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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,297,674 B2

Hines (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 2007
(54) GEL LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6,794,347 B2 9, 2004 Hsu et al.
COMPOSITION 6,794,348 B2 9, 2004 Hsu et al.
6,815,409 B2 11/2004 Hsu et al.
(75) Inventor: John David Hines, Bebington (GB) 6,849,587 B2 2/2005 Hsu et al.
7,018,970 B2 3/2006 Hsu et al.
(73) Assignee: Unilever Home & Personal Care USA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
division of Conopco, Inc., Greenwich,
CT (US) EP T24 O11 T 1996
WO 94.28108 12/1994
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO 99.06519 2, 1999
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO 99.27O65 6, 1999
U.S.C. 154(b) by 398 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21) Appl. No.: 10/941,670 European Search Report EP 03 25 5759.
(22) Filed: Sep. 15, 2004 * cited by examiner
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner Brian Mruk
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Rimma Mitelman
US 2005/OO59568 A1 Mar 17, 2005
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Sep. 16, 2003 (EP) .................................. O3255759 The present invention provides a shearthinning, transparent
gel laundry detergent composition, comprising a Surfactant
(51) Int. Cl. system containing Surfactant material selected from an
CLID I/02 (2006.01) anionic Surfactant, a nonionic Surfactant or a mixture
CLID L/66 (2006.01) thereof, and from 0.1 to 10% by weight of a clarity improv
CLID 3/20 (2006.01) ing agent being a glycol dialkyl ether selected from
CLID 9/26 (2006.01) a mono-or polyethylene glycol dialkyl ether having the
CLID (7/00 (2006.01) formula
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 510/483; 510/276,510/336; (CH2)O-(CH2CH2O), (CH2). (I)
510/342; 510/351,510/353: 510/356; 510/403; a mono- or polypropylene glycol dialkyl ether having the
510/437; 510/475 formula
(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 510/276,
510/336,342,351,353,356, 403, 437, 475, (CH2)O-(CH2CH (CH3)O) (CH2), (II)
51Of 483 and mixtures thereof,
See application file for complete search history. wherein p and q independently are integers in the range of
(56) References Cited from 1 to 5, and n is an integer in the range of from 1 to 50.
preferably 1 to 10. It has been found that this gel laundry
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS composition is highly transparent, such that particles can be
5,538,662 A * 7/1996 Klier et al. ................. 510,284
Suspended therein for improving visual appearance.
5,820,695 A 10, 1998 Lance-Gomez et al. ...... 134,42
6,362,156 B1 3/2002 Hsu et al. ................... 510,418 15 Claims, No Drawings
US 7,297,674 B2
1. 2
GELLAUNDRY DETERGENT dispersed polymeric network and not in the continuous bulk
COMPOSITION phase, which remains essentially isotropic in nature. For that
reason, particles Suspended in this system tend—over
FIELD OF THE INVENTION time—to migrate through the network leading to asymmetri
cal dispersions which is clearly not desirable for a gel-type
The present invention relates to stable gel laundry deter detergent product.
gent compositions. In particular, the invention relates to Alternatively, U.S. Pat. No. 5,952.286 discloses skin
stable, transparent, shear thinning, heavy-duty, lamellar cleansing compositions comprising lamellar phase disper
phase gel laundry detergent compositions, comprising sions from rad micellar surfactant systems, and additionally
anionic and nonionic Surfactant material, and preferably a 10 a structurant for establishing the lamellar phase, whereby
gelling agent. said structurant may be a fatty alcohol. These compositions
are structured as lamellar vesicles, and are opaque, and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION therefore unsuitable for the visual display of suspended
particles or capsules.
For a variety of reasons, it is often greatly desirable to 15 Furthermore, copending U.S. patent application Ser. No.
