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16/3/22, 21:02 Experiments

Search flags Reset all

Experiments 99.0.4844.51


By enabling these features, you could lose browser data or

compromise your security or
privacy. Enabled features apply to all
users of this browser. If you are an enterprise admin
you should
not be using these flags in production.

Interested in cool new Chrome features? Try our

beta channel.

Available Unavailable

Temporarily unexpire M97 flags.

Temporarily unexpire flags that expired as of M97. These flags will be
removed soon. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Temporarily unexpire M98 flags.

Temporarily unexpire flags that expired as of M98. These flags will be
removed soon. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Override software rendering list

Overrides the built-in software rendering list and enables GPU-
acceleration on unsupported system configurations. –
Mac, Windows, Disabled
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Accelerated 2D canvas
Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of
using software rendering. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Enabled

Select HW overlay strategies

Select strategies used to promote quads to HW overlays. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Tint composited content

Tint contents composited using Viz with a shade of red to help debug and
study overlay support. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Disabled

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ShowSearch flags
overdraw feedback Reset all
Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other
elements drawn underneath. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Disabled

Partial swap
Sets partial swap behavior. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

WebRTC multi-channel capture audio processing.

Support in WebRTC for processing capture audio in multi channel without
downmixing when running APM in the render process. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable Reader Mode

Allows viewing of simplified web pages by selecting 'Customize and
control Chrome'>'Distill page' –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

WebRTC remote-bound event logging

Allow collecting WebRTC event logs and uploading them to Crash. Please
note that, even if enabled, this will still require a policy to be set, for it to Default
have an effect. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

WebRTC hybrid Agc2/Agc1.

WebRTC Agc2 digital adaptation with Agc1 analog adaptation. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping control.

WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping controller to reduce saturation. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC.

Conceal local IP addresses with mDNS hostnames. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Native Client
Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not
installed from the Chrome Web Store. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
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Android, Fuchsia
Search flags
#enable-nacl Reset all

Verbose logging in Native Client

Control the level of verbose logging in Native Client modules for
debugging purposes. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Extensions on chrome:// URLs

Enables running extensions on chrome:// URLs, where extensions
explicitly request this permission. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Disabled
Android, Fuchsia

COLR v1 Fonts
Display COLR v1 color gradient vector fonts. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable CSS Container Queries

Enables support for @container, inline-size and block-size values for the
contain property, and the LayoutNG Grid implementation. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Show Autofill predictions

Annotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as placeholder
text. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Center-aligned Autofill suggestions.

When enabled, the Autofill suggestion popup will be aligned to the center
of the initiating field and not to its border. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Default
OS, Fuchsia

Visual improvements for the Autofill and Password Manager suggestion

Non function changes that visually improve the suggestion UI used for
addresses, passswords and credit cards. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Fuchsia

Type-specific width limits for the Autofill popup

Controls if different width limits are used for the popup that provides
Autofill suggestions, depending on the type of data that is filled. –
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Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Search flags
#autofill-type-specific-popup-width Reset all

Consistent Autofill settings icon

If enabled, all Autofill data types including addresses, credit cards and
passwords will use a consistent icon in the popup settings footer. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Smooth Scrolling
Animate smoothly when scrolling page content. –
Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Overlay Scrollbars
Enable the experimental overlay scrollbars implementation. You must
also enable threaded compositing to have the scrollbars animate. – Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Experimental QUIC protocol

Enable experimental QUIC protocol support. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Latest stable JavaScript features

Some web pages use legacy or non-standard JavaScript extensions that
may conflict with the latest JavaScript features. This flag allows disabling
support of those features for compatibility with such pages. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Experimental JavaScript
Enable web pages to use experimental JavaScript features. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Experimental WebAssembly
Enable web pages to use experimental WebAssembly features. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

WebAssembly baseline compiler

Enables WebAssembly baseline compilation and tier up. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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WebAssembly lazy compilation

Search flags Reset all
Enables lazy (JIT on first call) compilation of WebAssembly modules. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

WebAssembly tiering
Enables tiered compilation of WebAssembly (will tier up to TurboFan if
#enable-webassembly-baseline is enabled). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Future V8 VM features
This enables upcoming and experimental V8 VM features. This flag does
not enable experimental JavaScript features. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

GPU rasterization
Use GPU to rasterize web content. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

Experimental Web Platform features

Enables experimental Web Platform features that are in development. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Touch UI Layout
Enables touch UI layout in the browser's top chrome. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

WebUI tab strip

When enabled makes use of a WebUI-based tab strip. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

WebUI tab strip context menu after tap

Enables the context menu to appear after a tap gesture rather than
following a press gesture. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Hardware-accelerated video decode

Hardware-accelerated video decode where available. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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Hardware-accelerated video encode

Search flags Reset all
Hardware-accelerated video encode where available. –
Mac, Windows,
Chrome OS, Android

Hardware Secure Decryption

Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module
(CDM) for protected content playback. –

Hardware Secure Decryption Experiment

Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module
(CDM) for experimental protected content playback. –

MediaFoundation for Clear

Enable/Disable the use of MediaFoundation for non-protected content
playback on supported systems. –

Enable Zero-Copy Video Capture

Camera produces a gpu friendly buffer on capture and, if there is,
hardware accelerated video encoder consumes the buffer –

Debugging for packed apps

Enables debugging context menu options such as Inspect Element for
packed applications. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Username first flow voting

Support of sending votes on username first flow i.e. login flows where a
user has to type username first on one page and then password on
another page. Votes are send on single username forms and are based on Default
user interaction with the save prompt. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Username first flow fallback crowdsourcing

Support of sending additional votes on username first flow i.e. login flows
where a user has to type username first on one page and then password
on another page. These votes are sent on single password forms and
contain information whether a 1-password form follows a 1-text form and
the value's type(or pattern) in the latter (e.g. email-like, phone-like,
arbitrary string). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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Username first flow filling

Search flags Reset all
Support of username saving and filling on username first flow i.e. login
flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then Default
password on another page –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Show autofill signatures.

