Gregory P. Tschebotarioff

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Gregory P. Tschebotarioff, Dr Ing


Gregory P. Tschebotarioff, world renowned for

his many contributions to the field of soil mecha-
nics and foundation engineering, died on 22 April
1985 in Holland, Pennsylvania. The son of
General Porphyry G. Tschebotarioff and Valen-
tina Doubiagsky Tschebotarioff, he was born on
15 February 1899 in Pavlosk, Russia. His father
was an officer in the Cossack Guard Battery and
his mother was a close friend of the Russian
Empress and her two daughters, the Grand
Duchesses Olga and Tatiana Nikolayevna. He
graduated from the Imperial Law School in Pet-
rograd, Russia, in 1916 and went into the Russian
Army until 1917. When the revolution began and
the Bolsheviks took power, he joined the Grand
Army of the Don and fought with the White
Russians against the Red Army until 1920.
His engineering studies which began in Russia
were continued in Germany, where he earned
the Diplom-Ingenieur degree in 1925 and the
Doktor-Ingenieur degree in 1952. Structural
engineering projects in Paris, Berlin, Bremen,
Hamlen and Cairo occupied his attention from
1925 to 1929. In 1929 he began his specialization
in soil mechanics research and foundation engin-
eering. For seven years thereafter he specialized in
Dr G. P. Tschehotarioff
foundation work in the Egyptian Government
Service. Since 1936 he participated actively in foundations and earth structures, a technical best
numerous international conferences on soil selling textbook classic followed by Foundations,
mechanics and foundation engineering, including retaining & earth structures. He contributed to the
the First International Conference at Harvard, in McGraw-Hill book Foundation engineering.
1936. He also wrote an autobiography, Russia my
From 1937 until 1964 he was a member of the native land, soon after he participated in the first
Princeton University Faculty, where he taught official USA-USSR scientific exchange. Though
and lectured on civil engineering and where he he fought with the White Army during the
organized a soil mechanics laboratory and Russian Revolution, and was a staunch citizen of
courses on soil and foundation engineering. At the United States, he became the victim of har-
Princeton, he also organized and was in charge of rassment during the McCarthy era when he
pioneering research projects on the effects of denounced what he called ‘the malevolent distor-
vibration of soils for the Civil Aeronautics tions of Russian history emanating from sources
Administration. His work on large-scale model close to our US propaganda policies’.
tests on retaining walls, anchored bulkheads and Throughout his teaching career he engaged in
other waterfront structures for the Bureau of consulting work and in 1955 became an Associate
Yards and Docks and for the Office of Naval of King and Gavaris, Consulting Engineers,
Research attracted world-wide attention and where he was in charge of soils and foundation
acclaim. work until 1970.
He married Florence D. Bill, Princeton, New Dr Tschebotarioff retired from his pro-
Jersey, in 1939. fessorship in 1964. In 1974, Dr Tschebotarioff
In his years at Princeton, he wrote many pro- donated his technical library and personal
fessional papers and discussions on various archives to Purdue University, including his stu-
aspects of this field. He authored Soil mechanics, dents’ theses, his consulting reports, the pro-
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ceedings of diverse international and regional claimed him an Honorary Member of the Amer-
conferences and many early geotechnical engin- ican Society of Civil Engineers in 1977, Dr
eering classes in the German and Russian lan- Tschebotarioff ‘advanced the art of soil and foun-
guages. The collection is housed in the dation engineering through basic research and
Tschebotarioff Library-as part of the geotech- innovative practice, while fostering good will and
nical engineering area at Purdue-along with a mutual understanding among all people’.
draft manuscript of his last book, Civil engineer- He was active in the National Society of Pro-
ing on four continents. The collection is open to fessional Engineers, the American Historical
visitors by appointment. Association and the American Association for the
He continued his consulting work including his Advancement of Slavic Society. His many contri-
16 year participation as an Associate in the butions to American Society of Civil Engineers’
regular highway and harbour engineering work of publications were climaxed by his presentation of
King and Gavaris on three continents and inves- the Second Martin Kapp Memorial Lecture of
tigations directly for other consulting engineers, the Metropolitan Section, given on 21 January
construction firms, and federal and state agencies. 1976. His talk ‘Half a century of soil mechanics-
These investigations were concerned with some some thoughts for the future in light of the past’
specially interesting and complex soil and founda- received a standing ovation from a crowd of 150
tion problems encountered, including failures. engineers attending the presentation.
In 1959, he was awarded in Belgium the honor- He is survived by his wife, Florence D. Tsche-
ary Docteur Honoris Causa degree. A winner of botarioff, and a sister, Valentine Bill.
the Karl Terzaghi Award, he was also named to G.A.L., P.T.G.
Sigma Xi. According to the citation that pro-

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