Merton 1990
Merton 1990
Merton 1990
Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration
1. Introduction 498
2. One-period portfolio selection 499
3. Risk measures for securities and portfolios in the one-period model 507
4. Spanning theorems, mutual fund theorems, and bankruptcy
constraints 513
5. Two special models of one-period portfolio selection 538
6. Intertemporal consumption and portfolio selection theory 546
7. Consumption and portfolio selection theory in the continuous-time
model 551
8. Options, contingent claims analysis, and the Modigliani-Miller
Theorem 560
9. Bankruptcy, transactions costs, and financial intermediation in the
continuous-time model 566
10. Intertemporal capital asset pricing 569
References 576
* This chapter is a revised and expanded version of Merton (1982a). I thank A . M . E i k e b o o m for
technical assistance and D.A. H a n n o n for editorial assistance.
Handbook of Monetary Economics, Volume 1, Edited by B.M. Friedman and F.H. Hahn
© Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1990
498 R. Merton
1. Introduction
1On the informational efficiency of the stock market, see Fama (1965, 1970a), Samuelson
(1965), Hirshleifer (1973), Grossman (1976), Grossman and Stiglitz (1980), Black (1986), and
Merton (1987a, 1987b). On financial markets and incomplete information generally, see the
excellent survey paper by Bhattacharya (1989). On financial markets and auction theory, see
Hansen (1985), Parsons and Raviv (1985), and Rock (1986). On the role of behavioral theory in
finance, see Hogarth and Reder (1986).
500 R. Merton
Assumption 2. "Price taker". The investor believes that his actions cannot
affect the probability distribution of returns on the available securities. Hence,
if w~ is the fraction of the investor's initial wealth W0, allocated to security j,
then { W a , . . . , wn) uniquely determines the probability distribution of his
terminal wealth.
2yon Neumann and Morgenstern (1947). For an axiomatic description, see Herstein and Milnor
(1953) and Machina (1982). Although the original axioms require that U be bounded, the
continuity axiom can be extended to allow for unbounded functions. See Samuelson (1977) for a
discussion of this and the St. Petersburg Paradox.
3The strict concavity assumption implies that investors are everywhere risk-averse. Although
strictly convex or linear utility functions on the entire range imply behavior that is grossly at
variance with observed behavior, the strict concavity assumption also rules out Friedman-Savage
type utility functions whose behavioral implications are reasonable. The strict concavity also
implies U'(W)> 0, which rules out investor satiation.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 501
max w/ , (2.1)
{wt . . . . . w,,}
4Borrowings and short sales are demand loans collateralized by the investor's total portfolio. The
"borrowing rate" is the rate on riskless-in-terms-of-default loans. Although virtually every
individual loan involves some chance of default, the empirical "spread" in the rate on actual
margin loans to investors suggests that this assumption is not a "bad approximation" for portfolio
selection analysis. However, an explicit analysis of risky loan evaluation and bankruptcy is
provided in Sections 8 and 9.
5The existence of an interior solution is assumed throughout the analyses in the chapter. For a
complete discussion of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an interior solution,
see Leland (1972) and Bertsekas (1974).
6For a trivial example, shares of IBM with odd serial numbers are distinguishable from ones with
even serial numbers and are, therefore, technically different securities. However, because their
returns are identical, they are perfect substitutes from the point of view of investors. In portfolio
theory, securities are operationally defined by their return distributions, and therefore two
securities with identical returns are indistinguishable.
502 R. Merton
m.x ,:3,
(wI. . . . . wn} L, 1
where the portfolio allocations to the risky securities are unconstrained because
the fraction allocated to the riskless security
can always be chosen to satisfy the
budget constraint (i.e. wn+1
* = 1 - ~1 wj ). The first-order conditions can be
written as:
7If U is such that U'(0) = m, and by extension, U'(W) = % W < 0, then from (2.2) or (2.4) it is
easy to show that the probability of Z* -<0 is a set of measure zero. Mason (1981) and Karatzas,
Lehoczky, Sethi and Shreve (1986) study the effects of various bankruptcy rules on portfolio
Ch. I1: CapitalMarket Theory 503
A(W)~ U'(W) ' (2.5)
and the change in absolute risk-aversion with respect to a change in wealth is,
therefore, given by:
- A ' ( W ) = A ( W ) ][A ( W ) + U " ( W ) ] (2.6)
dW u U"(W) J"
R(W)~- U'(W) = A ( W ) W , (2.7)
U(Wc) = E { U ( W ) ) , (2.9)
i.e. Wc is the amount of money such that the investor is indifferent between
having this amount of money for certain or the portfolio with random variable
outcome W. The term "risk-averse" as applied to investors with strictly
8The behavior associated with the utility function V(W) =-aU(W) + b, a > 0, is identical to that
associated with U(W). Note: A(W) is invariant to any positive affine transformation of U(W). See
Pratt (1964).
504 R. Merton
U(Wc) = E { U ( W ) } < U ( E { W } ) ,
for all concave U with strict inequality holding for some concave U. They
bolster their argument for this definition by showing its equivalence to the
following two other definitions:
9Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970, 1971). There is an extensive literature, not discussed here, that
uses this type of risk measure to determine when one portfolio "stochastically dominates" another.
Cf. Hadar and Russell (1969, 1971), Hanoch and Levy (1969), and Bawa (1975).
