Design of TCSC Damping Controller To Damp Power Swing Oscillations
Design of TCSC Damping Controller To Damp Power Swing Oscillations
Design of TCSC Damping Controller To Damp Power Swing Oscillations
Abstract- Thyristor controlled series compensators show The proposed control structure is simple and easy to
promise in damping low frequency oscillations apart from implement and is illustrated on a SMIB system. The small
controlling power flow over the line. The effectiveness of the signal stability analysis (SSSA) gives an insight into the
control design depends on the choice of input signals. The tuning aspects and the selection of gain for satisfactory
damping controller proposed in this paper use ‘Thevenin
performance. Further the design is evaluated using detailed
Angle’ as input signal, which is simple and easy to implement.
The design is illustrated through a SMIB system . The design EMTP simulation. Cold start and fault simulations confirm
obtained from small signal stability analysis is evaluated the effectiveness of the control design in damping power
through EMTP simulations. swings. The results are discussed in this paper.
Index terms: low frequency oscillations, Damping, EMTP. II SMIB system model
I INTRODUCTION The SMIB system as shown in Fig1consists of a
synchronous machine connected to the infinite bus through
Low frequency electromechanical oscillations are a major two transmission lines in parallel with the TCSC placed on
concern in a large interconnected power system. These one of them. The TCSC is modeled as a variable
oscillations arise due to the dynamics of inter area power capacitance. For small signal stability analysis the gate pulse
transfer and often exhibit poor damping when the aggregate generation is not modeled.
power transfer over a corridor is high compared to the
transmission strength. In the recent years, Thyristor
controlled series compensators (TCSCs), developed
primarily to control power flow on a transmission line show
great promise for damping power swings too [1,2].
measurements. variables
It can be assumed that the desired value of TCSC reactance
XC is achieved in certain time frame as depicted in the Fig 2.
Linearisation yield,
Sujatha Subhash is with Central Power Research Institute, India, Bangalore-
560094 (telephone- (080)- 3604447, email [email protected] )
B N Sarkar is with Central Power Research Institute, India, Bangalore-
∆x&C =
(− ∆xC + ∆x REF ) (3)
560094 (telephone- (080)- 3601755 email [email protected] )
K R Padiyar is with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - INDIA
[email protected]
d∆φ th
∆X C = K (4)
For implementation the φth is approximately determined,
from the equivalent network as seen from the TCSC output
terminals shown in Fig 3.
Fig 4 Control structure with Thevenin angle
The remote voltages are related by
E∠φT H = ES∠φTH - ER∠0° ( 5) The parameters ak and k can be tuned using root locus
Assuming both bus voltages are equal to unity, and angle is Case studies carried out on the test system illustrate the
small, we can approximately calculate the angle difference design of the TCSC damping controller using Thevenin
φTH as angle as the control signal and tuning procedure for optimum
sinφTH ≅ φT H ≅ I(XTH - XC ) ( 6) performance
where XT H = Thevenin impedance
Xc = TCSC impedance at the quiescent point III Results and discussions
I = current through the line
The IEEE second benchmark system is chosen as the test
system [4]. For small signal stability analysis, the generator
is represented by Model 1.1, with one field winding on the
d-axis and one damper winding on the q-axis. For EMTP
simulation the generator is represented as a four mass spring
system : - high pressure turbine(HP), low pressure
turbine(LP), the generator(GEN), and the exciter(EXC),
coupled on a single shaft. The TCSC system comprises of a
fixed capacitance FC in series with a TCSC. The data are
given in Appendix .
