Uunnddeerrggrroouunndd Ccaabblleess M Maarrkkeett Iinn Iinnddiiaa
Uunnddeerrggrroouunndd Ccaabblleess M Maarrkkeett Iinn Iinnddiiaa
Uunnddeerrggrroouunndd Ccaabblleess M Maarrkkeett Iinn Iinnddiiaa
z The growing power demand in the country has resulted in rapid expansion of power distribution and
transmission network over the years. Besides, the utilities have been adopting newer technology solutions
and advanced techniques to enhance network efficiency as well as to expand the T&D network in densely
populated and forest areas.
z In power distribution segment, the underground cabling plays a crucial role in providing 24X7 quality and
reliable power supply. It offers a host of benefits such as resilience against severe weather conditions, ease
of network expansion in densely populated areas, and protection against theft. The underground cabling
works by the distribution utilities are primarily being done under the union government's flagship scheme for
network strengthening - Integrated Power Development Scheme.
z Meanwhile, underground cabling is also important for network expansion in the power transmission segment
since underground cables entail minimum right-of-way and require fewer clearances.
z In terms of project cost, undoubtedly, the underground power cabling system is an expensive choice.
However, demand for underground cables is expected to be primarily based on reliable supply, safety
consideration, esthetic value, clearance available, rules and regulations in force and other factors.
underground cable systems are becoming an increasingly indispensable Government Initiatives, etc.)
Physical Targets for UG Cabling Works
part of power transmission and distribution systems. With improved
Funding Availability for UG Cabling Projects
technologies and increased reliability, the cost differential between
underground cables and overhead power lines is narrowing and utilities are
5. Opportunities under Smart Cities Mission
acknowledging the benefits associated with underground cabling. This Snapshot of the Mission
report will attempt to take a look at the key trends in the deployment of Recently Completed Projects
underground cables so far; analyse the plans and proposal of T&D utilities; Projects Under Construction
examine new and evolving technology improvements and solutions being Proposed Projects
Under Bidding Projects
offered by the industry; as well as assess the key issues and challenges.
Issues and concerns
7. Leading Players
2. Market Size and Growth for Underground cables
KEI Industries Limited
Experience so far in T&D Networks Havells India Limited
Emerging Utility Requirements Finolex Cables Limited
Report Price
Site Licence (Single Location) Rs 50,000
GST (18%) Rs 9,000
Total Rs 59,000
Enterprise Licence (Multiple Locations) Rs 75,000
GST @ 18% Rs 13,500
Total Rs 88,500
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