Transforming De-Motivation Into Self-Motivation: It's Not What We Do, It's The Result That Counts.... !

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 It’s not what we do, it’s the

result that counts.... !

Dynamic development,
astonishing results... !

Dynamic Development T.C.Psy

Transforming De-Motivation into

Self-Motivation Part 1
MR-001 • TDMISM-P1 • October 2011

Transforming De-Motivation into Self-Motivation Part 1

Copyright © Damitro 2012
All Rights are retained and reserved by the publisher Damitro Ltd.
Damitro has asserted the right to be identified as the author of this e-book
(Transforming De-Motivation into Self-Motivation Part 1) in accordance with the
copyrights, designs and patent acts 1988

This document takes approximately 30 minutes to read

This module tackles the core issues facing all de-motivated individuals, describing
dynamic techniques of conscious transformation. Whilst every effort has been made
to keep the information as simple and as understandable as possible, at times it has
been necessary to expand into further detail. Please stick with it, read and digest over
and over, for that is when it really works.
“Everything is in a state of flux, therefore everything can be changed”

A Brief Story
Tony thought his motivation was lacking. He felt like he no longer harnessed the
passion and inspiration to function in the job he loved so much. He complained of
general lethargy, and at times depression. He was a mid-thirties corporate executive
who appeared ahead of the game – and depression seemed an alien concept to him.
Yet Tony spoke of his inner unrest and how he had struggled to reach targets placed
upon him. On reflection, he felt the targets were reasonable and did not quite
understand why they were not being met. He simply felt the repercussions from the
outcome: de-motivation.

Five years ago, in a bid to develop his career, Tony nominated himself for a post of
which he had no prior knowledge or training for. In fact he had no concept of the
environment in which he would be thrust unto. Tony was going to China.

Regardless of his building an office from scratch, enjoying an abundance of sales and
employing over 100 people, Tony’s HQ had expected more and the pressure was on.
Two years into the job and Tony was facing a replacement. He was truly de-

After working with Tony for quite some time, it may come as a surprise to know that
the de-motivating driver was not HQ, their targets, or even the threat of a
replacement. Driving Tony to convince himself he was de-motivated were motivating
energies diverting him away from embracing the new environment of China. From his
“core fear” radiated an embedded energy pattern of un-confidence, leading Tony to
remain disengaged – hence the lack of understanding of China and Chinese people.
Irrespective of employing over 100 people, his system had created a safety cocoon,
maintaining a safe distance from the source of achievement, i.e. de-motivation. His
core fear was creating a diversion of de-motivation. Once this was dealt with, which
we will cover in the following module, Tony’s motivation transformed into self-
motivation, which allowed him to correct his course and further develop in his post.
Tony did get a replacement, but he did not lose his job. Instead, he got a new boss
after which he made a conscious choice to stay on another year, engaging with and
embracing the situation. He had transformed de-motivation and propelled it into self-

Regardless of our modern societies, one of the most inhibiting factors facing
individuals reaching their goals is de-motivation. When we are young, motivation may
appear in abundance, yet as we mature, self-motivation, along with life’s dreams and
desires, becomes an uphill struggle. On occasions, some may self-reflect, asking
why? But after a few frustrating self-questioning mind sessions, the issue is passed
over and life continues. Others may seek motivational inspiration, yet this too appears
to be a temporary fix. Whilst this may appear natural part of life, it is not. As this
gravitates unconsciously into de-motivation, the knock-on effects can be and often are
catastrophic. Loss of interest, stress, absenteeism, low self-worth, depression and
even addictions take root. However, as modern science is developing at an incredible
rate, all is not lost. Though, as most of these do not tackle core issues, we are not
advocating traditional methods of motivating,.

This section deals with transforming the raw core energy of motivation from de-
motivation into self-motivation. Once de-motivation is freed up and transformed into
self-motivation, life is more effortless, frustrations diminish and inner goals are easily
achievable. However, to get the best from motivation and develop the ability to
transform de-motivation into self-motivation, we need to understand a little of the
mechanics so we can influence and change the dynamics.

