Degasser Internals - XXS - Flow Regime - Calc
Degasser Internals - XXS - Flow Regime - Calc
Degasser Internals - XXS - Flow Regime - Calc
Document Description:
Process Design Procedure
Use the nominal RT (Residence Time) for the Degasser (vertical or horizontal) operating at 60% NLL
fitted with a LCV to overboard discharge or pump. The vessel should have a built-in oil overflow skimmer
Where the oily reject from the hydrocyclones is also flowing to this oil skimmer bucket, larger flow
capacity is required, so a horizontal Degasser Vessel should be used with say 10 min nominal RT
Reject Oil holdup and fitted with HI/LO level switches set at 10% and 50% levels operating a recycle
These figures are for guidance only and calculations should be performed for each application.
Degasser Internals
Page 1
Flow should ideally be arranged in a cascade style, to ensure the path to the water outlet is as long as
possible from the oily water entry point.
Inlet devices should tru to cause minimum surface disturbance, taking the liquid below the surface and
allowing gas to escape above. This means a simple inlet dip pipe arrangement can be used (or a
cyclone), followed by a distributor.
Mist eliminators are not generally required due to the low gas load.
Oil skimming is done via a fixed weir. This may be fitted with a central adjustable section for added
flexibility. Oil quality is not important from these vessels, but water quality should meet the necessary
This is an uncontrolled document. See Lotus Notes DocMan system for master.20/01/2004 Page 2