Sample DLP - Political Dynasty
Sample DLP - Political Dynasty
Sample DLP - Political Dynasty
Teacher Precious O. Gregorio Learning Area Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics/HUMSS,
Date January 8, 2020 Quarter 1st of Second Semester
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of cultural, social, and political institutions as
sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests.
B. Performance Standards The learners identify one’s role in social groups and institutions.
C. Learning Competencies Describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior.
1. Describe the concept of political dynasty.
D. Specific Objectives 2. Make a family tree of politicians involved in political dynasty and list down its positive
and negative effects in the society.
3. Give the relevance on the concept of political dynasty through video analysis.
II. CONTENT PROCESS: Political Dynasty
References: Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics 2016 by Educational Resources Corporation,
Textbook pp. 76-77
A. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint, Picture
A. Reviewing previous lesson What is government?
B. Establishing a purpose for
How do you view political dynasty?
the lesson
C. Presenting examples/
Present a gerrymander map
instances of the new lesson
To discuss the concept of political dynasty
Guide Questions:
D. Discussing new concepts
1. What is political dynasty?
and practicing new skills #1
2. What are the positive and negative effects of political dynasty in the society?
3. How does political dynasty affect the people?
E. Discussing new concepts
Free discussion
and practicing new skills #2
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and How do you view the status of political dynasty in the next 10 years?
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the What is political dynasty?
I. Evaluating learning Formative: I believe that political dynasty should/not be ______ because ______.
J. Additional activities for Homework: 1. Does federalism have something to do with political dynasty? Explain.
application or remediation 2. What are the aspects in maintaining social order under political organization?
V. REMARKS Creativity 40/ Clarity 20/ Relevance 40: Total 100
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