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Holding electromagnets

VEM ; ERM ; VM ; VM/ND ; ERMI ; BP series

Revision: 1/2015
Technical explanation: Holding electromagnets

Every product made by NAFSA fulfils the European Directive about electrical appliances and certain
voltage limits.
Made according to the following norms: DIN VDE 0580, UNE-EN 60204-1 y NFC79300

Holding electromagnets TYPES

Electropermanent holding electromagnets with incorporated magnet:

The attraction and holding of the ferromagnetic material is made by permanent magnets incorporated
in the product. It has not got any plunger, its magnetic circuit is opened. Apart from the permanent
magnets there is a coil mounted in, when this is fed, cancels part of the magnet field of the magnets
allowing to loose the piece. When the coil feeding stops, the product recovers its initial force.

Electromagnetic holding electromagnets:

The attraction and holding of the ferromagnetic material is made when the coil is turned on. It has not
got any plunger, its magnetic circuit is open. When the coil is turned off, the piece drops.


Ferromagnetism: Remanence (Br):

It is the magnetic property of the materials with mr>>1 It is the force the electromagnet uses to hold the
permeability. ferromagnetic piece after cancelling the magnetic
Magnetic poles: (North =N) (South =S). field. Its approximate value is 5% of Fm depending
Attraction faces: where the ferromagnetic materials on the piece (size, roughness, material,etc..)
are held, and the points where the magnetic flux (F)
goes in and out. Polarity inversion:
To cancell the remanent magnetism of the attraction
Holding force (Fm): face in electromagnetic holding electromagnets after
The force perpendicular to the attraction faces needed cutting voltage feeding, a reversal of polarity with
to hold the attracted piece. limited duration and intensity is needed.
It is shown in the specification sheets and it refers
to the whole contact face. Standard power demand(Pn):
It is what each holding electromagnets demands.
Shift force (FL):
It is the parallel force needed to loose the attracted Hot rate:
piece. Holding electromagnet temperature rising over
Depending on the finish of the attracted piece, the determined room temperature due to power absortion
force (FL) may vary between 20% and 35% of the under voltage. If nothing against is indicated,
holding force (Fm). temperature for reference will be 35ºC .
Air gap (dL): Material isulation class:
It is the medium distance between the attraction face Correspondence between coil insulation and a
of the holding electromagnets and the ferromagnetic temperature limitation of the material used for coils
piece surface. manufactured. Normally, B thermal class isulation
The shape and the roughness of these two surfaces (130ºC) is used.
and the non-magnetic materials between them, such
as galvanic protection,dust, etc... determine its value. Maximun performance room temperature:
Standard Voltage(Un):
It is the value for which the holding electromagnet Protectión types:
coil has been made. This products have protection against corrosion using
galvanic treatments. UNE-EN 12329 Norm.
Duty-cycle (ED%): Protection against intrusion of solid object dust,
It is the value obtained dividing the connection time accidental contact and water.. CEI-IEC 60529 (IP
and the total cycle duration expressed in %. Standard code) Norm.
holding electromagnets are prepared for a ED100%

To obtain the duty-cycle (ED%):

Time on x100 = Time on
ED% = Time on + Time off A cycle duration

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2015 1.4
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Technical explanation : Holding Electromagnets.
Figure 1
Fm Line of induction

Attraction face Piece to hold


N-S Magnetic poles
N S N N S N dL Air gap
Fm Holding force
FL Lateral motive force
D Optimun thickness of the
piece to hold
F Magnetic flux

Magnetic circuit opened Magnetic circuit closed

by the piece to hold

Magnetic flux F: The material of the piece to hold:

These electromagnets generate on the surface of Material used in electromagnets manufacturing where
the piece to hold a magnetic field between North and the magnetic field takes place, is made of soft iron,
South poles. with high magnetic permeability.
When the piece to hold is near the magnetic circuit Internal structure and composition vary depending
is closed so the magnetic flux increases. on the different materials. Carbon impurities, chrome,
The number of force lines per cm2 that crosses nickel, manganese, molybdenum, copper, plumb,
perpendicular to the surface is the flux density as etc... reduce the magnetic conductivity.
well called magnetic induction B. The tempered pieces present a further reduction of
the holding force, the harder tempered is, the worse
Piece to hold and contact surface: conductivity will be.
Contact surface between the electromagnet and the
piece to hold is the attraction face, and the surface
of this piece is the one which is in contact with holding
electromagnet attraction face.
Holding force on the attraction surface is constant.
The piece to hold determines the maximum holding
force value (Fm). It depends on the size and thickness Imantation curve of several materials.
of its contact surface.
Figura 22
Armco Telar 57 St37
For a field intensity H determined by a magnet or a St60 Cast
coil, the induction that can be reached depends on Fundición maleable
Malleable smelting 20MnCr5
the material type to handle. B=f(H). See figure 2. Cast

In the same electromagnet the holding forces may 2

vary due to the magnetic properties of the material
to hold. Among other things, saturation induction of
the material determines the maximun holding force.

