Anatomy Sem Questions

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1. A Patient with the injury to the shaft of the humerus develops wrist drop. What is the nerve
involved in this case? Write down the origin, course and branches of the nerve upto the hand.
2. Following street accident a young man develops fracture of mid shaft of humerus. Discuss the
distribution of the nerve while it passes through the arm and forearm. Add a note on its lesion
while it is in relation to the spiral groove of the bone. (8+4)
3. Describe the shoulder joint under the following headings-
a. Type of joint
b. Name of ligaments
c. Attachment of the fibrous capsule
d. Factors responsible for the stability

What is Rotator Cuff? (2+2+3+4+1)

4. Describe the brachial plexus under the following headings-
a. Root, trunk, divisions cords and branches
b. Relations with axillary vessels
c. Klumpke’s paralysis (5+5+2)
5. Describe the median nerve under the following heading-
i. Root values
ii. Course
iii. Distribution
iv. What is pointing index? (3+3+3+3)
6. A 40 yr old patient with H/O hypothyroidism came to MOPD with tingling and numbness over
the lateral aspect of right palm. What is the clinical condition likely to have occurred? What is
the structure involved in this condition? Explain the condition anatomically. Describe the course
and distribution of the affected nerve in the hand. What is claw hand? (1+1+2+3+3+2)
7. Describe the shoulder joint. Justify the statement, ‘Shoulder Joint enjoys mobility at the cost
of stability’. In which direction head of the humerus commonly dislocates and can stretch and
injure an important nerve to the upper limb. (4+2+1)
8. Following fracture of the surgical neck of humerus a person developed loss of abduction of
the arm. Which nerve is likely to be injured? Give a brief account of the root value, course and
branches of the nerve. What is Hilton’s Law? (1+5+1)
9. Describe the distribution of ulnar nerve in hand. (7)
10. Give an account of the attachment of flexor reticunalum of hand. Briefly discuss the
distribution of median nerve in palm. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? (2+3+2)
11. A 10 yr old male child had a fall on his outstretched hand followed by supracondylar fracture
of the lower end of right humerus. Describe the structures likely to be damaged or affected.
What may be the effects of that fracture? (3+4)
12. Describe brachial artery under following heading- course with important relations and its
branches. (7)
13. Classify axillary lymph nodes. Mention the areas of drainage.( 3+4)
14. Give an account of lymphatic drainage of mammary gland. What is paeu d’ orange
appearance of skin. (6+1)
15. Give an account of origin, course and relation of radial nerve. Explain the neuromascular
disability after the fracture of shaft of humerus. (1+2+2+2)
16. Mention the beginning, course, relations, and termination of cephalic vein. (7)


17. SN- Superior Radio-Ulnar Joint (3)
18. SN-Thenar space of the palm (3)
19. SN- Erb’s Duchene’s Palsy
20. SN- Triangular and Quadrangular spaces of the arm.
21. SN- Mid palmar space
22. SN- Cervical rib
23. SN- Coraco Acromial arch
24. SN- Mid palmar space
25. SN-Digital synovial sheath of hand
26. SN-Horner’s Syndrome