In its birthing/resting place, like all of our human energy, motivation is just that –
“motivation”. It is neither positive nor negative, and like all raw energy, it has no
polarity. Human suggestion deters positive and negative, good and bad; yet like all
energy, it has no polarity until directed. “Motivation” is neither negative nor positive. It
is just the raw energy. Science call it E=MC2.

E=MC2 is the famous Einstein equation for all energy and matter in the universe.
However, without getting too technical, E=MC2 makes up motivation, E=MC2 makes
up de-motivation, and E=MC2 makes up self-motivation. Yes, it is the same energy
transforming one way or the other. Not positive or negative, just left or right, up or
down, etc. In other words, whichever way your inner pendulum swings is entirely
dependent upon your internal dynamics. It may also surprise you to know that de-
motivation is not the lack of motivation; in fact it is still the energy of motivation
operating in its opposite polarity. As in the case of Tony, he only became aware of his
de-motivation through negative feelings and physical tiredness. Whether motivation is
transformed and expressed as de-motivation or self-motivation is entirely dependent
upon one’s own internal relationship between the desire, goal, or outcome in

Similar to other polarities, like hot and cold water, it is still water no matter what. Its
properties, i.e. hot or cold, determine what the water can be used for. The same goes
for our human energy. It is E=MC2 and can be transformed into whatever, whenever,
even back and forth. Though, know that right now you are not naturally conscious of
directing this energy and it is all going on behind the scenes. Nevertheless,
motivation, like water, is in constant flux and does not remain still. It is either
gravitating towards one pole, that we understand to be de-motivation, or the other –
which we understand to be self-motivation.

Over time and perhaps as a reference point only, Western education has developed
self-motivation and de-motivation into positive and negative traits. But, as stated
above, this is not the case. While it’s true that the energy of motivation, like all energy,
operates on a electromagnetic vibrational frequency, in its raw format, i.e. not
negative de-motivation, not positive self-motivation, it is still just the raw energy of
motivation that is awaiting instruction.

One might be self-motivated to avoid, but the reality is that it is neither positive nor
negative. What tricks us into believing the positive or negative connotations are the
attributed, educated and conditioned outcomes. As an example, let’s assume a man
named Jack avoids going to the gymnasium because he feels what he thinks is “the
lack of motivation”. Consciously he may “feel” the self-talk of, “I want to go but I cant
be bothered, or “I don’t have time”, yet unbeknown to him, his motivating energy is
actually in full swing. Like Tony, Jack has been unconsciously motivated towards the
pole of de-motivation. Whilst this appears to be complex, it is not. Underneath the
surface, the 80/20 rule of consciousness is in operation and at some level, the 80%
unconscious is directing his motivating E=MC2 energy towards its opposing pole,
which is creating an outward appearance of de-motivation. However, behind de-
motivation – which is actually just “motivation” – he is being directed to avoid that
which he consciously desires simply because his unconsciousness is perceiving a
bigger picture. Tony is avoiding embracing contact with the Chinese because he fears
the outcome – not understanding and not being understood – while Jack is also being
directed to avoid the gymnasium because the unconscious part of him already knows
it would consciously make him feel worse. Because his overall consciousness knows
this already, it seamlessly creates a diversion from a series of intentional unconscious
impulses. In other words, the negative feeling the idea gives him, his de-motivating
energy, which he is partially conscious of, is actually unconscious self-motivating
energy, propelling him to avoid and protect from that which would consciously make
him feel bad. If Jack did go to the gym, it is most likely he would feel unhappy about
himself as his thoughts and feelings towards the gym hold deeper negatives. If Tony
engaged with the Chinese, it would raise his own inner inadequacies and also make
himself feel a low sense of self-worth. So in essence, motivation is doing its job; it just
cannot differentiate between de-motivation and self-motivation. In fact it goes further.
It is merely carrying out a programmed script, much like a computer. Rooted
somewhere in past experiences, though not necessarily as far back as childhood, are
choices formed by experiences that form beliefs, perhaps intention through
unconscious intention. The end result is that for Jack, the gym equals negativity and
for Tony, stepping outside his comfort zone triggers unconscious anxiety. They may or
may not have been conscious of this, yet as energy directs itself towards its
vibrational match, either way is irrelevant. The relevance being, most of reality – as
much as 80% – is going on unconsciously. To change this, one MUST first become
conscious of that which they were not previously conscious of. This is how one can
create change.