Magnetic field and field lines behaviour depending

B (Tesla)

on the thickness of the piece to hold.

0 50 H (AV/cm) 100 150

H= magnetic field intensity (AV/cm)

B= induction (Teslas)
Piece thickness 0,2mm Piece thickness 10mm

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2015 1.5
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Holding Electromagnets

The holding electromagnets (electromagnetic and electropermanent) are used to attract and hold ferromagnetic
The maximum force efficiency is achieved with the piece to be hold above the attraction's face and in direct
contact with both poles (outside pole and inside pole).
Exterior pole Central pole Flying leads
Threaded hole to
electromagnet fixation



It is not recommended use holding electromagnet in applications that an air gap>0.2mm is required.
The retention force will fall down exponentially when the air gap increases (as can be seen in the data sheet
of each product).

Conditions for a correct instalation, use and maintenance:

Holding electromagnets Movement

piece fixation

It is convenient to
leave a tiny gap Piece to hold:
between the electromagnet To obtain the maximum
fixing and its fastening performance, the surface
face so that the product must be the same as or
can move and adapt bigger than the attraction
to the piece to hold face of the holding

dL Air gap

In electropermanent holding electromagnets, vibration and temperature higher than the one recommended
must be avoided because it could damage the magnet and the product would loose force.


If the attraction face suffers bumps when working, a reduction of force will occur due to the extraordinary air
gap generated, and to recover the initial force, attraction face must be rectified

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2015 12.0
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Round holding electromagnets

The attraction and holding of the magnetic pieces are obtained feeding
the winding inside the solenoid. When the power supply stops the
electromagnet looses the piece.
When working with loads security norms must be respected.

Protection rate: IP65

Insulation class: B (130ºC)
Standard voltage: 24 VDC
Standard duty cycle: ED100% Table 1
Other voltages,ED and sizes: Consult TYPE øA (-0,3) B C±0.1 D E F Weight(Kg)

VEM 20 20 M-3 12 5 --- --- 0.02

Flying leads for every size. VEM 25 25 M-4 20 6 --- 40 0.06
Supply possibilities under demand: VEM 30 30 M-4 22 6 --- 45 0.10
.With campling screw from the VEM25 VEM 40 40 M-5 26 8 --- 55 0.20
.With connector from the VEM65. VEM 50 50 M-5 30 8 --- 65 0.30
The connector (1) has 4 possibilities of direction (4x90º) VEM 65 65 M-8 35 12 112 80 0.80
and it is possible to be incorporated to the same diodes VEM 80 80 M-8 38 12 127 95 1.30
of rectification for alterning current connection (AC). VEM 100 100 M-10 43 15 147 115 2.10
VEM 150 150 M-16 56 24 197 165 6.40

Flying leads: Ref: VEM (type)-V - ED% Table 2

Example: VEM 65-24Vdc- ED100% Air gap (mm) dL
TYPE P at 20ºC e (mm)
(W) 0 0,1 0,2 0,5 1
1 14,5 3,8 1,6 0,3
VEM20 1,6 3 27 5,7 2,6 0,35
1 27 19 12 3

NAFSA, reserves the right to any modifications

VEM25 3,2 3 114 47 20 3,5
6 135 50 21 3,7
1 37 24 18 6 1,5
VEM30 4 3 170 80 40 9,5 1,6
6 190 90 45 12 2
1 38 30 24 13 4
VEM40 5,6 3 300 203 133 27 4,5
Connector (C): Ref: VEM (type)/C-V-ED% 6 400 245 160 30 5

Magnetic Force Fm (N)