27. EW- deltoid is the powerful abductor of shoulder joint.
28. EW- A swelling of the dorsum of the hand accompanies infections of the digits and palm.
29. EW- The lesion of the ulnar nerve within the proximal 5 cm of the forearm cause a much
milder form of clawing of the ring and little finger (Ulnar claw hand). But a lesion of the same
nerve at the wrist causes a much more severe type of clawing of the disease (Ulnar paradox).
30. EW- Clavicle is a modified long bone.
31. EW-Ape thumb deformity.
32. EW- Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture.
33. EW- Peau d orange in CA breast
34. EW- Carcinoma breast pain can be felt on medial side of upper arm
35. EW- Ulnar nerve is termed as ‘Musician’s nerve’
36. EW- In fracture of wrist of the scaphoid due to fall on the outstretched hand, avascular
necrosis may affect the proximal half and not the distal half of the scaphoid.
1. A 65 years old rickshaw puller presented with bleeding ulcer from left lower limb. Inspection
showed dilated and tortuous veins of both lower limbs. Diagnose the above condition. What are
the causes of varicose veins. Give a brief account of the course and tribuatries of Great
saphenous veins. What is Tourniquet’s test. (1+3+6+2)
2. Mention the formation, subdivision and contents of femoral sheath. mention the course and
coverings of femoral hernia. Why is femoral hernia is more common in women? (1+3+3+1+2+2)
3. Mention the type of knee joint. Give brief account of the ligaments of knee joint. What is
locking unlocking of knee joint? What is the medico legal importance of this joint? (2+5+3+2)
4. Following fracture of the neck of the fibula a person develops foot drop. Explain it. Give a
brief account of origin, course, and distribution of the deep peroneal nerve. (2+2+4+4)
5. Describe the hip joint under the following headings-(3+6+3)
a. Ligaments of the joint
b. Muscles producing different movements
c. Blood supply
6. What is congenital talipes equinovarus? (2)

7. A middle aged woman develops varicose leg veins. How superficial vein of the leg are
connected with deep veins? Briefly describe the anatomical factors preventing varicosity of leg
veins. (3+4)
8. A 73 yrs old man presents with swelling in the right groin which expands on coughing.
Diagnose the above condition. Write down the boundaries
of inguinal canal. Give a brief account of the types of inguinal hernias. (1+2+4)
9. Enumerate the arches of the foot. Mention the factors responsible for the maintenance of
the medial Longitudinal Arch. Why spring ligament is a misnomer? (1+1+2+2)
10. A patient with high fever with painful swelling of the right groin and diagnosed to be a case
of inflammated inguinal lymph nodes( lymphadenitis). Discuss the nature of distribution of
superficial inguinal lymph nodes and the area drained by medial group of horizontal set. (5+2)
11. How the medial longitudinal arch of foot is formed? Describe the factors maintaining the
medial longitudinal arch.(3+4)
12. Explain the terms Inversion and Eversion. Mention the joints involved and muscle
responsible for these movements.(2+2+3)
13. Write a note on genicular anastomosis. What is its clinical importance? (5+2)