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 505
Theorem 2.1. I f Z denotes the random variable return per dollar on any
feasible portfolio and if (Ze - 2~) is riskier than ( Z - Z ) in the Rothschild and
Stiglitz sense, then Z~ > Z.
Corollary 2.1a. If there exists a riskless security with return R, then 2~ > R,
with equality holding only if Z e is a riskless security.
Theorem 2.2. The optimal portfolio for a non-satiated, risk-averse investor will
be the riskless security (i.e. wn+ = 1, wj* = O, j = 1, 2, . . . , n) if and only if
Z j = R for j = l , 2 . . . . , n .
Theorem 2.3. Let Zp denote the return on any portfolio p that does not contain
security s. If there exists a portfolio p such that for security s, Z, = Zp + e,,
where E(e,) = E(e, [ Z j, j = 1 , . . . , n, j ~ s) = 0, then the fraction of every
efficient portfolio allocated to security s is the same and equal to zero.
tent with strict risk-aversion on the part of all investorsJ ° While the inconsis-
tency of strict risk-aversion with observed behavior such as betting on the
numbers can be "explained" by treating lotteries as consumption goods, it is
difficult to use this argument to explain other implicit lotteries such as callable,
sinking-fund bonds where the bonds to be redeemed are selected at random.
As illustrated by the partitioning of the feasible portfolio set into its efficient
and inefficient parts and the derived theorems, the Rothschild-Stiglitz defini-
tion of increasing risk is quite useful for studying the properties of optimal
portfolios. However, it is important to emphasize that these theorems apply
only to efficient portfolios and not to individual securities or inefficient port-
folios. For example, if ( Z j - Zj) is riskier than ( Z - Z ) in the Rothschild-
Stiglitz sense and if security j is held in positive amounts in an efficient or
optimal portfolio (i.e. w~ > 0 ) , then it does not follow t h a t Zj must equal
or exceed Z. In particular, if w~ > 0, it does not follow that Zj must equal or
exceed R. Hence, to know that one security is riskier than a second security
using the Rothschild-Stiglitz definition of increasing risk provides no norma-
tive restrictions on holdings of either security in an efficient portfolio. And
because this definition of riskier imposes no restrictions on the optimal
demands, it cannot be used to derive properties of individual securities' return
distributions from observing their relative holdings in an efficient portfolio. To
derive these properties, a second definition of risk is required. Development of
this measure is the topic of Section 3.
E{V~Zj - n)} = 0, j = 1, 2 . . . . , n ,
i.e. VK is a concave utility function such that an investor with initial wealth
1°I believe that Christian von Weizs~cker proved a similar theorem in unpublished notes some
years ago. However, I do not have a reference.
508 R. Merton
W0 = 1 and these preferences would select this efficient portfolio as his optimal
portfolio. While such a function V~: will always exist, it will not be unique. If
cov[xl, x2] is the functional notation for the covariance between the random
variables x~ and x2, then define the random variable, YK, by:
- E{V;,)
cov[V , Zff] " (3.1)
YK is well defined as long as Zff has positive dispersion because cov[V~:, Ze~] <
0.11 It is understood that in the following discussion "efficient portfolio" will
mean "efficient portfolio with positive dispersion". Let Zp denote the random
variable return per dollar on any feasible portfolio p.
and portfolio p is said to be riskier than portfolio p' relative to efficient portfolio
K if bp > bp,.
laFor a proof, see Theorem 236 in Hardy, Littlewood and P61ya (1959).
Oh. 11: Capital Market Theory 509
If the original portfolio of securities chosen was this investor's optimal portfolio
(i.e. Z = Z*), then the solution to (3.2) is w*--0. However, an optimal
portfolio is an efficient portfolio. Therefore, by Theorem 3.1, Z j - R =
b ~ . ( 2 * - R). Hence, the "risk-return tradeoff" provided in Theorem 3.1 is a
condition for personal portfolio equilibrium. Indeed, because security j may be
contained in the optimal portfolio, w * W o is similar to an excess demand
function, b ~ measures the contribution of security j to the Rothschild-Stiglitz
risk of the optimal portfolio in the sense that the investor is just indifferent to a
marginal change in the holdings of security j provided that Z j - R = b~(Z* -
R). Moreover, by the Implicit Function Theorem, we have from (3.2) that
Therefore, if 2 i lies above the "risk-return" line in the (Z, b*) plane, then the
investor would prefer to increase his holdings in security j, and if Zj lies below
the line, then he would prefer to reduce his holdings. If the risk of a security
increases, then the risk-averse investor must be "compensated" by a corre-
sponding increase in that security's expected return if his current holdings are
to remain unchanged.
A third argument for why bp K is a natural measure of risk for individual
securities is that the ordering of securities by their systematic risk relative to a
given efficient portfolio will be identical to their ordering relative to any other
efficient portfolio. That is, given the set of available securities, there is an
unambiguous meaning to the statement "security j is riskier than security i".
To show this equivalence along with other properties of the bpK measure, we
first prove a lemma.
2.1a, 2~ > R for every efficient portfolio L. Thus, from Theorem 3.1, bpL = 0 if
and only if Zp -- R.
Properties of the bp measure of risk are:
From Corollary 2.1a, Z ~ > R and 2 L > R. From Theorem 3.1, b~ = (Z L - R)/
( Z- Ke - R ) , b Kp = ( Z-p - R ) / ( Z - Ke - R ) , and b Lp = ( Z- p - R ) / ( Z ~- L- R ) . Hence,
the b x measure satisfies a type of "chain rule" with respect to different efficient
Property 2 follows from Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 2.1a. Hence, all efficient
portfolios have positive systematic risk, relative to any efficient portfolio.
