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We have now been established and

active in the lifting sector for over 45

years and believe it is important to com-
plete our range of products by introdu-
cing lifting magnets, made directly by us
in Italy. The use of quality controlled ma-
terials and the application of the latest
manufacturing processes allows Auto-
magnete to satisfy the requirements of
all sectors of the manufacturing and
distribution industry.
Only by controlling and managing the
process right from the initial phases can
we be certain that the quality of the
product reflects our care and commit-
ment to clients.
This important step is a result of merging
technical skills with sales abilities that
today are more essential than ever.
The Objective is to communicate with
the client, aiming to anticipate their
needs and not stop after the mere sati-
sfaction of a single request. This is the
attitude needed to become suppliers
able to offer much more than the
basics and ensure our clients high
added value products.
Our products guarantee safety, practi-
cality and energy saving; they do not
deform the load picked up and can also
manoeuvre in very small spaces. A SECURE GRIP
Weight lifter Separation Weight lifter Services of
magnets electromagnets electro magnets Automagnete Srl

Via Isonzo, 3
25017 Lonato del Garda (BS)
Tel. 030.9133570
Fax 030.9133479
E-mail: [email protected]
Magnetic lifters Separation electromagnets
Our magnetic lifters with permanent magnets combine practicality and safety: the Our separation electromagnets made from high quality materials guarantee safe and long-lasting performance
practicality is due first of all to the fact that they can be used in small spaces and that over time.
the load is picked up from above without being deformed. However, the The magnetic fields remain constant over time.
complete safety derives from the fact that our lifters, which are equip- The Separators are supplied individually ready for the suspension and functioning subject to the electrical
ped with permanent magnets, do not release the load once the pick- connection of the motor.
up has been activated.
The increased penetration of the magnetic field allows a high
grasp without reducing the contact force even if there are
large gaps.

Lifting electromagnets
General information
Our circular lifting electromagnets combine manoeuvrability and robust-
ness. They are normally used in the scrapping industry and can be installed
on bridge cranes, hydraulic arms or self-propelled installations. Owing to
their small sizes, they can also move without difficulty in small spaces
where other tools would encounter problems. Produced in highly resistant
material with a perfect balance between power and electromagnetic perfor-
mance, our lifters offer versatility and safety in every sector.

Construction characteristics
Type Weight Dimensions (mm) Carrying Capacity
- Structure with high magnetic permeability made of laminated and/or
(kg) A B C D E flat surfaces min. plates round surf. min. ø max. ø
forged steel;
AM 150 3,5 110 80 80 110 60 150 5 75 30 200 - Submerged arc continuous welding;
AM 300 6 190 80 80 110 60 300 10 150 40 200 - Standard winding in electrolyte aluminium tape or strip; in copper on
AM 500 15 250 100 100 110 60 500 15 250 40 300 request;
AM 1000 34 340 130 130 110 60 1000 30 500 40 350 - Class C (220°C) insulating material with no derating over time thanks to
AM 2000 80 390 195 170 110 60 2000 45 1000 80 400 the low temperature reached by the system.
- Interpolar diaphragm in non-magnetic manganese steel.
AM 5000 280 530 270 250 160 90 5000 45 2500 100 700
- Heat treatment and vacuum impregnation with thermosetting resin with
AM 10000 360 950 400 390 200 110 10.000 55 5.000 140 800
a high heat dissipation coefficient.
- Standard suspensions via chains in alloy steel with extremely high
resistance, carrying capacity equal TO half of the corresponding tear
strength of the electromagnet and safety coefficient k=5.
- Intermittent standard running ED 50%; on request intermittence ED 75%.
- Standard execution for the handling of “cold” materials, i.e. ambient
temperature materials; on request A.T. execution. For the handling of
“hot” materials up to a maximum temperature of 600-650° C.

Automagnete operates all over the Country in order to offer an adequate support service to all those who use
magnetic lifters. The working life of a lifter is carefully observed to make the wear of the parts minimal, keep
control devices efficient and ensure maximum performance over time while ensuring safety.
This is the reason why the periodical checks and technical verifications in compliance with the law become
indispensable and have to be entrusted to specialised technical staff.
Automagnete is all this as it can ensure quick and accurate maintenance operations with qualified technicians.

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