14. SN- Cruciate ligament
15. SN- Femoral canal
16. SN- Arteria Dorsalis pedis
17. SN- Medial Meniscus
18. SN- Soleus
19. SN- arterial anastomoses around the knee joint.
20. SN- Gubernaculum
21. SN- piriformis
22. SN- Illiotibial tract
23. SN- Bursae around knee joint
24. SN- Iliofemoral ligament
25. SN- Popliteus
26. EW- Medial meniscus is susceptible to injury more frequently than lateral meniscus.
27. EW- Following intra capsular fracture of the neck of the femur, a person developed
avascular necrosis of femoral head.
28. EW- Gluteus maximus is the muscle of choice for intramuscular injection.
29. EW- femoral hernia is more common in female.
30. EW-convergence of indirect inguinal hernia.
31. EW- Avascular necrosis of the femoral head or non union or delayed union are more
frequently met with in case of intracapsular fractures of the femoral neck than in cases of its
extracapsular fracture.
32. EW- Fracture of neck of fibula results in foot drop.
33. EW- Peroneus longus has dual effect on longitudinal and transverse arch of foot.
34. EW- Congenital dislocation of hip common in girl
35. EW- Pubic tubercle differentiates femoral from inguinal hernia.
1. Describe the uterus under the following headings.
a. Ligaments (5)
b. Blood supply (4)
c. Prolapsed (3)
2. A male patient was diagnosed as a case of Inguinal hernia. What is meant by Inguinal Hernia
and what are the different types? Describe the formation of Inguinal Canal and how the Inguinal
hernia is prevented normally in an individual. (2+2+4+4)
3. 18. Enumerate the ligaments of uterus. Describe in brief the support of uterus. Writeshort
note on Douglas Pouch with its clinical importance. (3+6+3)
4. Describe the hepatic portal system under heading of formation relation tributaries and sites
of porta-caval anastomoses with clinical importance. (1+3+2+6)
5. The barium meal of a X-Ray of a 55 yr old man showed a distorted’ DuodenalCap’ in a patient
clinically diagnosed as a case of duodenal ulcer. What is duodenal cap? How does the internal
surface of the 1stpart of duodenum differ from that of its 2nd part? Name the external relations
and the internal features of the second part of duodenum. (1+2+5+4)
6. During operation inside the abdominal cavity the surgeon holds a peritoneal fold attached to
the lesser curvature of the stomach. The fold was having a pulsatile structure along its right free
margin lying in front of the epiploic foramen. Name the different branches of the pulsatile
structure. What are the parts of this peritoneal fold? What are the other contents of this fold
between its two layers? Name the tributaries of the largest tube lying in between the two layers
of this fold. (3+2+2+4)
7. Describe the formation of the rectus sheath. What are the contents of the rectus sheath?
what does the tendinous intersections of abdomen represent? What is its functions? (6+3+2+1)
8. Describe the diaphragm under the following headings-openings, structures passing through it
and development in brief. What is upper lumber hernia?(2+4+4+2)
9. An old patient suffers from right sided inguinoscrotal swelling. What may be the cause of the
swelling? Give a brief account of different of the coverings of the direct inguinal
hernia. What is pantaloon’s hernia?(1+4+5+2)
10. Explain why pain is felt both in the epigastrium and right shoulder in cholecystitis. Write a
brief note on the anatomy of common bile duct. Enumerate the boundaries of Calot’s
11. A 40 yr old alcoholic patient came to emergency with vomiting of blood.explain the
condition anatomically. Describe the portal vein under the following heading- formation,
extrahepatic course and three important sites of portacaval anastomosis. (2+1+3+6)
12. Mention the parts, relations, blood supply of stomach. Write a note on gastric triangle.
13. Give an account of parts, relations, arterial supply and histological structure of uterine tube.
Write a note on ectopic pregnancy. (2+4+2+2+2)
14. Write down the peritoneal relations of urinary bladder with nerve supply and clinical
importance. What is suprapubic cystostomy? (4+4+1=9)
15. Write down the peritoneal reflections of liver. Mention the segments of the liver write
briefly about the important subpleuric recess. (4+2+3=9)
16. Ischio rectal fossa under following headings-

a. Boundaries
b. Contents

c. Recesses
d. Applied importance (5+3+2+2)

