Training Program For Basketball: Physical Education 4 Team Sport
Training Program For Basketball: Physical Education 4 Team Sport
Training Program For Basketball: Physical Education 4 Team Sport
Prepared by:
(Angelica Keith M. Arteta)
(Kennedy Casino)
This 3 months training program will help you to prepare in playing basketball.
Basketball is a sport that requires strength, power, agility, endurance and skills. It is difficult
to condition yourself but this program can help you for that. It is a great opportunity for you
to get ready and be better in playing basketball. With the help of this program, In 3months
your body will be in condition. Since it is a team sport it will also help your whole team to
achieve success. No pain, No gain so work hard in order to succeed and make progress.
Upper Body: Lower Body:
Plank Jump Squat
Basic Push Ups Single leg hip raise
Pull ups Bodyweights squat
Climber Push Ups Bridges
Half court sprint Pound Dribble Knee
Suicides Half circle dribble stretch
Calf Jumps Crossover
Full court sprint Wall passing
Leg Balance- overhead reach free throw line shooting
Three point line shooting Jump shot, jumping
Basic Push Ups- Start in a plank position with your arms and legs straight, shoulders
above your wrists. Take a breath in, and as you exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides
and lower your chest toward the ground. Stop as soon as your shoulders are in line with
your elbows. Inhale to straighten your arms
Pull ups- Grab a bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width, with your hands facing
away from you, Hang all the way down, Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar,
Slight pause and Lower yourself all the way back down.
Climber Push ups- start in a plank from your forearms climb one hand at a time up to a
plank position from your hands. Place your hands right below your shoulders, but outside
your chest as you climb up. Then at the top perform a push up. Keep your body in a nice
straight line as you drop your chest between your hands and down toward the ground.
Then climb back down, placing your elbows right below your shoulders. Repeat,
climbing back up. Make sure to alternate or switch which hand leads the climb at some
Jump Squat- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat,
then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back
into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible.
Single leg hip raise- Lie down with back on an exercise mat and arms at your sides. Palms
facing down. Place feet flat on the floor about a foot away from your buttocks, raise your
right foot up until your knee is locked. Hold this position, begin exercise by squeezing your
glutes and raising hips up until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your
shoulders. Hold for at least 5 seconds, then lower back down.
Bodyweights Squats- Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, with toes turned
slightly outward. Brace abdominal muscles to engage core. Inhale and initiate the movement
by hinging at the hips first, then bend knees to lower into a squat position until 1) thighs are
parallel or almost parallel with the floor, 2) heels begin to lift off the floor, or 3) torso starts
to round or flex forward. (Ideally, in the lowest position, the torso and shin bone should be
parallel to each other.) Exhale and press into the mid-foot to straighten legs to stand, hips and
torso rising at the same time.
Bridges- Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor
under your knees, Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles by pushing your low back
into the ground before you push up, Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees
to shoulders, Squeeze your core and pull your belly button back toward your spine, Hold for
20 to 30 seconds, and then return to your starting position.
Half court sprint- Starting from the baseline, Run to the half court line and back.
Suicides- Starting from the baseline, run to the free throw line, tap the line with your hand
and run back to the baseline. Then run to the half court line. Tap and return to the baseline.
Then run to the far free throw line, tap and return to the baseline. Lastly, run to the far
baseline, tap and return to the starting baseline.
Calf Jumps- jump and tap the backboard, ring or net.
Full court sprint- Starting from the baseline, Run the full court and back to baseline.
Full court Lay up- Starting at the baseline, dribble to the opposite basket and do the lay up
with your right hand. Then dribble to the opposite basket and do the lay up with your left
Leg Balance - Overhead Reach- Lift your leg off the ground and balance on your foot.
While balancing on your foot, move the ball up above your head and then back down to your
Pound dribble knee high- Bend your knees and dribble (POUND) the basketball. The ball
should come up to your KNEE on each dribble.
Half circle dribble stretch- Dribble the ball a few inches off the ground. Twist your body to
the right and dribble as far to the right as you can, while your feet stay in the same position.
Move the ball back the other direction and twist as far as you can to the left
Crossovers- Bend your knees and dribble the basketball back and forth from left hand to
right hand. Keep the ball in front of your body and very low to the ground so the pace of the
dribble is fast.
Wall passing- Practice catching and receiving. Stand 10 feet away from a wall. Pass the ball
against the wall. Pick a spot on the wall and try to hit the same spot on each pass. Use the
different type of passing.
Free throw line Shooting- Throw the ball from free throw line to the basket
Three point line shooting- Throw the ball from the three point line to the basket
jump shot, jumper - release the basketball at the high point of a jump
Exercise routine:
(Exercise 1) Warm up and jog 4 laps around the court before doing workout, 30 seconds rest
between each workouts and do the cool down after the last workout.
