Booty Abfinal

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Program – 4 Week Booty & Ab Builder

• Notes: REMEMBER TO STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER. Stretching is one of the most
important things in building muscle that people overlook. When you don’t
stretch, not only is it a longer recovery time, but you’re only working a small
portion of those muscles. Stretching allows more mobility and therefore more
work on a larger area of that muscle, making it easier for muscle growth.
• Light weight: These exercises require low weight because you will be performing
AS MANY REPITITIONS AS POSSIBLE (AMRAP) until failure! (Low weight, High rep).
• Moderate weight: This refers to a weight on machines or free weights that you
can perform the stated amount of reps and sets without having to stop, but also
creating fatigue.
• Heavy weight: Heavy weight exercises do NOT mean your maximum weight
possible. These exercises will require a heavier weight than light or moderate but
fewer repetitions. (High weight, Low rep).
• Super Set: This type of workout requires two exercises at a time, rather than one.
You will complete one SET of the stated exercise and then one SET of the paired
exercise. You will then alternate back and forth between both exercises until you
have completed 3 sets for each (6 TOTAL).
Example: 8 lunges → 8 squats → 8 lunges → 8 squats → 8 lunges → 8 squats.
• Ab workouts: All ab workouts can be performed at home if you prefer!

Week 1:

Day 1 – Glutes and Hamstrings (moderate weight)

• Activation:
20 lateral leg raises laying on side each leg
20 donkey kicks each leg (back horizontal – don’t arch it. Engage core)
20 air squats
• Laying hamstring curl machine – 15 reps X 3 sets (keep hips DOWN).
Super set with
Bulgarian split squats – 10 reps each leg X 3 sets (just use the hamstring curl as
your bench for this exercise – use the part that you lay on – front foot should be 5
of your foot lengths away from the bench. Go down as far as you can (your
back knee should almost or will touch the ground. Try not to use the back leg to
push up, use the front foot and push through the HEEL!).
• Cable kick-backs – 15 reps X 3 sets
Super set with
Standing lateral kicks with resistance band – 30-50 reps each leg X 3 sets (you
may start at 30, but try and increase amount of reps each day that you do this
exercise). The band should be around your ankles, and your upper body should
be steady – engage core.
• Sumo squats on smith machine – 10 reps X 3 sets (place feet a few inches in front
of hips and a few inches wider than hip width. Turn toes outward (10:00 & 2:00).
Do not allow knees to bend inward. Back straight, bar behind your head just
under the top of your traps. Use your heels to power up, squeeze the glutes all
the way up and thrust forward. Your knees should NOT straighten, they should be
bent slightly when you thrust forward to squeeze the glutes).
Super set with
Jump squats – 15 reps X 3 sets (feet same width as sumo squats).

Day 2 – Abs (3 sets x 15 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps (or more if you can) and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take
breaks in between exercises for more than 20 seconds! When you get stronger try to
increase the reps of each exercise or just go until fatigued!)
• Leg raises on back
• Crunches with feet on the floor, knees bent
• Sit-ups – Go SLOW and control on the way down. Try to have your hands behind
your head
• Bicycle forward and backward each set
• Russian twist variation - Place hands behind your head while laying on your back.
Legs straight. Bend one leg up, bringing the opposite elbow to that bent knee.
Alternate opposite arm to opposite leg continuously until abs burn. (as seen

Day 3 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Day 4 – Quads, Calves, Glutes (light weight)

• Activation:
20 donkey kicks each leg
20 air squats
20 squat jumps
• Leg extension machine – 25 reps X 3 sets
• Elevated deep dumbbell squats – 20 reps X 3 sets (2 benches or boxes. One foot
on each, shoulder width, point toes outward. Hold one end of the dumbbell and
squat low so that the dumbbell goes below the top of the bench. Squeeze back
up and thrust butt forward keeping knees slightly bent during the thrust).
Super set with
Shuffle squat walks with resistance band (or no band if not available) – 10 reps X
3 sets each way (band just above the knees. Side step to the right 10 reps, side
step to the left 10 reps. You should be stepping and LANDING on your HEEL.
Landing on your toe stresses the knee and fatigues the quad, not targeting the
glutes. Side step as if you are ducking under something, come up and squeeze).
• Hip thrusts – 12 reps X 3 sets (find a bench, barbell and mat or bar pad for your
hip bones. The bench should be closer to the top of your back, feet shoulder
width apart, flat on the ground. Thrust up, squeeze glutes hard. Try to turn toes
out as you thrust up).
Super set with
Standing lateral kicks with resistance band – 30-50 reps each leg X 3 sets (you
may start at 30, but try and increase amount of reps each day that you do this
exercise). The band should be around your ankles, and your upper body should
be steady – engage core.
• Calf raises – 20 reps X 4 sets (just use body weight. Try and find a step of elevation
to do these on).

