Romer 1986
Romer 1986
Romer 1986
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Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth
Paul M. Romer
Universityof Rochester
I. Introduction
Because of its simplicity, the aggregate growth model analyzed by
Ramsey (1928), Cass (1965), and Koopmans (1965) continues to form
the basis for much of the intuition economists have about long-run
growth. The rate of return on investment and the rate of growth of
per capita output are expected to be decreasing functions of the level
of the per capita capital stock. Over time, wage rates and capital-labor
ratios across different countries are expected to converge. Conse-
quently, initial conditions or current disturbances have no long-run
effect on the level of output and consumption. For example, an exog-
This paper is based on work from my dissertation (Romer 1983). An earlier version
of this paper circulated under the title "Externalities and Increasing Returns in Dy-
namic Competitive Analysis.' At various stages I have benefited from comments by
James J. Heckman, Charles M. Kahn, Robert G. King, Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Sergio
Rebelo, Sherwin Rosen, Jose A. Scheinkman (the chairman of my thesis committee),
and the referees. The usual disclaimer applies. I gratefully acknowledge the support of
NSF grant no. SES-8320007 during the completion of this work.
[oudsl of Poldclal Economy, 1986} vol. 94, no. 5J
? 1986 by T he University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-3808/86/9405-0009$01.50
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0.6 -,o
06 -
F-ItJ 1.-Axerage annru 1 compote nd growth rate of per capita GDP in the U~nited
States for the interval 1800- 1839 and fo~r14 subsequent decades. Data are taken from
from Maddison (1979). The sample includes all countries for which
continuous observations on per capita GDP are available starting no
later than 1870. As for the data for the United States graphed in
figure 1, the growth rates used in the test for trend are measured over
decades where possible. The statistic -zrgives the sample estimate of
the probability that, for any two randomly chosen decades, the later
decade has a higher growth rate.
Despite the variability evident from figure 1, the test for trend for
the United States permits the rejection of the null hypothesis of a
nonpositive trend at conventional significance levels. This is true even
though growth over the 4 decades from 1800 to 1839 is treated as a
single observation. However, rejection of the null hypothesis depends
critically on the use of a sufficiently long data series. If we drop the
observation on growth between 1800 and 1839, the estimate of Xi
drops from .68 to .63 and the p-value increases from .03 to .1 f.3 If we
further restrict attention to the 11 decades from ar 1870 to 1978,
drops to .56 and the p-value increases to .29, 50 it is not surprising that
studies that focus on the period since 1870 tend to emphasize the
' The p-value gives the probability of observing a value of ir at least as large as the
reported value under the null hypothesis that the true probability is .5.
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Date of
First Number of
Observation Observations Ir p-Value
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growth for the world economy is evident starting in the last part of the
1800s and continuing to the present. This general pattern is inter-
rupted by a significant slowdown during the years between the two
world wars and by a remarkable surge from roughly 1950 to 1973.
Worldwide growth since 1973 has been slow only by comparison with
that surge and appears to have returned to the high rates that pre-
vailed in the period from the late 180Os to 1914.
Although all less developed countries are affected by the worldwide
economy, the effects are not uniform. For our purposes, the key
observation is that those countries with more extensive prior develop-
ment appear to benefit more from periods of rapid worldwide growth
and suffer less during any slowdown. That is, growth rates appear to
be increasing not only as a function of calendar time but also as a
function of the level of development. The observation that more de-
veloped countries appear to grow relatively faster extends to a com-
parison of industrialized versus less developed countries as well. In
the period from 1950 to 1980, when official estimates for GDP are
generally available, Reynolds reports that the median rate of growth
of per capita income for his sample of 41 less developed countries was
2.3 percent, "clearly below the median for the OECD countries for
the same period" (p. 975).
If it is true that growth rates are not negatively correlated with the
level of per capita output or capital, then there should be no tendency
for the dispersion in the (logarithm of the)4 level of per capita income
to decrease over time. There should be no tendency toward conver-
gence. This contradicts a widespread impression that convergence in
this sense has been evident, especially since the Second World War.