Suspend particles in liquid detergent compositions. For 10/251,738 and European patent application 02257.682.1
example, because there are certain components (e.g. disclose stable shear-thinning tranlucent gel laundry deter
bleaches, enzymes, perfumes) which readily degrade in the gent formulations comprising a fatty acid respectively a fatty
hostile environment of Surfactant-containing detergent liq alcohol as gelling agent. Without wishing to be bound by
uids, these components are often protected in capsule-type theory, it is believed that these types of gelling agent interact
particles (see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 5.281,355) and with aggregates present in the respective detergent formu
these capsule-type particles may be suspended in liquid lations so as to promote the formation of planar lamellar
detergent compositions. Other components that may be structures similar to those found in internally structured
protected and Suspended in this way are, for instance, detergent gels, such as e.g. disclosed by WO-A-99/27065.
polyvinylpyrrolidone, aminosilicones, soil release agents 25
However, a major disadvantage of this technology relat
and antiredeposition agents. Such particles may vary sig ing to shear-thinning, stable, structured detergent gels is that
nificantly in size but, usually, their size is in the range of Such products structured by lamellar phases are often rather
from 300 to 5000 micrometers. turbid in appearance. As a consequence, their transparency
Furthermore, when the liquid detergent composition is often leaves to be desired.
translucent or transparent, it may be desirable to Suspend 30
In view of this, it is an object of the present invention to
coloured particles or capsules of similar size in said liquid find a stable shear-thinning lamellar-phase gel laundry deter
composition so as to improve the visual appearance thereof. gent formulation which is highly transparent or translucent
Shear thinning gel-type detergent compositions are gen and provides favourable visual appearance so as to clearly
erally suitable for stably Suspending particles therein, since demonstrate the presence of any particles, beads or capsules
they usually have adequate viscosity when in rest or under 35
suspended therein. It is another object of the invention to
very low shear. On the other hand, owing to their shear provide a shear thinning lamellar-phase gel laundry deter
thinning properties, such gel-type compositions have much gent formulation that has both favourable transparency and
lower viscosity when under pouring shear. cleaning performance.
One way of formulating Such gel-type detergents is by
changing a non-gelled formulation so as to form an internal 40
It has been surprisingly found that these objects could be
lamellar-phase structure therein which structure gives the achieved by applying the shear thinning transparent gel
desired properties to the thus-formed gel-type detergent. laundry detergent composition of the present invention,
WO-A-99/27065, WO-A-99/06519 and U.S. Pat. No. containing a clarity-improving agent, as specified in claim 1.
5,820,695 disclose gel-type laundry detergent compositions DEFINITION OF THE INVENTION
having an internal structure. These documents teach systems 45
wherein soap or fatty acid in combination with sodium
Sulphate and a rather specific Surfactant system are used to Accordingly, the present invention provides a shear thin
form a gelled structure by the formation of lamellar phases. ning, transparent lamellar-phase gel laundry detergent com
Alternatively, shear thinning gel-type detergent composi position, comprising a Surfactant system containing Surfac
tions may be formulated by adding specific ingredients to a 50 tant material selected from an anionic Surfactant, a nonionic
non-gelled detergent formulation, typically at low dosage, so surfactant or a mixture thereof, and from 0.1 to 10% by
as to induce gellation. weight of a clarity improving agent being a glycol dialkyl
Examples of this route for preparing gelled detergents are ether selected from a mono- or polyethylene glycol dialkyl
disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,362,156. More specifically, this ether having the formula
document discloses shear thinning, transparent gel-type 55 (CH2)O-(CH2CH2O), (CH2) (I),
laundry compositions comprising a polymer gum, Such as
Xanthan gum, which gum is capable of forming stable a mono- or polypropylene glycol dialkyl ether having the
continuous gum networks which can Suspend particles. formula
However, when using a polymer additive such as the
polymer gum disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,362,156, so as to 60 (CH2)O-(CH2CH(CH3)O) (CH2) (II),
form the gelling structure, it is generally required to carry and mixtures thereof,
out several specific steps in the manufacturing process in
order that the gel structure is properly formed. These steps wherein p and q independently are integers in the range of
are relatively costly and make the manufacturing process from 1 to 5, and n is an integer in the range of from 1 to 50.
rather time-consuming. 65 preferably 1 to 10, more preferably 1 to 5.