There is a simplicity to the 80/20 rule of consciousness. We are approximately 80%

unconscious and unaware of our entire selves. This means tasks like walking, talking,
sleeping, eating, past experiences, why and how we do what we do, who, why and
what we are, etc, are all going on behind the scenes. This means that 80% of reality
is going on away from one’s immediate awareness, and what we are consciously left
with is around 20%.

Without going too deep, for Jack and Tony to transform de-motivation into self-
motivation, they first must take on the task and become 100% responsible for this
transformational process. This is not a joke, nor is it a theory. This is how it works.
This is how consciousness expands itself, but first you must understand that you my
friend are it. You are the sum total of your own consciousness. Whether you are
aware, unaware, unconscious, subconscious, or conscious, you are the sum total of
all that awareness/consciousness in one.

For Jack, Tony and anyone else desiring to transform de-motivation into self-
motivation, there is a process. This process is simple, though it is the dynamics from
the mechanics that present the challenge. It’s a little like taking on the task of flying a
plane. While that might appear daunting, it is no more than a child setting out to learn
ride a bicycle.

Step 1
Jack and Tony must both curiously question their de-motivation. They must
genuinely ask themselves similar questions. For Jack: “Why he does not want to go to
the gym?” For Tony: “why does he not desire to engage with new cultures?” However
if he is asking because the words written here are prompting him to ask, there will be
no change. If there is no underlying intention to charge the change, the unintentional
deflector will remain. It is important to know that whether consciously or
unconsciously intended, intention remains just that: intention. However, it is not the
same intention that standard education teaches, what we are talking about here is
underlying intention. To give an example, one might intend to do one thing, while in
reality the outcome was different yet appeared unintentional. Again, like motivation, it
is E=MC2 awaiting instruction, but because of the 80/20 rule of consciousness, most
intention is created by the unconscious aspect of the self. To change this, by way of
direct intention, Jack and Tony must consciously command their minds to go off and
find the reason as to why Jack does not want to go to the gym, and why Tony does
not desire to embrace new cultures. They must consciously engage with their inner
selves, giving simple but direct instructions. However, this is not the same as loosely
asking the inner self, and then getting on with one’s day. No, for Jack, Tony and
anyone else, the process is the same: “direct, focused, conscious, intention”. Yet if
this section fails, it is because the underlying intention is not aligned towards desiring
the answer. To override any potential failure, it must be “direct, focused, conscious,
intent”. They do not need hypnotherapy or meditation; they just need to be creating
the intentional impulse and this is best achieved with a mindset as though your life
depended upon it, because in truth, it does. When they genuinely and truly seek from
the centre of themselves, consciousness will without doubt respond. Yet they must
both be in a place to hear their own truth, and in truth, this is what we most avoid.
They must be prepared to accept and “feel” the feedback, because this is what their
unconsciousness has been protecting him from. They must allow belief to exist, yet
also allow a change of mindset, because conscious commands are and have been
the only route to change. Whether that consciousness is conscious or unconscious is
dependent upon one’s own development.

