no semantic restrictions on which classifiers may and
which may not cooccur. The order of classifiers depends on the type of
morphological word. If a noun with classifiers is to be presented as a head-
modifier construction, the affix which is the head of the morphological
construction always occupies the last place in the string of derivational
affixes. It also triggers the agreement on an adjective (as in 3.20).
In 3.22, the last derivational affix -maka 'cloth-like' is the head of a
morphological construction, and so it occupies the last place in the string
of morphemes.
3.22. kuda-ma-maka
'woman's garment'
In 3.23 the derivational affix -da 'round object' is used twice. The first
occurrence of -da can be interpreted as a modifier to the root hipa 'ground,
earth', and its second occurrence as a modifier to the derived noun hipa-da
'stone'. An alternative ordering of morphemes is possible, but it changes
the meaning of the word (as illustrated in 3.24 and 3.25) since the semantics
of a derived word in Tariana is connected with bracketing (see Anderson
1992: 264 ff.; and Aikhenvald 1999b, for a fuller account of the possibilities
of variable morpheme ordering in Tariana).
3.23. hipa-da-da
'gravel, i.e. a small round stone'
3.24. nu-kapima-da hanu-da
'the big palm of my hand'
or: nu-kapima hanu-da
1SG-hand + CL:SIDE big-CL:ROUND
'the big side of my hand'
Noun Classifiers 95
3.25. nu-kapi-da-ma hanu-ma
'the big side of my finger'
In all the Amazonian languages where this kind of 'stacking' of classi-
fiers occurs, if the same—or almost the same—set of classifiers is used as
noun class agreement markers, the noun is assigned to just one agreement
class and this is marked on the adjective, as shown in 3.23 to 3.25.
The multiple occurrences of classifiers are reminiscent of 'double mark-
ing' of head classes attested in Bantu and in some Northern Australian
languages discussed in §2.6.3.
In spite of the functional similarities and possible historical connection,
we prefer not to consider the derivational (overt) noun class markers, as in
Bantu, Australian, or Amazonian languages (see §2.6.1 and §2.6.3) as
instances of noun classifiers, since their scope is a noun, and not a noun
phrase. Synchronically, there are significant differences between noun clas-
sifiers and overt noun class markers on head nouns in the rare languages
which have both. In Ngan'gityemerri (Australian: Reid 1997) noun classi-
fiers are optional and their usage depends on the discourse; the overt noun
class markers are obligatory. This is shown in 3.26 (Reid 1997: 175).
3.26. (gagu) a-matyi bengin-da
CL: ANIMAL NCL:ANIM-kangaroo 3sG.S:AUX-hit
'He shot a kangaroo.'
Note that the overt noun class markers in Ngan'gityemerri are most
often the same as agreement noun class markers on adjectives, as shown in
3.27 (note that = marks a clitic boundary) (Reid 1997: 176).
3.27. a-matyi a=kerre
NCL:ANIM-kangaroo NCL:ANIM-big
'a big kangaroo'
There is no such correlation between noun classifiers and agreement, at
least synchronically. (Note that the absence of agreement is the definitional
property of noun classifiers.) However, if we look at the relationships
between noun classifiers and noun class markers from a historical perspec-
tive the two may be considered as extreme points of a grammaticalization
continuum, from the lexico-syntactic mechanism of noun classifiers to
closed sets of grammaticalized noun classes (cf. Sands 1995: 249). This
shows that the distinct types of noun categorization devices discussed in
this book are not independent of each other. We will return to this in
Chapter 13.
noun classifiers found in continuous areas
Other terms are: 'echo classifiers' and 'identical classifiers' (Burling 1965: 249).
104 Classifiers
4.11. raan-?aahaan saam raan
shop-meal,food three CL:SHOP
'three restaurants'
The use of repeaters makes the system of classifiers almost open-ended,
'to the point of absurdity' (Kolver 1982a: 178). However, no language has
been found so far where repeaters are the only type of classifier (cf. Senft
1996: 7). In every language with repeaters these represent a subclass of a
classifier; they are often used for otherwise 'non-classifiable' items.2 For
instance, in Mal, a Mon-Khmer language (Wajanarat 1979), there are ten
regular unit numeral classifiers, fourteen group classifiers, and two action
classifiers (see 4.3 and 4.4). A subset of nouns can be used as repeaters. All
of these have an inanimate referent. They include otherwise unclassifiable
nouns, e.g. cia 'house', duup 'hut', boh 'mountain', e 'day'. Example 4.12
illustrates a repeater (Wajanarat 1979: 298)
4.12. ?n ?ui cian ba ciarn
I have house one CL:HOUSE
'I have one house.'
Grammaticalized repeaters often give rise to classifiers as a closed or
semi-closed class of affixes to a numeral (Senft 1996: 353). In Kilivila, iga
'name' is a phonologically 'depleted' (shortened) form of the repeater
yegila 'name' in a classifier function (Senft 1996: 171).3 See §13.1.2.
The status of numeral classifiers with respect to word class has to be
established on language internal grounds. For most languages they are
treated as a separate word class (e.g. Bisang 1993; forthcoming; cf. Cohen
1976, for Jeh (Mon-Khmer), and Saul and Wilson 1980, for Nung (Tai)).
In some languages numeral classifiers are treated as a subclass of adjec-
tives, e.g. Malto (South Dravidian: Mahapatra 1979: 121).
Parameters of variation in numeral classifier constructions include
constituent order and constituency relations in classifier constructions.
Constituent order in classifier constructions usually depends on the general
syntactic rules of the language (see Greenberg 1963; 1972; Dryer 1992).
Greenberg (1972) established four possible constituent orders in numeral
classifier constructions:
(i) [NUM-CL]-N: e.g. Chinese, Vietnamese, Hmong, Miao of Wei Ning,
Uzbek, Hungarian;
(ii) N-[NUM-CL]: e.g. Thai, Khmer, Mal (above);
(iii) [CL-NUM]-N: e.g. Ibibio (Niger-Congo: Greenberg 1972);
Cf. Jones (1970: 2): 'it is interesting to speculate on the possibility that such usage arises
from an inadequate supply of classifiers once their use becomes firmly established.'
In Kilivila, of 88 classifiers which are most frequently used 25 are repeaters.
Numeral Classifiers 105
(iv) N-[CL-NUM]: possibly, Bodo (Sino-Tibetan: Greenberg 1972).
These orders exhaust all the possibilities—numerals and classifiers are
always adjacent. As Greenberg pointed out (1990: 228), orders (i) and (ii)
are much more frequent than orders (iii) and (iv). (Note that he did not
distinguish classifiers as independent lexemes from classifiers as affixes.
Suffixes are much more frequent than prefixes in the world's languages;
so the preference for suffixed rather than prefixed classifiers could be linked
to this.) Languages also permit variation in order between types (i) and (ii)
(see Greenberg 1990: 236; 1972). In most Thai languages classifiers usually
follow numerals except for the number 'one' which precedes (Bisang forth-
coming: 5; Greenberg 1972).4
The classifier usually forms a constituent with the numeral. The noun,
and not the classifier, is generally the head (see Greenberg 1972 for discus-
sion and examples). However, in isolating languages it is often difficult to
work out syntactic criteria for heads, especially since either a classifier or a
noun can be omitted under specifiable discourse conditions (see §12.1.3).
According to Greenberg, no language has the order Classifier-Noun-
Numeral or Numeral-Noun-Classifier (where the numeral and the classifier
are separated by the noun). The former order is in fact found in Ejagham
(Walters 1981: see example 4.2 above). In Ejagham the classifier can be
shown to form a constituent with the noun rather than with the numeral
(at least prosodically). The classifier, and not the noun, is the syntactic
head of the NP since it triggers noun class agreement on the number
In Bodo (Sino-Tibetan) there are two subsystems: the 'indigenous' one has the order CL-
NUM, while the one borrowed from Assamese has NUM-CL order (Greenberg 1972).
106 Classifiers
4.14. ek-ti bai
'one beautiful small book'
Other nouns do not take any classifier.
Numeral classifiers in Marathi (Emeneau 1964: 648) distinguish mascu-
line and feminine forms: masc. jan, fem, jani 'human'.
Yucuna (North Arawak: Schauer and Schauer 1978) has eight numeral
classifiers referring to form (round, cylindrical, plain, side; symmetrical;
concave) and animacy (human and non-human animate). Yucuna, like all
Arawak languages, has just a small system of numerals (one, two, and
three); see 4.15.
4.15. pajluhua-na yahui
one-CL:ANIM dog
'one dog'
Japanese has several hundred classifiers attached to numerals, however,
speakers of the language typically use only about thirty-eight classifiers
(Downing 1986: 346; Masa Onishi, p.c.; also see Denny 1979b: 317). There
are two syntactic constructions in which numeral classifiers are used
(Denny 1979b: 318). One is a numeral classifier noun phrase; it involves
a linker, or 'genitive' particle -no (called 'basic' by Martin 1975: 777, and
'individualizing' by Downing 1984: 194), e.g. ni-dai-no kuruma (two-
NUM.CL:VEHICLE-LINKER car) 'two cars'. The other construction, called
'adverbial' by Denny (1979b), involves a copula clause, e.g. enpitsu ga
san-bon aru (pencil SUBJECT three-long there are) 'there are three pencils'.
Similarly, in Korean attributive or genitive -uy is typically used to accom-
pany a numeral+classifier construction, e.g. sey calwu-uy yenphil (three
NUM.CL:LONG.SLENDER-ATT pencil) 'three pencils'. The form -uy can be
omitted in a more colloquial speech register (Lee 1997; also see Downing
1984: 199, on genitive particle deletion in Japanese). There are several
possible orders in numeral classifier constructions; however, the classifier
must remain within the same constituent as the numeral. Japanese has two
possibilities of constituent order (Bisang forthcoming: 5): the classifier-
numeral constituent can occur in prenominal position (with the linker no)
as in 4.16, or following the noun (without -no) as in 4.17.
4.16. ni-dai-no kuruma o kai-mashi-ta
'(S/he) bought two cars.'
4.17. kuruma o ni-dai kai-mashi-ta
'(S/he) bought two cars.'
Numeral Classifiers 107
In Korean there are three possibilities. 4.18 shows the unmarked order in
a numeral classifier construction (Lee 1997):
4.18. sey calwu-uy yenphil-lul
three NUM.CL:LONG.SLENDER-ATT pencil-Ace
'(1) bought three pencils.'
The classifier can immediately follow the head noun and takes case
marking (Sohn 1994: 272), as in 4.19.
4.19. Minca-nun ecey chayk sey kwen-ul
Minca-TOP yesterday book three CL:BOOK-ACC
'Minca bought three books yesterday.'
4.20 shows a different constituent order, used to focus on the head noun
(note the absence of the attributive -uy) (Lee 1997). The classifier follows
the head noun and both are case-marked. This could be considered a
discontinuous noun phrase.
4.20. yenphil-lul ecey sey calwu-lul
pencil-Ace yesterday three NUM.CL:LONG.SLENDER-ACC
'I bought three pencils (not other items) yesterday.'
While variations in the ordering of the head noun and the numeral +
classifier are acceptable (especially in the colloquial speech register:
Yunseok Lee, p.c.), the ordering of the numeral and the classifier is rigid,
and no constituent can be inserted between them.
In Yagua (Derbyshire and Payne 1990: 253–4; Payne and Payne 1990:
445 ff.) classifiers are infixed to numerals (usually small numbers), as illu-
strated in 4.21. (The same morphemes are suffixed to demonstratives,
adjectives, and verbs; see §9.1.)
4.21. ta-dasiy-quii
'one (shotgun, blowgun, palm trunk, etc.)'
Classifiers sometimes have a different morphological status depending
on whether they occur with a number, or with a quantifier. Bahwana, a
nearly extinct North Arawak language from Northern Brazil (Ramirez
1992: 55) has twenty-six classifiers obligatorily suffixed to quantifiers
(4.22), and infixed to numbers one and two (4.23).
108 Classifiers
4.22. yaoa-da karaka
how.much-CL:ROUND,OR.HOLLOW hen
'How many hens (are there)?'
4.23. a-da-rini karaka
one-CL:ROUND.OR.HOLLow-one hen
'one hen'
Numeral classifiers can be fused with a number. This often happens in
languages with fusional characteristics. Telugu, a fusional language, has two
classifiers, human and non-human, fused with the numeral (Krishnamurti
and Gwynn 1985: 106-7). Table 4.2 features a sample of numeral classifiers
in Telugu.
Languages with only little fusion can have numeral classifiers fused with
numerals. Kusaiean (Micronesian: Lee 1975) has two sets of cardinal
numerals. Set A is used in counting fishes, insects, four-legged animals,
plants, means of transportation, and long, pointed objects. Set B is used for
everything else; these numerals are morphologically unanalysable and can
be considered suppletive—see Table 4.3. Some nouns are used with numerals
of both sets with a difference in meaning, e.g. paip yoko 'four cigarettes', paip
ahkorr 'four packs of cigarettes'.
'one' n'rah n'ik n'en n'tn n'aqp n'irs n'ar n'gak n'izcu nvor
'two* merah mik men mor meqp mirs mer mengaq mizcu mevor
Young speakers tend not to use classifiers at all (Vladimir P. Nedjalkov, p.c.); it is
unknown which form of numerals is used.
Classifiers are used with numerals 'one' and 'two' in only one dialect of Warekena. Other
dialects use the human masculine form peya with all nouns.
110 Classifiers
TABLE 4.6. Numeral classifiers in Squamish
4.25. i nuu
DIM rat
'small rat'
4.26. zii i ka nuu
'one small rat'
Alternatively, it is possible that the numeral-classifier construction in Kana historically
goes back to a genitive constituent, similar to the one in Ejagham (see example 4.2) (Gerrit
Dimmendaal, p.c.).
112 Classifiers
4.3. Languages with more than one morphological type of
numeral classifier
The same construction type is employed independently whether the measure words just
quantify the referent of a noun (as in half of) or contain some reference to arrangement (as in
row of corn).
There are also significant differences in the use of such terms as (numeral) classifier and
quantifier. Burling (1965) uses the term 'numeral classifier' to refer to all the items which occur
in the slot adjacent to a number, as a cover term for both classifiers and measure words.
Huffman (1970) refers to this group of items as 'specifiers'.
Numeral Classifiers 117
(A) Semantic and pragmatic criteria for distinguishing classifiers from
quantifiying expressions
Classifiers use the unit provided by a count noun, while quantifiers
establish the unit to be counted. Classifiers categorize nouns in terms
of their size, shape and animacy; they provide no information as to
'quantity' (Allan 1977; Becker 1975; Adams 1989: 6). Quantifiying
expressions have fewer restrictions than classifiers on the type of noun
they can cooccur with. In Minangkabau (Rina Marnita, p.c.), 'half is a
quantifying expression, and not a numeral classifier, since it can be used
with any countable noun.
A distinction between classifiers and quantifying expressions is usually
linked to the division of nouns into countable and mass (or uncountable).
Mass nouns can only be combined with a numeral through the use of a
quantifier (cf. Adams 1989: 9). This is illustrated with Comaltepec Chinan-
tec (Otomanguean: Anderson 1989: 61). Example 4.36 shows a countable
noun 'orange' in a numeral phrase, and 4.37 shows a mass noun 'paper'
with a classifier (M and L indicate middle and low tones).
4.36. geM hj?L
seven orange
'seven oranges'
4.37. tu,M ma?L maL hiL
two CL:LEAF paper
'two sheets of paper'
Unlike quantifying expressions, classifiers can have pragmatic uses. For
example, in Assamese classifiers mark definiteness-indefiniteness (Barz and
Diller 1985), while classifiers in Vietnamese signal definiteness and refer-
entiality of the noun (Lobel forthcoming: 45; cf. §12.1.2). Quantifying
expressions usually do not have such functions.
The occurrence of classifiers in numeral phrases may not be obligatory.
In Minangkabau classifiers are often omitted in everyday language, and
this does not change the semantics of a numeral phrase. In contrast, the
omission of a quantifying expression does affect the meaning.
In Khmer, classifiers are obligatory in formal standard language, but not
in informal language (the only classifier which is used more or less con-
sistently is the human classifier: Walter Bisang, p.c.); quantifying expres-
sions are 'obligatory' in the sense that their omission alters the sense
(Adams 1989: 9).
Unlike quantifying expressions, classifiers may be optional for some
numbers, usually for big ones (see §4.1; and §4.3.2 on Akatek).
118 Classifiers
(B) Grammatical criteria for distinguishing classifiers from quantifying
Classifiers and quantifying expressions can differ in possibilities of use in
other classifier environments; in anaphoric use; and in agreement.
The different morphosyntactic behaviour of classifiers and 'quantifying
expressions' in Comaltepec Chinantec (Otomanguean: Anderson 1989: 58)
is shown by the fact that quantifying expressions agree with the head noun
in gender (animate vs. inanimate), while classifiers do not.
In Nung (Thai: Saul and Wilson 1980: 25-9) only classifiers, not quan-
tifiers, can be used anaphorically, i.e. as a 'substitute' for a head noun. A
classifier construction is illustrated in 4.38.
4.38. slam ahn boc
three CL: GENERIC flower
'three flowers'
Anaphoric use of a classifier is illustrated in 4.39. The classifier ohng
'HUMAN' is repeated, and it has distributive meaning 'everyone'.
4.39. ohng ohng to ma cheu
CL:HUMAN CL:HUMAN also Come look
'Everyone also came to look.'
In multiple classifier systems, the same morphemes may be used with
numerals and in other environments; quantifiers are not used this way. In
Nung classifiers are also used in possessive and demonstrative NPs (Saul
and Wilson 1980: 25). In Chinese and Vietnamese classifiers occur with
demonstratives (Adams 1989: 10; Goral 1978).
In Akatek (Zavala 1992: 145), some independent numeral classifiers can
be used as quantifying expressions (§4.3.2) while affixed numeral classifiers
cannot. Example 4.40 illustrates the use of kupan 'semi-circle' as a numeral
classifier. An affixed numeral classifier can be omitted.
4.40. ?os-eb' kupan ?isim
'three quesadillas (taco of folded tortillas which form a semi-circle)'
Example 4.41 illustrates the use of the same item as a quantifying
expression, 'a heap of semi-circular objects' (Zavala 1992: 145-6). Here,
the affixed numeral classifier is required.
Numeral Classifiers 119
4.41. ?os-eb' mimex kupan
?isim paat
NOUN.CL:MAIZE tortilla
'three big heaps of tortillas'
There are other morphosyntactic differences between quantifying
expressions and numeral classifiers in Akatek (Zavala 1992: 143). For
instance, a suffixed numeral classifier agrees with the head noun in a number
phrase which does not contain a quantifying expression, as illustrated in
4.42. ?os-wan k'itan eb'
nax winax
'three men' (viewed separately)
If a number phrase contains a quantifying expression, the affixed
numeral classifier agrees with it. This is illustrated in 4.43. Classifier -eb'
'inanimate' refers to tinan 'conglomerate'.
4.43. ?os-eb' tinan eb'
nax winax
'three groups of men' (group is 'inanimate')
These examples from Akatek clearly show that while a quantifier 'provides'
the unit that is counted, the classifier categorizes this unit.
Lobel (forthcoming: 30) shows that the connection between a quantifier
and a noun is not as strong as that between a classifier and a classified
noun, in spite of the surface similarity between classifier phrases and
measure phrases. A stative verb, e.g. day 'be full of or a noun ru'o'i 'half
of can come between a quantifier and a noun, as illustrated in 4.44.
4.44. mot can ru'o'i cho
on pound half.of dog
'one and a half pounds of dog (meat)' (at the butchers)
This is not possible in classifier phrases; then, these forms have to follow
the entire classifier phrase, as shown in 4.45.
4.45. mot con cho ru'o'i
one CL:ANIMAL dog half
'one and a half dogs' (at the butcher's)
120 Classifiers
Difficulties with discriminating between quantifiers and classifiers may
be due to the fact that these are better viewed as extremes of a continuum.
Note Becker's (1975: 114) suggestion that quantity and quality are possibly
not discrete semantic classes but rather 'polarities in a semantic contin-
uum'. Similarly to mensural classifiers, quantifiers cooccur with numerals
and their choice may also correlate with the properties of the units enum-
erated (Downing 1996: 13). Consequently, in some languages the two
categories simply cannot be clearly distinguished (this appears to be the
case in Korean). Some properties which proved to be useful for distinguish-
ing quantifiers and classifiers have been given above; internal linguistic
criteria should always be used to establish this differentiation.
There may be a historically attested diachronic process of change from a
numeral classifier to a quantifier with a corresponding meaning shift. In
Minangkabau miya was originally just used as a classifier for 'bread
crumbs'; in the modern language this item is used as a quantifier 'a little
bit' (Rina Marnita, p.c.; Conklin 1981).11
5.21. n-ee-ka-na-va
'our (house)' (Hurd 1977: 155)
In Hmong, a Miao language of China—and in some other Miao lan-
guages of the region—possessed classifiers are used with both alienably and
inalienably possessed nouns. (The same set of classifiers is used with
demonstratives and with numerals: see §9.1.) The possessed classifier can
only be omitted from possessive constructions with inalienable possession
(Bisang 1993: 29-30). A possessed classifier is used with an inalienably
possessed noun in 5.22. It is omitted in 5.23, in a construction with
inalienable possession.
5.22. nws tus txiv ntxawm
he CL:Liv.BEING uncle
tus ntxhais
CL:LIV.BEING daughter
'the daughter of his uncle'
Relational classifiers are unlike any other classifier type in that, instead of
just characterizing a noun, they characterize a possessive relation between
nouns. Like possessed classifiers, they do not involve agreement.
They are not marked outside the possessive NP. Every noun in a lan-
guage does not necessarily take a relational classifier. There may be a
generic classifier, and the size of the inventory can vary. Morphologically,
they can be realized as independent words or as affixes to the possessed
noun or the possession marker.
Relational classifiers are almost always restricted to constructions of
alienable possession. I consider examples of relational classifiers in
§5.3.1. The distinction between alienable and inalienable possession is
another way of categorizing a possessive relationship. In §5.3.2, relational
classifiers are compared with the alienable/inalienable distinction.
Unlike possessed classifiers, relational classifiers are not used in other
classifier constructions within multiple classifier systems. Their semantics is
often different from that of other classifier types: a parameter such as value
is more frequent in relational classifiers than in other classifier types (see
Manam ne ?ana
Kaliai-Kove le a
Meaning Form
According to Lynch (1993), the distinction between direct and indirect possession and
possessive markers, i.e. relational classifiers, can be reconstructed for Proto-Oceanic. Austro-
nesianists (see Lichtenberk 1985) reconstruct three 'indirect' possessive markers: (a) drink
possession, Proto-Oceanic *ma-; (b) food and passive possession, Proto-Oceanic *ka- (c)
general possession, marked by Proto-Oceanic *na-. According to Lynch (1993), they have a
verbal origin. This is compatible with the derivation of classifiers from independent lexical
items; see Chapter 13.
Classifiers in Possessive Constructions 135
Classifier 'e- is used for anything which undergoes change of state as it is
being consumed; and me- is used for anything which does not undergo a
change of shape or state as it is being consumed (including a pill that is
In Raga, another Oceanic language spoken in Vanuatu, there is a
five-term system, including a special classifier for valued possession
(Lichtenberk 1983a: 154). This is illustrated in 5.29.
5.29. qoe pila-ma
'your valued pig'
Kipea-Kariri (Rodrigues 1995; 1997) had a system of twelve classifiers
characterizing the relationship between the possessor and the possessed in
terms of how the possessed could be handled by the possessor. Classifiers
used with food items categorize them in terms of (a) acquisition: (i)
gathering of wild plants: classifier uapru; (ii) raising of animals: enki;
(iii) cultivation of manioc: uanhi; (iv) cultivation of other plants: udje; and
(b) preparation: (i) boiling: ude; (ii) roasting: upodo; (iii) maturation at
home: ubo. Other items are also categorized in terms of (a) acquisition: (i)
finding: uito; (ii) sharing: ukisi; (iii) gift from outsiders: uba; (iv) booty:
boronunu, or (b) transportation—carried goods: e.
Examples 5.30-3 (Rodrigues 1995) show the same item, sabuka 'fowl',
with different relational classifiers, to reflect the different ways in which it
can be handled by the possessor.
5.30. dz-upodo do sabuka
'my fowl (roasted)'
5.31. dz-ude do sabuka
'my fowl (boiled)'
5.32. dz-ukisi do sabuka
'my fowl (that was my share)'
5.33. dz-uba do sabuka
'my fowl (that was given me)'
Polynesian languages have two relational classifiers (Lichtenberk 1983a:
162), commonly o and a as basic forms (these may occur with various
prefixes, usually an article). A-possession implies the control of the pos-
sessor over the relationship, or over the initiation of the relationship
136 Classifiers
(Wilson 1982), and o-possession implies the lack of control of the posses-
sor over the relationship.8 A and O relational classifiers can be used with
the same noun, e.g. examples 5.34 and 5.35 from Hawaiian (Lichtenberk
1983a: 163; examples (84) and (85)).
5.34. k-o-'u inoa
ART-CL-my name
'my name (that represents me)'
5.35. k-a-'u inoa
ART-CL-my name
'my name (that I bestow on someone)'
Relational classifiers can be realized as affixes on possession markers,
and as independent words or as affixes to nouns. They may form one
morphological word with the marker of possession, as in Tolai (Oceanic:
Ulrike Mosel, p.c.), some Micronesian languages (e.g. Truquese: §5.5.1)
and Kipea. They may form one morphological word with the possessed
noun, as in Baniwa (§5.5.2). Truquese has 'repeaters' (see §5.5.1).
Which relational classifier is to be used in a possessive construction
depends on the way the possessed item is to be treated. This is why different
relational classifiers can be employed with the same noun.
In Boumaa Fijian, different classifiers can be used with certain nouns,
especially with some newly introduced items, such as 'jelly (or jello)', and
also some traditional ones, such as tobacco. According to Dixon (1988:
136), 'informants vary as to whether jelly should be be- or me-, depending
on whether or not they chew it before swallowing'. As far as tobacco is
concerned, 'one should use the classifier 'e- to describe tobacco itself, since
it is likely to be rolled and smoked, but me- for a pipe which is sucked—
thus a 'e-na tapa'o 'his tobacco'; but a me-na paipo ni tapa'o 'his tobacco
pipe' (see Table 5.3). A tripartite system of relational classifiers in Kilivila
involves the division of nouns into edible (Series I: 5.36), consumable or
closely associated with the possessor (Series II: 5.37), or more distantly
associated with the possessor (Series III: 5.38) (Senft 1986: 49-54).
5.36. kagu tetu
'my yams (to eat)'
These relationships are described as 'objective' or 'subjective', for Tongan by Churchward
(1953: 78). According to some interpretations (H. Seiler 1986; Lichtenberk 1983a), the two
relational classifiers in Polynesian can be interpreted as corresponding to alienable and
inalienable possession. In some languages, e.g. Tongan, the two different classifiers are used
for subject and object nominalizations, e.g. 'e-ne taki 'his leading', ho-no laki 'his being led'
(Churchward 1953: 78). This shows how distinction between relational classifiers can also be
employed elsewhere in the grammar.
Classifiers in Possessive Constructions 137
5.37. agu tetu
'my yams (planted in the garden)'
5.38. ula tobaki
my:REL.CL:SERIEs.III tobacco
'my tobacco (that I will trade or give away)'
Another Micronesian language, Truquese (Benton 1968: 123 ff.), also has
a large system of classifiers which refer to the ways nouns can be possessed,
or handled, and also to the physical properties of referents. Since some
classifiers are of the repeater type, they form a quasi-open class. Example
5.48 illustrates the use of a classifier wunuma 'potentially drinkable' which
relates to the possessed noun, 'water' as something drinkable; it is also
similar to relational classifiers such as the ones illustrated for Fijian in
Table 5.3 in that it specifies the way in which a referent can be handled.
Example 5.49 illustrates the use of repeater kuusa 'blanket' in the same
slot in a possessive construction (Benton 1968: 124-5).
142 Classifiers
5.48. wumima-yi we kkoniki
'my water'
5.49. kuusa-yi we kuusa
CL:BLANKET-my DEM blanket
'my blanket'
Tinrin, an Austronesian language of New Caledonia (Osumi 1996: 438),
has seven classifiers used in possessive constructions which combine prop-
erties of relational and possessed classifiers. They are: e- 'starches, to be
eaten', ere- 'fruit, to be eaten', hwee- 'meat or eggs, to be eaten', odho-
'things to be drunk', hwiie- 'things to be chewed', ee- 'plants growing on
his/her land, to be planted', hee- 'belongings'.
Palikur (North Arawak; Aikhenvald and Green 1998) has a small set of
possessed classifiers. Unlike other classifiers and genders, not all nouns in
the language require a possessive classifier. Their use is restricted to alien-
ably possessed referents of nouns which cannot take possessive affixes.
Possessed classifiers are in a generic-specific relationship with the noun
they refer to (similarly to Apalai and Macushi: 5.7-9). Referents are
classified depending on their functions, or the ways in which they can be
handled: fruit can be eaten, or planted; animals can be domesticated, or
caught for food. For instance, -pig 'pet' is used with domesticated animals,
as in gi-pig pewru (3M-pet dog) 'his dog'; gi-pig mutom 'his sheep'; -win is
used with animals that are caught to eat, e.g. nu-win arudiki (1SG-catch
tapir) 'my catch-tapir' (the tapir I caught); and -kamkayh 'child' is used
with children, e.g. nu-kamkayh awayg (1SG-child man) 'my son'. The same
noun can be used with different classifiers depending on the way it is going
to be treated, e.g. pi-mana uwas (2SG-food orange) 'your orange' (the
orange you eat), n-amutra uwas (ISG-plant orange) 'my plant-orange'
(the orange I plant).
Possibly, an opposition of this kind goes back to Proto-Arawak. David Payne (1991a)
reconstructs the Proto-Arawak possessive markers -ni, -te, -te, labelling them as 'noun classes'.
This opposition is blurred in the majority of modern languages, but one cannot exclude the
possibility that it might go back to some sort of relational classifiers. A similar situation has
been discussed by Facundes (1994) for Apurina (Pre-Andine Arawak). In some North Arawak
languages, e.g., Warekena, the two markers of alienable possession are reinterpreted as
proximate vs. remote (Aikhenvald 1998b). Other Arawak languages of the Upper Rio Negro
do not use possessive suffixes as relational classifiers; the suffixes are used with different
groups of nouns.
144 Classifiers
5.54. ne-ci-?a menikis
1SG-pick.up-ABSTRACT mesquite.beans
'my mesquite beans (to be picked from the ground)'
Another set of classifiers refers to 'inherent' properties of a possessed
nouns. Such a classifier, 'pet' for dog, is illustrated in 5.55. Similar pos-
sessed classifiers in other Uto-Aztecan languages were discussed in §5.2
(examples 5.1–2).
5.55. ne-?as ?awal
1SG-CL:PET dog
'my dog'
The system of relational classifiers in Cahuilla is considered a recent
innovation by Langacker (1977: 91).
It is true that in many languages the possessed noun is the head in the possessive
construction. Classifiers would be expected to characterize the head of the construction, as
happens in modifier constructions. Possessor classifiers which characterize the possessor
would be expected in languages where the possessor has at least some properties of the
head in possessive constructions. However, this is not necessarily so. In Paumari possessor is
the head of constructions with inalienable possession; Paumari does not have any possessor
Classifiers in Possessive Constructions 147
5.7. Distribution of classifiers in possessive constructions in
the languages of the world
In other cases, it may be more difficult to distinguish incorporated verbal classifiers from
other cases of incorporation and compounding. In Anindilyakwa, a prefixing Australian
language from Groote Eylandt, about 100 'bound roots' are used as verbal classifiers and
as numeral classifiers. The same morphemes are used to form compounds. There are semantic
and syntactic differences which allow one to distinguish the two processes—see Leeding (1996)
for details.
152 Classifiers
6.2.2. Verbal classifiers as affixes
Verbal classifiers can be realized with prefixes (in Waris: see 1.7, or in
Athabaskan languages discussed in §6.4), or with suffixes (in North
Arawak languages). Verbal classifiers are never expressed with repeaters.
Imonda (Papuan, Waris language family: W. Seiler 1985: 120 ff., 132 ff.;
1986: 197 ff.) has about 100 verbal classifiers; not all verbs take a classifier.
Classifiers characterize a noun, in O or in S function, in terms of its
inherent properties, such as shape. In 6.7 a classifier pot 'fruit which can
be picked from trees' refers to O. There is also a verb pot which means 'pick
fruit from trees'; the classifier pot is derived from this verb (see §13.1,3;
Table 13.6). It appears that verbal classifiers in Imonda developed from the
reanalysis of serial verb constructions.
6.7. sa ka-m pot-ai-h-u
'Give me the coconut.'
Systems of verbal classifiers as affixes vary in their size and semantics.
Terena (South Arawak; Ekdahl and Butler 1979) has several dozen verbal
classifiers which characterize the S/O argument in terms of its shape, size,
form, and animacy, e.g. -pu'i 'round' in 6.8.
6.8. oye-pu'i-co-ti
'He is cooking (round things).'
In multiple classifier languages, classifiers are often used on verbs (see
§9.1). Munduruku (Tupi; Goncalves 1987: 42) has a multiple classifier
system of over 100 morphemes which refer to shape and form. In 6.9 the
classifier -bo4 'banana-like' refers to S, and in 6.9 it refers to O. The same
morphemes appear suffixed on the nouns (-ba4 'LONG RIGID OBJECT'3 is used
as a suffix with the root a2ko3- 'banana').
6.9. a2ko3-ba4 i3-ba2-dom3
ko4be3 be3
canoe LOC
'A banana will remain in the canoe.'
6.10. be3kit2kit2 a2ko3-ba4 o'3-su2-ba2-do3bu2xik3
child banana-CL:LONG.RIGID 3sG-poss-CL:LONG.RIGID-find
'A child found a banana.'
Verb Semantics
sak-Tk-inan (extended two-dimensional flexible) to hold on to something sheet-like
sakit-api-ssin (extended one-dimensional flexible be sticking out [string-like object]
kotako-minak-ipiton (non-extended) to roll over something round-like
kotako-minak-isse (non-extended) something round-like rolls over
As pointed out by William Croft, these systems are different from those in Athabaskan
languages in that they classifiy the Ground as well as the Figure, or even the Path (following
the terminology of Talmy 1985).
Verbal Classifiers 157
6.16. k n gako u
stick put.down:LONG.OBJECT AUX
'Put down the stick!'
6.17. ribru pa u
book put.down:FLAT.OBJECT AUX
'Put down the book!'
Classificatory verbs can be used anaphorically as referent tracking
devices (Rushforth 1991: 255-7). They are also employed to highlight
different meanings of a polysemous noun in a similar way to noun classi-
fiers discussed in §3.2.2 (see examples from Mescalero Apache in Table 6.4).
Different 'arrangements' of tobacco are reflected in the form of the classi-
ficatory stems of the verb with the basic meaning 'give'.
Ku Waru (Waris family, Papuan: Merlan et al. 1997: 75) has a similar,
somewhat smaller system of classificatory existential verbs (Table 6.8).
Unlike Engan, these are not employed as just posture verbs.
Verbal classifiers signal the presence of a surface NP. In every language this
NP may be in S and in O function, that is, they operate on an 'absolutive'
basis (Keenan 1984).7 In a few languages, verbal classifiers can also refer to
peripheral arguments. However, no examples have been found of a classi-
ficatory verb stem referring to a peripheral constituent.
In Motuna (Papuan: Southern Bougainville) verbal classifiers can signal
the presence of an S argument (as in 6.25), an O (as in 6.26), or a peripheral
argument (as in 6.27) (Onishi 1994: 175-6).
6.25. . . . hoo koto honna rii-kui-no-wori
'. . . the elder one (animate) who would be big'
6.26. ong topo inak-i-heeto-no-uru
DEM:MASC Well look.after-3o + 2A-FUT-LINK-CL:HUMAN
'This is one (lit. human male) you will look after well.'
No exceptions have been found to Keenan's (1984) generalization concerning the abso-
lutive basis of verbal classifiers. In Motuna, a verbal classifier can refer to the A argument of
the predicate of the participle clause. Onishi (1994: 176) gives one such example: hoo-no jii
eejee nil minno-wah-no-wori (ART:M-COMIT and me follow-PART-UNK-
CLIANIMATE) '. . . and with one (animate) of my brother who was following me (age-wise)'.
He mentions that such examples are extremely rare in Motuna texts. Here, the A argument of
the participle clause ('who was following me') is coreferential with an oblique constituent of
the main clause. Thus, it can be argued that examples of this sort in Motuna are not true
exceptions to Keenan's generalization.
The sentence Tent toire tareuri-ma-0-i bau'uri-ma-0-i (The.FEM children care.for-PRES HAB-
DER.suFF-cL:FEM feed-PRES.PROGR-DER.SUFF-CL:FEM) The lady who cares for the children (is) the
one who feeds them', from Nasioi (Papuan, Bougainville: Hurd 1977: 144) shows agreement of
the predicate in verbal classifier with A function in both main and subordinate clause. This
example could qualify as a counterexception to Keenan's generalization unless the predicate
'the one who feeds them' should be analysed as a deverbal nominalization (Masa Onishi, p.c.).
Verbal Classifiers 163
6.27. u'kisa hoo kitori hoo kongsi'
long ago ART:MASC children ART:MASC mango
haaro'-ki-no-mori hoo kongsi'
u'w-a-hee uwi-ki-ng
pick.from.ground-3o+3pCL.A-DEF.FUT go+3pCL.s-HAB.PAsr-MAsc
'Long ago, in the season when mangoes fall, the children went to
pick mangoes from the ground.'
Verbal classifiers in Tarascan (Southwest Mexico isolate: Friedrich 1970:
390) frequently refer to a locative argument. Tarascan has thirty-two verbal
suffixes of 'locative' space, which 'signify the features of a location, often
including its dimension and shape'. See 6.28 (Friedrich 1970: 393).
6.28. inca-hpa-mu-ku-nta-ni
'(And then the cantor) suddenly re-entered the building by the door.'
While the use of a classifier is linked, basically, to the completeness of involvement of the
O/S in the action, the use of an incorporated body part implies the lack of individuation of the
noun which is in the O/S function, and its non-focused status.
Another important difference in behaviour between incorporated body parts and verbal
classifiers concerns possibilities of lexicalization of the former. Only incorporated body parts
can get lexicalized with certain verbs. That is, they may result in the creation of unique
idiomatic expressions in which the meaning of the whole cannot be determined from the
meanings of the parts. This happens both with transitive verbs, e.g. kamax-duka (grab-CHEST
+REFL) 'He had a quick snack' (lit. he grabbed his own chest), and with stative verbs, e.g. nah
barew-wok(1SGclean-HAND) 'I am poor, destitute' (lit. I am clean-handed)'. Nothing of this sort
ever happens with verbal classifiers.
Verbal Classifiers 167
TABLE 6.10. Classificatory verbs in Waris
Verb Semantics Nouns it occurs with
lohv be standing Vertical or standing things: man, tree, garden,
dog, pig, fish in water, sugar cane, sun, sky
av be sitting Small roundish things: woman, small animal,
insect, taro in garden, bunch of betelnut on
liv be lying prone Water, liquids, yam in garden, snake
dihilv lie or sit Axe, road, tractor
nalohv lie or sit (orderly) Firewood
diav lie or sit (disorderly) Fallen trees in newly-cut garden
endv be hanging Fruit, rattan, peanuts on stem underneath the
vilv lie crumpled or folded Net bag, towel
Unlike Athabaskan languages (see §6.4.2), the two kinds of verbal classifier
are in a complementary distribution with respect to the argument they refer
to, one set referring to the O argument and the other to the S argument.