In addition, the structure of the gel-type detergent com The present invention is also concerned with the use of a
position disclosed by U.S. Pat. No. 6,362,156 resides in the glycol dialkyl ether as a clarity improving agent in a shear
US 7,297,674 B2
3 4
thinning, transparent, lamellar-phase gel laundry detergent The lamellar-phase gel composition of the invention is
composition of the invention. also preferably an aqueous composition having a free water
The present invention further provides a method of concentration of more than 25%, more preferably more than
improving the clarity and transparency of a shear thinning, 50% by weight.
transparent, lamellar-phase gel laundry detergent composi Furthermore, the lamellar-phase gel laundry detergent
tion, said method comprising the steps of composition of the invention is generally relatively viscous,
(a) preparing said composition by mixing the ingredients and has preferably a viscosity of at least 100 Pas, more
preferably at least 500 Pas, when in rest or up to a shear
thereof, said composition comprising a Surfactant sys Stress of 10 Pa.
tem containing Surfactant material selected from an 10 As a consequence, the composition of the invention is
anionic Surfactant, a nonionic Surfactant or a mixture very suitable for stably Suspending relatively large particles,
thereof, and such as those having a size of from 300 to 5000 microns.
(b) adding from 0.1 to 10% by weight of a glycol dialkyl Furthermore, Syneresis leading to a net migration of Sus
ether according to the invention, to said composition. pended matter has never been observed in the gel compo
15 sition of the invention. Preferably, the composition of the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE invention contains 0.1 to 10% by weight of suspended
INVENTION particles having a size within the range mentioned above.
On the other hand, the shear thinning properties of the gel
In general, the gel laundry detergent composition of the laundry detergent composition of the invention are such that
invention is structured internally by a lamellar phase Such its viscosity under a shear stress of 100 Pa or greater is at
most 5 Pas, preferably at most 1 Pas, more preferably at
that the phase volume of material present within the lamellar most 0.5 Pas. The shear thinning behaviour of the gel
structure is at least 0.75 and preferably greater than 0.9. In composition of the invention ensures that it can be easily
other words, the neat liquid crystal lamellar phase occupies poured. Furthermore, a micro-emulsion is desirably not
at least 75%, preferably at least 90% of the volume occupied 25 present in said gel composition.
by the detergent composition of the invention. Most pref The lamellar-phase gel detergent composition of the
erably, the detergent composition of the invention is char invention is also stable, which means that it does not phase
acterised by the Substantial absence of any other phases. As separate when stored for at least 2 weeks at room tempera
a practical test for determining this property of a composi ture. Furthermore, the Surfactant system contained in the gel
tion of the invention, this composition is centrifuged at 25° 30 laundry composition of the present invention is preferably
C. and at 2000xg (where g=9.81 ms') for 6 hours; after this substantially free of any amphoteric or Zwitterionic surfac
treatment said composition does not yield any separate layer tant.
of more than 25 of the total height of the centrifuged The Clarity Improving Agent
composition when held in a cylindrical container of uniform 35 The shear thinning, transparent lamellar-phase gel laun
dry detergent composition of the present invention contains
The lamellar phase composition of the invention is char from 0.1 to 10%, preferably from 0.5 to 5%, more preferably
acterised by a neat liquid crystal lamellar phase, comprising from 1 to 4%, by weight, of a clarity improving agent being
the Surfactants and, optionally, the gelling agents present in a glycol dialkyl ether as specified in claim 1. Such relatively
the composition, and arranged at the molecular level in 40 low amounts were observed to be quite sufficient for obtain
planar lamellar bi-layers with the other ingredients of the ing a highly transparent gel laundry composition showing
composition dispersed in the spaces between the hydrophilic favourable cleaning performance.
faces of the lamellar sheets. Such a lamellar phase is Preferably, the clarity improving agent is a glycol dialkyl
conventionally referred to in several ways: as “neat phase'. ether according to formula (I) or (II), wherein p and q are
Lam phase (Laughlin), L. phase (Luzatti), G phase (Winsor) 45 integers having equal values. More preferably, the clarity
or D phase (Ekwall) (see R G Laughlin, “The Aqueous improving agent of the invention is a glycol dialkyl ether
Phase Behaviour of Surfactants', for example). The pres according to formula (I) or (II) wherein said ether has
ence of the lamellar phase can be observed optically using straight chain alkyl groups.