Property 4. Let p and q denote any two feasible portfolios and let K and L
denote any two efficient portfolios, bpK z :~= - bqK if and only if bpL ~ bq.
6. If a feasible portfolio p has portfolio weights ( 6 1 , . . . , 6n) ,
n K
then bp = ~ 1 6jb ~ .
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 511
Property 6 follows directly from the linearity of the covariance operator with
respect to either of its arguments. Hence, the systematic risk of a portfolio is
the weighted sum of the systematic risks of its component securities.
The Rothschild-Stiglitz measure of risk is clearly different from the bj
measure here. The Rothschild-Stiglitz measure provides only for a partial
ordering, while the bj measure provides a complete ordering. Moreover, they
can give different rankings. For example, suppose the return on security j is
independent of the return on efficient portfolio K, then b~ = 0 and Zj = R.
Trivially, b~ = 0 for the riskless security. Therefore, by the b f measure,
security j and the riskless security have equal risk. However, if security j has
positive variance, then by the Rothschild-Stiglitz measure, security j is more
risky than the riskless security. Despite this, the two measures are not in
conflict and, indeed, are complementary. The Rothschild-Stiglitz definition
measures the "total risk" of a security in the sense that it compares the
expected utility from holding a security alone with the expected utility from
holding another security alone. Hence, it is the appropriate definition for
identifying optimal portfolios and determining the efficient portfolio set.
However, it is not useful for defining the risk of securities generally because it
does not take into account that investors can mix securities together to form
portfolios. The bjK measure does take this into account because it measures the
only part of an individual security's risk which is relevant to an investor:
namely, the part that contributes to the total risk of his optimal portfolio. In
contrast to the Rothschild-Stiglitz measure of total risk, the bjK measures the
"systematic risk" of a security (relative to efficient portfolio K). Of course, to
determine the b jK, the efficient portfolio set must be determined. Because the
Rothschild-Stiglitz measure does just that, the two measures are com-
Although the expected return of a security provides an equivalent ranking to
its b e measure, the bp measure is not vacuous. There exist non-trivial
information sets which allow bp to be determined without knowledge of Zp.
For example, consider a model in which all investors agree on the joint
distribution of the returns on securities. Suppose we know the utility function
U for some investor and the probability distribution of his optimal portfolio,
Z*Wo. From (3.2) we therefore know the distribution of Y(Z*). For security j,
define the random variable ej --= Zj - Zj. Suppose, furthermore, that we have
enough information about the joint distribution of Y(Z*) and ei to compute
cov[Y(Z*),ej]=cov[Y(Z*),Zj]=bT, but do not know Zj. '2 However,
Theorem 3.1 is a necessary condition for equilibrium in the securities market.
12A sufficient amount of information would be the joint distribution of Z* and ej. What is
necessary will depend on the functional form of U'. However, in no case will knowledge of Zj be a
necessary condition.
512 R. Merton
The proof follows directly from Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 by substituting either
Z e or R for Zq and noting that dGq(Ze)/dZ e = 1 for Zq = Ze and dGq(Ze)/
dZ~ = 0 for Zq : R.
As Theorems 3.2-3.4 demonstrate, the conditional expected-return function
provides considerable information about a security's risk and equilibrium
expected return. It is, moreover, common practice for security analysts to
provide conditioned forecasts of individual security returns, conditioned on the
realized return of a broad-based stock portfolio such as the Standard & Poor's
500. As is evident from these theorems, the conditional expected-return
function does not in general provide sufficient information to determine the
exact risk of a security. As follows from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4(iv), the
exception is the case where this function is linear in Z~. Although surely a
special case, it is a rather important one as will be shown in Section 4.
Theorem 4.1. If there exist M mutual funds whose portfolios span the portfolio
set ~, then all investors will be indifferent between selecting their optimal
portfolios from qt or from portfolio combinations of just the M mutual funds.
The proof of the theorem follows directly from the definition of spanning. If
Z* denotes the return on an optimal portfolio selected from ~ and if Xj
denotes the return on the jth mutual fund's portfolio, then there exist portfolio
weights ( 6 ~ ' , . . . , ~ t ) such that Z* -- ~1M 6~Xj. Hence, any investor would be
indifferent between the portfolio with return Z* and the (~ ] ' , . . . , ,5~) combi-
nation of the mutual fund shares.
Although the theorem states "indifference", if there are information-gather-
ing or other transactions costs and if there are economies of scale, then
investors would prefer the mutual funds whenever M < N. By a similar
argument, one would expect that investors would prefer to have the smallest
number of funds necessary to span gt. Therefore, the smallest number of such
funds, M*, is a particularly important spanning set. Hence, the spanning
property can be used to derive an endogenous theory for the existence of
financial intermediaries with the functional characteristics of a mutual fund.
Moreover, from these functional characteristics a theory for their optimal
management can be derived.
For the mutual fund theorems to have serious empirical content, the
minimum number of funds required for spanning M* must be significantly
smaller than the number of available securities N. When such spanning
obtains, the investor's portfolio-selection problem can be separated into two
steps: first, individual securities are mixed together to form the M* mutual
funds; second, the investor allocates his wealth among the M* funds' shares. If
the investor knows that the funds span the space of optimal portfolios, then he
need only know the joint probability distribution of ( X 1. . . . , XM. ) to de-
termine his optimal portfolio. It is for this reason that the mutual fund
theorems are also called "separation" theorems. However, if the M* funds can
be constructed only if the fund managers know the preferences, endowments,
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 515
and probability beliefs of each investor, then the formal separation property
will have little operational significance.