The system found in Koyukon is fairly typical of the majority of Athabaskan languages,
though the details vary. The two most widespread verbal classifiers are d 'long, slender objects'
and n 'round objects'. Verbal classifiers are highly productive in Koyukon, Dena'ina, Ahtna,
Tanana, and Carrier (Thompson 1993), but are also found in others including Navajo and
Slave (Keren Rice, p.c.). See Kari (1990: 34) on the semantics of verbal classifiers ('genders') in
168 Classifiers
These verbal classifier prefixes are used to refer to the S or O argument of
the verb. Another kind of verbal classifier, termed the 'areal' prefix, hu-, is
used to refer to extended objects, places, events or abstractions. The verbal
classifier prefixes listed in Table 6.11, and the areal prefix, share a number
of morphosyntactic properties. They are used to categorize the S/O argu-
ment in terms of its shape.
A verbal classifier is shown to refer to the S argument in 6.32, and to the
O argument in 6.33. The areal prefix is used to refer to the S argument in
6.34. Examples are from Thompson (1993: 316-17).
6.32. tl'oel n-aal'onh
rope CL-be.there
'A rope (ne- classifier) is there.'
This chapter describes two further types of classifier which have a noun
phrase as their scope: locative classifiers which occur in locative noun
phrases (§7.2) and deictic classifiers which occur on deictic modifiers
and/or articles in head-modifier noun phrases (§7.3). More examples of
these classifiers in the languages of the world would need to be discovered
before their typological profile could be fully established.
A possible example of locative classifiers as affixes is Kadiweu (Guaicuruan family:
Griffiths and Griffiths 1976: 111), where some classifiers are prefixed to locational adverbs.
This issue deserves more in-depth study; for an alternative interpretation of this issue in
Kadiweu, see Sandalo (1996).
176 Classifiers
type (see §6.2.3). Verbal classifiers can be used in locative expressions.
The so-called 'areal' prefix in Athabaskan languages can be used on
locative prepositions in Koyukon (example 6.35: Thompson 1993). Verbal
classifiers appear on locatives in Eyak (Krauss 1968; §9.1, Table 9.2
Distinctions comparable to locative classifiers may be found in other
languages. In Archi (Northeast Caucasian: Aleksandr J. Kibrik, p.c.) the
choice between the two locative cases (glossed as IN, e.g. inside a con-
tainer, and INTER, e.g. among) appears to depend on the semantics of the
noun. These cases are, by and large, used with different nouns; but there
are a few instances of a reclassification of the same item. So, for instance,
'village-in' means 'in a village as a place', 'village-inter' means 'among
villagers'. The two locative cases have some similarity with locative classi-
fiers. Similar distinctions are found in other Northeast Caucasian lan-
guages, e.g. Tsez (Bernard Comrie, p.c.). These issues deserve further
investigation. Locative meanings are often expressed with other noun
categorization devices; for example, agreement classes with locative mean-
ings are found in Bantu languages (cf. e.g. Givon 1969; Bresnan and
McChombo 1986), in Motuna (Onishi 1994: 76-7), and in Nasioi (Hurd
1977: 137).
In many languages, including English and Tongan (see Broschart
1997), the choice of a preposition or of a locational expression depends,
to a varying extent, on the properties of the head noun. For instance, the
referent of a noun has to have a surface for the preposition 'on' to be
used with it; and have an 'inside' for 'in' to be used. However, this lexical
choice is different from locative classifiers—in the same way that the
choice of verbs like 'drink' and 'chew' in English (see §6.2.3) is different
from the choice of classificatory verbs in Athabaskan languages. In
Palikur and other languages with locative classifiers described in this
section the obligatory choice of an adposition is made depending strictly
on the properties of the referent noun; there are paradigmatic relations
between the types of nouns and the choice of an adposition. This is not
so in English.
Examples 7.11a-c (Barron and Serzisko 1982: 93) illustrate how the use
of different article classifiers results in varying interpretations of a poly-
semous noun. This is similar to the semantic functions of other classifiers,
e.g. numeral classifiers and noun classifiers (cf. §3.2.2).
7.11 a. ni t'e
'the water'
7.11b. ni ca
'the handful of water (cupped)'
7.11c. ni k'e
'the (line of) water, the stream'
The same set of morphemes are also used predicatively, as locative
expressions (Barron and Serzisko 1982: 94-5).
Yuchi (isolate: Watkins 1976: 35; Barron and Serzisko 1982: 96–7) has a
largeish set of morphemes the choice of which is determined by whether the
object is one-dimensional (long, vertical), two-dimensional (horizontal), or
three-dimensional. There is also a special plural class. These morphemes
appear to be obligatorily marked on the demonstrative and on the noun
itself and have an article-like meaning, e.g. ya-fa (wood-ART:VERTICAL) 'the
tree', ya-'e (wood-ART:HORIZONTAL) 'the log'; ne-fa ya-fa (this-ART:VERTICAL
wood-ART:VERTICAL) 'this tree'.
(B) Deictic classifiers in Guaicuruan languages
Classifiers which indicate spatial position/location of an object, its absence
vs. presence in the visual field and its form (extendedness vs. non-extend-
edness; horizontal vs. vertical extension) are used in Toba and Pilaga
(Guaicuruan family, Argentina).
Locative and Deictic Classifiers 179
Toba distinguishes six classifiers (termed 'locative particles' by Klein
1979: 89-91; 1978: 151 ff.); they are obligatory with headless demonstrative
pronouns (which distinguish masculine and feminine genders) and option-
ally cooccur with nouns. The system of classifiers in Toba is shown in
Diagram 7.2 (Klein 1979: 91).
Presence in the visual field Absence from visual field
Non-extended ka
ra ji
DIAGRAM 7.2. Classifiers with spatial semantics in Toba
Several distinct classifier types may coexist in one language. The cooccur-
rence of different classifier systems in different morphosyntactic environ-
ments constitutes a strong argument in favour of the proposed typology of
classifiers based on the morphosyntactic locus of coding of noun categor-
ization devices (together with their scope of categorization, principles of
assignment, and the kind of surface realization: see §1.5).
The different sets of morphemes used in distinct classifier environments
may partly overlap in their form and/or semantics. Sometimes their seman-
tics is the same, but the form is different; sometimes it is the other way
round. The most frequent combination of distinct classifiers within one
language is numeral classifiers and noun class systems. Numeral classifiers
may also coexist with noun classifiers or with relational classifiers. Verbal,
locative, and noun classifiers may coexist with noun classes. Different sets
of classifiers interact with other grammatical categories, such as number, in
different ways (see Chapter 10).
In Chapters 2–61 discussed languages with more than one (in most cases,
just two) subsets of noun categorization devices of the same type. The most
frequent situation is for a language to have two types of noun class system:
a 'nominal', and a 'pronominal' one (see §2.7). There is rarely more than
one variety of other kinds of classifier (see §4.3 on numeral classifiers, §5.5.2
on classifiers in possessive constructions, and §6.4 on verbal classifiers). No
language has been found with two kinds of noun classifiers, or of locative
or deictic classifiers.1
Two varieties of the same classifier type (e.g. noun classes, numeral or
verbal classifiers) can be in a complementary distribution. In §2.7.1 we
discussed distinct noun class agreement systems the choice of which
depends on the kinds of modifiers (adjectives may have one agreement
system, and deictics another). Different kinds of verbal classifier may
categorize different arguments: one is used for O and the other is used
for S (e.g. Waris, in §6.4.1). Distinct kinds of classifier may cooccur in the
same environment. The two noun class systems in Paumari can be
This is to be expected due to the rarity of these types.
Different Classifiers in One Language 185
marked on the same modifier and on the predicate (§2.7.2); in Athabaskan
languages different verbal classifiers coexist in the same environments
All these cases are very similar to the ones discussed here. In each
instance, every subtype of the 'same' kind of classifier is likely to have its
own semantic and functional properties, as well as its own history; or they
may correspond to different historical stages of the system. They constitute
'incipient' types of classifiers, grammaticalizing distinct 'focal' points on
the continuum of noun categorization.
In other languages the same set of morphemes can be used in more than
one classifier environment (see Chapter 9). These morphemes can then have
somewhat different grammatical realization, or be more or less obligatory
depending on what classifier construction they are in. Then there are more
problematic systems—such as Tariana and Baniwa (§9.3), where classifiers
in several different environments overlap just slightly. These are fuzzy
types, with tendencies towards the grammaticalization of various focal
points on the continuum of noun categorization devices. As we will show
in §9.3, in most instances—but not always—these focal points correspond
to already established classifier types.
We first consider coexisting classifier sets in different contexts (§8.2). In
§8.3 we deal with languages where distinct classifier sets cooccur in the
same environment. Some conclusions are given in §8.4.
relational classifiers are used in the 'common' speech register, while the
'honorific' and the 'humiliative' registers employ fewer classifiers (Keating
1997; see §10.5). No such distinctions are found in numeral classifiers in
this language.
Truquese (Micronesian: Benton 1968) has a virtually open class of rela-
tional classifiers, which combine properties of possessed classifiers (see
examples 5.48, 5.49: §5.5.1). It also has a large inventory of numeral
classifiers, some of which are also repeaters (example 4.24).
Mayan) and in Minangkabau (Western Austronesian). Akatek has two sets
of numeral classifiers: a small closed set of affixed classifiers and a larger set
of numeral classifiers as independent lexemes (see examples 4.31–4, and
§4.3.2 on the difference between the two types). Akatek also has fourteen
noun classifiers (see example 4.31, and also 3.10 and 3.11): see Tables 8.3 and
8.4 (Zavala 1992: 131, 140, 152). The sets of numeral and noun classifiers
show a partial semantic overlap. Affixed numeral classifiers characterize the
noun in terms of humanness and animacy; independent numeral classifiers
characterize the noun with respect to its shape, size, and form. Noun
classifiers categorize the nouns in terms of what generic class it belongs to.
Akatek also has a morphological opposition human vs. the rest realized
in the plural marker, eb\ used to mark human plurals, shown in 8.1 (Zavala
1992: 119). This marker cannot be used with a non-human referent, cf. 8.2.
188 Classifiers
TABLE 8.3. Numeral classifiers in Akatek
Semantics of classifiers Affixed numeral Independent
classifiers numeral classifiers
Human -wan
Non-human animate -k'on
Inanimate -eb'
Long vertical wa?an
Separate k'itan
Curved kupan
Round soyan
Big flat patsan
Extended xenan
Round three-dimensional k'olan
Small round three-dimensional b'ilan
Big round or oval three-dimensional pilan
Round two- or three-dimensional silan
Short three-dimensional xilan
Human: urang
Non-human: ikua
Similar examples can be found in the closely related Acehnese (Durie 1985; p.c.). The
homophonous noun classifier boh 'fruit, egg' and numeral classifier boh 'generic' can cooccur
within one noun phrase, but their semantics is different, e.g. dua boh boh mamplam (two
NUM.CL:GENERIC NOUN.CL:FRUIT mango) 'two mangoes'.
Different Classifiers in One Language 191
RELATIONAL CLASSIFIERS may be distinct from another set of classifiers used
in several different environments. This is the case in Kilivila (see §9.1).
Relational classifiers in this language are exemplified in 5.36-8.
NOUN CLASSES can be distinct from another set of classifiers which occurs
in several environments. Then they can usually cooccur—see the examples
from Anindilyakwa (Australian: Sands 1995: 277; Leeding 1989) and
Machiguenga (Campa, Peruvian Arawak: Shepard 1997) in §8.3 below.
uan). The deictic classifiers (see (B) in §7.3.1) combine information about
the shape and the position of a referent noun, and there is one possessed
classifier (lo 'animal possession') (see (B) in §5.2). Cora combines possessed
classifiers ((A) in §5.2) with classificatory verbs (see (A) in §6.2.3).
(B) Three sets of classifiers
Three distinct sets of classifiers are comparatively rare in the languages of
the world.
NUMERAL and NOUN CLASSIFIERS coexist in Chinantec languages (Mexico)
together with NOUN CLASSES. In Sochiapan Chinantec (Foris forthcoming:
256 ff.) numeral classifiers and noun classifiers are independent words.
There are ten noun classifiers which refer to sex and shape; there are
also two diminutive classifiers and one classifier with the meaning 'old,
disused'. Some of these derive from independent nouns. There are several
dozen numeral classifiers (Foris forthcoming: 255, 314-21). Numeral and
noun classifiers can cooccur in a noun phrase, as in 8.6.
8.6. hna3 mai3 (mi3) jlai2
'five eggs'3
In examples like 8.6, the noun classifier can be omitted; the numeral
classifier is obligatory. Chinantec languages also distinguish animate and
inanimate noun classes; this distinction is realized in agreement with
modifiers and with predicates. It is illustrated in the following examples
(Foris forthcoming: 280-1). Agreeing adjectives are underlined.
8.7. tia2 ni1-ni1tsin21 jna 13 tsa3cua1 jlinh 1 ni2
not INT-mount+TA+lsg I horse wet+AN that
'I don't want to mount that wet horse.'
8.8. tia2 re2 cau32 cuo1 jlih21
not well burn+PRES firewood wet+INAN
'Wet firewood does not burn well.'
Here, and in other examples from Chinantec, numbers stand for tones.
192 Classifiers
'Dongo-ko (Mba, Ubangi branch of Niger-Congo: Pasch 1985). Possessed
classifiers in 'Dongo-ko were illustrated in 5.10 and 5.11. Alongside ten
possessed classifiers, 'Dongo-ko also has nine noun classes and nine noun
classifiers (Pasch 1985: 70 ff). These have the same semantics, but differ in
form and in syntactic conditions of use. A noun can belong to a noun class
which is distinct from the noun classifier it takes. In 5.10, b-go 'leopard'
has a class 7 noun class; it shows agreement with a possessive marker in
noun class la: 0-a 'CL1-poss'. Difference in form between a noun classifier
and a noun class marker is illustrated in 8.9.
8.9. pi-wo w-i r
'my arm'
Daw (Maku: Martins 1994) has three distinct sets of classifiers: POSSESSOR
and semantics.
Daw has two possessor classifiers: -dee' is used for inanimate possessor,
and -ej for animate possessor (see examples 5.45 and 5.46 in §5.4; Martins
1994: 138–41). There are also locative classifiers (Martins 1994: 53ff.) which
categorize nouns with respect to their physical properties, and animacy (see
examples 7.5 and 7.6 in §7.2). Daw also has an open class of noun classi-
fiers. They are independent lexemes; apparently, any noun with a generic
reference can be used as a noun classifier (Martins 1994: 51; see example
3.5 in §3.2.3).
Possessor and locative classifiers are obligatory. Noun classifiers are
optional; they can be omitted if the referent has been established in the
previous discourse. Also, unlike possessor and locative classifiers, they are
often employed for referent tracking in discourse.
Baniwa (North Arawak; Aikhenvald 1996c) has at least three distinct
sets of classifiers. One of them is the 'pronominal' noun class, used in
verbal cross-referencing and with deictics (see 2.1; §2.7.1; and (E) in
§2.4.2). There are also relational classifiers (see §5.5.2). Yet another set of
classifiers is used with numerals, verbs and in possessive constructions;
there are also noun class markers some of which are different from all
these sets, and some which are not (see Table 9.5). Depending on the
interpretation of noun class markers in Baniwa, this language can be
said to have three or four sets of classifiers (see §9.3.1).
(C) Four or more sets of classifiers
Palikur (North Arawak: Aikhenvald and Green 1998) has the world's
richest system of noun classification devices. Palikur has genders (with
two or three agreement forms depending on the construction type), and
Different Classifiers in One Language 193
the following classifier types: numeral classifiers; verbal classifiers with two
subtypes—the ones used with stative verbs and the ones used with transi-
tive verbs (discussed in §6.4.1—see Diagram 6.1); locative classifiers (§7.2,
Diagram 7.1); and possessive classifiers (which combine properties of
relational and of possessed classifiers: see §5.5.1). Only numeral classifiers,
the two subtypes of verbal classifier, and locative classifiers show some
similarities—i.e. the same forms are used in some instances. There is a
significant overlap between the inventories of verbal and locative classifiers,
and some overlap with numeral classifiers: see Table 8.5 (further details are
in Aikhenvald and Green 1998).
Genders and possessive classifiers are completely independent. The
possessive classifiers in Palikur are -pig 'pet' used with domesticated
animals, -win used with animals that are caught to eat, and -kamkayh
'child' used with children, e.g. nu-kamkayh awayg (1sg-child man) 'my
son' (see §5.5.1). Gender in Palikur is realized through agreement of the
head-modifier kind, and also of the predicate-argument kind. Typically
for an Amazonian language, gender is usually not marked on the head
noun itself. Gender agreement is obligatory and every noun has a fixed
Some languages use noun class prefixes on modifiers, and verbal classifiers with verbs
(Evans forthcoming).
Different Classifiers in One Language 201
which mark agreement with the S or O constituent (6.3 and 6.4). Verbal
classifiers (or classificatory noun-incorporation) also coexist with noun
class cross-referencing on verbs in Iroquoian and Caddoan languages
(Mithun 1984: 864-8). And in Palikur, gender marking on the verb can
cooccur with verbal classifiers (see 6.29).
Verbal classifiers and predicate-argument agreement in pronominal noun
classes also coexist in a few Lowland Amazonian languages. In Baniwa and
Tariana, predicate-argument agreement in pronominal noun classes is
found with the A/Sa constituent and—only in Baniwa—with O/S0; the
agreement in verbal classifier is restricted to very few grammatical con-
structions; it is always with the subject in Tariana, while in Baniwa it may
be with either subject or object (see Aikhenvald 1995b). In Baniwa, NOUN
CLASSES (obligatorily marked in possessive cross-referencing prefixes) co-
occur with RELATIONAL CLASSIFIERS (see ex. 5.51 and 5.52). NOUN CLASSES
(cross-referencing the argument of an adposition) can cooccur with LOCATIVE
classifiers in Lokono (Arawak: Pet 1987) and Palikur (7.3 and 7.4).
A number of languages employ the same, or almost the same, set of
morphemes in different classifier environments, and also possess a small
system of 'pronominal' genders marked in verbal cross-referencing and
often also on demonstratives (see Chapter 9); they often cooccur. The
following example, from Baniwa (Arawak), shows a possessive construc-
tion which contains a 3rd person feminine cross-referencing marker and
also a classifier suffix, -da 'round objects', used as a possessed classifier:
8.19. inu inasu-da 3u-dza-da
'A female dog is hers.' (or 'She has a female dog.')
8.4. Conclusions
Several types of classifier—which represent different focal points on the
continuum of noun categorization devices—can coexist in one language. In
languages with a number of different sets of classifiers in varying morpho-
syntactic environments, these can differ in their grammatical properties.
Thus, noun classifiers are optional in Wardaman and Ngan'gityemerri, but
noun class marking is obligatory (cf. Reid 1997). Noun classifiers are
optional and numeral classifiers are obligatory in Sochiapan Chinantec.
In Palikur, verbal classifiers are optional, but classifiers of other types and
noun classes are obligatory.
The attested combinations of different sets of classifiers in different
environments are shown in Table 8.10. Table 8.11 shows the attested
combinations of different classifiers in the same environment.
TABLE 8.10. Different classifier sets in different environments in one language
Noun classes Numeral Noun c1 Verbal Relational Possessor Possessed Locative Deictic Examples of languages
TABLE 8.11. Different classifier sets in the same environment in one language
Noun classes Numeral Verbal Relational Locative Examples of languages
classifiers classifiers classifiers classifiers
X x Palikur, Achagua, Machiguenga
X x Gunbarlang, Nunggubuyu, Anindilyakwa,
Iroquoian, Caddoan
X x Baniwa
X x Palikur, Lokono
Different Classifiers in One Language 203
No language has been found which has seven distinct sets of classifiers
corresponding to all the types of classifiers outlined in Chapters 2-7. The
largest number of formally different sets of classifiers is found in Palikur
(North Arawak); only some of the functionally different classifiers are
identical in their semantics and in their origin.
9 Multiple Classifier Languages
The same, or almost the same, set of morphemes can be used in more than
one classifier environment. These morphemes may have different gramma-
tical properties, or be more or less obligatory depending on what classifier
environment they are in. We label them 'multiple classifier' systems. Noun
categorization in multiple classifier languages is discussed in §9.1. In §9.2
the multiple classifier systems are compared with noun class agreement on
different targets. In §9.3 we discuss some borderline cases.
Cf. Craig (forthcoming: 24): 'this type (numeral) of classifiers may also appear on other
elements than numerals, i.e. . . . demonstratives.1
TABLE 9.1. Same set of classifiers in several environments (A-D)
Adjectival Numeral Noun Verbal Possessed Locative Deictic Examples of languages
modifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier
A _ X _ _ -_ X Mandarin Chinese
- X X - - Chayahuita, Anindilyakwa
- - X - X - Eyak, Koyukon
X - X - - Terena, Yawalapiti
B X X - - - X Kilivila
- X X - - X Vietnamese, Awara
- X - - X - X Nung
X X - - - - X Newari
X X X - - Waura, Ignaciano, Machiguenga
C X X X - - - X Thai
X X - - X X Cantonese, Dulong-Rawang
- X X - X X Hmong
X X X - X Yagua, Munduruku, Waorani
X X - - X X Tucano, Tuyuca
D X X X X X Kubeo, Nasioi, Motuna
208 Classifiers
9.5. nei san ge ren
that three CL person
'those three people' (Helen Charters, p.c.)
Classifiers show certain differences in behaviour, when used with numer-
als or other quantifying expressions, and when used with demonstratives.
The plural suffix -men, which occurs on some nouns with human reference,
can occur with the plural classifier xie following a demonstrative but not
following a numeral (other than 'one') (Charters 1995). Example 9.6 is
grammatical; 9.6a is not.
9.6. nei xie haizi-men
that CL:PLURAL child-PL
'those children'
9.6a. *san xie haizi-men
three CL: PLURAL child-PL
Classifiers are optional with demonstratives if the head noun has a
human referent while numeral classifiers are always obligatory (Helen
Charters, p.c.). It will have been noted that ge 'generic classifier' is written
as a separate word in 9.3 and in 9.5, where it is used as a numeral classifier;
but in 9.4 it is written as a suffix to the demonstrative. This reflects the
intuition of speakers; they have a 'feeling' that a classifier forms a closer unit
with a demonstrative than it does with a numeral (Helen Charters, p.c.).2
The same morphemes may be used as NUMERAL CLASSIFIERS and as
VERBAL CLASSIFIERS in a few languages. An example of the same set of
morphemes used with numerals and with verbs comes from Chayahuita
(Cahuapanan: Derbyshire and Payne 1990: 258-9). Example 9.7 illustrates
rin 'long, flexible' as a numeral classifier, and 9.8 shows the same
morpheme as a verbal classifier.
9.7. cara-rin
'three' (e.g. pieces of string, vine)
9.8. i'sho-rin-in
'He peeled vines'
There is no information concerning any differences in the behaviour of
the two types.
The same morphemes are used in the functions of LOCATIVE CLASSIFIER
and VERBAL CLASSIFIER in very few languages. The areal prefix in Koyukon is
Similar usage was observed in Wei Ning (Wang 1972); see Bisang (forthcoming).
Multiple Classifier Languages 209
used as a verbal classifier (see example 6.34), and as a locative classifier (see
example 6.35).
The same classifiers are used with locational expressions and with verbs
in Eyak (Eyak-Athabaskan: Krauss 1968: 195) exemplified in Table 9.2.
Classifiers in Eyak are not semantically transparent.
The same set of morphemes are used with verbs and with adjectival
modifiers to mark agreement in Terena (South Arawak) and Yawalapiti
(Xinguan Arawak).
9.9 shows how pu'i 'CL:ROUND' is used as a noun class marker on an
adjective in Terena (Ekdahl and Butler 1979; Aikhenvald 1996a). The same
classifier used with a verb to characterize the O is given in 9.10 (= 6.8).
9.9. tuti puru-pu'i
head big-CL:ROUND
'a round head'
9.10. oye-pu'i-co-ti
'He is cooking (round things).'
9.11, from Yawalapiti, illustrates the use of classifier -pana 'CL:LEAF.LIKE'
as a noun class marker, with the adjective 'green'. Note that the demon-
strative ifutifa 'that+FEM' does not take a classifier.
9.11. i utia ata-pana irula-pana
that + FEM tree-CL:LEAF.LIKE green-CL:LEAF.LIKE
'that green leaf
In 9.12 -pana 'CL:LEAF.LIKE' is used on the verb, to refer to the S.
9.12. ata-pana kuka iu kama-pana
'The leaf which died (i.e. a dry leaf) is there.'
210 Classifiers
Terena is one of the few Arawak languages which have lost the gender
opposition in the pronominal system. The difference between classifier
systems in Terena and Yawalapiti is that Yawalapiti distinguishes feminine
and non-feminine genders in demonstratives and third person pronouns
(Mujica 1992; Seki and Aikhenvald forthcoming).
Neither Terena nor Yawalapiti uses classifiers with numerals. This may
be an innovation, since the same morphemes are used as numeral classifiers
in other, closely related languages, e.g. Ignaciano (South Arawak) and
Waura (Xinguan Arawak); these are considered under (B) below.
No other combinations of classifiers in just two environments have so far
been found.
(B) One set of morphemes in three classifier environments
The same morphemes are used in the function of NOUN CLASS agreement
markers with adjectives and with demonstratives, and also with numerals in
Kilivila (Austronesian) (Lawton 1993; Senft 1986; 1996).
Kilivila has about 200 classifiers (called 'classificatory particles' by Senft
1986; 1997, following Malinowski 1920). It appears to be difficult to
establish the exact number of classifiers in this language, because nouns
with inanimate referents can be used as 'repeaters'; which makes classifiers
a virtually open class (Gunter Senft, p.c.). In 9.13 (Senft 1986: 77) a
classifier is used with a numeral, and in 9.14 (Senft 1986: 64) with a
demonstrative. Classifiers used with demonstratives are infixes; they are
prefixes in all the other environments.
9.13. te-tala tau
CL:MAN-one man
'one man'
9.14. mi-na-na vivila
this-CL:WOMAN-this woman
'this woman'
Adjectives fall into three classes, depending on whether they can be used
with classifiers, and whether this is obligatory. 9.15 illustrates an adjective
which requires a classifier (Senft 1986: 85).
9.15. valu kwe-manabweta
village CL:THING-beautiful
'beautiful village'
Classifiers are used with all the numerals; in contrast, not all adjectives
take classifiers.3
Lawton (1993) reports that classifiers are used with demonstratives more frequently than
in other environments; see criticism of this statement by Senft (1996: 179).
Multiple Classifier Languages 211
The same set of morphemes is used with numerals, with demonstratives
and as noun classifiers in Vietnamese (Goral 1978: 11 ff). This situation is
fairly typical for languages of Southeast Asia (Goral 1978). Example 9.16
illustrates a numeral classifier in Vietnamese.
9.16. ba cuon sach
three CL:BOOK book
'three books'
The first occurrence of cuon 'CL:BOOK' in 9.17 is as a noun classifier, and
the second is as a deictic classifier.
9.17. anh muon cuon sach nao cuon kia
you want CL:BOOK book which CL:BOOK that
'Which book do you want? That one.'
A 'generic' noun classifier is exemplified in 9.18 (Lobel forthcoming: 13-
9.18. cai cay
'a tree/plant'
All the classifiers are used for referent tracking and marking definiteness
(see §12.1.3, and also Goral 1978: 14, and Lobel forthcoming). Unlike
classifiers with numerals, classifiers are not obligatory with demonstratives
(Goral 1978: 15). Generic classifiers are often omitted in general state-
ments, e.g. in proverbs (Goral 1978: 14):
9.19. meo so chuot
cat fear mouse
'Cats are afraid of mice.'
Awara, a Papuan language from the Morobe province in New Guinea,
appears to have a somewhat similar system (Susan Quigley, p.c.). Classi-
fiers are prefixed to the numbers 'one' and 'two' and suffixed to demon-
stratives; they appear to be obligatory with numbers, but not with
demonstratives. When used as noun classifiers, they are independent
The same morphemes are used with numerals, demonstratives and in
possessive constructions in Nung (Tai: Saul and Wilson 1980: 25 ff.). There
are four classifiers. The generic classifier ahn as a numeral classifier was
illustrated in 4.38. The use of of ahn as a possessed classifier in a predicative
construction (the head noun is omitted) is shown in 9.20. Example 9.21
illustrates the 'animate' classifier tu in a non-predicative possessive con-
struction. The classifier NP is in square brackets.
212 Classifiers
9.20. mi su' [ahn hau]
not correct CL:GEN myself
'It's really not mine.'
9.21. ha [slong tu luhc bao] mu'hn va
tell two CL:ANIM child boy he say
'Tell his two sons that . . .'
9.22 illustrates tu 'animate classifier' with a demonstrative.
9.22. leo [tu te] chihng ma
then CL:ANIM that then come
'Then that one came.'
Similarly to Vietnamese, classifiers can occur with nouns, e.g. tu me
(CL:ANIMATE wife) 'the wife'.
Classifiers with numerals are used somewhat differently from classifiers in
other environments. They are optional with powers of ten; no such restric-
tions are found for other classifier environments (Saul and Wilson 1980: 27).4
Newari (Tibeto-Burman: Bhaskararao and Joshi 1985) has 53 classifiers
used with numerals and interrogative quantifiers ('how much', 'how many')
(9.23), with demonstratives (9.24) and with two adjectival modifiers which
refer to dimensions (i.e. 'big' and 'small', as in 9.25). Classifiers tend not to
be used with higher numerals (Bhaskakarao and Joshi 1985: 24); in other
environments they are obligatory.
9.23. ni-mhA khica
two-CL:ANIMATE dog
'two dogs'
9.24. thwA:-ma swa
this.many-CL:PLANT plant
'this many plants'
9.25. tA:-pa-gu mAri
'big bread'
The same nouns can require different classifiers when used with a
numeral, or with an adjectival modifier. Nouns which normally require
a general classifier -gu take the classifier rhA when accompanied by an
adjectival modifier 'big' or 'small'. In 9.26, -gu is a classifier on a number
ni-gu (note that in tA:-rhA-gu gu is a homophonous morpheme, a con-
Bisang (forthcoming) discusses further morphosyntactic differences between classifiers
used with numbers and with demonstratives in Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, and a number of
Miao-Yao languages.
Multiple Classifier Languages 213
9.26. ni-gu tA:-rhA-gu sAphu:
'two big books'
One set of morphemes is used as agreement markers on adjectival
modifiers, with numbers, and with verbs (similarly to verbal classifiers) in
a few South American Indian languages, e.g. Waura (Xinguan Arawak).
9.27 illustrates a numeral classifier in Waura (Jackson 1966). Example 9.28
shows a classifier as an agreement marker on an adjective, and 9.29 features
a verbal classifier (Richards 1973).
9.27. mepiawa-pa ita
two-CL:POINTED horn
'two horns'
9.28. atakahi ityula-pana
grass green-CL:LEAF.LIKE
'green grass'
9.29. i-tsitya-pi-tsa
'entwine linear objects'
A similar system is found in Ignaciano (South Arawak) and in Machi-
guenga (Peruvian Arawak: Shepard 1997). The two-way gender distinction
in Machiguenga was discussed in §8.3. The difference between Waura and
Ignaciano is that Waura employs the masculine and feminine distinction
only for demonstratives (see §7.3.2); Ignaciano has a three-way masculine,
feminine, and inanimate distinction in third person pronouns, cross-refer-
encing affixes and demonstratives (Ott and Ott 1983; Aikhenvald 1996b).
There is not enough information on classifiers in Waura to evaluate the
possible differences in behaviour of classifiers of different types. In Machi-
guenga, classifiers are infixes to numbers and suffixes in other environ-
Mundurukii, apparently, does not have a morphological class of adjectives; descriptive
verbs are used as modifiers in noun phrases.
218 Classifiers
9.51. giyie-ka 'small stone'
Papuan languages of Central Bougainville appear to also use the same classifier mor-
phemes as noun class markers, numeral classifiers, possessed and deictic classifiers, and also as
noun classifiers in nominalizations (Kim Blewett, p.c.). At least some of these functions are
combined in multiple classifier system of Reef-Santa Cruzan languages spoken in the
Solomons (Wurm 1981; 1987; 1992a; 1992b; p.c.). More studies are needed on multiple
classifiers in languages of the South Pacific, such as Award and Wantoat (Morobe province),
Angan languages (Angave, Taenae), and the two non-Austronesian languages of East New
Britain, Baining and Taulil.
Multiple Classifier Languages 219
9.57. ati-gl (pu-gi)
'this hammock'
In East Tucano languages, classifiers are not used with finite verbs.
However, they can be suffixed to nominalized verbs, to mark the predicate
of a relative clause. This is illustrated with 3.19, from Tuyuca (Barnes*
(D) One morpheme in five environments
Only rather rarely is the same set of morphemes used as agreement markers
on adjectives and demonstratives, with numerals, in possessive construc-
tions and with verbs. One such language is Kubeo (Central Tucano:
Gomez-Imbert 1996).
Kubeo has a system of classifiers which is very similar to East Tucano
languages, exemplified in 9.54–7. Unlike them, Kubeo also uses classifiers
with main clause predicates. The classifier -ki is used in 9.58 with a demon-
strative and with a verb.9
9.58. i-ki hoe-ki bea-ki-bu
'This axe is good.'
Nasioi (Papuan of Southern Bougainville: Hurd 1977) has over a hun-
dred classifiers used in the same environments as in Kubeo. A possessed
classifier in Nasioi is shown in 5.21, and a verbal classifier in note 7 to
Chapter 6. Example 9.59 illustrates classifiers with a numeral and with a
9.59. nto-na-ru' bee-ru'-pi
'These three inland lakes.'
In 9.60, a classifier marks the agreement of an adjective with a head
9.60. tamp-a-u'
'a good (taro)' (Hurd 1977: 132)
Motuna, from the same language family, has 51 classifiers used in the
same environments as Nasioi (Onishi 1994). A possessive classifier in
The verbal classifiers in Kubeo, unusual from a Tucano perspective, are due to the areal
influence of Baniwa (see Gomez-Imbert 1996).
220 Classifiers
Nasioi is illustrated in 5.21; verbal classifiers are discussed in note 7 to
Chapter 6. Example 9.61 (Onishi 1994: 163) illustrates a classifier used with
a numeral.
9.61. no-uru
'one human'
Classifiers are also used with several determiners, such as the demon-
strative o-, the article ti-, muuko 'other', and jee 'what'. 9.62 (Onishi 1994:
164) illustrates a classifier with a demonstrative.
9.62. o-'ri
'this round object' (Malayan apple)
A few adjectives require a classifier in attributive constructions, as in
9.63 (Onishi 1994: 173) (in Motuna, classifiers are only obligatory with
some adjectives).
9.63. tii miru mohko-muru
'a/the short piece of string'
It is possible that classifier morphemes in Nasioi and Motuna may also be
used as possessor classifiers (see 5.47); this requires further investigation.
(E) Derivational functions of classifiers in multiple classifier systems
Classifiers in multiple classifier languages are often used as derivational
affixes and as nominalizers (see Payne 1990, for a discussion of the role of
classifiers in Yagua, a multiple classifier language, in inflection and deriva-
tion). Examples of classifiers as derivational devices in Tariana (North
Arawak) were given in §3.5. In this language several classifiers can cooccur
on a head noun; this is a productive derivational process, e.g. kara-ka-
whya (REL+fly-THEMATic-CL:CANOE) 'plane', kara-ka-whya-puna (REL+fly-
THEMATic-CL:CANOE-CL:STRETCH) 'airstrip'. A similar use of classifiers is
attested in Waura (Xinguan Arawak: (B) above), e.g. kunuma-tai (cotton-
CL:CURVED) 'thread' (Jackson and Richards 1966), cf. Yagua ruu-dasiy
(blow-CL:THIN,POLE) 'blow gun' (Payne and Payne 1990: 446); cf. pu-gt
(hammock-CL:LARGE) 'a hammock' in 9.57, from Tucano. In Terena, the
same set of morphemes is used on verbs and as agreement markers on
adjectives (see 9.9 and 9.10); they are also used as derivational suffixes, e.g.
ope-pu'i (bone-CL:ROUND) 'skull'.
Classifiers employed as derivational markers on the head noun can trans-
form mass or collective nouns into countable nouns. This happens in a
number of North Amazonian languages, including Guahibo, Bora-Witoto,
Multiple Classifier Languages 221
Tucano, and North Arawak, e.g. Tariana heku 'wood', heku-na (wood-
CLrVERi) 'tree', heku-da (wood-CL:ROUND) 'fruit'. Only a noun which con-
tains a classifier can be pluralized with a suffix -pe, e.g. heku-na-pe 'trees',
heku-da-pe 'fruits', but not *heku-pe (see also West 1980, for Tucano; Kerr
1995, for Cuiba (Guahibo); Thiesen 1996, for Bora (Bora-Witoto family)).
Classifiers often mark nominalizations and predicates of relative clauses
(cf. 3.19, from Tuyuca, an East Tucano language). In 9.64, from Yagua
(Peba-Yagua: Payne 1990: 132), the classifier -ra, 'neuter', derives a noun
from an inherently verbal root (this example is given in underlying form).
9.64. mach99~-ra-numaa riy-rooriy
remain-CL:NEUT-now 3pL-house
'Their house was what remained' (lit. their house was now a remaining
In Waorani classifiers function as deverbal nominalizers, as in 9.65.
9.65. 6ki-be
'string which he will make'
Example 9.66 demonstrates nominalization with a classifier in Tucano.
The verb 'be big' is nominalized with -ri, and then the classifier, of a
repeater type, is attached (West 1980: 195-6).
9.66. pa-ri-sawero waa-yiro
'An ear-shaped area that was big was left (in the manioc bread after
a piece had been torn out)'.
Classifiers can also be used as nominalizers in Motuna (Masa Onishi,
p.c.), as shown in 9.67.
9.67. ong poti kongsi' haaro'ko-no-mori
roki manni tokotokohah
really hot
The season when mangoes fall is really hot.'
Nambiquara (Nambiquara family: Lowe 1999) has fifteen classifiers
used in several distinct environments (their form and semantics are given
in Diagram 11.10). They are prefixed to numbers, as in 9.68, but suffixed to
adjectives as agreement markers, as in 9.69.
9.68. a3la3a2 so11?i3 ki3-ha1li1 hut3tit3-ta'-he3-ra2
parrot only CL:ROUND-two shoot-1 SG-PAST-PERFECTIVE
'I shot only two parrots.'
222 Classifiers
9.69 wa2la2 wi3win3-ka3lo3-a2
cloth blue-CL:FLAT.SHEET-definite
'the blue cloth'
Classifiers are also used as derivational suffixes on nouns, e.g huk-en'
-su2 (shooter-CL:HOLE.LiKE-indefinite) 'shotgun' (the gun barrel being a
hole), huk3-ki3-su2 (shooter-CL:ROUND-indefinite) 'bow' (the arc of the
bow is round). They are also used as relativizers, e.g. s?i2ha2 ?yau3 -ain1-
thi3 -na2 (house live-they-CL:HOUSE-DEFINITE) 'the house they live in'; wan3ta2
e3e3-k?i2-sain'-jau?3-ai2na2 (word
nite) 'this word that they spoke to me'.
We saw in §3.5 that classifiers realized as independent words can also be
used to mark relative clauses, in a function similar to relative pronouns, e.g.
3.14, from Lao.
(F) Repeaters in multiple classifier environments
Repeaters are used in multiple classifier environments in at least three
groups of languages of Lowland Amazonia: (1) the East Tucano sub-
group,10 (2) Tariana (North Arawak), and (3) the Guahibo family. Their
choice depends on the morphological structure of the noun; it has
pragmatic effect.
(F1) Repeaters in the East Tucano languages The same set of classifier
morphemes is used with numbers, with demonstratives, in possessive con-
structions, and as derivational markers and nominalizers (see (C) and (E)
above); there are also three genders in cross-referencing.
Nouns fall into three morpho-semantic classes according to what classi-
fier morphemes are used with each. Examples below are from the Tucano
(i) Animate nouns divide into feminine and non-feminine; agreement suf-
fixes are -gi 'non-feminine' (including 'sun/moon'), -go 'feminine', e.g. pino
phai-gi (snake big-CL:AN.NON.FEM) 'a big snake'.
