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Hassiotis 1997

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By S. Hassiotis; J. L. Chameau,z and M. Gunaratne3

ABSTRACT: A methodology is proposed for the design of slopes reinforced with a single ro~ of piles. ~n
existing method which is based on the theory of plasticit~ is used to find the l?~eral for~es acting on the pile
section above the critical surface. A portion of that force IS assumed to be moblhzed agamst the movement of
the slope. Then, the friction circle method is extended to incorporate the reacti~n force in ~e stab~l~ty analysis.
Thus a new stability number that includes the pile reaction is used to determ~ne the m<>?lfied cnt~cal sUrf~ce
and safety factor of the reinforced slope. Finally, a procedure is proposed to achieve an optimum design solutton
which provides a desirable factor of safety for the slope/pile system.
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INTRODUCTION treated by several authors (Poulos 1973; Coyle et al. 1983).

In most cases the problem of a single pile has been solved,
Landslides often result in extensive property damage and
sometimes loss of human life. Insuring the stability of both, and some correction factors for group effects have been intro-
natural and man-made slopes continues to be a fundamental
For the case of passive piles, the problem is more compli-
problem in geotechnical engineering. .
cated because the lateral forces acting on the piles are now
Avoidance of a potential slide area can be a prtmary con-
dependent on the soil movements, which are in turn affected
sideration when selecting a new site. Otherwise, corrective
by the presence of piles. Hence, the solution for a single pile
measures must be taken which include improving the slope
cannot be easily adapted for the situation of a pile group, al-
geometry, or providing surface and subsurface ct:ainage. Re-
taining structures may be necessary where correcttve measures though several authors have suggested such an approach. (Pou-
los 1973; Viggiani 1981). Other researchers have considered
fail to insure stability, or when their use is prohibited due to
the problem from the fundamental standpoint of group (row)
space limitations. The use of piles as a retaining element has
action. Winter et al. (1983) considered the solution of piles
been applied successfully in the past and proved to be an ef-
placed in a row, taking into account the spacing between the
ficient solution, since piles can often be easily installed without
piles at the beginning of the analysis. However, the method
disturbing the equilibrium of the slope (DeBeer and Wallays
can only be used in purely cohesive slopes undergoing creep.
1970; D' Appolonia et al. 1977; Ito et al. 1981; Nethero 1982).
Ito and Matsui (1975) have proposed a theoretical method to
The analysis of a slope reinforced with piles requires that
analyze the growth mechanism of lateral forces acting on .sta-
the force applied to the piles by the failing mass, and as a
bilizing piles when the soil is forced to squeeze between piles.
result the reaction from the piles to the slope, be known. In
The method was developed to specifically calculate pressures
addition, a modified slope stability analysis that takes into ac-
that act on passive piles in a row, and was chosen in the pres-
count the reaction force is necessary. In the research reported
ent work. The force that the failing mass exerts on a row of
herein these issues are addressed and a methodology is de-
piles can be expressed as a fun~tion of the. soil strength, ~he
velop~d for the analysis and design of the slope/pile system. pile diameter, spacing, and locatIOn. Assummg that a portIOn
First, the lateral forces induced by the failing slope on a row
of that force is counteracting the driving forces of the slope,
of piles are estimated based on a method developed by Ito and
the safety factor of the slope after the placement of piles can
Matsui (1975). A portion of this force is assumed to be ~o­
be calculated as a function of pile size and position.
bilized against the movement of the slope. Then, followmg
It is assumed that piles placed in plastically deforming
Taylor's method of stability analysis, a new sta?ility numb~r
ground can prevent further plastic deformations. I~ order to
is derived to account for the presence of the piles and then
design the piles, the lateral forces need to be estimated. as
effect on the location of the failure surface. After the new
accurately as possible. These forces, however, are a functIOn
failure surface is calculated, the piles can be designed to struc-
of the movement of the sliding mass. They may vary from
tural specifications. The critical parameters th~t affect the s~a­ zero in case of no movement, to an ultimate value, in case of
bility of a pile-reinforced slope are shown to mclude the pile
diameter, spacing, and location upslope. A step-by-step pro-
larg~ movements. The theory developed by Ito and Matsui
(1975) estimates a value for the latera.l fo~ce between th~se
cedure is introduced for the simultaneous design of the slope
two extremes, assuming that no reductIOn m the shear resIs-
and the piles to meet safety criteria.
tance along the sliding surface has taken place due to strain-
FORCES ON PILES IN SOIL UNDERGOING LATERAL softening caused by the movement of the landslide. For .that
reason, only the soil around the piles is assumed to be I.n a
state of plastic equilibrium, satisfying the Mohr-Coulomb yield
The problem of active piles (piles subjected to ~ horizontal criterion. Then, the lateral load acting on the piles can be es-
load at the head and transmitting this load to the SOIl) has been timated regardless of the state of equilibrium of the slope.
Inherent in this approach is the assumption that the soil is soft
'Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of S. Florida, and able to plastically deform around the pi~es. The. ~heory of
Tampa, FL 33620. . plastic deformation is based on the followmg additIOnal as-
'Georgia Res. Alliance Chair in Envir. Technol., GeorgIa lnst. of Tech-
nol., Atlanta, GA 30332. .
'Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of South Flonda,
Tampa, FL. . I, When the soil layer deforms, two sliding surfaces, AEB
Note. Discussion open until September 1, 1997. To extend the closmg and A'E'B', occur making an angle of [(1T/4) + (4)/2)]
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE ~anager with the x-axis (Fig. 1).
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for revIew and 2. The soil is in a state of plastic equilibrium only in ~e
possible publication on June 14, 1995. This paper is part of the ]ourlUll
of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 123, No.4, area AEBB'E'A' where the Mohr-Coulomb yield cnte-
April, 1997. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/97/0004-0314-0323/$4.00 + rion applies
$.50 per page. Paper No. 10896. 3. The active earth pressure acts on lane AA ' .