The open loop eigenvalues of the system are -21.05 ±
j21.134, 0.53 ± j9.722, -3.785 and –50.0. The system
exhibits an unstable condition with dominant swing mode at
Fig 3 Thevenin equivalent seen from the TCSC terminals The Thevenin impedance as seen from the TCSC terminals
is equal to 0.539pu. The root locus analysis show that the
Linearising we get, value of ak=0.55 is found to give good response. Fig 5
∆ φTH = ∆ I(XTH - XC ) - Io ∆XC (7) shows the root loci of the eigenvalues of both the swing
= ak ∆ I - Io∆XC mode and controller mode, for varying gain in the range 0 to
0.2. Within this range the swing mode continues to move to
In view of the assumptions made the Thevenin impedance the left, but for the controller mode beyond k=0.13, the
can be viewed as a tunable parameter say ’a k ’, (the optimal eigenvalues are on the RH plane, implying that the controller
value determined using eigenvalue loci) and XT H can be goes unstable beyond this value of gain. The optimum gain
used as a starting point. Thus it is very convenient to is found to be K=0.09.
synthezise the Thevenin angle as input control signal as it note : the optimum gain is defined as the gain for which the
requires only one measurement and only one parameter to be damping factor for both the modes –‘swing and controller’
tuned to the operating point. are equal , and damping factor is defined as
2 4 6 8
© k=0.1
-1.7 1.6
-1.6 1.5
-1.5 1.4
-1.4 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
Fig 6. Cold start simulation – TCSC at constant impedance control Fig 7. Cold start simulation – TCSC with damping controller -
, varying gain
Electrical torque(MNm) vs time (s) Electrical torque(MNm) vs time (s)
Fig 7 gives the corresponding EMTP simulation results with than one frequency, implying that other modes are excited.
TCSC having damping controller, for different gains k=0.01, Also in the eigenvalue loci plot we see that the system is
0.05, 0.1and 0.15 resp. With gain k=0.01 the oscillations are unstable. Moreover within the range of gain predicted in the
stable, having a frequenc y of oscillation of 1.59Hz (swing SSA analysis , we can see from the EMTP results that the
mode). But the SSSA analysis indicates that the system is response of the controller is similar. That is, at higher gains
unstable for the swing mode. With gain k=0.05 the damping we have the controller mode going unstable in both cases,
of swing mode is observed, with a damping factor σ of 1.02 except that in EMTP we see not just the controller modes but
and frequency of oscillation of 1.675Hz. In the case of gain many other modes of oscillations. Again we observe there is
k=0.1, we can see that initially the swing mode is damped, no one -to-one correlation between the optimum gain given
but subsequently we observe a sustained oscillation of by SSSA analysis and EMTP analysis. This is again due to
frequency 2.43Hz. On the other hand for gain k=0.15, we the difference in the modelling.
see oscillations having more For the optimum gain k=0.05obtained from EMTP
(a) k=0.0.01 simulation, the closed loop eigenvalues are -0.585± j0.13, -
-1.8 21.34 ±j24.94, -8.29 ±j24.84 and –3.78.
Figs 8 & 9 show the response of the damping controller of
-1.7 TCSC at the optimum settings obtained from EMTP. The
controller shows good damping of the swing mode. In the
-1.6 simulations we observe oscillations with higher frequencies,
implying that other modes of oscillations are getting excited.
-1.5 The shaft torques are damped after sometime.
2 4 6 8
The authors wish to thank the Central Power Research
Institute for the opportunity to work in the area of FACTS
-3 [1] James F.Gronquist, William A.Sethares, Fernando L.Alvarado and
Robert H.Lasseter :”Power oscillation damping control strategies for
-4 FACT devices using locally measurable quantities”, IEEE Trans on
-5 Power systems, vol-10 no3 Aug 1995, pp1598-1605.
5 6 7 8 [2] M.Noroozian, L.Angquist, M.Ghandari , G.Andersson :”Improving
power system dynamics by series connected FACTS devices”, IEEE
Fig 9. SLG fault simulation – TCSC with damping controller Trans on Power delivery vol 12, Oct 1997, pp 1635-1641
optmum gain k=0.05 [3] A.M.Kulkarni and K.R.Padiyar: “Damping of Power swings using series
Shaft torque(MNm) vs time (s) FACTS controller” Intl Journal of Electrical Power and Energy
Systems 21 pp475-495 1999.
APPENDIX [4] IEEE SSR working group: “Second benchmark model for computer
simulation of subsynchronous resonance”, IEEE Trans. on PAS vol
104, 1985 pp1057-1066.
Generator data :
Rating : 22kV, 600MVA
Parameters in pu ::