Annotates web forms with Autofill signatures as HTML attributes. Also
marks password fields suitable for password generation. –
Mac, Disabled
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Use Google Payments sandbox servers

For developers: use the sandbox service for Google Payments API calls. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Use the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth

Enables the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth. This will enable
persistent storage of device permissions and Web Bluetooth features
such as BluetoothDevice.watchAdvertisements() and Default
Bluetooth.getDevices() –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Automatic detection of WebUSB-compatible devices

When enabled, the user will be notified when a device which advertises
support for WebUSB is connected. Disable if problems with USB devices
are observed when the browser is running. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Overscroll history navigation

History navigation in response to horizontal overscroll. –
Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Pull-to-refresh gesture
Pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical overscroll. –
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Substring matching for Autofill suggestions

Match Autofill suggestions based on substrings (token prefixes) rather
than just prefixes. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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WebGL Developer Extensions

Search flags Reset all
Enabling this option allows web applications to access WebGL extensions
intended only for use during development time. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Disabled
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

WebGL Draft Extensions

Enabling this option allows web applications to access the WebGL
extensions that are still in draft status. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Disabled
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Zero-copy rasterizer
Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Use vulkan as the graphics backend. –
Windows, Linux, Android Default

Override user-blocklisted languages for hrefTranslate

When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of languages that
shouldn't be translated. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Override user-blocklisted sites for hrefTranslate

When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of websites that
shouldn't be translated. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Force translation on pages with unsupported languages for hrefTranslate

When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's
language cannot be determined or is unsupported. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Force translation on pages with a similar page language for hrefTranslate

When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's
language is similar to the target language specified via hrefTranslate. – Default
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable Automatic Snooze

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Enables automatic snoozing on In-Product Help with no snooze button. – Default

Mac, Search flags
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia Reset all

In-Product Help Demo Mode

Selects the In-Product Help demo mode. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Android, Fuchsia

In-Product Help Snooze

Enables the snooze button on In-Product Help. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

IPH Use Client Config

Enable In-Product Help to use client side configuration. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Threaded scrolling
Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will force
all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note that this can
dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites and is intended Enabled
for testing purposes only. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Isolate additional origins

Requires dedicated processes for an additional set of origins, specified as
a comma-separated list. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
Fuchsia Disabled


Restricted API Origins

Enables Restricted APIs (Direct Sockets API) for development purposes
for a set of origins, specified as a comma-separated list. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia Disabled


Disable site isolation

Disables site isolation (SitePerProcess, IsolateOrigins, etc). Intended for
diagnosing bugs that may be due to out-of-process iframes. Opt-out has
no effect if site isolation is force-enabled using a command line switch or
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using an enterprise policy. Caution: this disables important mitigations for Default
the Spectre flagsvulnerability affecting most computers. –
Mac, Windows, Reset all
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.

Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid certificate
is presented. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Desktop PWAs prefix window title with app name.

Prefix the window title of installed PWAs with the name of the PWA. On
ChromeOS this is visible only in the window/activity switcher. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWAs remove status bar

Hides the status bar popup in Desktop PWA app windows. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWAs default offline page

Shows customised default offline page when web app is offline. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWAs elided extensions menu

Moves the Extensions "puzzle piece" icon from the title bar into the app
menu for web app windows. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA tab strips

Experimental UI for exploring what PWA windows would look like with a
tab strip. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA tab strip link capturing

Experimental behaviour for "Desktop PWA tab strips" to capture link
navigations within the app scope and bring them into the app's tabbed Default
window. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA tab strips settings

Experimental UI for selecting whether a PWA should open in tabbed
mode. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

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Desktop PWA launch handler

Search flags Reset all
Enable web app manifests to declare app launch behavior. Prototype
implementation of: https://github.com/WICG/sw-
launch/blob/main/launch_handler.md –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA declarative link capturing

Enable web app manifests to declare link capturing behavior. Prototype
implementation of: https://github.com/WICG/sw-
launch/blob/master/declarative_link_capturing.md –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA Sub Apps

Enable installed PWAs to create shortcuts by installing their sub apps.
Prototype implementation of: https://github.com/ivansandrk/multi-
apps/blob/main/explainer.md –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Desktop PWA URL handling

Enable web app manifests to declare URL handling behavior. Prototype
implementation of: https://github.com/WICG/pwa-url- Default
handler/blob/main/explainer.md –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Fuchsia

Desktop PWA Window Controls Overlay

Enable web app manifests to declare Window Controls Overlay as a
display override. Prototype implementation of:
https://github.com/WICG/window-controls- Default
overlay/blob/main/explainer.md –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Desktop PWA Window Minimize/maximize/restore

Enable PWAs to manually recreate the minimize, maximize and restore
window functionalities with respective APIs. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop PWAs Web Bundles

Adds support for web bundles, making web apps able to be launched
offline. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Record web app debug info

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Enables recording additional web app related debugging data to be Default

displayed in: flags
chrome://web-app-internals –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Reset all
OS, Fuchsia