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

Ito et at. (1981) developed a design methodology for a pile-
reinforced slope considering a fixed failure surface. They also
recommended the use of the ordinary method of slices to es-
timate the safety factor. However, since the critical surface
invariably changes due to addition of piles, the above method
is limited in its application.


The stability of a slope can be investigated by a number of
limit equilibrium methods, including the friction circle
method, and the method of slices. Of these, the friction circle
method was found to be the most convenient to analyze pile-
reinforced, homogeneous slopes.
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01 ¢=:l
Direction of The limit equilibrium calculations are based on an assumed
deforma tion shape of a rupture surface. The safety factor, FS, is defined as
the ratio of the shear strength available to the shear strength
required to maintain the slope in a state of limit equilibrium.
Assuming the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, the factor of
safety is given by

F' FS = c. + CT n tan 4>. (2)

c, + CT n tan 4>,
where subscripts denote available and required quantities; and
= normal force acting on surface of rupture.
CT n

FIG. 1. Plastically Deforming Ground around Stabilizing Plies As an aid in determining FS, the factors of safety with re-
[after Ito and Matsui (1975)] spect to cohesion, Fe' and friction, F4>' have been used in the
past, where
4. Plane strain conditions exist with respect to depth
5. The piles are rigid Fe = ~ and F4> = tan 4>. (3)
6. The frictional forces on surfaces AEB and A'E' B' are C, tan 4>,
neglected when the stress distribution in the soil
The true safety factor, FS, is obtained when Fe and F4> are
AEBB' E'A' is considered.
The state of stress in zones EBB'E' and AEE'A' can be FS = Fe = F", (4)
found assuming the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion governs the
plastic deformation. The lateral force per unit thickness of The parameters of the friction circle method used for the anal-
layer acting on the pile, q, has been shown to be ysis of homogeneous slopes are shown in Fig. 2 (Taylor 1937).
The forces that act on the mass are the weight, W, the cohesion

