Ben-Porath - Paper Capital Humano
Ben-Porath - Paper Capital Humano
Ben-Porath - Paper Capital Humano
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Journal of Political Economy.
University of Chicago
Actual, or observed, earnings turn out to maximize the discounted value of any
be always lower, to change faster, and to time t of disposable earnings (defined
peak at a later age than the attainable below) from t to T, where T is assumed
maximum, the earning capacity of the with certainty to be the end of life.
individual. The reverse is true of the b) Given the optimal time path of dis-
relation between observed earnings and posable earnings, the individual decides
earnings net of all investment costs: the on the timing of the consumption. This
former are always higher, change slower, is the point of departure of the life-cycle
and peak at an earlier date than the theories of consumption, which take the
latter. The model thus specifies the stream of earnings as given and explain
nature of the bias that may exist when consumption as dependent upon it.
earnings are used, as they often have The stock of human capital is defined
been, to infer changes in productive as a concept analogous to "machines" in
capacity with age. the case of tangible capital. There is a
market in which the services of human
capital are traded, and a rental, ao, is
In addition to the assumptions incor- determined for the services of a unit of
porated in the production function, to human capital, K, per unit of time. The
be discussed later, I assume: sum of the services offered in the market
1. Individual utility is not a function by various individuals is an input into
of activities involving time as an input. the production of other goods and serv-
2. There is a fixed amount of time to ices. It may well have a diminishing mar-
be allocated every period to activities ginal productivity, which will cause
that produce earnings and additions to a downward-sloping aggregate demand
the stock of human capital. curve for the services of human capital.
3. The stock of human capital, K, of Each individual is assumed, however,
which every individual has some initial to possess only a small fraction of the
endowment, is homogeneous and subject total homogeneous stock of human cap-
to an exogenously given rate of deterio- ital in the economy and is regarded as a
ration, 3. perfect competitor facing a given rental
4. The stock of human capital is not ao, which is independent of the volume
an argument in the individual's utility of services that he offers in the market.
function. Earning capacity at time t, Yt, is there-
5. Unlimited borrowing and lending fore the maximum services of human
take place at a constant rate of interest, capital the individual can offer in the
r. market valued by the rental ao.
The first two assumptions express the
Yt = aoKt.(1
fact that leisure is ignored in this analy-
sis. In conjunction with the other as- Let Et be disposable earnings in period
sumptions they allow the partition of it-the portion of current earnings dis-
the individual's decision-making into posable for purposes of consumption or
two stages: the purchase of non-human assets. It
a) The individual allocates the given may be smaller than earning capacity if
periods of time between earning and pro- the individual engages in production of
ducing human capital and finds the cor- human capital; other uses for time are
responding outlays on investment that excluded by assumption. The difference
(Y, - Et) is the cost of investment It; (2) and ignoring (3), we get (6) as a
it depends on the production function condition for a minimum of (5):
and on input prices. aosKt 1 6
Let (2) be the production function of PdDt f2(
human capital:
(2) From (2) and (6) substituted into (5) we
Qt= 0( sKt)P1DO2,
get investment costs as function of out-
where Al, 12 > 0 an d 31 + /2 < 1; Q is
the flow of human capital produced. D is f1 + 032 (lPd\ 2'(01+2)
the quantity of purchased inputs, the it=
t ao? )
01 #2a0 (7)
price of which is denoted by Pd; St is the
fraction of the available stock of human
capital allocated to the production of
human capital, so that stKt is the quan- The objective of the individual at any
tity of human capital allocated for the time t is to maximize the present value
purpose. If activities are not "mixed," of his disposable earnings:
that is, if there is no joint production of T
and more, so that 0 < s < 1 and the the market so that no earnings are real-
services of human capital are truly a ized. Using conventional tools, we shall
variable factor. (iii) The stock of capital first analyze the later phases in which
is too big so that the optimal policy s < 1 and then shall return to discuss
requiresmore disinvestment than is fea- the first.