Streissler (1979) offers evidence about the source of this impression
and its robustness. For each year from 1950 to 1974, he measures the
variance across countries of the logarithm of the level of per capita
income. In a sample of ex post industrialized countries, those coun-
tries with a level of per capita income of at least $2,700 in 1974, clear
evidence of a decrease in the dispersion over time is apparent. In a
sample of ex ante industrialized countries, countries with a per capital
income of at least $350 in 1950, no evidence of a decrease in the
variance is apparent. The first sample differs from the second be-
cause it includes Japan and excludes Argentina, Chile, Ireland,
Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. As one would expect, truncating the
sample at the end biases the trend toward decreasing dispersion (and
' Examining the dispersion in the logarithm of the level of per capita income, not
dispersion in the level itself, is the correct way to test for convergence in the growth
rates. If the rate of growth were constant across countries that start from different
levels, the dispersion in the logarithm of the levels will stay constant, but dispersion in
the levels will increase.
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guishes the production function used here from the one used in the
models of Arrow, Levhari, and Sheshinski.
The equilibrium for the two-period model is a standard competitive
equilibrium with externalities. Each firm maximizes profits taking K,
the aggregate level of knowledge, as given. Consumers supply part of
their endowment of output goods and all the other factors x to firms
in period 1. With the proceeds, they purchase output goods in period
2. Consumers and firms maximize taking prices as given. As usual,
the assumption that agents treat prices and the aggregate level K as
given could be rationalized in a model with a continuum of agents.
Here, it is treated as the usual approximation for a large but finite
number of agents. Because of the externality, all firms could benefit
from a collusive agreement to invest more in research. Although this
agreement would be Pareto-improving in this model, it cannot be
supported for the same reasons that collusive agreements fail in mod-
els without externalities. Each firm would have an incentive to shirk,
not investing its share of output in research. Even if all existing firms
could be compelled to comply, for example, by an economywide mer-
ger, new entrants would still be able to free-ride and undermine the
Because of the assumed homogeneity of F with respect to factors
that receive compensation, profits for firms will be zero and the scale
and number of firms will be indeterminate. Consequently, we can
simplify the notation by restricting attention to an equilibrium in
which the number of firms, N, equals the number of consumers, S.
Then per firm and per capita values coincide. Assuming that all firms
operate at the same level of output, we can omit firm-specific sub-
Let x denote the per capita (and per firm) endowment of the fac-
tors that cannot be augmented; let e denote the per capita endowment
of the output good in period 1. To calculate an equilibrium, define a
family of restricted maximization problems indexed by K:
P(K): max U(cI, c2)
subject to cl c e - ke
C2 < F(k, K, x),
x c x
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in the economy be consistent with the level that is assumed when firms
make production decisions. If we define a function r: RJR. R that
sends K into S times the value of k that achieves the maximum for the
problem P(K), this suggests fixed points of r as candidates for equilib-
To see that any fixed point K* of r can indeed be supported as a
competitive equilibrium, observe that P(K*) is a concave maximization
problem with solution k* = K*IS, cl -e - k*, and c = F(k*, Sk*, x)*
Since it is concave, standard necessary conditions for concave prob-
lems apply. Let Y denote a Lagrangian for P(K*) with multipliers pl,
P2e and w:
= U(CI, C2) + pi(i - - c1) + p2[F(k, K, X) - C2] + W(I - X).
7 Here, D denotes a derivative, Di the partial derivative with respect to the ith ar-
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V. Infinite-Horizon Growth
A. Descriptionof the Model
The analysis of the infinite-horizon growth model in continuous time
proceeds exactly as in the two-period example above. Individual firms
are assumed to have technologies that depend on a path K(t), t ? 0,
for aggregate knowledge. For an arbitrary path K, we can consider an
artificial planning problem PO(K) that maximizes the utility of a repre-
sentative consumer subject to the technology implied by the path K.
Assume that preferences over the single consumption good take the
usual additively separable, discounted form, f U(c(t))e - 8bdt with 8 >
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0. The function U is defined over the positive real numbers and can
have U(O) equal to a finite number or to - x, for example, when U(c)
= ln(c). Following the notation from the last section, let F(k(t), K(t),
x(t)) denote the instantaneous rate of output for a firm as a function
of firm-specific knowledge at time t, economywide aggregate knowl-
edge at time t, and the level of all other inputs at t. As before, we will
assume that all agents take prices as given and that firms take the
aggregate path for knowledge as given.