1 4> {exp
= A e (N4> tan [Dt D- DN4> tan 4> tan (1T'8 + 4'4»]
2 force required to maintain equilibrium, en and the resultant of
the normal and frictional forces, P. The force P is almost tangent
to a circle of radius R sin <p, as shown in Fig. 2.
2 tan .l" + 2N 0 f2) + N- Of2)) The following two expressions for the stability number were
- 2N 0 f2) tan 4> - 1} + '+' 4>
4> N~(2) tan 4> + N4> - 1

2 tan 4> + 2N~(2) + N ;0(2) 2D N -0(2)) B

- C (D I NO(2)
tan,+,+ N 4>- 1 - 2 4>

+ Noyi4> { A exp [D' D- D

N 4> tan i +
4> tan (1T 4'4»] - D2 }

where c = cohesion intercept; D 1 center-to-center distance
between piles; D 2 = opening between piles; 4> angle of in- =
ternal friction of soil; oy = unit weight of soil; z = depth from
ground surface; N4> = tan 2 [(1T/4) + (<p/2)] and A =
D t (D/D2)lN~mtan<1>+N.-1].
The total lateral force acting on a stabilizing pile due to the
plastically deforming layer around the pile, F" is obtained by
integrating (1) along the depth of the soil layer. Although (1)
is developed for rigid piles, it may be extended to flexible piles 00' '= R-j-
since only the ground deformation just around the pile is taken
into consideration. Such deformation can be assumed to exist
even if the pile experiences deflection (Ito et al. 1981). A series
of field and model tests were performed to show that the the-
ory can be used to predict closely the forces on piles embedded
in deforming soil (Ito et al. 1982). The closest agreement was
found to be for piles whose heads were restrained. FIG. 2. Forces on Unrelnforced Slope


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

derived by Taylor (1937) for a toe failure and a base failure, Ca (1I2)csc2x(y csc 2y - cot y) + cot x - cot i - 21]
respectively: (6)
Fe'YH 2 cot x cot v + 2
C (1/2) csc 2x(y csc2y - cot y) + cot x - cot i
- :a : : (5) where x, y, and v = angles indicated in Fig. 2; while i and H =
Fe'YH 2 cot x cot v + 2 inclination angle and height of slope, respectively. Further, 1] =
and ratio of distance between toe of slope and point A to top of slope.
The safety factor with respect to cohesion, Fe' can be ob-
tained for any surface defined by angles x and y by using (5)
and (6) and an assumed F<f>. It is realized from Fig. 2 that v
depends on <1>" which can be estimated from the assumed F <f>
using (4) and the known <l>a of the soil. The true safety factor

/ of any assumed surface is obtained through successive iterations
of (5) or (6), until Fe is equal to the assumed F<f>. The critical
/ surface is the one for which the factor of safety is minimized.
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I V This minimum value is the safety factor of the slope.

I /1 When a row of piles is inserted in the slope, the additional
resistance provided by the piles changes both the safety factor
IR and the critical surface. The new slope to be analyzed is shown
in Fig. 3. The forces applied on the slope are identical to the
/ ones in Fig. 2, with the exception of the force exerted on the
slope by the piles, Fp • To obtain this force per unit width of the
I sliding mass, (1) is integrated along the depth of the pile in the
I failure wedge and the result, (F,), is divided by the center·to-
center distance between the piles, D 1 (i.e., Fp = F,ID 1).
The resistance force, Fp can be incorporated in the force
~E polygon (Fig. 3) resulting in two new expressions for the sta-
~ bility number for a toe failure and a base failure, respectively
~ ~ (Hassiotis and Chameau 1984)
I+-- s ~'PILE l2F [COS(CEO) H . ]
E - ---f
sm v 2
- esc x csc y sm <I> + 00

6 csc 2x esc y sin <l> x + csc(u - v)cos(x - V)]
sm v

FIG. 3. Forces on Slope Reinforced with Plies and


Slope = 30

1> = 10
c = 23.94 KPa
'Y = 19.63 ~;:;;
For S=I:l.7 ITI
" = 13.7 rn
/I, -- 0 .11


H=13.7 m


8=13.7 III .