Use Chrome Sync sandbox

Connects to the testing server for Chrome Sync. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses

Have the Media Router connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, not
just RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Global media controls control Cast start/stop

Allows global media controls to control when a Cast session is started or
stopped instead of relying on the Cast dialog. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default

Allow all sites to initiate mirroring

When enabled, allows all websites to request to initiate tab mirroring via
Presentation API. Requires #cast-media-route-provider to also be enabled Default

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Migrate default G Suite Chrome apps to web apps

Enable the migration of default installed G Suite Chrome apps over to
their corresponding web apps. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Migrate default non-G Suite Chrome apps to web apps

Enable the migration of default installed non-G Suite Chrome apps over to
their corresponding web apps. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Enable Open Screen Library (libcast) as the Mirroring Service's Cast

Streaming implementation
Enables Open Screen Library's (libcast) Cast Streaming implementation to
be used for negotiating and executing mirroring and remoting sessions. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

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Enable AV1 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring sessions

Search flags Reset all
Enables the inclusion of AV1 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring Default
session negotiations. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable VP9 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring sessions

Enables the inclusion of VP9 codec video encoding in Cast mirroring
session negotiations. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Web Share
Enables the Web Share (navigator.share) APIs on experimentally
supported platforms. –
Windows, Chrome OS

WebXR Incubations
Enables experimental features for WebXR. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Force WebXr Runtime

Force the browser to use a particular runtime, even if it would not usually
be enabled or would otherwise not be selected based on the attached Default
hardware. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Experimental system keyboard lock

Enables websites to use the keyboard.lock() API to intercept system
keyboard shortcuts and have the events routed directly to the website Default
when in fullscreen mode. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Block scripts loaded via document.write

Disallows fetches for third-party parser-blocking scripts inserted into the
main frame via document.write. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Use Windows Runtime MIDI API

Use Windows Runtime MIDI API for WebMIDI (effective only on Windows
10 or later). –

Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards

Enables a new option to upload credit cards to Google Payments for sync
to all Chrome devices. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

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Search flags Reset all

Force UI direction
Explicitly force the UI to left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode,
overriding the default direction of the UI language. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Force text direction

Explicitly force the per-character directionality of UI text to left-to-right
(LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode, overriding the default direction of the Default
character language. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

TLS 1.3 Early Data

This option enables TLS 1.3 Early Data, allowing GET requests to be sent
during the handshake when resuming a connection to a compatible TLS Default
1.3 server. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

TLS Post-Quantum Confidentiality

This option enables a post-quantum (i.e. resistent to quantum computers)
key exchange algorithm in TLS (CECPQ2). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Password import
Import functionality in password settings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents

Automatically render all web contents using a dark theme. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Experimental accessibility language detection

Enable language detection for in-page content which is then exposed to
assistive technologies such as screen readers. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Disabled
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Experimental accessibility language detection for dynamic content

Enable language detection for dynamic content which is then exposed to
assistive technologies such as screen readers. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Disabled
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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Experimental Web Payments API features

Search flags Reset all
Enable experimental Web Payments API features –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

PaymentRequest API 'basic-card' method

The 'basic-card' payment method of the PaymentRequest API. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Web Payments App Store Billing Debug Mode

App-store purchases (e.g., Google Play Store) within a TWA can be
requested using the Payment Request API. This flag removes the
restriction that the TWA has to be installed from the app-store. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Secure Payment Confirmation Debug Mode

This flag removes the restriction that PaymentCredential in WebAuthn
and secure payment confirmation in PaymentRequest API must use user
verifying platform authenticators. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

Fill passwords on account selection

Filling of passwords when an account is explicitly selected by the user
rather than autofilling credentials on page load. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Generic Sensor Extra Classes

Enables an extra set of sensor classes based on Generic Sensor API,
which expose previously unavailable platform features, i.e.
AmbientLightSensor and Magnetometer interfaces. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Clobber Triggers Contextual Web ZeroSuggest

If enabled, when the user clears the whole omnibox text (i.e. via
Backspace), Chrome will request ZeroSuggest suggestions for the OTHER
page classification (contextual web). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Omnibox on-focus suggestions for the contextual Web

Enables on-focus suggestions on the Open Web, that are contextual to the
current URL. Will only work if user is signed-in and syncing, or is otherwise
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eligible to send the current page URL to the suggest server. –

Windows, flagsChrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
Linux, Reset all

Allow Omnibox contextual web on-focus suggestions on the SRP

Enables on-focus suggestions on the Search Results page. Requires on-
focus suggestions for the contextual web to be enabled. Will only work if
user is signed-in and syncing. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Trending Zero Prefix Suggestions

Enables trending zero prefix suggestions for users with no or insufficient
search history. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Zero Prefix Suggestion Prefetching

Enables prefetching of the zero prefix suggestions for signed-in users.
The options indicate the duration for which the response will be stored in
the HTTP cache. If no or zero duration is provided, the existing in-memory Default
cache will used instead of HTTP cache. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Experimental Keyword Mode

Enables various experimental features related to keyword mode, its
suggestions and layout. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox short bookmark suggestions

Match very short input words to beginning of words in bookmark
suggestions. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox switch to tab suggestions

Enable URL suggestions to optionally take the user to a tab where a
website is already opened. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Pedals batch 2 for non-English locales

Enable the second batch of Omnibox Pedals (Safety Check, etc.) for
locales other than 'en' and 'en-GB'. This flag has no effect unless
"Omnibox Pedals batch 2" is also enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Pedals batch 3

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Enable the third batch of Omnibox Pedals. –

Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome flags
OS, Fuchsia Reset all

Omnibox Pedals batch 3 for non-English locales

Enable the second batch of Omnibox Pedals (Find your phone, etc.) for
locales other than 'en' and 'en-GB'. This flag has no effect unless
"Omnibox Pedals batch 3" is also enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Pedals Translation Console

Use translation strings sourced from Translation Console for triggering
some omnibox Pedals (aka Chrome Actions). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion

Allow autocompletion for titles and non-prefixes. I.e. suggestions whose
titles or URLs contain the user input as a continuous chunk, but not
necessarily a prefix, can be the default suggestion. Typically, only
suggestions whose URLs are prefixed by the user input can be. The
potential variations toggle 4 params: 1) 'Title UI' displays titles, 2) '2-Line
UI' includes titles (and URLs when autocompleting titles) on a 2nd line, 3)
'Title AC' autocompletes titles, and 4) 'Non-Prefix AC' autocompletes non-
prefixes. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Min Characters

Specifies min input character length to trigger rich autocompletion. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Show Additional Text

Show the suggestion title or URL additional text when the input matches
the URL or title respectively. Defaults to true. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Split

Allow splitting the user input to intermix with autocompletions; e.g., the
user input 'x z' could be autocompleted as 'x [y ]z'. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Prefer URLs over prefixes

When the input matches both a suggestion's title's prefix and its URL's
non-prefix, autocomplete the URL. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
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Search flags
#omnibox-rich-autocompletion-prefer-urls-over-prefixes Reset all

Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Promising Combinations

Allow autocompletion for titles and non-prefixes; see Omnibox Rich
Autocompletion. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Bookmark Paths

Allows inputs to match with bookmark paths. E.g. 'planets jupiter' can
suggest a bookmark titled 'Jupiter' with URL
'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter' located in a path containing 'planet.' –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Keyword Space Triggering Setting

Adds a setting to the search engines setting page to control whether
spacebar activates keyword mode. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Active Search Engines section on settings page

Enables a 'Your Search Engines' section on
chrome://settings/searchEngines. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Omnibox Document Provider ASO

If document suggestions are enabled, swaps the backend from
cloudsearch to ASO (Apps Search Overlay) search. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Site Search Starter Pack

Enables @history, @bookmarks, and @settings scopes in Omnibox Site
Search/Keyword Mode –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Omnibox Aggregate Shortcuts

When enabled, duplicate shortcuts matching the user input will be given
an aggregate score; when disabled, they'll be scored independently – Default
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Force color profile

Forces Chrome to use a specific color profile instead of the color of the
window's current monitor, as specified by the operating system. –
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Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Search flags
#force-color-profile Reset all

Override effective connection type

Overrides the effective connection type of the current connection returned
by the network quality estimator. Slow 2G on Cellular returns Slow 2G
when connected to a cellular network, and the actual estimate effective Default
connection type when not on a cellular network. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Forced Colors
Enables forced colors mode for web content. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Chrome heap profiler start mode.

Starts heap profiling service that records sampled memory allocation
profile having each sample attributed with a callstack. The sampling
resolution is controlled with --memlog-sampling-rate flag. Recorded heap
dumps can be obtained at chrome://tracing [category:memory-infra] and
chrome://memory-internals. This setting controls which processes will be
profiled since their start. To profile any given process at a later time use
chrome://memory-internals page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

Heap profiling sampling interval (in bytes).

Heap profiling service uses Poisson process to sample allocations.
Default value for the interval between samples is 1000000 (1MB). This
results in low noise for large and/or frequent allocations [size * frequency
>> 1MB]. This means that aggregate numbers [e.g. total size of malloc-ed
objects] and large and/or frequent allocations can be trusted with high
fidelity. Lower intervals produce higher samples resolution, but come at a
cost of higher performance overhead. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Heap profiling stack traces type.

By default heap profiling service records native stacks. A post-processing
step is required to symbolize the stacks. 'Native with thread names' adds
the thread name as the first frame of each native stack. It's also possible
to record a pseudo stack using trace events as identifiers. It's also
possible to do a mix of both. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Omnibox Max Zero Suggest Matches

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Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed when Default

Search flags
zero suggest is active (i.e. displaying suggestions without input). –
Mac, Reset all
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox UI Max Autocomplete Matches

Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in
the Omnibox UI. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Max URL Matches

The maximum number of URL matches to show, unless there are no
replacements. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox Dynamic Max Autocomplete

Configures the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in
the Omnibox UI dynamically based on the number of URL matches. – Default
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

History Journeys
Enables the History Journeys UI. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

History Journeys Omnibox Action

Enables the History Journeys Omnibox Action. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Page content annotations

Enables page content to be annotated on-device. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Block insecure private network requests.