In addition to providing an endogenous theory for mutual funds, the
existence of a non-trivial spanning set can be used to deduce equilibrium
properties of individual securities' returns and to derive optimal rules for
business firms making production and capital budgeting decisions. Moreover,
in virtually every model of portfolio selection in which empirical implications
beyond those presented in Sections 2 and 3 are derived, some non-trivial form
of the spanning property obtains.
While the determination of conditions under which non-trivial spanning will
obtain is, in a broad sense, a subset of the traditional economic theory of
aggregation, the first rigorous contributions in portfolio theory were made by
Arrow (1953, 1964), Markowitz (1959), and Tobin (1958). In each of these
papers, and most subsequent papers, the spanning property is derived as an
implication of the specific model examined, and therefore such derivations
provide only sufficient conditions. In two notable exceptions, Cass and Stiglitz
(1970) and Ross (1978) "reverse" the process by deriving necessary conditions
for non-trivial spanning to obtain. In this section necessary and sufficient
conditions for spanning are developed along the lines of Cass and Stiglitz and
Ross, leaving until Section 5 discussion of the specific models of Arrow,
Markowitz and Tobin.
Let ~ f denote the set of all feasible portfolios that can be constructed from a
riskless security with return R and n risky securities with a given joint
probability distribution for their random variable returns ( Z ~ , . . . , Z n). Let J2
denote the n x n variance-covariance matrix of the returns on the n risky
Theorem 4.2. Necessary conditions for the M feasible portfolios with returns
(X l, , XM) to span the portfolio set ~Pf are~i) that the rank of 0 <- M
and i iii that there exist numbers (61 . . . . ,6M), ~1 6j = 1, such that the random
variable E ~ 6,Xj has zero variance.
It follows from Corollary 4.3a that a necessary and sufficient condition for
non-trivial spanning of gtf is that some of the risky securities are redundant
securities. Note, however, that this condition is sufficient only if securities are
priced such that there are no arbitrage opportunities.
In all these derived theorems the only restriction on investors' preferences
was that they prefer more to less. In particular, it was not assumed that
investors are necessarily risk-averse. Although ~ f was defined in terms of a
known joint probability distribution for ( Z 1. . . . . Zn), which implies homo-
geneous beliefs among investors, inspection of the proof of T h e o r e m 4.3 shows
that this condition can be weakened. If minvestors agree on a set of portfolios
( X ~ , . . . , Xm, R ) such that Zj = R + ~1 a q ( X i - R), j = 1 , 2 , . . . , n, and if
they agree on the numbers (aq), then by T h e o r e m 4.3, ( X 1. . . . , Xm, R ) span
~ f even if investors do not agree on the joint distribution of (X 1. . . . , Xm).
These appear to be the weakest restrictions on preferences and probability
beliefs that can produce non-trivial spanning and the corresponding mutual
fund theorem. Hence, to derive additional theorems it is now further assumed
that all investors are risk-averse and that investors have homogeneous prob-
ability beliefs.
Define qt~ to be the set of all efficient portfolios contained in ~f.
It follows immediately from Proposition 4.2 that for every number 2 such
that ,~ _> R, there exists at least one efficient portfolio with expected return
equal to Z. Moreover, we also have that if ( X 1 , . . . , XM) are the returns on M
candidate portfolios to span the space of efficient portfolios q re, then without
loss of generality it can be assumed that one of the portfolios is the riskless
518 R. Merton
Theorem 4.4. Let (X~, . . . , Xm) denote the returns on m feasible portfolios. If
for security j there exist numbers (air) such that Z r = Zi + E ~ aq(X i - X_i) + er,
where E[erV'K(Z~)]=O for some efficient portfolio K, then Z r = R + ,
E1%(2, - R).
Hence, if the return on a security can be written in this linear form relative
to the portfolios ( X 1 , . . . , Xm), then its expected excess return, 2 r - R, is
completely determined by the expected excess returns on these portfolios and
the weights (air) .
Theorem 4.5. m
If, for every security j, there exist numbers (aq) such that
Zj = R + ~1 aq(Xi - R) + ej, where E [ e r l X ~ , . . . , Xm] = 0, then
(X1, . . . , Xm, R) span the set of efficient portfolios q re.
Proof. Let wjK denote the fraction of efficient portfolio K allocated to security
K -I- m K + K
j, j = 1 . . . . . n. By hypothesis, we can write Z e = R E 1 6 i (X i -R) e ,
. ~K ~Tn K 1 K ~ln K K
,r~ n
o.t ==-~lw.a..,
1 U
ano e = - ~ . t w rej, where E[e ] X 1 , . . . , X m ] =
L 1 w~E[ei ] X1, • • •, Xm] = 0. Construct the portfolio with return Zm by allocat-
ing fraction ~K to portfolio X i, i = 1 , . . . , m, and fraction 1 - ~ 1 6K to the
riskless security. By construction, Z K = Z + e K, where E[e K ] Z ] =
m K K
E[e~l E1 3; X;] = 0 b e c a u s e E [ e K I x 1 , . . . , Xm] = 0 . Hence, for e K ~ 0, Z e is
Corollary 4.6. (X, R) span ~-re if and only if there exists a number aj for each
security j, j = 1 , . . . , n, such that Zj = R + a j ( g - R) + ej, where E(ej ] X) = 0.