(ii) Inanimate nouns have one of the following affixes: -kal-ga 'spherical';
-ti, -ri 'containers, e.g. pots'; -kilgi 'long, large'; -pil-wi 'transport'; -pal-wa
'extended'; -poro 'banana-like'; -phi 'long, e.g. knife'; -ro 'general object';
-pe 'hole, seed'; -kwi 'plain'; -ra 'plain (water)'; -pa 'plain (land)'; -se
'uncountable' (West 1980: 119; my field data). They use the same affixes
as agreement markers, e.g. ati-gi pu-gi (DEM:INAN-CL:LARGE hammock-
CL:LARGE) 'this hammock'.
This may also apply to West Tucano, but data is lacking. Repeaters are also found in
Yagua (Payne and Payne 1990: 448); however, the data and descriptions are not sufficient to
analyse them; and possibly in Bora-Witoto languages of Northeastern Peru and adjacent areas
of Colombia (Thiesen 1996; Wise 1999).
Multiple Classifier Languages 223
(iii) To mark agreement with all other nouns with inanimate referents, the
whole of the noun is repeated on the modifier, e.g. 9.70 and 9.71.
9.70. ati-wi'i numio-ya-wi'i
'this house is a woman's; a woman's house'
9.71. (kahsero) phairi-kahsero
bark big-CL:BARK
'big (piece of) bark'
If a noun is a compound, or contains a derivational suffix, the last two
syllables or the suffix is used for agreement, e.g. 9.72.
9.72. (yuhki-gi-dihpj) phairi-dihpi
tree-CL:LARGE-branch big-CL:BRANCH
'a big branch'
' In Kilivila, repeaters are used as an alternative 'way' of classification, to indicate more
emphasis of the 'expressed nominal concept' (Gunter Senft, p.c.).
224 Classifiers
9.74. kayi du-ni dhuta du-dia du-a-pidana
so 3SGF-do 3sgF+take 3SGF-return 3SGF-go-REM.p.iNFR
'After she did so, she took (them) back to her very house.'
If a noun is derived, its derivational suffix is used as an agreement
marker, e.g. hala-yawa hanu-yawa (open-DER.AFF:HOLE big-CL:HOLE) 'a big
(F3) Guahibo languages These languages have large complex systems of
classifiers. In Cuiba (Kerr 1995) the set of classifiers is virtually open, due
to the existence of repeaters. The same morphemes are used as noun class
agreement markers on adjectives, e.g. peru-nae (old-CL:WOODEN.THINGs) 'old
(canoe)'; with numerals, e.g. cae-bo (one-CL:HOUSE) 'one (house)'; with
demonstratives, e.g. barapo-bo (this-CL:HOUSE) 'this (house)' (Kerr 1995:
143), and in possessive constructions, e.g. piya-nae jera (3SMASC.SG.POSS-
OUWOODEN.THINGS canoe) 'his canoe' (Kerr 1995: 134).
Unlike Tucano languages and Tariana, the use of repeaters is confined
to inalienably possessed nouns (Kerr 1995: 132, 336-7), e.g. cou 'track',
pe-cou (3sG.MASc.poss-CL:TRACK) 'his track'. More work is needed to
describe them fully.
The examples of repeaters discussed above show that:
(i) repeaters are usually only one of the mechanisms of marking agree-
ment; no example has been found so far of a language where this is the only
way of marking;
(ii) repeaters always have semantic, morphological, and sometimes
discourse constraints; they are often used with inanimates only.
(G) Conclusions and generalizations
We have seen that the same set of classifier morphemes can be used in up to
five environments. Classifier morphemes often display differences in their
morphological form and in how obligatory they are in different contexts.
Differences in the behaviour of the same12 set of morphemes in different
classifier constructions are summarized in Table 9.3.
Classifiers used with numerals are a different morpheme type from other
classifiers in Yagua, Waorani, and Nambiquara. In contrast, in Munduruku
classifier suffixes are used with numerals, with demonstratives and as
derivational markers, and prefixes are used with verbs and adjectives.
This may be due to the fact that adjectives are morphologically a subclass
The same morphemes in multiple classifier environments can be considered polysemous
Multiple Classifier Languages 225
TABLE 9.3. Same morphemes in several classifier environments
Language Place of morpheme Obligatoriness
Kilivila (B) Deictic classifiers are infixes; Deictic classifiers more
numeral and adjectival obligatory than others;
classifiers are prefixes classifiers are not used with
some classes of adjectives
Yagua, Waorani (C) Numeral classifiers infixed,
others suffixed
Mundurukii (C) Verbal classifiers and adjectival -
markers are prefixes, numeral,
deictic classifiers and classifiers
in derivational function are
Hmong (C) - Possessed classifiers not
always obligatory
Nambiquara (E) Numeral classifiers are prefixes, -
agreement markers and
relativizers are suffixes
Letters in brackets after language names indicate the subsection of §9.1 where classifiers
in these languages are considered.
226 Classifiers
(leaf-v.CL:FLAT-DURNF) 'leaf-coloured', or 'green'. Locative classifiers are
sometimes employed as derivational affixes, e.g. paraw-hakwa (waves-
in.wATER) 'ocean', pi-duk-madka-ya (2SG-chest-on.FLAT-PERTAINING) 'the
flat part of your chest, your breast plate', a-kigbimna-ya (3N-on.EDGE-
PERTAINING) 'its frame'. However, these patterns have limited productivity.14
(ii) In languages with classifiers as independent words, these are used with
a subset of adjectives only if they are also used with demonstratives (as is
the case in Cantonese and in Thai). If classifiers are bound morphemes,
they may be used with adjectives but not with demonstratives (e.g. the
Arawak languages discussed above, such as Waura, where a small class of
pronominal genders is marked on demonstratives).
(iii) In multiple classifier languages classifiers are not used as relational
classifiers; however, they can be used in possessive constructions in a
function similar to that of possessed classifiers (i.e. categorizing the
(iv) In all the attested examples, classifiers are used in possessive construc-
tions only if they are also used in head-modifier noun phrases.
Another possible exception to the above claim is Pareci (Xingu-Pareci subgroup of
Arawak: Rowan and Burgess 1979; Aikhenvald 1996b: 164). Pareci appears to have verbal
classifiers, e.g. -koa 'flat' in aolaka-koa-tya (burn-VCL:FLAT-VB) 'burn (e.g. a field, a garden)'.
Classifier morphemes are also employed as derivational suffixes, e.g. mare-koa (field-CL:FLAT)
'platform'. However, we have no information about the productivity of classifiers as deriva-
tional devices; the sketchy grammar of Pareci provides little information on the NP structure.
Multiple Classifier Languages 227
Central Tucano language, classifiers began to be used with verbs under
the influence of Baniwa, a neighbouring Arawak language (Gomez-
Imbert 1996). This historical information is obtained as the result of
comparison within each language family and with the neighbouring
languages; in many cases we do not have access to any information of
this sort.15
The second question is whether any synchronic functional priority can
be given to one morphosyntactic environment. The use of classifiers with
demonstratives in Chinese and in Austroasiatic languages is often consid-
ered an 'extension' of numeral classifiers (see Hashimoto 1977; Conklin
1981: 186). In Chinese as well as in Austroasiatic languages classifiers are
indeed obligatory with numerals, but can be omitted in other noun phrases
(see (A) above, for Chinese). In some languages only a subset of classifiers
can be used with modifiers other than numerals. In Nung and Black Tai
only the general classifiers for animates and inanimates are used with
demonstratives, adjectives and possessives (Conklin 1981: 188). This may
also be an indication in favour of the primary use of classifiers with
numerals. However, in Northern Tai languages, according to Conklin
(1981: 190), the numeral phrase usage 'is not the primary usage' of classi-
fiers, since classifiers appear regularly with nouns in any context 'serving as
their substitutes'.16
The subset of adjectives which require classifiers always includes the
dimension type (as in Cantonese and other Chinese languages), and also
the colour type (as in Thai). This restriction on the semantics of adjectives
which require classifiers in isolating languages could provide an additional
argument in favour of quantification as a primary function of classifiers
(and thus, possibly, the usage of classifiers with numerals being the
'primary' one). The behaviour of classifiers used with adjectives in isolating
languages like Chinese or Thai deserves further in-depth study (which is
Derbyshire and Payne (1990: 266) hypothesize that classifiers in Mundurukii and other
multiple classifier languages such as Waorani and Chayahuita developed from classificatory
noun incorporation; i.e. that verbal classifiers developed first and numeral and adjectival
agreement markers developed later. However, there is no language-internal evidence in favour
of that. We have seen that languages which use classifiers with numerals and demonstratives
are likely also to use them with adjectives; verbal classifiers are a much rarer type, and their
existence does not seem to correlate with the use of classifier morphemes in other environ-
ments. Until more historical evidence becomes available there is no reason to believe that any
one of the classifier environments in Mundurukii, Waorani, Chayahuita, Waura, or Ignaciano
is historically 'primary'.
Hundius and Kolver (1983: 181) make an attempt at providing a functional explanation
for the use of classifiers in multiple environments in Thai. They define the function of
classifiers as indicating that an 'NP applies to specified or specifiable numbers of individual
objects'. Then, the classifier is obligatorily used in quantitative expressions, while it is optional
with determiners which do not necessarily relate to quantity (such as adjectives). This hypoth-
esis deserves further justification, especially since the question of priority of each environment
is not addressed.
228 Classifiers
lacking from the existing literature, mainly, because of the presupposition
that these are nothing but a 'funny' parasitic extension of numeral classifiers
to another environment).17
Unlike Palikur, however, superclassing in Australian languages often has a discourse
function: more general agreement forms are used when the head noun has a general reference,
or is backgrounded.
In Kariri (Kipea-Kariri family: Rodrigues 1997: 69-72) the same morphemes are used
with numerals and with adjectives referring to dimension, consistency, and colour. However,
our knowledge of this extinct language is not sufficient to decide whether this is noun class
agreement or a multiple classifier system.
230 Classifiers
(iv) Noun class agreement markers used on different targets have the
same origin as other noun class systems, and show the same principles for
their interaction with other categories as do noun classes. In contrast,
multiple classifier systems pattern in these respects more like other classifier
types (see Chapter 10).
Languages can use almost but not quite the same classifier sets in several
different environments. In this section we present two case studies, from
genetically closely related languages. In §9.3.1 we consider classifiers in
Baniwa (Arawak: Aikhenvald 1996c); and in §9.3.2 we deal with classifiers
in Tariana. Some conclusions as to the possible analysis of these transi-
tional systems are given in §9.3.3.
Both languages have large sets of classifiers, and also two pronominal
genders (feminine and non-feminine). The environments in which classi-
fiers and genders are employed in the two languages are given in Table 9.4.
Unlike Tariana, Baniwa has a closed set of 44 classifier morphemes; while
Tariana employs 'repeaters' (see (F) in §9.1) alongside a large set of over
sixty 'established' classifiers (see Aikhenvald 1994a). Classifiers are not
employed on locatives. Also unlike Tariana, Baniwa has relational classi-
fiers (see 5.51 and 5.52).
TABLE 9.4. Environments in which genders and classifiers are used in Baniwa and
Semantics Examples Noun class Noun class Numeral Noun Possessed Verbal Classifier with
singular plural classifier classifier classifier classifier deictics
Generic tfari 'man', inaru 'woman', -ite -peni -ita -ite -ite -ita Animate form of
Animate tfinu 'dog', a:pi 'snake'; demonstrative
human attributes: siruli
Human tfari 'man', inaru 'woman' -ite -peni -hipa -ite ite -ita As above
Animate Inanimate
Animate - Inanimate
naha diha-CLASSIFIERS(-pe)
DIAGRAM 9.2. Semantics and form of articles with classifiers in Tariana
The question arises: how many classifier sets does Tariana have? If one
takes a 'maximalist' approach, every morphosyntactic locus (including
every type of modifier from a closed classs) may be considered as repre-
sentative of a separate type, since each of them (with the possible exception
of verbal classifiers) can be shown to employ a slightly different set of
forms. Another way of approaching this would be to say that, similarly to
Baniwa, Tariana is another, more complicated instance of a language in
transition to a system with noun classes and numeral classifiers being
distinct from other noun categorization devices, and also of several distinct
classifier types developing in several further morphosyntactic loci.
We understand predicate categories to be categories typically realized on the predicate, or
on the verb, e.g. tense/aspect, or voice. It is sometimes argued that categories such as tense/
aspect are clausal rather than just verbal. We will leave this question open here; for further
Classifiers and Other Categories 243
Interactions between noun categorization devices and the grammatical
categories of number, person, marking of grammatical relations, posses-
sion, and politeness are considered in §10.1-5. Noun categorization devices
also interact with the organization of declensional paradigms—§10.6. In
§10.7 we discuss the ways in which classifiers interact with verbal
categories; §10.8 deals with the categories characteristic of deictics (e.g.
proximal vs. distal) and classifiers. §10.9 describes how classifiers interact
with derivational devices and how their existence may affect the lexicon.2
Conclusions are given in §10.10.
A few further counterexamples are given in Plank and Schellinger (1997). Thus, Greenberg's
Universals 37 and 45 can be considered tendencies rather than universal statements. It appears
true that if there are gender distinctions marked on personal pronouns, there are never more
gender distinctions in 2nd person than there are in 3rd person; there is typically the same set of
distinctions in all persons in non-singular numbers. It is rare for a language to mark gender on 1 st
person singular pronouns; more work has to be done to provide an explanation for this.
Greenberg's (1963: 94) Universal 32 claims that 'whenever the verb agrees with a nominal
subject or nominal object in gender, it also agrees in number'. There are significant exceptions
to this claim, e.g. Caucasian languages (Corbett 1991: 198ff.) and numerous South American
languages (e.g. Arawak and Je) and Papuan languages (e.g. the Ndu family).
Classifiers and Other Categories 245
Independent personal pronouns in Tamachek (Tuareg Berber: Prasse
and agg-albostan ag-Sidiyan 1985: 8) distinguish masculine and feminine
genders in all three persons in the plural, but only in the 2nd person for
singular number. Direct and indirect object pronouns are clitics; they
distinguish genders in the 2nd person singular and 2nd and 3rd person
plural. (See Table 10.1.)
TABLE 10.1. Personal pronouns in Tamachek
Independent Direct object Indirect object
pronouns pronouns pronouns
1SG M, F nak -(a) hi -ahi
2 SGM kay -kay -ak
F kam -kam -am
3 SG M, F anta -t -as
1 PL M nakkaned \ -anagh \ -anagh
F nakkanated
2 PL M kawaned -kawan -awan
F kamated -kamat -akmat
3 PLM sntaned -tan -asan
F enimated -tanat -asndt
1M jaz midva mi
medve, midve me
ti vidva Vi
FEM/NEUT vedve, vidve ve
M on onadva one
3 F ona \ onidve, onedve ona
N ono
Resigaro Bora
lSG no 00
2SG phit uu
3SG MASCULINE tsu diibye
3SG FEMININE tso diille
1 EXCL DUAL MASCULINE muu-musi muhtsi
1 EXCL DUAL FEMININE muu-mupi muhpi
2 DU DUAL MASCULINE ha-musi a-muhtsi
2 DUAL FEMININE ha-mupi a-muhpt
3 DUAL MASCULINE na-musi diitye-tsi
3 DUAL FEMININE na-mupi diitye-pi
1 INCLUSIVE fa?a mee
1 EXCLUSIVE muu-?a muuha
2PL ha-?a amuuha
3PL na-?a diitye, adtye
(Heath 1978: 35) has seven noun classes; those with non-human referents
have the same prefix for all numbers (ni-, na-, a-, gu-, and ma-). Masculine
and feminine classes have prefixes (ni-, na-) in the singular. Prefix ban-
covers masculine dual; prefix ba- is used for masculine and feminine plural,
feminine dual, and mixed masculine/feminine dual.
Number marking and number agreement follows the Nominal Hierarchy
(Dixon 1994: 85; Silverstein 1976): see Diagram 10.1. The arrow points at
the direction of likelihood of overt number expression, or number agree-
ment (also see Smith-Stark 1974; Stebbins 1997).
Some typologists, e.g. Serzisko (1982), define the notion of a concordial class through its
cooccurrence with number, which is typically the case in Bantu languages (see Chapter 2).
Classifiers and Other Categories 249
10.1.2. Number and other classifier types
NUMERAL CLASSIFIERS may interact with number in an indirect way. Number
is normally not expressed in numeral classifier constructions, being marked
elsewhere (e.g. on modifiers within an NP, or on the predicate).6 The use of
numeral classifiers may depend on the countability of a noun; classifiers
tend to be employed with countable rather than with mass nouns. In some
languages, e.g. Malay, mass nouns may be left unclassified (see Hopper
1986: 313, 316). In numeral classifier languages, the distinction between
countable and uncountable nouns is realized through classifiers and quan-
tifiers, instead of overt number marking on nouns (De Leon 1987: 27).
It has been claimed that numeral classifier languages always lack 'com-
pulsory number' (Greenberg 1990: 188; Sanches and Slobin 1973; cf. §4.1
above). This means that number marking is optional or it is restricted to a
set of nouns, most frequently humans or animates. There are a number of
exceptions to this claim; for instance, Yuki, Nootka, Tlingit, and Dravidian
languages have numeral classifiers and obligatory number marking, and so
does Ejagham, a Benue-Congo language (see 4.2). De Leon (1987) showed
that the number category became more obligatory in Tzotzil, a language
with a large system of numeral classifiers, under Spanish influence.
Numeral classifiers and the expression of number share a number of
semantic parameters. The distinction between mass and unit, and between
countable and uncountable nouns, is important for both. There are some-
times special classifiers for mass nouns; in addition, some classifiers are
restricted to countable nouns only. In harmony with this, number systems
tend to apply to countable nouns expressing units.
The choice of numeral classifier may occasionally depend on number.
Bengali has five numeral classifiers in the singular; in the definite plural all
classifiers are replaced by one marker -gulo (cf. Greenberg 1990: 188). This
can be explained in terms of the origin of classifiers in Bengali. We will see
in §13.5 that numeral classifiers in Bengali are thought to have developed as
the result of a reanalysis of a noun class system.
several distinct ways, reminiscent of how noun classes interact with number.
First, there may be a classificatory verb stem used just to refer to non-
singular objects. That is, fewer shape-based semantic distinctions are pres-
ent in classificatory verbs which refer to plural objects than in those which
refer to singular ones. In Hupa and Chipewyan (Haas 1967: 360; Carter
1976: 25, 27) one classificatory verb stem is used to refer to all plural
objects, or objects in sets (e.g. stem la in Chipewyan: Table 11.11).
There are a few cases in which number is marked in numeral phrases in classifier
languages. In Tariana and Tucano languages, nouns in phrases with numbers bigger than 3
obligatorily take a plural marker, e.g. Tariana nama-da heku-da (two-CL:ROUND tree-CL:ROUND)
'two fruit', kehpunipe-da-pe heku-da-pe (four-CL:ROUND-PL tree-CL:ROUND-PL) 'four fruit'.
250 Classifiers
Second, the choice of a non-singular classincatory stem may correlate
with the shape of objects. Navajo (Hoijer 1945) has a classincatory stem for
an aggregate of non-singular objects, and another one for a set of parallel,
long objects. In Slave the choice of classincatory verb stem for non-singular
referents correlates with number and with shape: there is a classincatory
verb stem for plural objects and aggregates7 (-tl'ih, also used for liquids),
and for dual objects (-keh, also used for rope-like objects) (Rice 1989: 788),
and a number of classincatory stems used to refer to masses (e.g. -tle 'to
handle an uncontained wet mass, e.g. mud, or dough': Rice 1989: 789; -deh
'fall (used of a two dimensional, changing—but maintaining unity—mass':
Rice 1989: 788).8
Other Athabaskan languages make different choices in their classifica-
tory stems for non-singular objects. In Western Apache there is a stem for
pairs of non-animal, non-contained objects. In Chiricahua Apache (Hoijer
1945: 19-21; Carter 1976: 28) there are three stems which refer to non-
singular objects: a set of objects, a set of parallel objects, and a set of two
objects (also used for rope-like objects). Dogrib distinguishes between
plurality of similar, and of disparate objects (Carter 1976: 28). This varia-
tion within the Athabaskan family led Carter (1976: 28) to a conclusion
that 'notions of non-singularity were not an integral part of the Proto-
Athabaskan classincatory verb system, but that non-singularity was
handled by semantic extension of the core system, typically by an extension
of the rope-like object category'.
Choices of classincatory verb stems may also depend on the animacy or
inherent nature of a non-singular referent. Koyukon has a classincatory
verb stem for general plural, one for plural objects scattered about and one
for plural animate (Chad Thompson, p.c.).
Tewa (Kiowa-Tanoan) has a limited set of classincatory verb stems with
the meaning 'to be in a place' (or 'to have') and 'to put or set down' (Speirs
1974). The S or O is characterized in terms of its position in space and shape
(like classincatory verbs in Enga, or Waris: Tables 6.7 and 6.10). Six classi-
ncatory verbs are used with singular and dual objects, and only five with
plural objects—the distinction between 'be sitting' and 'be lying' is
neutralized with one classificatory stem being used for both.9 See Table 10.6.
These stems are used for falling objects rather than for location of objects (Keren Rice,
The different choices for classificatory verb stems referring to non-singular objects are
independent of so-called 'verb themes indicating number' (Rice 1989: 791-2), which are
mostly found for semantic groups of verbs which are different from classificatory verbs.
'Be lying' and 'be sitting' are also neutralized in the plural in Kiowa (Watkins 1984: 154);
however, it is not clear whether positional verbs have the same classificatory function in Kiowa
as they have in Tewa. Similarly to Kiowa (see §12.5.2), nouns in Tewa belong to six different
classes conditioned by their choice of number forms; the interrelation with classificatory verbs
which are also number-sensitive provides an unusual cross-classification.
Classifiers and Other Categories 251
TABLE 10.6. Classificatory verbs in Tewa and their semantics
Singular/dual Plural Translation Objects classified
-?an } -k'wQ 'be sitting' Squat bulky objects, e.g. clock
-k'o: I 'be lying' Long objects, e.g. pencil
-ca, -sa: 'be attached, be a Attached or rooted objects,
container (in normal e.g. tree; or container, e.g.
position), be in a dish
-win -win 'be standing' Upright objects, e.g. shovel
-yi? -yi? 'be walking about' Moving objects, e.g. dog
-na -na 'existence of time or Phenomena of nature, events,
event' institutions, time
Animate S Inanimate S
Sit -ita joro -na- -naho- sii na-
Stand -wa(a)-
Verbal classifiers often do not have to make any special reference to the
number of objects (cf. Table 6.7 and Table 6.11).
DEICTIC CLASSIFIERS can be fused with number if the number has to be
marked in an NP on a modifier, e.g. Pilaga (Guaicuruan: Vidal 1997: 85)
Jack Martin (p.c.) informs me that this is a typical phenomenon in many languages of the
Southwest of the USA.
252 Classifiers
However, unlike noun classes, there is no dependency between the choice
of a deictic classifier and a choice made in a number system.
act with number since number tends to be marked elsewhere in NPs;
Classifiers in multiple functions can be employed as derivational markers
on the head noun; they may also transform mass or collective nouns into
countable nouns—see (E) in §9.1.
1st (a)den
2nd waang/ang kau
3rd inyo
In Manambu genders are distinguished in 1st person in the remote past, but not in other
tense forms.
Spanish also has an old neuter form, ello, used in fixed expressions, and as a neutral
agreement form (Corbett 1991: 214).
254 Classifiers
TABLE 10.9. Personal pronouns in Spanish
1 io nosotros nosotras
2 tulvos vosotros vosotras
3 el ella* ellos ellas
Nominative is id ea ii ea eae
Accusative eum id earn eos ea eas
Dative ei Us
Ablative eo ea Us
Genitive eius eorum earum
See also Senft (1996: 202, 203 and passim) on the interaction between classifiers and
sociolinguistic variables in Kilivila.
Classifiers and Other Categories 261
TABLE 10.12. Possessed classifiers and speech styles in Ponapean
ah General classifier
nah General, dominance of sapwellime General classifier
kene Edible koanoat Possession of food/drink by
paramount chief
pwenieu Id. by paramount
nime Drinkable sahk Id. by secondary chief
sapwe Land nillime Land
imwe Buildings tehnpese Dwellings
were Vehicles tehnwere Vehicles
kie Sleeping pads moatoare Things to sleep on ah tungoal
ipe Sleeping covers
ulunge Pillows
rie Siblings
kiseh Relatives
ullepe Maternal uncles
wahwah Nieces, nephews
sawi Clan members Same as in common speech
pelie Peers
seike Catch
pwekidah Share of feast food
mware Name, title, garland
ede Names
tie Earrings
dewe Location
There are diachronic reasons for this split in grammatical marking. The
past in Russian and the present in Hebrew have both developed out of
deverbal adjectives, and inflect in a manner typical of nominals.
An interaction between noun class, person, and tense is observed in
Tucano (West 1980), which has two systems of noun categorization (simi-
larly to other languages mentioned in §2.7): the 'pronominal' one (a mascu-
line/feminine/inanimate opposition) is used with verbal cross-referencing
and personal pronouns; the 'nominal' one, which is much larger, is used
with the remaining modifiers—numerals, deictics, adjectives. Pronominal
classes are distinguished for all three persons in future tenses; in past and
present tenses they are distinguished only for 3rd person.
Noun class distinctions can depend on clausal polarity (see the discussion
in Aikhenvald and Dixon 1998). In some languages all specifications of
person, number, and gender are neutralized in negative forms, e.g. Tariana,
or Manambu. Similarly, in Palikur, two genders are distinguished in certain
aspects; but these aspects are not used in negative clauses: there are fewer
Classifiers and Other Categories 265
aspect choices in negative clauses than in positive ones. Consequently,
gender is not contrastive under negation. Gender agreement is marked
on the durative suffix which is typically used with stative verbs (10.7). In
10.8, the negative counterpart of 10.7, it is suppressed.21
10.7. tino barew-yo
woman be.pretty/clean-DUR.F
'The woman is pretty.'
10.8. tino ka-barew
woman NEG-be.pretty/clean
'The woman is not pretty.'
The choice of VERBAL CLASSIFIERS may depend on (a) verb class, or (b)
other verbal categories, e.g. the choice made in the tense-aspect system, or
in the voice system.22
(A) The choice of verbal classifiers depends on verb class
For example, in Koyukon (Athabaskan: Axelrod forthcoming) verbal clas-
sifiers (traditionally named 'genders' in Athabaskan linguistic tradition)
never occur with attributive verbs (e.g. 'be happy'). Suppletive classifica-
tory verbs are never used attributively.
Palikur has two sets of verbal classifiers—one used with transitive verbs,
and the other with intransitive stative verbs. Intransitive active verbs do
not take classifiers.23
(B) Verbal classifiers may be restricted to certain verbal categories
In Tariana and Baniwa (North Arawak) classifiers are used only with
relativized verbs, verbs in purposive mood, and in the form of argument
manipulating derivation. In Palikur, verbal classifiers can only be used if
the O of a transitive verb, or the S of a stative verb are completely
involved in action or state; consequently, classifiers are almost always
used with verbs marked for completive aspect (see further examples in
However, the gender agreement is obligatory in negative clauses with emphatic contras-
tive negation (marked by both negative prefix ka- and a negative suffix -ma), e.g. tino ka-
barew-yo-ma (woman NEG-be.pretty/clean-DUR.F-NEG) 'The woman is not pretty at all'.
An analogy between numeral classifiers (also used with demonstratives and interroga-
tives, and with some adjectives) in Newari and morphemes which marks repetitive action with
verbs depending on the type of action performed and thus, in a way, 'classifiying' verbal
actions, is drawn by Bhaskararao and Joshi (1985) for Newari (Tibeto-Burman). This analogy
is radically different from the dependencies considered in this section.
This dependency has to do with semantic restrictions on classes of verbs used with
classifiers; see Chapter 11.
266 Classifiers
10.8. Classifiers and deictic categories
Categories typically found in deictics (e.g. distance from speaker or hearer,
or visibility) interact with noun categorization devices expressed in deictics—
Noun classes can be portmanteau with deictic categories, e.g. Warekena
(North Arawak) eni 'this: masculine', ayupalu 'this: feminine'. The choice
of noun class may depend on degree of distance realized in deictics. Palikur
(Table 8.6) has five sets of deictics; three genders are distinguished in all but
the series which refers to objects located far from speaker and near hearer.
In Bare (North Arawak: Aikhenvald 1995a: 22) masculine and feminine
genders are regularly distinguished for the distal deictic only; no distinction
has been observed for proximal ('near to speaker') or medium distance
('nearer to hearer').
Deictic classifiers combine reference to visibility, distance, and proximity
of the referent, and its shape, directionality, or other nature-based proper-
ties (see §11.2.6). In Eskimo deictic classifiers interact with visibility; in
Toba and Pilaga they contain additional reference to the presence or
absence of an object in a visual field.
10.10. Conclusions
How classifiers of different types interact with nominal and verbal gram-
matical categories is summarized in Table 10.17.
NOUN CLASSES interact with all the categories described here, with the
exception of politeness (though they also interact with social status in a
limited way). They show mutual interdependencies with number, person,
marking of grammatical relations, possession, verbal, and deictic categories;
they can also be realized as portmanteau morphemes with these categories,
and with declension markers and derivational morphemes.
NUMERAL CLASSIFIERS show no correlations with categories other than
politeness and, in a limited way, number.
NOUN CLASSIFIERS interact with person and politeness; they can also be
used for derivational purposes. POSSESSIVE CLASSIFIERS interact just with
TABLE 10.17. Classifiers and their interaction with other grammatical categories
Noun Numeral Noun Possessive Verbal Locative Deictic
classes classifiers classifiers classifiers classifiers classifiers classifiers
Number yes limited no no yes no (yes)
Person yes no no no no no no
Grammatical function yes no no no yes no no
Types of possession yes no no yes no no no
Politeness limited yes yes no no no no
Declensions yes no no no no no no
Verbal/clausal categories yes no no no yes no no
Deictic categories yes no no no no no yes
Derivational categories yes no yes no no no no
Symbols used: 'yes' indicates the existence of a dependency, or of a correlation, 'no' indicates its absence, and (yes) means that further investigation is
270 Classifiers
types of possession. VERBAL CLASSIFIERS show interdependencies with num-
ber, with the ways grammatical relations are expressed, and with various
verbal categories. DEICTIC CLASSIFIERS interact with deictic categories (such
as distance and visibility), and sometimes with number. LOCATIVE CLASSIFIERS
show no interdependencies at all.
The ways different classifier types interact with other categories depend
on (a) their scope and (b) possibilities of their realization as bound mor-
phemes or as free morphemes. NOUN CLASSES can have an argument NP and
a clause as their scope; this accounts for the maximum amount of inter-
actions for this classifier type. They are often realized as portmanteau
morphemes with other categories—note that noun class markers are never
free morphemes, so they are likely to fuse with other markers.
The scope of VERBAL CLASSIFIERS is the clause; they also categorize the
argument, hence interactions with number, with grammatical relations, and
with verbal categories (some of which could alternately be considered
clausal; see Aikhenvald and Dixon 1998). Again, they are never free mor-
phemes, so one would expect a considerable amount of fusion with other
their scope; their interaction with possessive categories is expected.
NUMERAL and NOUN CLASSIFIERS show fewer correlations with other cat-
egories, and so do DEICTIC and LOCATIVE CLASSIFIERS. This can be accounted
for by limitations of their scope; they can also be realized as independent
In languages with more than one noun class system, different noun
classes may interact with different categories. All types of classifier show
some interaction with the lexicon—this topic requires further study.
The ways in which classifiers used in different morphosyntactic environ-
ments interact with different categories is a direct consequence of their
morphosyntactic loci of marking, and their scope. We return to this topic
in Chapter 15.
11 Semantics of Noun Categorization
Animate' is defined by Trask (1993: 16) as 'denoting a noun or noun phrase which is
perceived as referring to a conscious, volitional entity, a human or higher animal' (cf. also
Matthews 1997: 19). In some languages insects and fish are also considered animate. Semantic
parameters of animacy and humanness are universal; they are found in most systems of noun
categorization, i.e. classifiers of distinct types (Kiyomi 1992), or elsewhere in the grammar (see
Frawley 1992: 89 ff. and App. 1). Further discussion of the universality of animacy is given by
Frawley (1992: 89-91).
This distinction is similar to the opposition of 'permanent' and 'temporary' character-
istics in the classifier system of Tzeltal introduced by Berlin (1968).
Semantics of Noun Categorization 273
dimensional (or flat), and three-dimensional (spherical). Dimensionality
and shape often occur together, but they can also be separate. Many
languages differentiate more shapes for one- and two-dimensional objects
(Hundius and Kolver 1983: 206; Denny 1979a). Three-dimensional objects
can also be classified in terms of their different shapes (e.g., round and
irregular shape). SHAPE is a cover term for other, form-related properties
(e.g. curved, linear, pointed, or blunt).
DIRECTION, or ORIENTATION, refers to a distinction between objects which
are vertically extended and those which are horizontally extended.
(b) INTERIORICITY refers to the way an entity 'differentiates its inside from
its outside', e.g. the distinction between rings and holes. BOUNDEDNESS is a
related parameter, and it indicates whether or not outlined entities have a
delimitation (for instance, flat objects can be bounded, e.g. tortillas, or
unbounded, e.g. plains).
(c) SIZE has two values, large and small.
(d) CONSISTENCY refers to the plasticity of the object under manipulation.
The two most frequent values are flexible and rigid. Other possible values
include viscosity of a liquid, or its surface tackiness (Frawley 1992: 128).
(e) CONSTITUTION, or STATE, refers to the physical state of an entity, such as
liquid or solid. It is often fused with CONSISTENCY, DIMENSIONALITY, and/or
SHAPE. For instance, many classifier systems have a single term for liquids
while classifiers for solid objects always include reference to whether the
object is long or round.
(f) MATERIAL out of which an object is made may be reflected by classifiers;
there may be classifiers for wooden and for metal objects.
(g) Other INHERENT NATURE or TIME-STABLE properties used in noun cat-
egorization have to do with the material and function of the items. Often,
there are special classifiers for plants, houses, canoes, verses of poetry,
books, and so on. Inherent nature properties are often realized through
SPECIFIC, or UNIQUE classifiers which combine with just one noun, e.g. the
Korean classifier hwan 1 for 'ball-shaped Chinese traditional medicinal pill'
(Lee 1997: 55). These classifiers are generally culture-specific (see §12.3).
(h) FUNCTION, or functional interaction6 classifiers refer to specific uses of
objects, or kinds of action which are typically performed on them.
Languages tend to encode culture-specific functional properties in classi-
fiers. Objects can be classified depending on whether they can be consumed
(eaten, drunk), or whether they can be planted, or domesticated; there are
often classifiers for means of transport, clothing, and housing. Actions
Functional interaction is, in a sense, parallel to social interaction in classifiers which refer
to social status (cf. Denny 1976).
274 Classifiers
performed on objects and encoded in classifiers may involve cutting, pier-
cing, harvesting, peeling, and so on (see Berlin 1968, for examples of highly
idiosyncratic function-based numeral classifiers in Tzeltal).
Objects can be classified by their VALUE, which is ultimately determined
by their functional properties. Thus, among relational classifiers there is
often a term for 'valuable' possessions.
(i) ARRANGEMENT refers to the configuration of objects, e.g. coil of rope, or
objects strung together. Arrangement very often correlates with consis-
tency, and material (e.g., Nivkh has a special classifier for fishes strung
on twigs: see Table 4.4).
(j) QUANTA is similar to ARRANGEMENT and refers to number, or quantity of
objects, e.g. cluster, set, flock, bunch. Quanta correlate with consistency
and material. For instance, a 'cluster' refers to a quantum which is also
irregularly shaped and dense (Frawley 1992: 128).
Some nouns in a language may lie outside the scope of existing classi-
fiers. A RESIDUE, or DEFAULT classifier can then be used with otherwise
'unclassifiable' nouns; the functions of a 'default' member of a classifier
system are discussed in §12.1.4.
pervasive character of animacy-based distinctions is best illustrated with languages which have
phonological noun class assignment. Noun class agreement in Arapesh and Bukiyip, Papuan
languages from the East Sepik, is partly phonologically based. A more detailed analysis of the
way noun classes are assigned shows its semantic motivation. In Bukiyip, nouns divide into
eighteen classes. Four of these classes include animate nouns: males, females, non-human
animates and personal names; and all the rest include inanimates classified according to their
shape and other physical properties (see also §2.3, for an example of semantic and phonolo-
gical principles of noun class assignment in Yimas).
The semantics of gender in the languages of the Sepik region is discussed by Bruce
(1984), for Alamblak and by Aikhenvald (1998a) for Manambu; for Oromo, see Clamons
(1993); for Cushitic, East Nilotic, and Khoisan, see Heine (1982a); for Tiwi, see Osborne
(1974) and Lee (1987); see data on Cantabrian Spanish in Table 2.2.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 211
TABLE 11.1. Examples of physical properties in noun class assignment
Parameter Masculine Feminine Example
Size Large (and wide) Small (and narrow) Some Afroasiatic
languages, e.g. Dasenech,
Oromo, Amharic,
Turkana, Camus
(Eastern Nilotic)
Narrow (and small) Wide (and large) Cantabrian Spanish,
Central Khoisan, small
in Tiwi (Australian)
Shape Straight Round Alamblak, Manambu,
Central Khoisan, Tiwi
Position Vertical Horizontal, squat Manambu, Cantabrian
Solidity Solid Hollow, deep, concave Katcha (Kadugli-Kongo)
Noun class assignment is usually more opaque for inanimates and for
non-human animates. In Mayali (Evans forthcoming: 104-6) masculine
These semantic features are found in correlation with others. Noun classes may contain
reference to hierarchically higher, or more powerful, humans: see §12.3.1, on noun classes in
'Lustre', or 'visibility', is reported to be one of the classificatory parameters in assigning
noun classes in Anindilyakwa (Australian: Leeding 1989; 1996). The use of visibility or lustre
as a parameter for noun categorization could be associated with the cultural importance of
'lustre' and 'light' in Northern Australian Aboriginal culture (Mark Harvey, p.c.); however,
more study is needed to understand how these parameters are employed.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 281
class includes male humans, the names of certain malevolent beings mostly
associated with the sky, items associated with painting (a male activity),
and also some mammals, some snakes, and some birds and fish. Feminine
class includes female humans, and also some reptiles, fish, and birds. Vege-
table class includes all terms for non-flesh foods, but also a few bird names.
Finally, the 'neuter', or 'residue' class is the most semantically hetero-
geneous—it includes items which do not 'fit' into other classes, e.g. most
body parts, generic terms for plants, and terms for various inanimate
In Dyirbal water, fire and items associated with fighting belong to Class
2. In contrast, in Gurr-goni and Mayali fire and related things are
'neuter'; 'water' belongs to the neuter class in Gurr-goni, and to vegetable
class in Mayali. In Gurr-goni (R. Green 1995) males and most animals,
fish, and birds belong to the masculine Class I; human females, turtles,
and a few other animals belong to feminine Class II; most living plants
and non-flesh foods belong to 'vegetable' Class HI, together with tradi-
tional canoes, corroborees, and songs. Terms which belong to Class IV
('neuter', or 'residue') cover the following semantic domains: the natural
environment; water, rain and other liquids; fire and associated things; a
few plants; a few body parts; time, structure, and buildings; and language
and ceremonies.
In Jingulu (Pensalfini 1997: 254) nouns divide into four classes, only
some of which are more or less semantically transparent. The vegetable
class includes mostly objects which are long, thin, or pointed; this class
happens to include most vegetables, as well as body parts such as colon,
penis, and neck, instruments such as spears, fire-drills and barbed wire,
natural phenomena such as lightning and rainbows, and also roads and
trenches. The feminine class includes female humans and higher animates,
and also words for axes, the sun, and most smaller songbirds. The semantic
content of the remaining two classes, masculine and neuter, is harder to
define: masculine is mostly used for the rest of animates and neuter for the
rest of inanimates, except that flat and/or rounded inanimates—such as
most trees and eggs, and body parts such as liver and brow—are masculine.