Step 2
“Sit back and listen” – Though if Jack and Tony are average human beings,
initially their systems will resist and most likely produce very little to zero. This is not a
disclaimer or excuse; resistance is a large part of being human, and will be
unconsciously working on Jack and Tony’s behalf. May I repeat again, the key is to
raise to the conscious mind that which one was previously unconscious to, otherwise
no change will happen. An immediate question might be, how do you know what you
are unconscious of? Initially you don’t. What you are instructing your overall
consciousness to do is for the 80% unconscious to interact with the 20% conscious
self. These are the dynamics of electromagnetics, but we will cover that later. Also
know that this does not work on beliefs, so regardless of one’s beliefs, this will still

It’s a little like cat and mouse. Jack’s, Tony’s, and everyone else’s consciousness is
used to the commands from their unconscious world, and it is programmed to resist
all other commands. This is why the average human being is not naturally
comfortable being told what to do. It is also why conscious commands take so long to
overlay. However, there is a short cut, though it is not really a short cut because it is
direct access to one’s control centre, or overall consciousness.

So, first step is curious questioning, second step is to command one’s conscious
self to go off and find the issues, then sit back.

Step 3
Without a time frame in mind, observe what comes into the conscious mind,
connecting relevant feelings. For Jack, he may have asked his conscious mind to go
off and seek the issue why he feels de-motivated about going to the gym, yet his de-
motivation may have no connection to a gym whatsoever. For Tony, his core issue
bears little relation towards new cultures – these are just the triggers. What is
important is how Jack would feel if he went to the gym. Would he feel inadequate,
low-self esteem or unworthy? And how would Tony feel engaging and embracing new
cultures? Would he feel vulnerable, powerless, less than adequate? There could be a
whole host of factors, one or more than one. But we should be certain, there are
underlying issues preventing Jack and Tony from feeling self-motivation. This is such
an important section because the resistance talked of above will be working double
time to prevent both Jack and Tony from reaching their issues. Like a bodybuilder
goes through the pain of resistance to carve out a beautiful body, Jack, Tony and
anyone else must do the same with their overall consciousness, (this has been
proven over and over again). Though we will talk about resistance later, it is
reasonable to prepare for natural turbulence when undertaking this transitional
If this exercise is performed and the results appear poor, please go to the section of
resistance before you can continue.

Step 4
Assuming there is little to no resistance, Jack and Tony’s consciousness will start
to feed them with feelings and perhaps pictures associated with previous experiences
pertaining to the issue in question. For example, Jack might feel inadequate about his
body, and this could have been a purely harmless, unintentional past experience that
was perceived by Jack as a “contraction”. Tony may feel powerless and vulnerable
when he is faced with situations he does not immediately understand. In either case,
the easiest option is always to avoid, i.e. resistance. As we live in a world of polarity,
the term contraction refers to the opposing pole of acceptance. With all experiences,
situations and circumstances, one is either “expanding” or “contracting”. There is no in
between and the pendulum must swing one way or the other. Like motivation and
intention, raw energy is E=MC2 and according to modern science, it is the same
energy used for all that exists in the universe. As consciousness does not remain
static, it must resonate with its matching electromagnetic vibration. Perceive
something as good for you and your energy system is expanding. Perceive something
as not good for you, and your energy system is contracting. Better understood,
expansion means a higher electromagnetic vibrational frequency, contracting means
a lower electromagnetic vibrational frequency. These will be covered later, though for
now know that electromagnetic vibrational frequencies are in mainstream science and
are measurable with portable apparatus.

Step 5
Jack must seek out and “feel” the connecting thought/feeling/experiences that
reflect those he would feel if he were to go to the gym. Tony must engage in the
same. From here on, they may not feel good, and they may not desire to feel them,
but if they are to free de-motivation, they must once more consciously relive, pass
through and allow these past experiences to be released. This is not willy-nilly
acceptance; it is acceptance with understanding, which nullifies resistance.
Remaining in layman’s terms, resistance creates a contracting electromagnetic
frequency, whereas acceptance creates a corresponding expanding frequency. To
release them, they must first recognise them with their conscious minds, accept fully
that they made an associated energy pattern that has embedded itself as an
unconscious action, and allow the experience to be just that: an experience. Because
both Jack and Tony had an old experience in life, one that they may not have
remembered having, their overall consciousness at that time made a decision based
on its own capacity. It may not have been the most productive decision, but
nevertheless, it was a decision on what to do and where to direct their energy of