Proof. The "if" part follows directly from Theorem 4.5. The "only if" part is
as follows. By hypothesis, Z~ = 6 ~;(X- R) + R for every efficient portfolio K.
If ) ( = R, then from Corollary 2.1a, 6/~ = 0 for every efficient portfolio K and
R spans gre. Otherwise, from Theorem 2.2, 6 K ~ 0 for every efficient portfolio.
By Theorem 4.6, E[ej[ 6KX] = 0, for j = 1 , . . . , n and every efficient portfolio
K. But, for 6 K ¢ 0 , E[ej[6KX] = 0 if and only if E[ej[X] = 0 .
portfolio selection exhibit the non-trivial spanning property for the efficient
portfolio set. Therefore, for all such models that do not restrict the class of
admissible utility functions beyond that of risk-aversion, the distribution of
individual security returns must be such that Z r = R + ~ air(X i - R ) + ej,
where er satisfies the conditions of T h e o r e m 4.6 for j = 1 , . . . , n. Moreover,
given some knowledge of the joint distribution of a set of portfolios t h a t s p a n
qre with ( Z r - Zr), there exists a method for determining the (air) and Z r.
The proof of Proposition 4.3 follows directly from the condition that
E(ej[ Xk) = 0, which implies that cov[er, Xk] = 0, k = 1 , . . . , m. The condition
that ( X 1 , . . . , X m) be linearly independent is trivial in the sense that knowing
the joint distribution of a spanning set one can always choose a linearly
independent subset. The only properties of the joint distributions required to
compute the (air) are the variances and covariances of X 1 , . . . , X m and the
covariances between Z r and X x, . . . , X m. In particular, knowledge of 2 r is not
required because cov[X~, Zr] = cov[X~, Z r - Zr]. Hence, for m < n (and espe-
cially so for m ~ n), there exists a non-trivial information set which allows the
(air) to be determined without knowledge of 2 r. If X1 . . . . . )(m are known,
then 2 r can be computed by the formula in T h e o r e m 4.4. By comparison with
the example in Section 3, the information set required there to determine 2 r
was a utility function and the joint distribution of its associated optimal
portfolio with ( Z r - Zr). Here, we must know a complete set of portfolios that
span Te. However, here only the second-moment properties of the joint
distribution need be known, and no utility function information other than
risk-aversion is required.
A special case of no little interest is when a single risky portfolio and the
riskless security span the space of efficient portfolios and Corollary 4.6 applies.
Indeed, the classic mean-variance model of Markowitz and Tobin, which is
discussed in Section 5, exhibits this strong form of separation. Moreover, most
macroeconomic models have highly aggregated financial sectors where inves-
tors' portfolio choices are limited to simple combinations of two securities:
"bonds" and "stocks". The rigorous microeconomic foundation for such
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 521
aggregation is precisely that qt~ is spanned by a single risky portfolio and the
riskless security.
If X denotes the random variable return on a risky portfolio such that (X, R)
spans qre, then the return on any efficient portfolio, Ze, can be written as if it
had been chosen by combining the risky portfolio with return X with the
riskless security. Namely, Ze = 6 ( X - R) + R, where ,5 is the fraction allocated
to the risky portfolio and ( 1 - 6 ) is the fraction allocated to the riskless
security. By Corollary 2.1a, the sign of 6 will be the same for every efficient
portfolio, and therefore all efficient portfolios will be perfectly positively
correlated. If 2( > R, then by Proposition 4.2, X will be an efficient portfolio
and 6 > 0 for every efficient portfolio.
w slw~=`5/`Sk, j,k=l,2,...,n.
Proof. Let Zle and Z~ denote the returns on two distinct efficient portfolios.
Because (X, R) spans qse, Z~ = `51(X- R) + R and Z~ = `52(X- R) + R. Be-
cause they are distinct, 61 ~ `52, and so assume `51 ~ 0. Let Z -= AZ~ + (1 - A)Z2e
denote the return on a portfolio which allocates fraction A to Z~ and (1 - A) to
Z~, where 0-< A --< 1. By substitution, the expression for Z can be rewritten as
Z = `5(Z1~- R) + R, where `5 -= [A + (82/81)(1 - A)]. Because Z~ and Z~ are
efficient portfolios, the sign of 81 is the same as the sign of 62. Hence, 6 -> 0.
Therefore, by Proposition 4.2, Z is an efficient portfolio. It follows by
induction that for any integer k and numbers Ai such that 0-< Ai-< 1, i =
1 , . . . , k, and ~ Ai = 1, Z k=- ~ AiZie is the return on an efficient portfolio.
Hence, ~ is a convex set.
522 R. Merton
M_ vj
6j , j=l,2 ..... n,
E vj+ vR
where 6~ is the fraction of security j held in a market portfolio.
value with initial wealth equal to national wealth would lead to the market
portfolio as the optimal portfolio. Indeed, it is currently fashionable in the real
world to advise "passive" investment strategies that simply mix the market
portfolio with the riskless security. Provided that the market portfolio is
efficient, by Proposition 4.2 no investor following such strategies could ever be
convicted of "inefficiency". Moreover, the market portfolio will be efficient if
markets are "complete" in the sense of Arrow (1953, 1964) and Debreu (1959)
and investors have homogeneous beliefs. Unfortunately, general necessary and
sufficient conditions for the market portfolio to be efficient have not as yet
been derived.