sible through deterioration, that is, to Differentiating (7) with respect to Q
produce negative quantities of human we get (9), the marginal cost of produc-
capital. Here st is constrained by its ing human capital; it is a rising function
lower bound.2 of the quantity produced starting from
The first phase is by definitiona period the origin and is independent of the size
of the existing stock of capital of the in-
in which no human capital is allocated to
2 In terms of the techniques developed by Pon-
tryagin et al., the maximization of (8) subject to (2), =
9 2(_1?#2)
(3), and (4) involves the maximization of the Hamil- 00i3 0y32ao/ (9)
tonian (Qt It1/(t6+02) -
00 02/ 19112
(t =00 )(01+i2)/(l-i,-iO) 0j2ao [ I1-e -(r+b)( T- t) ] (102/ -1112
Q-j -lPde 11)
= NE1 - e (r+S)( T-0)(8i+ft2)/(1-flif2) ?0
The production of human capital, Q, in ao, the price of the services of human
the gross additions to the stock, are al- capital, do not affect the quantity pro-
ways positive except when t = T. At duced. The obvious reason is that in this
the date of compulsory retirement, T, case, when the services of human capital
the human capital loses its value, P(T) are the only input, a rise in ao raises mar-
= 0 (see eq. [10]). No production is un- ginal cost by exactly the same amount
dertaken at period T, and the stock of that it raises the value of a unit of human
human capital is reduced by sK (see eq. capital. Needless to say, all this discus-
[3]). The point I = T lies in the third sion refers to alternative stationary price
phase. The reason why only this point levels when the current prices are ex-
lies in this phase is that for any earlier pected to prevail throughout the indi-
age, t < T, the demand price of human vidual's lifetime. Qt is larger the larger
capital is positive, and the fact that the the parameters of the production func-
marginal cost curve starts from the origin tion Oo, A1, 02; the greater the length of
insures that some positive quantity will economic life T; and the lower the rate
always be produced. This would be true of deterioration, which has exactly the
of any production function homogeneous same effect as the rate of interest.
of a degree less than 1 in these inputs. As t rises, the flow of Q produced de-
clines, as indicated by (12), the deriva-
MC tive of Q with respect to t:
Q = 1-A1-
- e-(r+5)( T-t) ] [(IIl-)/(1O2)I1 ( 1 2)
.: "P4
X e(r+5)(T[-(r-+t ) 1? 0
What we have here is a marginal cost
Q4 Q3"Q1 curve as a function of Q starting from
the origin and remaining stationary
FIG. 1
through time, and a perfectly elastic
The market prices that enter into the demand curve which slides down with
determination of the optimal production time, thus creating a pattern of positive
of human capital Q are: r, the rate of but declining optimal quantities of Q to
interest; ao, the rental on human capital; be produced (Fig. 1). If the horizon were
and Pd, the price of purchased inputs. infinite, the demand curve would not
Differentiating (11) with respect to these slide down, and there would be at this
shows that Q varies inversely with the phase one stationary rate of production
rate of interest and with the price of of human capital (given by N in eq. [11}).
purchase inputs and directly with the Note that we are saying something about
rental on human capital. It is, however, the gross additions to stock of human
only the ratio between the last two that capital but not about the net additions,
is important. The elasticity of Q with which depend also on the rate of depre-
respect to the relative price ao/Pa is 32/ ciation and the size of the existing stock.
(1 - /1 - 12)- When 12 = 0, that is, If the initial stock is very high, net addi-
when purchased inputs do not enter into tions may be negative from an early age.
the production of human capital, changes If we think of the normal case as one
where the capital stock does rise over a capacity. The existence of a downturn in
period, eventually as gross additions be- observed earnings is here only a conse-
come very small and the stock becomes quence of depreciation (recall that inter-
large this must be reversed, and toward actions with "leisure" are excluded by
the end of life, T, the stock will decline, assumption). If depreciation is zero,
if there is any deterioration. there is always, except at T, an increase
What are the implications of this pat- in the three types of earnings, and at
tern of investment for the life cycle of each point in time their rank by rate of
earnings? Disposable earnings were de- change will be the reverse of their rank
fined as the difference between earning by level.