Day 5 – Abs (3 sets x 15 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds! When you get stronger try to increase the reps of
each exercise or just go until fatigued!)
• Leg raises on back
• Ankle touches
• Crunches with calves parallel to the floor. (Feet not on the floor, knees pointing

• Sit-ups with legs in the “butterfly” position – (Butterfly sit-ups) Go all the way up
and down!
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)

Day 6 & 7 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Week 2:

Day 1 – Glutes and Hamstrings (moderate weight)

• Activation:
20 lateral raises each leg, laying on back or standing with resistance band
around ankles
20 donkey kicks each leg
• Treadmill intervals – 5 sets (walk for 3 min, sprint for 30 seconds at your 90%
speed. Try and run on your toes as a sprinter would, bringing the knees up high).
• Elevated single leg hip thrusts – 15 reps X 3 sets (use your body weight. One heel
on the edge of a bench, the other leg pointing upward. Hands flat on ground for
balance. Push up with the heel and squeeze the glute. Go slow and controled).
• Good mornings on smith machine – 20 reps X 3 sets (bar low on the trap muscles.
Feet a little wider than shoulder width. Stick that butt out! Knees bent slightly the
whole time. Squeeze as you come up, don’t straighten those knees and thrust
• Strict deadlifts – 12 reps X 3 sets (use a premade barbell or squat rack bar with
preferred weights. Keep knees bent just a little at all times. Back straight. Lower
slowly, thumbs should brush against legs all the way down. Stretch down as far as
you can. It’s like trying to touch your toes standing, but with knees bent a little.
Squeeze glutes on the way up and thrust forward).
• Pulse squats – 8 reps X 3 sets (hold a plate – whatever weight you feel
comfortable – feet shoulder width, toes pointed outward. Squat and pulse in
seated position 3 times then back up and squeeze. Repeat 8 times for ONE set).
• Hip abductor machine – 30 reps X 4 sets

Day 2 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds! When you get stronger try to increase the reps of
each exercise or just go until fatigued!)
• Leg raises
• Crunches
• Bicycle forward, then backwards (20 reps each way)
• Sit-ups
• Sit-ups with twist – (as you do a sit-up with hands behind head, twist so that your
right elbow touches the left knee and then twist so that your left elbow touches
your right knee, all before you go slowly back down).
• V-sit pulses – (In a V-sit position, arms should be out straight and pulse up and
down, bringing your knees closer to your chest and back out again. Go slow for
balance! If you CAN, try it with your legs out as straight as possible to implicate
that V!)

Day 3 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Day 4 – Quads, Calves, Glutes (heavy weight)

• Activation:
30 lateral leg raises each leg
30 donkey kicks each leg
20 glute bridges
• Single leg press on assisted pull up machine – 12 reps X 3 sets (one foot on step,
other on the pad. Hold handles, push with heel down and squeeze glute. Let
your leg come up enough to feel a stretch in the back of the glute).
• Weighted Lunges – 20 reps X 3 sets (take 2 dumbbells, one in each hand. Lunge
down far enough so your back knee touches the ground).
• Weighted squat jumps – 8 reps X 3 sets (use a premade barbell or squat rack bar
with weights. Bar behind back low on the trap muscles. Land on your whole foot,
not just the toes. Use heels to power up).
• Forward/backward walk squats – 10 forward 10 back X 3 sets (just use body
weight. Walk one foot forward while in a squat, then the next and so on. 10
forwards and 10 backwards. It’s like pivoting in basketball. Be sure that when you
step, you land on your heel first, NOT your toes).

Day 5 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds!)

• Plank for 30 seconds – (On elbows)

• Crunches with calves parallel to the floor – (Feet not on the floor, knees pointing
• Butterfly sit-ups
• Sit-ups
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)
• Plank punch on elbows – (normal plank but punch the air in front of you with one
hand at a time, alternating for 20 reps. Keep waist as parallel to the floor as
possible (not swaying back and forth as you punch)).