Jack and Tony’s negative experience pulled motivation as a tool into using it to avoid
same or similar situations. The paradox being, Jack’s and Tony’s systems used
motivation to avoid unpleasant future experiences; it is education that labelled
motivation into de-motivation. No matter what the actual life experience is, if it is going
to generate anything like the original perceived “feeling” then this motivating energy is
diverted into de-motivating energy in order to keep them from it. Now you can see it is
neither self-motivating, nor de-motivating energy until it has an instruction, and this
instruction must be in the form of a perceived experience. They cannot muster self-
motivation until the de-motivating experience, or experiences, are consciously
released. Only then can the same energy be used for self-motivation. This is the
process of transformation of de-motivation into self-motivation.

However, there is also a difference between self-motivation and motivation in its raw
state, E=MC2. If like Jack and Tony you have encountered a lifetime of accumulated
negative experiences, then self-motivation is not a one-time releasing process.
Though the good news is that once all de-motivating energy experiences are
released, self-motivation will naturally flow. This is not the same as positive
motivators, affirmations, or any kind of positive pep talks. No, that is not addressing
the roots and in my opinion, it is merely overlaying and compounding the issue. If the
root is not weeded out, then self-motivation is like pushing a rock up a hill and
becomes almost impossible to sustain. Yet we should also know that once the de-
motivators are released, motivation will not automatically flow towards self-motivation;
it first requires instructions to direct it to what will become a perceived, innate, natural
flow. This can only be achieved when de-motivating factors do not take precedent
over the motivating energy. However, once the de-motivator is released, both Jack
and Tony are required to tap into and begin to unashamedly focus on their dreams
and desires. Instead of Jack consciously or unconsciously telling himself “I don’t want
to go to the gym”, this will become absent, so it is vital he replaces the gap with a

When he installs a desire, as there is no negative driver, this is not a positive

overlay, yet like the voice of negativity, the desired goal requires an intentional
impression, until the unconscious adopts it. The unconscious self will adopt it because
it has no preferential likes or dislikes, positive or negative. Tony must do the same –
though we will cover this next in “installing self-motivation” – for now, let’s just recap
on the process so far.
1 – With curiosity, consciously question the issue

2 – Sit back and listen

3 – Observe what comes up

4 – Connect to the core feeling

5 – Allow the original experience to be felt, experienced once more – that is the

Prior to Installing Self-Motivation

A crucial element into transforming de-motivation into self-motivation is the full
release of impacting core issues. Quite often one might assume they have released
all core issues, yet still lack self-motivation. This is because there are without doubt
remaining buried core issues. There is a simple test. If you do not experience self-
supercharging, core self-motivation, then be sure, deeply buried energies remain.
Advice would always be to seek out a highly skilled “transpersonal consciousness
mentoring psychologist”. Not a clinical or cognitive psychologist, not a hypnotherapist,
not a counsellor, but a “transpersonal consciousness mentoring psychologist”. If you
so require, please contact MorganRen at and we will be happy
to advise you on a personal or professional path.

Installing self-motivation is not as challenging as releasing de-motivation. Allow me to

reiterate once more that the key to utilising self-motivation lies in the release of de-
motivation. No matter how much Jack or Tony try to short cut the system and move to
installing self-motivation, this does not work. As the energy of motivation is being
used for de-motivation, it is a fruitless path of overlaying. It’s a little like putting fresh
flowers onto a compost heap; quickly the compost gains precedent and will rot the
fresh flowers.

