Experiments: Available
Experiments: Available
Experiments: Available
Experiments 99.0.4844.51
Available Unavailable
Accelerated 2D canvas
Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of
using software rendering. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Enabled
chrome://flags 1/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
ShowSearch flags
overdraw feedback Reset all
Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other
elements drawn underneath. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Disabled
Partial swap
Sets partial swap behavior. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
Native Client
Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not
installed from the Chrome Web Store. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
chrome://flags 2/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Android, Fuchsia
Search flags
#enable-nacl Reset all
COLR v1 Fonts
Display COLR v1 color gradient vector fonts. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Smooth Scrolling
Animate smoothly when scrolling page content. –
Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Overlay Scrollbars
Enable the experimental overlay scrollbars implementation. You must
also enable threaded compositing to have the scrollbars animate. – Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Experimental JavaScript
Enable web pages to use experimental JavaScript features. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Experimental WebAssembly
Enable web pages to use experimental WebAssembly features. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
WebAssembly tiering
Enables tiered compilation of WebAssembly (will tier up to TurboFan if
#enable-webassembly-baseline is enabled). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Future V8 VM features
This enables upcoming and experimental V8 VM features. This flag does
not enable experimental JavaScript features. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
GPU rasterization
Use GPU to rasterize web content. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia
Touch UI Layout
Enables touch UI layout in the browser's top chrome. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Pull-to-refresh gesture
Pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical overscroll. –
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Zero-copy rasterizer
Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Use vulkan as the graphics backend. –
Windows, Linux, Android Default
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Threaded scrolling
Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will force
all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note that this can
dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites and is intended Enabled
for testing purposes only. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
using an enterprise policy. Caution: this disables important mitigations for Default
the Spectre flagsvulnerability affecting most computers. –
Mac, Windows, Reset all
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Web Share
Enables the Web Share (navigator.share) APIs on experimentally
supported platforms. –
Windows, Chrome OS
WebXR Incubations
Enables experimental features for WebXR. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Search flags Reset all
Force UI direction
Explicitly force the UI to left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode,
overriding the default direction of the UI language. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Password import
Import functionality in password settings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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chrome://flags 16/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Search flags
#omnibox-rich-autocompletion-prefer-urls-over-prefixes Reset all
Forced Colors
Enables forced colors mode for web content. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
History Journeys
Enables the History Journeys UI. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
chrome://flags 20/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Reading List
Click on the Bookmark icon or right click on a tab to add tabs to a reading
list. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Tab Scrolling
Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Side panel
Enables a browser-level side panel for a useful and persistent way to
access your Reading List and Bookmarks. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia
chrome://flags 21/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
WebUI Feedback
Search flags Reset all
If enabled, Chrome will show the Feedback WebUI, as opposed to Chrome
App Feedback UI, when clicking on "Report an issue..." –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Cache OneGoogleBar
Enables using the OneGoogleBar cached response in chrome://new-tab-
page, when available. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
NTP Modules
Shows modules on the New Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Fuchsia
Parallel downloading
Enable parallel downloading to accelerate download speed. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
chrome://flags 23/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Search flags Reset all
Search flags Reset all
Live Caption
Enables the live caption feature which generates captions for media
playing in Chrome. Turn the feature on in chrome://settings/accessibility. Default
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Auto-disable Accessibility
When accessibility APIs are no longer being requested, automatically
disables accessibility. This might happen if an assistive technology is
turned off or if an extension which uses accessibility APIs no longer
needs them. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Destroy Profile
Search on browser close
flags Reset all
Release memory and other resources when a Profile's last browser
window is closed, rather than when Chrome closes completely. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Fuchsia
Desktop Screenshots
Enables taking screenshots from the desktop sharing hub. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Allows websites using the file handling API to also register file type icons.
Search flags
See https://github.com/WICG/file-handling/blob/main/explainer.md for Reset all
more information. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Experimental security mode that strengthens the site isolation policy.
Controls whether site isolation should use origins instead of scheme and Default
eTLD+1. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Enable Portals.
Portals are an experimental web platform feature that allows embedding
and seamless transitions between pages. See
https://github.com/WICG/portals and https://wicg.github.io/portals/ –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Search flags Reset all
Web Bundles
Enables experimental supports for Web Bundles (Bundled HTTP
Exchanges) navigation. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Back-forward cache
If enabled, caches eligible pages after cross-site navigations.To enable
caching pages on same-site navigations too, choose 'enabled same-site Default
support'. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Percent-based Scrolling
If enabled, mousewheel and keyboard scrolls will scroll by a percentage
of the scroller size. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Scroll Unification
Refactoring project that eliminates scroll handling code from Blink. Does
not affect behavior or performance. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia
Elastic Overscroll
Enables Elastic Overscrolling on touchscreens and precision touchpads.
Windows, Android
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Search flags Reset all
Enable a text interface to browser features. Invoke with Ctrl-Space. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
When enabled, users will be warned that downloaded files are saved on
the device flags
and might be seen by other users even if they are in Incognito. Reset all
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
First-Party Set
Use the provided list of origins as a First-Party Set, with the first valid
origin as the owner of the set. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia Disabled
Permission Predictions
Use the Permission Predictions Service to surface permission requests
using a quieter UI when the likelihood of the user granting the permission
is predicted to be low. Requires chrome://flags/#quiet-notification- Default
prompts and `Safe Browsing` to be enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Enables the new prerenderer implementation for <script
type=speculationrules> that specifies prerender candidates. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
WebUI Branding
Search flagsUpdate Reset all
Changes various UI components in WebUI pages to have a more modern
look. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia
Chrome Labs
Access Chrome Labs through the toolbar menu to see featured user-
facing experimental features. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Search flags Reset all
Enables JavaScript API to intermediate federated identity requests. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments
Sanitizer API
Enable the Sanitizer API. See: https://github.com/WICG/sanitizer-api –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Search flags Reset all
Privacy Review
Shows a new subpage in Settings that helps the user to review various
privacy settings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Search flags
#sameparty-cookies-considered-first-party Reset all
Partitioned cookies
Controls if the Partitioned cookie attribute is enabled. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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Enables the implementation of the Web MIDI API. When disabled the
interface will still be exposed by Blink. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Default
OS, Android, Fuchsia
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