capacity and investment outlays; their From the second derivative of ob-
rate of change over time is given by (13). served earnings with respect to time (16),
we learn more about the shape of the
E1t-aoKt-It . (13) life cycle of earnings:
Let us define "observed earnings" E i (+ 3)AICt 01
market (14).
| 1 - 1 e- (r+b) (T+t)0 16 )
flt::-:aoKt- AIt (14)
- ao6Qt + aoa2Kt
They are larger than disposable earnings
by the direct costs PdD and smaller than If there is no deterioration, that is, a = 0,
earning capacity by foregone earnings. the ever rising curve of observed earnings
Their rate of change over time is given is always concave from below. This is al-
by (15). so true of the rising portion of the curve
when a > 0. If /1 + 02 > 2, there will be
?aokt - - It = aoQt a certain range in the vicinity of t = T
(15) where the curve is convex from below.4
- +:-(AICt)Qt-aobKt All these qualitative results hold for any
production function homogeneous of a
I is always negative (except when t = degree smaller than 1 in sK and in D.
T), so that the change in observed earn- 'Q is negative, and the term in braces is positive:
from the equality between (11) and (12)
ings is always algebraically larger than
the change in earning capacity and
ao= Arc.
smaller than the change in disposable I1- e-(r+b)( T-0)Al
The preceding discussion relates to the ules independent of the future levels of
phase where the optimal s, the fraction Q, here only a complete, dynamic pro-
of human capital or time allocated to the gram in which the effects of present ac-
production of human capital, is small- tions on future condition are explicitly
er than 1. As indicated before, the maxi- taken into account will generate an opti-
mization of (8) may, however, require mal path of investment.
that there will be a phase of complete Phase (i) is identified by the absence
specialization in the production of human of earnings. Another distinguishing char-
capital in which s = 1 and the size of acteristic of this phase is that the relaxa-
the stock is an effective constraint. tion of the constraint Kt which lowers
Movement along the marginal cost the marginal cost curve may induce a
curve (7) by increasing Q implies an in- pattern of increasing investment with
crease in the required sK. Once s = 1 is age, both through the allocation of the
reached, larger rates of production can be services of a growing stock of human
achieved only by combining more pur- capital for the purpose and through
chased inputs with a fixed flow of serv- higher direct expenditure on D, justified
ices of human capital, thereby increasing by the higher marginal productivity of D
costs at a higher rate than is implied by that the increased K brings about. A
(7). The marginal cost curve described phase of increasing direct costs in the
by (7) is a long-run envelope from which early period when no earnings are real-
steeper marginal cost curves rise up, ized is certainly not inconsistent with
corresponding to alternative levels of the the real world.5
available stock of human capital. When The age t* when the individual enters
people are young the value of a unit of the second phase and leaves the first is
human capital is only negligibly affected of great importance, because this is the
by the finite horizon T, so demand for date at which positive earnings begin to
human capital is relatively high. On the be realized. From the preceding discus-
other hand, the available stock is still sion it should be clear that K(t*) is a de-
small; therefore the marginal cost curve clining function of t*.6 Ko is the initial
rises up from the long-run curve, (7), at endowment of human capital, which,
relatively small output, so that at a young following the definition of K, is propor-
age production is likely to occur at out- tional to the maximum earnings the in-
puts where s = 1. dividual can realize when he "starts."
Note that the demand price given by All other parameters given, the larger
(10) is now only the lower limit of the this initial endowment, the earlier will
true shadow price of human capital. An be the date t* at which specialization
increase in the stock of human capital stops, noting that Ko is an initial endow-
implies a reduction in future costs of pro- ment only in terms of the capacity to
duction of human capital. The precise earn, while we hold constant the capacity
value of this depends on the future 5 An explicit solution of our problem for the case
quantities of Q that will be produced in which 02 = 0 is simple but not interesting. The
between t and t*, the date of transfer interesting aspects of the problem derive from the
from the first to the second phase. While possibility of using purchased inputs.