The choice of the four genders in Wambaya (Nordlinger 1998: 63–4), which
is closely related to Jingulu, is somewhat different: for instance, the 'vege-
table' (or 'non-flesh food') class is associated with round shape rather than
with being long or thin. There may be culture-specific explanations for
these varying classifications.
Noun classes in Bantu languages are another example of a semantically
opaque system. Table 11.3 summarizes 'a basic semantic grid common to
Bantu noun class systems' (Spitulnik 1989: 207) based on an interaction of
shape, size, and humanness. However, these parameters provide only a
partial semantic motivation for the Bantu noun classes.
282 Classifiers
TABLE 11.3. Noun classes in Bantu14
Class Semantics
1/2 Humans, a few other animates
3/4 Plants, plant parts, foods, non-paired body parts, miscellaneous
5/6 Fruits, paired body parts, miscellaneous inanimates
7/8 Miscellaneous inanimates
9/10 Animals, miscellaneous inanimates, a few humans
11/10 Long objects, abstract entities, miscellaneous inanimates
12/13 Small objects, birds
6 Masses
14 Abstract qualities, states, masses, collectives
15 Infinitives
Only the Class 1/2 'human' is semantically homogeneous. Shape and size
are also employed as semantic parameters of noun categorization. Classes
associated with shape in ChiBemba are shown in Table 11.4, and classes
associated with size in Table 11.5 (Spitulnik 1989: 210, 212).15 Diminutive
and augmentative classes carry affective overtones (diminutives are endear-
ing and augmentatives are pejorative).
Denny (1979a: 109-10) suggested the following scheme for some Bantu
noun classes based on configurations involving extendedness (also cf.
Denny 1976 and Denny and Creider 1986).
This grid differs somewhat from the semantics reconstructed by Denny and Creider
(1986) and Creider (1975): see Table 2.1.
A test of the semantic reality of noun classes in Kikuyu conducted by Burton and Kirk
(1976) showed a correlation between the size of animals and birds and their noun class
assignment. Class 11 was associated with large size, and class 9 with small size.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 283
Solid Outline
Class 9/10, 'non-extended outline', includes rings, holes, and also con-
tainers (e.g. clay pots and gourd bottles), together with houses and geo-
graphical spaces. Class 11/10 involves an outline figure of a different sort:
an extended curve with an interior, e.g. hill, rib, palm of the hand. Ropes
and cords are also placed into this class due to the fact that the parts joined
together by ropes and cords 'must be inside the curve of the cord' (Denny
1979a: 110). The use of the parameters 'extendedness' and 'outline' resem-
bles the way shape is used in numeral classifiers (cf. Table 9.5, for Baniwa).
In the Bantu noun class systems, the only semantically transparent and
straightforward principle of assignment is animacy and/or sex, unlike
Baniwa, where the assignment of almost all the classes is transparent.
(E) Semantic parameters in split noun class systems
In languages with split noun class systems, pronominal noun classes tend
to be based on animacy and sex distinctions, while physical (extendedness,
shape, and size) parameters are found in the non-pronominal classes: see
§2.7.2, for Paumari, and Table 9.5, for Baniwa. Markers of non-pronom-
inal noun classes are often used in other classifier environments: see
Chapter 9.
A system of honorific classifiers, as documented by DeLancey (1998: 121) for Tibetan,
can be considered a subtype of functional categorization of nouns based on humans and the
world of their experience.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 285
a general term for birds and fish, as in Minangkabau (Table 13.4);
Ngan'gityemerri and Akatek have a noun classifier for animals (see Tables
8.1 and 8.4). Classifiers in Murrinhpatha cover fresh water and associated
concepts; flowers and fruits of plants; spears; offensive weapons; fire and
things associated with fire; time and space; speech and language; and there
is a residue classifier (see §12.1.4).
There is usually a noun classifier for culturally important concepts.
Mayan languages have a noun classifier for corn which is important for
traditional agriculture, and for domesticated dogs, while Daly languages
have classifiers for spears, diggings sticks, and woomeras. Table 11.7 shows
the set of classifiers for non-human nouns in Jacaltec (Craig 1986c: 267).
Inherent nature- and function-based classifiers are relatively independent systems. We
mentioned in §3.2.1 that function classifiers can cooccur with inherent nature classifiers in
It can be argued, however, that constitution or state, such as liquid, is a concomitant
semantic feature used with function-based noun classifiers. However, constitution is never used
by itself as a parameter.
286 Classifiers
11.2.3. Semantics of numeral classifiers
Numeral classifiers divide into SORTAL and MENSURAL types. Sortal numeral
classifiers describe inherent properties of referents, and mensural classifiers
describe the ways they can be measured (see §4.4). Consequently, sortal
classifiers tend to use inherent properties (a-g) more, while mensural
classifiers prefer temporary ones (h and i).
The choice of SORTAL classifiers is often based on animacy, humanness,
or, more rarely, sex (A). Further classification of humans is often based on
social status or age (B). Additional properties employed in numeral classi-
fiers are (C) physical properties, (D) functional properties, and (E) arrange-
ment and quanta. Mensural classifiers (F) combine these.
(A) Animacy, humanness, and sex in numeral classifiers
Numeral classifiers often provide a two-way division of nouns into HUMAN
and NON-HUMAN, as in numerous small classifier systems in Dravidian
languages, e.g. Telugu and Kannada (Emeneau 1964: 649), and in Ainu.
Alternatively, nouns can be divided into ANIMATE and INANIMATE. This is
the case throughout languages of the Tai family (see Conklin 1981: 130-6;
DeLancey 1986: 447). There may be a separate class for humans, and a
number of classes for non-humans, as in Toba Batak, Makassar, Bugis,
Mori, and Gorontalo (Austroasiatic: Conklin 1981: 241). Acehnese (Durie
1985: 139) has a special classifier for humans (droe); all the other classifiers
are confined to non-hurnans (which include animals).
A three-way classification may divide nouns into HUMANS, NON-HUMAN
ANIMATES, and INANIMATES. Jacaltec (Kanjobalan Mayan) and Squamish
have three numeral classifiers: human, animal, inanimate (Craig 1986b:
265; Table 4.6 above). There may be a special classifier for humans, one
for animals, and a number for inanimates,20 as in Malay, Indonesian,
Minangkabau, and Balinese (Conklin 1981: 240 ff.; Marnita 1996), and
in the Dravidian language Malto (Mahapatra 1979: 126), and in Nivkh
(Table 4.4).
Numeral classifiers can involve reference to ANIMACY and SEX.21 There are
several possibilities. There may be a male animate, a female animate, and
Animals can be categorized in different ways. Malay and Minangkabau have just one
classifier for animals. In Achagua (Arawak: Wilson 1992: 62) the animal classifier is applied
only to mammals. Bahwana (Arawak: Ramirez 1992) has several classifiers for different
species of mammals and lizards. Different classificatory techniques can be used for animates
and for inanimates. Movima (Bolivian isolate: Colette Grinevald, p.c.) uses repeaters as
numeral classifiers to classify inanimates; there are special classifiers just for humans and
for animates.
The existence of sex- and humanness/animacy-based systems in numeral classifiers goes
against predictions formulated by Adams and Conklin (1973) on the basis of Austroasiatic
languages, and repeated by Croft (1994).
Semantics of Noun Categorization 287
an inanimate classifier, as in Bora (Bora-Witoto: Thiesen 1996: 43), East
Tucano, and Warekena, Baniwa, and Tariana.
There are hardly any examples of numeral classification based just on
sex. However, in Kolami (Dravidian) and Marathi (Indo-Aryan) numeral
classifiers are used only with animates, and they distinguish masculine and
feminine (Emeneau 1964: 648).
Animate/inanimate or human/non-human are distinguished in most sys-
tems of numeral classifiers (cf. Croft 1994). There are three groups of
(i) Languages with two sets of numeral classifiers may have animacy dis-
tinctions in one, but not in the other. Akatek (Zavala 1992: 130-1, 140–1)
distinguishes humans, animals and inanimates in the suffixed set of
numeral classifiers. 'Independent' numeral classifiers are assigned accord-
ing to shape, position and size (see Table 8.3 and §4.3.2; for Jacaltec, see
Craig 1986b: 265).
(ii) Animacy-based oppositions may be absent from numeral classifier
systems if they are found elsewhere in the language. Sochiapan Chinantec
distinguishes animate and inanimate forms of numerals and some modi-
fiers (Foris forthcoming: 305, Table 6.14 therein), but there are no animacy-
based distinctions in numeral classifiers (Foris forthcoming: 317 ff.). A
similar system is found in the closely related language, Comaltepec Chi-
nantec (Anderson 1989: 57).
(iii) Some recently developed systems of numeral classifiers do not have
any special classifier for animates, or humans. Classification is achieved
according to the physical and functional properties of entities. Kana
(Kegboid, Cross River: Ikoro 1996a: 90-1) has nineteen numeral classifiers
the assignment of which is based predominantly on the shape of a referent.
Most animate nouns are classified with the default classifier ka; some do
not take any classifier (e.g. nee'person'). The word bee 'child' is classified
with bee 'seed-like small objects'. Unlike Akatek and Chinantec, there are
no animacy-based distinctions.22 Wantoat and Award, two closely related
languages from the Morobe province of Papua New Guinea, also have no
special classifier for humans, or for animates (Davis n.d.; Susan Quigley,
p.c.). Classifiers are used with numbers one and two, with demonstratives
and as derivational markers with nouns. Orientation appears to be one of
Nouns with human and with non-human referents differ in some ways (see E in Appendix
1). For instance, only proper nouns with a human referent can be pronominalized; in a topic-
comment construction a moved O can be pronominalized only if human; emphatic personal
pronouns usually refer to humans (Ikoro 1996b). Similarly, no animacy distinctions have been
observed in the numeral classifier system in Ngyembccn, a Grasslands language with numeral
classifiers (Viktor Vinogradov, p.c). This is by no means the case in all African languages with
numeral classifiers. Manessy (1961: 158) reports human/non-human and animate/inanimate
distinctions for some Bwamu dialects.
288 Classifiers
the important semantic parameters used in classifier assignment; humans
are assigned the same classifier as 'upright' objects (e.g. tree, pole) (Davis
n.d.: 4).
(B) Further classification of humans
If a language has more than one human classifier,23 there is further classi-
fication of humans according to their social function and status. In
Austroasiatic, some Tibeto-Burman languages, and Korean, humans are
classified by social rank or according to kinship; the choice is culturally
determined. Other variables may include age: children are often classified
as 'underhumans'. Age may be associated with social status in a more
complicated way, e.g. Dioi uses paou1 for respected males and mai5 for
little-respected groups of younger females (Conklin 1981: 132).
Lisu has different classifiers for female kin one generation away, male kin
one generation away, all lateral kin, and all kin two generations away
(Adams and Conklin 1973: 4). Pre-revolutionary Khmer had separate
classifiers for clergy and monks, high persons, dignitaries, and superior
and inferior honourable people (Adams 1989: 63; 1992).
(C) Physical properties
Numeral classifiers used with inanimates, or non-humans, employ many
more values for physical properties than do noun classes (see (B) in
SHAPE and DIMENSIONALITY are widely used in numeral classifier systems.
Languages differ in how many dimensions they use and how differentiated
the shapes are in each dimension/Languages tend to encode one and two
dimensions more often than three dimensions (Frawley 1992: 123). In Thai,
flat shapes are less differentiated than long ones and three-dimensional
ones hardly at all (Hundius and Kolver 1983: 206). In Japanese (Downing
1984; 1986) the three-dimensional classifier ko 'roundish small objects' is
less frequent than classifiers for flat, and for long objects (Frawley 1992:
123, 134).
((a) and (b) in §11.1.1) usually overlap in numeral classifier systems. The
interaction between boundedness and dimensionality in Totonac (Totonac-
Tepehuan: Levy 1994) is shown in Diagram 11.3.
Many languages have just one human numeral classifier, e.g. Achagua (Arawak), Tzeltal
and Tzotzil (Mayan), Indonesian, and Japanese (Kiyomi 1992: 20). Japanese has just one
classifier for humans, and several classifiers for non-humans. The latter is based on divisions in
species, e.g. hiki 'animals, insects, fish', too 'large animals (horses, cows)', wa 'birds', bi 'fish',
and hai 'squids'.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 289
One-dimensional Two-dimensional
Bounded Unbounded Bounded- Unbounded
qi:- qan- mak-
Long, bounded Long, unbounded Flat, bounded laka-
e.g. banana e.g. road e.g. tortilla Flat surface Flat unbounded
e.g. field e.g. material, cloth
DIAGRAM 11.3. Numeral classifiers in Totonac
Large horn, e.g. complete large perforation putt, e.g. incomplete large perforation
in a board in a board
Small huht, e.g. complete small perforation cub', e.g. complete small perforation
in a board in a board
Large systems of numeral classifiers can have even more complicated interactions of
shape, dimensionality, and consistency. Tzeltal has two classifiers for non-flexible objects
which correlate with other parameters. One, lehc, is unspecified for dimension and is used
for thin non-flexible objects of variable shape, e.g. basket, hat, gourd; the other one is used for
two-dimensional objects: pehc for 'thick, non-flexible flat objects where width is greater than
thickness', e.g. bricks, tortillas (Berlin 1968: 99). Classifiers for flexible objects correlate with
the way objects are handled, e.g. lihklhil for 'slender, flexible object in natural extended state',
t'im for slender, flexible objects in stretched position, like a clothes line; and tim for slender,
flexible objects stretched between two points but not taut like a clothes line (Berlin 1968: 109).
Transcription changed in agreement with the standard one used for transcribing
Burmese, supplied by Randy LaPolla.
292 Classifiers
Function-based classes in Western Austronesian and Austroasiatic lan-
guages include weapons, tools, and implements, and also various types of
fields relevant for agricultural functions (Adams and Conklin 1973: 8). The
degree to which a language uses functional interaction as a semantic basis
'shows how selective classifiers are in underlining a few key concepts to do
with cultural ecology' (Denny 1976: 128); see §12.3.
The way objects can be used often depends on their physical properties;
this is why functional and physical properties are often expressed with one
classifier. For instance, Burmese koun describes loop-shaped objects which
can be worn (Table 11.9).
The interaction between physical properties (shape, or dimensionality;
consistency; and material make-up) and function in numeral classifiers for
inanimate referents in Minangkabau is exemplified in Diagram 11.5 (adapted
from Marnita 1996: 104). It is impossible to decide whether shape and
dimensionality and material or function are primary in this interaction. In
the overall structure of numeral classifier systems function can be considered
as a secondary semantic feature simply because functional characteristics are
not obligatorily present in numeral classifier systems, unlike physical proper-
ties (though function can be a primary parameter for some classifiers in
some languages, e.g. rab 'tools and instruments' in Hmong). No numeral
classifier systems are based just on functional properties, and there are some
which do not use them at all (e.g. Palikur, Achagua, Chinantec).
On similarities between classification in possessive constructions, alienable and inalien-
able distinctions, and other types of noun classifications, see Chappell and McGregor (1989).
Semantics of Noun Categorization 295
possessor: 'my dog which I found' as opposed to 'my dog which I raised'
(examples 5.51 and 5.52). In Kilivila (Senft 1986: 49-54) nouns are divided
into edible, consumable, and closely or more distantly associated with the
(B) Semantics of possessed classifiers
Unlike relational classifiers, POSSESSED classifiers characterize the possessed
noun in terms of its (a) animacy and (b) physical properties: shape, size, and
consistency. Possessed classifiers can also be in a generic-specific relation
with the noun they classify (see 5.7, from Apalai); similarly to relational
classifiers, they can categorize the noun in terms of its function.
Generic possessed classifiers describe the possessed noun in terms of
animacy and/or humanness. In this, they differ from relational classifiers.
Cora (Uto-Aztecan: Casad 1982: 236) has classifiers for human, animate
and inanimate (see other examples in Chapter 5). Generic possessed clas-
sifiers are often function-based. Luiseno has a classifier 'aac for pets.
Chemehuevi (Southern Numic branch of Uto-Aztecan) has two possessed
classifiers: -puqku 'pet' and -tgapi 'domesticated plant' (Press 1979: 60-1).
In South American languages function-based possessed classifiers usually
include terms for food and pets.
Large systems of possessed classifiers can combine several semantic
features. Classifiers in Apalai (Carib: Koehn 1994) categorize the pos-
sessed noun in terms of its function (field produce, drink, killed game);
there are a number of other specific classifiers which refer to inherent
properties of culturally significant objects (e.g. nut, corn, seed, firewood,
manioc cake).
Classifiers which combine the properties of relational and possessed
classifiers are based on inherent properties of a noun and its function—
for example, relating to the way it can be handled (see Table 5.4 for a
sample of classifiers in Puluwat).
Possibly, different semantic parameters are used in verbal classifiers in sign languages,
e.g. a classifier for 'shiny substance' in American sign language (Suppalla 1986: 213). This is a
topic for a separate study.
See Goddard (1996) on difficulties of distinguishing existential from locational meanings
of Enga classificatory verbs, since locative verbs tend to grammaticalize into existentials.
Semantics of Noun Categorization 297
in an activity; apparently properties related to form and dimensionality are
important only when the direct physical contact is involved.
(B2) Animacy in verbal classifiers and classificatory verbs Animacy dis-
tinctions are only sometimes present in classificatory verbs; they are in the
Athabaskan languages Chipewyan (Carter 1976) and Slave (Rice 1989:
779), in Cherokee (Iroquoian: Blankenship 1996), and in Nevome (Uto-
Aztecan); Cora has distinct classificatory verbs for domesticated animals
and for humans.
Unlike noun classes, numeral and possessed classifiers, verbal classifiers,
and classificatory verbs often do not classify nouns in terms of their
animacy, or human/non-human distinction (pace Croft 1994: 156 ff).
Some languages, e.g. Iroquoian (Mithun 1986: 386), do have a verbal
classifier for animals, or for humans. Alternatively, there may be some
other strategy for dealing with humans. In Imonda (Papuan: Seiler 1986)
human nouns are not classified at all. Imonda does have a few classifiers
which refer to animate nouns, e.g. u(e)- 'small animals' such as fish and
frogs. Athabaskan verbal classifiers—d for round things and n for long
things—do not include any term for people, or for animals: these remain
(B3) Physical properties in verbal classifiers and classificatory verbs Verbal
classifiers and classificatory verbs categorize nouns with respect to their
extendedness, i.e. shape/dimensionality and position; consistency (flexible,
rigid); and constitution (liquid or solid). In Palikur, verbal classifiers are
based on the form and dimensionality of objects (see Diagram 6.1).
SHAPE/DIMENSIONALITY usually go together with CONSISTENCY. This is
illustrated for two Algonquian languages, Ojibway and Cree, in Table
11.10 (Denny 1979a: 99).
Extended' Non-extended
Rigid Flexible
le' tsoos
DIAGRAM 11.6. Classificatory verbs in Western Apache
Among verb stems listed by Carter (1976), -da 'sit' used for 'awake beings' (frog, spider,
sitting bear, sitting person, beaver, sitting baby) is usually not included in the set of classifi-
catory verbs (Chad Thompson, Keren Rice, p.c.).
Semantics of Noun Categorization 299
Classificatory verbs and verbal classifiers often categorize nouns in terms
of their orientation in space. Nevome (Uto-Aztecan: Shaul 1986: 12; Table
6.6 above) has different sets of classificatory verbs for animate and inan-
imate referents depending on their position: horizontal ('lying') or vertical
ORIENTATION may correlate with SHAPE/DIMENSIONALITY. Dakota (Siouan:
Boas and Deloria 1941: 126) uses positional verbs to classify nouns in terms
of their dimensionality, e.g. nazi 'stand', for people and animals; hq 'stand'
for long, upright inanimate objects'; lipaya 'lie', for other inanimate objects.
The use of POSTURE verbs as classificatory verbs in Enga (see Table 6.7)
and in a number of other Papuan languages correlates with the shape of the
object and its position in space. Table 11.12 illustrates classificatory exis-
tential verbs in Kamoro, a language from the Asmat family (Drabbe 1955:
39; Lang 1975: 116).31
Classifcatory existential verbs are also found in Kewa (Franklin 1981), Asmat (Asmat
family), Kiwai (Kiwaian family), Huli (Engan), Melpa (Chimbu), Banz, Sinasina (Chimbu),
and Kate (Huon) (see Lang 1975: 115-20, for an overview). A similar system was described for
Southeastern Porno by Moshinsky (1974: 85-7), e.g. sca- 'non-long object rests on a surface',
'sit' (for humans); kto- 'long object rests on a surface in a vertical position', 'stand'; mti- 'long
object rests on a surface in a horizontal position', 'lie'; tla- 'long object turns on a horizontal
axis' (singular forms are given). In many languages positional verbs describe a noun in terms
of its position and even shape. Emmi (Australian) uses the verb 'lie' to refer to long and flat
objects and to geographically extended localities, while 'stand' is used with reference to trees
and mountains (Lys Ford, p.c.). However, this correlation is not systematic, as in Enga and
other Papuan languages; this is why these languages cannot be said to have verbal classifiers:
see (B) in §6.2.3.
300 Classifiers
(Frank 1990: 55) combines these properties: see Table 6.3 and 6.16 and
6.17. Classificatory verbs are found only for location and handling.
(B4) Arrangement and quanta The choice of a classificatory verb may
depend on the quantity of objects. Hani (Tibeto-Burman: LaPolla 1994:
75) has a classificatory existential verb ky31 'existence within a group' (the
full system of classificatory existential verbs in this language is given under
(A) in §6.2.3).
(B5) Function Function is also sometimes used as a semantic basis for
verbal classifiers. Imonda (Papuan: Seiler 1986: 190-3) has verbal classi-
fiers for 'fruit to be picked' (pot), or 'objects which are normally broken',
e.g. biscuits (put-) (see Table 13.6).
(B6) Semantics of different systems of verbal classifiers in one language
Languages with several different systems of verbal classifiers are important
for exploring the semantic possibilities of verbal classifiers. Two systems
cooccur in Waris, a language from the same family as Imonda. There is a
system of verbal classifiers which refer to the direct object (Brown 1981:
101-3); the categorization is based on consistency, shape, function,
arrangement and measures (including two specific classifiers): see Table
6.9. Classificatory verbs (shown in Table 6.10) refer to the orientation of
the S argument, and to its shape. The semantic parameters employed in the
two systems complement each other. In contrast, the two sets of verbal
classifiers in Palikur (Diagram 6.1) overlap; classifiers used with stative
verbs distinguish more parts of objects than classifiers employed with
transitive verbs. There are also a few further, subtler distinctions: the
classifier -kig 'pointed objects' is used with transitive verbs for -kiya 'sharp
edge' (on stative verbs); and the classifier -min used with transitive verbs
covers one-dimensional thin and rigid objects, e.g. tree trunks (classified
with -kat on stative verbs).
Inanimate: dimensionality, shape, directionality and size
(vertical, curved, round, big flat, extended, etc.)
DIAGRAM 11.7. Semantics of fourteen numeral classifiers in Akatek
^ 'Tree as a generic'
Generic noun classifier
Animate beings (team, group on the move, shoal, batch of fish, fish on strings)
Inanimate beings (heap, grove, bundles (of taro), part, sheaf, handful),
measures (e.g. span of two extended arms)
DIAGRAM 11.11. Semantics of classifiers in Kilivila
Semantics of Noun Categorization 305
11.2.9. Conclusions
The possibility of the same classifier morpheme being used in up to six
environments (see Chapter 9) goes against establishing strict correlations
between the morphosyntactic environment for a classifier and its semantics.
We can only establish a number of tendencies which emerged from the data
discussed in this chapter. These are shown in Table 11.13.
ANIMACY or HUMANNESS or SEX are basic for noun classes, numeral clas-
sifiers, and possessed classifiers. Verbal, locative, deictic, and relational
classifiers do not have to be animacy-based. (See Appendix 1, on how
animacy and human/non-human distinctions can be expressed through
other categories in languages with neither noun classes nor classifiers.)
Further subdivisions of humans, or animates, according to their SOCIAL
STATUS and KINSHIP RELATIONSHIP are found only for numeral classifiers
and noun classifiers. Physical properties such as SHAPE, FORM, SIZE, BOUND-
EDNESS, INTERIORICITY, and CONSISTENCY are less often found in noun classes.
They are usually found in all other classifier types except noun classifiers
and relational classifiers. Size, boundedness, interioricity, and consistency
tend to be concomitant with shape.
DIRECTIONALITY or ORIENTATION is found in numeral classifiers, verbal
classifiers (especially classificatory verbs), and deictic classifiers as a feature
concomitant to shape. FUNCTION is almost always a semantic dimension of
relational and possessed classifiers, and it is often found with numeral,
noun and verbal classifiers. It is rare, however, in noun class systems.
NATURE-based specific classifiers are found in all the classifier types but
only rarely in noun class systems. QUANTA and ARRANGEMENT are found
with numeral classifiers and with verbal classifiers. GENERIC-SPECIFIC
relations are used only in noun classifiers, possessed classifiers, and verbal
classifiers (and rarely in numeral classifiers).
These semantic preferences are universal.32 However, they are not strict
rules. In reality, classifiers of different types show a large degree of seman-
tic overlap, and the same morpheme can be used in several classifier
We will see in Chapter 13 how they can be important for semantic extenstions in the
course of the historical development of classifiers.
TABLE 11.13. Preferred semantic parameters in classifiers
Classifier Grammatical function Scope Typical semantics Generic-specific
Noun classes Determination, head-modifier NP Animacy, physical properties, rarely No
agreement nature or function
predicate-argument agreement clause
Numeral classifiers Quantification, enumeration NP Animacy, social status and kinship Rare
relationship, directionality and
orientation, physical properties, nature,
quanta, arrangement, functional
Noun classifiers Determination NP Social status, functional properties, Yes
Verbal classifiers O/S agreement spatial location clause Physical properties, directionality and Yes
orientation, nature, function, quanta,
arrangement, rarely animacy
Relational classifiers Possession NP Functional properties, nature No
Possessed classifiers Possession NP Physical properties, nature, animacy, Yes
functional properties
Locative classifiers Spatial location NP Physical properties, nature, rarely No
Deictic classifiers Spatial location, determination NP Directionality and orientation, physical No
properties, nature
12 Semantic Organization and
Functions of Noun Categorization
Downing (1996: 96-8) obtained four sorts of definition for Japanese numeral classifiers
with respect to their membership: specification of kind by means of reference to a roughly
equivalent noun (inductive rule); listing of members; citation of a representative member of a
category; specification of characteristics of members of the category (e.g. shape for hon
'classifier for long, thin things').
Diagnostic criteria for prototypes used in the literature, summarized by Downing (1996:
103-4), include: (i) frequent and/or early appearance on lists of category members; (ii)
appearance as the model for an analogical change or as the source for metaphor- or meto-
nymy-based additions to the category; (iii) appearance as the source for the meaning of
morphological derivatives of the category label; (iv) high acceptability rating as a category
member; (v) consistency with the etymological source of the category label; (vi) loss of
category members unrelated to this one; (vii) frequent usage of the category label with respect
to this category member (e.g. frequent citation in dictionary entries for the category label);
(viii) ability of subjects to quickly judge statements about the category affiliation of this
member; (ix) early acquisition as category member by children. One should keep in mind
Semantic Organization and Functions 309
more peripheral members are associated with a particular class because
they share at least one feature with one, or more, prototypical members (on
'prototype effects' see Rosch 1973; 1975a; 1975b; 1987; Barsalou 1987;
Lakoff 1987).
For instance, prototypical members covered by the classifier hon in
Japanese would be sticks, or canes; hits in baseball (see below) or phone
calls are more marginal. Idiolectal variation is typical of peripheral
membership of classifier category. Matsumoto (1993: 676) points out indi-
vidual variation as to the use of the Japanese classifier hon for non-central
members of the 'one-dimensional' class—i.e. one-dimensional objects
which are circular (e.g. rubber bands or tubes). With respect to child
language acquisition of non-central members of classifier categories,
Matsumoto (1985) noted that his five- to seven-year-old Japanese-speaking
subjects had no difficulty in applying hon to novel objects with a percep-
tually salient thin, long shape; but it was difficult for them to apply it
spontaneously to non-central, conventionalized members of the hon cat-
egory obtained by metonymical extension. His explanation for the acquisi-
tion of these conventionalized uses was that children have to 'learn the use
of hon for atypical cases in an item-by-item fashion, for the acquisition of
knowledge of the membership of atypical members of a classifier category
seem to depend heavily on the actual exposure to these uses in the input'
(Matsumoto 1985: 168).3 Extensions from central to less central members
are discussed in (B).
(B) Extension principles: chaining and metonymy
The prototype and extension model presupposes the existense of more and
less central members. Complex categories are structured by chaining, i.e. by
common properties.
Classifier categories often contain members which have been taken into
this category because of some semantic relationship they bear with its pre-
existing members. Japanese hon used for long, thin things has been
'extended' to hits in baseball, since they refer to 'straight trajectories,
formed by the forceful motion of a solid object, associated with a baseball
bat, which is long, thin and rigid' (Lakoff 1986: 25; but see criticism in
that diachronic semantic extensions (see Chapter 13) have to be distinguished from the
synchronic organization of a class.
A recent application of the prototype theory to a selection of classifiers in Mandarin
Chinese (Chang-Smith 1996) confirmed the existence of prototype effects in linguistic cat-
egorization with classifiers. The prototypical member of the category covered by a classifier
proved to be the preferred one, e.g. 'car' for Hang4 'CL:LAND.VEHICLES', 'paper' for zhang(
'CL.FLAT.THIN.OBJECTS', and 'pen' for zhi3 'CL.:LONG.RIGID.OBJECTS'. There were no 'favoured
nouns' for classifier tiao2 'CL:LONG.FLEXIBLE.OBJECTS' which might play the role of prototypes;
this may be due to the wide range of salient perceptual properties associated with this classifier
(Chang-Smith 1996: 52).
310 Classifiers
Matsumoto 1993: 677, and Downing 1996: 100). Then it was 'extended' to
shots and serves in other sports, and even to phone calls. This is what Craig
(forthcoming: 13) describes as a 'chaining model'.
As a result, classifiers and their semantic representations can differ in
complexity, and may be difficult to characterize in terms of a set of
abstract features, or of the prototypicality of their referents. For
instance, the human non-feminine classifier -ite in Baniwa applies to
some human attributes; this marker is employed to refer to shirts and
other items of clothing, eyeglasses, and musical tunes. Thus, it is only
mildly heterogeneous. In contrast, Japanese hon is extremely heteroge-
neous because of various chaining extensions from the prototype. Most of
these extensions become conventionalized; those which do not display
idiolectal variability.
A new member can be taken into a category either because it shares
certain characteristics with most members of the category or because it
is judged to have some similarity with only some of them (see the
discussion of these cognitive principles by Langacker 1987). In Garo
(Adams and Conklin 1973; Conklin 1981) the classifier which refers to
round objects (stones, balls, eyes, coins and round fruit, e.g. oranges and
mangoes) can be extended to just a few other fruit of a different shape
(e.g. bananas).
Extensions can be based on certain rules for transferring class member-
ship. Dyirbal employs the following principle (Dixon 1982: 179):
(i) If some noun has characteristic X (on the basis of which its class membership
would be expected to be decided) but is, through belief or myth, connected with
characteristic Y, then generally it will belong to the class corresponding to Y and
not that corresponding to X. (ii) If a subset of nouns has some particular
important property that the rest of the set do not have, then the members of
the subset may be assigned to a different class from the rest of the set, to 'mark'
this property.
with few members. Downing (1996: 117) hypothesizes, for Japanese, that when the classifier is
associated with a large referent class, 'the sheer number of members meeting the intensional
requirements for membership will work against member-focused expansion. No such obstacle
would exist in the case of categories composed of but a single member, or of a few members
bearing no obvious intensional relationship to each other, as in the case of sao "chests, flags,
poles, samisens, stick-shaped sweets" where it is only the extension-based assimilation that is
possible.' The overall preference for intensional rather than extensional expansion of classi-
fiers is corroborated by a tendency to 'optimization' of prototype-centred categories in
achieving structural stability and semantic flexibility and adaptability. Cf. Geeraerts (1988:
223): 'the categorial system can only work efficiently if it can maintain its overall organisation
for some time ... At the same time, however, it should be flexible enough to be easily
adaptable to changing circumstances. To prevent it from becoming chaotic, it should have a
built-in tendency towards structural stability, but this stability should not become rigidity, lest
the system stops being able to adapt itself to new and unforeseen circumstances.'
Semantic Organization and Functions 315
their wearer, or specifically because they have limbs. Other kinds of clothing
were included because of their SHAPES. A letter (of the alphabet) in Thai is a
compound, /tua nangseu/ 'body book', so a combination of shape and repetition
of the generic compound head caused letters to be classified with /tua/. Numbers
were included either on the basis of shape or by their shared function with
Similarly, ghosts were included because of their similarity with the shape
of a human body. Carpenter concludes: 'The internal structure of this
category, then, clearly, mixes prototypes and chains, with strongest mem-
bers being those closest to an animate quadruped, but some chaining based
on similarities to non-prototypical members.'
Opacity in classifier assignment can be due to semantic extensions that
are explainable but unpredictable. Table 12.2 illustrates human classifica-
tion in Burmese based on social status and age (Becker 1975: 116) and its
extensions to human attributes.
The classifier hsu used for Buddha got extended to Buddha's words, and
thus to Buddhist law. This classifier has undergone further analogical and
metaphorical extensions. Hsu can apply to the whole field of human existence,
and this term was extended to items 'conceptually similar to the system with
its centre and measured distances, e.g. concentric networks like mosquito nets
and fish nets (both of which in traditional Burma were conical in shape),
gardens (which were laid out as a wheel), and staircases' (Becker 1975: 116).
These extensions, ultimately based on extendedness and shape, are reminis-
cent of shape extensions of genders and noun classes (see §11.1.1). They
contribute to the increase of opacity in classifier assignment.
Similar metaphorical extensions are found in other languages. In Bugis,
tau 'human classifier' is usually employed for counting people; however,
classifier lisa 'small spherical objects' can be used for counting people who
died in a war, presumably, because the heads of dead enemies used to be cut
off and people were counted by their heads (Sirk 1983: 63).
Thus, the composition of a classifier category and its expansion may be
hard to predict. Though it is often possible for an analyst to suggest a
rationale for the inclusion of most members of a given category, this may
have not been the actual rationale employed by speakers. There is also a
316 Classifiers
certain degree of unpredictability associated with social and cultural
(D) Semantic structure and hierarchical organization of classifiers
Classifier categories are semantically heterogeneous. There have been a few
attempts to present the semantic organization of classifiers in terms of
taxonomic trees and binary oppositions (Denny 1979a; 1979b; see criticism
by Downing 1996: 125); however a superordinate-subordinate approach
has limited applicability to classifier systems. The reason why superordi-
nacy relations are limited and are unlikely to involve all the classifiers lies
in the coexistence of different and cross-cutting semantic rationales (kind
and quality classifiers), and on different types of extension. Some referents
are included in more than one class (see §12.1.2 on variability in classifier
assignment and the issue of semantic roles and functions of classifiers).
Thus, a sword in Japanese can be referred to by a shape-based classifier hon
'long, slender object', by a kind classifier furl 'sword', or by a function-
based quality classifier ten 'items in an inventory, works of art'. It is also
impossible to make all shape-based classifiers superordinate to kind classi-
fiers which possess appropriate shape, because kind classifiers may unite
referents of different shapes (e.g. the verbal classifier -pit used for any
irregular shape object in Palikur). Other problems with creating distinct
taxonomies result from a generic classifier, such as Japanese tsu, which
participates in all of them.
There are hardly any hierarchical relations in the assignment of noun
classes (genders), deictic or locative classifiers; hence the discrepancies
between scientific and folk taxonomies and noun categorization devices.
Assignment of relational classifiers implies a functional categorization of
objects, with no clear-cut hierarchical relations.
The few Japanese numeral classifiers which have superordinate-subordinate
relation are given in Table 12.3. In all these cases 'the more general term
[can] be used for all members of the category denoted by a more specific
term' (Downing 1996: 126).
A problem may arise in how to distinguish metaphors from polysemy. For instance, in
Kilivila (Senft 1996: 19) a 'dinghy' can be referred to with a classifier 'child', as well as
'wooden', e.g. ma-gudi-na waga ke-kekita (this-CL:CHiLD-this canoe CL:WOODEN-small) 'this
small dinghy'. This can be interpreted in two ways: either as a metaphorical extension (child
> small object), or a polysemy: child, any small creature, or object. We think that a decision
should be made in terms of language-internal criteria on what is literal and what is meta-
phorical meaning, before there is a universally accepted 'serviceable' 'clarification of the
distinction . . . between conventional metaphor and systematic polysemy', to 'separate (even
provisionally) the literal from the metaphorical... we need to accommodate the fact that over
time metaphorical expression-systems may lose their metaphorical duality and assume the
status of literal meanings, as when body-part terms become locational adpositions' (Goddard
1996: 150). This change is somewhat similar to semantic processes which take place in
Semantic Organization and Functions 317
TABLE 12.3. Verified superordinate-subordinate pairs in Japanese numeral classifiers
Superordinate Subordinate
1. dai 'vehicles, furniture, machines' ki 'air vehicles', ryo 'train cars', taku 'tables,
2. hen 'literary work' shu 'poems', ku 'poems'7
3. hiki 'animals' too 'large animals'
4. heya 'rooms' shitsu 'rooms', ma 'Japanese style rooms'
5. nin 'human beings' mei 'human beings' (honorific)
6. hon 'long, thin objects' furi 'swords'
7. tsu 'inanimates' most kind-classifiers for inanimates
For discussion of general mechanisms of reference management and reference tracking,
see Chafe (1994).
The correlation between gender marking and specificity, or individuation, is the basis for
tracing gender markers to article-like elements (see Greenberg 1978: 61 ff).
322 Classifiers
focus and foregrounding. In Wardaman noun class prefixes are used when
introducing a new participant and for maintaining reference to the noun
throughout the discourse (Merlan 1983). This is typical for a number of
northern Australian prefixing languages with noun classes; see Merlan
et al. (1997: 85). In Abau, an isolate from the East Sepik of Papua New
Guinea, the choice between masculine and feminine gender may be deter-
mined by the discourse prominence of a noun: a foregrounded noun is
assigned masculine gender and a backgrounded one is assigned feminine
(Lock forthcoming). Overt noun class marking can also signal focusing of
a particular noun-class-related property. In Alamblak (Papuan) overt
gender marking on nouns correlates with focusing a particular shape-
related property of the noun. For example, the use of kun-r 'house' with
a masculine rather than the usual feminine suffix indicates that the house is
unusually long (Bruce 1984: 97).
(A4) Overt noun class marking can depend on specificity of a referent The
presence of an overt marker can correlate with a specific individuated
referent, and its absence with a more generic referent. In Turkana (Eastern
Nilotic), the overt gender prefix on nouns can be omitted from the names
of animals in folk tales when the names are used in a generic sense
(Dimmendaal 1983: 221).
(B) Discourse functions of other classifier types
Among other classifier types, the use of NOUN CLASSIFIERS and of NUMERAL
CLASSIFIERS—provided they are not obligatory—frequently depends on the
definiteness and pragmatic properties of the referent noun: whether it has
just been introduced into the discourse; whether it is topically continuous;
or whether it is PRAGMATICALLY SALIENT—i.e. either is in focus or is impor-
tant in the discourse.
NOUN CLASSIFIERS in Minangkabau have to be used with a specific noun
when a new referent is being introduced (Marnita 1996: 85-6). After the
referent has been introduced in 12.4, it is referred to just with a noun
classifier in 12.5.