FIG. 4. Critical Surfaces of Shallow Slope as Function of Pile Row Location


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

12Fp D-JD 1 of 0.6, placed 13.7 m upslope, the factor of safety in-
_c,,_ = (E + 6,,2 - 6" sin <I> csc x csc y) - -yH 3 A
-::- ~ __"":;" creased to 1.82 and the critical surface changed to 0'AB'. In-
sertion of piles 23.1 m upslope yields a factor of safety of 1.64
6 csc x csc y sin <I> [c_~_s_x
2 + csc(u - v)cos(x - V)] and the critical surface of O"AB". The assumption that the crit-
sm v ical surface does not change with the addition of the piles would
lead to non-conservative answers for the factor of safety.
The influence of the location of the piles, S, on the factor of
where safety of the above slope is shown in Fig. 5. For each value of
S, the safety factor was computed for both, the original critical
E =I - 2(coei + 3 cot i cot x - 3 cot i cot y + 3 cot x cot y) surface (solid curve), and the modified critical surface which
was found after the addition of piles of a given ratio D 2/D h
where CEO =: angle F p fonns with horizontal; OG moment = (dashed line). For the modified critical surface, the reaction
ann of F p ; and u = angle indicated in Fig. 3. Eqs. (7) a~d (8) force F is smaller and hence, the actual factor of safety is less
can be used in the same manner as (5) and (6) to obtam the than th; one computed for the original surface.
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safety factor for the slope. The three additional parameters are The behavior of the safety factor of a steep slope reinforced
the magnitude, direction, and line of action of the force F p • Of with piles is shown in Fig. 6. The critical surfaces of a steep
these, the direction of Fp is assumed to be parallel to the failure slope remain deep and the factor of safety increases with S
surface at the point of intersection of that surface with the until the piles are placed close to the top of the slope. Evi-
piles. dently, the piles need to be placed closer to the top of a steep
Every time a new surface is selected, the length of the pile slope than that of a shallow slope for maximum factor of
above the failure surface (CE) changes and, consequently, the safety to be achieved.
magnitude of the force Fp changes (Fig. 3). To take this into An overestimation of the force Fp can lead to nonconser-
account, the length CE was expressed as a function of the <1>- vative results in the design of the slope. A more practical ap-
circle parameters, x and y, and the location of the pile with proach for design is to introduce the notion of a mobilized
respect to the toe of the slope, S (Hassiotis and Chameau lateral force. According to the assumptions made by Ito and
1984). Thus, every time a new failure surface is chosen, a new Matsui (1975), the force acting on the slope is equal to Fp
pile length, and thus a new Fp , is calculated. This force is then regardless of the state of equilibrium of the slope. Based on
used in (7) and (8) to detennine a new stability number. that assumption, the stability number can be expressed as
When piles are inserted in the slope, the location of the crit-
ical surface changes since an additional force, Fp , is introduced (9)
in the limit equilibrium equations. This is illustrated in Fig. 4
for a slope of height 13.7 m and angle 30° with material prop- It is suggested herein that a mobilized lateral force, F m' be
erties C, <1>, and -y equal to 23.94 KPa, 10°, and 19.63 KN/m3, used where
respectively. The original factor of safety of the slope (without
the pile reinforcement) was 1.08, obtained for the critical sur- (10)
face OAB. After insertion of a row of piles with diameter ratio


Slope = 30
4> = 10°
c = 23.94 KPa.
"( = 19.63 17

1.9 H = 13.7 m // \
~ =0.6 / \
1.8 / \
- - - Critical surface changes / \
1.7 after placement of piles // \
- - - Original surface remains
after placement / \
of piles / \
u.. // \
/ \
/ \
1.3 /
1.2 Y

J .0 , ...
0 5 10 15 20 25
S (m)
FIG. 5. Effect of Pile Location on Safety of Shallow Slope