17. What is liver acinus? (2)

18. A 35 yr old woman with four children presented with symptoms of something coming down
per vagina, which was diagnosed as prolapsed of uterus. From your knowledge of anatomy
answer the following.
a. Position of gravid uterus
b. Peritoneal relations, supports arterial supply of uterus
c. What is uterus didelphys? (2+2+4+2)
19. Write the artery of the foregut and describe its branches. (1+6)
20. What is lesser sac? Describe the boundaries of epiploic foramen. (4+3)
21.An anxious lady complains to her doctor that right scrotal sac of her newborn male baby is
found empty. The case is diagnosed as one of the anomalies of descent of testis. Write a brief
note on Descent of Testis. (7)
22.Describe the superficial inguinal group of lymph node with clinical importance. (7)
23.Enumerate the derivatives of mesogastrium. Describe the boundaries of epiploic foramen
24.Describe the histological changes of uterus during menstrual cycle. (7)
25.Relations of the inferior surface of liver.
26.The coverings, structure and the venous drainage of the prostate gland.
27.Describe the second part of the duodenum under the following headings:
a. Features of its luminal surface
b. Structure related to it
c. Blood supply of the organ. (3+3+1)
28. Explain why gastric ulcer is common along lesser curvature. Give an account of the
lymphatic drainage of the stomach.
29. Describe the pancreas under the following headings. Relations of head, blood supply and
miocrostructure. What is annular pancreas?
30. Describe the capsules and lobes and relations of prostate gland. (2+3+2)
31. Trigone of urinary bladder (7)
32. Describe briefly renal microcirculation. (7)
33. Living ligature of uterus.
34. Internal rectal piles in portal hypertension.
35. Draw the diagram of micro structure of Liver with levelling. What is Space of Mall? (3+2+2)
36. Perineal body with applied anatomy. What is pudendal canal and its content. (5+2)
37. SN- Histological structure of Vermiform Appendix. (3)
38. SN- Trigone of the bladder (3)
39.SN- Ovarian fossa
40.SN- Ectopic pregnancy
41.SN- histology of duodenum
42.SN- Renal Capsule
43.SN- Descent of testis
44.SN- Krukenberg’s tumour
45. SN- Epiploic foramen
46. SN- Porto caval anastomosis
47. SN- Meckel’s Diverticulum.
48. SN- Classical hepatic lobule
49. SN- Median lobe of prostate
50. SN- Inguinal canal
51. SN- Omental bursa
52. SN- Internal trigone of urinary bladder.
53. SN- Physiological umbilical hernia
54. SN- Kupffer cells
55. SN- Arterial supply of ureter
56. SN- lumbosacral plexus with clinical importance.
57. SN- renal portal system
58. SN- Ureteric stone
59. SN- Spermatic cord and its contents
60. SN- Interior of prostatic part of urethra
61. SN- relations of head of the pancreas
62. SN- Hasselbach’s triangle
63. SN- ovarian fossa
64. SN- Annular pancreas
65. SN- Lymphatic drainage of cervix uteri


66. EW- A newborn baby showing discharge of faecal matter through umbilicus. (3)
67. EW- A patient presents in the emergency department with frank blood vomiting. (3)
68. EW- Development of Diabetes Mellitus after splenomegaly. (3)
69. EW- A male patient above 55 yrs of age complains of repeated urination at night.
70.EW- Metastasis from carcinoma of infero medial quadrant of breast takes place in pelvic
71.EW- An old man suffering from carcinoma of prostate develops vertebral metastasis.
72.EW- A girl may have conceived without having any menstrual cycle ever.
73.EW- Surgical incision of anterior abdominal wall along the linea semilunaris is not preferred.
74.EW- Annular pancreas
75.EW- Spleen is a hemolymph organ.
76.EW- The caecum and the vermiform appendix are sometimes situated in the right iliac fossa.
77.EW- In majority of males the left testis lies at the higher level in the scrotal sac than its
counter part of the other side.
78.EW- A newborn baby passes urine through the umbilicus.
79. EW- Greater omentum is referred as Abdominal policeman.
80. EW- Prenatal ultrasound at 20 weeks revealed a midline mass containing intestine and was
membrane bound.
81. EW- A patient with portal hypertension presenting with bleeding per rectum.
82. EW- extravasation of urine following rupture of spongy urethra.
83. EW- Extravasation of urine following rupture of urethra below the perineal membrane may
extend upto axilla.
84. EW- In rupture urethra(membranous) urine accumulates in the axilla but not on the front of
85. EW- An ovarian operation patient may feel pain at hip, knee and medial side of thigh.
86. EW- Pain of ureteric colic radiates from loin to groin.
87. EW- Pre-ileal type of appendix is most dangerous.
88. EW- Prostatic utricle is called ‘Vagina of Male’
89. EW- Peritonitis following an infection of reproductive tract in a female
90. EW- Obstructive jaundice following carcinoma of head of pancreas.
91. EW- Pain of appendicitis referred to umbilicus
92. EW- horse shoe kidney is present at a lower level
93. EW- Left gonadal vein is not a tributary of inferior vena cava
1. A patient complaining of pain in the chest during respiration and breathlessness due to
accumulation of fluid in pleural sac. Mention which is the most dependent part of the pleural
sac? Name the most different parts of the pleura with its nerve supply. What is pleural tap?
2. Enumerate the sources of development of inter-atrial septum. (2)
3. What is probe patency test? (1)
4. What is a broncho-vascular segment? (2)
5. Write about atrio-ventricular septum. (4)