Additional knowledge can be produced by forgoing current con-
sumption, but the trade-off is no longer assumed to be one-for-one.
By investing an amount I of forgone consumption in research, a firm
with a current stock of private knowledge k induces a rate of growth k
= G(I, k). The function G is assumed to be concave and homogeneous
of degree one; the accumulation equation can therefore be rewritten
in terms of proportional rates of growth, ilk / g(Ilk), with g(y) = G(y,
1). A crucial additional assumption is that g is bounded from above by
a constant ct. This imposes a strong form of diminishing returns in
research. Given the private stock of knowledge, the marginal product
of additional investment in research, Dg, falls so rapidly that g is
bounded. An inessential but natural assumption is that g is bounded
from below by the value g(O) = 0. Knowledge does not depreciate, so
zero research implies zero change in k; moreover, existing knowledge
cannot be converted back into consumption goods. As a normaliza-
tion to fix the units of knowledge, we can specify that Dg(O) = 1; one
unit of knowledge is the amount that would be produced by investing
one unit of consumption goods at an arbitrarily slow rate.
Assume as before that factors other than knowledge are in fixed
supply. This implies that physical capital, labor, and the size of the
population are held constant. If labor were the only other factor in
the model, exponential population growth could be allowed at the
cost of additional notation; but as was emphasized in the discussion of
previous models, a key distinguishing feature of this model is that
population growth is not necessary for unbounded growth in per
capita income. For simplicity it is left out. Allowing for accumulation
of physical capital would be of more interest, but the presence of two
state variables would preclude the simple geometric characterization
of the dynamics that is possible in the case of one state variable. If
knowledge and physical capital are assumed to be used in fixed pro-
portions in production, the variable k(t) can be interpreted as a com-
posite capital good. (This is essentially the approach used by Arrow
[1962] in the learning-by-doing model.) Given increasing marginal
productivity of knowledge, increasing marginal productivity of a
composite k would still be possible if the increasing marginal produc-
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8 See, e.g. Bernstein and Nadiri (1983) for estimates from the chemical industry sug-
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subject to k(t) K C
k(t) k(t)
Note that the only difference between these two problems lies in the
specification of the production function. In the first case, it is convex
and invariant over time. In the second, it is concave but depends on
time through its dependence on the path K(t). I can now state the
theorem that guarantees the existence of solutions to each of these
THEOREM 1. Assume that each of U, f, and g is a continuous real-
valued function defined on a subset of the real line. Assume that U
and g are concave. Suppose that i(k) = f(k, Sk) satisfies a bound 9;(k)
c p. + k' and that g(z) satisfies the bounds 0 ? g(x) c at for real
numbers p., p, and a. Then if tp is less than the discount factor 8, PSC
has a finite-valued solution, and Pcx(K)has a finite-valued solution for
any path K(t) such that K(t) e K(O)eo'.
The proof, given in an appendix available on request, amounts to a
check that the conditions of theorem I in Romer (1986) are satisfied.
Note that if (x is less than 8 the inequality otp< 8 allows for p > 1. Thus
the socially feasible production function i can be globally convex in k,
with a marginal social product and an average social product of
knowled ge that increase without bound.
The analysis of the social planning problem PS3, in terms of a cur-
rent-valued Hamiltonian and a phase plane follows along familiar
lines (see, e.g., Arrow 1967; Cass and Shell 1976a, 1976b). Define H(k,
X) = max, U(c) + X{kg([ (k) - c]lk)}. For simplicity, assume that the
functions U, f, and g are twice continuously differentiable. The first-
order necessary conditions for a path k(t) to be a maximum for PS,
are that there exists a path X(t) such that the system of first-order
differential equations k = D2H(k, K) and A = 8X - D IH(k, A) are
satisfied and that the paths satisfy two boundary conditions: the initial
condition on k and the transversality condition at infinity, lim,
X(t)k(t)e8- = Wt
X)Prosing the necessity of' the transversality condition for a maximization problem
that is not concave takes relatively sophisticated mathematical methods. Ekeland and
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FIG, 2.-Geometry of the phase plane for a typical social optimum. Arrows indicate
directions of trajectories in different sections of the plane. The rate of change of the
stock of knowledge, k, is zero everywhere on or below the locus denoted by k =*O; SO
denotes the socially optimal trajectory that stays everywhere between the lines X = 0
and k = 0.
