1400 1430 - Endrich Ad Hoc Mesh
1400 1430 - Endrich Ad Hoc Mesh
1400 1430 - Endrich Ad Hoc Mesh
Endrich’s award winning E-IoT ecosystem offers a possible solution to transfer smart sensors’ data directly to Cloud
using NB-IoT/LTE-M cellular technologies. This is quite a perfect solution in general converting conventional
devices into “Smart”, in case of relatively small number of sensors in an application. Integrating NeoCortec’s low
power wireless ad hoc mesh network technology to the Endrich IoT Ecosystem offers a smart sensor local
networking solution, which goes with highly scalable, long service life, independent, battery driven set of nodes.
Instead of direct sensor to cloud communication with several exits to the internet, it is enough to have an industry
safe, sub-gigahertz local mesh with a single gateway. This solution supports amongst others predictive
maintenance, environmental parameter monitoring and security surveillance of industrial equipment at much lower
cost, higher reliability and elevates the robustness of the sensor network in harsh environment.
A major challenge industry faces today is digitalization of conventional processes, extending machinery with low power, feature
rich microcontroller-based electronics to collect sensor readings, and forward data to a Cloud Database. Like this, it is possible
to convert conventional devices to connected (SMART) devices, which report their operational and environmental parameters
into Cloud Database making possible to support operational safety. Smart features support predictive maintenance, optimize
energy consumption, and remote monitoring. The E-IOT eco-system helps to enter this industry by offering hardware and
service solutions to convert conventional into smart devices. A mass of sensor readings needs to be organized into central
database for future processing to meet the expectations of Industry 4.0., our ecosystem deals with this challenge. Our team
has developed several hardware elements using
various sensors and cellular communication
(M2M/Narrow-Band IoT) technology to deliver
sensor readings to the cloud. The beginning of
the processing chain consists of sensors
detecting and measuring different physical
parameters, which are processed all the way to
cloud database storage and visual data
representation at the end. There is a
sophisticated gateway in between, which
collects the sensor readings, pre-processes
these data and sends it through a
communication channel to a cloud-based
database service, where it can be displayed after
processing, or used for any purpose appropriate
for a given task.
But what if the used low power wide area networking does not offer the right solution with its direct sensor to cloud concept?
What if the battery service time is not sufficient due to the frequency of sending data required by the application?
The E-IOT platform combined with low power ad-hoc local network.
In this case, we call for the help of a low power ad-hoc local area sensor mesh networking solution such as offered by
NeoCortec with its Neo.Mesh. Huge number of smart sensors can be then connected with ultra-low power consumption into a
local network, where a data concentrator gateway is taking care to deliver the data to the Cloud DB through the cellular network
such as LTE-M or NB-IoT. Our engineering team has developed a modular sensor network infrastructure, offering either direct
sensor to cloud, point to point communication or local low power sensor mesh network and multipoint to point communication
to cloud using LPLAN to LPWAN gateway. With the help of the complete E-IoT ecosystem consisting of the above-mentioned
smart sensor networks, the Cloud database and the visualization and data processing system, our company can offer a good
solution to make conventional devices to connected, “SMART” devices to support predictive maintenance.
At the heart of the Neo.Mesh technology lies a robust protocol stack with integrated security and reliability features. A key
aspect of this security measure is the encryption of all wireless communication between nodes using AES128. By employing
this encryption, the payload data and the network communication remain impervious to monitoring by any untrusted entity.
The system is built for long-lasting performance. The power consumption is exceptionally low, enabling the batteries to last for
several years. The Neo.Mesh network follows a time-synchronized protocol, wherein each node spends most of its time in a
sleeping state. This architectural approach ensures a highly predictable power consumption pattern for every node in the
network. As a result, all nodes consume nearly the same amount of energy, enabling each network node to operate efficiently
for many years.
The E-IoT with its Neo-Mesh local sensor network extension operates at sub-Gigaherz frequency to overcome the problems
of other protocols in harsh industrial environments. When comparing sub-GHz networking to WiFi and Bluetooth, using the
same antennas and transmission power, it becomes evident that sub-GHz networking offers a longer range. The reason behind
this extended range lies in the fact, that the lower radio frequency waves are not as easily absorbed by physical matter as the
2.4 GHz signals utilized in WiFi and Bluetooth.
These capabilities of the Neo.Mesh Protocol make it an ideal solution for smart sensors installed across large-scale industrial
complexes, such as factories, buildings, real-estates and shops.