However, even if the market portfolio were not efficient, it does have the
following important property:
Proposition 4.6. In all portfolio models with homogeneous beliefs and risk-
averse investors, the equilibrium expected return on the market portfolio exceeds
the return on the riskless security.
The proof follows directly from the proof of Theorem 4.7 andCorollary 2.1a.
Clearly, 2 M - - R = ~ x A k ( z k - - R ) . By Corollary 2.1a, L ->R for k =
1 , . . . , K, with strict inequality holding if Z k is risky. But, h k > 0 . Hence,
Z M > R if any risky securities are held by any investor. Note that using no
information other than market prices and quantities of securities outstanding,
the market portfolio (and combinations of the market portfolio and the riskless
security) is the only risky portfolio where the sign of its equilibrium expected
excess return can always be predicted.
Returning to the special case where qte is spanned by a single risky portfolio
and the riskless security, it follows immediately from Proposition 4.5 and
Theorem 4.7 that the market portfolio is efficient. Because all efficient
portfolios are perfectly positively correlated, it follows that the risky spanning
portfolio can always be chosen to be the market portfolio (i.e. X = ZM).
Therefore, every efficient portfolio (and hence, every optimal portfolio) can be
represented as a simple portfolio combination of the market portfolio and the
riskless security with a positive fraction allocated to the market portfolio. If all
investors want to hold risky securities in the same relative proportions, then
the only way in which this is possible is if these relative proportions are
identical to those in the market portfolio. Indeed, if there were one best
investment strategy, and if this "best" strategy were widely known, then
whatever the original statement of the strategy, it must lead to simply this
imperative: "hold the market portfolio".
Because for every security ~jM ->0, it follows from Proposition 4.4 that in
equilibrium, every investor will hold non-negative quantities of risky securities,
and therefore it is never optimal to short sell risky securities. Hence, in models
524 R. Merton
where m = 1, the introduction of restrictions against short sales will not affect
the equilibrium.
Theorem 4.8. If (ZM, R) span ~e, then the equilibrium expected return on
security j can be written as:
Z] = R + fi]( Z M - R ) ,
cov[Z, zM]
t j- var(ZM)
The proof follows directly from Corollary 4.6 and Proposition 4.3. This
relation, called the Security Market Line, was first derived by Sharpe (1964) as
a necessary condition for equilibrium in the mean-variance model of Mar-
kowitz and Tobin when investors have homogeneous beliefs. This relation has
been central to most empirical studies of securities' returns published during
the last two decades. Indeed, the switch in notation from aij to/3 i in this special
case reflects the almost universal adoption of the term, "the 'beta' of a
security", to mean the covariance of that security's return with the market
portfolio divided by the variance of the return on the market portfolio.
In the special case of Theorem 4.8, /3] measures the systematic risk of
security j relative to the efficient portfolio Z M (i.e. /3j = b~ as defined in
Section 3), and therefore beta provides a complete ordering of the risk of
individual securities. As is often the case in research, useful concepts are
derived in a special model first. The term "systematic risk" was first coined by
Sharpe and was measured by beta. The definition in Section 3 is a natural
generalization. Moreover, unlike the general risk measure of Section 3,/3j can
be computed from a simple covariance between Zj and Z M. Securities whose
returns are positively correlated with the market are pro-cyclical, and will be
priced to have positive equilibrium expected excess returns. Securities whose
returns are negatively correlated are counter-cyclical, and will have negative
equilibrium expected excess returns.
In general, the sign of b~ cannot be determined by the sign of the correlation
coefficient between Z~ and Z~. However, as shown in Theorems 3.2-3.4,
because a Y ( Z ek) / O Z ~e > 0 for each realization of Z~, bjk > 0 does imply a
generalized positive "association" between the return on Zj and Zke. Similarly,
b~ < 0 implies a negative "association".
Let qrmi. denote the set of portfolios contained in ~ f such that there exists
no other portfolio in qtf with the same expected return and a smaller variance.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 525
Let Z(IX) denote the return on a portfolio contained in q~m~. such that
Z(IX) = ix, and let 6 ~ denote the fraction of this portfolio allocated to security
Proof. Let o-q denote the i-jth element of 12 and because (Z~ . . . . , Z , )
contain no redundant securities, 12 is non-singular. Hence, let v 0 denote the
i-jth element of g2-~. All portfolios in ~m~n with expected return ix must have
portfolio weights that are solutions to the problem: rain E7 E~ 6i~jo-ij subject
to the constraint Z(IX)= ix. Trivially, if ix = R, then Z ( R ) = R and 6~ = 0,
j = 1, 2 , . . . , n. Consider the case where ix ~ R. The n first-order conditions
O=k6;o'ij-a,,(2i-R), i=l,2,...,n,
a~=A~f~vq(2i-R), j=l,2,...,n.
This proves (a). From this solution, 6~/6~, j, k = 1, 2 , . . . , n, are the same for
every value of ix. Hence, all portfolios in qZmin with ix ¢ R are perfectly
correlated. Hence, pick any portfolio in ~mi, with ix ~ R and call its return X.
Then every Z(IX) can be written in the form Z ( / z ) = 6 ( X - R ) + R. Hence,
(X, R) span qZmin which proves (b), and from Corollary 4.6 and Proposition
4.3, (c) follows directly.