Installing Self-Motivation
Assuming de-motivation has been dealt with and released, the process of
installing self-motivation must also be a conscious action, otherwise the whole
process is comparable to a candle blowing in the wind. Motivation, which is E=MC2 –
raw human energy – can be easily directed with consciousness. Whether conscious
or unconscious, consciousness is being influenced and directing energy to its
corresponding resonator. Like motivation and other human energies, polarities matter
not as consciousness operates unconsciously or consciously of your awareness.
They key to change is to become conscious of that which you were not previously
conscious of in order to direct your own energy. Otherwise, it is likened to that candle
in the wind and energy is being directed unconsciously. Unconsciously directed
energy is often referred to as “unintentional creations” or “life being a series of

Consciousness is covered later, though for now let’s that assume de-motivation
has been released and you are now conscious that self-motivation requires
installation. There should not be too much difficulty in tapping into your desires,
because once core drivers are removed, desires naturally come forward. In the case
of Jack, he desired a better physique. In the case of Tony, he desired to be
successful. Both were not conscious that their core energies of desire were not a
great physique or material success, but were in fact founded upon a “feeling”. They
both desired to create a “feeling” of well-being, a feeling of achievement, which in turn
contributes to a heightening in self-worth. Their ultimate goal is inner satisfaction and
it is their motivation transformed from de-motivation into self-motivation that propels
them towards their goal. Like de-motivation, self-motivation will create triggers that
carry “motivation” towards its ultimate destination. Now, these triggers are not
founded upon fear as there is no resistance preventing them from happening and
they will not gravitate towards de-motivation. However, because Jack and Tony have
memories, even once the core energy of de-motivation is released the associated
memory remains. This is in the form of a physical neuron which will still fire off a knee-
jerk impulse, until in time it depletes. When there is no corresponding “negatively
charged” core experience attracting motivation towards de-motivation, it is in its
primary state of awaiting instruction.

This is a challenging aspect of the process, for Jack and Tony must now
consciously focus, and remind their consciousness to continually focus on their
ultimate goal. Regardless of the individual, this requires PHYSICAL ACTION. Jack,
Tony and anyone else wishing to use their motivating energy as self-motivation must
formulate an action plan. This can be in the form if writing it down, goal plan setting,
recording and mp3, or as in the case of Tony, recording an amateur film using a
mobile telephone, then replaying and replaying, over and over, reminding himself or
his own desires. In this era of technology, this is a highly effective way of subliminal
self-programming. It requires effort, discipline and self-control, but no more than to
read the daily news. Statistics tell us that the general rule of thumb for subliminal
programming can be as quick as instant, to as long as 28 days. Nevertheless, make
no mistake that, if you swim in the sea you will get wet. Likewise, know that what you
put into your mind will directly impact you. This is it, this is how it works and there is
no other known way. It is accepting responsibility for your own overall and totality of
consciousness, then guiding that consciousness, consciously.

While written words appear easy, there is an understanding that application in

reality is somewhat more challenging. Yet this conclusively works. Initially, focusing on
desires is alien to the system, but over time a new neuron will develop and grow. It is
like feeding a seedling: there is little benefit starting it off, then expecting it to develop
all on its own. As you know, even when set in fertile soil, left alone, a seedling can
quickly wither and die. Neurons are the same and you must feed that neuron with
desired images, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch, until it becomes rooted. Eventually
the critical point of balance will swing motivation in favour of self-motivation. This may
not be noticeable at first, yet just as de-motivation established itself, it is impossible
for self-motivation not to establish itself too. The main difference is the removal of the
core issue or issues attracting and holding de-motivation, and consciously nurturing
the dynamics in order to create the desired outcome.

Allow me to state again that this is NOT positive pep talking, or traditional
subconscious overlaying, indeed, because we are dealing with the root, there is no
overlay. If we do not deal with the root cause, the root energy, then yes, it is simply
trying to install one program over another. Yet as the core energy is further
suppressed, this does not and never has worked. The key is the core, and the core
energy must be rooted out, dug up, and released. Only then will de-motivation
transform into self-motivation.


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