Plank- 30seconds Jump Squat- 10 times
Basic Push Ups- 32 counts Single leg hip raise- 20 times
Pull ups- 32 counts Bodyweights squat- 15 times
Climber Push Ups- 32 counts Bridges- hold for 20 seconds
(Exercise 2) Warm up and jog 6 laps around the court before doing workout, 30 seconds rest
between each workouts and do the cool down after the last workout.
Plank- 40seconds Jump Squat- 20 times
Basic Push Ups- 40 counts Single leg hip raise- 25 times
Pull ups- 40 counts Bodyweights squat- 20 times
Climber Push Ups- 40 counts Bridges- hold for 40 seconds
(Exercise 3) Warm up and jog 8 laps around the court before doing workout, 30 seconds rest
between each workouts and do the cool down after the last workout.
Plank- 1minute Jump Squat- 20 times
Basic Push Ups- 50 counts Single leg hip raise- 30 times
Pull ups- 50 counts Bodyweights squat- 20 times
Climber Push Ups- 45 counts Bridges- hold for 1 minute
(Drill 1) Warm up before doing the drill (Drill 2) Warm up before doing the drill
2 minutes rest between each drill 2 minutes rest between each drill
Half court sprint- 5 times > Full court sprint- 5 times
Suicides- 1 time > Suicides- 1 time
Calf Jumps- 90 seconds > Calf jumps- 90 seconds
Leg balance overhead reach- 40 > Full court Lay Up- 6 times
Seconds each leg
(Drill 3) Warm up before doing the drill (Drill 4) Warm up before doing the drill
2 minutes rest between each drill 2 minutes rest between each drill
Full court sprint- 5 times > Wall passing- 2 minutes
Full court Lay Up- 6 times > Free throw shooting-2 minutes
Pound dribble knee high-2mins. > 3 point line shooting-3 minutes
Half circle dribble stretch- 30 > jump shot, jumper- 3 minutes
Sec. for each hand.
Crossover- 60 second run drill
(First month) This 4 week help you build a foundation for future success. It will help you
condition yourself in actual practice or when you are already practicing on court. The table
below will show you how the weeks breakdown.
1st Week
Monday Exercise 1
Tuesday Exercise 1
Wednesday Exercise 1
Thursday Exercise 1
Friday Exercise 1
Saturday Exercise 1
Sunday Rest
2nd Week
Monday Exercise 1
Tuesday Exercise 1
Wednesday Exercise 1
Thursday Exercise 1
Friday Exercise 1
Saturday Exercise 1
Sunday Rest
3rd Week
Monday Exercise 2
Tuesday Exercise 2
Wednesday Exercise 2
Thursday Exercise 2
Friday Exercise 2
Saturday Exercise 2
Sunday Rest
4th week
Monday Exercise 2
Tuesday Exercise 2
Wednesday Exercise 2
Thursday Exercise 2
Friday Exercise 2
Saturday Exercise 2
Sunday Rest
(Second month) – It is heavier than the first month. It already incorporate conditioning
workouts, basketball drills. The table below will show you how the weeks breakdown.
1st week
Monday Exercise 3
Tuesday Exercise 3
Wednesday Exercise 3
Thursday Exercise 3
Friday Exercise 3
Saturday Exercise 3
Sunday Rest
2nd week
Monday Exercise 3
Tuesday Exercise 3
Wednesday Exercise 3
Thursday Exercise 3
Friday Exercise 3
Saturday Exercise 3
Sunday Rest
3rd week
Monday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Tuesday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Wednesday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Thursday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Friday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Saturday Exercise 1 and Drill 1
Sunday Rest
4th week
Monday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Tuesday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Wednesday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Thursday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Friday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Saturday Drill 1 and Drill 2
Sunday Rest
(Third Month)- At this point you are enhancing your basketball skills. The table below will
show you how the weeks breakdown.
1st week
Monday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Tuesday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Wednesday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Thursday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Friday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Saturday Drill 1 and Drill 3
Sunday Rest
2nd week
Monday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Tuesday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Wednesday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Thursday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Friday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Saturday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Sunday Rest
3rd week
Monday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Tuesday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Wednesday Drill 3 and Drill 4
Thursday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Friday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Saturday Drill 3 and PLAY
Sunday Rest
4th week
Monday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Tuesday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Wednesday Drill 3 and PLAY
Thursday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Friday Drill 1, Drill 3 and Drill 4
Saturday Drill 3 and PLAY
Sunday Rest
Basketball requires strength, speed, endurance and skills. This 3 months training
constitute a preparation phase that will get you ready in playing basketball. This program
help to condition your body and improve all your skills. Though it is a very challenging task
for you but it will surely develop your discipline to do the harder work. The more good
training you get, the more it will enhance your performance. Don’t cheat, do and finish the
training well. You’re going to become a better basketball player.