Thus, whenever there exists a spanning set for gZe with m = 1, the means,
variances, and covariances of ( Z I , . . . , Z , ) are sufficient statistics to complete-
ly determine all efficient portfolios. Such a strong set of conclusions suggests
that the class of joint probability distributions for ( Z 1 , . . . , Z , ) which admit a
two-fund separation theorem will be highly specialized. However, as the
following theorems demonstrate, the class is not empty.
Proof. Using the procedure applied in the proof of Theorem 4.9, construct a
risky portfolio contained in q~m~n, and call its return X. Define the random
variables, e~ =- Z k - R - a k ( X - R ) , k = 1 , . . . , n. By part (c) of that theorem,
E(ek) = 0, and by construction, Cov[ek, X] = 0. Because Z~ . . . . , Z, are nor-
mally distributed, X will be normally distributed. Hence, e k is normally
distributed, and because cov[ek, X] = 0, e k and X are independent. Therefore,
E(e~) = E(e k I X ) = 0. From Corollary 4.6, it follows that (X, R) span qre.
Samuelson (1967) was the first to examine this class of symmetric density
functions in a portfolio context. Chamberlain (1983) has shown that the class of
elliptical distributions characterize the distributions that imply mean-variance
utility functions for all risk-averse expected utility maximizers. However, for
distributions other than Gaussian to obtain, the security returns cannot be
independently distributed.
The Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) model developed by Ross (1976a)
provides an important class of linear-factor models that generate (at least
approximate) spanning without assuming joint normal probability distributions.
Suppose the returns on securities are generated by:
where E(er) = E(er] I"1, - • • , Ym) = 0 and without loss of generality, E(Yi) = 0
and cov[Yi, Y~]=0, i ¢ j . The random variables { Y i } represent common
factors that are likely to affect the returns on a significant number of securities.
If it is possible to construct a set of m portfolios with returns ( X I , . . . , X m)
such that X i and Y; are perfectly correlated, i = 1, 2 , . . . , m, then the condi-
tions of T h e o r e m 4.5 will be satisfied and (X 1. . . . , X m, R ) will span qre.
Although in general it will not be possible to construct such a set, by
imposing some mild additional restrictions on {er}, Ross (1976a) derives an
asymptotic spanning theorem as the number of available securities, n, becomes
large. While the rigorous derivation is rather tedious, a rough description goes
as follows. Let Zp be the return on a portfolio with fraction 6j allocated to
security j, j = 1, 2 , . . . , n. From (4.1), Zp can be written as:
Zp = Zp + ~ , a i p Y i + e p , (4.2)
where Zp = R + E~ gr(2j - R); alp ~ E ~ ~raq; ep ~ E 1 6jej. Consider the set of
portfolios (called well-diversified p o r t f o l i o s ) that have the property 8j ~ i~r/n,
where ]~j[ -< M r < o~ and M r is independent of n, j = 1 . . . . , n. Virtually by the
definition of a common factor, it is reasonable to assume that for every n ~ m,
528 R. Merton
a significantly positive fraction of all securities, Ai, have aij ~ O, and this will be
true for each c o m m o n factor i, i = 1 , . . . , m. Similarly, because the {ej}
denote the variations in securities' returns not explained by c o m m o n factors, it
is also reasonable to assume for large n that for each j, ej is uncorrelated with
virtually all other securities' returns. Hence, if the n u m b e r of c o m m o n factors,
m, is fixed, then for all n >> m, it should be possible to construct a set of
well-diversified portfolios (Xk} such that for Ark, aik = 0, i = 1 , . . . , m, i ~ k,
and akk ~ 0. It follows from (4.2) that Xg can be written as:
~3Cf. King (1966), Livingston (1977), Farrar (1962), Feeney and Hester (1967), and Farrell
(1974). Unlike standard "factor analysis", the number of common factors here does not depend
upon the fraction of total variation in an individual security's return that can be "explained".
Rather, what is important is the number of factors necessary to "explain" the covariation between
pairs of individual securities.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 529
z 1 1
Vj0 , j = 1, - . . ~ n , (4 • 3)
where vik is the i-kth element of ~ x 1.
Vo : , b Vjo .
The proof of the corollary follows by substitution for V in formula (4.3). This
property of formula (4.3) is called "value-additivity".
Vo = 4Vjo + a m .
The proof follows by substitution for V in formula (4.3) and by applying the
hypothesized conditional-expectation conditions to show that cov[X~, V] =
¢] cov[Xk, Vj]. Hence, to value two securities whose end-of-period values differ
only by multiplicative or additive "noise", we can simply substitute the
expected values of the noise terms.
As discussed in Merton (1982a, pp. 642-651), Theorem 4.13 and its corol-
laries are central to the theory of optimal investment decisions by business
firms. To finance new investments, the firm can use internally available funds,
issue common stock or issue other types of financial claims (e.g. debt,
preferred stock, and convertible bonds). The selection from the menu of these
financial instruments is called the firm's financing decision. Although the
optimal investment and financing decisions by a firm generally require simulta-
neous determination, under certain conditions the optimal investment decision
can be made independently of the method of financing.
