Anatomy Sem Questions
Anatomy Sem Questions
Anatomy Sem Questions
1. A Patient with the injury to the shaft of the humerus develops wrist drop. What is the nerve
involved in this case? Write down the origin, course and branches of the nerve upto the hand.
2. Following street accident a young man develops fracture of mid shaft of humerus. Discuss the
distribution of the nerve while it passes through the arm and forearm. Add a note on its lesion
while it is in relation to the spiral groove of the bone. (8+4)
3. Describe the shoulder joint under the following headings-
a. Type of joint
b. Name of ligaments
c. Attachment of the fibrous capsule
d. Factors responsible for the stability
7. A middle aged woman develops varicose leg veins. How superficial vein of the leg are
connected with deep veins? Briefly describe the anatomical factors preventing varicosity of leg
veins. (3+4)
8. A 73 yrs old man presents with swelling in the right groin which expands on coughing.
Diagnose the above condition. Write down the boundaries
of inguinal canal. Give a brief account of the types of inguinal hernias. (1+2+4)
9. Enumerate the arches of the foot. Mention the factors responsible for the maintenance of
the medial Longitudinal Arch. Why spring ligament is a misnomer? (1+1+2+2)
10. A patient with high fever with painful swelling of the right groin and diagnosed to be a case
of inflammated inguinal lymph nodes( lymphadenitis). Discuss the nature of distribution of
superficial inguinal lymph nodes and the area drained by medial group of horizontal set. (5+2)
11. How the medial longitudinal arch of foot is formed? Describe the factors maintaining the
medial longitudinal arch.(3+4)
12. Explain the terms Inversion and Eversion. Mention the joints involved and muscle
responsible for these movements.(2+2+3)
13. Write a note on genicular anastomosis. What is its clinical importance? (5+2)
a. Boundaries
b. Contents
c. Recesses
d. Applied importance (5+3+2+2)
6. Describe with suitable reasons and diagrams about the following points- Right recurrent
laryngeal nerves hooks around right subclavian artery whereas the left around the ligamentum
arteriosum. (7)
7. Describe the costo-diaphragmatic recess and pleural tap. (7)
8. Interior of right atrium with diagram. (4+3)
9. Describe the origin, course, distribution of right coronary artery. What is angina pectoris?
10. SN- Coronary sinus its tributaries and development(7)
11. Mention branches and relations of Arch of aorta. How collateral circulation is maintained
through intercostal spaces in post-ductal coarctation of aorta? (1+4+2)
12. Bronchopulmonary segment definition. Name the different segments. Which segments are
commonly affected in aspiration pneumonia and why? (1+4+2)
13. The parietal pleura with mention of the extent, recess and nerve supply. (7)
14. Course, branches and distribution of a typical intercostals nerve. (7)
15. Arterial supply of heart (7)
16. Describe the heart under the following headings-
a. Layers and sinuses
b. Blood supply
c. What is cardiac tamponade? (3+3+2)
17. Describe the content of first intercostal spaces. How does this space differ from a typical
intercostals space? (3+4)
18. What is mediastinum? Describe the superior mediastinum with its contents and applied
anatomy. (4+3)
Name the boundaries of tonsillar sinus. Name the lateral relations of palatine tonsil.
10. Give an account of ligaments and movements of the tempero mandibular joint. What is lock
jaw? (4+6+2)
11. Discuss lacrimal apparatus. (12)
12. Following syringing a patient presented with vomiting- Explain the cause. Write down the
different walls of middle ear cavity with structures within it. Describe the tympanic membrane
with suitable diagram. (2+5+5)
13. Draw a diagram of nasal septum and write its nerve and artery supply with two clinical
importance. (2+2+2+1)
14. Describe the nerve supply of the tongue on embryological basis. What is ankyloglossia?
15. Discuss the movement of tempero-mandibular joint with associated muscle. (7)
16. Enumerate the layers of deep cervical fascia. Write the vertical and horizontal extent ofdeep
cervical fascia.(1+6)
17. Write in brief about thetympanic membrane.(7)
18. Discuss about the development of the tongue. What is tongue tie? (5+2)
19. Mention the coats of eye ball. Name the refractive media in the eye. What are the common
types of defect of vision? (3+2+2)
20. What is rima glottidis? Name its boundaries. Name the muscles controlling the shape of
rima glottidis under different physiological functional conditions. (2+2+3)
21. What are the manifestations of oculomotor nerve lesion. Describe the course of the nerve in
the middle cranial fossa and orbit. Explain the cause of lateral squint and dilated pupil in
oculomotor nerve palsy. (2+3+2)
22. A patient with tumour of pituitary gland suffers from visual defect. Describe the visual
pathway and explain the visual defect in brief. (5+2)
23. Describe the course and branches of the 7th cranial nerve in the middle ear cavity. What is
Sinus tympani? (3+3+1)
24. Mechanism of deglutition. (7)
25. Following draining of parotid abscess a person develops facial nerve palsy. Explain the
cause. Describe the structures passing through the parotid gland. What is Frey’s syndrome?
7. Describe the formation, circulation and absorption of aqueous humor. Enumerate the
refractive media of eye ball. (5+2)
8. What are the different parts of the cerebelleum? Mention its blood supply. What is cerebellar
ataxia? (4+2+1)
9. Describe the cross section of medulla at the level of olive with a labelled diagram. (7)
10. Describe the walls and communications of the 3rd ventricle. What is non-communicating
type of hydrocephalus? (4+1+2)
11. Give a brief account of the arterial supply of spinal cord. What is filum terminale? (5+2)
12. Draw the labelled diagram of midbrain at the levels of superior and inferior colliculli with a
brief description.
13. Describe the cranial nerve present on floor of 4th ventricle with functional components.
6. Derivatives of First Branchial Arch.
7. What are the derivatives of 1st Pharyngeal arch with nerve supply. (3+4)
8. Development of pancreas and its anomalies (7)
9. Give an account of development of portal vein. (7)
10. Describe the derivatives of mesonephric duct in both sexes. (7)
11. Development of placenta. What is placenta previa? (5+2)
12. Describe the foetal circulation and changes after birth. (7)
13. Describe the formation of chorionic villi. What is placental barrier? (2+5)