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

¢J = JO
3.5 I = 19.63 If$- THAT DOES NOT CHANGE
~ = 0.6 PILES
I \
3.0 / \
I \
/ \
/ \
en 2.5 /
lJ.. \
/ \
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/ \
/ \
2.0 /
1.5 "/~

2 3 4 5 (\ 7 R 9 10
S (m)
FIG. 6. Effect of Pile Location on Factor of Safety of Steep Slope

with a being greater than 1.0. The mobilized force is used to where ql and q2 are obtained from the linear distribution of
analyze the slope, but the total force per unit length may be q(z) found in (1). A closed form solution of (12) can be readily
used to design the piles. This results in a conservative design available by direct integration.
for both, the piles and the slope. A finite difference method is used to analyze the pile section
In addition, it is proposed that the force Fp be scaled by the which is embedded below the critical surface as a beam on an
factor of safety with respect to cohesion of the reinforced slope elastic foundation, the deflection of which is governed by
(i.e., a = FJ. The resulting stability number is
EI(d 4yidl') = -KY2(Z :2: 0) (14)
where Y2 = pile deflection below sliding surface. The elastic
This implicit equation for Fe can be solved by iteration, until constant K is related to the modulus of subgrade reaction for
Fe is equal to Foj>. Thus, the mobilized pile force is reduced soil by K = bKs or for rock by K = bK" where b = pile di-
depending upon the safety factor. Practically, this implies that ameter. A finite difference scheme was chosen to solve (14),
Fm will be equal to Fp for a slope at the point of incipient to allow for variations of the elastic constant with depth.
failure, but will decrease as the degree of stability of the slope
increases. The critical surface determined by using the modi- NUMERICAL ILLUSTRATION OF SLOPE AND PILE
fied force falls between the critical surface obtained without DESIGN PROCEDURE
the piles, and the one obtained with the piles providing a fully Effective stabilization of a slope with piles requires not only
mobilized force. The curve relating the factor of safety to the that the stability of the slope be assured, but also that the piles
distance S has a shape similar to the previous curves (Figs. 5 be adequately designed. Here, the parameters that affect the
and 6). However, the rate of increase of FS with S is less than stability of the slope and the design of the piles are analyzed.
that for a fully mobilized force, and the peak value is not as A step-by-step procedure is outlined to select these parameters
sensitive to S as before. and achieve an efficient stabilization scheme. A typical appli-
cation is given for the stabilization of the shallow slope shown
DESIGN OF LATERALLY LOADED PILES in Fig. 8. The factor of safety of the slope and the displace-
ment, moment, and shear profiles along the piles are calculated
In designing piles to resist lateral loads, the profiles of de- by using the methodologies discussed in the preceding section.
flection, bending moment and shear force along the piles are Finally, a structural design example is provided to illustrate
required. It is convenient to consider the governing equation how various factors can be modified to achieve an optimum
for the pile deflection in separate forms for the pile segments design.
above and below the failure surface. The slope in Fig. 8 has a height of 13.7 m, a slope angle
A closed form solution of the beam equation is used to of 30°, and is made of a homogeneous material with a friction
analyze the pile section which extends above the critical sur- angle, 4>, of 10°, cohesion, c, of 23.94 KPa, and unit weight,
face (Fig. 7) 'Y, of 19.63 (KN/m 3). The critical surface of the unreinforced
EI(d 4y.!dz4 ) = q(z), (- CE :s z :s 0) (12) slope, shown by a dashed line, corresponds to a minimum
safety factor of 1.08. The distance from the ground surface to
where Yl = pile deflection above sliding surface; and EI = the critical surface at pile location (CE), is 5.8 m. Since a
stiffness of pile. The force intensity, q(z), is calculated using factor of safety of 1.08 is inadequate, it is recommended that
the principle of plastic deformation of soil and is given by the slope be reinforced with a row of piles. The following
steps are proposed to achieve an efficient design of the slope/
q(z) = q2 + (q2 - q.!CE)z (13) pile system.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