12.4. Mak ado buruang merpati
mother have NOUN.CL:BIRD pigeon
datang ka rumah awak
come to house 1PL
'Mother, there is a pigeon coming to our house.' (a child speaking)
12.5. Buruang sia tu garan
NOUN.CL:BIRD who that probably
'Whose bird is that?' (mother answering)
Noun classifiers are often omitted if the referent has already been
Semantic Organization and Functions 323
established in discourse or is known from the context (Marnita 1996:
NOUN CLASSIFIERS in Jacaltec (Craig 1986b) signal thematically salient
NPs. Classifiers typically accompany referential nouns, and non-referential
nouns in attributive functions may be unclassified. In 12.6a a non-
referential noun, a proper name 'Gabriel Mateo', is used as a nominal
predicate without a classifier (note that the classifier naj is used in a
pronominal anaphoric function: see §3.2.4); while in 12.6b the same proper
name used as a referential subject noun takes a classifier (Craig 1986b:
12.6a. Kap Mat s-b'ih
Gabriel Mateo poss-name
'Gabriel Mateo was his name.'
This also agrees with the Categoriality Hypothesis developed by Hopper and Thompson
(1984), according to which the prototypical function of a noun is to 'introduce a significant
new participant into the discourse" (Hopper 1986: 323). Since classifiers in Malay come from
nouns, and 'classification is as good an example of purely nominal morphology as it is possible
to have in Malay', this prototypical property of a noun agrees with the concreteness, indivi-
duation, and discourse-persistence of classified nouns.
Gloss provided in accordance with Bisang (1993: 31).
Compare the absence of classifiers in VO constructions such as nuv ntses 'to catch fish', or
caij nees 'to ride a horse' (Bisang 1993: 26).
326 Classifiers
12.11 a. neeg kuj txhua leej txhua tus tsuas
person then all person all CL:ANIM only
nrhiav kev tawm teb chaws los tsuas
look.for way leave country Laos
tuaj mus rau sab thaib teb
come go to side Thailand
'Everyone looked for a way to leave Laos and go to the Thai side.'
12.lib. Kuv tau peb hnub
tomqab xav hais tias
I get three day
after think that
yog tsis khiav ces
yuav nyob
if not run then
will stay
lub teb chaws los tsuas ntawd
'Three days after that I thought that if I didn't escape, then I would
live in Laos . . .'
Thus, classifiers are not just definiteness markers.18 Along similar lines,
classifiers correlate with a definite and singularized interpretation of a
referent, and are widely used for referent tracking in Vietnamese (Lobel
forthcoming). In Thai, classifiers in NPs which contain demonstratives
serve to foreground the noun, and tend to be used when 'a contrast or
emphasis is expressed". They can substitute for a noun 'where their pres-
ence indicates that the nominal has been previously mentioned (or is
understood)' (Conklin 1981: 88). In Newari, a numeral classifier can be
repeated on the noun itself 'to bring in emphasis', or 'for rhetorical pur-
poses' (Bhaskararao and Joshi 1985: 22).
DEICTIC CLASSIFIERS often function similarly to definite articles, as is the
case in the Siouan languages Yuchi and Mandan (Barren and Serzisko
1982). In Pilaga (Guaicuruan) the use of deictic classifiers also correlates
with individuation of nouns (Vidal 1997).
Classifiers which combine NUMERAL and DEICTIC uses are often used as
specificity markers in other environments (see Chapter 9). This is the case
in Cantonese (Pacioni 1997; forthcoming).
have no discourse functions (see (C) below). VERBAL CLASSIFIERS are often
obligatory, and their use does not then depend on discourse parameters
As Riddle (1989) put it (quoted in Bisang 1993: 29): 'the classifier is not a marker of
definiteness like le in French or the in English per se, although its use partially overlaps with
these articles. In each case, the classifier is used, if needed, to clarify reference, or to emphasise
individuation or individual characteristics. In other words, a major function of the use of a
classifier is to mark an NP as referentially salient if this would not be obvious from the context.
This may occur because of some inherent potential ambiguity in the context or because the
speaker wishes to put forward a particular point of view.' Similarly, in Vietnamese classifiers are
used to identify thematically significant referents in the narrative (see Daley 1996: 106-7).
Semantic Organization and Functions 327
(see (D) below for their use as anaphoric markers). However, in some
multiple classifier systems in Northern Amazonian languages the use of
non-obligatory verbal classifiers may depend on the pragmatic salience and
discourse-persistence of the S/O constitutent. In these cases classifiers are
not used to relate to newly introduced nouns; rather, they are employed to
emphasize an important, or an unusual, participant. For instance, in
Baniwa of Icana (Aikhenvald 1996c) classifiers are used on the predicate
of a relative clause, or of a purposive clause to refer to the O of the
predicate of the main clause if it is definite or focal. The classifier is used
to mark agreement with a definite referent in focus in 12.12. In 12.13 the
referent of the object constituent is indefinite, and the verbal classifier is
not used with the purposive verbal form. (Purposive forms are underlined.)
12.12. wa-tua wa-takha puapua
IpL-go-FUT 1 PL-cut aruma
'We shall go and cut aruma (palm tree) to use (it).'
12.13. pe3i ri-uhwa ri-kapa awakada-riku
hawk 3sGNF-sit 3SGNF-see bush-LOC
ri-kapa-ka3u kwaka i-nu-ri i-kahre
'The hawk was sitting in the bush in order to look in the direction of
whoever was coming.'19
In Palikur verbal classifiers are used to refer to an S/O argument to
indicate its complete involvement in the action, or state (see §6.4.1). Clas-
sifiers are also used — as a kind of focus marker — if the noun in S/O
function is unusual. The verb 'cook' is rarely used with verbal classifiers
(because it presumably always implies complete involvement of the object;
cooking a little is not cooking). However, the classifier is used in 12.14 in
which the serpent is cooking a person which is an unusual object to cook
(Aikhenvald and Green 1998).
12.14. eg iw-e-gi ay-ta-re nikwe-ni eg
3 F take-coMPt-3M there-DIR-ANA thus-PAUSAL
seated-VB-CAUS water hot-?-DUR.MASC water
a-daha-ni sakah-pjta-e-gi
'She (serpent) took him (man) there [and] put hot water on to cook
A similar principle operates in relative clauses (Aikhenvald 1996c); similar examples for
Tariana are discussed in Aikhenvald (1994a: 427).
328 Classifiers
(C) Obligatory classifier systems and discourse
Obligatory noun categorization devices show many fewer correlations with
discourse properties and the definiteness of nouns than do optional
devices. The variability of classifier assignment may be accounted for by
the discourse properties of a noun. This variability may involve (i) choice
between a specific and a general classifier; (ii) choice between different
specific classifiers; (iii) different agreement choices; and (iv) choice between
different classificatory techniques.
(C1) Choice between a specific and a general classifier In Mandarin
Chinese the choice of a specific or general classifier depends on whether
the noun is newly introduced into discourse, or is already established (see
12.8). An in-depth experimental study of general classifiers tsu and ko in
Japanese (Zubin and Shimojo 1993: 496) showed 'a shift away from
specific classifiers and toward tsu and ko as more focus is placed on
the numeral itself, and 'a pragmatic substitution of a general for a
specific classifier when attention is shifted away from the nature of the
(C2) Choice between different specific classifiers depending on the focused
property In Tariana, a female can be referred to with a numeral, verbal,
or possessed classifier -ita 'human non-feminine' if her femininity does not
have to be focused on, or is clear from the context; otherwise a human
feminine classifier, -ma, is preferred. This is similar to 'variable categoriza-
tion' of nouns, where different classifiers are used to highlight different
aspects of the same referent, to focus on its particular property; this applies
to large classifier systems, and sometimes also to small systems of noun
classes. In Oromo (East Cushitic) some nouns can be assigned masculine
gender instead of their usual feminine gender, and this indicates an unu-
sually big size of the object, e.g. ablee tun (knife this.FEM) 'this knife', ablee
xun (knife this.MASc) 'this (big) knife' (Table 12.4 shows the possibilities of
'reclassifying' one noun, 'river', in Burmese). Variable noun categorization
can have semantic effect, and pragmatic effect.
(C3) Different agreement choices Variable categorization and variable
agreement can result in focusing different properties of a referent. In
Australian languages, concordial superclassing (which means that one
functionally unmarked class is used with modifiers instead of the expected
agreement classes) often depends on the function of the noun in discourse.
In Warray, masculine agreement appears on modifying adjectives when a
comment is being made rather than new information being provided by the
For similar phenomena in some multiple classifier systems, see Senft (1996: 239 ff.) and
Aikhenvald (1999a).
Semantic Organization and Functions 329
modifier (Harvey 1987; Sands 1995: 264). New information is associated
with functionally marked classes.
(C4) Choice between different classificatory techniques In Tariana, a
multiple classifier language, different classifier techniques are used depend-
ing on the status of a noun in discourse. If an inanimate noun is not in
focus, or does not have to be emphasized, a regular classifier will be used
(Aikhenvald 1994a). Otherwise, the noun itself must be used as a 'repeater'
classifier—see 9.73 and 9.74.
(D) Classifiers as anaphoric and participant tracking devices
Classifiers of any type can be used as anaphoric and participant-tracking
devices. NOUN CLASS markers are used as anaphoric elements for participant
tracking in Australian and Papuan languages, e.g. Ungarinjin (Rumsey
1982: 37) (cf. Merlan et al. 1997). In Yimas, with its highly elliptical
discourse, concordial system (i.e. noun class) marking on verbs, is funda-
mental in the tracking of referents in discourse (Foley 1986: 88) (see also
Dixon 1972: 71-2, for anaphoric uses of noun-class marked determiners in
NUMERAL CLASSIFIERS are used anaphorically in Japanese, Burmese,
Vietnamese, and Malay (see Downing 1986; 1996; Becker 1986; Daley
1996; Hopper 1986), as well as in Vietnamese, Hmong, and Cantonese
(see Bisang forthcoming; Lobel forthcoming). In Minangkabau numeral
classifiers can be used anaphorically21 without the noun to refer to a
previously mentioned object, or if the referent is clear from the context
(Marnita 1996: 93). If a person is buying bananas, they can take a bunch
and ask for the price (12.15a); 12.15b is the continuation of the dialogue.
12.15a. bara pisang sa-sikek Mak
how.much banana one-NUM.CL:BUNCH 2nd.FEM.HON
'How much does a bunch of banana cost?'
does not; indeed deixis is one of the principal means open to us of putting entities into the
universe of discourse so that we can refer to them subsequently.' It has been claimed that
anaphora depends on deixis, and that pronominalization involves both anaphoric and deictic
reference (De Leon 1987: 53-4). Frequent combination of both anaphoric and deictic uses of
classifiers, and their use for pronominalization, confirms this (see further examples in De Leon
1987: 40).
332 Classifiers
participant whose identity is clear from the context is only referred to with
the help of a classifier.
Example 12.21 illustrates a situation of type (a). It is taken from a story
about how two men met an evil spirit on a river where they came to fish; the
evil spirit took off his shirt, and then the whole story evolves round this
shirt which has all the power of the evil spirit itself. The magic shirt
(yarumakasi) is introduced at the beginning of the narrative (12.2la).
The case-marking (-nuku 'topical non-subject': see Aikhenvald 1994b)
indicates that the shirt is going to be the future topic of discourse. Later
on, the shirt is consistently referred to either as ha-ne-maka 'that (distant)
one made of cloth' (12.21b) or as diha-maka 'it-made, of.cloth' (12.21c).
Examples 12.21a-c are consecutive in the text they come from.
12.21a. diha yaru-maka-si-nuku di-sole(. . .)
he thing-CL:CLOTH-NONPOSS-TOP.O 3SGNF-take Off(. . .)
'He [the evil spirit] took off the shirt [lit. thing made of cloth].'
We have seen in §10.5 how Ponapean employs different systems of possessive classifiers
depending on the speech style.
Semantic Organization and Functions 345
(Keating 1997: 253). That the honorific general classifier, sapwellime, is
composed of sapwe 'land' and lime 'hand, arm' can be explained by a
strong cultural link between high status and land ownership; in contrast,
the all-purpose possessive classifier in humiliative speech, tungoal, means
'food, eating and this correlates with the link between low status and food,
or nourishment as the product of the land' (Keating 1997: 264-5).
Function is rarely encoded in noun class systems (see (C) in §11.2.1).
This is why one hardly ever finds correlations between functional aspects of
material and spiritual culture and the semantics of noun classes assigned to
inanimates. Australian languages, with a noun class of 'non-flesh food', are
a notable exception to this.36
The predictive power of these correlations is, however, rather limited. It
is quite understandable that classifier languages spoken in hunter-and-
gatherer societies (like in Aboriginal Australia) with their heavy reliance
on vegetable food growing in the bush, would have a special classifier for
non-flesh food. However, classifier languages such as Daw or Nambiquara
spoken within other hunter-and-gatherer societies in other parts of the
world do not have such a class (see Dixon and Aikhenvald 1999).
Correlations between physical properties encoded in classifier systems
and physical environment or other cultural parameters are much more
diffucult to establish. An attempt to establish such correlations was under-
taken by Denny (1979a: 108, 112-15). He explains the existence of deictic
classifiers in Eskimo and Toba which are portmanteau with visible and
non-visible members—he calls this a 'distal' style—by the fact that they
'hunt in open treeless environment';37 and 'the Athabaskans and Algon-
quins who hunt in closed forest environment, employ a proximal style in
which classification is embedded in verbs of handling, proximal variables
such as hardness and flexibility occur, and the extendedness variable has
proximal values' (p. 108). The presence of interioricity (holes vs. rings) as a
variable in noun categorization is said to relate to the way land used to be
settled, the presence of fixed domicile, and the division of landscape into
privately owned areas. The distinction between rigid and flexible gets
encoded in classifier systems due to technology systems. Thus, because of
different cultures and dwelling types of societies, the physical properties—
equally accessible to all—get encoded in one system but not in the other.
Attractive and convincing as this may seem, there is a danger of circularity
(especially since not all peoples who live in similar environments have
exactly the same classifier systems).
We will see in Chapter 13 that this noun class developed as the result of grammaticaliza-
tion of noun classifiers, where 'function' is a frequently employed semantic parameter.
However, this hypothesis can easily be falsified. Dyirbal, traditionally spoken in a thick
rainforest, distinguishes visible and invisible deictics, while coastal Yidiny does not (see Dixon
1977: 181).
346 Classifiers
12.3.3. Culture-specific metaphorical extensions
Metaphoric extensions of sex- and animacy-based noun classes and classi-
fiers to inanimates are often linked to the socio-cultural stereotypes asso-
ciated with sex. In a fascinating study of sex roles as revealed through gender
reference, Mathiot (1979) showed how role images of males and females are
realized in the use of personal pronouns. The use of the pronouns he and she
observed with inanimate referents in American English was found to cor-
relate with a number of stereotyped features—part of the inherent image
and role image American men and women have of themselves, and of each
other. The semantic opposition BEAUTIFUL/UGLY manifests men's conception
of women's vs. men's appearance; and the semantic opposition manifesting
men's conception of women's and men's achievement potential is INCOMPE-
TENT/COMPETENT. Thus a beautiful flower is referred to as 'she', and an ugly
cactus as 'he' (Mathiot 1979: 18-19). In contrast, the inherent image and
role image American women have of themselves and of men can be for-
mulated in one semantic opposition: MATURE/INFANTILE (Mathiot 1979: 25).
Regular polysemy of feminine and diminutive in Afroasiatic languages is
often accounted for by the low and subdued status of women in traditional
Afroasiatic speaking societies (Diakonoff 1988). This is another example of
a correlation between gender and social status.
In a few New Guinea languages with masculine and feminine genders,
masculine is associated with culturally important roles, and feminine with
insignificant things. This is the case in Angave, an Angan language (Speece
n.d.: 1ll), and in Abu' Arapesh (Otto Nekitel, p.c.). Robert Conrad (p.c.)
reports that in Felefita, an Arapesh language (Torricelli phylum), mascu-
line can replace any other gender provided the object is sufficiently impor-
tant. In coastal Arapesh languages, this results in the massive expansion of
masculine gender, which has become the unmarked one.
We saw under (B) in §12.1.2 how metaphorical extensions based on the
linguistic map of the world in Burmese culture explain why rivers and
oceans are put into the same class as arrows and needles. Along similar
lines, the complicated semantic structure of the—the specific class
for cows—in the Maasina dialect of Fulfulde can be explained by Diagram
12.3, based on two metaphorical extensions: from cows to sources of light,
and from cows to ceremonies (Breedveld 1995: 70-1).
Sources of light (fire, light, sun) Ceremony
DIAGRAM 12.3. Semantic network of the nge-class in Maasina Fulfulde
Semantic Organization and Functions 347
Semantic extension principles, such as the Myth-and-Belief principle and
Important Property principles in Dyirbal (see Dixon 1982), are based on
cultural intricacies. Once they become obsolescent, the classifier assign-
ment becomes opaque.
Though the number of closed noun classes does not necessarily get reduced; see §13.7.3
on language obsolescence and reduction of noun class and gender systems.
Other changes may be due to overall simplification of the system to make it more similar
to gender in English. This may explain why concept association is also abandoned (Schmidt
1985: 157). Traditional Dyirbal assigned yarra 'fishing line' and barrban 'fish spear' to Class I,
by association with_jahu 'fish'; speakers of Young People's Dyirbal place these two words into
Class IV, with other inanimates.
The use of classifiers in Thai is regulated by stylistic rules. Omission of classifiers is
characteristic for informal Thai (Juntanamalaga 1988: 316). The choice of a particular classi-
fier can depend on speech register. Classifiers an (a general inanimate classifier) and bay (small
leaf-like or roundish objects) are replaced by repeater constructions (Juntanamalaga 1988:
320). The use of classifiers in Thai is also directly linked to speech styles. Classifiers are widely
used anaphorically by common people, and also as a sign of familiarity with each other; but
not in 'royal' speech styles. Some classifiers, such as tua, are totally unacceptable when
speaking to members of the royal family (Tony Diller, p.c.).
350 Classifiers
Traditional English usage Modern usage
12A. Conclusions
This chapter deals with the origin, evolution, and decay of classifiers of
different kinds which may have different language-internal—lexical or
grammatical—sources and may involve different grammaticalization
paths. I also discuss the paths of evolution and restructuring of noun
categorization devices, and the development and loss of agreement on
different targets. Language-internal and language-external motivation for
the emergence, restructuring and decay of classifiers are considered next.
Further on, I analyse the semantic changes within classifier systems which
take place in the course of grammaticalization—from a lexical source to a
classifier—as well as within an already established classifier system.
Appendix 2 provides further examples of semantic changes in classifiers.
Different kinds of classifiers tend to have different language-internal
sources—some have lexical sources (see §13.1), while others come from
closed grammatical classes; for instance, a demonstrative can become a
gender agreement affix, or an adposition can become a locative classifier
(see §13.2).
The problem of the relative 'age' of classifier systems in a given language,
with a special focus on languages with several classifier types and on the
relative age of noun categorization devices, is discussed in §13.3.
In the course of the history of a language, one noun categorization device
can develop into another; the principles underlying this internal evolution
of noun categorization devices are discussed in §13.4. Grammaticalization
and reanalysis in the evolution of noun categorization devices are consid-
ered in §13.5. Processes of reduction and loss of noun categorization are
analysed in §13.6. Language-external motivations for the emergence,
restructuring, and decay of noun categorization are considered in §13.7.
The genesis, evolution, and decay of agreement are dealt with in §13.8. The
development and internal evolution of noun categorization devices go
together with semantic changes which occur in the passage from lexical
sources to classifiers or within an already established system; these issues
are considered in §13.9. Finally, §13.10 presents a set of conclusions.1
' I am fully aware that prehistories of many of the language families considered here—
especially of those without a documented history and a fully reconstructed prehistory—are far
from clear.
Development of Noun Categorization 353
13.1. Lexical sources for classifiers
Classifiers often come directly from open classes of lexical items, or from a
subclass of an open class (Craig forthcoming: 61). This involves gramma-
ticalization—from a lexical item to a grammatical marker—or polygram-
maticalization, whereby one lexical item gives rise to more than one
grammatical marker. The development of nouns into classifiers also
involves the evolution of a classifier construction out of syntactic construc-
tions of other types.
The most common lexical source for classifiers are nouns; verbs are used
less frequently. In languages which have adjectives or adverbs as open
lexical classes these tend not to develop into classifiers. Different semantic
groups of nouns and verbs give rise to different classifier types. In §13.1.1,1
show which semantically defined subgroups of nouns tend to become
classifiers. The difference between nouns and verbs as potential sources
for classifiers is that verbs which grammaticalize to classifiers usually come
from a semantically defined subgroup. In contrast, there are cases where
almost any noun can be used as a classifier of the 'repeater' variety: see
§13.1.2. Classifiers can come from verbs (§13.1.3) or from deverbal nomi-
nalizations (§13.1.4). All classifiers of a given type in a language may have
one kind of source (either nouns or verbs); classifier systems of mixed
origins—some from nouns, and some from verbs—are discussed in §13.1.5.
one-to-one relation to the objects being counted, among the most common of which are
"head" for animates and "trunk" or "stalk" for trees; (c) words which themselves designate
arbitrary or insignificant units like "piece" and "grain", etc.'
Development of Noun Categorization 355
(A) Body parts as a source for classifiers
Of the groups mentioned in Table 13.1, body parts are the most frequent
source of VERBAL classifiers—see the examples in Chapter 6. For instance,
in Munduruku (Tupi), of about 120 classifiers, at least 96 originate from
body parts (Goncalves 1987: 24-9).
The connection between the lexical source and verbal classifier is often
transparent, as in Baniwa (Table 9.5). Some Australian languages use
special semi-suppletive forms of body parts as classifiers (e.g. Tiwi:
§6.2.4); the connection between an incorporated body part and a classifier
can sometimes only be reconstructed (see §6.4.2 on the origin of shape-
related classifiers in Athabaskan languages).
Verbal classifiers often originate in grammaticalized constructions with
body part incorporation. Incorporated body parts can be syntactically
and semantical ly distinct from the same items grammaticalized as verbal
classifiers (see §6.2.1, for these distinctions in Mayali based on Evans
1996: 76-8; also see §6.4.1, and Aikhenvald and Green 1998, for
criteria distinguishing incorporated body parts and verbal classifiers in
Palikur). Sometimes, if the same morpheme functions as a verbal classi-
fier and as an incorporated noun, ambiguities may arise, as in 13.1 from
Xamatauteri (Yanomami: Ramirez 1994: 131). The use of verbal classi-
fiers in Yanomami is obligatory for nouns in S/O function, and in
copula clauses. The morpheme ko has two meanings and two functions:
it means 'heart' as a body part, and 'round object' as a verb-incorporated
13.1. korekoremi-ko
type, of.parro t-heart/vcL: ROUND
'This is a parrot's heart', or 'This is one parrot.'
Body parts and parts of plants often become NUMERAL classifiers. They
often tend to become mensural classifiers; more rarely, they may become
sortal classifiers. This development is typical for Mesoamerican languages.
In Totonac (Totonacan-Tepehuan family: Levy 1993), many numeral clas-
sifiers, SORTAL as well as MENSURAL, come from body parts—see examples in
Table 13.2.
Numeral classifiers derived from body parts can combine 'sortal' and
'mensural' functions. Two of the eleven numeral classifiers in Palikur are
derived from body parts, ukulwok 'hand' and biyulbiy 'mouth' (Aikhenvald
and Green 1998). They can be used to classify the noun they come from, as
in 13.2.
13.2. pi-wok-na i-wak-ti
'two hands, or fingers'
356 Classifiers
TABLE 13.2. Numeral classifers from body parts in Totonac
Gloss Meaning as body part
Sortal classifier
cha':- Human cha':n 'leg'
tan- Animal tan 'buttocks'
laka- Flat, surface lakan 'face'
paq- Flat, unbounded paqan 'arm, wing'
Mensural classifier
ak- Units of length, e.g. 'metres' akdn 'head'
qalh- Sips, bites of food qalh 'mouth'
Unlike all other numeral classifiers they can be also used as measure
terms, as shown in 13.3.
13.3. paha-uku-wa kumat
'one handful of beans'
Body part terms are widely used as MENSURAL classifiers in Tzotzil
(De Leon 1987: 93). The most frequently used mensural classifiers are
associated with the hand and its parts, e.g. k'et 'handful', used to refer
to a pile of grains such as corn, beans and coffee, torn 'two hands (hank) of
thatch'; poch: 'palm', and ch'utub: 'span between thumb and forefinger'. In
Minangkabau (Marnita 1996: 131) and in Hmong (Bisang 1993: 35), body
parts tend to become mensural classifiers, e.g. Hmong jan 'finger', and also
'a term used for measuring cloth'.3
Less frequently, body parts become just SORTAL classifiers; then they cat-
egorize nouns in terms of their shape. There are typically just a few body parts
which get grammaticalized that way. In Kana, a Cross River Benue-Congo
language with a system of numeral classifiers (see Chapter 4), only two
classifiers out of nineteen are derived from body parts: dkpa 'flatly shaped
objects', is derived from 'skin', and 'spot-like objects' is derived from 'eye'
(Ikoro 1996a: 90-6). Of over twenty numeral classifiers in Ngyemboon, a
Niger-Congo language from Cameroon, only two come from body parts
('head' and 'hand': Viktor Vinogradov, p.c.). Body parts used as superordi-
nate class nouns are a source for sortal numeral classifiers in languages from
east and mainland Southeast Asian languages (Bisang 1996). They are used
in classification of animates, and more rarely of inanimates. In Bahnar
(Central Bahnaric) kal 'head' is used for living beings, people and bonded
souls (i.e. slaves), as well as to count animals, boats and valuables, and as a
This is reminiscent of systems with incipient numeral classifiers (§4.4); these often come
from body parts such as 'head' and 'horn'.
Development of Noun Categorization 357
denigrating term for humans; mat 'eye, pupil of the eye' is one of the
honorific classifiers for humans (Adams 1989: 71). In Chrau, Mnong
Gar, and Rolo'm (South Bahnaric) voq 'head' is used as a generic classifier
for animals (Adams 1989: 77) (see Appendix 2 for further examples).
Body parts and parts of plants may grammaticalize as LOCATIVE CLASSI-
FIERS. Three of the twelve locative classifiers in Palikur originated from
body parts: -kigsa 'on.POINTED' is related to -kig 'nose'; -vigku 'on.ROAD,
RIVER' derives from -vigik 'bone, marrow'; peru 'on.BRANCH.LIKE' comes
from pew 'branch' (see Diagram 7.1).
(B) Nouns referring to kinship, humans, and higher animates as a source
for classifiers
Some members from the large category of animates, humans and kinship
terms frequently develop into NOUN CLASSIFIERS. This is typical for Mayan
languages (Kanjobalan branch), Australian, Austroasiatic, Austronesian,
and a few South American languages, e.g. Daw (Maku).
In Jacaltec (Kanjobal subgroup of Mayan: Craig 1986c: 266-7), twelve
noun classifiers which belong to the subsystem of social interaction are
derived from nouns with human referents, and from kinship nouns (noun
classifiers for humans are derived from nouns meaning 'man' and 'woman'
in Akatek, a language from the same subgroup—see Table 8.4; Zavala
1992: 152). The majority of noun classifiers in Mam, another language
of the same family, are derived from nouns denoting humans and kinship
terms (the only exception is a classifier for 'non-human') (England 1983:
158-9). Table 13.3 (England 1983: 158) shows noun classifiers in Mam;
those derived from kinship terms and nouns referring to humans are in
bold. In some cases, the grammaticalization of nouns as classifiers involves
phonological reduction and semantic changes (see §13.5.1).
In Tucano, a language with three genders and a large number of classifiers-repeaters, the
lexemes 'man' and 'woman' are used to differentiate the sexes of animals, e.g. seme tmi 'male
paca (a large rodent)' (lit. paca man), seme mania 'female paca" (lit. paca woman) (Ramirez
1997: 208). In Manambu, where masculine and feminine gender are usually not marked on the
noun, the lexemes takw 'woman' and du 'man' are sometimes used as parts of compounded
structures to provide disambiguation, e.g. yanan 'grandchild', yanan-takw 'granddaughter',
yanan-du 'grandson'. Lexical expression of gender distinction sometimes cooccurs with overt
gender marking on nouns, e.g. colloquial Portuguese filho homem 'son man', for 'son', and
filha mulher 'daughter woman', for 'daughter'.
The forms themselves may be loans into Chadic, cf. Proto-Benue-Congo *na 'mother' and
*da 'father': Frajzyngier (1993: 44).
Development of Noun Categorization 359
and Reh 1984: 224; Claudi 1985: 127-35): 'man, male' > masculine gender
marker; 'person' > human; 'thing, prey' > animal (sg); 'animal, meat' >
animal (pi); 'thing' > inanimate. See §13.5.1 on the grammaticalization of
nouns to pronouns, and then to agreement markers.
Grammaticalization of lexical nouns may account for just a few noun
classes out of a system. For instance, the diminutive gender marker pi in the
Bantu languages of Cameroon conies from Niger-Congo *bi 'child'; the
locative gender marker ku comes from the noun *ku 'the outside' (Heine
1982a: 214). The augmentative marker ka- (a vestigial noun class prefix)
appears to be derived from ka 'mother' in Kana (Ikoro 1996a: 60). See
§13.3, on how this may correlate with the relative age of classifier systems.
Kinship nouns can also get grammaticalized as POSSESSED classifiers.
Ponapean (Rehg 1981; Keating 1997: 253) has twenty-two possessed
classifiers, three of which developed out of kinship nouns, e.g. kiseh 'POSS.
^RELATIVE', lit. 'relative'; ullepe 'POSS.CUMATERNAL.UNCLE', ullap 'maternal
uncle'; wahwah 'POSS.CL:NIECE,NEPHEW', lit. 'man's sister's child'. This is not
attested outside Micronesia.
(C) Generic nouns as classifiers
Generic nouns which develop into different classifier types usually include a
term for humans (see B), for non-human animates, and for plants and
various types of food. Generic or superordinate nouns often develop into
NOUN CLASSIFIERS. A sample of generic classifiers in Minangkabau (Marnita
1996: 82) is given in Table 13.4. Each of these is also used as an independent
noun. (This is often not the case; for example, not all classifiers in Mam
have an identifiable corresponding independent noun; and many of those
which do underwent considerable phonological changes: see Table 13.3.)
Classifier Semantics
The 'repeated' part (i.e. the second occurrence of the noun) then under-
went 'certain generalization of meaning', and a number of classifiers
appeared (Hashimoto 1977). For instance, a general term for man, jen2,
is used for humans, instead of repeating their specific names. If the head
noun is a compound, or a disyllabic word, only part of it may be repeated.
362 Classifiers
In Nakhi (Sino-Tibetan: Hashimoto 1977) it is usually the 'categorial noun
stem', as in 13.4.
13.4. zer-ndzer tg'i ndzsr
willow-tree this tree
'this tree'
In Tariana and East Tucano languages, it is usually the last derivational
suffix; 13.5 is from Tariana (also see (F) in §9.1).
13.5. diha-kema pasole-kema
this-siDE left.hand-SIDE
'this left hand side'
Repeater constructions can be the source for large systems of noun
categorization devices which typically include numeral, deictic, possessed,
and relational classifiers. Verb-incorporated classifiers and noun classes
can originate in repeaters if the same set of classifier morphemes is used
in different morphosyntactic environments (as in Tariana, or East Tucano
languages). There is no evidence that closed grammaticalized noun class
systems can be created in this way.
Posture verbs in Siouan languages undergo polygrammaticalization (Barren and Serzisko
1982: 102): besides becoming classifiers, they grammaticalize as auxiliary verbs; they also
grammaticalize as demonstratives.
364 Classifiers
typically referred to with different classifiers depending on the state it is
in—still to be caught and killed, or already cooked and ready to be eaten
(W. Seiler 1986: 202-3). An example like 13.7 (repeated from 6.7) could
have meant at an earlier stage 'pick (up) and give me coconut'. The first
verb was just specifying a way of manipulating an object in this state, and it
gradually lost its verbal meaning in this context (but not in others, in the
case of pot- 'pick fruit') becoming reanalysed as a classifier (cf. Foley 1986:
13.7. sa ka-m pot-ai-h-u
'Give me the coconut.'
POSSESSED classifiers can be derived from verbs of handling which involve
typical activities. A number of possessed classifiers for specific inanimate
objects in Ponapean (Keating 1997: 253) are derived from verbs, e.g. tie
'poss.CL:EARRINGs', from tie 'to wear earrings', ullunge 'POSS.CL:PILLOWS',
from ulung 'to use a pillow'. A number of relational classifiers which
describe the way the possessed noun can be handled by the possessor in
Mam (Mayan: Craig forthcoming; Roberto Zavala, p.c.) could derive from
verbs of manipulation which describe typical activities involving the object
to be classified; the relational classifier chi' 'cooked food' could have come
from the verb chi' 'to eat cooked food', and the relational classifier lo'
'fruit' could have come from the verb lo' 'to eat fruit' (e.g. n-chi'-ye' kyix
(lsg-POSS.CL:COOKED-POSS fish) 'my (cooked) fish').8
Verbs and verbal roots are never the only source for RELATIONAL,
POSSESSED, or NUMERAL classifiers. If a numeral classifier system is of mixed
origins (discussed in §13.1.5) some classifiers can come from verbs. These
verbal roots refer to handling done with body parts (e.g. in Tzeltal, 'strike
with an open hand', or 'take large mouthfuls', or 'break between fingers':
Berlin 1968: 213). They can also include other verbs such as 'sleep', 'press',
'break', or 'trap' (Berlin 1968: 214). Hopkins (1970) provides further
examples of numeral classifiers derived from transitive and positional verbs
in Tzeltal, Jacaltec, and Chuj (Mayan). Usually, all these verbs contain
information about the shape, size, material, or position of the O or S
argument. Verbs which describe mental processes, or perception, or modal
verbs, do not become classifiers. This is reminiscent of two phenomena.
Which verbs will become classifiers in Imonda is scarcely predictable. Many of them seem
to describe typical activities and ultimately relate to cultural and social issues (cf. §12.3). The
etymological link between the source verb and a classifier can be easily established in some
cases; in other cases, however, the process of grammaticalization of a verb to a classifier has
resulted in phonological reduction and semantic bleaching; further examples are given by
W. Seiler (1986: 202-3).
According to Lyle Campbell (p.c.), they may alternatively have derived from nouns.
Development of Noun Categorization 365
First, classificatory verbs (see §6.2) always describe manipulations which
imply contact with the S or O (not the A). Second, in many languages
verbal classifiers can only be used with verbs which presuppose physical
contact and manipulation of the S or O argument.
A similar scenario can be reconstructed for the Arawak languages of South America.
There, gender markers (masc. or non-feminine *-ri, feminine *-ru) on nouns go back to 3rd
person pronouns and cross-referencing affixes.
Development of Noun Categorization 369
The chains represented in Diagram 13.1 and in Diagram 13.2 are not so
different: cross-linguistically, demonstratives and 3rd person pronouns
often overlap in their functions.
The development of gender, animacy, and a human/non-human distinc-
tion in pronouns may have to do with their reference. Personal pronouns are
often restricted to humans, while demonstratives can be used for non-
human referents. This may give rise to a new animate/inanimate, or perso-
nal/non-personal, distinction. In formal Finnish, the 3rd person pronoun
hdn is used for human referents only, while the erstwhile proximate demon-
strative se is used for non-humans (Tiit-Rein Viitso, Liisa Jarvinen p.c.; also
see Appendix 1). In Bengali, an Indo-Aryan language with numeral classi-
fiers but no grammatical genders, 3rd person pronouns refer only to
humans, and demonstratives refer to non-humans (Masa Onishi, p.c.).10
In languages which already have noun classes this may lead to creation of a
different system of classes (or genders) for different word classes and
targets. Warray (Australian: Harvey 1987) has four noun classes, generic
noun classifiers, and a feminine/non-feminine distinction in 3rd person
singular pronouns. Independent pronouns can have only human referents,
and this may result in the creation of an additional, human/non-human
distinction (see (C) under §2.4.4). Genders, or noun classes can also develop
via reanalysis of other closed grammatical systems (e.g. Kiowa-Tanoan
languages: §13.5.2)."
A closed class of locative adpositions can be a source for NOUN CLASSES.
The rise of new 'locative' genders then relates to the reanalysis of locative
expressions. These may contain a relational noun which refers to a place;
for instance, the neuter gender prefix i- in Turkana arose from a gramma-
ticalized anaphoric noun meaning 'place just referred to'. Locative adposi-
tions can be clitics which ultimately go back to a subclass of nouns with
locative meanings. Locative genders in languages of the Congo branch of
Bantu go back to locative and adverbial expressions (Greenberg 1990: 260;
also see Givon 1976: 173-5). According to Heine (1982a: 214), at least
some of these derive from locational nouns (e.g. *ku- 'the outside1, which is
still used as a preposition in a number of Bantu languages). Classifiers of
other types can also come from locational adpositions which are used as
derivational suffixes (some of these probably go back to independent
locational nouns).
The morpheme -(V)ku is used as a classifier 'inside of; cavity; extended'
in many Arawak languages (Payne 199la: 384). In Palikur (Aikhenvald and
See also Corbett (1991: 311) for how such a distinction is developing into a new gender
system in Persian, and for a similar phenomenon in Latvian.
According to Nichols (1992: 141), 'all that is needed in order for noun classes to arise is a
covert animacy system, a potentially recruitable formal distinction, and pre-existent agreement
370 Classifiers
Green 1998) it is used as a numeral classifier, as a verbal classifier, and as a
locative classifier. Synchronically, however, there are three independent
morphemes, since they display different allomorphy. This form can also
be used in multiple classifier systems—in Tariana and Baniwa it appears as
an adjectival agreement marker, as a numeral, and as a verbal classifier. In
other languages of the family the same morpheme is used as a locative case
marker (e.g. Machiguenga -ku, Bare -uku 'locative'); or as a derivational
affix marking location (Tariana -iku 'place of). Palikur also has a locative
classifier -hakwa 'OH.LIQUID' which is used as a derivational formative in
locational nouns such as paraw-hakwa (water-on.LIQUID) 'ocean'.
This phenomenon is also attested in Bantu languages with pre-prefixes (Greenberg 1978:
66-7). In many Bantu languages, the nasal prefix of the human noun class became fused with
the stem, and another prefix was added, e.g. ba-n-tu (NCL2:pt-NCL-person) 'people'.
374 Classifiers
13.5. Grammaticalization13 and reanalysis in noun
categorization systems
Polygrammaticalization implies the passage of lexical item 1 to grammatical functions A
and B; e.g. in Rama (Chibchan: Craig 1991: 487), the verb 'go' gets grammaticalized as a
purposive marker and as a marker for a tense-aspect choice.
376 Classifiers
GENERIC NOUNS can undergo polygrammaticalization; in this case they
give rise to noun classifiers and to noun class markers. A generic noun
which undergoes polygrammaticalization can become a bound morpheme
and at the same time can still be used as a noun classifier. In Ngan'gitye-
merri miyi is used as a noun classifier; there is also a prefix mi- used for
vegetable food (see further discussion in §13.8 on how this correlates with
the development of agreement).
Another grammaticalization path in the development of classifiers is
from repeaters, as an almost open class, to a more closed class of classifiers.
In Tariana (North Arawak: Aikhenvald 1994a) repeaters become extended
to items other than themselves; for instance, turapa 'cone' can be used to
classifiy not only the same noun, but also any other object which is cone-
like in shape, e.g. turapa hanu-turapa (cone big-NCL.REPEATER:CONE) 'a big
cone'; yen hanu-turapa (basket big-NCL:CONE) 'a big cone-shaped basket'.
In Kilivila (Senft 1993a; 1996: 353) some repeaters undergo phonological
depletion and are extended to items other than themselves.
Grammaticalization of nouns as classifiers often goes together with their
phonological reduction (in harmony with the Parallel Path hypothesis,
according to which semantic change in grammaticalization goes together
with phonological change: By bee et al. 1994: 19). The development of noun
classifiers from independent generic nouns in Mixtec involved 'abbrevia-
tion' of generic nouns (Pike 1949: 129-31; De Leon 1987: 148-50), in the
course of change from a syntactic compound to procliticized classifier-
plus-nouns. This is shown in Diagram 13.3.
