United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,710,133 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,710,133 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,710,133 B2
The coating properties are shown in Table 2.
Preparation of Stable Aqueous Composite
Composition Attempted Composite Formation with Ineffective
Polymer c
Preparation of Adsorbing Emulsion Polymer b
Preparation of Ineffective Emulsion Polymer c
A primary monomer emulsion was prepared by mixing 555
g DI water, 68.7 g (30% active) anionic surfactant A, 939.6 g. A first monomer emulsion was prepared by mixing 200g of
BA, 748.2 g MMA, and 3.48 g MAA. A stage 1 monomer DI water, 28.25 g (30% active) anionic surfactant, 285.6 g.
emulsion was prepared by transferring 772 g of the primary BA, 197.22 g MMA, 20.40 g PEM, and 7.53 g (90% active)
monomer emulsion into a separate vessel, then adding 40.0 g 25 SSS. A second monomer emulsion was prepared by mixing
PEM diluted with 30 g DI water. A stage 2 monomer emulsion 420 g DI water, 28.75 g (30% active) anionic surfactant B,
was prepared by transferring 719 g of the primary monomer 651.1 g BA, 515.15g MMA, and 16.9 g UMA. The reactor
emulsion into a separate vessel. A stage 3 monomer emulsion was a 5-liter, four necked round bottom flask equipped with a
was prepared by adding 17.4 g UMA to the remaining pri paddle stirrer, a thermometer, nitrogen inlet, and a reflux
mary monomer emulsion. A 5-liter reactor, four-necked 30 condenser. To the flask was added 900 g DI water and 11.3g
round bottom flask equipped with a paddle stirrer, a thermo (30% active) anionic surfactant B. The contents of the flask
couple, nitrogen inlet, and reflux condenser was assembled. were heated to 84°C. under a nitrogen atmosphere and stir
To the flask was added 900 g DI water, 3.9 g (30% active) ring initiated. A portion of the first monomer emulsion (110g)
anionic surfactant. The contents of the flask were heated to was then added, quickly followed by a solution of 3.35 g
84°C. under a nitrogen atmosphere. The flask was charged 35 NaPS dissolved in 20 g DI water, and a rinse of 5 g DI water.
with 110.2 g of stage 1 monomer emulsion and stirred for 1 After stirring for 10 minutes, the remainder of the first mono
minute. A solution of 3.48g NaPS in 35 g DI water was added, mer emulsion with a 25 g DI water rinse and 0.40 g NaPS
and rinsed with 10 g DI water. After 3 minutes, stage 1 dissolved in 30 g DI water were added linearly and separately
monomer emulsion was fed into the reactor over 30 min, over 30 minutes. The contents of the flask were held at 84°C.
followed by a rinse of 25 g DI water. A separate solution of 40 for 20 minutes. A solution of 9 g (29% active) ammonium
1.74 g NaPS in 98 g DI water was fed separately to the flask hydroxide and 9 g DI water was then added to the flask over
for 100 minutes, followed by a rinse of a 5 g DI water. The a period of 10 minutes. The second monomer emulsion with
contents of the flask were maintained at 84-86°C. throughout a 25 g DI water rinse and 1.1 g NaPS dissolved in 80 g DI
the feeds. Stage 2 monomer emulsion was then fed over 30 water were added separately to the flask over a period of 80
minutes. Stage 3 monomer emulsion was added to the flask 45 minutes. The contents of the flask were maintained at a tem
over 30 minutes. The batch was then cooled to 65° C. During perature of 83-84°C. during the addition of the second mono
the cooling, at about 80°C., the batch was partially neutral mer emulsion. The contents of the flask were then cooled to
ized with a solution of 12 g (28% conc.) aqueous ammonia in 65° C. and a catalyst/activator pair was added to the flask. 37
12g DI water, then rinsed with 5 g DI water. A redox pair was g (42% solids) of TAMOLTM 2002 was added. The polymer
then added. The batch was cooled to room temperature. While 50 was then neutralized to pH 8.56 with dilute potassium
cooling and <50° C., the reaction was neutralized to pH 8.3 hydroxide. The particle size was 97 nm and the solids
with a dilute KOH solution over 20 minutes. After addition of 45.66%. There was no measurable critical composite ratio for
this feed, the container was rinsed with 4g DI water rinse and comparative adsorbing emulsion polymer c and TIPURETM
added to batch. The particle size was 114 nm, solids were R-746 (TiO2). This is believed to be due to lack of composite
45.5% TS, and pH of 8.3. The critical composite ratio for 55 formation, due at least in part to insufficient adsorbing mono
adsorbing polymer b/TIPURETM 746 (TiO2) was determined mer in the adsorbing emulsion polymer (for the TiO2 com
to be 36 PVC. position used)
Formation of Composite Particles. A 29.19 PVC, 34 volume solids coating was prepared by
A composite was formed by mixing 129.76 g emulsion the following method. A composite was first formed by mix
polymer b, 32.67g water, 1.92g TAMOLTM 2002 (25% with 60 ing 124.77 g adsorbing emulsion polymer c. 37.90 g water
KOH) and 0.58 grams FOAMSTARTM A-34.125 g and 0.58 gFOAMSTARTMA-34.125 g TIPURETM R-746 at
TIPURETM R-746 (E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.) at 19.5% solids was added to this mixture while stirred using a
19.5% solids was added to this mixture while stirred using a bench mixer. A sample of the composite was analyzed with an
bench mixer. A sample of the composite was analyzed with an optical microscope. Large grit particles were observed on the
optical microscope. No large grit particles were observed in 65 order of 50-500 microns. It is known that particles of this size
this sample. The composite mixture was then letdown with an are prone to settling with time which compromises storage
extender grind containing 13.95 g water, 0.54 g stability.