Example: VEM65/C-24Vdc ED100%
Connection: 1 40 32 30 20 15
see documentation that is enclosed with the material VEM50 6,5 3 320 235 185 65 16
6 500 370 240 68 20
1 45 40 35 25 15
3 310 290 250 148 40
VEM65 10 6 830 660 500 164 46
10 980 750 560 190 50
1 65 42 40 30 20
3 430 360 325 230 90
VEM80 15 6 1150 970 830 375 110
10 2000 1350 1000 420 125
1 70 50 45 35 25
3 530 440 426 335 225
VEM100 20 6 1400 1200 1050 730 310
10 2600 2200 1700 880 330
3 700 580 550 480 390
VEM150 40 6 1810 1650 1580 1400 1100
Clamping screw (B): Ref: VEM(type)/B-V-ED% 10 5800 4350 3910 3000 1850
Example: VEM50/B-24Vdc-ED100% 18 7104 5760 4992 3840 2400
e (mm): Thickness of the piece to hold

The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet, the values of the force of
maintenance (Fm) based on the air gap, measured in the following conditions:
-Direct current supply.
-Flat piece (3µ m rugosity) in AºSt37, thickness as shown in the table 2 and dimensions
are similar or bigger than the attraction face.
-Room temperature 35ºC.
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
At different conditions, the magnetic force(Fm) may decrease.The value of the
magnetic remanence after the power supply stops is 5% of the holding force.
.Earthing is recommended if the metallic parts are accessible.
.Technical explanation: see documents 1.4 & 1.5
Important: the clamping screw does not .Under demand: any size, voltage, duty cycle etc can be manufactured .
have to exceed measure D

When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimun security margin of 3 must be respected, the weight of the load cannot
exceed 33% of the magnetic force.

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2015 12.1
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Rectangular holding electromagnets

The attraction and holding of the magnetic pieces are obtained by feeding the
winding inside the solenoid. When the power supply stops, the solenoid looses the
piece. When working with loads, security norms must be respected.
Protection rate: IP65
Insulation class: B (130ºC)
Nominal Voltage: 24VDC
Standard duty cycle: ED100%
Other voltages, ED and sizes: Consult

Table 1
TYPE A B C D E F H Nº of holes Compresion gland Weight(kg)
ERM100/35 125 10 2 0.9
ERM150/35 175 10 3 1
ERM200/35 225 10 4 1.5
ERM400/35 425 35±0.3 34±0.1 25 50 12 M-6 8 PG-9 2.8
ERM500/35 525 12 10 3.5
ERM600/35 625 12 12 4.5
ERM150/60 180 40 70 2 2.3
ERM200/60 230 60±0.1 49.5±0.2 40 120 12 M-8 2 PG-11 3
ERM500/60 530 70 120 4 7.8

NAFSA, reserves the right to any modifications


Table 2
Airgap (mm) The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet,
P at 20ºC e (mm) the values of the force of maintenance (Fm) based
0 0,1 0,2 0,5 1 on the air gap, measured in the following conditions:
1 32 22 12 8 6 -Direct current supply.
3 396 308 120 45 8 -Flat piece (3µ m rugosity) in AºSt37, thickness as
ERM100/35 10 6 604 320 190 52 12
shown in the table 2 and dimensions are similar or
10 752 468 238 60 18
1 65 50 30 21 14
bigger than the attraction face.
ERM150/35 14 3 769 580 220 82 17 -Room temperature 35ºC.
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
1 80 60 42 28 14
At different conditions, the magnetic force(Fm) may
3 928 720 260 94 20 decrease.The value of the magnetic remanence
ERM200/35 18 6 1400 810 460 121 27 after the power supply stops is 5% of the holding
10 1758 1108 690 136 46
1 172 131 91 60 35 force.
Magnetic force Fm (N)

3 2100 1460 537 210 45

ERM400/35 30 6 3060 1722 962 263 60
10 3810 2371 1297 304 93 - Alternating current connection (AC):
Only for sizes ERM150/60 to ERM500/60.
ERM500/35 45 6 3540 2100 1114 295 70 - Earthing is recommended if the metallic parts are
10 4423 2745 1501 330 117 accessible.
- Mounting, supply possibilities and ordering code:
ERM600/35 53 6 4053 2266 1286 346 80 to see 11.3
10 5026 3120 1806 400 120 - Technical explanations: to see documents 1.4 and
1 140 112 102 75 50 1.5
3 780 680 600 445 180
ERM150/60 25 6 1800 1490 1100 610 200 - Under demand: any size, voltage, duty cycle etc
10 1900 1500 1250 650 210 can be manufactured
1 205 165 155 116 72
3 1130 990 890 680 250
ERM200/60 40 6 2550 2160 1800 884 280 Ordering code:
10 2760 2300 1870 900 300
Size; Voltage; Duty cycle
1 553 440 397 310 190
3 3150 2630 2320 1800 780 Example: Ref.: ERM150/35 24Vdc 100%
ERM500/60 75 6 7250 5870 4650 2380 850 To other configurations see document 12.3
10 7450 5950 4820 2410 910
e= Thickness of the piece to hold
When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimumsecurity margin of 3 must be respected, the weight
of the load cannot exceed 33% of the magnetic force.

