A - I - A - E.: Nouns Ending in
A - I - A - E.: Nouns Ending in
A - I - A - E.: Nouns Ending in
Italian English
Masculine Il poeta → I poeti The poet → The poets
Feminine La ragazza → Le ragazze The girl → The girls
In case –a is preceded by c or g, an h is added just before the new vowel -e.
Italian English
La formica → Le formiche The ant → The ants
La riga → Le righe The row → The rows
La domenica → Le domeniche The Sunday → The Sundays
Nouns ending in -e
A noun ending in -e changes its vowel to -i, regardless of its gender.
Italian English
Il fiore → I fiori The flower → The flowers
La parete → Le pareti The wall → The walls
Il colore → I colori The colour → The colours
Italian English
La crisi → Le crisi The crisis → The crises
Lo gnu → Gli gnu The gnu → The gnus
La metropoli → Le metropoli The metropolis → The metropolises
Nouns ending in -o
These nouns are almost always masculine, thus normally change to -i when forming the plural.
Italian English
Il regalo → I regali The present →The presents
Lo stereotipo → Gli stereotipi The stereotype → The stereotypes
Il libro → I libri The book → The books
When -o is preceded by c or g and the stress falls on the next-to-last syllable, an h has to be added between the
consonant and the new vowel.
Italian English
Il sugo → I sughi The sauce → The sauces
Il cuoco → I cuochi The cook → The sauces
Il lago → I laghi The lake → The lakes
Note the following irregularities:
Italian English
L'amico → Gli amici The friend → The friends
Il nemico → I nemici The enemy → The enemies
Il greco → I greci The Greek → The Greeks
Italian English
Lo specchio → Gli specchi The mirror → The mirrors
L'operaio → Gli operai The worker → The workers
L'orologio → Gli orologi The clock → The clocks
Italian English
Lo zio → Gli zii The uncle → The uncles
L'addio → Gli addii The farewell → The farewells
Il pendìo → I pendii The slope → The slopes
But in Italian there are SEVEN words for "the", depending on what you're talking about.
SEVEN! Here they are:
Il I le la l’ gli lo
La is used for all feminine singular il is used for masculine singular
nouns beginning with a consonant. nouns beginning with a consonant.
the house
la casa the horse
il cavallo
Le is used for all feminine plural i is used for masculine plural nouns
nouns, even if they start with a vowel. starting with a consonant.
the ideas
le idee
the angels
gli angeli
The twist for Z and S
In addition to those above, there is a special case for masculine nouns that start with a "Z" or
an "S-consonant". (That's words that start "St", "Sc", "Sp" etc. Not words that start "Sa", "Si",
"Se" etc.)
the backpack
lo zaino
the student
lo studente
gli is used for masculine plural nouns beginning with a Z or S+consonant (plus vowels, as
the backpacks
gli zaini
the students
gli studenti