DIASS - Q2 - Week 1-Oct7-Oct11

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Grade School Samaria Senior High Grade Level Grade 12

12 Teacher Precious O. Gregorio Learning Area Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Science
Teaching Dates and October 7 – October 11, 2024 Quarter 2 (Week 2)
Time Grade 12 HUMSS
QUEZON: MTF 7-8am, TH 6-7am

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the disciplines of communication
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts of communication through a group presentation of
a situation in which practitioners of communication work together to assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g.,
post disaster, court hearing about separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying)
Objectives Explain the roles and Identify specific work Identify specific work Explain the rights, Distinguish between
functions of areas in which areas in which responsibilities, and ethical and unethical
communicators and communicators and communicators and accountabilities behaviors among
journalists journalists work journalists work practitioners

D. Specific Objectives 1. Identify the roles and 1. Describe the specific 1. Describe the specific 1. Identify the rights, 1. Describe the ethical
functions of work areas in which work areas in which responsibilities, and and unethical behaviors
communicators and communicators and communicators and accountabilities of among practitioners of
journalists. journalists work. journalists work. communicators and communication.
2. Perform in class the way 2. Do the matching type of 2. Do the matching type of journalists. 2. Read and answer the
journalists communicate activity. activity. 2. List examples of rights, LAS.
to public. 3. Value the concept 3. Value the concept responsibilities, and 3. Value the concept
3. Value the concept through an essay. through an essay. accountabilities of through an essay.
through an essay. communicators and
3. Value the concept
through an essay.
II. CONTENT Ethical and Unethical
Roles and Functions of Specific Work Areas in Specific Work Areas in Behaviors among
Rights, Responsibilities, And
Communicators and which Communicators and which Communicators and
Practitioners (CATCH-UP
Journalists Journalists Work Journalists Work FRIDAY: Values
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG
2. Learner’s Materials Quipper SG 0901 and 0902 Quipper SG 0903 Quipper SG 0903 Quipper SG 0904 Quipper SG 0905
3. Textbook pages n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4. Additional Materials from n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Learning Resource (LR)
2. Other Learning PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
A. Reviewing the previous What are the levels of What are the roles and What are the roles and What are the specific work What are the rights,
lesson or presenting the communication? functions of functions of areas in which responsibilities, and
new lesson communicators and communicators and communicators and accountabilities of
journalists? journalists? journalists work? communicators and
B. Establishing a purpose To explain the roles and To know the specific work To know the specific work To know the rights, To know the ethical and
for the lesson functions of areas in which areas in which responsibilities, and unethical behaviors
communicators and communicators and communicators and accountabilities of among practitioners of
journalists journalists work journalists work communicators and communication.
C. Presenting
examples/instances of
Giving of instructions Giving of instructions Giving of instructions Giving of instructions Giving of instructions
the new lesson
D. Discussing new What are the roles and What are the specific work What are the specific work What are the rights, What are the ethical and
concepts and practicing functions of areas in which areas in which responsibilities, and unethical behaviors
new skills #1 (Lesson communicators and communicators and communicators and accountabilities of among practitioners of
Proper) journalists? journalists work? journalists work? communicators and communication?
E. Discussing new Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery In the modern age of In the modern age of How does the
(leads to Formative Why is integrity an technology, how can technology, how can interpersonal
Why do journalists need to
Assessment 3) important virtue among communication deliver a communication deliver a communication level allow
understand the right to
(Deepening) journalists and much more competent much more competent an individual to practice
communicators? lesson to the learners in lesson to the learners in his or her socialization
the field of education? the field of education? skills?
G. Finding practical For several decades, people
applications of concepts who work in media and
and skills in daily living journalism have been
concerned with a problem. It
revolves around journalists'
As a senior high school As a senior high school safety in covering important
student, how can you student, how can you issues in the country. The
How can journalists protect develop your develop your Maguindanao massacre, in Why is it essential for
the integrity of factual communication skills? Do communication skills? Do which 32 Filipino media disciplines to have ethical
information in the midst of you agree that being you agree that being workers were murdered, was principles that they must
false information? skilled in communication skilled in communication the epitome of this concern. uphold?
will help you attain your will help you attain your Upon exploring the different
rights, responsibilities, and
career goals? career goals?
accountabilities of
communicators and journalists,
what measures can you
suggest to protect them from
H. Making generalizations The functions of journalists The field of communication The field of communication Journalists are expected to Communicators are
and abstractions about and communicators consist has different areas of has different areas of familiarize themselves with expected to be egalitarian
the lesson of information , specialization. This specialization. This the rights, responsibilities, , respectful , trustworthy ,
(Generalization) interpretation of news , includes advertising and includes advertising and and accountabilities of the and conscious of other
guidance , education , and marketing, communication marketing, communication profession, namely the right people by following the
entertainment. education, public relations, education, public relations, to information , obligations golden rule in practicing
theater and performing theater and performing of journalists , and rights of their profession.
arts, and international arts, and international journalists .
relations. relations.
I. Evaluating learning From the activity From the activity From the activity From the activity From the activity

J. Additional activities for n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

application or
V. REMARKS Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus &
Details 20, Organization Details 20, Organization Details 20, Organization Details 20, Organization 20, Details 20, Organization
20, Voice 20, Word Choice 20, Voice 20, Word Choice 20, Voice 20, Word Choice Voice 20, Word Choice 20, 20, Voice 20, Word Choice
20, Sentence Structure and 20, Sentence Structure 20, Sentence Structure and Sentence Structure and 20, Sentence Structure
Grammar 20// Total 100 and Grammar 20// Total Grammar 20// Total 100 Grammar 20// Total 100 and Grammar 20// Total
100 100
a.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
b.No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
c. Did the remedial lessons ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No
work? No. of learners who _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class
have caught up with the been done has been done been done been done has been done
d.No. of learners who
continue to require
e.Which of my teaching ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research
strategies worked well? ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative
Why did it work? ____ Differentiated ____ Differentiated ____ Differentiated ____ Differentiated Learning
Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction ____ Differentiated
____ Role Play ____ Role Play ____ Role Play ____ Role Play Instruction
____ Lecture ____ Lecture ____ Lecture ____ Lecture ____ Role Play
____ Others ____ Others ____ Others _______________ ____ Others ________________ ____ Lecture
________________ ________________ Why: Why: ____________________ ____ Others ______________
Why: Why: ____________________ ____ Complete IMs Why:
____________________ ____________________ ____ Complete IMs ____________________
____ Complete IMs ____ Complete IMs ____ Complete IMs
f. What difficulties did I ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among
encounter which my learners learners learners learners learners
principal or supervisor can ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral
help me solve? attitudes attitudes attitudes attitudes attitudes
____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs
____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable technology ____ Unavailable
technology equipment technology equipment technology equipment equipment (Projector, technology equipment
(Projector, Laptop) (Projector, Laptop) (Projector, Laptop) Laptop) (Projector, Laptop)
____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory
____ Others: Specify ____ Others: Specify ____ Others: Specify _ __ ___ Others: Specify __ __ ____ Others: Specify
_________ _________ _________
g.What innovation or ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized
localized materials did I PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video
used/discover which I wish ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning
to share with other activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views
learners? of the locality of the locality of the locality of the locality of the locality
____ Others, Specify: ____ ____ Others, Specify: ____ ____ Others, Specify: ___ Others, Specify: ____ Others, Specify: ____

Submitted by:

Teacher II/Grade 12 Level Chairman

Noted by:


OIC, Office of the School Principal

Comments/Suggestions: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________________________

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