6. Describe with suitable reasons and diagrams about the following points- Right recurrent
laryngeal nerves hooks around right subclavian artery whereas the left around the ligamentum
arteriosum. (7)
7. Describe the costo-diaphragmatic recess and pleural tap. (7)
8. Interior of right atrium with diagram. (4+3)
9. Describe the origin, course, distribution of right coronary artery. What is angina pectoris?
10. SN- Coronary sinus its tributaries and development(7)
11. Mention branches and relations of Arch of aorta. How collateral circulation is maintained
through intercostal spaces in post-ductal coarctation of aorta? (1+4+2)
12. Bronchopulmonary segment definition. Name the different segments. Which segments are
commonly affected in aspiration pneumonia and why? (1+4+2)
13. The parietal pleura with mention of the extent, recess and nerve supply. (7)
14. Course, branches and distribution of a typical intercostals nerve. (7)
15. Arterial supply of heart (7)
16. Describe the heart under the following headings-
a. Layers and sinuses
b. Blood supply
c. What is cardiac tamponade? (3+3+2)
17. Describe the content of first intercostal spaces. How does this space differ from a typical
intercostals space? (3+4)
18. What is mediastinum? Describe the superior mediastinum with its contents and applied
anatomy. (4+3)


19. SN- Middle lobe syndrome
20. SN- typical intercostal nerve
21. SN- Left coronary artery
22. SN- Interior of right atrium of heart
23. SN- Costo diaphragmatic recess of pleura
24. SN- subdivisions of parietal pleura and nerve supply
25. SN- Bronchopulmonary segment
26. SN- Apex of heart
27. SN- Arch of aorta
28. SN- Transverse sinus
29. SN- Cardiac predominance
30. SN- thoracic duct
31. EW- Coronary dominance
32. EW- Knotching of ribs is seen in coarctation of aorta.
33. EW- A child present with peristaltic sound in the chest.
34. EW- Type of respiration in children is abdominal whereas it is thoracoabdominal in adult.
35. EW- Pneumothorax
36. EW- Intercostal nerves except 3rd to 6th are atypical.
37. EW- apical bronchopulmonary segment of the lower lobe and the posterior
38. EW- Horner’s syndrome in a case of neoplasia at the apex of lung.
39. EW- Pain in a sub phrenic pus collection is often felt in the root of the neck.
40. EW- Collection of pus in posterior mediastinum may come from the pharynx.
41. EW-the diaphragm is the principal muscle of respiration
42. EW- bronchopulomonary segment of the upper lobe of right lung is the commonest site of
aspiration pneumonia in post-operative patients.
43. EW-C.V.A patient suffering from bladder-bowel syndrome
1. Facial nerve discuss under the following headings:-
a. Nucleus
b. Intracranial course
c. Branches
d. What is bell’s Palsy? (4*3=12)
2. A patient suffering from tonsillitis complains of pain in ear. Explain. Describe the palatine
tonsil under the following headings-
a. Relations
b. Blood supply
c. Nerve supply
d. Development (2+3+3+2+2)
3. Enumerate the nuclei of facial nerve. Describe extra cranial course of facial nerve and the
branches of it. Explain the supra-nuclear and infra-nuclear lesion of facial nerve.(2+2+5+3)
4. Name the different layers of deep cervical fascia. Trace any two layers vertically upwards and
downwards. Which layer encloses the thyroid gland and explain why thyroid moves with
deglutition? (2+6+2+2)
5. A man suffering from hypertension of Little’s area of nose. Give an account of formation,
arterial supply, nerve supply and lining epithelium of nasal septum with a note of Little’s area.
6. An old man presents with an ulcer along the margin of the tongue which has diagnosed as
carcinoma of tongue. Which group of lymph nodes are likely to be enlarged? Discuss briefly the
lymphatic drainage of the tongue. Mention the nerve supply of the tongue. (2+5+5)
7. Describe the intrinsic muscles of larynx with their role in the movements of vocal folds.
Discuss the effect of lesion of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. (10+2)
8. Give an account of coverings, relations, blood supply, and microscopic structure of thyroid
gland. What precaution should be taken while ligating the arteries during thyroiodectomy
surgery? (2+4+2+2+2)
9. Describe the soft palate under following headings-
a. Gross feature
b. Blood supply
c. Nerve supply
d. Structure