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2015 12.2
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Mounting and supply possibilities for rectangular holding electromagnet

ERM --/35
Supply possibilities 2x180º connector

A)Connector B)Stuffing box Standard mounting Opcional mounting

(Standard) (under demand) under demand

Connector and stuffing box different positions

1)Standard mounting 2)Face opposite to standard mounting 3)Fastening face

(Under demand) (Under demand)

ERM --/60
Supply possibilities 4x90º connector

A)Connector B)Stuffing box

(Standard) (Under demand) Optional mounting under demand

Connector and stuffing box different positions

1)Standard mounting 2)Face opposite to standard 3)Longitudinal output 4)Fastening face

mounting (Under demand) (Under demand) (Under demand)

Ordering code:
Size; Supply possibilities; Positioning; Voltage; Duty-cycle;
Example: ERM200/35 A2 24Vdc 100% (Connector in the opposite face to standard mounting)
ERM200/60 B4 24Vdc 50% (Stuffing box in the mooring face)

IMPORTANT: Under demand orders can be delayed in the delivery

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2015 12.3
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Round electropermanent holding electromagnets

The attraction and holding of magnetic pieces are made by permanent magnets
mounted in the electromagnet, with these kind of products we avoid the risk of
load falling down due to sudden power supply failure.The power supply on the
coil allows to loose the load, when this power supply stops, the product recovers
its initial force.When working with suspended loads, security norms must be

Protection rate: IP65

Insulation class: B (130ºC)
Standard voltage: 24VDC
Standard duty cycle: ED100% Table 1
Different voltage, ED or size: Consult TYPE øA (-0,3) B C±0.1 D E F Weight(Kg)

VM 20 20 M-3 25 5 --- --- 0.04

Flying leads for every size VM 25 25 M-4 27 5 --- 40 0.06
Supply possibilities under demand: VM 30 30 M-4 28 5 --- 45 0.17
.With campling screw from the VM25 VM 40 40 M-5 30 6 --- 55 0.24
.With connector from the VM65. VM 50 50 M-5 35 6 --- 65 0.44
The connector (1) has 4 possibilities of direction (4x90º) VM 65 65 M-8 40 8 112 80 0.74
and it is possible to be incorporated to the same diodes VM 80 80 M-8 45 8 127 95 1.42
of rectification for alterning current connection (AC). VM 100 100 M-10 50 10 147 115 2.20
VM 150 150 M-16 65 15 197 165 6.60

Flying leads: Ref: VM (type)-V - ED% Table 2

Example: VM 50-24Vdc- ED100%
P at 20ºC Thickness of the Air gap (mm) dL
(W) piece to hold (mm)
0 0.1 0.2
1 18 5 1
VM20 2.6 3 18 5 1

NAFSA, reserves the right to any modifications

10 18 5 1
1 20 7 3
VM25 4.3 3 23 7 4
10 29 10 7
1 24 10 5
VM30 4.5 3 45 10 6
10 52 14 7

Magnetic Force Fm (N)

1 39 29 22
Connector (C): Ref: VM (type)/C-V-ED% VM40 7 3 108 57 29
Example: VM65/C-24Vdc ED100% 10 128 58 37
see documentation that is enclosed with the material 1 43 30 28
VM50 10 3 129 110 75
10 226 125 80
1 44 35 25
VM65 14 3 266 203 140
10 374 238 145
1 44 35 25
VM80 18 3 294 267 217
10 588 362 256
1 45 35 25
VM100 25 3 299 282 262
10 1000 745 519
1 93 75 60
VM150 45 3 415 350 320
10 2000 1500 1300

Clamping screw (B): Ref: VM(type)/B-V-ED% The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet, the values of the force
Example: VM50/B-24Vdc-ED100%
of maintenance (Fm) based on the air gap, measured in the following
-Holding magnet without voltage.
-Flat piece (3µ m rugosity) in AºSt37, thickness as shown in the table 2 and
dimensions are similar or bigger than the attraction face.
-Room temperature 35ºC.
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
At different conditions, the magnetic force(Fm) may decrease.The value
of the magnetic remanence after the power supply stops is 5% of the
holding force.
. Earthing is recommended if the metallic parts are accessible.
.Technical explanation: see documents 1.4 & 1.5
Important: the clamping screw does not have to .Under demand: any size, voltage, duty cycle etc can be manufactured.
exceed measure D

When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimum security margin of 3 must be respected, the weight
of the load cannot exceed 33% of the magnetic force.