6 This can be verified by substituting s = 1 into
in phase (ii), where 0 < s < 1, we were
(4'), letting it hold as an equality, and substituting
able to determine the optimal Qt by the into it also the value of Q and Qkusing (2), (5'), and
intersection of demand and supply sched- the solution of (2') referred to in n. 3.
tion of time is that, when K is higher, the If y1 = 7Y2, we get an expression iden-
higher costs of an hour diverted away tical to (2), with yYreplacing 01. If -Yj>
from the market (because of the higher 72, the marginal cost curve is shifting up-
foregone earnings) are exactly matched ward as K increases. This can be viewed
by the greater productivity of time in as a case where time plays an independ-
the production of human capital, so that ent part in the production of human
the marginal cost curve of producing the capital or, more directly, as a case where
latter is independent of the stock of the larger productivity of time in the
human capital in the range where the market indicated by an increase in K is
constraint on s is not effective. not completely matched by a larger pro-
By arguing that in the production of ductivity in the production of human
human capital the services of human capital, so that the cost of the latter in
capital rather than time as such are terms of the former rises. The case where
relevant we gain some analytical sim- 71 = 72 implies, for example, that the
plicity, because beyond the period of more highly educated person is also bet-
complete specialization in the production ter equipped for learning, so that his high-
of human capital the benefits associated er opportunity cost is matched by the
with acquiring a unit of human capital, greater amount of skills that he can ac-
the addition to future disposable earn- quire per hour. If this is not so, then the
situation that we are describing now is
ings, do not depend on the future alloca-
relevant. A limiting case would be one
tion between the market and the produc-
in which human capital does not at all
tion of human capital. This is the reason
affect the ability to produce more human
why the dynamic programing problem capital,
72 = 0.
that was referred to in relation to phase In the basic model considered before,
(i) degenerated into a much simpler de- the decline over time in investment
cision problem in phase (ii). Analytical beyond the period of complete specializa-
convenience is, however, no substitute tion is brought about by the downward
for relevance. In a general production drift, due to the approaching horizon 7'
function both time as such and human of the demand function, along a station-
capital would appear as inputs, and if ary, upward-sloping marginal cost curve.
we consider again the Cobb-Douglas In the situation now described, as K in-
case, s and K may appear with different creases the cost curve shifts upward. In
coefficients. Thus, consider (17): young age, when T - t is large, the
quantitative effect of changes in I on the
Q= o'i' D demand price is small, and the shifts in
= /3oSY172 ( sK)72DO2 ; (17) the cost function may be more important
for changes in investment than in the
0 < Yl Y2,2, < 1 .
downward drift of the demand curve.
T1he corresponding marginal cost curve The role of purchased inputs here is also
is (18): clear-the larger the 02, the smaller the
effect of K on the marginal cost.
MCt = ao (I/ Pd )2/(7+1?2) The other case, in which Y2> -y, also
do71 02 ao cannot be ruled out. Here capital accu-
+ reduces the cost of producing
x Qt mulation
human capital, and it is possible even in
phase (ii) to have a stretch of time over capital finite. One form in which con-
which investment rises rather than de- straint on the rate of investment could
clines (the downward shift in the costs come about is from individual capacity
being more important than the declines limitations solely. Thus, consider the
in demand). The corresponding life cycle case in which (2) 01 + 12 = 1, j 1 > 0,
may then have an early convex portion. and 12 > 0. In every period the available
Eventually the declining marginal pro- stock of human capital Kt is given. Costs
ductivity of K (due to 72 < 1) and the would be constant up to that level of
growing effect of the approaching horizon output which implies s - 1, that is,
T will turn the rise in investment into
a decline, and the life cycle will have the Q (= Pd 01
familiar S-shape.