Prevents non-secure contexts from making sub-resource requests to
more-private IP addresses. An IP address IP1 is more private than IP2 if
1) IP1 is localhost and IP2 is not, or 2) IP1 is private and IP2 is public.
This is a first step towards full enforcement of CORS-RFC1918:
https://wicg.github.io/cors-rfc1918 –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

MBI Scheduling Mode

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Enables independent agent cluster scheduling, via the Default

Search flags
AgentSchedulingGroup infrastructure. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Reset all
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Reading List
Click on the Bookmark icon or right click on a tab to add tabs to a reading
list. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Apps Shortcut Default Off

Changes the apps shortcut on the bookmarks bar to default to off. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Tab Groups Save

Enables users to explicitly save and recall tab groups. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Tab Scrolling
Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Tab Scrolling Buttons

When the scrollable-tabstrip flag is enabled, this enables buttons to
permanently appear on the tabstrip. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Side panel
Enables a browser-level side panel for a useful and persistent way to
access your Reading List and Bookmarks. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Side panel drag and drop

Enables drag and drop of bookmarks within the side panel. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Unified side panel

Revamp the side panel experience. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

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WebUI Feedback
Search flags Reset all
If enabled, Chrome will show the Feedback WebUI, as opposed to Chrome
App Feedback UI, when clicking on "Report an issue..." –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Cache OneGoogleBar
Enables using the OneGoogleBar cached response in chrome://new-tab-
page, when available. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Modules
Shows modules on the New Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Fuchsia

NTP Drive Module

Shows the Google Drive module on the New Tab Page –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Photos Module

Shows the Google Photos module on the New Tab Page –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Recipe Tasks Module

Shows the recipe tasks module on the New Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Shopping Tasks Module

Shows the shopping tasks module on the New Tab Page. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Chrome Cart Module

Shows the chrome cart module on the New Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable to fetch for retail coupons

Allow to fetch retail coupons for consented users –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Safe Browsing Module

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Shows the safe browsing module on the New Tab Page. –

Mac, Windows,
Reset all
OS, Fuchsia

NTP Modules Drag and Drop

Enables modules to be reordered via dragging and dropping on the New
Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Modules Redesigned

Shows the redesigned modules on the New Tab Page. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Ntp Modules Redesigned Layout

Changes the layout of modules on New Tab Page –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Realbox Matches Omnibox Theme

NTP Realbox matches the Omnibox theme when enabled. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Realbox Pedals

Shows pedals in the NTP Realbox when enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Realbox Suggestion Answers

Shows suggestion answers in the NTP Realbox when enabled. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Realbox Tail Suggest

Properly formats the tail suggestions to match the Omnibox –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

NTP Realbox Google G Icon

Shows Google G icon instead of Search Loupe in realbox when enabled –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Parallel downloading
Enable parallel downloading to accelerate download speed. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
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Search flags Reset all

Enable download range support

Enables arbitrary download range request support. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Show 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu.

Enables 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; the menu item will take users to
an official Google site with information about the latest and most popular Default
Chrome features. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Tab Hover Card Images

Shows a preview image in tab hover cards, if tab hover cards are enabled.

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable network logging to file

Enables network logging to a file named netlog.json in the user data
directory. The file can be imported into chrome://net-internals. –
Mac, Disabled
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Web Authentication caBLE v2 QR codes

Enable display of QR codes for using Android phones as security keys. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Accessible PDF Forms

Enables accessibility support for PDF forms. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Print with PostScript Type 42 fonts

When using PostScript level 3 printing, render text with Type 42 fonts if
possible. –

Use XPS for printing

When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API. –

Use XPS for printing from PDF

When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API when
printing PDF documents. –
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Search flags Reset all

Move Autofill omnibox icons next to the profile avatar icon

When enabled, Autofill data related icon will be shown in the status chip
next to the profile avatar icon in the toolbar. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default

Insecure origins treated as secure

Treat given (insecure) origins as secure origins. Multiple origins can be
supplied as a comma-separated list. Origins must have their protocol
specified e.g. "http://example.com". For the definition of secure contexts,
see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/ –
Mac, Windows, Disabled
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia


Disable subframe process reuse

Prevents out-of-process iframes from reusing compatible processes from
unrelated tabs. This is an experimental mode that will result in more Default
processes being created. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Live Caption
Enables the live caption feature which generates captions for media
playing in Chrome. Turn the feature on in chrome://settings/accessibility. Default

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Auto-disable Accessibility
When accessibility APIs are no longer being requested, automatically
disables accessibility. This might happen if an assistive technology is
turned off or if an extension which uses accessibility APIs no longer
needs them. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enables CSS selector fragment anchors

Similar to text directives, CSS selector directives can be specified in a url
which is to be scrolled into view and highlighted. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo

Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo to users on Desktop –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

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Destroy Profile
Search on browser close
flags Reset all
Release memory and other resources when a Profile's last browser
window is closed, rather than when Chrome closes completely. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Fuchsia

Choose ANGLE graphics backend

Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. D3D11 is used on most
Windows computers by default. Using the OpenGL driver as the graphics
backend may result in higher performance in some graphics-heavy Default
applications, particularly on NVIDIA GPUs. It can increase battery and
memory usage of video playback. –

Desktop Screenshots
Enables taking screenshots from the desktop sharing hub. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Desktop Screenshots Edit Mode

Enables an edit flow for users who create screenshots on desktop –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable gpu service logging

Enable printing the actual GL driver calls. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Hardware Media Key Handling

Enables using media keys to control the active media session. This
requires MediaSessionService to be enabled too –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Autofill Uses Improved Label Disambiguation

When enabled, the Autofill dropdown's suggestions' labels are displayed
using the improved disambiguation format. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

File Handling API

Enables the file handling API, allowing websites to register as file
handlers. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

File Handling Icons

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Allows websites using the file handling API to also register file type icons.
Search flags
See https://github.com/WICG/file-handling/blob/main/explainer.md for Reset all
more information. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Experimental security mode that strengthens the site isolation policy.
Controls whether site isolation should use origins instead of scheme and Default
eTLD+1. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Skia API for compositing

If enabled, the display compositor will use Skia as the graphics API
instead of OpenGL ES. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Enable the <fencedframe> element.