Singular Plural
Important valuable non-humans
Small worthless things
DIAGRAM 13.4. Singular and plural noun classes in Grebo
CASE forms can be reanalysed so that new noun classes emerge. Slavic
languages innovated a new subgender based on animacy. The development
of a new declension pattern was due to the necessity to distinguish subject
from object in those languages where constituent order was not used for
marking grammatical relations (Comrie 1978). For most masculine nouns,
the distinction between nominative and accusative was lost in the singular,
378 Classifiers
and then the extension of genitive to accusative function allowed the
distinction to be reintroduced. This happened first with masculine human
nouns, and was then extended to all animate nouns (see Corbett 1991: 99).
Other devices used for marking grammatical relations can be reinterpreted
as gender markers. In Pre-Proto-Northern Iroquoian cross-referencing
prefixes developed a human/non-human opposition (Chafe 1977: 505).
New gender oppositions can be created as the result of the reanalysis of
DERIVATIONAL morphology. Indo-European languages originally had two
genders: animate and inanimate (as preserved in Hittite). The feminine
gender appeared later within animate through reanalysis of feminine
derivational affixes -a: and *-i: (Meillet 1964; Brosman 1979, Melchert
There may be an expansion of already existing derivational suffixes. The
South Dravidian subgroup of Proto-Dravidian (Krishnamurti forth-
coming) innovated a gender distinction in personal pronouns by extending
the feminine derivation suffix *-al which already existed in nominal
morphology to the underlying pronominal root *aw, then the originally
non-masculine human and non-human *atu was restricted just to non-
human. Diagram 13.5 shows the Proto-Dravidian gender system (in
singular number), and Diagram 13.6 shows the modified system in
In other instances, the material used may be completely different, but the traces of the
original system could still be felt. Kana (Kegboid, Cross River) lost a Proto-Cross-River noun
class system, but acquired a typologically unusual set of numeral classifiers (see §4.2.3). We are
not aware of a whole system of genders, or noun classes, developing into a classifier system. We
predict that this is not likely to happen, since such a development would contradict the
principle of unidirectionality in grammaticalization.
The majority of neuter nouns became masculine (Posner 1966: 134-5). Certain Latin
neuter nouns became masculine in some Romance languages and feminine in others. So, mare
'sea' became feminine in French la mer but masculine in Italian il mare, and Portuguese o mar
(Posner 1966: 135). Even in Latin these nouns are sometimes treated as neuter, and sometimes
380 Classifiers
Morphological causes may contribute to the restructuring and loss of
gender classes. Old English lost gender classes partly due to the conver-
gence of inflections (genitive singular -es, originally only masculine and
neuter, spread to feminine; and nominative-accusative plural -as, originally
only masculine, spread to feminine and neuter) (see Dixon 1982: 171, and
references therein). The loss of noun classes in Jukun (Central Jukunoid
branch of Platoid; Benue-Congo, Niger-Congo: Storch 1997) was
conditioned by word stem apocope and morphological reduction.
Coalescence of paradigms and the ensuing collapse of genders in
Indo-European languages could be speeded up by the semantic opacity
of gender. In most cases, the first gender to be lost appears to be neuter.
The Sele Fara dialect of Slovene completely lost its third gender, neuter, in
favour of masculine (Priestly 1983). The main mechanisms were phono-
logical and analogical. The reduction of final unstressed -o, a nominative
singular marker on neuter nouns, to 3 followed by the regular loss of this
short vowel accelerated their reinterpretation as masculine singular, e.g.
*mesto > masts > mast 'town'. The nominative-accusative plural neuter
ending in -a was reinterpreted as belonging to the feminine gender; later it
was 'masculinized', too, by analogy with the masculine accusative plural.
The neuter gender disappeared completely within three decades (Priestly
1983: 353-4).
Loss of genders can be due to the loss of formal markers. A number of
North Arawak languages lost gender-sensitive pronominal cross-referen-
cing suffixes, and this must have contributed to the overall loss of gender
distinctions in Bare and Bahwana (Aikhenvald 1995a; Ramirez 1992).
Gender reduction may go together with the expansion of a functionally
unmarked gender. In Kore, an Eastern Nilotic language, feminine is the
unmarked gender. The feminine demonstrative has been generalized to
refer to both masculine and feminine nouns (Gerrit Dimmendaal, p.c.).
A similar expansion of the functionally unmarked masculine class in
Mayali (Evans 1997 and forthcoming) has led to the loss of agreement in
one dialect of this language.
In languages with a distinction between noun classes on nouns and on
pronouns, pronominal noun classes tend to be more conservative (Heine
as masculine. In Spanish 'sea' can be either masculine or feminine, with a subtle change in
meaning: el mar means 'the sea as something difficult or foreboding', and la mar describes the
sea as something pleasant and peaceful (Lyle Campbell, p.c.). In the history of Old French the
neuter gender merged with masculine very early; some nouns became feminine (e.g. some
plural neuter forms ending in -a were 'mistaken' for feminine, e.g. Latin arma 'arms' which
became feminine in all Romance languages: Posner 1966: 134). Most changes occurred as the
result of morphological and semantic analogy; thus, abstract nouns in -orem became feminine
under the influence of other abstract nouns. Tree names in -us became masculine following
masculine gender assignment of the ending -us; later arbor 'tree' also became masculine (Pope
1952: 304).
Development of Noun Categorization 381
1982a: 214). Animere, a Togo Remnant language from Eastern Ghana,
distinguishes two genders in personal pronouns; nominal genders have
been lost (Heine 1982a: 207-8). Some Arawa languages of Southern
Amazonia have lost the shape-based ka- noun class (see §2.7.2, for the
discussion of Paumari); but all of them still distinguish masculine and
feminine genders. Pronominal genders tend to be more semantically trans-
parent (see Chapter 2), possibly because pronouns frequently refer only to
humans (this may be one of the factors which favour the retention of
gender distinctions). (See §13.8.2, on the different ways in which noun
class and gender agreement undergo loss depending on the target.)
Traces of old gender distinctions may 'survive' somewhere else in the
grammar. Bengali reinterpreted the old feminine form in terms of its
system of numeral classifiers (also see Barz and Diller 1985; Masa Onishi,
p.c.). Kegboid languages, a subgroup of the Benue-Congo family spoken in
Nigeria, lost Proto-Benue-Congo noun classes but acquired a peculiar
system of numeral classifiers, an unusual phenomenon for African
languages (Ikoro 1996a). A gender system can survive in the form of
derivational-type affixes, as in the Australian languages Gunbarlang,
Limilngan, Rembarrnga, and Nungali (Sands 1995: 269 ff.).
When classifier systems other than noun classes get reduced, classifiers
for animates and humans appear to be more stable than others. Oceanic
languages have a tendency to lose numeral classifiers. Fijian has only one
remainder of a former system of numeral classifiers: lewe, used for counting
humans (Churchward 1941: 44; Dixon 1988: 148). A comparison of tradi-
tional Malay classifiers and classifiers in Bahasa Indonesia (Conklin 1981:
211) shows that the human classifier (orang) and the animal classifier (ekor)
are the most stable. Specific classifiers tend to disappear first. Classifiers for
inanimates based on shape, function, and material tend to be replaced by
the generic classifier buah previously used for round objects (Marnita 1996:
148–55; 165-6); specific classifiers, such as lempeang 'flat piece, tradition-
ally used for pieces of tobacco, gold and dirt', are replaced by shape-based
classifiers, such as alai 'flat'.
The system of noun classifiers became reduced in Acehnese (Durie 1985:
134–5) (especially if compared to the closely related Minangkabau:
Marnita 1996); however, classifiers for person, plants and plant parts, birds
and fishes are retained. (This is reminiscent of some recently acquired
systems of noun classifiers, as in the case of Daw, or Awa Pit. Noun
classifiers are obligatory with persons and plants, and optional with other
semantic groups.)
Loss of classifiers of other types has also been observed. However, it is
not clear whether any of these were lost for phonological or morphological
reasons. Many Athabaskan languages lost the verbal classifiers (tradition-
ally referred to as 'genders') d 'round objects' and n 'long objects'. Only
382 Classifiers
Koyukon, Dena'ina, Tanana, Ahtna and Carrier retain productive verbal
classifiers (Thompson 1993; Kari 1990; Bill Poser, p.c.; see above n. 10 to
Chapter 6).
Many Oceanic languages have reduced the sphere of use of relational
classifiers; some have eventually lost them. In Longgu, an Oceanic lan-
guage spoken in the Solomon islands (Hill 1992), the relational classifiers,
'edible' and 'drinkable', are used only for predicative possession; even in
this context they are frequently omitted (for an overview of systems of
relational classifiers, see Lichtenberk 1983a). Many Oceanic languages lost
*ma 'classifier for drinks', with *ka 'the classifier for food' replacing it. In
some languages it happened the other way round: *ma replaced *ka as a
marker of alimentary possession in general, as in Tabar, an Oceanic
language spoken off New Ireland (Lichtenberk 1985: 118). These processes
resulted in restructuring the composition of classes; some relational classi-
fiers got lost as a result (Lynch 1992: 19-20).
According to Lynch (1992; 1993), one of the factors favouring simplifi-
cation and, ultimately, even loss of relational classifiers could have been
contacts with Papuan languages, especially in the case of the Austronesian
languages spoken in the Solomons and in New Ireland (see (A) under
§13.7.1). Takia (Karkar island: Bruce Waters, p.c.) has two sets of posses-
sive affixes which are used interchangeably, thus having lost a distinction
between relational classifiers.
It is possible that Eastern Nilotic languages (Turkana, Teso, Lotuko, Maa) acquired their
gender structures due to areal influence of neighbouring Niger-Congo languages (Heine
1982a: 215).
In these cases it is hard to decide whether shared classifiers or genders are due to areal
diffusion or are inherited. This throws doubt on the suggestion by Nichols and Peterson (1998:
612) that 'the presence of numeral classifiers is among the genetically most stable of features'
(cf. also Nichols 1997).
Development of Noun Categorization 385
13.9. ha-panisi
'this (house)'
13.10. ati-wi'i
'this (house)'
In contrast, Baniwa uses a non-feminine form of a demonstrative, as in
hliehe panfi (DEM:NF house) 'this house.' A similar expansion of classifiers
onto demonstratives took place in Resigaro, another North Arawak lan-
guage, which is in close contact with Bora and Ocaina (Bora-Witoto
family). Like Tucano languages, but unlike Arawak, Bora also has classi-
fiers used with demonstratives (Thiesen 1996; Allin 1975; Aikhenvald
forthcoming c).
Reduction and augmentation of gender and noun class systems often
happen through diffusion in Australian languages. In Mayali (Arnhem
Land, Australia) the southwestern dialect has become more like its neigh-
bour Jawoyn, with only three instead of four agreement classes, and the
easternmost dialect has become more like their neighbours Rembarrnga
and Dangbon, both of which lack noun class agreement (Evans 1997; cf.
Harvey 1997).
Changes in the composition of noun classes, or in classifier assignment
can be accounted for by areal diffusion. In Tariana all animals are classi-
fied as 'animate non-feminine', under the influence of the Tucano lan-
guages. In Baniwa, Tariana's close relative, animals are classified
according to their shape (e.g. a jaguar is classified as vertical, and a bird
is classified as concave, or banana-shaped). Kubeo is a Tucano language
which has been in close contact with Baniwa for a long time; in this
language animals have come to be classified according to their shape,
just like in Baniwa (Gomez-Imbert 1996).
Language contact can affect principles of gender assignment, without
changing the number of genders or their composition. For example, in
Western Oromo dialects the system of gender assignment became semanti-
cally transparent (with feminine as the gender for diminutives and mascu-
line as the unmarked one) under the influence of other Lowland East
Cushitic languages, and of Arabic (Clamons 1995).
A language can acquire a system of noun classes via grammaticalization
of classifiers under areal pressure. Yanyuwa (Australian) is spoken on the
edge of the region whose languages have prefixes and noun classes; both
features have recently diffused into Yanyuwa (Dixon forthcoming). It has
acquired a system of seven noun classes marked by prefixes (Kirton 1971:
20, 38). At least some of these are the result of typical Australian
386 Classifiers
grammaticalization of noun classifiers into noun class markers, e.g. ma-
'food', from mayi 'edible vegetable' (see §13.4).
(A3) Reduction of noun categorization Language contact can result in the
reduction of noun categorization. The Minangkabau spoken by the
younger generation tends to reduce the system of numeral classifiers to
make it similar to Bahasa Indonesia in which virtually all Minangkabau
speakers are bilingual. The number of numeral classifiers commonly used
in Bahasa Indonesia (as compared to traditional Malay) has been drasti-
cally reduced during the course of this century, after it became the national
language, possibly, due to the influence of Javanese and English (Conklin
1981: 201; also see §12.3).
It has also been observed that mensural classifiers tend to undergo more
dramatic reduction in the speech of younger people than sortal classifiers.
This is due to the fact that mensural classifiers often refer to culture-
specific arrangements and measures, and the obsolescence of cultural
knowledge inevitably leads to their loss (Marnita 1996, for Minangkabau;
Lee 1997, for Korean; also see Sanches 1977, for Japanese).
An example of the loss of a multiple classifier system as the result of
areal diffusion comes from Retuara, a Central Tucano language which is in
contact with Yucuna, a North Arawak language. Yucuna has the typical
Arawak opposition of two genders, and a small system of numeral classi-
fiers. Under pressure from Yucuna, Retuara lost the typical Tucano mul-
tiple classifier system, preserving just a gender system (inanimate,
masculine and feminine) (Strom 1992: 45-50; Gomez-Imbert 1996: 445).20
(B) Direct diffusion and noun categorization
We have no example of a complete system of noun categorization being
borrowed. However, parts of a system have been borrowed in different
parts of the world.
According to Heath (1978a: 88), 'the spread of noun-class systems over
much of north-central and north-western Australia may well have been
largely accomplished through direct diffusion of the actual affixes, rather
than by independent development in each language group'. This is espe-
cially conspicuous in the cases where there is no internal etymology avail-
able for noun class affixes in a language; but these are available in a
neighbouring language. As Heath (1978a: 88) puts it, 'while in some
languages a correlation can be made between some noun-class affixes
and particular noun stems (for example, ma- as a non-human noun-class
prefix and a stem like mayi meaning "vegetable food"), this is not possible
Reduction of large classifier sets as the result of language attrition has been reported by
Wurm (1992a, for Reef-Santa Cruzan languages). These languages are in the process of losing
verbal classifiers but not classifiers in other contexts (Stephen Wurm, p.c.).
Development of Noun Categorization 387
in Nunggubuyu, Ngandi and Warndarang. There is consequently a strong
probability that the noun-class systems in these languages were borrowed
from languages to the west.' Furthermore, Warndarang borrowed non-
human prefixes for three classes from Ngandi or from pre-Nunggubuyu
(Heath 1978a: 90-1).
Another example of a massive borrowing of noun class markers which
resulted in the restructuring of a system comes from Africa (Pasch 1988).
Ndunga-le, a Mba language from Ubangi, an Eastern subgroup of Niger-
Congo, has an original system of six singular and three plural noun classes.
There are over fifty non-borrowed nouns which also contain singular and
plural noun class prefixes borrowed from the neighbouring Bantu langu-
ages; in some cases the first syllable of a borrowed noun was reanalysed as a
noun class prefix (Pasch 1988: 58).
Resigaro, a North Arawak language which underwent drastic restructur-
ing under the influence of the genetically unrelated Bora, borrowed a large
number of grammatical morphemes (Aikhenvald forthcoming c). Bora
influence on the Resigaro classifiers involves borrowing of bound mor-
phemes, and grammaticalization of borrowed free morphemes as classifiers.
Resigaro has around fifty-six classifiers (Allin 1975: 154ff), of which
thirty-six have been borrowed from Bora. Some classifiers which
correspond to bound morphemes in Bora, e.g. Resigaro -git 'long and
flat', Bora -kwaa (classifier which appears in words for 'finger', 'toe');
Proto-Bora-Muinane -gat (Aschmann 1993: 131). Other classifiers in
Resigaro correspond to bound morphemes and to free morphemes in
Bora. In Resigaro, a classifier of a Bora origin may be attached to the
noun of Arawak origin, e.g. Resigaro classifier -mi 'canoe' in hiita-mi21
'canoe' (also used as a classifier in Bora: -mi 'canoe; other transport'—
Thiesen 1996: 102—and as a root in Bora mii-ne 'canoe', cf. Proto-Bora-
Muinane *mii-ne—Aschmann 1993: 136). Classifiers which correspond to
free morphemes in Bora include some for body parts, e.g. Resigaro -?osi 'cl:
hand', singulative -ke-?osi 'hand' (Resigaro -ke from Proto-Arawak *kapi:
Payne 1991a); Bora hojtsii 'hand', Proto-Bora-Muinane -?6xtsii 'hand'.
The extensive borrowing of classifiers in almost all the semantic fields can
be explained by the important role classifiers play in discourse: once the
referent is established it is referred to with a classifier, so that classifiers
appear to be more frequent in discourse than nouns themselves.22
Cf. the cognates of Resigaro hiitu/hiita in Arawak languages: Bare isa, Achagua iida,
Tariana ita(-whya), Baniwa ita, Piapoco Ida, Yucuna hiita.
Languages with no gender or noun class distinction may acquire a gender-marking
derivational suffix via borrowing and reanalysis. Finnish and Estonian acquired a feminine
derivational suffix, Finnish -ttarel-ttare, Estonian -tar from the reanalysis of the word for
'daughter' (tytar), itself reportedly borrowed from Baltic (Lithuanian/Latvian); this gramma-
ticalization may have been motivated by matching the feminine suffix in German (Lyle
388 Classifiers
Borrowing of an agreement system is extremely rare. One such example
comes from Ayacucho Quechua (see §2.4.4). A similar example comes from
Ilocano (Austronesian: Rubino 1997: 138-9). Similarly to many other
Austronesian languages, Ilocano does not have grammatical gender;
however, a large number of loan adjectives from Spanish resulted in the
creation of masculine and feminine distinctions in loan adjectives, e.g.
tsismoso 'gossipy' (masc.), tsismosa 'gossipy' (fem.), from Spanish chis-
moso, chismosa 'a gossip, gossipy'. Nouns borrowed from Spanish often
have two gender forms to distinguish the sexes, e.g. kosinero 'cook (masc.)',
kosinera 'cook (fern.)', sugalero 'gambler (masc.)', sugalera 'gambler (fern.)'
(Rubino 1997: 75).
Reduction of an agreement system and of noun class marking may be
due to massive borrowing. Ducos (1979) describes the loss of the Proto-
Gur noun class system in Badyaranke. This loss may be due to massive
lexical borrowing from Malinke, a Mande language which has been the
language of prestige among Badyaranke for 500 or 600 years. Lexical
borrowing of prefixless nouns led to the loss of derivational—and then
of agreement—functions of noun classes.
Grammaticalization of agreement goes together with a conflation of topic marking and
of grammatical marking of a constituent. Givon (1976: 151) remarks: 'when a language
reanalyses the topic constituent as the normal subject or object of the neutral, non-topicalised
sentence pattern, it perforce also has reanalyzed subject-topic agreement as subject agreement
and object-topic agreement as object agreement.' Bresnan and McChombo (1986) offer a
theoretical discussion of the relation between anaphora and agreement and suggest possible
steps by which such a historical sequence might take place.
Lehmann (1988: 59-60) suggests that agreement of the verb-argument type (external
agreement), and agreement of the head-modifier type (internal agreement) originate in differ-
ent sorts of pronoun: the former comes from anaphoric pronouns, and the latter from personal
pronouns. In §13.2, we have seen that noun class agreement markers can originate in classifiers
or pronouns which were also used anaphorically.
Development of Noun Categorization 393
pronouns, and did not lead to the emergence of verbal agreement.
However, it is important to note that, since there is a widely used
grammaticalization mechanism involving development from demonstra-
tives to 3rd person pronouns, the demonstrative gender distinction may
well spread to personal pronouns as well, and subsequently give rise to
gender agreement by the mechanism referred to above (Givon 1976).30
Another path for creating gender agreement involves the pragmatic use
of 3rd person pronouns31 as a kind of 'afterthought' to specify additional
information. This development is described for Khoe, a Central Khoisan
language, by Heine and Reh (1984: 232-4; see also Heine 1997b). The
original 3rd person pronouns which distinguish three genders (masculine,
feminine, and common) and three numbers (singular, dual, and plural) gave
rise to gender and number agreement. The interrogative matma- may be
used on its own, e.g. ma hl-nye-ta (who do-JUNCTURE-ASPECT) 'Who has
done it?'. However, it is frequently followed by gender-sensitive personal
pronouns to narrow the range of possible referents, e.g. ma-ma (who-
3sg.masc) 'who?' (male referent), ma-he (who-3sg.fem) 'who?' (female
referent). This kind of structure, in which a gender sensitive pronoun is
used to emphasize the gender of the referent, is used with other word
classes, too. This has resulted in the creation of agreement constructions,
illustrated in 13.12.
13.12. xa-ma ma-ma a-ma
'Who (male) is this?'
(C) Further evidence in favour of the independent development of
predicate-argument and head-modifier agreement
The thesis of independent development of agreement on verbs and within
noun phrases is corroborated by the existence of 'split' agreement systems
(see §2.7). In these systems an argument agrees with its predicate, and the
head noun agrees with its modifiers, for different categories. Since verbal
agreement markers often originate in anaphorically used demonstratives
or 3rd person pronouns, and these are more prone to have a small
number of animacy-related gender categories, it is then understandable
why in split systems the gender agreement is preferred on verbs, and
largeish noun classes and classifiers are used to mark agreement with other
targets (see Table 2.10 above). In addition, predicate-argument and head-
modifier agreement markers behave differently in language evolution and
This process seems to have just started in some Eastern Nilotic languages, e.g. Bari and
Toposa—see Heine and Reh (1984: 231, n. 1).
Note that the noun class agreement markers can also develop from lexical sources, e.g.
nouns, or noun classifiers via their pronominalization (see §13.1).
394 Classifiers
in obsolescence. In Warekena and Bare, two endangered North Arawak
languages from the North Amazon, gender agreement is maintained in
predicate-argument contexts but lost from adjectival modifiers and from
some demonstratives.32
(D) Head-class or agreement class?
A generic noun classifier can first develop to be an overt noun class marker
on the head noun, via cliticization and phonological reduction, and then to
be an agreement marker. An alternative scenario would involve cliticization
of a generic noun to a modifier which immediately results in the creation of
an agreement system. This scenario has been suggested for the develop-
ment of the Ngan'gityemerri noun class system by Reid (1997: 215-17).
Stage 1: The precursor to the development of agreement: generic-specific
'pairing' of nouns as a common construction type, as in 13.13.
13.13. gagu wamanggal kerre ngeben-da
animal wallaby big ISGS+AUX-shoot
'I shot a big wallaby.'
Stage 2: the generics are independent words, often favoured over specifics
especially to maintain reference; as a result, one can get a noun phrase
made up of a generic noun plus a modifier, as in 13.14.
13.14. gagu kerre ngeben-da
animal big 1SGS+AUX-shoot
'I shot a big [wallaby].'
Stage 3: where specific nouns are included, both the specific noun and
modifiers tend to 'attract' generics. This 'repetition' of generics is the
predecessor of agreement, as in 13.15.
13.15. gagu wamanggal gagu kerre ngeben-da
animal wallaby animal big ISGS+Aux-shoot
'I shot a big wallaby.'
Stage 4: Repeated generic nouns cliticize to the following specific nouns,
and undergo phonological reduction. They are reduced to proclitics and
develop into agreement noun class markers, as in 13.16.
13.16. wa=ngurmumba wa=ngayi darany-fipal-nyine
male=youth male=big 3soS+AUX-return-FOCUS
'My initiand son has just returned.'
The genesis of 'agreement'-type phenomena in verb-incorporated classifiers has been
explained by Mithun (1986: 384). Incorporation resulted in lexicalization of compounds, and
then external arguments were added to specify the meaning.
Development of Noun Categorization 395
Stage 5: Noun class marking proclitics become obligatory prefixes in head
class and agreement class functions. They become more fused with the stem
(e.g. a series of morphological processes start applying on the boundaries).
At this stage, they become fully grammaticalized (note that - stands for an
affix boundary, and = for a clitic boundary).
13.17. wu-pidirri wu=makarri
'a bad dog'
Stage 6: There is now 'prefix absorption' which implies the lexicalization of
head class prefixes. Some noun class prefixed roots may be interpreted as
stems which can take further noun class marking (Reid 1997). This may
lead to double class marking, e.g. wa-mumu (male-police) 'policeman'; wur-
wa-mumu (female-male-police) 'policewoman'. (Historically, this may lead
to loss of head-class marking prefixes once they become fused with the
stem. This may, or may not affect agreement; see below.)
This scenario is not applicable to other prefixing Australian languages
with noun classes, where class markers have typically come from a variety
of sources—such as generics and 3rd singular pronouns (see Dixon forth-
coming). The typical developmental scenario in Australian languages is for
pronominal prefixes to first develop on verbs, and then, at a slightly later
stage (and in just some languages) for the prefixing profile to be extended
to nouns through development of noun class prefixes. Indirectly, this con-
firms the idea of relatively independent development of agreement on
verbs, and within a noun phrase.
A different scenario applies to Dyirbal, an Australian language with no
prefixes, where some noun classes developed out of generics. Generic nouns
have become suffixes to modifiers, i.e. deictics and determiners.33 The
following stages in the development can be suggested:
Stage 1: Generic-specific pairings.
Stage 2: Constituent order being 'Demonstrative Generic Specific' generics
become cliticized to prehead modifiers (they cannot become prefixes
because there is no prefix slot available).
Stage 3: Cliticized generics become suffixes to prehead demonstratives,
and undergo phonological reduction. This is how agreement arises.
In this case, the development of agreement classes does not presup-
pose previous existence of head classes. This is corroborated by further
Firstly, there is often a certain mismatch between 'head' classes and
A similar scenario could apply to Bandjalang (Crowley 1978; Dixon forthcoming).
396 Classifiers
'agreement' classes in Australian languages (e.g. examples in §2.4.3). This
may indicate their different relative age. In Mayali, nouns with animate
reference trigger agreement according to the sex of the referent, and it
may be different from the noun class prefix which appears on the noun
itself (see §2.4.3). !X66, a Southern Khoisan language, has five noun
classes (Traill 1994: 20-2). They are marked by suffixes on nouns and
also realized in agreement on various targets (adjectives, relativizers,
object markers). Noun suffixes bear a strong phonological similarity to
agreement markers; an example of such an 'alliterative' concord is given
in 13.18 (= 2.14). Noun class markers are underlined (only nouns from
classes one to four may be head-marked; if they are not, the concord is
not alliterative).
13.18. ft a |na-i !xa-i t-i
I past see-NCLl:O lion-NCLl big-NCLl which-NCLl
|'aa |li k-i
dead is which-NCLl
'I saw a large dead lion'
Second, some languages have no head classes, just agreement classes.
This is the case with gender marking in many Papuan and Amazonian
languages, especially those with multiple classifier systems, and in some
Australian languages (e.g. Gaagudju and Ungarinjin). We saw in §9.1 that
in some languages of northwest Amazonia which mark noun class on the
head noun, this marking has a different semantic effect than agreement
class marking: it is associated with the countability and individuation of
the noun, e.g. Tariana deri 'banana: collective', den-pi (banana-CL:LONG)
'banana tree', deritfi (banana+CL:BUNDLE) 'banana bundle'. Head classes
and agreement classes are acquired by children at different rates (see
Tsonope 1988, and Chapter 14 below).
The loss of overt gender marking on nouns does not necessarily precede
the loss of gender agreement. It can be argued that coalescence of nominal
paradigms with their overt gender marking triggered the overall gender loss
in some Indo-European languages. However, in Old Iranian the overt
marking of masculine and neuter gender on nouns was lost, but agreement
on modifiers remained intact.
Lower Cross languages largely lost head-class marking, but there are
remnants of agreement on adjectives and verbs (Faraclas 1989: 390-1). In
Albanian neuter gender seems to have been lost from adjectives, and not
from nouns (Priestly 1983; Hamp 1958).
We conclude that there is not enough general evidence in favour of the
primacy of development either of head classes or of agreement classes. At
least in some cases, the two could have developed independently.
Development of Noun Categorization 397
(E) Expansion of agreement
Once an agreement system has been established, it can be expanded to
other targets. The expansion can occur under areal influence.34 A dialect of
German, spoken in Canton Wallis in Switzerland, close to French-speaking
regions, acquired agreement between nouns and predicative adjectives,
under French influence (Edgar Suter, p.c.).
A possible source for the expansion of agreement could be alliterative
agreement, or repetition. Repeaters are a frequently-used source for ad hoc
classifiers which then get grammaticalized and restricted to usage with a
particular group of nouns. In Tariana, ehkwapi 'day; something that
appears during the day', was first used as a repeater, to classify the same
noun, e.g. ehkwapi matfa-ehkwapi (day nice-NCL:REPEATER:DAY) 'a nice day'.
Then it was extended to mark agreement with several nouns referring to
natural phenomena, e.g. enukwa matfa-ehkwapi (sky nice-NCL:DAY) 'nice,
clear sky', de:pi matfa-ehkwapi (night nice-NCL:DAY) 'nice, clear night'.35
Noun class agreement on different targets may have different origins. In
some Mindi languages (Australian: Nordlinger 1998: 262-3; I. Green 1995)
noun class is marked on case suffixes, while in another Mindi language
noun class is marked on case prefixes; demonstratives have noun class
prefixes in all the languages. Dixon (forthcoming) reconstructs the follow-
ing scenario for the development of noun class agreement in these
(i) There would have first evolved markers—separate words or clitics
attached to some word in a noun phrase—that combined information
about noun class and about case (possibly, from an earlier classifier-plus-
(ii) These markers then attached to demonstratives as prefixes; this is why
all the Mindi languages have noun class prefixes on demonstratives.
(iii) At a later stage, in the Eastern Mindi branch the case-class markers
became enclitics to a noun phrase and then suffixes; after that they became
obligatory suffixes to both nouns and adjectives. In one West Mindi lan-
guage, Nungali, the case-class markers became proclitics to a noun phrase
In multiple classifier systems, it is often hard to show which target developed first. In
some cases development of new agreement targets was triggered by areal diffusional patterns.
This is the case for classifiers used on demonstratives in Resigaro (under Bora and Ocaina
influence), and in Tariana (under Tucano influence), mentioned in §13.7.
In many languages of the world repetition of a constituent is a syntactic and pragmatic
device for emphasis, e.g. English this table is a big table. The difference between these syntactic
constructions, and 'repetition' as an agreement device in Tariana is that repeaters used as
classifiers in Tariana form a part of a corresponding grammatical word; also, unlike the
syntactic constructions in English repeater phenomena represent obligatory agreement. Repe-
tition as an agreement device may come from grammaticalization of constructions like the
English one above (see §13.1.2, on repeaters and the origin of noun categorization).
398 Classifiers
and then prefixes to nominal modifiers such as adjectives (being later
generalized to also apply to some, but not all, nouns).
There is no singular/plural distinction in these old noun class prefixes.
There may be some semantic hierarchy of the adjectives involved; 'good' and 'big' seem
most resistant; but this deserves a special analysis (Marchese 1988: 355). Further study is
needed to provide a hierarchy of agreement in terms of reduction and loss of agreement.
Evidence from Lower Cross languages suggests that agreement on numerals is the first to
disappear (Faraclas 1989). (Note that Kru languages do not have agreement on verbs.)
400 Classifiers
Example 13.19 comes from Mankandza Lingala, and 13.20 from Kinshasa
13.19. mu-nkanda mu-ko-kweya
NCL3-book/letter NCL3-TA-fall
'A/the book will fall down.'
13.20. mu-nkanda e-ko-kweya
NCL3-book/letter NCL7-TA-fall
'A/the book will fall down.'
The same phenomenon is discussed for Swahili by Bokamba (1977; see
also Alexandre 1968; Polome 1968). In various Lingala dialects, and in
some varieties of Swahili, adjectival agreement is lost, e.g. Mankandza
Lingala mo-soni mu-ye (NCL3-pencil NCL3-this) and Kinshasa Lingala mo-
soni oyo (NCL3-pencil this) 'this pencil'. The process of agreement loss in
a creolized language can go even further. In Kituba (a Creole based on
Kikongo: Stucky 1978: 227-8) agreement has been lost with all targets.
Reduction of agreement in language contact and creolization can go
together with a tendency towards the semantic restructuring of classes.
In modern 'anglicized' Tiwi, agreement with demonstratives is regular
with humans, or high animate head nouns (Lee 1987: 118). This is part
of the tendency to restructure the Traditional Tiwi masculine and feminine
opposition into human and non-human (see §13.7.2).
Different agreement types can be lost at different speeds in language
obsolescence. Such evidence comes from Bare and Warekena, obsolescent
Arawak languages from Brazil. Both have almost lost gender agreement on
adjectives; however, gender marking is still obligatory in cross-referencing
on verbs (Aikhenvald 1995a; 1998b).
Similar processes occur in the obsolescence of languages with multiple
noun class systems. In Paumari (Arawa) the shape-based ka- noun class is
being lost by younger speakers whose main language is Portuguese
(Aikhenvald MS). The feminine/masculine gender distinction is more
persistent. This may be due to the influence of Portuguese, with its two
Natural tendencies of semantic change in lexical items are still a largely unexplored field.
Semantic change between lexical items may be conceived as the addition of an element of
meaning to the semantic system, or the loss of an element of meaning 'while the form remains
constant' (e.g. Wilkins 1981; 1996: 269). Semantic changes 'within a speech community involve
polysemy at their beginning point or at their endpoint' (Wilkins 1996: 269). For the semantic
change from a lexical item to classifier there is often no evidence of synchronic polysemy at the
endpoint; that at the beginning can only be reconstructed. The form itself often does not remain
constant; the more grammaticalized the classifier, the likelier it is to undergo phonological
A noun which comes to be used as a classifier can shift its meaning as a free noun. In
Northern Iroquoian languages, the liquid classifier -hnek- assumed a specialized meaning of
'whisky, liquor' when used as a free noun (Mithun 1986: 391). Thus, classifiers and free nouns
of the same origin can undergo independent semantic change (which may have corresponded
to polysemy at an earlier stage). Synonyms, when used as classifiers, can have slightly different
meanings which are often unpredictable. Minangkabau butia 'seed' is used for inorganic seed-
like and bulky objects; and incek 'seed' is used for organic seed-like objects (Marnita 1996).
402 Classifiers
'fundamental' elements. They can often be denned as belonging to the
basic level of categorization, like basic-level verbs of physical state such
as 'sit', 'stand', and 'lie' (Heine et al. 1991: 33). Another generalization is
that 'categories of the subordinate level are unlikely to serve as source
concepts' (Heine et al. 1991: 33; Sweetser 1988: 402). Exceptions to these
generalizations can be found with classifiers, since there are frequent
examples of changes from a subordinate (more specific) level of categor-
ization to a superordinate (more 'abstract') level (A3). However, these
changes reflect universal cognitive mechanisms which underlie the structure
of noun categorization (see §12.2.2).
(Al) Noun with generic reference becomes a generic classifier Superordi-
nate nouns meaning 'man' or 'woman' often give rise to NOUN CLASSES; a
noun meaning 'man' becomes a marker for masculine, and one meaning
'woman' is used for feminine (see the examples from Mupun, Zande, and
some Australian languages in §13.1.1). A generic term for 'person' may
develop into a gender marker if there is a gender/sex-based distinction
already in the system. 'Person' developed into the non-feminine marker
in Eastern Nilotic, after feminine had already evolved (Heine and Reh
1984: 219).
Generic nouns used as NOUN CLASSIFIERS preserve their generic meaning.
The generic term 'person' is often used as a source for noun classifiers, e.g.
in Australian, and as a source for numeral classifiers meaning 'human in
general'. In Minangkabau, batang 'tree, trunk' (a reflex of Austronesian
'trunk; tree; timber; platform': Conklin 1981: 259) is used as a generic
classifier for all trees, and the generic 'flower' is used as a generic for
flowers (cf. Minangabau bungo, Acehnese bungong: Durie 1985: 135).
The same can be observed for VERBAL classifiers. A generic noun, 'domes-
tic animal', covers all animals, including pigs, in Cayuga (Iroquoian);
'water' becomes a classifier for all drinkable liquids in Ngandi (Mithun
1986: 387, 389; Heath 1978b).
In the languages of Southeast Asia, default classifiers are often based on
a generic term for 'body', or 'person'. Default human numeral classifier pui
in the Southern Lawa group of the Palaungic branch of Mon-Khmer
derives from Proto-Waic *bxu 'person' (Adams 1992: 110). 'Fruit' is
another frequent source of a default classifier, e.g. Indonesian and
Minangkabau buah 'fruit, generic classifier'; White Tai xang3 'fruit', 'clas-
sifier for objects in general' (Conklin 1981: 150). A classifier for 'round
things' is frequently used as a default classifier (§12.1.4), the semantic
change being then fruit > round > generic. A similar change is found in
Totonac aq 'a default classifier' which comes from aq ~ akan 'head' (Levy
1994). General classifiers may also come from an item meaning 'thing', e.g.
the possessive classifier in Tariana yarupe 'thing'.
Development of Noun Categorization 403
This semantic change fully agrees with current ideas on lexical sources
for grammaticalization. When a noun meaning 'man' or 'woman' becomes
a noun classifier, very little, if any semantic change is involved, e.g. Akatek
(Zavala 1993) woman > woman; man > man; Jacaltec woman > female
non-kin classifier.
(A2) Noun with generic reference becomes a classifier for a specific class of
referents A change from a generic to a more specific referent takes place
with noun classifiers. In Mam (Table 13.3) a generic noun 'man' acquired
the more specialized meaning of 'old man, respectfully', and 'woman' that
of 'old woman, respectfully'. In Kana, a generic noun came to be used as a
specific classifier: the numeral classifier nee derived from the word for
'person', is used with only one noun 'guest' (Ikoro 1996a: 93).
(A3) Noun with specific reference becomes a classifier for a more general
class of referents In Eastern Nilotic, kinship terms at a more subordinate
level of categorization became gender markers (e.g. a noun meaning
'daughter, girl' became a feminine gender marker: Heine and Reh 1984:
219). Kinship terms can be used to classify humans according to their age
and social status. Ba 'grandmother' in Vietnamese is used as a numeral
classifier to classify women over 40; ong 'grandfather' is used to classify
'personified or deified animals', e.g. tigers, elephants, and whales in pro-
verbs (Adams 1989: 86-90). It is unusual to derive generic classifiers from
kinship terms. This is, however, the case in Kana. The 'default' numeral
classifier comes from the word ka 'mother' (Ikoro 1996a: 90-1).
In Khmu (Austroasiatic), ta 'grandfather' is used as a masculine class
term with names of boys (as opposed to i, with unknown etymology, used
with names of girls) (Adams 1989: 57). In West Bahnaric *raa?, the 'numeral
classifier for humans', comes from a more specific noun 'adult human'
(Adams 1992: 110). A noun meaning 'child' often appears as a source for
noun classifiers, and numeral classifiers for any young animate. In Kana,
nwii 'child', or 'offspring' is the source for a classifier for young beings,
human or non-human. In the noun classifier system in Mam, it is used as a
classifier for babies. In noun class systems, 'child' can get grammaticalized
as a diminutive gender marker (as in Bantu languages: Heine 1982a: 214).
The way in which a noun with specific reference can become a generic
classifier for the whole species is similar to the development from a proto-
type to its extensions. In Cayuga, the stem for 'car' is used as a classifier for
all vehicles. In Mohawk the classifier for fruit (-ahy-) is also the word for
'berry' (Mithun 1986: 391).40
Synchronically, this does not mean that the source-noun retains its prototypicality. For
instance, modern speakers of Mohawk do not consider 'berries' such as strawberries and
blackberries as prototypical 'fruit' any more (Mithun 1986: 391).
404 Classifiers
(A4) Semantic extensions The preferred semantics of different classifier
types can explain different patterns of semantic change. Shape is more
important as a semantic basis in numeral classifier systems than for
noun classifiers. In contrast, material make-up and function are more
important in noun classifier systems (see Chapter 11).