birefringence. The clarity improving agent is most preferably selected
The microstructure of Such a lamellar phase system at the 50 from the group consisting of polyethylene glycol dibutyl
mesoscopic (as opposed to molecular) level may be Vescicu ether and polypropylene glycol dibutyl ether.
lar or continuous planar or a combination thereof including Without wishing to be bound by theory, it is believed that
any other combinations of variable curvatures. Such a lamel in the present case the amphiphilic nature of the glycol
lar phase gel laundry detergent composition is desirably dialkyl ethers of the present invention causes them to
highly transparent, such that particles (if present) can be 55 partition preferentially into the lamellar structures, thus
Suspended therein and can easily be seen, for improving enhancing the liquid-like nature and flexibility thereof. This
visual appearance. in turn leads to a decrease in fracturing of the lamellar phase
By “transparent, it is meant that light is easily transmit and, consequently, the clarity of the composition is
ted through the composition of the invention and that objects increased.
on one side of the gel composition are at least partially 60
visible from the other side of the composition. Alternatively, Gelling Agent
the transparency of the gel detergent composition is defined Preferably, the lamellar-phase gel laundry composition of
in that said composition has suitably at least 50%, preferably the invention comprises from 1 to 8%, more preferably from
at least 70% transmittance of light using a 1 centimeter 3 to 6%, by weight of a gelling agent.
cuvette at a wavelength of 410-800 nm, preferably 570-690 65 Such a gelling agent may suitably be a fatty alcohol
nm, whereby the composition is measured in the absence of having the formula R—(CHOH)—R, wherein R, R are
dyes. independently selected from hydrogen and Saturated or
US 7,297,674 B2
5 6
unsaturated, linear or branched, C-C alkyl groups, salts. The preferred alkyl sulphonates are the C10 to C18
whereby the total number of carbon atoms in the fatty primary normal alkyl Sodium Sulphonates.
alcohol is between 8 and 17. Also, alkyl polyether Sulphates are preferred anionic
Preferably a fatty alcohol gelling agent is used that has the Surfactants for use in the composition of the invention.
above formula, wherein R is hydrogen and R is selected 5 These polyether sulphates may be normal or branched chain
from Saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched Co-C alkyl and contain lower alkoxy groups which can contain
alkyl groups. Favourable results could generally be obtained two or three carbon atoms. The normal alkyl polyether
when applying as gelling agent a fatty alcohol in which the Sulphates are preferred in that they have a higher degree of
total chain length is similar to the average chain length of the biodegradability than the branched chain alkyl, and the
Surfactants present in the formulation. Such a gelling agent 10 alkoxy groups are preferably alkoxy groups.
is preferably selected from the group consisting of 1-de The preferred alkyl polyethoxy sulphates used in accor
canol. 1-dodecanol, 2-decanol, 2-dodecanol, 2-methyl-1- dance with the present invention are represented by the
decanol, 2-methyl-1-dodecanol, 2-ethyl-1-decanol, and mix formula:
tures thereof. Commercially available materials that are
particularly Suitable for use as gelling agent include Neodol 15 R-O(CH2CH2O). SOM,
23 or Neodol 25 produced by Shell Chemical Co., Exxal 12 wherein:
or Exxal 13 produced by Exxonmobil Chemical Co. and R1 is Cs to Co alkyl, preferably C2 to Cs alkyl;
Isalchem 123 or Lialchem 123 produced by Sasol Chemical
Co. p is 2 to 8, preferably 2 to 6, and more preferably 2 to 4:
The gelling agent may also suitably be a non-neutralised 20 and
fatty acid having the formula Rs (COOH) R, wherein M is an alkali metal. Such as sodium and potassium, or an
R, and Ra are independently selected from hydrogen and ammonium cation. The Sodium salt is preferred.
saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched C-C alkyl The surfactant system of the invention may additionally
groups, whereby the total number of carbon atoms in the contain fatty acid soaps. These can be derived from Saturated
fatty acid is between 10 and 23. Such a fatty acid gelling 25 and non-saturated fatty acids obtained from natural sources
agent is preferably selected from oleic acid, lauric acid, and synthetically prepared. Examples of Such fatty acids
myristic acid, palmitic acid, Stearic acid, linoleic acid, include capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, Stearic, oleic,
linolenic acid and mixtures thereof. linoleic and linolenic acid. The non-neutralised fatty acids
Furthermore, the gelling agent may suitably be a naturally may also suitably function as gelling agent, as above
obtainable fatty acid selected from tallow, coconut, and pal 30 described.
kernel fatty acids. The concentration of the anionic Surfactant in the gel
Anionic Surfactant
composition of the invention is preferably in the range of
from 5 to 50%, more preferably from 5 to 25% by weight.
The anionic Surfactant that may be present in the gel The anionic Surfactant material may be incorporated in free
composition of the invention is preferably selected from the is and/or neutralised form.
group consisting of linear alkylbenzene Sulphonates, alkyl
Sulphonates, alkylpolyether Sulphates, alkyl Sulphates and Nonionic Surfactant
mixtures thereof. The Surfactant system in the gel composition of the
The linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) materials and invention may also contain a nonionic Surfactant.
their preparation are described for example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 40 Nonionic detergent Surfactants are well-known in the art.
2.220,099 and 2,477,383, incorporated herein by reference. They normally consist of a water-solubilizing polyalkoxy
Particularly preferred are the sodium, potassium and lene or a mono- or d-alkanolamide group in chemical
mono-, di-, or tri-ethanolamminium linear straight chain combination with an organic hydrophobic group derived, for
alkylbenzene Sulphonates in which the average number of example, from alkylphenols in which the alkyl group con
carbon atoms in the alkyl group is from 11 to 14. Sodium salt 45 tains from about 6 to about 12 carbon atoms, dialkylphenols
of C11-C14, e.g. C12, LAS is especially preferred. in which primary, secondary or tertiary aliphatic alcohols (or
Preferred anionic surfactants also include the alkyl sul alkyl-capped derivatives thereof), preferably having from 8
phate Surfactants being water Soluble salts or acids of the to 20 carbon atoms, monocarboxylic acids having from 10
formula ROSO3M, wherein R preferably is a C10-C24 to about 24 carbon atoms in the alkyl group and polyox
hydrocarbyl, preferably an alkyl or hydroxyalkyl having a 50 ypropylene. Also common are fatty acid mono- and dial
C10-C18 alkyl group, more preferably a C12-C15 alkyl or kanolamides in which the alkyl group of the fatty acidradical
hydroxyalkyl, and wherein M is H or a cation, e.g. an alkali contains from 10 to about 20 carbon atoms and the alkyloyl
metal cation (e.g. sodium, potassium, lithium), or ammo group having from 1 to 3 carbon atoms. In any of the mono
nium or Substituted ammonium, especially mono-, di-, or and di-alkanolamide derivatives, optionally, there may be a
tri-ethanolammonium. Most preferably, M is sodium. 55 polyoxyalkylene moiety joining the latter groups and the
Further preferred anionic surfactants are alkyl sulpho hydrophobic part of the molecule.
nates, and desirably those in which the alkyl groups contain In all polyalkoxylene containing Surfactants, the poly
8 to 26 carbon atoms, preferably 12 to 22 carbon atoms, and alkoxylene moiety preferably consists of from 2 to 20
more preferably 14 to 18 carbon atoms. groups of ethylene oxide or of ethylene oxide and propylene
The alkyl substituent is preferably linear, i.e. normal 60 oxide groups. Amongst the latter class, particularly preferred
alkyl, however, branched chain alkyl Sulphonates can be are those described in European specification EP-A-225,
employed, although they are not as good with respect to 654. Also preferred are those ethoxylated nonionics which
biodegradability. The alkyl substituent may also be termi are the condensation products of fatty alcohols with from 9
nally Sulphonated or may be joined to any carbon atom on to 15 carbon atoms condensed with from 3 to 11 moles of
the alkyl chain, i.e. may be a secondary Sulphonate. The 65 ethylene oxide. Examples of these are the condensation
alkyl Sulphonates can be used as the alkali metal salts, such products of C alcohols with (say) 3 or 7 moles of
as sodium and potassium. The preferred salts are the Sodium ethylene oxide.