Fenced frames are an experimental web platform feature that allows
embedding an isolated top-level page. See
https://github.com/shivanigithub/fenced-frame –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable Portals.
Portals are an experimental web platform feature that allows embedding
and seamless transitions between pages. See
https://github.com/WICG/portals and https://wicg.github.io/portals/ –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable cross-origin Portals.

Allows portals to load cross-origin URLs in addition to same-origin ones.
Has no effect if Portals are not enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Default
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Allow using platform authenticators to retrieve server cards

When enabled, users will be given the option to use a platform
authenticator (if available) to verify card ownership when retrieving credit
cards from Google Payments. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia

Enterprise reporting of extension manifest versions

Causes extension manifest versions to be included in the extension info
section of Chrome Browser Cloud Management reports. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

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Search flags Reset all

Search History Link

Changes the Clear Browsing Data UI to display a link to clear search
history on My Google Activity. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Enable feedback for credit card upload flow

When enabled, if credit card upload succeeds, the avatar button will show
a highlight, otherwise the icon will be updated and if it is clicked, the save Default
card failure bubble will be shown. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Fuchsia

Font Access APIs

Enables the experimental Font Access APIs, giving websites access to
enumerate local fonts and access their table data. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Global Media Controls Modern UI

Use a redesigned version of the Global Media Controls UI. Requires
#global-media-controls to also be enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Default
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Turn off caching of streaming media to disk while on battery power.

Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in power
savings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Turn off caching of streaming media to disk.

Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in power
savings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Web Bundles
Enables experimental supports for Web Bundles (Bundled HTTP
Exchanges) navigation. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Offer save and autofill of UPI/VPA values

If enabled, when autofill recognizes a UPI/VPA value in a payment form, it
will offer to save it. If saved, it will be offered for filling in fields which Default
expect a VPA. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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Return cloud flags

Search token details for server credit cards when possible Reset all
When enabled and where available, forms filled using Google Payments
server cards are populated with cloud token details, including CPAN
(cloud tokenized version of the Primary Account Number) and dCVV
(dynamic CVV). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Back-forward cache
If enabled, caches eligible pages after cross-site navigations.To enable
caching pages on same-site navigations too, choose 'enabled same-site Default
support'. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Closed Tab Cache

Enables closed tab cache to instantaneously restore recently closed tabs.
NOTE: This feature is higly experimental and will lead to various
breakages, enable at your own risk. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Impulse-style scroll animations

Replaces the default scroll animation with Impulse-style scroll
animations. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Percent-based Scrolling
If enabled, mousewheel and keyboard scrolls will scroll by a percentage
of the scroller size. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Scroll Unification
Refactoring project that eliminates scroll handling code from Blink. Does
not affect behavior or performance. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Elastic Overscroll
Enables Elastic Overscrolling on touchscreens and precision touchpads.

Windows, Android

Device Posture API

Enables Device Posture API (foldable devices) –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

WinRT Geolocation Implementation

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Enables usage of the Windows.Devices.Geolocation WinRT APIs on

Search Default
Reset all
Windows for flags
geolocation –

Experimental de-jelly effect

Enables an experimental effect which attempts to mitigate "jelly-
scrolling". This is an experimental implementation with known bugs,
visual artifacts, and performance cost. This implementation may be Disabled
removed at any time. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Offer to use cloud token virtual card in Autofill

When enabled, if all requirements are met, Autofill will offer to use virtual
credit cards in form filling. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Reduce User-Agent request header

Reduce (formerly, "freeze") the amount of information available in the
User-Agent request header. See https://www.chromium.org/updates/ua-
reduction for more info. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Run video capture service in browser

Run the video capture service in the browser process. –
Windows Default

Page info history

Enable a history section in the page info. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome
OS, Fuchsia

'About this site' section in page info

Enable the 'About this site' section in the page info. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

MediaFoundation Video Capture

Enable/Disable the usage of MediaFoundation for video capture. Fall back
to DirectShow if disabled. –

Color Provider Redirection For Theme Provider

Redirects color requests from the ThemeProvider to the ColorProvider
where possible. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

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16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments

Enable Trust flags

Search Tokens Reset all
Enables the prototype Trust Token API (https://github.com/wicg/trust-
token-api). –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Shared Highlighting 2.0

Improvements to Shared Highlighting. Including ability to reshare or
remove a highlight. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable experimental cookie features

Enable new features that affect setting, sending, and managing cookies.
The enabled features are subject to change at any time. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Permissions Chip Experiment

Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses a chip in the
location bar. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Gesture-sensitive Permissions Chip

If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not
the chip should be more prominent when the request is associated with a Default
gesture. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Request-type-sensitive Permissions Chip

If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not
the chip should be more or less prominent depending on the request type. Default

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Quiet Permission Chip Experiment

Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses the quiet chip
instead of the right-hand side address bar icon for quiet permission
prompts. Requires chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts to be
enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enables canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer

Enables the canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable canvas context to be lost in background

chrome://flags 31/42
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Enable canvas context to be cleared when it is running in background – Disabled

Mac, Search flags
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia Reset all

Experimental canvas 2D API features

Enables in-progress features for the canvas 2D API. See
https://github.com/fserb/canvas2d. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Disabled
Android, Fuchsia

Conversion Measurement Debug Mode

Enables debug mode for the Conversion Measurement API. This removes
all reporting delays and noise. Only works if the Conversion Measurement
API is already enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Enable Bluetooth Serial Port Profile in Serial API

When enabled, Bluetooth Serial Port Profile devices will be enumerated
for use with the Serial API. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Add passwords in settings

Enables manual password adding in settings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable Incognito brand consistency in desktop.