Scheinkman (1983) prove the necessity of the transversality condition for nonconcave
discrete-time problems. In continuous time, a proof that requires a local Lipschitz
condition is given by Aubin and Clarke (1979).
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larger than k, and for all such k, the A = 0 locus lies above the k = 0
locus. It may be either upward or downward sloping. If 3; were con-
cave and satisfied the usual Inada conditions, i = 0 would cross k = 0
from above and the resulting steady state would be stable in the usual
saddle-point sense. Here, K = 0 may cross k = 0 either from above or
from below. If D9i(k) is everywhere greater than 8, the A = 0 locus lies
everywhere above the k = 0 locus, and k can be taken to be zero.
(This is the case illustrated in fig. 2.) Starting from any initial value
greater than k, the optimal trajectory (K(t), k(t)), t ? 0, must remain
above the region where k = 0. Any trajectory that crosses into this
region can be shown to violate the transversality condition. Conse-
quently, k(t) grows without bound along the optimal trajectory.
This social optimum cannot be supported as a competitive equilib-
rium in the absence of government intervention. Any competitive
firm that takes K(t) as given and is faced with the social marginal
products as competitive prices will choose not to remain at the optimal
quantities even if it expects all other firms to do so. Each firm will face
a private marginal product of knowledge (measured in terms of cur-
rent output goods) equal to D1f; but the true shadow price of capital
will be Dlf + SD2f > Dlf. Given this difference, each firm would
choose to acquire less than the socially optimal amount of knowledge.
10 An explicit proof of this result is given in Romer (1983). The method of proof is
exactly as outlined in the two-period model. A generalized Kuhn-Tucker theorem is
used to derive the necessary conditions that yield shadow prices for the maximization
problems P(K). Suppose K* is a fixed point. If the consumer and the firm are faced
with the shadow prices associated with P4(K*), the sufficient conditions for their max-
imization problems are shown to be satisfied at the quantities that solve P4(K*).
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VI. Examples
To illustrate the range of behavior possible in this kind of model, this
section examines specific functional forms for the utility function U,
the production function f, and the function g describing the research
technology. Because the goal is to reach qualitative conclusions with a
minimum of algebra, the choice of functional form will be guided
primarily by analytical convenience. For the production function, as-
sume thatf takes the form noted above,f(k, K) = kTK7. This is conve-
nient because it implies that the ratio of the private and social mar-
ginal products,
D f(k,_Sk) v
DI f(k, Sk) + SD2f(k, Sk) v + ly
is constant. Nonincreasing private marginal productivity implies that
o< v i 1; increasing social marginal productivity implies that 1 < -y
+ v. With these parameter values, this functional form is reasonable
only for large values of k. For small values of k, the private and social
marginal productivity of knowledge is implausibly small; at k = 0,
they are both zero. This causes no problem provided we take a mod-
erately large initial ko as given. An analysis starting from ko close to
zero would have to use a more complicated (and more reasonable)
functional form forf
Recall that the rate of increase of the stock of knowledge is written
in the homogeneous form k = G(I, k) = kg(JIk), where I is output
minus consumption. The requirements on the concave function g are
the normalization Dg(0) = I and the bound g(Ik) < for all Ilk. An
analytically simple form satisfying these requirements is g(z) = a(
+ z). Recalling that 8 is the discount rate, note that the bound re-
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A. Example I
With this specification of the technology for the economy, we can
readily examine the qualitative behavior of the model for logarithmic
utility U(c) =ln(c). The Hamiltonian can then be written as
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0 1
Fiora 3.-Geometryof the competitive equilibrium for example 1. The line LI is
defined by the equation XA 1/(8 - o)k; t1 and t denote representative trajectories in
the phase plane, CE denotes the competitive equilibrium trajectory, which stays
everywhere between the A0 a(nd k = Oloci; Xo denotes the initial shadow price of
knowledge corresponding to the initial stock of knowledge ko.
