Spark 2.12 Issues
Spark 2.12 Issues
Spark 2.12 Issues
Lukas Rytz and Stavros Kontopoulos
As far as we know, there are two major remaining issues blocking a Spark release for Scala
● Overloaded methods can become ambiguous when used from Java 8
● Spark-14540 add support for the new lambda encoding to the closure cleaner
Note: any new issues will be reported here as well since this is WIP.
Do Nothing. Don’t try to fix this as this is only a problem for Java users who would want to use
2.11 binaries. In that case they can cast to MapFunction to be able to utilize lambdas. In Spark
3.0.0 the API should be simplified so that this issue is removed.
This problem is described here. It was reported recently here. There is an easy workaround, we
should proceed with, until the Scala bug is fixed. That is to change:
Alternatively in order to avoid touching globalFuture we should consider fixing the initial problem
defined here and solved via a hack here. The initial problem came up due to the removal of
loadFIles() in ILoop in Scala 2.11.12 (Preferred).
Detailed description of the major issues comes next along with alternative approaches.
The Spark API has overloaded methods of the following form:
class Dataset[T] {
def map[U : Encoder](func: T => U): Dataset[U] = ...
def map[U](func: MapFunction[T, U], encoder: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U] = ...
For Scala clients, this works fine for 2.12 (the original document mentions a problem also for
Scala clients, but this was resolved in the final 2.12.0 version).
However there is an issue for Java clients using this API. In the Java bytecode, the API has
these overloaded methods:
If the API is compiled with Scala 2.11, Java 8 code can use a lambda: -> y, enc).
The Java compiler will select the second overload, because the first one takes a Function1,
which is not a SAM type, so it is not applicable to a lambda.
If the API is compiled with Scala 2.12, scala.Function1 is now a SAM type. This makes the
invocation in Java code ambiguous.
Proposed solutions:
● Do nothing
○ This has no negative impact for Scala users, neither on 2.11 nor 2.12.
○ Java 8 users can continue to use the spark_2.11 artifacts in the same way.
○ Java 8 users that switch to the spark_2.12 artifacts cannot use lambda syntax for
invoking these overloaded methods (or they have to insert an explicit cast).
● Keep the overloads as they are, but mark the first one with the `ACC_SYNTHETIC` flag
in bytecode.
○ This would not change anything for Scala clients, the Scala compiler does not
read these flags for Scala-generated class files.
○ The Java compiler then ignores the first overload, the ` -> y, encoder)`
expression compiles (and selects the second overload).
○ This solution needs to be tested more widely to see if other Java compilers
(eclipse, IntelliJ) have the same behavior.
○ There are multiple options for implementing this:
■ A change to the Scala compiler, which we can do in 2.12.7 (prototype
here). The Scala 2.11 compiler does not need to change.
■ A Scala compiler plugin could do the same for existing compiler releases
■ A post-processing step in the build could modify the class files using ASM
● Remove the first overload
○ This cannot be done on Scala 2.11 for two reasons: it's not binary compatible,
and Scala 2.11 clients could no longer use lambda syntax.
○ The idea of providing an implicit conversion on Scala 2.11 from scala.Function1
to MapFunction has a severe drawback: Scala code would always need explicit
parameter types in the lambda expressions, i.e., `(x: Int) => y` instead of `x => y`
○ Removing the overload only in the 2.12 version (by using separate source files,
or the enableIf macro) would make the 2.11 and 2.12 APIs slightly different. It
seems this is undesirable.
● [EDIT: the following idea is not an option due to binary compatibility constraints.
According to Imran Rashid, Spark 2.4.x needs to be binary compatible with Spark 2.3.x
(when compiled on the same Scala version). Changing a method into a macro breaks
binary compatibility.]