Day 6 & 7 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Week 3:

Day 1 – Glutes and Hamstrings (low weight)

• Activation:
30 X 2 donkey kicks each leg
30 lateral raises each leg
20 standing kick-backs each leg
• Cable kick-backs – 15 reps X 3 sets
Super set with
Cable pull through – 10 reps X 3 sets (knees bent just a little, arms should not
move. Hips are the hinge! Not the knees! Thrust forward.
• Elevated single leg strict deadlift – 15 reps X 3 sets (one heel on a bench, other
planted on the floor. Low weight dumbbell in the hand on the planted foot side.
Bend knees a little. Back straight, butt out, stretch to touch foot with the
dumbbell and squeeze glutes on the way up).
• Smith machine “together” squats super set with smith machine sumo squats – 10
reps X 3 sets of each exercise alternating (feet together and about one foot
ahead of your chin. Bar on back. Squat knees and feet together and push
through the heels. Squeeze the glutes. For sumo squats, feet wider than shoulder
width. Toes pointed out. Squat and squeeze).
• Hip abductor machine – 35 reps X 4 sets
Day 2 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds!)

• Leg raises on back

• Crunches with feet on the floor
• Sit-ups
• Butterfly sit-ups
• Bicycle forward and backward each set
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)
• Plank to pyramid on exercise ball – 10 reps (see my Instagram video for form).

Day 3 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Day 4 – Quads, Calves, Glutes (moderate weight)

• Activation:
20 air squats
20 jump squats
10 lunges slow
• Bulgarian split squats – 10 reps X 3 sets each leg
• In-n-out jump squats with resistance band – 15 reps X 3 sets (resistance band
above the knees. Regular jump squats and jump squats with feet together,
alternated each jump. Feet together and squat, then jump, feet apart, and
• Leg press – 10 reps X 3 sets (be sure to push through the heels of your feet. Place
your feet head height on the leg press.
• Step-ups – 12 reps X 3 sets (use a bench. Step up with one foot, pushing down
through the heel. Thrust forward, bringing other leg up like a “high-knee”).

Day 5 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds!)

• Plank on elbows with fist punch for 30 seconds – (Normal plank position on
elbows, then alternate – with each arm – punching the air in front of you while
staying parallel with the floor! Do not sway side to side, keep that core
• Leg raises on back
• Crunches with calves parallel to the floor
• Butterfly sit-ups
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)

Day 6 & 7 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Week 4:
Day 1 – Glutes and Hamstrings (moderate weight)
• Activation:
20 X 3 standing lateral kicks with resistance band each leg
20 clam shells each leg
30 donkey kicks each leg
• Back crossover lunge – 12 reps X 3 sets (picture below. You can do one leg at a
time or alternate between legs. Use a barbell on your back for weight).

• Elevated Hip thrusts “together” with resistance band – 15 reps X 3 sets (use a
bench. Resistance band above the knees. Place both heels on the edge
together (touching). Back on the ground, butt should be close to the bench.
Thrust up and push knees out. Squeeze glutes. Arms flat on the ground for
• Cable kick-backs with pulse – 8 reps X 3 sets (normal glute kick-backs, but every
time you’re leg is at the top of the kick, pulse 3 small kicks).
Super set with
Standing lateral kicks with resistance band – 30-50 reps each leg X 3 sets (you
may start at 30, but try and increase amount of reps each day that you do this
exercise). The band should be around your ankles, and your upper body should
be steady – engage core.
• Goblet squats – 12 reps X 3 sets (place two, 5lbs plates shoulder width apart.
Heels on the plates, toes on the ground. Dumbbell held by chest. Squat low and
squeeze the glutes. Push through the heels, thrust forward).
• Hip abductor machine – 25 reps X 4 sets

Day 2 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds!)