Name the boundaries of tonsillar sinus. Name the lateral relations of palatine tonsil.
10. Give an account of ligaments and movements of the tempero mandibular joint. What is lock
jaw? (4+6+2)
11. Discuss lacrimal apparatus. (12)
12. Following syringing a patient presented with vomiting- Explain the cause. Write down the
different walls of middle ear cavity with structures within it. Describe the tympanic membrane
with suitable diagram. (2+5+5)

13. Draw a diagram of nasal septum and write its nerve and artery supply with two clinical
importance. (2+2+2+1)
14. Describe the nerve supply of the tongue on embryological basis. What is ankyloglossia?
15. Discuss the movement of tempero-mandibular joint with associated muscle. (7)
16. Enumerate the layers of deep cervical fascia. Write the vertical and horizontal extent ofdeep
cervical fascia.(1+6)
17. Write in brief about thetympanic membrane.(7)
18. Discuss about the development of the tongue. What is tongue tie? (5+2)
19. Mention the coats of eye ball. Name the refractive media in the eye. What are the common
types of defect of vision? (3+2+2)
20. What is rima glottidis? Name its boundaries. Name the muscles controlling the shape of
rima glottidis under different physiological functional conditions. (2+2+3)
21. What are the manifestations of oculomotor nerve lesion. Describe the course of the nerve in
the middle cranial fossa and orbit. Explain the cause of lateral squint and dilated pupil in
oculomotor nerve palsy. (2+3+2)
22. A patient with tumour of pituitary gland suffers from visual defect. Describe the visual
pathway and explain the visual defect in brief. (5+2)
23. Describe the course and branches of the 7th cranial nerve in the middle ear cavity. What is
Sinus tympani? (3+3+1)
24. Mechanism of deglutition. (7)
25. Following draining of parotid abscess a person develops facial nerve palsy. Explain the
cause. Describe the structures passing through the parotid gland. What is Frey’s syndrome?


26. SN- Lock Jaw
27. SN- Styloid apparatus
28. SN- Dangerous layerof scalp
29. SN- Piriform fossa
30. SN- Tonsillar bed
31. SN- middle meatus of nose.
32. SN- Sternocleidomastoid
33. SN- Vascular supply of thyroid gland
34. SN- Ansa Cervicalis
35. SN- Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx
36. SN- temporal styloid process
37. SN- Anterior chamber of eye ball
38. SN- Superior cervical ganglion
39. SN- palatine aponeurosis
40. SN- Facial vein
41. SN- Otic ganglion
42. SN- Superior oblique muscle
43. SN- oro-pharynx
44. SN- tonsillar bed
45. SN- Paranasal air sinus