When enabled, removes any theme or background customization done by
the user on the Incognito UI. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable clear browsing data dialog in Incognito.

When enabled, clear browsing data option would be enabled in Incognito
which upon clicking would show a dialog to close all Incognito windows. Default

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Allow widgets to inherit native theme from its parent widget.

When enabled, secondary UI like menu, dialog etc would be in dark mode
when Incognito mode is open. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Enable JXL image format

Adds image decoding support for the JPEG XL image format. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia Default

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Search flags Reset all

Enable a text interface to browser features. Invoke with Ctrl-Space. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Restructured Language Settings (Desktop)

Enable the new restructured language settings page –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Detailed Language Settings (Desktop)

Enable the new detailed language settings page –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable PWAs to register as an uninstallable app in Windows on

This allows the PWA to show up in Windows Control Panel (and other OS
surfaces), and be uninstallable from those surfaces. For example,
uninstalling by right-clicking on the app in the Start Menu. –

Enable PWA install update dialog for name/icon changes

Enable a confirmation dialog that shows up when a PWA changes its
icon/name –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable syncing autofill offer data

When enabled, allows syncing autofill wallet offer data type. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enables Out-of-Process Printer Drivers

Enables printing interactions with the operating system to be performed
out-of-process. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run.

Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run and periodically
delete browsing data as specified by the BrowsingDataLifetime policy. – Default
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable Incognito downloads warning

chrome://flags 33/42
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When enabled, users will be warned that downloaded files are saved on
the device flags
and might be seen by other users even if they are in Incognito. Reset all

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Revamped Incognito New Tab Page

When enabled, Incognito new tab page will have an updated UI –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

First-Party Set
Use the provided list of origins as a First-Party Set, with the first valid
origin as the owner of the set. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,
Android, Fuchsia Disabled


Detect form submission when the form is cleared.

Detect form submissions for change password forms that are cleared
and not removed from the page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Permission Predictions
Use the Permission Predictions Service to surface permission requests
using a quieter UI when the likelihood of the user granting the permission
is predicted to be low. Requires chrome://flags/#quiet-notification- Default
prompts and `Safe Browsing` to be enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Show performance metrics in HUD

Display the performance metrics of current page in a heads up display on
the page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enables the new prerenderer implementation for <script
type=speculationrules> that specifies prerender candidates. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Omnibox trigger for Prerender2

Enables the new omnibox trigger prerenderer implementation. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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WebUI Branding
Search flagsUpdate Reset all
Changes various UI components in WebUI pages to have a more modern
look. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Chrome Labs
Access Chrome Labs through the toolbar menu to see featured user-
facing experimental features. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Enable First-Party Sets

When enabled, Chrome will apply First-Party Sets to features such as the
SameParty cookie attribute. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Pepper-free PDF viewer

Enables the Pepper-free PDF viewer. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

PDF XFA support

Enables support for XFA forms in PDFs. Has no effect if Chrome was not
built with XFA support. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Raw audio capture

Enable/Disable the usage of WASAPI raw audio capture. When enabled,
the audio stream is a 'raw' stream that bypasses all signal processing
except for endpoint specific, always-on processing in the Audio
Processing Object (APO), driver, and hardware. –

Hardware decode acceleration for k-SVC VP9

Enable or disable k-SVC VP9 hardware decode acceleration –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Debugging tools for UI

Enables additional keyboard shortcuts to help debugging. –
Windows, Linux, Fuchsia

Autofill Address Save Prompts

Enable the Autofill address save prompts. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia
chrome://flags 35/42
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Search flags Reset all

Tab Search Media Tabs

Enable indicators on media tabs in Tab Search. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable WebRTC actions in Media Session

Adds new actions into Media Session for video conferencing. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enables JavaScript API to intermediate federated identity requests. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Add delay to subframe renderer process shutdown

Delays shutdown of subframe renderer processes by a few seconds to
allow them to be potentially reused. This aims to reduce process churn in
navigations where the source and destination share subframes. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Parse promo code fields in forms

When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find merchant promo/coupon/gift
code fields when parsing forms. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Enable cross tab status tracking for Autofill offer notification

When enabled, the offer notification showing will be tracked cross-tab,
and on one merchant, the notification will only be shown once. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable risk based authentication for Autofill Virtual Card Numbers

When enabled, risk based authentication is used before autofilling Virtual
Card information into forms. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

Enable the fix for Autofill offer in Incognito mode

When enabled, the fix will be enabled and offers should work correctly in
Incognito mode. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

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Highlight only changed values in preview mode.

Search flags Reset all
When Autofill is previewing filling a form, already autofilled values and
other values that are not changed by accepting the preview should not be Default
highlighted. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Sanitizer API
Enable the Sanitizer API. See: https://github.com/WICG/sanitizer-api –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Offer merchant bound virtual cards in Autofill

When enabled, Autofill will offer to use merchant bound virtual cards in
payment forms. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Autofill suggests virtual cards on incomplete forms

When enabled, merchant bound virtual cards will be suggested even if not
all of the card number, exp date and CVC fields are detected in a payment Default
form. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Search your screen with Google Lens

Right click and select "Search images with Google Lens" to search any
region of the site to learn more about the visual content you see while you
browse and shop on the web. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Update history entry points in Incognito.