Thus, for noun classifiers with inanimate reference, the most common
semantic changes from noun to noun classifier are as now listed.
Mayali (Evans 1997) provides another example of increasing semantic opacity of the
'vegetable food' class. Besides all non-meat foods, it includes a variety of other nouns, such as
(a) anatomical terms pertaining to genitalia, sexually produced fluids or excretion, (b) some
geographical terms, (c) a few bird names, (d) some wooden implements, e.g. weapons, (e)
words for rain and rain-water, and (f) manner adverbials.
Development of Noun Categorization 409
(D) Increasing semanticity of noun class assignment
Gender systems can shift from more grammatical to more semantic, as in
Cantabrian Spanish (§2.3.4). If a language loses gender agreement and
preserves the gender distinctions in personal pronouns only, the assignment
tends to become predominantly semantic even if it was not so before; this is
the case in English with its three genders just in third person pronouns, he/
she/it. Along the similar lines, Chechen speakers 'sometimes point out that
words of the B-gender refer to round objects, as some of them in fact do,
although many do not ... If there is a speaker expectation that gender
classes will be shape-based, then analogical reclassifications over time will
probably lead to just such a situation' (Nichols 1992: 140).42
(E) Semantic changes due to introduction of new semantic features
Classes 7/8 and 12/13 in ChiBemba (Bantu) acquired additional values of
'large' and 'small' respectively which got extended to affective notions
('despised' and 'endeared') (Spitulnik 1989: 212); for instance, in Kuria,
Classes 5/6 and 20 have augmentative and pejorative values (Aksenova and
Toporova 1994: 81, 102).
(F) Historically attested semantic changes
Languages with a long-standing written tradition provide evidence for the
development of classifier systems over time. In Chinese, classifiers were
used sporadically with culturally salient objects during the classical period
(500-206 BC); the use of classifiers increased from about 100 AD (Bisang
1996: 540). Semantic development of Chinese classifiers from highly spe-
cific to generalized reference is discussed by Erbaugh (1986: 428-31). Table
13.7 illustrates the historically attested semantic changes from individual to
general reference of three Mandarin Chinese classifiers.
Semantic extensions are usually made by shape, which is the preferred
semantic property of numeral classifiers (see Chapter 11; and note the
development from 'small branch' to 'long things in general' in the history
of the classifier tido, in Table 13.7). Extralinguistic factors, such as the
cultural importance of an object, may influence the rate of change. In
Mandarin, culturally important classifiers, e.g. pi 'horses' and ben 'books'
have retained their exclusive reference. Other classifiers underwent seman-
tic changes, e.g. gen 'threads, hairs, strings' first referred to stalks of grass;
This tendency often appears in poetry and metaphors. A famous example of direct
association between masculine gender and masculinity and feminine gender and femininity
in German comes from Goethe's poem 'Der Tannenbaum' (DEF.ART:MASC pine.tree), 'the pine
tree' who is dreaming of encountering a she-palm tree (die Palme) (H. Seiler 1987). This effect
was lost in Lermontov's translation of the poem into Russian, since both tree-names are
410 Classifiers
TABLE 13.7. Historical changes in Mandarin Chinese classifiers
Dynasty, time Classifier tiao Classifier mei Classifier ge
Shang, c.l 400 BC Small branch Trunk of bamboo Bamboo
ke was first used to classify peaches, then all fruits, then all small, round
objects in general (Erbaugh 1986: 430).
An overview of the historical development of Japanese numeral classi-
fiers is given by Downing (1996: 39-46). She notes the importance of
animacy distinctions in the eighth-century Japanese system; round objects
lacked their own classifier, and the gap was filled by the use of the general
classifier tsu. There were a number of classifiers used for small functionally-
defined culturally-salient categories, e.g. hata for counting looms, or
hashira for counting gods and exalted persons (these items do not appear
in the classifier inventories of Modern Japanese: Downing 1996: 19-22).
The default, or general, classifier tsu was used to refer to any entity except
Development of Noun Categorization 411
human beings and, probably, gods (Downing 1996: 46). In the early docu-
ments in Thai, tua was used to refer exclusively to four-legged animals;
later it became extended to articles of clothing, ghosts, and letters (cf.
Diagram 12.1).
The analysis of classifier production by representatives of varying social
groups and generations in Kilivila, a multiple classifier language, by Senft
(1996: 202-27) shows several tendencies illustrating the language change in
progress. Speakers tend to replace specific classifiers with shape-based
classifiers. The greatest number of innovations have been observed among
school children aged from 8 to 14 'because of their readiness for a playful
exploration of the possibilities the C(lassifier) P(articles) system offers and
because of their increased linguistic awareness' (Senft 1996: 235). Innova-
tions and language change patterns in classifier usage have also been
observed among adults between 21 and 35. This tendency has a socio-
linguistic explanation: it appears that consultants with low social status try
to overcome language barriers that mark intrasocietal status by changing
patterns of classifier use.
Another aspect of language acquisition is how children assign gender, or gender and
number portmanteau markers, to nonce words. Levy (1983a: 119) reports that children did
416 Classifiers
Considerable work has been done on child language acquisition of noun
class systems in a number of Bantu languages (Demuth 1988; Demuth et al.
1986; Kunene 1986; Suzman 1980; Herbert 1991; Tsonope 1988). As we
saw in Chapters 2 and 10, noun class prefixes are portmanteau with
number. Noun class assignment is semantically opaque (though a certain
semantic core is associated with almost every class: see Chapter 2 and
Spitulnik 1989). Agreement is heavily linked to phonology, i.e. there is a
large amount of alliterative agreement.
The data on Sesotho child acquisition of noun classes described by
Demuth (1988) showed that the system of gender agreement was estab-
lished before nouns were divided into gender classes. In Sesotho, a noun
and its modifier are attributed a class feature specification and are treated
as 'some kind of prosodic, cognitive, or grammatical unit' (Demuth 1988:
316). Young language learners then start using agreement productively,
gradually working out the appropriate phonological marking for nouns.
Sesotho nouns are learned in conjunction with their inherent noun class
features realized in agreement; and the head-marked noun class appears
later. Similar results have been documented by Tsonope (1988) for
Setswana. That noun class is first acquired as a feature of a phrase, rather
than a feature of an individual noun, is accounted for by the fact that the
Bantu noun class agreement system is phonologically transparent and
pervasive.4 As we saw above for Indo-European gender acquisition, formal
regularity helps acquisition of gender agreement systems. The fact that
there are very few examples of 'overgeneralization' of a particular set of
noun class prefixes in the studies of Bantu noun class acquisition indicates
that the noun prefix is first learned as a part of the noun, and it is not
segmented till later (Tsonope 1988: 148; Herbert 1991: 11).
The semantics of noun classes does not seem to play any important
role in noun class acquisition for Bantu languages: the acquisition of
formal regularities precedes the acquisition of semantics. Tsonope (1988)
showed that children begin to consolidate semantically based noun
classes, such as human nouns, only later, after the agreement system
has been acquired. In some cases semantic clues may have played a
limited role. For instance, the acquisition of demonstratives by Setswana
children seemed to suggest that they are able to make a distinction
between human and non-human nouns very early. However, other factors
better in inflecting nonce words denoting animates than in inflecting nonce words denoting
inanimates; however, younger children had difficulties with inflecting nonce words. Kunene
(1986), who worked on getting children to recognize and assign class to novel words, arrived at
slightly different conclusions as to noun class assignment with SiSwati-speaking children from
those reached by Demuth (1988).
Lehmann (1982) also argues that noun class is prototypically realized through agreement
within a phrase.
Language Acquisition and Dissolution 417
could have contributed to this (e.g. the frequency of human nouns in
discussions, or phonological restrictions).5
In the acquisition of the semantics of the Bantu noun class system, there
is a tendency to acquire the human/non-human distinction before other
underlying semantic contrasts. This explains the tendency for all nouns
denoting humans to be occasionally treated as members of Class 1/2
(predominantly human) (cf. Suzman 1980, for Zulu). Overgeneralization
of human classes took place in experiments of noun class assignment to
novel nouns. When given a choice of uncontextualized noun class assign-
ment, children tended to classify plural nouns into just human/non-human.
However, in spontaneous speech production no Overgeneralization
occurred (Demuth et al. 1986: 466).
The main conclusion, for child acquisition of the Bantu noun class
system, is that agreement principles are acquired before the actual marking
of nouns. This may also be linked to the phonological reduction of nouns
in children's speech (Herbert 1991: 111). Demonstratives and possessives
have been shown to be the first targets which show agreement (Demuth
1988: 319; Herbert 1991: 111). In Zulu the first concordial subsystem
consistently employed was for subject marking on verbs (Suzman 1982: 57).
The primacy in acquisition of concordial noun classes over head mark-
ing agrees with certain developments in the history of Bantu languages. In
Grebo (Kru: see Diagram 13.4 above; also Demuth et al. 1986: 467) the
overt noun class marking is lost, but the concord system remains. The fact
that the first signs of subject/verb agreement to appear in children's speech
are anaphoric (Suzman 1982; Herbert 1991: 111) confirms the hypothesis
of an anaphoric origin for the genesis of agreement (see §13.5 and §13.8).
Susan Quigley (p.c.) also reports that young Award-speaking children in New Guinea do
not use some specific classifiers.
This order of acquisition may also relate to the order of development of conversation
about different objects, in which case it could be an artefact of communication strategies with
Language Acquisition and Dissolution 419
This last statement is also confirmed by results of child acquisition of
Japanese numeral classifiers. Sanches (1977: 61) arrives at the conclusion
that most numeral classifiers in Japanese 'are learned in relation to the
items they classify, in lists, rather than as representative of categories of
criterial attributes that are potentially generalizable to an infinite variety
of items'.
Animate classifiers are acquired first in Kilivila. They are followed by
general classifiers for inanimates, and the classifiers which are acquired
next denote concrete, specific objects, and salient features of objects (Senft
1996: 192). These conclusions have also been corroborated by investiga-
tions on Hokkien (Ng 1989: 123), and Cantonese (Luke and Harrison
A recent study of acquisition of classifiers by young Mandarin-speaking
children showed the dependency between frequency of a classifier and its
order of acquisition (Hu 1993). This study showed that the classifier zhl
'animate' is acquired very early, due to its frequency. Other classifiers which
are acquired early are those which relate closely to the child's life. In
contrast, the honorific classifier wei and the classifier tdi used for machines
do not occur in children's speech until the age of six. This may be due to the
irrelevance of such distinctions in the children's life (Hu 1993: 125).
As we saw in Chapter 9, Chinese uses classifier morphemes in two
environments: with numerals and with deictics. These uses were acquired
differently; classifiers with numbers were acquired before those with
demonstratives. Classifiers with near-demonstratives were acquired before
the far ones.
Errors in the acquisition of Thai classifiers showed the early overuse of
general classifier ?an, and repetition of the head noun in the classifier slot
instead of making reference to its semantic content. In learning correspon-
dences between perceptual properties of nouns and classifiers children have
to figure out which perceptible characteristics are relevant to semantic
categorization, since historical changes in classifier systems sometimes
make the classifier assignment opaque. The first semantic opposition to
be acquired is animate vs. inanimate (Juntanamalaga 1988: 322). Children
then start making semantic overextensions based on extralinguistic resem-
blances among category members (shape, consistency, and function being
frequent bases for extensions), to compensate for semantic limitations of
classifier assignment (Candour et al. 1984: 471–2). One strategy is over-
extension of more 'comprehensive', or 'general' classifiers and their overuse
in place of more specific classifiers (e.g. general classifier fan). The opposite
strategy consists in the overuse of 'repeaters', i.e. overspecialization—the
use of every noun as its own classifier. Both strategies make the choice of
classifiers less dependent on the inherent, or conventionalized semantic
features of an object. This 'lightens' the semantic load of a classifier, and
420 Classifiers
makes it easier to use classifiers without having access to the full range of
extralinguistic information.
Language-specific properties of the semantic organization of classifier
systems play a role in the order of their acquisition.
The shape-based classifiers appear to be acquired relatively early by
speakers of Mandarin Chinese; classifiers which refer to non-extended
round objects are acquired earlier than classifiers which refer to extended
The results obtained by Ng (1991) concerning classifier use by Hokkien
speakers of different ages, showed the overuse of the general classifier
among children aged five to eight, indicating that 'Hokkien children learn
the conventional use of classifiers after going through a long period of only
producing the general classifiers' (p. 81). There was a certain number of
overextensions based on perceptual clues (shape and form) and on
animacy. In contrast, Gandour et al. (1984) demonstrated that in Thai,
classifiers which refer to arrangement and quanta are acquired before the
shape-based classifiers. Ng (1991: 81) hypothesizes that Hokkien children
acquire the shape classifiers more easily than Thai children due to a larger
degree of semantic complexity encoded in Thai classifiers, and also to the
fact that Thai has more classifiers referring to shape than does Hokkien;
Thai has at least six classifiers for one-dimensional objects, four classifiers
for two-dimensional objects, and four more classifiers for three-dimensional
objects, while Hokkien only has five shape-based classifiers.
Thus, the rate of acquisition of classifiers may be determined by
their semantic complexity, that is, the number of contrasts encoded
in them. The one-dimensional classifier hon and the two-dimensional
classifier mat in Japanese do not encode concomitant features of flexi-
bility or rigidness unlike their Hokkien counterparts; according to the
results obtained by Matsumoto (1985), they are acquired earlier than
the corresponding classifiers in Hokkien because they are semantically
Stages in the acquisition of classifiers are best characterized as 'stages of
organizing knowledge' (Carpenter 1991: 108-9). Children make almost no
word order mistakes with classifiers. Once they have learnt that something
'belongs in the post-numeral position, they figure out its identity bit by bit,
starting with the information that it must come from a closed set of words
that conventionally appear in the post-numeral position' (Carpenter 1991:
109). This also explains why children tend not to be innovative with
classifiers (Carpenter 1992).
These results agree with the results on acquisition of genders and noun
classes—namely that children are sensitive to formal regularities and syn-
tagmatic patterns. The relationship between a classifier and a number is
acquired before the relationship between the classifier and the head noun.
Language Acquisition and Dissolution 421
However, to learn the full system of numeral classifiers, syntagmatic
intralinguistic patterns are not sufficient. Children must then learn the
correspondences between extralinguistic and intralinguistic categories, and
this is why acquisition of classifiers is slow. The acquisition of classifiers by
children consists in learning a conventional, pre-existing system which
involves a large amount of cultural extralinguistic knowledge.
The order of development of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese parallels
the historic processes of changes in classifier systems (Erbaugh 1986: 426-
30). The results of Thai classifier acquisition as compared to the history of
Thai classifiers are not as clear-cut (Carpenter 1992). The main difference
between the two is that child language development is teleological, i.e. the
end-product is the acquisition of a pre-existing system, while historical
change does not have to be this way. We have seen in Chapter 13 that
classifier choice can change in response to external factors, e.g. cultural
change. Conventionality is more important in child language acquisition.
This is why there are differences between the kinds of semantic primes
important for classifying objects, for adults and for children. For instance,
children seem to use material as an organizing feature much more than
adults do. Carpenter (1992: 142) explains this as a consequence of the
world of children being a special subculture in which the importance of
material features (e.g. breakability) can override other perceptual features,
e.g. shape, or size, before the children actually have the linguistic and the
extralinguistic experience to know what are the 'right', i.e. the conven-
tionalized attributes of linguistic categories.
In spite of these differences, both developmental and diachronic patterns
reveal certain tendencies in common. Among such tendencies are the
similarity between shape classifiers and containers, and an historical and
a developmental relation between these. Another tendency is for the clas-
sifiers which are first learned to be predominantly nouns. We have seen
above (Chapter 13), that, in the history of different types of classifier
system, classifiers may come from verbs; however, these instances are
much rarer, and they are, presumably, acquired later.
The acquisition of classifiers parallels the general tendencies of cognitive
categorization, e.g. unique reference before prototypic members and exten-
sions, and more concrete items and categories before more abstract ones
(Erbaugh 1986; Lee 1988).
Clark (1977: 460) showed that cognitive paths of categorization in chil-
dren's acquisition of word meaning resemble categorization patterns in
classifier patterns. Both in child language acquisition and in classifiers,
shape is the primary basis for categorization. 'Both classifier systems and
children's overextensions reflect a basic categorization process that goes on
first at the non-linguistic level' (see §12.2).
422 Classifiers
14.3. Dissolution of noun classes and of numeral classifiers
The expectation that patterns of dissolution in aphasia might be the mirror
image of acquisition by children comes from the seminal work by Jakobson
(1941). Earlier acquired features are expected to be most resistant to loss in
aphasia, and in other situations of language dissolution (Herbert 1991:
125). However, acquisition and dissolution of noun classes show some
striking differences.
Herbert's study (1991) is a pioneering one in showing how noun class
prefixes and agreement behave in language dissolution in Bantu, namely,
Broca-type aphasia, and how this is different from child language acquisi-
tion. While children start with acquiring agreement and end up with
acquiring overt noun class marking for nouns, the production of nouns
with an overt prefix is regular in aphasic speech. There is also no systematic
reduction in the inventory of prefixes, and the agreement system is pre-
served. The most common errors are errors when the noun prefix on the
noun is correct but the generated concords are not, i.e. nouns are assigned
to 'wrong' agreement classes in subject-verb agreement. Wrong concords
appear more rarely in head-modifier Noun Phrases.
Semantically, what child language acquisition shares with the aphasic
data is the prominence of a human/non-human distinction. In aphasics,
many concord errors involved transfer of nouns with human referents to
Class 1/2 (Herbert 1991: 126).
The data on language dissolution agree with data on child language
acquisition in that both show the primacy of concord, singular and plural
distinctions, and the feature human/non-human. The difference lies in the
head-marking of nouns which is stable with aphasics but appears to be
acquired later by children (Herbert 1991: 128).
Recent work on dissolution of numeral classifiers in Thai (Candour et al.
1985) agrees with the mirror image hypothesis for language acquisition and
language dissolution. Classifiers based on inherent perceptual character-
istics of objects are less resistant to aphasic disruption than those which are
not. Errors in animate classifiers typically involved substitution of honori-
fics by classifiers referring to ordinary persons, or by generic tua 'animal,
thing'. Classifiers based on configuration and quanta, e.g. groups,
appeared to be the least stable in language dissolution. Errors made by
adult aphasics are here similar to errors made by young children. Aphasics
tended to overuse the general classifier ?an, and to use repeaters instead of
appropriate classifiers (Gandour et al. 1985: 552).9
Other factors could have contributed to these errors. In informal spontaneous conversa-
tion in Thai, the general classifier is an appropriate substitute for almost any special classifier.
This is not true for other styles and registers. The overuse of the general classifier could have
Language Acquisition and Dissolution 423
Tseng et al. (1991) compared two types of aphasic speaker of Mandarin
Chinese and Taiwanese: those with Broca's aphasia, resulting in agramma-
tism (defined as 'dropping out of connective words, auxiliaries, and gen-
eral loss of obligatory grammar') and those with Wernicke's aphasia,
resulting in paragrammatism (defined as 'the substitution of an inappropri-
ate grammatical form for the correct target': p. 185). The general tendency
in both types was to substitute a more specific classifier with a general
('neutral') one. It has also been observed that Broca's aphasics tended to
avoid classifier constructions, while the Wernicke's patients showed more
instances of substitution of a 'correct' classifier with an incorrect one, more
often the general one, and even more often the neutral one.10
That is, like children, aphasics were trying to 'lighten' the semantic load
of each classifier, making the classifier assignment less conventionalized
and less dependent on extralinguistic information they did not possess to
the same extent as before.
14.4. Conclusions
We have seen that a number of languages have more than one system of
classifiers; in most cases one of these systems is noun classes, while the
other one can be of almost any other kind. Typical combinations are: noun
classes and numeral classifiers; noun classes and noun classifiers; noun
classes and verbal classifiers; numeral classifiers and relational classifiers;
and numeral classifiers and noun classifiers.
The possibility of the coexistence of several classifier types within one
language discussed in Chapter 8 is a strong argument in favour of the
proposed typology, alongside the varying properties of the classifiers as
summarized in §15.1. Languages can have up to six formally distinct sets of
classifiers, which differ both in function and in semantics.
It is unusual for languages to distinguish all the three kinds of classifier
in possessive constructions; however, there are examples of languages with
relational and possessed classifiers. The reason for the rarity of deictic
classifiers as a separate type may be due to their overlap with noun classes
in scope and in the constituent referred to. Locative classifiers may be
relatively rare because adpositional NPs are problematic as a separate
Conclusions 433
type of NP (they often overlap with possessive NPs). The extreme rarity of
possessor classifiers may be due to the fact that the nature of the possessor
allows little variation in languages, a prototypical possessor being human,
or animate; there is thus hardly any need to categorize the possessor (see
Chapter 5).
Some languages—mostly from Southeast Asia and South America,
together with a few Austronesian and Papuan languages—have multiple
classifier systems, i.e. morphemes which appear in all the environments
listed in Table 15.1 but generally have some behaviourial differences. Mul-
tiple classifier languages employ the same—or almost the same—set of
morphemes in up to six different environments; see Chapter 9. Multiple
classifier systems are distinct from noun classes realized on different targets
(see §9.2).
Besides combining several classifier types in one language, languages
can have several subtypes of one type of noun categorization. The most
widespread instance is the possession of different noun class systems (see
§2.7), usually, a larger system of 'nominal', and a smaller system of 'pro-
nominal' noun classes (§2.7.1), which may be in complementary distribu-
tion with respect to morphosyntactic environments. I have also described
rarer instances of languages with more than one morphological type of
numeral classifier (see §4.3), and of languages with two coexisting kinds of
verbal classifiers (see §6.4). No languages have been found with several
distinct subtypes of noun classifiers, or of any of the classifiers in possessive
constructions, or of locative or deictic classifiers.
The existence of different subtypes of established types suggests the
possibility of an 'open-endedness' for the proposed typology. I have
mentioned several times throughout this book how the established types
are better seen as referring to 'focal points' on a continuum of noun
categorization devices rather than to discrete types (cf. also Craig forth-
coming: 43).
These continuum phenomena are of the following kinds. First, classifiers
could be just emerging, having not yet acquired the full status of gramma-
tical morphemes: they may be employed with only a minority of nouns and
be easily omissible (cf. the discussion of incipient numeral classifiers in
§4.4.2). Second, classifiers may be difficult to distinguish from other
morphological mechanisms; for instance, there are often difficulties in
distinguishing noun incorporation and verbal classifiers (see Chapter 6,
and especially n. 2 there). Third, there are borderline cases where it is far
from clear how many classifier types a language has: see the discussion in
Continua can also be established within particular types. For instance, in
many cases the distinction between mensural and sortal numeral classifiers
can be seen as that of a continuum (see Chapter 4, and the examples from
434 Classifiers
Palikur body parts in Chapter 13 which show that the same morpheme can
be used in both ways). It may be difficult to distinguish one type of
classifier from another; for instance, if a language has classifiers used on
demonstratives, it may be unclear whether this implies the presence of
deictic classifiers, or just noun classes which are realized on this target
(cf. §7.3). In the case of poorly known languages (such as Kipea, an extinct
Macro-Je language from Brazil: Rodrigues 1997) it is almost impossible to
tell a multiple classifier system from a system with agreement on multiple
targets (cf. §9.2).
Thus, the classifier types outlined here correspond to 'focal points' on
the cline of possibilities for grammaticalized noun categorization devices
realized in distinct morphosyntactic environments. The 'focal' points at the
edge of the continuum have more prototypical properties than the points
along the continuum. Further morphosyntactic contexts may develop into
new contexts in which classifiers may be used—indeed, in some cases it
seems to be almost impossible to tell whether we are dealing with new
emergent classifier types or extensions of already existing ones; see the
discussion in §9.3. In particular, subtypes within certain types—noun
classes, numeral, and verbal classifiers—are the most likely candidates to
give rise to new kinds of noun categorization devices.
The whole typology of noun categorization devices might be thus best
presented in terms of focal points (with their prototypical properties) along
a continuum of noun categorization. This conclusion is significant for a
descriptive approach to noun categorization devices; instead of trying to fit
noun categorization devices in a particular language into a certain type, the
important thing is to place them onto a continuum, and then decide which
prototypes they most resemble.
This semantic change corresponds to the following natural tendencies of semantic change
discovered by Wilkins (1981; 1996: 273): 'It is a natural tendency for a term for a visible
person-part to shift to refer to the visible whole of which it is a part . . . e.g. "navel" >
"belly" > "trunk" > "body" > "person"', and also 'it is natural tendency for a person-part
term to shift to refer to a spatially contiguous person part within the same whole ( e.g. "belly"
<-> "chest"; "skull" <-> "brain")'.
Appendix 2 443
(Al) 'Top, head' > classifier for humans
This is widespread in Southeast Asian languages. In Nicobarese, koi 'head'
is used to classify humans (Adams 1989: 93). In Burmese, the body part
noun 'u 'head', which also has a more abstract meaning 'beginning, origin,
top', is used for people of status, scholars, and teachers (Becker 1975).
(A2) Head > classifier for animals
Khmer (Mon-Khmer) uses kba:l 'head' for animals, and also—pejoratively—
for humans (Adams 1989: 67); the same usage was observed for Bahnar
(Central Bahnaric) ko-l (Adams 1989: 71). In various South Bahnaric
languages, 'head' is also used for animals, e.g. Chrau voq (Adams 1989:
77) (note also English head of cattle (Lehrer 1986); and see §4.4.2 on
incipient classifier systems using 'head' for animal classification in Omani
(A3) 'Eye' > classifier for humans
This is widely attested in Austroasiatic languages. The word for 'pupil of
the eye'—probably the most salient part of the eye—can be used as a
human classifier (in agreement with the part-to-whole tendency formulated
by Wilkins). In North Bahnaric *ngaay 'human classifier' comes from an
item with the reconstructed meaning 'pupil of the eye' (Adams 1992: 110).
Vietnamese ngu'O'i 'person; human classifier' also comes from this lexeme
(Adams 1989: 84). Items meaning 'eye, pupil of the eye' may acquire a
more restricted reference. They can become classifiers which refer to the
social status of a person (honorifics), e.g. Bahnar (Central Bahnaric) mat
'eye, pupil of the eye' used as an honorific (the same morpheme means
'precious stone' in Mon) (Adams 1989: 71).
Rarer possibilities include:
(A4) Tail > classifier for humans
This is found in Aslian languages (Austroasiatic: Adams 1989: 94).
(AS) Tail > classifier for animals
Indonesian and Minangkabau use 'tail' as a classifier for non-human
animates (ekor and ikua respectively). Some Aslian languages also use
'tail' for classifying animals (Adams 1989: 94). Body parts may be used
to refer to subclasses of animals. In Khmer, kontuy 'tail' is used as a
classifier for fish (Adams 1989: 67).
(A6) Leg > classifier for humans
Totonac (Totonac-Tepehuan: Levy 1994) has a numeral classifier cha:
'human', from cha':n 'leg'.
I will not discuss the semantic change top <-> head, and the possibility of polysemy for
corresponding items; cf. however Wilkins (1981: 172): 'it is a natural tendency for a word for
"top" to take on the meaning of "head" and vice versa.'
444 Classifiers
A function-based semantic extension of a body part can yield classifiers
for humans. The word for hand or arm may become a classifier for an
artist, or artisan, i.e. a 'handy' person, e.g. Vietnamese tay (Adams 1989:
(A7) Skin > non-human animates
This has been suggested as a source for Mai 'nang 'non-human animates',
cf. Tai nang 'skin' (Adams 1989: 61).
Names of specific body parts can be used as classifiers for species, or
genuses. The changes shell, skin, bark > crabs, and breasts and wings >
birds are attested in Sedang (North Bahnaric) (Adams 1989: 79).
When used to classify inanimates, body parts become shape- and size-
based classifiers, both when employed as numeral classifiers, and as verbal
classifiers (round head, or eye; long arm; short flexible finger). In a few
cases, the extension is achieved by function. The selection of an appro-
priate body part as a shape- or size-based classifier depends on the choice a
language makes. The shape and size parameters involved are ROUND, SMALL,
'Head' often becomes a classifier for ROUND objects. In Munduruku a2
'head' is a classifier for round objects (Gon9alves 1987: 24). Athabaskan
verbal classifier d which refers to roundish objects (see Chapter 6) is etymo-
logically related to *da 'head' in Proto-Eyak-Athabaskan (Jeff Leer, p.c.).
Another kind of extension, also found in numeral classifiers, concerns
extension by SHAPE and ARRANGEMENT, e.g. Thai Ma 'head', also used as a
classifier for clustered and root vegetables (Carpenter 1986).
'Eye' is a frequent source for classifiers for ROUND and SMALL objects. In
Kana, dEE 'numeral classifier for spot-like objects' derives from 'eye'. In
Caddo (Caddoan) the verbal classifier for small round objects, ic'ah-, is
also the noun stem for 'eye' (Mithun 1986: 390).
Other body parts can be used with a similar meaning, e.g. Yanomami
ko 'heart, kidney', employed as a classifier for round things (Ramirez
1994: 131). In Tarascan, the classifier for roundish objects comes from
A frequent source for a classifier for FLAT objects or objects with
extended surface is the word for skin. In Totonac mak-, a classifier for
flat and bounded objects, comes from makni 'body, skin'. In Baniwa and
Tariana -ya, a classifier for spread out, flat objects—such as skins—comes
from -ya 'skin', and in Kana dkpa, a classifier for flat objects, also comes
from the word for skin (Ikoro 1996a: 96). Yanomami (Ramirez 1994: 131)
si 'skin, bark' is a classifier for objects with an extended surface.
Another source for the classification of FLAT objects is the word for 'arm,
or wing'. In Totonacpaq- 'flat, unbounded' comes frompaqdn 'arm, wing'.
Another classifier for flat surfaces comes from 'face': Totonac laka- 'flat,
Appendix 2 445
surface' and lakan 'face'. In Tarascan, the classifier for flat surfaces comes
from 'back'.
Classifiers for VERTICAL objects may come from the word for 'arm', e.g.
Munduruku ba4 'arm; classifier for long, roundish and rigid objects'
(Goncalves 1987: 25). In Tarascan 'neck' is the classifier for longish
'Finger' is a frequent source for classifiers for LONG FLEXIBLE or THIN
objects, e.g. Munduruku bi/ 'hand, finger' used as a classifier for long
flexible objects. Baniwa and Tariana -whi 'needle, thin thing' became a
classifier for thin longish objects.
Body parts may be used as sources for shape- and size-based classifiers of
particular species. In Yanomami u is a classifier for long larvae and fruits;
and is also the word for bone (Ramirez 1994). In Wu-Ming, klaau2 'head' is
used to classify particular round objects, e.g. onions or scallions.
There are also FUNCTIONAL extensions; for instance, Burmese IE? 'hand' is
used to classify handtools (Adams 1989: 139). Other functional extensions
may be less semantically transparent. According to Conklin (1981: 239,
437), mata 'eye' is the source of a classifier which refers to the working
parts of various instruments, such as knives, and other bladed things, in
Toba Batak. This classifier got extended to fishhooks, shovels, and brooms
in Gorontalo.
Body parts can be used as specific classifiers for inanimate objects as the
result of metaphoric extensions. These extensions often involve metonymy:
an object is classified after its salient part. In Vietnamese, khau 'mouth' is
used to classify firearms which have an opening similar to a mouth (Adams
1989: 144). In Minangkabau, kaki 'leg' is a specific classifier for umbrellas,
with their long bodies (Marnita 1996: 115).
Body parts can be used to classify more abstract items, via metonymy,
e.g. 'eye' > 'visible aspect, trait, feature', for example, in Dioi (Conklin
1981: 380).
Unexpected semantic extensions may be due to pre-existing polysemy. A
polysemous body part 'head, front, beginning' became the classifier for
'roots, tubers', as well as for round vegetables in Lii (Conklin 1981: 165).
Otherwise, 'head' is never used as a classifier for non-round objects.
Body parts which are associated with handling things (mouth for eating
or drinking, or hand/arm for grabbing or measuring) often give rise to
MENSURAL classifiers. The word for 'mouth' may become a mensural classi-
fier meaning 'bite, sip, mouthful', as in Totonac (Table 13.2). In Hmong
linear measures are associated with the hands, or their parts (Bisang 1993:
35), e.g. ntiv 'finger' used for a linear measure, a finger-length, or xib 'the
palm of the hand' used for an equivalent measure; cf. Kilivila yuma, yam,
yuma 'hand; measure: the span of two extended arms' (Senft 1993a);
Palikur -uku-l-wok- 'hand', classifier for hands or handfuls. See §13.1, for
446 Classifiers
more examples. The semantics of mensural classifiers can be quite idiosyn-
cratic. In Minangkabau, jari 'finger' is used only for measuring cloth, and
kapalo 'head' is used just for measuring the distance between horses in a
race (Marnita 1996: 131-2).
Mensural classifiers are only rarely derived from other body parts. Two
examples are Totonac ok 'units of length, e.g. meters' which comes from
akdn 'head', and pa:- 'units of volume, e.g. pails' which comes from pa:n
'belly' (Levy 1994).
(B) Sources for shape-based numeral classifiers
A typical source for a classifier for ROUND objects is the word for 'fruit', as in
Kam-Muang and White Tai (Conklin 1981: 154), and Western Austronesian
(Conklin 1981: 234-5; Marnita 1996). Another frequent source is 'stone',
e.g. Gorontalo botu 'stone' and 'classifier for spheres and fruits-like objects'
(Conklin 1981: 233); reflexes of the same stem are used to classify round
things in a number of Micronesian languages (Conklin 1981: 301); note also
Khmer krcep 'stone, kernel', 'classifier for round things' (Adams 1989: 108).
'Seed' and 'grain' are typical sources for SMALL ROUND things (Adams
1989: 104-5). Some examples are Thai med 'grain', used as a classifier for
small things like jewels and buttons (Carpenter 1986); Mon-Khmer me?
'seed, kernel' used as classifier for round things (Adams 1989: 104); and
Minangkabau incek 'seed', used as a classifier for seeds, grains, and small
round objects, e.g. eyes (Marnita 1996: 111). Another source for a classifier
for small and round things is 'egg', cf. Baniwa (Table 9.5).
For LONG and VERTICAL things, typical sources are 'tree' or 'tree trunk', or
'stick', e.g. Indonesian and Minangkabau batang 'tree, trunk', used as a
classifier for long vertical things, e.g. a stick, and Palikur ah 'tree trunk'
used as a verbal classifier for vertical things.
An additional semantic feature may be FLEXIBILITY and LENGTH; in
Gorontalo agu 'wood' is used to classify trees, and also flexible objects,
such as snakes, and 'anything that has the quality of length, physical or
metaphorical' (Conklin 1981: 260, 438).
'Leaf is a typical source for a classifier for FLAT FLEXIBLE objects, e.g.
Proto-Arawak *pana 'leaf, -pana 'classifier: leaf-like, flat'; this is also
found in numerous Mon-Khmer languages (Adams 1989: 155), and in
Dioi and numerous Tai languages (Conklin 1981: 158-60).
'Threads', 'strings', and 'veins' can be used to classify LONG FLEXIBLE items
(examples from Mon-Khmer languages are given in Adams 1989: 143).
The choice of item to be used as the source for a shape classifier is often
associated with material culture. Thus, Proto-Arawak -maka is the noun
for 'hammock', and also a classifier for 'extended cloth like objects'; it is
well known that the hammock is a central item in Amazonian culture (see
Appendix 3
Fieldworker's Guide to Classifier Languages
' It is based on the author's own field experience in different parts of the world, student
supervision in Brazil and Australia, reading of grammars, and talking to other linguists about
their field experiences.
448 Classifiers
carefully directed elicitation. Lexical elicitation is essential to work out the
semantics of classifiers and their assignment principles. If at all possible,
the researcher should take into account—but not entirely rely on—the
intuitions of native speakers when trying to account for seemingly opaque
semantics of genders or classifiers. Extensive work with texts is recom-
mended to understand the discourse use of classifiers and agreement var-
(A) Establishing types of classifier and their inventories in given morpho-
syntactic contexts (Chapters 2-9)
(Al) Are any noun categorization devices used within an NP? Test the
appearance of classifier-like markers (i) on adjectival modifiers within a
noun phrase; (ii) on demonstratives, articles, interrogatives (test for noun
classes: Chapter 2, and/or deictic classifiers: Chapter 7); (iii) within an NP
to characterize a noun by itself, generic-specific type (test for noun
classifiers: Chapter 3); (iv) on numerals and quantifiers (test for numeral
classifiers: Chapter 4).
(A2) If there is agreement in noun class in NP or clause, is it obligatory? If
not, does it depend on (a) discourse saliency of a noun; (b) its topicality or
topical continuity; (c) contrastive focus; (d) first mention of a noun in
discourse; (e) definiteness of a noun? If it is, are there any variations in
the choice of agreement form depending on (a-e) or other factors?
In a language with classifiers, can two or more nouns belonging to
different classes be coordinated? What classifier is then chosen (test for
classifier resolution)? Are there any formal or functional markedness
relations in the classifier system? Is there any zero-agreement, or neutral/
default agreement? (See §2.5.1.)
(A3) Is there any overt noun class marking (§2.6 in Chapter 2)? If there
are classifiers, are they bound or free morphemes (suffixes, prefixes, etc.)?
(A4) Are there any noun categorization devices used within a possessive
NP referring to (i) the ways a referent of the noun can be possessed, or
handled, e.g. eaten, or drunk, or sold; (ii) intrinsic properties of the referent
of the possessed or of the possessor (e.g. shape, animacy)? (Tests for
relational, possessed and possessor classifiers respectively: Chapter 5.)
(A5) Are there any noun categorization devices marked on adpositions (if
there are any)? (Test for locative classifiers: Chapter 7.)
(A6) On the verb: does the form of a verb (transitive or intransitive)
change depending on (i) the physical orientation of its argument; (ii) other
properties—animacy, shape, etc.—of its argument? (Test for verbal classi-
fiers and classificatory verbs: Chapter 6.)
Appendix 3 449
(A 7) If a classifier can appear on the head noun and on a modifier, are
there any differences in its (i) form; (ii) meaning; (iii) syntactic behaviour?
(A8) How many classifiers are there?
(A9) Are there different choices of classifiers available associated with
different types of modifier? For instance, different classifier choices may
be made for demonstratives and for adjectives in head-modifier NPs ('split
agreement' system). Is there any double marking?
(A10) If there is more than one set of classifier morphemes, used in
different morphosyntactic contexts, do they overlap? How are they differ-
ent? (Chapter 8.)
(A11) If the single set of classifier morphemes is used in several different
morphosyntactic environments, are there any differences in form or in
meaning? (Test for a multiple classifier language: Chapter 9.)
(B) Correlations with other categories (Chapter 10)
(B1) Do classifier distinctions differ depending on number?
(B2) Do they differ depending on grammatical relations (e.g. genders may
be distinguished for O, but not for the subject (A/S))?
(B3) Does the choice of possessive classifier depend on an alienable/
inalienable distinction?
(B4) Are any classifier distinctions neutralized in certain verbal tenses, or
(B5) Are there fewer classifier distinctions in some deictic categories?
(B6) Can the use of different classifiers distinguish different meanings of a
(B7) Does the presence of classifiers affect the structure of the lexicon?
That is, in languages with large systems of classifiers the assignment of
which is based on shape, there may be fewer lexical items which refer to
the size of the object (e.g. big, large, round). Is this true for your
(C) Semantics of noun categorization devices (Chapter 11)
(C1) How are classifiers assigned to humans; non-human animates; inan-
imate concrete objects? How are higher animates (mammals) distinguished
from lower animates?
(C2) How are classifiers assigned to body parts?
450 Classifiers
(C3) How are classifiers assigned to abstract nouns and natural phenom-
ena? How are classifiers assigned to loans?