46. EW- Zenkin’s diverticulum produce dysphagia
47. EW- During rapid descending in an aeroplane produce pain in the middle ear.
48. EW- Auditory tube acts as channel for infection common in the children.
49. EW- Genioglossuss the safety muscle of tongue.
50. EW- Syringing of external auditory meatus in children causes vomiting.
51. EW- Swelling in front of the neck moving with deglutition.
52. EW- Posterior crico-arytenoid muscle is the safety muscle of the larynx.
53. EW- Epistaxis from Litter’s area
54. EW- Tetany after thyroid surgery
55. EW- 10th cranial nerve is wandering nerve
56. EW- Dangerous area of face
57. EW- Fracture spine on sphenoid causes dryness of mouth.
58. EW- A pimple in the danger area of face may cause cavernous sinus thrombosis.
59. EW- Vocal cord is considered as water shed line of larynx.
60. EW- Sensoneural deafness
61. EW- Fourth layer of scalp is known as dangerous layer of the scalp.
62. EW- Superior parathyroid is parathyroid IV whereas inferior parathyroid is parathyroid III
63. EW- Syringing of ear may lead to cardiac arrest
64. EW- Hyperacusis after fracture of petrous part of temporal bone.
65. EW- The tip of tongue is seen to point towards the side of lesion when the patient is asked
to protrude it in cases of lower motor neurone paralysis of 12th cranial nerve.
66. EW- Pupillary light reflex is absent in lesions of both 2nd and 3rd cranial nerves.
67. EW- surgeon thoroughly clears the blood clots from the tonsillar fossa after the
tonsillectomy operation.
68. EW- Optic nerve once damaged can’t regenerate
69. EW- in caries of tooth, pain is felt in tempero mandibular joint and external ear.
70. EW- Even a little swelling in parotid is very painful
71. EW- lower part of the nasal septum is known as ‘Area of Epistaxis’
72. EW- Loss of speech following thyroiodectomy
1. Artery supply of internal capsule with clinical importance. (4+3)
2. Describe internal capsule under the following-
a. Parts
b. Arrangement of fibres
c. Blood supply
d. Applied importance (2+5+3+2)
3. Write brief notes on different walls of third ventricle with lebelled diagram. What is blood
brain barrier? Give the flow chart of CSF circulation.(7+3+2)
4. Describe the corpus callosum under the following headings-
a. Parts
b. Relations
c. Arrangement of fibres of functions
5. Describe the spinal cord under the following heading-
a. Coverings
b. Blood supply
c. Name of traversing tract
6. Describe lateral ventricle under following heading-
a. Boundaries of different parts
b. Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle (10+2)

7. Describe the formation, circulation and absorption of aqueous humor. Enumerate the
refractive media of eye ball. (5+2)
8. What are the different parts of the cerebelleum? Mention its blood supply. What is cerebellar
ataxia? (4+2+1)
9. Describe the cross section of medulla at the level of olive with a labelled diagram. (7)
10. Describe the walls and communications of the 3rd ventricle. What is non-communicating
type of hydrocephalus? (4+1+2)
11. Give a brief account of the arterial supply of spinal cord. What is filum terminale? (5+2)
12. Draw the labelled diagram of midbrain at the levels of superior and inferior colliculli with a
brief description.
13. Describe the cranial nerve present on floor of 4th ventricle with functional components.


14. SN- Medial medullary syndrome
15. SN- Paracentral lobule
16. SN- Pial process of spinal cord
17. SN- Inferior cerebellar peduncle
18. SN- Interpeduncular fossa
19. SN- Midbrain at the level of superior colliculli
20. SN- Speech areas of brain
21. SN-Blood brain barrier
22. SN- Areas of cerebral hemisphere
23. SN- Blood supply of medial surface of cerebrum
24. SN- Cavernous sinus
25. SN- Floor of fourth ventricle
26. SN- FAlx cerebri
27. SN- Lemnisci
28. SN- Lateral medullary syndrome
29. SN- Thalamic nuclei
30. SN- Circle of willis
31. SN- Weber’s syndrome
32. SN- Broca’s speech area
33. SN- Cerebellar peduncle
34. What is lateral medullary syndrome? (2)
35. What are arachnoid granulations? State their functions. (3)


36. EW- Cerebellum controls ipsilaterally but not cerebrum.
37. EW- Opthalmoplegia in cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis
38. EW- Pituitary tumour causes bitemporal hemianopia
39. EW- Hemisection of spinal cord leads to contralateral loss of pain sensation but ipsilateral
spastic paralysis
40. EW- Cerebellar syndrome
41. EW- Macular vision is usually spared in lesion of the posterior cerebral artery.
42. EW- people above 45 years of age usually suffer from refractive error compelling them to
wear convex eye-glasses.
General anatomy
1. Describe the types of bone. Write the laws of ossification. (5+2)
2. What are the parts of growing long bone? Write short note on metaphysic and epiphysis.
3. Mention the main structural characteristics of synovial joint. Classify synovial joint with
example of each type. (3+4)
4. Enumerate the type of cartilages present in our body with their characteristics features. Draw
a diagram of hyaline cartilage under high power microscope. (5+2)
5. Define long bone. Name the different parts of long bone. Describe the blood supply of young
long bone. (1+2+4)