When enabled, the entry points to history UI from Incognito mode will be
removed for iOS and Desktop. An educative placeholder will be shown for
Android history page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,

Throttle Foreground Timers to 30 Hz

On foreground pages, run DOM timers with a non-zero delay on a periodic
30 Hz tick, instead of as soon as their delay has passed. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Throttle non-visible cross-origin iframes

When enabled, all cross-origin iframes with zero visibility (either
display:none or zero area) will be throttled, regardless of whether they are
same-process or cross-process. When disabled, only cross-process Default
iframes will be throttled. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
chrome://flags 37/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments

Search flags Reset all

Playback Speed Button

Enable the playback speed button on the media controls. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Privacy Review
Shows a new subpage in Settings that helps the user to review various
privacy settings. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Extension request justification

Enables users to justify their extension requests by causing a text field to
appear on the extension request dialog. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Default
OS, Fuchsia

Fuzzy search for Tab Search

Enable fuzzy search for Tab Search. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS,

Show Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new

Enables Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Show 'New' badge on 'What's New' menu item.

Enables 'New' promo badge on 'What's New' in the Help portion of the
main menu. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable promos for sync trusted vault passphrase.

Enables promos for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as
trusted vault. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable sync trusted vault passphrase with improved recovery.

Enables support for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as
trusted vault, including logic and APIs for improved account recovery Default
flows. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Consider SameParty cookies to be first-party.

If enabled, SameParty cookies will not be blocked even if third-party
cookies are blocked. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default
chrome://flags 38/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments

Search flags
#sameparty-cookies-considered-first-party Reset all

Partitioned cookies
Controls if the Partitioned cookie attribute is enabled. –
Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Windows 10 Tab Search Caption Button

Move the Tab Search entrypoint besides the window caption buttons on
Windows 10 platforms. –

Share context menu

Whether the sharing options in various context menus are grouped into a
common submenu. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enables Display Compositor to use a new gpu thread.

When enabled, chrome uses 2 gpu threads instead of 1. Display
compositor uses new dr-dc gpu thread and all other clients (raster, webgl,
video) continues using the gpu main thread. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable Autofill of promo code fields in forms

When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill merchant promo/coupon/gift
code fields when data is available. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default
Android, Fuchsia

Revised opt-in flow for account-scoped passwore storage

Enables the revised opt-in flow for the account-scoped passwords
storage during first-time save. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Default

Extensions Menu Access Control

Enables a redesigned extensions menu that allows the user to control
extensions site access. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

window.PERSISTENT is temporary quota.

Causes the window.PERSISTENT quota type to have the same semantics
as window.TEMPORARY. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Default

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Out-of-process 2D canvas rasterization.

Search flags Reset all
The rasterization of 2d canvas contents is performed in the GPU process.
Requires that out-of-process rasterization be enabled. –
Mac, Windows, Default
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable the U2F Security Key API

Enable the legacy U2F Security Key API (CryptoToken). The U2F Security
Key API has been deprecated and will be removed soon. For more
information, refer to the deprecation announcement at Default

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Put major version in minor version position in User-Agent

Lock the Chrome major version in the User-Agent string to 99, and force
the major version number to the minor version position. This flag is a
backup plan for unexpected site-compatibility breakage with a three digit
major version. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Force major version to 100 in User-Agent

Force the Chrome major version in the User-Agent string to 100, which
allows testing the 3-digit major version number before the actual M100
release. This flag is only available from M96-M99. If force-major-version- Default
in-minor is enabled this flag will have no effect. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Force the minor version to 100 in the User-Agent string

Force the Chrome minor version in the User-Agent string to 100, which
allows testing a 3-digit minor version number. Currently, the minor version
is always reported as 0, but due to potential breakage with the upcoming
major version 100, this flag allows us to test whether setting the major
version in the minor version part of the User-Agent string would be an Default
acceptable alternative. If force-major-version-to-100 is set, then this flag
has no effect. See crbug.com/1278459 for details.If force-major-version-
in-minor is enabled this flag will have no effect. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Extend Autofill offers and rewards notification to promo code offers

When enabled, a notification will be displayed on page navigation if the
domain has an eligible merchant promo code offer or reward. –
Mac, Default
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable a permission prompt for the U2F Security Key API

chrome://flags 40/42
16/3/22, 21:03 Experiments

Show a permission prompt when making requests to the legacy U2F

Security flags(CryptoToken). The U2F Security Key API has been
Key API Reset all
deprecated and will be removed soon. For more information, refer to the Default
deprecation announcement at

Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Fuchsia

Enable upcoming sharing features.

This flag enables all upcoming sharing features, in the experiment arms
that are most likely to be shipped. This is a meta-flag so which features
are upcoming at any given time may change. –
Mac, Windows, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable raw draw

When enabled, web content will be rastered on output surface directly. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enables the implementation of the Web MIDI API. When disabled the
interface will still be exposed by Blink. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome Default
OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable CSS Cascade Layers

Enables support for CSS @layer rules and layered @import syntax. –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Commerce developer mode

Allows users in the allowlist to enter the developer mode –
Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

Enable on-demand Bluetooth device bonding

When enabled, Bluetooth will start the bonding process, if necessary, to
access protected characteristics. –
Windows, Linux

Pervasive system accent color

Use the Windows system accent color as the Chrome accent color, if
"Show accent color on title bars and windows borders" is toggled on in Disabled
the Windows system settings. –

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Enable Update Virtual Card Enrollment

Search flags Reset all
When enabled, the user will have the ability to update the virtual card
enrollment of a credit card through their chrome browser after certain Default
autofill flows (for example, downstream and upstream), and from the
settings page. –
Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, Fuchsia

chrome://flags 42/42

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