US 7,297,674 B2
7 8
The nonionic Surfactant is preferably present in the gel Anson units (AU) of activity per gram of composition.
composition of the invention at a concentration of from 5 to Higher active levels may be desirable in highly concentrated
50% by weight, more preferably from 5 to 30% by weight. detergent formulations.
Builders Suitable examples of proteases are the subtilisins that are
5 obtained from particular strains of B. subtilis and B. licheni
Builders that may be used according to the present formis. One suitable protease is obtained from a strain of
invention include conventional alkaline detergent builders, Bacillis, having maximum activity throughout the pH-range
inorganic or organic, which can be used at levels of from 0% of 8-12, developed and sold as ESPERASE(R) by Novo
to 50% by weight of the gel composition, preferably from Industries A/S of Denmark.
1% to 35% by weight. 10 Other suitable proteases include ALCALASER and
Examples of Suitable inorganic detergency builders that SAVINASE(R) from Novo and MAXATASER) from Interna
may be used are water Soluble alkali metal phosphates, tional Bio-Synthetics, Inc., The Netherlands.
polyphosphates, borates, silicates, and also carbonates and Suitable lipase enzymes for use in the composition of the
bicarbonates. Specific examples of such builders are sodium invention include those produced by microorganisms of the
and potassium triphosphates, pyrophosphates, orthophos 15 Pseudomonas group, such as Pseudomonas Stutzeri ATCC
phates, hexametaphosphates, tetraborates, silicates, and car 19. 154, as disclosed in GB-1,372,034. A very suitable lipase
bonates. enzyme is the lipase derived from humicola lanuginosa and
Examples of Suitable organic detergency builders are: (1) available from Novo Nordisk under the tradename LIPO
water-soluble amino polycarboxylates, e.g. sodium and LASETM.
potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetates, nitrilotriacetates Other Optional Components
and N-(2 hydroxyethyl)-nitrilodiacetates; (2) water-soluble In addition to the anionic and nonionic Surfactants
salts of phytic acid, e.g. sodium and potassium phytates; (3)
water-soluble polyphosphonates, including specifically described above, the surfactant system of the invention may
Sodium and potassium salts of ethane-1-hydroxy-11 optionally contain a cationic Surfactant.
diphosphonic acid; sodium and potassium salts of methylene 25 Furthermore, alkaline buffers may be added to the com
diphosphonic acid; sodium and potassium salts of ethylene positions of the invention, including monethanolamine, tri
diphosphonic acid; and sodium and potassium salts of ethanolamine, borax, and the like.
ethane-1,1,2-triphosphonic acid. As another optional ingredient, an organic solvent may
In addition, polycarboxylate builders can be used satis Suitably be present in the gel composition of the invention,
factorily, including water-soluble salts of mellitic acid, citric 30 preferably at a concentration of up to 10% by weight.
acid, and carboxymethyloxysuccinic acid, salts of polymers There may also be included in the formulation, minor
of itaconic acid and maleic acid, tartrate monosuccinate, and amounts of soil suspending or anti-redeposition agents, e.g.
tartrate disuccinate. polyvinyl alcohol, fatty amides, sodium carboxymethyl cel
Desirably, the detergency builder is selected from the lulose or hydroxy-propyl methyl cellulose.
group consisting of carboxylates, polycarboxylates, ami 35 Optical brighteners for cotton, polyamide and polyester
nocarboxylates, carbonates, bicarbonates, phosphates, phos fabrics, and anti-foam agents such as silicone oils and
phonates, silicates, borates and mixtures thereof. silicone oil emulsions may also be used.