• Sit-ups
• Butterfly sit-ups
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)
• Leg raises
• Sit-ups with legs straight on the floor and feet flat against a wall

Day 3 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)

Day 4 – Quads, Calves, Glutes (light weight)

• Activation:
20 clam shells each leg
30 donkey kicks X 2 each leg
20 air squats
• Leg extension machine – 25 reps X 3 sets
• Squat rack squats – 8 reps X 5 sets (weight at 75% max of what you can do.
Normal squat).
Super set with
Side shuffle with forward/backward squats walks with resistance band – 8 side
step to the right, 8 to the left, 8 forward, and 8 back X 5 sets (resistance band
above knees. Side step to the right 8 reps, side step to the left 8 reps. You should
be stepping and LANDING on your HEEL. Landing on your toe stresses the knee
and fatigues the quad, not targeting the glutes. Side step as if you are ducking
under something, come up and squeeze. Then for forward/backward squat
walks: walk one foot forward while in a squat, then the next and so on. 8
forwards and 8 backwards. It’s like pivoting in basketball. Be sure that when you
step, you land on your heel first, NOT your toes).
• Lunges – 15 reps X 4 sets
• Calf raises – 20 reps X 4 sets (just use body weight. Try and find a step of elevation
to do these on).

Day 5 – Abs (3 sets x 20 reps each exercise – so do each exercise in order once for 15
reps and then complete the whole circuit 3 times! Try not to take breaks in between
exercises for more than 20 seconds!)

• Plank on elbows with fist punch for 30 seconds

• Crunches with feet on the floor

• Sit-ups
• Butterfly sit-ups
• Bicycle forward and backward each set
• Russian twist variation – (See day 2 last exercise)

Day 6 & 7 – Rest day or cardio/HIIT day. (See workouts at the end of program)


(A.K.A. my favourite workout of all time)
• Warm up with a few leg and booty stretches!
• Treadmill intervals superset with side shuffle walk – Put the incline up to about 5!
Sprint for 30 seconds at 80% speed, then go straight to side shuffle walks up the
treadmill in a squat position with resistance band above knees. (if you don’t
have one it’s okay but try and get your hands on some!) the speed should only
be somewhere from 0.5-1.5 for the side shuffle walks! Land the front foot you’re
your heel first! Landing with your toe first puts stress on the knees and fatigues the
quads faster. Do one side until fatigued and then switch. Then rest for 2 min and
sprint again! Repeat this routine 3 times.
Cable kickbacks superset with standing later kicks with resistance band (3 sets
each exercise but remember to alternate between each one) – Kickbacks: 10-15
reps! Standing lateral kicks with resistance: 30-50 reps each leg (you may start at
30, but try and increase amount of reps each day that you do this exercise). The
band should be around your ankles, and your upper body should be steady –
engage core.
• These last 3 exercises will be done as a triple set. Do 1., then 2., then 3., and then
repeat in the same order until you have completed the whole routine 5 times!
- Barbell squats in squat rack with preferred weight 8 reps each set: normal
squats with bar on your back.
- Side shuffle with forward/backward squats walks with resistance band: 8 side
step to the right, 8 to the left, 8 forward, and 8 back X 5 sets (resistance band
above knees. Side step to the right 8 reps, side step to the left 8 reps. You
should be stepping and LANDING on your HEEL. Landing on your toe stresses
the knee and fatigues the quad, not targeting the glutes. Side step as if you
are ducking under something, come up and squeeze. Then for
forward/backward squat walks: walk one foot forward while in a squat, then
the next and so on. 8 forwards and 8 backwards. It’s like pivoting in
basketball. Be sure that when you step, you land on your heel first, NOT your
- Hip thrusts: 20 reps X 3 sets (find a bench, barbell (moderate weight) and mat
or bar pad for your hip bones. The bench should be closer to the top of your
back, feet shoulder width apart, flat on the ground. Thrust up, squeeze glutes
hard. Try to turn toes out as you thrust up).

AT HOME WORKOUTS: whenever you want! (Typically on “rest” days if you are not too

LEGS: tip! Always remember when doing leg exercises to keep the weight on your heels
not your toes! This engages the glutes.
• alternate one squat and one strict leg deadlift – no weight just your bodyweight.
(3 sets of 40)
• Elevated glute bridge (3 sets of 20)
• Single leg step up – onto a chair or stool. (3 sets of 15)
• Lunges (3 sets of 15)
• Donkey kicks (3 sets of 20 each leg)
• Lateral raises laying on your side (3 sets of 20 each leg)

Some HIIT for at home cardio:

• high knees 30 seconds
• 30 second rest
• Jumping jacks 30 seconds
• 30 second rest
• Mountain climbers 30 seconds
• 30 second rest
• Pretend to jump rope but bounce on your toes for a good calf workout! 30
• 30 second rest
• Burpees 30 seconds

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