ql Ground Surface

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E I-------.,.......--~

Sliding Surface


Bedrock Surface
B +----------;


l' D
FIG. 7. Stabilizing Plies Embedded In Bedrock

1. A parameter that represents the degree of mobilization pile row upslope, S. The effects of both the pile spacing
of the force Fp , must be chosen. One can assume either and diameter on the factor of safety of the slope can be
of the following: (1) Total mobilization of Fp ; or (2) expressed conveniently by a plot of the factor of safety
partial mobilization of Fp' In these examples, a force versus the ratio Ddb for a given value of S (Fig. 9).
Fm = FiFe is used to represent the reaction provided 4. A desirable factor of safety for the slope is selected. For
by the piles. This assumption will provide a conserva- this example, it is assumed that the required factor of
tive assessment of the stability of the reinforced slope. safety is 1.30.
To achieve a conservative design, the notion of a partial 5. Based on the required FS, a ratio Ddb can be selected
mobilization of the force may be omitted in the analysis from Fig. 9. In this example, the ratio should be less
of the piles. than 2.8 to satisfy the requirement of a minimum fac-
2. The horizontal distance, S, between the pile row and tor of safety of 1.30 for the slope. Hence, a conservative
the toe of the slope, may be dictated by site conditions value of 2.5 is chosen here. Large ratios of Ddb
or arbitrarily chosen. In this example, S is assumed to should be avoided because the assumption of a plastic
be 7.6 m. When the piles are placed at that location, state around the piles, as was used in the derivation of
the distance from the ground surface to the newly ob- (1) is not fulfilled for excessive spacing between the
tained critical surface, eE' is equal to 5.0 m. piles.
3. The factor of safety of the reinforced slope can be found 6. In the initial design state, a pile diameter is arbitrarily
as a function of the pile diameter, b, the center-to-center chosen. In the present example, the piles are assumed
distance between the piles, D h and the location of the to be 0.61 m in diameter with a center-to-center dis-

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

Slope = :10°
if> = 10°
<: = 2:UH 1< I'll.
'Y = I !J.fi:! If!r
~ = 0.6

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11 = 1:l.7 m

1 -7.7A""7'7?~~~_-i£E_-:

8=7.6 m E
3.0 m CLAY, /(.=7.854 MJ-
EI=16.65 MN - m~
b=0.91 m SHALE, /(,=6.28 x 104 I!f!-
CE"=5 m

FIG. 8. Slope Configuration of Example Problem

action of the clay is assumed to be 7.85 (MN/m3), while

the bedrock is a soft shale with a coefficient of subgrade
reaction of 6.28 X 104 (MN/m3).
The displacement, bending moment and shear pro-
Slope = 30' files corresponding to the selected parameters are given
,p = 10'
1.6 e = 23.94 KP.. in Figs. 10-12 for the following four possible boundary
"I = 19.63lf!i- conditions (Be = I, 2, 3, 4) at the pile top: (1) Free
H = 13.7 m head; (2) unrotated head; (3) hinged head; and (4) fixed
1.5 "" head. The hinged head condition results in the smallest
"", bending moment in the pile, followed in order by con-
ditions (4), (2), and (1), as seen in Fig. II. Based on
'""- "" 5=12.2 m this, a restrained pile head (hinged or fixed) is recom-
" "- mended. In addition, experimental results (Ito and Mat-
' ................... sui 1975) indicate that the lateral load acting on the
.................. piles due to plastically deforming ground can best be
estimated by the theory of plastic deformation under the
condition of a restrained pile top. Therefore, the free
head condition should be avoided in order to limit the
moment and shear on the pile and closely estimate the
force acting on the piles. A restrained head condition
can be obtained by connecting the pile heads with a
2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 beam which is fixed by tension anchors. The unrotated
head condition can be obtained by simply connecting
the pile heads with a beam. The constraint used for pile
FIG. 9. Safety Factor versus Ratio D1/b analysis should simulate the conditions in the field as
closely as possible. In this example, the fixed head con-
tance of 1.5 m (to satisfy a Dib ratio of 2.5). In this dition was assumed.
example, the pile stiffness is taken to be 16.55 MN/m2 • 8. The structural analysis of the pile can now be per-
7. The displacement, bending moment, and shear force formed. The maximum displacement, moment, and
along the length of the pile are estimated assuming the shear acting on it are the three parameters that should
pile to be an infinite beam embedded in an elastic foun- be considered to assure that the design is adequate.
dation. The magnitude of the force per unit length act- 9. An optimum design can be obtained by minimizing the
ing at the pile section above the critical surface is ob- cost of materials and construction for different config-
tained from (1). The force per unit length acting on the urations of the slope/pile system. The two parameters
pile section below the critical surface is a function of that can be varied are the pile diameter, b, and S. For
both the pile stiffness and the nature of the foundation. this example, increasing the pile diameter from 0.61 m
In this example, the foundation consists of a clay layer, to 0.91 m increases the required spacing between the
which extends 3 m below the critical surface and is piles from 1.5 m to 2.3 m. Hence, for a landslide ap-
underlain by bedrock. The coefficient of subgrade re- proximately 305 m wide, 200 piles of 0.61 m in di-