B. Example 2
Suppose now that utility is linear, U(c) = c. In the algebra and in the
phase plane for this case, we can ignore the restriction c 0 since it
will not be binding in the region of interest. Maximizing out c from
the Hamiltonian h(k, X, K, c) = c + Xkg((f - c)/k) implies that c = / -
tk(X5 1). Thenf - c is positive (hence k is positive) if and only if
X> 1.
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J ~~~~L2
I I*=o
_0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0 ko
FIG. 4.-Geometry of the competitive equilibrium for example 2. The line L2 is
defined by an equation of the form X = Ak"'Y-'; t, and t2 denote representative
trajectories in the phase plane; CE denotes the competitive equilibrium trajectory that
stays everywhere between L2 and A = 0; X0 denotes the initial shadow price of knowl-
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0 I2
X <
Ao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
0~~~ ko
FIG. 5.-Geometry for the economy in example 2 when an exogenous increase of size
A in the stock of knowledge is known to occur at a time T > 0. The equilibrium
trajectory moves along t, until time T, at which point it is A units to the left of the
trajectory CE. At time T. the economy jumps horizontally to GE with the change in the
capital stock, but the path for A(t) is continuous. The equilibrium then proceeds along
CE. ko denotes the initial shadow price of knowledge in the case in which the exogenous
increase will take place; A0denotes the lower value that obtains in an economy in which
no exogenous increase will take place.
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C. Example 3
The analysis of the previous example suggests a simple multicountry
model with no tendency toward convergence in the level of per capita
output. Suppose each country is modeled as a separate closed econ-
omy of the type in example 2. Thus no trade in goods takes place
among the different countries, and knowledge in one country has
external effects only within that country. Even if all countries started
out with the same initial stock of knowledge, small disturbances could
create permanent differences in the level of per capita output. Since
the rate of growth of the stock of knowledge is increasing over time
toward an asymptotic upper bound, a smaller country s will always
grow less rapidly than a larger country 1. Asymptotically, the rates of
growth (k/k), and (k/k)1will both converge to o, but the ratios k/lk,and
c/ic will be monotonically increasing over time, and the differences
k1(t) - k,(t) and c,(t) - c,(t) will go to infinity.
It is possible to weaken the sharp separation assumed between
countries in this discussion. In particular, neither the absence of trade
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VII. Conclusion
Recent discussions of growth have tended not to emphasize the role
of increasing returns. At least in part, this reflects the absence of an
empirically relevant model with increasing returns that exhibits the
rigor and simplicity of the model developed by Ramsey, Cass, and
Koopmans. Early attempts at such a model were seriously under-
mined by the loose treatment of specialization as a form of increasing
returns with external effects. More recent attempts by Arrow,
Levhari, and Sheshinski were limited by their dependence on exoge-
nously specified population growth and by the implausible implica-
tion that the rate of growth of per capita income should be a mono-
tonically increasing function of the rate of population growth.
Incomplete models that took the rate of technological change as exog-
enously specified or that made it endogenous in a descriptive fashion
could address neither welfare implications nor positive implications
like the slowing of growth rates or the convergence of per capita
The model developed here goes part way toward filling this theo-
retical gap. For analytical convenience, it is limited to a case that is the
polar opposite of the usual model with endogenous accumulation of
physical capital and no accumulation of knowledge. But once the
operation of the basic model is clear, it is straightforward to include
other state variables. The implications for a model with both increas-
ing marginal productivity of knowledge and decreasing marginal pro-
ductivity of physical capital can easily be derived using the framework
outlined here; however, the geometric analysis using the phase plane
is impossible with more than one state variable, and numerical
methods for solving dynamic equation systems must be used. 13 Since
the model here can be interpreted as the special case of the two-state-
variable model in which knowledge and capital are used in fixed
For an example of this kind of numerical analysis in a model with a stock of
knowledge and a stock of an exhaustible resource, see Romer and Sasaki (1985). As in
the growth model, increasing returns associated with knowledge can reverse conven-
tional presumptions; in particular, exhaustible resource prices can be monotonically
decreasing for all time.
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proportions, this kind of extension can only increase the range of
possible equilibrium outcomes.
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