(C4) Is there any default or general classifier? If so, how is it used: (i) for
otherwise unclassifiable items ('residue' classifier), (ii) for unspecified or
unknown referent ('unspecified referent' classifier); (iii) can it be substi-
tuted for other classifiers under special pragmatic conditions ('default'
(C5) Are there any semantic extensions to classifiers (e.g. 'male/female' to
'big/little'; 'female' to 'cute and small')?
(D) Functions of classifiers (Chapter 12)
(D1) Are classifiers obligatory?
(D2) If not, does their use correlate with any of the parameters in (A2)?
Can a classifier be 'dropped', or can a noun be 'dropped', and what is the
effect of this?
(D3) If yes, does the choice of a classifier depend on any of (a-c) in (A2)?
Are any noun categorization devices marked on the noun itself? If there are
numeral or other classifiers are they also used as derivational morphemes
(cf. (E) in §9.1)?
(D4) Can a classifier be used without a head noun (i.e. anaphorically)?
(D5) What are the functions of classifiers in narratives? Does the use of
classifiers depend on textual genre?
(D6) Does the semantic organization of classifiers correlate with extra-
linguistic factors, e.g. the world-view and/or mythological concepts of the
speakers? Do social factors affect the composition of each class? Is there
any correlation between classifiers and culture, or language planning?
(E) Origin and acquisition of classifiers (Chapters 13 and 14)
(E1) Is there any information about the origin of classifiers (e.g. devel-
oped from nouns, or from verbs)?
(E2) Is there any information on the semantic evolution of classifiers?
(E3) Are there any data on the behaviour of classifiers in (i) language
obsolescence; (ii) the speech of bilinguals and semilinguals; (iii) language
diffusion; (iv) language reduction or expansion?
(E4) Is there any information on generational differences in the use and
production of classifiers? Are there any data on how children employ
classifiers? (Chapter 14)
Appendix 3 451
(F) Animacy and humanness outside noun categorization devices (Appendix
(F1) Does number marking or number agreement depend on whether the
referent of a noun is human, or animate?
(F2) Does the way in which grammatical relations are marked (by case or
cross-referencing) depend on the animacy or humanness of the argument
(A, S, or O)?
(F3) Are there any derivational devices used for animate or for human
(F4) Are there any differences in the ways personal pronouns are used
with nouns with human and with non-human referents?
(F5) Are there any humanness or animacy distinctions in interrogatives?
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List of Languages
Abau 67, 77, 123, 277, 322 Arawa 4, 32, 34, 54, 58-9, 70-1, 76, 80, 100,
Abaza 40, 48 138, 246, 251-2, 257-9, 272, 371, 381,
Abelam 253 400, 434
Abkhaz 32-3, 40, 48 Arawak 2-4, 12,14, 39, 50, 54, 57,69, 76, 80,
Abu' Arapesh 23, 26, 262, 346 93, 100, 106, 123, 143, 150, 174, 183,
Acehnese 84, 91, 97, 190, 283, 286, 290, 381, 198, 201-2, 204-5, 210, 226-7, 230, 244,
402 246, 248, 256, 259, 262, 272, 279, 286,
Achagua 185, 198, 200, 202, 259, 286, 288, 288, 294, 360-1, 368-9, 384-7, 400
290, 292, 387 Archi 43, 47, 176
African 10, 19, 67-8, 70, 76-7, 101, 243,287, Armenian 77, 263
373, 381 Arvanitika 390
Afroasiatic 19, 54, 59, 77, 92, 121, 248, 252, Aslian 443
276-7, 288, 346 Asmat 171, 299
Ahaggar 254 Assamese 102, 105, 117, 260, 379
Ahtna 167, 169, 382 Atakapa 169
Aikana 80 Athabaskan 9, 11, 123, 152–4, 156, 165,
Ainu 121, 286, 436 167-9, 176, 185, 205, 250, 265, 296, 334,
Akan 280, 342, 398 336, 344, 355, 381, 437, 444
Akatek 88, 90-1, 98, 113-14, 117-19, 187-9, Australian 2, 9-10, 12, 23, 25, 31, 33-5,
252, 284-5, 287, 290, 293, 302, 357, 403 37-8, 41, 43, 49, 53-7, 59, 65-7, 70, 76,
Akhvakh 23 79, 81–4, 86, 88-92, 95, 97, 99-101, 147,
Akoye 79 150-1, 160-1, 191, 200, 228-9, 246-7,
Alamblak 27, 42, 56, 58, 276-7, 322 252, 256-7, 277-8, 280, 284-5, 296-9,
Alawa 257 318, 321, 328-9, 339, 342, 345, 353-5,
Albanian 396 357, 360-1, 366, 369, 372, 275, 378, 381,
Algonquian 79-80, 100, 121, 123, 154, 276, 383, 385, 391, 395-7, 399, 402, 407, 431,
297 438
Algonquian-Ritwan 123 Austroasiatic 97, 116, 121, 227, 260, 272,
Amazonian 7, 10, 51, 82, 95, 193, 266, 396 286, 291-2, 311, 342, 347, 354, 357,
Amele 437 365-6, 403-4, 443
American Indian 79, 125 Austronesian 28, 85, 100, 110, 113, 124-5,
American sign language 296 133, 142, 147, 171, 183, 204-5, 210, 244,
Amharic 262, 277, 279 267, 294, 303, 313, 339, 354, 357, 366,
Amuesha 80 382, 388, 402, 433
Ancient Egyptian 82 Awa Pit 86, 97, 381, 437
Andi 278, 377 Awabakal 228
Angan 79, 123, 218, 244, 346, 435 Awara 124, 207, 211, 218, 287, 418, 435
Angave 79, 123, 218, 244, 346 Ayacucho Quechua 48, 383, 388
Animere 381 Aymara 80
Anindilyakwa 5, 12, 35, 43, 57, 66, 101, 151, Aztec 123
160-1, 169, 191, 200, 202, 207, 247, 256,
280 Babungo 24, 57
Apalai 128-9, 142, 175, 295, 320, 336, 360, Badyaranke 61, 382, 388
365 Bagval 23
Apurina 57, 143 Bahnar 356, 443
Arabic 40, 121, 385, 388, 392 Bahwana 80, 107, 229, 259, 286, 354, 360,
Arapesh 26, 59, 62, 79, 262, 276, 346 380, 383
510 Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families
Baining 33, 79, 218, 244, 434 Caddo 444
Bainouk 59, 61-2, 435 Caddoan 169, 201-2, 444
Balinese 286 Cahuapanan 208
Baltic 245, 387 Cahuilla 143-4, 317, 343, 348, 365, 406
Balto-Finnic 440 Campa 191, 435
Banda 374 Camus 277
Banggais 404 Canela 129
Baniwa (of Icana) vii, 4, 10, 31, 37, 39, 58, Cantabrian Spanish 27, 45, 276-7, 409
69, 77, 100, 116, 131, 133–4, 136, 142-3, Cantonese 207, 214-15, 226-7, 326, 329, 419
145, 147, 185, 192, 201-2, 219, 227, Carib 11-12, 80, 127-9, 147, 172, 198, 259,
230-2, 234-5, 240-1, 246, 265, 272, 283, 295, 300, 354, 360, 365, 383, 438
287, 290, 294, 303, 310, 327, 336, 344, Carrier 167-8, 382
355, 370, 382, 384-5, 387, 401, 444-6 Caucasian 244, 252, 340
Banjalang 79, 395 Cayuga 402-3
Bantu 2, 5, 9, 22, 24, 30-3, 35-6, 38, 44, 50, Central American 80, 123
53, 57, 63, 65-6, 95, 100, 176, 24,8, 266, Central Bahnaric 356, 443
279, 281-3, 349, 359, 369-70, 373, 383, Central Bougainville 79
387-9, 398-9, 403, 407, 409, 413, Central Jukunoid 380
416-17, 422 Central Khoisan 246-7, 393
Banz 299 Central Porno 437
Barasano 70 Central Tucano 93, 219, 227, 333, 384, 386
Barbacoan 86, 97, 123, 437 Central Yup'ik Eskimo 181
Bare 4, 247, 266, 268, 370, 380, 387, 394, 400 Chacabano Zamboangueno 389
Bari 393 Chadic 358
Basque 436 Chamalal 32
Beludzhi 379 Chambri 123
Bengali 77, 102, 105, 249, 369, 379, 381, 431, Chamicuro 80
438-9 Chapacuran 257-9, 321, 434
Benue-Congo 24, 57, 59, 99, 101, 110, 124, Chapahuan 123
249, 356, 380-1, 398 Chayahuita 207-8, 227
Berber 41, 51, 59, 92, 252-3, 255-6, 279, 368, Chechen 27, 41, 49, 57, 263, 409
388 Chemakuan 79, 121
Biak 244 Chemehuevi 127, 295
Bihari 102 Chenapian 67, 123
Biloxi 169 Cherokee 11, 80, 161-3, 175, 297
Bilua 79 Chevak (Eskimo) 181
Binanderre 439 Chibchan 97, 123, 154, 156, 375
Bine 33, 79 ChiBemba 52, 279, 282, 409
Black Tai 227, 405 Chimbu 171, 299
Blackfoot 123 Chimila 123
Bodo 105 Chinantec 189, 191, 202, 257, 287, 292, 371,
Bolivian 286 376
Bora 221, 246-7, 287, 333, 385, 387, 397 Chinantepec Chinantec 293
Bora-Witoto 69, 80, 123, 220-2, 226, 246-7, Chinese 104, 118, 121, 205, 212, 226-7, 273,
287, 385, 435 354, 361, 389, 409, 417-18, 439
Bororo 129 Chipewyan 154, 249, 297-8
Boumaa Fijian 133-4, 136, 138, 140, 293 Chiricahua Apache 154, 250
Bowili 27 Chitimacha 169
Brazilian Portuguese 42, 266 Choco 436
Budukh 68 Chrau 357, 365, 443
Bugis 286, 315, 404, 406 Chuj 364
Bukiyip 62, 276 Chukchee 438
Burmese 100, 103, 260, 262, 267, 291-2, Classical Arabic 120
311-12, 315, 319, 324, 328-9, 336, 346, Colville 123
361, 442-3, 445 Comaltepec Chinantec 117-18, 257, 287
Burushaski 35, 77 Comanche 80, 436
Bwamu 287 Cora 127, 154, 191, 202, 295-7
Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families 511
Costanoan 80 Enga 158-9, 166, 250, 296, 299, 406
Cree 297 Engan 158-9, 171, 299, 362
Creek 158, 251 English 21, 24, 26, 29, 36, 54, 86-7, 100,
Cross River 101, 110, 124, 287, 356, 379, 115-16, 140, 153, 176, 228, 326, 337-9,
398, 434 349-50, 358, 386, 389-90, 397, 407, 409,
Cuaiquer 437 415, 443
Cuiba 50, 221, 224 American English 346
Cushitic 28, 92, 276, 390 Old 380, 398
Czech 415 Pidgin 389
Standard 312
Daghestanian 60, 263 Tasmanian 312
Dahalo 390 Epena Pedee 436
Daju 398 Eskimo 177, 181-2, 266, 301, 345
Dakota 158, 169, 299 Estonian 387, 440
Daly 97, 283, 285 Ewe 440
Dangbon 385 Eyak 176, 206-7, 209, 225
Danish 243 Eyak-Athabaskan 121, 169, 206, 209
Dasenech 277 Eywo 79
Daw 12, 85, 139, 147, 172, 174-5, 192, 202,
259, 300, 345, 354, 357, 371, 376, 381 Fanagalo 389
Dena'ina, or Tanaina 167, 382 Felefita 346
Deni 70, 434 Fijian 2, 11,113, 141, 381
Dhegiha 169 Old 113
Dioi 215, 288, 405-6, 445-6 Standard 133
Diyari 23, 336 Finnish 369, 387, 439
Dogon 438 Finno-Ugric 102
Dogrib 250 Fly River 33, 79, 277. 437
'Dongo-ko 129-30, 147, 192, 202 Folopa, or Podopa 123
Dravidian 19, 22-3, 41, 46, 77, 99, 103, 121, French 19-20. 40, 53–4, 62, 326, 379, 399,
185, 202, 249, 276, 286-7, 384, 398 414-15
Dulong-Rawang 207, 215, 323 Colloquial 408
Dutch 26 Old 380
Dyirbal 23, 35-6, 41, 43, 45, 56, 79, 228, 281, Ful 59, 243
310-11, 329, 345, 347, 372-3, 390, 395, Fulfulde 344, 346
408, 438
Traditional 349, 390 Gaagudju 49, 70, 396
Young People's 349, 390-1 Gadjang 228
Gaelic 390
East Adamawa 358, 374 Gapapaiwa 147
East Asian 11, 82, 99, 101, 103, 121, 205-6, Garifuna, or Black Carib 34, 40, 44
325 Garo 310, 417-18
East Berber 243 Gaviao 86
East Cushitic 25, 51, 60, 328 German 24-5, 27, 39, 153, 243, 280, 335,
East New Britain 33, 79, 244, 434 337, 363, 387, 397, 409, 414-15
East Sepik 4, 24, 42, 54, 58, 62, 123, 253, Gilbertese 291
276-7, 322, 437 Godoberi 23, 276
East Slavic 244 Gola 58, 321
East Tucano 4, 50, 70, 110, 131, 218-19, Gold Palaung 366
221-2, 259, 287, 333, 361-2, 384 Gondi 266
Eastern Mindi 397 Gorontalo 286, 445-6
Eastern Nilotic 42, 58, 59, 77, 276-7, 354, Gran Choco 80
358, 368, 380, 392-3, 402, 403 Grassfields Bantu 24, 57, 124
Eastern Sudanic 21, 398 Grasslands Bantu 10, 287, 434
Eastern Sutherland Gaelic 390 Great Basin 123, 169
Egyptian Arabic 120, 415 Grebo 377, 417
Ejagham 99-100, 105, 111, 124, 249 Greek 19, 390
Emmi 84, 86, 97, 161, 257, 285, 299 Guahibo 36, 50, 80, 94, 123, 204, 220-2, 224
512 Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families
Guaicuruan 12, 80, 130, 147, 175, 177-8, 363, 378, 380, 388, 396, 398-9, 413, 415-
180-3, 191, 198, 251, 301, 326, 362-3 16
Guajiro 54 Indonesian, Bahasa Indonesia 283, 286, 288,
Gulf 80, 123 381, 386, 402, 404, 443, 46
Gunbarlang 200, 202, 381 Ingush 27, 41, 49, 57, 263
Gunwinjgu 44, 169 Iranian 77, 121, 185, 379
Gur 53, 59 Old 396
Gurr-goni 33, 38, 53-5, 66, 70, 100, 281, 408 Iraqw 26, 70
Guugu Yimidhirr 372 Irish, Modern 262
Gwich'in 169 Iroquoian 161, 169, 201-2, 243, 296–7, 402
Island Carib 259, 354, 360, 383
Haida 121, 169 Italian 19, 379, 399
Hakka 215, 226 Itonama 80
Halia 124 Iwaidja 37
Hani 156, 300 Iwam 123
Harakmbet 69, 80, 123, 171 Izayan 243, 253, 256, 440
Harar 25
Hausa 25, 388 Jabuti 80
Hawaiian 136 Jacaltec 82-3, 88, 225, 252, 284-7, 313, 323,
Hebrew 44, 52, 92, 138, 243, 254, 264, 331, 334, 341, 344, 357, 364, 375, 403
413-15 Modern 334
Hiechware 368 Japanese 2, 8, 21, 99, 106, 113, 121, 155,
Hindi 53, 102, 121 261-2, 288, 293, 308-10, 314, 316-17,
Hittite 82, 378 320, 324, 328-9, 334-6, 344, 348, 351,
Hixkaryana 175, 438 410, 417—20, 436, 439
Hmong 12, 104, 131-2, 144-5, 147, 183, Modern 410
205-7, 215-16, 225, 291-2, 329, 354, Jarawara 54, 59, 100, 251, 258, 262, 272, 439
356, 445 Javanese 386
Hohodene 143 Jawoyn 385
Hokan 169 Je 11, 23, 36, 80, 97, 147,228,244
Hokkien 215, 226, 419-20 Jeh 104
Holikachuk 169 Jingulu 34, 281
Hopi 80 Jivaro 80
Hua 438–40 Jukun 380
Hualapai 127
Huave 123 Kabyle 39, 256
Huli 299 Kadiweu 130, 175, 181, 198
Hungarian 102-4, 115-16, 121, 440 Kadugli-Kongo 277
Huon 171, 299 Kaingang 23, 36, 228
Hupa 123, 249 Kakua 80, 228, 384
Hupda 139, 147 Kalau Lagaw Ya, Kalaw Kawaw Ya 253, 336
Kaliai-Kove 134, 293
latmul 253 Kam-Muang 446
Ibibio 104 Kamoro 166, 299
Icelandic 415 Kana 99, 101, 110-11, 287, 317, 354, 356,
Idu 155 359-60, 371, 379, 403-4, 439, 444
Igbo 77, 440 Kanjobal of San Miguel Acatan 113
Ignaciano 69, 207, 210, 213, 227 Kanjobalan Mayan 82, 88, 90-1, 97-8, 123,
Ika 154, 156, 165, 171, 296, 299, 438 187, 202, 284, 286, 357, 376,404
Ilocano 313, 388 Kannada 286
Imonda 152, 166, 297, 300, 330, 362-3, 379, Kariri 11, 229
406, 439 Karo 171
Indie 77, 99, 103, 105, 121, 185, 202, 379 Karok 80, 123
Indo-Aryan 27, 102, 260, 287, 369, 384 Katcha 25, 277
Old 379 Kate 299
Indo-European 3, 19, 24, 31, 54, 59, 77, 86, Katu 442
121, 243, 248, 252, 255-6, 262-3, 280, Katuic 442
Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families 513
Kayapo 129 Landuma 61, 435
Kegboid 101, 110-11, 124, 287, 371, 379, Lao 89, 103, 222, 225, 268, 354, 360-1, 439
381, 439 Latin 19, 40, 47, 53, 255-6, 262, 336, 379-80
Kenya Pidgin Swahili 388 Latvian 369, 387
Keriaka 79 Lavukaleve 79, 244, 257a
Ket 23, 42, 77 Lezgian 60, 263, 438
Kewa 299 Lezgic 263
Khinalug 47, 248 Lii 445
Khmer 104, 117, 288, 347, 405, 443, 446 Limilngan 25, 59, 381
Khmu 403 Lingala 388, 400
Khmuic 272 Kinshasa 388, 399-400
Khoe 368, 393 Mankandza 399-400
Khoisan 42, 59, 77, 254, 276 Lingua Geral 390
Kibera 388 Lisu 288
Kikongo 30, 389, 400 Lithuanian 245, 255, 262, 387
Kikuyu 57, 63-4, 282 Lokono 50, 54, 172, 174-5, 201-2, 262, 279,
Kilivila 8, 104, 110, 136-7, 141, 191, 204, 300
207, 210, 223, 225, 260, 294-5, 303–4, Longgu 382
316, 331, 366, 376, 411, 417-19, 445 Loniu 124
Kiowa 80, 248, 250 Lotuko 384
Kiowa-Tanoan 11, 80, 248, 250, 369, 377 Loven 367
Kipea 11, 133, 136, 147, 294, 434 Lower Chinook 79
Kipea-Kariri 133, 135, 147, 229 Lower Cross 396, 398-9
Kituba 388, 400 Lower Sepik 27, 58, 79, 123
Kiwai 299 Lowland Amazonia 123, 171, 216, 222
Kiwaian 171, 299 Lowland Amazonian 7, 36, 93, 99, 201
Koaia 80 Lowland East Cushitic 385
Koasati 158, 169, 436 Luganda 52
Kobon 436 Luiseno 127, 295
Kolami 23, 41, 67, 287
Korafe 439 Ma 276
Kordofanian 25 Maa 384
Kore 380 Maasai 375
Korean 106-7, 113, 115, 120-1, 260-1, 273, Maasina 346, 392
288, 293, 311, 319, 334, 336, 348, 351, Machiguenga 12, 191, 199, 202, 207, 213,
386 341, 370
Kosraean 294 Macro-Je 11, 36, 129, 228, 259, 434
Koyukon 157, 167, 176, 209, 250, 265, 336, Macushi 128-9, 140, 142, 175
382 Magadhan 102
Kraho 129 Maka 80, 253
Kru 377, 398-9, 417 Makassar 286, 406
Kulina 434 Maku 12, 80, 85, 97, 139, 147, 172, 174, 192,
Ku Waru 159, 166, 362 228, 259, 300, 354, 357, 371, 384, 435
Kubeo 207, 219, 226, 382, 384-5 Mai 101, 104, 444
Kugu-Ngancara 90 Malak-Malak 70
Kuot 32-3, 79 Malay 249, 286, 308, 324-5, 329, 381, 386
Kuria 279, 407, 409 Malinke 382, 388
Kurripaco 143 Malto 23, 102, 104, 112, 185, 206, 248, 286
Kusaiean 108 Mam 87, 140, 252, 284, 331, 357, 362, 364,
Kwa 398, 440 375-6, 403
Kwoma/Washkuk 77 Manam 134, 137, 293, 365
Kxoe 42, 368 Manambu 4, 32, 37, 42, 45, 54, 58, 243-4,
253, 263–4, 276-8, 313, 358, 392, 438
Lahu 361 Mandan 3, 177, 326, 363
Lak 34, 278, 347 Mandarin (Chinese) 98-9, 183, 206-7, 309,
Lama 53 324-5, 328, 335-6, 409-10, 418-23
Lama Lama 92 Mande 77, 382, 388
514 Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families
Marathi 102, 106, 121, 287 Mimduruku 12, 123, 152, 160-1, 171, 205,
Maricopa 127 207, 216-18, 224-5, 227, 333, 354-5,
Marind 60, 77 444-5
Marrithiyel 37, 97 Mupun 358, 402
Marshallese 294 Murrinhpatha 37, 84, 86, 89-90, 97, 284-5
Mataguayo 253 Murui Witoto 246
Maung 65, 267 Muskogean 158, 169, 251, 436
Mayali 31, 38, 41, 53, 55, 92, 150–1, 169,
266, 281-1, 296, 354-5, 360, 380, 385, Nadeb 147, 259, 354, 371
396, 408, 442 Nahuatl 123
Mayan 84, 87, 90-1, 97, 103, 113, 115, 123, Naiki 41, 67
140, 252, 285, 288-9, 329-30, 339, 342, Nakh 41, 47
353–4, 357, 364, 367, 375, 438 Nakh-Daghestanian 27
Mba 33, 67, 75-6, 129-30, 147, 192, 243, Nakhi 362
259, 387 Nama 254
Melanesian 110 Nambiquara 93, 123, 204, 221, 224-5,
Melpa 171, 299 303-4, 333-4, 345
Menomini 123 Napues, or Kunua 79
Mescalero Apache 154-5, 157, 330 Naro 368
Mesoamerican 12, 81-2, 97, 101, 153, 169, Nasioi 12, 79, 131-2, 139, 162, 176, 207,
335 219-20, 259
Mexican 123 Natchez 169
Miao 132, 144 Nauru 99, 110, 205
Miao of Wei Ning 104 Navajo 167, 250, 336
Miao-Yao 12, 131, 147, 212, 215, 435 Ndali 63-5
Micronesian 108, 110, 125, 136, 140-1, 147, Ndu 4, 24, 32, 42, 54, 58, 77, 243-4, 253,
186-7, 205, 260, 291, 294, 361, 365-6, 278, 392
405, 446 Ndunga-le 383, 387
Minangkabau 10, 84-5, 90, 97-8, 100, 117, Nepali 102, 379
120, 187, 189, 202, 253, 262, 272, 283, Nevome 158, 169, 297, 299
285-6, 289, 291-3, 302, 308, 318, 322, New Caledonia 142
329-30, 348, 354, 356, 359-60, 366, 370, New Guinea Highlands 158
375, 381, 386, 391, 401-2, 404, 406, 443, New Indo-Aryan 379
445-6 Newari 9, 207, 212, 265, 326
Mindi 397 Nez Perce 123
Missima 147 Ngala (Nilo-Saharan) 374
Miwok 80 Ngala (Papuan) 253
Mixtec 252, 260, 354, 359, 376 Ngalakan 33, 49, 56
Mnong Gar 357 Ngan'gityemerri 84, 89, 92-3, 95, 97, 185-6,
Mocovi 130 201-2, 285, 301, 317, 354, 361, 370, 376,
Modern Hebrew 22, 28, 53, 248, 264 394, 404, 407
Modern Irish 262 Ngandi 169, 246, 296, 373, 387, 402, 442
Mohawk 403 Ngiyambaa 9
Mokilese 11, 133, 186-7, 202, 301 Ngyembccn 124, 287, 356
Mon 272, 443 Nias 112
Mon-Khmer 101, 104, 365, 402, 442-3, 446 Nicobarese 443
Monumbo 59 Niger-Congo 33, 58-9, 67, 75-7, 99, 104,
Mori 286 129, 147, 192, 259, 276, 342, 356, 359,
Morobe Province 79, 124, 211, 287 380, 384, 387, 438
Motuna 12, 34, 40, 69, 79, 131-2, 162, 176, Nilo-Saharan 51, 77
207, 219-21, 248, 279, 303, 321, 370, 437 Nivkh, or Gilyak 100, 108-9, 121, 206, 274,
Movima 80, 110, 286 286, 290
Mparntwe Arrente 82, 84, 88 Non-Austronesian, also see Papuan 32-4,
Mufian 62 79, 218
Muhiang Arapesh 26 Non-Bantu 38
Mulao 9 Nootka 249
Munda 77 North Amazonian 77, 220, 226, 327, 344
Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families 515
North American Indian 11, 97, 105, 147, 247, 257, 259, 264-5, 268, 278-9,
154, 158, 177, 182, 296 289-90, 292, 296-7, 300, 302, 310, 316,
North Arawak vii, 10, 23, 27, 31, 33-4, 36, 320, 327, 333, 335-7, 341, 354-5, 357,
39–40, 44, 50, 58, 60, 69, 92-3, 100, 360, 369-70, 375, 383, 434, 445-6
106-7, 109-10, 116, 131, 133, 142-3, Pamir 60
147, 152, 163, 171-2, 192, 198, 203-4, Panara 129
220-3, 235, 246-7, 253, 259, 265-8, 340, Panare 127-8, 360
371, 376, 380, 383, 385-7, 390, 394 Pano 80
North Bahnaric 443–4 Papago 127
North Berber 39, 243, 254 Papuan 3, 10-12, 23, 38, 59, 67, 69, 77, 79,
North Khoisan 58 97, 123, 131-2, 139, 144, 147, 149, 152,
North Kimberley 34-5 158-9, 162, 166, 169, 205, 211, 218-19,
Northeast Caucasian 23, 32, 34, 40, 43, 47, 243–1, 248, 257, 259, 276-7, 279,
60, 77, 176, 263, 276, 278, 347, 377 296-300, 303, 321-2, 329, 362, 370, 379,
Northern Athabaskan 157, 167, 169, 205 382, 384, 396, 433, 435-7, 439
Northern Australian 44, 53-4, 95, 161, 169, Pareci 226, 435
185, 280, 283, 322, 372 Parji 23, 41, 67
Northern Iroquoian 401 Patjtjamalh 84, 97
Northern Je 129 Paumari 4, 32, 34, 70-6, 100, 138, 146, 184,
Northern Palaungic 442 246, 252, 257, 283, 381, 400
Northern Tai 227 Peba-Yagua 80, 123, 221
Northern Tepehuan 127 Persian 77, 121, 369, 379
Northwest Caucasian 32-3, 48, 77 Peruvian Arawak 191, 199, 213, 341
Northwest Coast 79, 121 Petals 124
Ntifa 254 Piapoco 387
Nubi 388 Pilaga 12, 86, 178, 180-2, 251, 266, 301, 326,
Numic (Uto-Aztecan) 80 331, 336
Nung 100, 103-4, 118, 207, 211, 227, 405 Piman 169
Nungali 65-6, 381, 397 Piraha 80
Nunggubuyu 33, 59, 66, 92, 150, 169, 200, Piratapuya 4
202, 321, 325, 387 Pittapitta 228
Nyanja 65 Platoid 380
Pogoro 407
Ocaina 385, 397 Polish 244, 279, 313, 414-15, 440
Oceanic 6, 11, 97, 121, 124, 133-7, 143, 145, Polynesian 135-6
147, 294, 381-2, 384 Pomoan 79, 169
Ojibway 121, 154-5, 297 Ponapean 11, 186, 202, 260-1, 294, 301,
Ok 77, 171, 277 336, 342, 344, 354, 359, 361-2, 364, 366,
Old Church Slavonic 244 405
Olgolo 91, 373 Ponca 177-8, 182
Ollari 23 Portuguese 2, 25, 28, 31, 30, 43, 45, 47, 52-3,
Olo 59, 277 57, 62, 75, 100, 109, 243, 313, 358, 379,
Omani Arabic 120, 443 391, 400
Omani-Zanzibar dialect of Arabic 120 Potawatomi 123
Omotic 52 Pre-Andine Arawak 143
Ongamo 375 Pre-Proto-Northern-Iroquoian 378
Oriya 102, 379 Proto-Afroasiatic 92
Oromo 25, 28, 92, 276-7, 279, 328 Proto-Akan 342
'Oro Nao 257-8, 321 Proto-Arawa 60
Ossete 379 Proto-Arawak 70, 143, 371, 387, 446
Otomanguean 80, 117-18, 123 Proto-Athabaskan 250
Proto-Australian 372
Pacific Coast Athabaskan 80 Proto-Bantu 24, 283
Palaungic 82, 402 Proto-Benue-Congo 111, 358, 381
Paleosiberian 77, 100, 108, 121, 206 Proto-Berber 256
Palikur 3, 8, 12, 27, 39, 69, 100, 112, 142, Proto-Bora-Muinane 387
163-5, 172-6, 192-203, 225-6, 228-9, Proto-Bora-Witoto 246
516 Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families
Proto-Chadic 358 Sepik Hill 77
Proto-Cross-River 379 Serbo-Croatian 415
Proto-Dravidian 378 Sesotho 57, 416, 418
Proto-East-Katuic 442 Setswana 50, 349, 416
Proto-Eastern Nilotic 358, 375 Shan 406
Proto-Eyak-Athabaskan 154, 169, 444 Shilh 256
Proto-Guaicuruan 181, 363 Shona 32, 65, 343, 407
Proto-Gur 388 Siamese 404-6
Proto-Kru 377 Sierra Popoluca 123
Proto-Oceanic 124, 134, 365 Sinasina 299
Proto-South-Dravidian 378 Sino-Japanese 113, 336
Proto-Uralic 440 Sino-Korean 113
Proto-Waic 402, 442 Sino-Tibetan 105, 361-2
Pueblo 80, 123 Siouan 3, 7, 12, 80, 158, 169, 177, 181-3,
Puluwat 140-1, 145, 295 276, 299, 301, 326, 362-3
Punjabi 27 SiSwati 416
Siuci 143
Qafar 25, 51 Siwa 243, 253
Qiang 155, 175 Slave 154, 167, 169, 250, 297, 437
Quechua 80, 382 Slavic 48, 56, 245, 377, 388, 439
Queyu 155 Slovene 244-6, 380
Sochiapan Chinantec 12, 191, 201, 287, 290,
Raga 135, 294 293
Rama 375 Solomon Islands 79, 257
Reef-Santa Cruzan 79, 147, 171, 218, 386, South Amazon 58
435 South American vii, 2, 10-12, 67, 76, 100,
Rembarrnga 381, 385 123, 129, 144-5, 147, 204-5, 244, 247,
Rendille 60 274, 295, 300, 318, 334, 357, 361, 433
Resigaro 50, 69, 226, 246-7, 333, 385, 387, South American Indian 6, 11-12, 59, 99,
397 105, 133, 147, 149, 172, 213
Retuara 386 South Arawak 152, 160, 209-10, 213, 435
Rikbaktsa 36, 228 South Bahnaric 357, 443
Ritwan 123 South Berber 254
Ro-lo-m 357 South Cushitic 26, 70
Romance 57, 379-80 South Dravidian 67, 99-100, 102, 104, 112,
Romansch 47 185, 206, 248, 266, 378
Roshani 60 South Halmahera 244
Rotokas 79 South Slavic 244
Rumanian 45-6 Southeast Asian 11, 82, 90, 99, 101, 103,
Russian 22, 25-6, 28, 38, 41, 43-4, 48, 51, 54, 121, 205-6, 211, 325, 354, 356, 361, 402,
57, 115, 120, 138, 140, 153, 243, 256, 433, 435, 443
262–4, 272, 313, 347, 363, 389, 409, Southeast Solomonic 244
414-15, 439–0 Southeastern Iranian 60
Southeastern Pomo 299
Sahaptin 123 Southern Khoisan 35, 396
Saho-Afar 25 Southern Lawa 402
Saliba 80, 123 Southern Numic (Uto-Aztecan) 127, 295
Salish 79, 109, 114, 212, 123, 169 Southern Paiute 80
Sanskrit 256 Southern West Atlantic 368
Savosavo 79 Southwest Mexico 163, 169
Scottish Gaelic 390, 399 Spanish 27, 45, 47-8, 52-3, 110, 249, 253–4,
Sedang 444 378, 380, 382, 388-9, 414-15, 437
Seghrouchen 440 Squamish 109, 114, 205, 286
Sele Fara, dialect of Slovene 380 Swahili 19, 31, 34-5, 38, 44, 53, 63, 228, 266,
Semitic 51, 252, 392, 413 390, 400
Seneca 243 Zairian 388
Sepik 26, 384 Swedish 40
Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families 517
Tabar 382 Totonac 123, 288-9, 354-6, 402, 443-6
Tacana 80 Totonacan-Tepehuan 288, 355, 443
Taenae 79, 123, 218 Trobriand Islands 204
Tagalog 48 Trumai 80
Tai 9,97, 100,103–4,211,286,290,311,336, Truquese 110, 136, 141, 145, 187, 202, 267,
370, 405-6, 442, 444, 446 320, 361, 370
Taiwanese 423 Tsafiki 123
Takia 147, 382 Tsez 40, 176
Takic (Uto-Aztecan) 143 Tsimshian 121
Tamachek 245, 254, 256 Tsova-Tush 41, 47
Tamambo 294 Tuareg 245, 254
Tamazight 39, 440 Tucano 4, 58, 69., 80, 93, 100, 110, 123,
Tamil 22, 56, 248 204-5, 207, 218-22, 224-6, 235, 248-9,
Tanana 167, 382 255, 259, 264, 358, 376, 382, 384-6, 397,
Tarascan 163, 169, 444-5 435
Tariana vii, 2, 4, 8, 33, 36, 50, 58, 69, 77, Tunica 80, 169
92-4, 100, 110, 1310, 138, 142, 163, 183, Tupi 12, 80, 86, 123, 152, 160, 171, 204, 216,
185, 201, 204, 220-6, 230, 235-6, 355, 435
239-41, 246-7, 249, 253–4, 259, 264-5, Tupi-Guarani 11, 129, 147, 259, 360, 391
268, 287, 327-9, 331, 354, 360-2, 370, Turkana 42-3, 58, 277, 322, 368-9, 384
376, 382, 384-5, 387, 396-7, 402, 404, Turkic 99, 102-3, 121
444-5 Turkish 341, 388, 440
Tashkent Uzbek 102 Tuyuca 93, 207, 218-19, 221
Taulil 79, 218 Twi 398
Tazerwalt Shilh 254 Tzeltal 103, 115, 272, 274, 288-9, 291, 293,
Teberan 123 362, 364, 367
Telugu 46, 100, 108, 112, 286 Tzotzil 249, 288, 293, 329–30, 356, 367
Teop 124, 183
Tepetotutla Chinantec 257 Ubangi 33, 75-6, 129, 147, 192, 243, 259,
Tequislatec 80 276, 387
Terena 80, 152, 160-1, 207, 209-10, 220 Ubangian 358
Teso 384 Ungarinjin 9, 34-5, 56, 257, 329, 396
Tewa 250-1 Upper Chinook 79, 123
Thai 100, 103-5, 118, 205, 207, 212, 214, Upper Sorbian 244
226-7, 260, 262, 268, 313-15, 318, 326, Uralic 121, 440
334, 348-9, 354, 360-1, 372, 404-5, Urubu-Kaapor 129
407-8, 411, 417-22, 442, 444, 446 Uto-Aztecan 11, 80, 123, 126-7, 129, 143-4,
Tibetan 82, 97, 284 147, 154, 158, 169, 259, 295, 297, 299,
Tibeto-Burman 9, 121, 154-6, 175, 212, 215, 348, 365, 436
265, 288, 300, 323 Uzbek 102, 104
Ticuna 80
Timbira 129 Viet-Muong 354, 360
Tinrin 142 Vietnamese 103-4, 117-18, 120, 205, 207,
Tiwi 33, 56, 59, 150, 160, 169, 200, 257, 211-12, 262, 317-18, 326, 329, 334-6,
276-7, 355, 389, 400 403, 405, 443-5
Modern 389, 391 Voltaic 59, 367
Traditional 389, 391, 400
Tlingit 121, 249 Wagaya 54
To'aba'ita 113 Waic 405
Toba 130, 178-81, 191, 202, 266, 301, 345 Wakashan 121, 169
Toba Batak 286, 445 Wambaya 281
Togo Remnant 27, 59, 381 Wangkumara 54
Tolai 136 Wantoat 124, 218, 287, 435
Tonga 407 Waorani 80, 123, 171, 207, 217-18, 221,
Tongan 136, 176 224-5, 227
Toposa 393 Wara 79, 277, 437
Torricelli 26, 59, 79, 277, 346 Warao 80
518 Index of Languages, Linguistic Areas, and Language Families
Wardaman 57, 92, 201-2, 322, 325, 373, 408 Xingu-Pareci 226
Warekena 4, 60, 100, 109, 143, 185, 247, 266, Xinguan Arawak 76, 182, 209-10, 213, 220,
268, 287, 390, 394, 400 228
Wari' 32 !Xoo 35, 396
Wans 3, 149, 152, 159, 166-7, 171, 184, 250, !Xu 58
300, 362-3,438
Warndarang 387
Yagua 69, 80, 107, 171, 204-5, 207, 217-18,
Warray 70, 92, 321, 328, 369, 399
220-2, 224-5, 333
Washo 123 Yaigin 252
Waura 76, 182-3, 207, 210, 213, 220, 226-8,
Yana 80
Yandruwanhtha 228
Wayan 11, 133
Yankuntjatjara 82, 88
Wei Ning 104, 208
Yanomami 80, 354-5, 444-5
West Atlantic 35, 58-9, 61, 321, 348, 373,
Yanyuwa 33, 65-6, 373, 378, 385
382, 435
Yaruro 80
West Bahnaric 367, 403
Yavapai 127
West Chadic 358 Yawalapiti 207, 209-10, 228, 435
West Flemish 34
Yessan-Mayo 437
West Mindi 397 Yidiny 2, 83-5, 87, 89, 91, 93, 97, 150, 284-5,
West New Guinea 244
317, 320, 345, 372, 404
West Slavic 244
Yimas 26, 59, 62, 79, 276, 329
West Tucano 222 Yonggom 77, 277
Western Apache 250, 298
Yoruba 77
Western Austronesian 82, 84-5, 91, 97, 112,
Yuchi 169, 177-8, 181, 183, 326
124, 187, 189, 253, 283, 292, 405, 446
Yuchian 80
Western Fijian 11, 133
Yucuna 106, 185, 386-7
Western Oromo 385
Yue 215
Western Torres Strait 23, 56, 253
Yuki 80, 249
White Hmong 325
Yukian 80
White Tai 215, 402, 405, 446 Yuman 11, 126, 129, 147, 259, 354
Wipi 79, 437 Yurok 123
Witoto 94
Wiyot 123
Wogamusin 67, 123 Zande 58, 276, 354, 358, 373-5, 402
Wolof 62, 348 Zaparoan 80
Worrorra 34-5 Zapotec 123
Wu-Ming 405, 445 Zayse 52
Wunambal 34-5 Zemmur 243, 256, 440
Zezuru 65
Xamatauteri 355 Zoquean 123
Xhosa 53 Zulu 36, 417
Index of Authors