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

6.0 nnOllNl1 lIun, IIlll.'




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-0.03 0.0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 J.15 O.IS 0.22 0.25

FIG. 10. Displacement along Plle-Four Boundary Conditions





-Z (m)




-12.0 -!----..--...,-----,,---...--...,-----.,---,---I--...---,....----,.---r-
-1.75 -1.50 -1.25 -1.0 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0


FIG. 11. Bending Moment along Plle- Four Boundary Conditions

ameter or 134 piles of 0.9 m in diameter will assure a tive could prove to be less economical than the first
factor of safety of 1.30. Increasing S has a similar ef- one. Other design considerations would include the de-
fect. To illustrate this, the factor of safety is plotted gree of difficulty in the installation of a pile row at each
against the ratio D/b for a distance S = 12.2 m (broken location, and labor costs.
line in Fig. 9). In this case, to achieve a safety factor 10. Finally, the length of the piles can be determined. It is
of 1.3, the ratio D/b must be equal to 3.5. Therefore, suggested that the pile be embedded to a sufficient
only 143 piles of 0.61 m in diameter or 100 piles of depth so that the bending moment and shear force ap-
0.9 m in diameter are required. However, placing the proach zero at that depth. To find the approximate
piles 4.6 m further upslope increases both the pile depth, a pile of infinite length is analyzed and the point
length required to penetrate the critical surface and the at which these values approach zero is located. Embed-
loads that act on the pile. For that reason, this altema- ding the pile deeper than this point will not increase

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.