6. Short note- Barr Bodies (3)
7. SN- Spermatogenesis
8. SN- Taste bud
9. SN- Events of second week of development
10. SN- Epiphysis
11. SN- notochord
12. SN- Turner’s syndrome
13. SN- sesamoid bone
14. SN- Sarcomere
15. SN- Classification of chromosome
16. SN- Metaphysis
17. SN- Somites
18. SN- Histology of lymph node
19. SN- Fertilization
20. SN- Histology of lung.
21. SN- Histology of striated muscle
22. SN- Epiphysis of the long bone
23. SN- Bicepetal aponeurosis
24. SN- Klinefelter S yndrone.
25. SN- Non dysjunction
26. SN- Synchondrosis
27. SN- Fibrous joint
28. SN- Carrier gene
29. SN- KAryotyping
30. SN- Classification of joint with one example of each
31. SN-Ectopic pregnancy
32. SN- Klinefelter syndrome
33. SN- Histology of parotid gland
34. SN- Light microscopic structure of a lymph node
35. SN- Klinefelter’s syndrome
36. SN- Microanatomy ofureter
37. SN- Traction epiphysis
38. SN- Histology of lung


39. EW- X chromosome inactivation.
40. EW- Father responsible for female offspring
41. EW- Viral pneumonia in other can affect the foetus but the bacterial pneumonia may not.
1. A patient complains of chest pain on exertion. Give the usual pattern of coronary supply of
the heart. The development of intra ventricular septum and congenital anomalies associated
with it. (6+4+2)
2. Metanephric kidney persists as the permanent kidney. (12)
3. Write in brief the sequence of development of kidneys. Mention at least two congenital
anomalies. (Diagram necessary) (6+4+2)
4. Development of urinary bladder. (3)
5. A child is born with a gap in the philtrum of nose and a longitudinal gap in the hard palate.
What is the possible diagnosis? Explain the congenital anomaly with you knowledge of
anatomy. How the development of face determines its sensory innervation. (2+6+4)

6. Derivatives of First Branchial Arch.
7. What are the derivatives of 1st Pharyngeal arch with nerve supply. (3+4)
8. Development of pancreas and its anomalies (7)
9. Give an account of development of portal vein. (7)
10. Describe the derivatives of mesonephric duct in both sexes. (7)
11. Development of placenta. What is placenta previa? (5+2)
12. Describe the foetal circulation and changes after birth. (7)
13. Describe the formation of chorionic villi. What is placental barrier? (2+5)


14. SN- Somites
15. SN- Vitello intestinal duct
16. SN- Tracheo oesophageal fistula.
17. SN- Zona pellucida.
18. SN- neuroglia.
19. SN- Implantation.
20. SN- Notochord
21. SN- Umbilical cord
22. SN- paraxial mesoderm
23. SN- Chorion
24. SN- Derivatives of hindgut
25. SN- Fallot’s tetralogy
26. SN- Hypospadias
27. SN- Meckel’s cartilage
28. SN- Thyroglosal duct
29. SN- Development of diaphragm
30. SN- Branchial fistula
31. SN- Cleft lip


32. EW- Identical twins.
33. EW- Retrocaval ureter
34. EW- Thryoglossal duct when present extends upto foramen caecum.
35. EW- Superior parathyroid is parathyroid IV whereas inferior parathyroid is parathyroid III
36. EW- A newborn baby presenting imperforate anus.
37. EW- Tracheo-oesophageal fistula cause hydramnios.

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