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2015 12.4
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Round electropermanent holding electromagnets

The attraction and holding of the magnetic pieces are made by permanent magnets
mounted in the solenoid. With these kind of products, we avoid the risk of load falling
due to sudden power supply failure. The power supply on the coil allows to loose the
load, when this power supply stops, the product recovers its initial force.
When working with suspended loads, security norms must be respected.

Protection rate: IP65

Insulation class: Y (90ºC) Table 1
Standard voltage: 24VDC
Standard duty cycle: See chart TYPE øA (-0,3) B C(±0,1) D E Weight(Kg)
Different voltage, ED or size: Consult VM 20/ND 20 M-3 25 5 26 0.04
VM 30/ND 30 M-4 32.5 6 35.2 0.13
Supply possibilities:
VM 40/ND 40 M-5 41.7 6 42.7 0.28
Flying leads for every size: VM 50/ND 50 M-5 42.8 6 52.5 0.45
VM20/ND, VM30/ND, VM40/ND: 1x0.25mm2
VM50/ND, VM65/ND, VM100/ND: 1x0.5mm2 VM 65/ND 65 M-8 45.5 8 67 0.74
VM150/ND: 2x0.75mm2 VM 100/ND 100 M-10 67 10 102 3.00
Under demand: any size, voltage, duty cycle etc
can be manufactured VM 150/ND 150 M-16 65 15 152 7.10

Table 2
Flying leads P E D Minimum Resting Et r e h i eAir gap dLL
time En rro ( m(mm)
m) d
TYPE (W) (%) (ms) (ms) (mm) 0 0,2 0,5
24 1 22 7 1,7
VM20/ND 10 20 180 3 39 7 1,7

NAFSA reserves the right to any modification

10 39 7 1,7

110 825 1 46 34 22
VM30/ND 25 20 3 181 74 22
10 181 74 22

Magnetic force Fm (N)

15 75 743 1 51 36 23
VM40/ND 42 3 205 89 38
10 270 89 38

VM50/ND 48 15 120 1188 1 60 41 34

3 304 200 95
10 607 225 110

VM65/ND 15 225 2228 1 70 50 40

Feeding mode to take off the workpiece: 80 3 374 340 260
Voltage: 24Vdc 10 1220 750 400
Polarization: 1 83 61 49
Red lead +VDC / Black lead -VDC VM100/ND 75 25 150 1500 3 421 365 338
10 2205 1254 686
Important: the clamping screw does not VM150/ND 77 40 285 1070 1 78 46 32
3 615 475 401
have to exceed measure D 10 2254 1490 1100

The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet, the values of the minimum pulse time and resting time measured in the
following conditions:
- With a weight of 5% of the maximum magnetic force made by each model
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet, the values of the force of maintenance (Fm) based on the air gap, measured
in the following conditions:
-Holding magnet without voltage.
-Flat piece (3µ m rugosity) in AºSt37, thickness as shown in the table 2 and dimensions are similar or bigger than the attraction
-Room temperature 35ºC.
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
At different conditions, the magnetic force(Fm) may decrease.
The value of the magnetic remanence after the power supply stops is 5% of the holding force.
.Earthing is recommended if the metallic parts are accessible.
.Technical explanation: see documents 1.4 & 1.5
.Under demand: any size, voltage, duty cycle etc can be manufactured.