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2 BC =1


-0.5 0.0 0.5 J.() 1.5 2.0


FIG. 12. Shear Force along Pile-Four Boundary Conditions

stability. The embedment length decreases considerably The most important conclusions of this study are as follows:
as the stiffness of the foundation material increases.
o As the distance S, which indicates the pile location up-
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS slope, increases, the factor of safety changes at a rate de-
A methodology has been developed for design and analysis pending on the ratio of DiD l • As this ratio decreases, the
of slopes stabilized with a row of piles, accounting for changes rate of change in the safety factor increases. The ratio Di
in the critical surface due to the presence of the piles. D I should be such as to permit the piles to be close to
each other and to act as a group.
o The plastic state theory developed by Ito and Matsui o For a maximum factor of safety, the piles must be placed
(1975) was used to estimate the pressure acting on the in the upper middle part of the slope. Generally, they must
piles regardless of the state of equilibrium of the slope. be located closer to the top of the steeper slopes than of
The theory was originally developed for rigid piles but the shallower ones.
was extended to flexible piles under the assumption of o The pile top should be restrained (fixed or hinged end) to
small deformation (Ito et al. 1981). The soil is assumed minimize the bending moments and shear forces on the
soft and able to deform plastically as it reaches a state of piles.
eminent failure through the piles. The piles are assumed o A satisfactory design of the slope/pile system can be
to be close to each other and to act as a group. achieved to satisfy the stability of the slope and to ensure
o The friction circle method for slope stability has been the structural integrity of the piles.
modified to take into account the force exerted by the
piles on the slope. It is recommended that the maximum APPENDIX I. REFERENCES
force determined using the plastic state assumption, be Coyle, H. M., and Bierschwale, M. W. (1983). "Design of rigid shafts
divided by the factor of safety of the slope to obtain the in clay for lateral load." J. Soil Mech. and Found. Div., ASCE, 109,
mobilized force. 1147-1164.
o Studies have been performed to obtain relationships be- D'Appolonia, E., Alperstein, R., and D'Appolonia, D. J. (1977). "Be-
havior of a colluvial slope." J. Soil Mech. and Found. Div., ASCE,
tween the safety factor and parameters such as pile di- 93,447-473.
ameter, center-to-center distance, and location of the pile DeBeer, E. E., and Wallays, M. (1970). "Stabilization of a slope in schist
row. by means of bored piles reinforced with steel beams." Proc.. 2nd Int.
o The pile is analyzed in two sections to compute the dis- Congress Rock Mech., Vol. 3, 361-369.
placement, bending moment, and shear force at each point Hassiotis, S., and Chameau, J. L. (1984). "Stabilization of slopes using
along the pile. The section above the critical surface is piles." Rep. No. FHWAIIN/JHRP-84/8. Purdue Univ., West Lafayette,
solved using a closed-form solution since the pressure that Ito, T., and Matsui, T. (1975). "Methods to estimate lateral force acting
acts on this section is known. The section below the crit- on stabilizing piles." Soils and Found.• 15,43-59.
ical surface is analyzed as a Winkler foundation using the Ito, T., Matsui, T., and Hong, W. P. (1981). "Design method for stabiliz-
finite difference method. ing piles against landslide-one row of piles." Soils and Found., 21,
o A step-by-step procedure has been proposed for the design 21-37.
Ito, T., Matsui, T., and Hong, W. P. (1982). "Extended design method
of both the slope and the piles. When a desired safety
for multi-row stabilizing piles against landslide." Soils and Found., 22.
factor and a location of the pile row are chosen, the pile 1-13.
diameter, center-to-center distance, and required strength Nethero, M. F. (1982). Slide control by drilled pier walls. Application of
can be determined so that both the slope stability and the walls to landslide control problems. R. B. Reeves, ed., ASCE. New
pile integrity are assured. York, N.Y., 19-29.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

Poulos, H. G. (1973). "Analysis of piles in soils undergoing lateral move- v. = center-to-center distance between piles;
ment." J. Soil Mech. and Found. Div., ASCE, 99, 391-406. V = opening between piles;
Taylor, D. W. (1937). "Stability of earth slopes." J. Boston Soc. ofCiv. EI = pile stiffness;
Engrs., 24(3), 337-386.
Viggiani, C. (1981). "Ultimate lateral load on piles used to stabilize land- H = slope height;
slides." Proc., 10th Eur. Can! on Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg., Vol. i = slope inclination angle;
3,555-560. K = modulus of subgrade reaction;
Winter, H., Schwarz, W., and Gudehus, G. (1983). "Stabilization of clay q = lateral force per unit thickness of soil;
slopes by piles." Proc., 8th Eur. Can! on Soil Mech. and Found. x, y, v = angles defining friction circle;
Engrg., Vol. 2,545. YI = pile deflection above critical surface;
Y2 = pile deflection below critical surface;
z = depth along pile from critical surface;
The following symbols are used in this paper: i = depth along pile from ground surface;
'Y = unit weight for soil; and
c = cohesion intercept for soil; <!> = angle of internal friction for soil.
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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:314-323.

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