For larger outputs marginal costs would
B. THE ROLE OF RISING COSTS rise (if 12 > 0) or become infinite (if
With a homogeneous stock of human 12 = 0). In either case, given the nature
capital, the services of which are sold at of the demand for human capital, the
a fixed price in a competitive market, optimum rate of investment would al-
both the determination of a finite de- ways imply a value of 1 or 0 for s > n,
sired stock and the speed in which the the allocation of all the services of the
available stock is adjusted to the desired available stock of human capital either
level depend on the cost of acquiring to the production of human capital or to
human capital. If human capital could the labor market, but not to both. Be-
be acquired at a fixed (or declining) cost cause of the declining demand over time
without limitation, that is, if the supply for human capital, a period of complete
schedule were perfectly elastic or declin- specialization in the production of human
ing, the desired stock would be either capital (phase [i]), if it comes, must pre-
zero or infinite, and the optimal adjust- cede the period of complete specializa-
ment would be instantaneous. In the case tion in market work (phase [iii]). The
of the demand for tangible capital, costs resulting life cycle of (observed) earnings
of adjustment are sometimes introduced would therefore have a portion of zero
to explain investment as a function of earnings and then a jump to some posi-
the interest rate. In the case of the aggre- tive level, which would be stationary in
gate economy, it is the rising cost of in- the absence of depreciation and declining
vestment goods in terms of consumption in its presence.
goods that provides the negative slope Neither this implied life cycle of earn-
of the aggregate demand function of in- ings nor the behavior to which it is re-
vestment (the marginal efficiency of in- lated is supported by what we know of
vestment curve) and a finite rate of in- the real world. The basic model allows
vestment. for an initial period of complete speciali-
The nature of human capital, the fact zation in the production of human cap-
that it has to be produced by the indi- ital and, correspondingly, a period of
vidual, makes for some similarity in the zero observed earnings. But if we assume
considerations involved and provides a that the sum of the production elastici-
natural basis for dealing with the ques- ties of the variable inputs is smaller than
tion of what makes the rate of invest- 1 (01 + 12 in eq. [2] and yl + 12 in
ment and the attained stock of human eq. [17], the more general formulation),
marginal cost rises continuously even pure work and pure learning; jointness is
before the capacity constraint is reached. too prevalent to be excluded. We can
This is the source of the existence of a still think of the individual as being faced
phase (ii), a period in which 0 < s < 1, with a production frontier indicating the
when the individual engages simultane- possible combination of flows of earnings
ously, or alternately, in work in the mar- and of human capital that he can pro-
ket and in the production of his human duce. Movements along this frontier,
capital. (A more complicated functional however, would not necessarily represent
form could have allowed increasing re- shifts between pure activities but, rather,
turns to scale at small outputs and even- represent movement between activities,
tually decreasing returns. This may be each offering a different mix of earnings
more plausible and still would provide and additions to productive capacity.
the eventual check on the rate of invest- Shifts along this frontier are represented
ment.) by the control st, and they may involve
In this framework, where there is not a change in occupations, of jobs within
"automatic" growth in earnings, in- the occupation, or of function with the
crease in earning can come only from the job. The less numerous and close together
allocation of more services of human are these alternative combinations, the
capital to the market. This can be either smaller is the justification for the con-
because of a reduction in what is allo- tinuous differentiable frontier implied by
cated to investment (st) or because of an our formulation. Discontinuities and
increase in the total stock available (K). kinks in this production frontier are
In order for some positive earnings to be translated into kinks and jumps in the
observed there must be some work in the life cycle of earnings. In either case, it
market; in order for earnings to decline is clear that st becomes an empty con-
there must be some investment that cept once it has lost its link with the ob-
either increases from period to period the servable phenomenon of the allocation
total available stock or, by itself declin- of time.
ing, raises the fraction allocated to the
market. The closer the sum of the pro-
duction elasticities of the variable factors
to 1, that is, the closer we get to constant The preceding section clarifies the role
returns to scale in terms of the variable played in this framework by increasing
factors, the more concave is the life cycle costs in the explanation of a gradually
of earnings; the case of constant marginal rising portion in the individual life cycle
cost in which the life cycle of earnings is of earnings. The purpose of the present
a one-step function is the limiting case. section is to show that even within this
Throughout the preceding discussions framework an explanation of cohort life
st has been interpreted as a parameter of cycles of earnings, or of the cross-section
the allocation of time. If there are, how- profile of earnings, can be provided with-
ever, activities in which earnings and out the assumption of rising costs. Thus,
human capital can be jointly produced, assume for simplicity that 02 = 8 = 0
then Stloses this meaning. We have many and /3 = 1. By the argument presented
examples of learning on the job in which in the preceding section, the individual
the time spent on the job cannot be allo- life cycle will be a stepwise function.