Under demand an internal protection can be added to the coil to protect it of the overheating, generated by the no respecting
of the times given by the duty cycles, this overheating can demagnetize the internal magnet or destroy the coil changing the
proper working of holding magnet.
When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimum security margin of 3 must be respected, the weight of the load cannot exceed
33% of the magnetic force.
Ordering code : VM--/ND --V ED---%
Example 1: VM50/ND ; Standard voltage : 24Vdc ; Duty cycle : ED15% ; Ref.: VM50/ND 24Vdc ED15%
Example 2: VM50/ND with protection ; Standard voltage : 24Vdc ; Duty cycle : ED15% ; Ref.: VM50/ND_WP 24Vdc ED15%

R e v i s i o n : 1 //2012
2015 12.5
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Rectangular electropermanent holding electromagnets

The attraction and holding of the magnetic pieces are made by permanent magnets
mounted in the solenoid. With these kind of products, we avoid the risk of load falling
due to sudden power supply failure. The power supply on the coil allows to loose
the load, when this power supply stops, the product recovers its initial force. When
working with suspended loads, security norms must be respected.

Protection rate: IP65

Insulation class: Y (90ºC)
Standard voltage: 24VDC
Standard power: 250W
Standard duty-cycle: ED15%
Solenoid weight: 4.7 kg

Supply possibilities:
- Connector standard
- Alternating current connection (AC):
The connector offers the possibility of incorporating
rectifying diodes
- Under demand: other possibilities of input can
be manufactured.
If any changes from the original (see drawing),
please contact.

NAFSA reserves the right to any modification

- Electric connection of the connector:
see documentation that is enclosed with the material

- Earthing is recommended if the metallic parts are


- Technical explanations: see documents 1.4 & 1.5

Table 1
Thickness of the Air gap (mm) dL

Magnetic Force Fm (N)

piece to hold(mm) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1

1 250 210 190 180 165 160 140

3 1350 1250 1150 1100 1000 925 570
6 2350 2000 1750 1400 1200 1100 590
10 2800 2450 2150 1900 1600 1400 700
18 3000 2550 2300 2000 1700 1500 800

For these holding electromagnet correct working the minimum pulse and resting time must be respected:
- Minimum pulse time: 300ms
- Minimum resting time: 5000ms

The values of the minimum pulse time and resting time measured in the following conditions:
- Coil working on its regime temperature.
- Piece weight: 2 kilos (it is not recommended to use these holding electromagnet for lower weights)

The table 2 gives for each type of holding magnet, the values of the force of maintenance (Fm) based on the air gap,
measured in the following conditions:
-Holding electromagnet without voltage.
-Flat piece (3µ m rugosity) in AºSt37, thickness as shown in the table 2 and dimensions are similar or bigger than the
attraction face.
-Room temperature 35ºC.
-Coil working on its regime temperature.
At different conditions, the magnetic force(Fm) may decrease.The value of the magnetic remanence after the power
supply stops is 5% of the holding force.

When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimum security margin of 3 must Ordering code:
be respected, the weight of the load cannot exceed 33% of the magnetic
force. Ref.: ERMI200/60 24Vdc ED15%

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2015 12.6
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]
Holding electromagnet

BP1000/100 TYPE
It is a bipolar holding electromagnet whith1000mm of effective surface.
The face is made with an angle to work with different pieces between
ø120 mm y ø250 mm.
The attraction and holding of the magnetic pieces is obtained by feeding
the coil inside the electromagnet. When the power supply stops the
electromagnet looses the piece. When working with loads security norms
must be respected.

Protection rate: IP65

Insulation class: B (130ºC)
Standard voltage: 24Vdc
Standard duty cycle ED: 100%
Abs. power at 20ºC: 217 W
Temperature rise "DV31" 40ºC
Solenoid weight: 47 Kg

Maximum keeping force

ø Round bar Force N/mm Force N 1)To feed in alterning current the
(mm) (for bar => 1000mm) electromagnet will have an external
ø120-ø200 5.4 5400
2)It can be manufactured at any voltage,
duty cycle, connection etc. Also other
ø250 8 8000 sizes for different applications.

NAFSA reserves the right to any modification

The forces values are obtained with the electromagnet at its working 3)Ground connection is recommended if
temperature and with the piece to be held in contact with whole to the metallic parts are accessible.
attraction surface
General dimensions

When lifting or handling heavy loads a minimum security margin of 3 must be respected, the weight
of the load cannot exceed 33% of the magnetic force.

Ordering code: BP1000/100 --V ED---%

Example: Standard voltage:24Vdc Duty-cycle: ED100%: BP1000/100 24Vdc ED100%

R e v i s i o n : 1 //2012
2015 12.7
Electroimanes de accionamiento NAFSA S.L. -(www.nafsa.es) -Tfno: +34 94 453 10 61-Fax: +34 94 625 01 51 -E-mail: [email protected]

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