Alkalimetal (i.e. sodium or potassium) citrate is most Other optional ingredients which may be added in minor
preferred builder material for use in the invention. amounts, are soil release polymers, dye transfer inhibitors,
Amorphous and crystalline Zeolites or aluminosilicates
40 polymeric dispersing agents, Suds Suppressors, dyes, per
can also be suitably used as detergency builder in the gel fumes, colourants, filler salts, antifading agents and mixtures
composition of the invention. The invention will now be illustrated with reference to the
Enzymes following examples, in which parts and percentages are by
Suitable enzymes for use in the present invention include
45 weight.
proteases, amylases, lipases, cellulases, peroxidases, and
mixtures thereof, of any suitable origin, such as Vegetable, EXAMPLES A1-A7, B1-B7
animal bacterial, fungal and yeast origin. Preferred selec
tions are influenced by factors such as pH-activity, thermo 50
The following basic gel laundry detergent compositions
stability, and stability to active bleach detergents, builders were prepared:
and the like. In this respect bacterial and fungal enzymes are
preferred Such as bacterial proteases and fungal cellulases.
Enzymes are normally incorporated into detergent com Wt 96
position at levels sufficient to provide a “cleaning-effective 55
amount. The term “cleaning effective amount” refers to any Component: A. B
amount capable of producing a cleaning, stain removal, Soil Propylene glycol 4.75 4.75
removal, whitening, or freshness improving effect on the Borax 2.3 O.O
treated Substrate. In practical terms for normal commercial Sodium Silicate O.O 2.O
operations, typical amounts are up to about 5 mg by weight, 60 NaOH (50%)
more typically 0.01 mg to 3 mg. of active enzyme per gram Nonionic Surfactant 6.5 6.5
of detergent composition. Stated otherwise, the composition C12-14 alcohol 4.0 4.0
of the invention may typically comprise from 0.001 to 5%, Protease enzyme O45 O.O
preferably from 0.01 to 1% by weight of a commercial Perfume O.2 O.2
Water balance balance
enzyme preparation. 65 to 100 to 100
Protease enzymes are usually present in Such commercial
preparations at levels sufficient to provide from 0.005 to 0.1
US 7,297,674 B2
9 10
To these basic formulations A and B were added varying The invention claimed is:
amounts of the clarity improving agent diethylene glycol 1. A shear thinning, transparent lamellar-phase gel laun
dibutyl ether, such that the following sets of final formula dry detergent composition, comprising a Surfactant system
tions were obtained: containing Surfactant material selected from an anionic
Surfactant, a nonionic Surfactant or a mixture thereof, and
from 0.5 to 5% by weight of a clarity improving agent being
a glycol dialkyl ether selected from a mono- or polyethylene
Wt % clarity improving agent glycol dialkyl ether having the formula
Formulations A1 and B1 O.O
Formulations A2 and B2 O.3 10 (CH2)O-(CH2CH2O), (CH2) (I)
Formulations A3 and B3 O.S a mono- or polypropylene glycol dialkyl ether having the
Formulations A4 and B4 1.O formula
Formulations A5 and B5 2.0
Formulations A6 and B6 3.0 (CH2)O-(CH2CH(CH3)O), (CH2) (II),
Formulations A7 and B7 S.O
15 and mixtures thereof,
wherein p and q independently are integers in the range of
In other words, formulations A1-A7 respectively B1-B7 from 1 to 5, and n is an integer in the range of from 1 to 50.
have been derived from the basic formulations A and B, by preferably 1 to 10.
adding to these basic formulations varying amounts of the 2. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the clarity
clarity improving agent diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, Such improving agent is selected from the group consisting of
that for each final formulation the indicated concentration of polyethylene glycol dibutyl ether and polypropylene glycol
said clarity improving agent is obtained. dibutyl ether.
3. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the
The thus-obtained final formulations were all detergent composition further comprises from 1 to 8% by weight of a
gels. The clarity of the obtained formulations was measured 25 gelling agent.
using the following procedure: 4. A composition according to claim 3, wherein the
The formulation to be measured is poured slowly into a gelling agent is a fatty alcohol having the formula
Suitable flat bottomed, transparent vessel. Such as a cylin
drical vial. This vessel containing the formulation is then R-(CHOH)— (III),
placed over a black cross, printed in black ink using standard 30 wherein:
3.0 point lines on white paper. A visual assessment is made R. R. are independently selected from hydrogen and
of the visibility of the cross when viewed through the Saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched, C-C,
formulation and more of said formulation is added to the
container until the cross can only just be visualised through alkyl groups, wherey the total number of carbon atoms
the gel. At this point, a measurement is taken of the height in the fatty alcohol is between 8 and 17.
of the formulation in the container; in other words, the path 5. A composition according to claim 4, wherein the fatty
length through which the cross is only just seen. This alcohol gelling agent is selected from 1-decanol. 1-dode
measurement is taken in a well-lit room and by a consistent canol, 2-decanol, 2-dodecanol, 2-methyl-1-decanol, 2-me
operator. Alternatively, a light box may be placed under the thyl-1-dodecanol, 2-ethyl-1-decanol, and mixtures thereof.
paper on which the cross is printed to provide consistent 40
6. A composition according to claim 3, wherein the
illumination from below. This latter adjustment may modify gelling agent is a non-neutralised fatty acid having the
the scale of the result, but in our experience does not change
the relative results obtained when all measurements are R—(COOH)—R (IV),
carried out consistently. wherein:
The results of these clarity measurements carried out 45
R3 and R4 are independently selected from hydrogen and
using the method described above are given for the formu Saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched C-C,
lations listed in the tables below. For formulations having alkyl groups, whereby the total number of carbon
higher clarity, greater heights or visual path lengths were
observed: atoms in the fatty acid is between 10 and 23.
50 7. A composition according to claim 6, wherein the fatty
acid gelling agent is selected from oleic acid, lauric acid,
myristic acid, palmitic acid, Stearic acid, linoleic acid,
Formulation A1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 linolenic acid and mixtures thereof.
Height/mm 27 32 35 37 46 52 58
8. A composition according to claim 3, wherein the
55 gelling agent is a naturally obtainable fatty acid selected
Formulation B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 from tallow, coconut, and palm kernel fatty acids.
Height/mm 6 6 6 7 35 50 57
9. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the
Surfactant system contains an anionic Surfactant selected
from the group consisting of linear alkyl benzene Sulpho
In the first case of basic formulation A and derivative final 60 nate, alkyl polyether Sulphate, alkyl Sulphate, alkyl Sulpho
formulations A1-A7, the starting formulation A is a reason nate and mixtures thereof.
ably clear gel of good transmittance which is improved 10. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the
significantly by addition of the clarity improving agent. In anionic Surfactant is present at a concentration of from 5 to
the second case of starting formulation B and derivative final 50% by weight, preferably from 5 to 25% by weight.
formulations B1-B7, the starting formulation B is a rather 65 11. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the
opaque gel of which the transmittance is improved dramati nonionic Surfactant is an ethoxylated alcohol having 3 to 11
cally by addition of the claimed clarity improving agent. ethylene oxide groups.
US 7,297,674 B2
11 12
12. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the 15. Method of improving the clarity and transparency of
nonionic Surfactant is present at a concentration of from 5 to a shear thinning, transparent, lamellar-phase gel laundry
50% by weight, preferably from 5 to 30% by weight. detergent composition, said method comprising the steps of
13. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the (a) preparing said composition by mixing the ingredients
composition additionally comprises a detergency builder 5
thereof, said composition comprising a Surfactant system
selected from the group consisting of carboxylates, polycar containing Surfactant material selected from an anionic
boxylates, aminocarboxylates, carbonates, bicarbonates,
phosphates, phosphonates, silicates, borates, and mixtures Surfactant, a nonionic Surfactant or a mixture thereof, and (b)
thereof. adding from 0.5-5 by weight of a glycol dialkyl ether, as
14. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the 10 specified in claim 1, to said composition.
composition has at least 50%, preferably at least 70%,
transmittance of light using a 1 centimeter cuvette at a
wavelength of 410-800 nm, preferably 570-690 nm,
whereby the composition is measured in the absence of dyes.

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