US 8,710,133 B2
13 14
The composite mixture was then letdown with an extender aqueous Solution of potassium hydroxide was added. The
grind containing 13.95g water, 0.54 g TAMOLTM 165A, 1 g particle size was 85 nm and solids were 42.0% with a pH
BKY 348, 0.5g FOAMSTARTMA-34 and 22.50g MINEXTM adjusted to 8.2. The critical composite ratio of adsorbing
10. Finally the latex/grind mixture was letdown with the polymer d/TIPURETM 746 (TiO2) was determined to be 38
following additives under standard bench mixing. 108.15g PVC.
RHOPLEXTM VSR-1050LOE (50% solids), 17.50 g A36 PVC, 34.3 volume solids composite was prepared by
ROPAQUETM Ultra E, 3.5g OPTIFILMTM Enhancer 400, 0.5 the following method. 30.06 g adsorbing polymer d, 2.81 g
g FOAMSTARTM A-34, 14.33 g ACRYSOLTM RM-2020 water, 0.45 g TAMOLTM 2002 (25% with KOH) and 0.14g
NPR, 2.60 g ACRYSOLTM SCT-275 and 41.37 grams of FOAMSTARTMA-34 were combined. A mixture of 35.80 g
water. The coatings properties are shown in Table 2.1 10 TIPURETM 746 and 2.86 g water was added to the mixture
with bench mixing. The Brookfield viscosity was 2940 cps
after an aging period of 14 days.
Performance of coatings containing composite COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE C
Coating Example 2 Comparative Example B Composite Prepared at a PVC and Volume Solids
Wt% copolymerized 2.3 1.2 that Gives Unacceptably High Viscosity
PEM in emulsion pol.
TiO2 TIPURETM R-746 TIPURETMR-746 A38 PVC, 36.3 volume solids composite was prepared by
Equilibrated Brookfield 288O 8O the following method. 29.32 g adsorbing polymer d, 2.74g
viscosity (#4 spindle, 60
rpm) water, 0.44 g TAMOLTM 2002 (25% with KOH) and 0.13 g
Observation trace grit settling FOAMSTARTMA-34 were combined. A mixture of 32.05g
60 gloss dry coating 41 28 TIPURETM 746 and 5.26 g water was added to the latex
S/mil dry coating 6.73 6.06 mixture with bench mixing. The Brookfield viscosity was
25 6200 cps after an aging period of 14 days.
The storage stable aqueous composition of the invention,
Example 2, provided higher gloss and Superior hiding perfor TABLE 3.1
mance of the coating compared to Comparative Example B. Viscosities of 14 day aged composites prepared
at varying PVC and volume Solids.
Volume Solids
Composite Prepared at a PVC and Volume Solids to PVC 36.3 35.3 34.3
Give Acceptable Viscosity
38 62OO 4300
Preparation of Adsorbing Emulsion Polymer d 35 37
36 438O
Coatings formed by a continuous process system, Examples unsaturated monomer wherein 75% to 100%, by weight, of
7a-7 f, demonstrate desirable hiding and gloss Supporting the said P-acid monomer is added concurrently with said second
conclusion that composite can be prepared using a continuous monoethylenically unsaturated monomer during a stage com
process system. prising from 10% to 50% of the total monomer weight.
What is claimed is: 50 4. The method of claim 3 wherein said 75% to 100%, by
1. A method for forming a stable aqueous composition weight, of said P-acid monomer is added concurrently with
comprising composite particles comprising: admixing TiO2 said second monoethylenically unsaturated monomer during
particles and adsorbing emulsion polymer particles at or a stage beginning at from 0 to 50% of total added monomer
below the critical composite ratio at a mixing intensity of weight.
greater than 2 hp/kgal to an equilibrated viscosity range of 55
from 200 cps to 4000 cps. 5. The method of claim 3 or claim 4 wherein said stage
2. The method of claim 1 wherein said admixing occurs in wherein 75% to 100%, by weight, of said P-acid monomer is
a mixing Zone comprising at least one static stator element unsaturated monomerwith
added concurrently said second monoethylenically
further comprises the addition of from
and at least one rotating rotor element. 0.01% to 2%, by weight, based on the weight of said emulsion
3. The method of claim 1 wherein said adsorbing emulsion 60 polymer, second acid containing monomer.
polymer particles are multistage emulsion polymer particles 6. A method for forming a coating comprising
comprising, as copolymerized units: (a) forming said stable aqueous composition of claim 1:
from 0.5% to 5%, by weight P-acid monomer, based on the (b) applying said aqueous composition to a Substrate; and
weight of said emulsion polymer; (c) drying, or allowing to dry, said applied aqueous com
from 0% to 0.05% by weight multiethylenically unsatur- 65 position.
ated monomer, based on the weight of said emulsion
polymer; and