Another new idea (by Jason Zaugg) is to turn the first overload into a macro
○ This would hide the first overload from Java clients
○ However, the original document mentions that the solution "Should not rely on
unstable / esoteric Scala features, such as macros"
○ Furthermore, the change would not be binary compatible. I don't know if this
would be a problem: Does Spark 2.4.0_2.11 (compiled with Scala 2.11) need to
be binary compatible with Spark 2.3.1_2.11?
private[spark] def clean[F <: AnyRef](f: F, checkSerializable: Boolean =
true): F = {
ClosureCleaner.clean(f, checkSerializable)
ClosureCleaner.clean() is the entry point for the closure cleaner code and it is called at
some places in Spark code base but they are not that many and all cases are like the example
Scala 2.12 generates closures differently, similar to Java 8 lambdas. The current closure
cleaner is not designed for such closures. This is one of the remaining issues that blocks
support of Scala 2.12 in Spark.
● If the starting closure doesn't actually need our enclosing object, then just null it out
○ Not sure if this can ever happen. The closure should not capture the outer object
if it doesn't need it (?)
class A {
val f = () => { class B; new B }
class A {
val f = () => {
val x = 0
class K { val y = x }
val k = new K
() => k.y
class A {
val x = 0
def f1 = () => () => x
class A {
Function0 f1() {
this, // captured value
Function0, // function type
()Object, // abstract method
A.$anonfun$f1$1, // body method
N // flags, e.g. for the closure to (implement) Serializable
static Function0 $anonfun$f1$1(A a) {
a, // captured value
JFunction0$mcI$sp, // function type
()I, // abstract method
A.$anonfun$f1$2, // body method
N // flags
static int $anonfun$f1$2(A a) { a.x }
Note that lambda body methods are always static (in Scala 2.12, 2.13). If a closure captures the
enclosing instance, the static body method has an additional `$this` parameter. The Java 8
compiler handles this differently, it generates instance methods if the lambda accesses state
from the enclosing object.
class A {
val x = 0
val f2 = () => {
def y = 1 // lifted, becomes method `A.y$1`. becomes a static method, as
// it doesn't use the `A` instance.
() => y // does not capture anything. calls the static method `A.y$1`.
val f3 = () => {
val y = 1 // local variable in the body method `$anonfun$f3$1`, passed
// as argument to LMF when the nested closure is created
() => y // body method `$anonfun$f3$2` takes an int parameter
def m = {
val z = x
() => z // `z` becomes a field in the closure, both in 2.11 and 2.12
Nested classes
class A {
val x = 0
class B {
val y = 1
val f4 = () => x // captures the B instance b, accesses b.$outer.x
val f5 = () => y // captures the B instance for b.x, does not use b.$outer
Note that in the last example, the captured `B` instance is not cloned and cleaned. The closure
cleaner only clones and cleans enclosing closures, not arbitrary objects.
Random, potentially relevant information: closures generated with LMF do not have a
`serialVersionUID` field. Scala 2.11 closure classes always define this field (with value 0L).
As far as I can tell, all of the "cleaning" logic of the closure cleaner is unnecessary for 2.12.
There is actually a simple argument: closure objects created by LambdaMetafactory never have
an `$outer` pointer.
Closures are all lifted to the enclosing class as methods, arguments and captured values
become parameters. Local definitions get lifted to the enclosing class, local variables in a
function are passed by parameter to nested functions.
Identifying Closures
Identifying closure objects (which need to be checked for non-local returns) is actually not
straightforward. Using the class name as in 2.11 (which is actually incorrect, as shown in earlier
in this document) is not possible, as the classes are generated by the JDK (class names may
differ depending on the JVM implementation).
As a workaround, Jason Zaugg suggested to serialize the closure object (after checking if it
conforms to `Serializable`). This returns an instance of `java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda`,
which in turn points to the enclosing class and the method implementing the lambda body. In a
different StackOverflow post, Brian Goetz calls this a "really bad idea". Compared to the current
closure cleaner, it doesn't look like a big hack though.
If we only need to check for non-local returns, there might be a different way. Instead of
checking the closure object, maybe we can get a handle on the enclosing class, find all its
closure body methods (with `$anonfun` in their name), and check those. I don't know if there is
an entry point for such a check.
class C {
def f = () => {
class A extends Serializable
serialize(new A)
In 2.12, the class A is lifted into the enclosing class C, therefore its `$outer` pointer now points
to the `C` instance. In simple cases, the `$outer` pointer is set to `null` if it is not used. This is
explained in more detail in
The same closure cleaner as in 2.11 should continue to work on such closures.