cated in any meaningful sense between The marginal (and average) cost of
properties of the production function and 7. The three market prices-the rate
the parameters introduced draw atten- of interest r, the rental on human capital
tion to certain distinctions that have to a0, and the price of purchased inputs Pd
be made when the conglomerate of abili- -affect behavior in the expected way.
ties and external conditions is considered These are the parameters of the models
and the implications of its properties are that public policy can most directly at-
explored. tack. The framework presented here may
3. In discussing the "initial endow- prove convenient for mapping possible
ment" of individuals a different role is effects of public policy and their inter-
played by the initial endowment in terms action with ability factors.
of the ability to earn in the market (K9) 8. Various problems of measurement
and the abilities to produce additions to are implied but not directly discussed.
earning capacity. These consist of the One of these is the relation between the
ability to make efficient use of inputs integral of investment costs, (7), over
purchasable in the market, D (expressed stretches of time and the integral of K,
by Oo and 32), and of one's own time or of Q. The problem of measurement in
(/0, /1, or -y, in [17]). A related issue is this model hinges on the measurability
to what extent the individual, as he in- of st, which is a question about the preva-
creases his human capital, K, also raises lence of activities in which human capital
his efficiency in the production of K (in and earnings are jointly produced. When
eq. [17] this is expressed by the distinc- se is an observable phenomenon of the
tion between 7y, and 72). This question allocation of time, the model becomes
is related to the homogeneity of human operational, but, without it, much is lost.
capital. 9. We have abstracted here from un-
4. The possibility of producing human certainty and from capital rationing two
capital in addition to earnings means important considerations in investment
that the "real output" of the individual in human capital which should be incor-
consists of earnings plus the value of hu- porated in a complete analysis.
man capital produced, when the latter is 10. A natural extension of the two-way
evaluated by its shadow price. This will choice analyzed here between activities
be a measure of by how much total in- producing current earnings and invest-
activity at a given period would affect W. ment in human capital would be to deal
5. Not much has been said of 8, with the three-way choice involving also
the rate of deterioration. Consideration the allocation of time for activities of a
ought to be given to cases where a is consumptive nature, following the ap-
negative rather than positive as assumed proach of Becker (1965).
here and also to the dependence of de- The reader probably does not have to
terioration on the allocation of human be told how simplifying many of the
capital to different activities. assumptions are and how many addi-
6. The horizon T is treated here as tional aspects of investment in human
exogenous. Opening the analysis to in- capital and of the determination of the
clude leisure will, of course, make retire- life cycle of earnings are relevant. The
ment endogenous, but even if T is the main purpose of this paper was to raise
date of death there can be types of in- some more questions rather than provide
vestments that will affect that date. definite answers.
Becker, G. S. "Investment in Human Capital: Friedman, M., and Kuznets, S. Income from
A Theoretic Analysis," J.P.E., LXX, No. 5, Independent Professions. New York: Na-
Part 2 (October, 1962), 9-49. tional Bureau of Economic Research, 1945.
. Human Capital. New York: Columbia Mincer, J. "Investment in Human Capital
Univ. Press (for the National Bureau of and Personal Income Distribution," J.P.E.,
Economic Research), 1964. LXVI, No. 4 (August, 1958), 281-302.
. "A Theory of the Allocation of Time,"
. "On-the-Job Training: Costs, Returns,
Econ. J., Vol. LXXV (September, 1965).
and Some Implications," ibid., LXX, No. 5,
. "Human Capital and the Personal Dis-
tribution of Income: An Analytical Ap- Part 2 (October, 1962), 50-79.
proach." New York: National Bureau of Schultz, T. W. The Economic Value of Educa-
Economic Research, October, 1966 (mimeo- tion. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1963.