Consider firm j with random variable end-of-period value V j and q different
financial claims. The kth such financial claim is defined by the function fk(vJ),
which describes how the holders of this security will share in the end-of-period
value of the firm. The production technology and choice of investment
intensity, Vj(Ij; Oj) and/i, are taken as given where Ojis a random variable. If it
is assumed that the end-of-period value of the firm is independent of its choice
of financial liabilities, 15 then V j= Vj(Ij; Oj), and ~q f~ ~Vj.(IE; Oj) for every
outcome Oj.
~5This assumption formally rules out financial securities that alter the tax liabilities of the firm
(e.g. interest deductions) or ones that can induce "outside" costs (e.g. bankruptcy costs).
However, by redefining ~ ( l j ; 0j) as the pre-tax-and-bankruptcy value of the firm and letting one of
the fk represent the government's tax claim and another the lawyers' bankruptcy-cost claim, the
analysis in the text will be valid for these extended securities as well [cf. Merton (1990, ch. 13)].
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 531
Hence, for a given investment policy, the way in which the firm finances its
investment will not affect the market value of the firm unless the choice of
financial instruments changes the return distributions of the efficient portfolio
set. Theorem 4.14 is representative of a class of theorems that describe the
impact of financing policy on the market value of a firm when the investment
decision is held fixed, and this class is generally referred to as the Modigliani-
Miller Hypothesis, after the pioneering work in this direction by Modigliani
and Miller. 16
Clearly, a sufficient condition for Theorem 4.14 to obtain is that each of the
financial claims issued by the firm are "redundant securities" whose payoffs can
be replicated by combining already-existing securities. This condition is satis-
fied by the subclass of corporate liabilities that provide for linear sharing
rules (i.e. f~(V) = akV + b k , where E q1 ak = 1 and ~1q bk = 0). Unfortunately,
as will be shown in Section 8, most common types of financial instruments
issued by corporations have non-linear payoff structures. As Stiglitz (1969,
1974) has shown for the Arrow-Debreu and Capital Asset Pricing Models,
16Modigliani and Miller (1958)• See also Stiglitz (1969, 1974), Fama (1978), and Miller (1977),
The "MM" concept has also been applied in other parts of monetary economics as in Wallace
532 R. Merton
linearity of the sharing rules is not a necessary condition for Theorem 4.14 to
obtain. Nevertheless, the existence of non-linear payoff structures among wide
classes of securities makes the establishment of conditions under which the
hypothesis of Theorem 4.14 is valid no small matter.
Beyond the issue of whether firms can optimally separate their investment
and financing decisions, the fact that many securities have non-linear sharing
rules raises serious questions about the robustness of spanning models. As
already discussed, the APT model, for example, has attracted much interest
because it makes no explicit assumptions about preferences and places seem-
ingly few restrictions on the joint probability distribution of security returns. In
the APT model, ( X 1 , . . . , Xm, R) span the set of optimal portfolios and there
exist m m numbers ( a l k , . . . , amk ) for each security k, k = 1 , . . . , n, such that
Zk = ~1 aik(Xi- R) + R + ek, where E(ek) = E ( e k l X 1 , . . . , Xm) = 0 .
Suppose that security k satisfies this condition and security q has a payoff
structure that is given by Zq =f(Zx), where f is a non-linear function. If
security q is to satisfy this condition, then there must exist numbers
(alq,~. m. , amq ) SO that for all possible values of ( X 1 , . . . , Xm),
E [ f ( L 1 aik(X ~- R) + R + e k ) l X 1 , . . . , Xm] = ~"~ aiq(X i - R) + R. However,
unless e k ~ 0 and eq =- O, such a set of numbers cannot be found for a general
non-linear function f.
Since the APT model only has practical relevance if for most securities,
var(ek) > 0, it appears that the reconciliation of non-trivial spanning models
with the widespread existence of securities with non-linear payoff structures
requires further restrictions on either the probability distributions of securities
returns or investor preferences. How restrictive these conditions are cannot be
answered in the abstract. First, the introduction of general-equilibrium pricing
conditions on securities will impose some restrictions on the joint distribution
of returns. Second, the discussed benefits to individuals from having a set of
spanning mutual funds may induce the creation of financial intermediaries or
additional financial securities, that together with pre-existing securities will
satisfy the conditions of Theorem 4.6. Although the intertemporal models of
Sections 7-10 will explore these possibilities in detail, we examine here one
important area of non-linear risk-sharing: namely, personal bankruptcy.
With limited liability on the nn risky assets (Zj -> 0, j = 1 , . . . , n), an uncon-
strained portfolio return, Z = ~1 w~(Zj - R) + R, can take on negative values
only if there is short selling (i.e. w j < 0 for some j) or borrowing (i.e.
~1 wj > 1). In the formulation of the portfolio-selection problem, the inves-
tor's portfolio is placed in escrow as collateral for all loans. However, because
the portfolio represents the investor's entire wealth, the value of the portfolio
is the only recourse for the investor's creditors to be paid. Hence, if an
investor's optimal unconstrained portfolio has the possibility that Z* < 0, then
the lenders of securities or cash may receive less than their promised payments.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 533
n *
Suppose, for example, that the investor's portfolio has w~ -> 0 and ~ 1 w~. >
1, so that he borrows. Under our assumptions that neglect personal bank-
ruptcy, the investor borrows (~1 w~ - 1)W0 and pays R(E1 w~ - 1)W0 at the
end of the period. If, however, we take account of personal bankruptcy, then
the payment actually received by the investor's creditor is R ( ~ w~ - 1)W0 if
Z* ->0 and [R(E~ w~ - 1) + Z*]W0 = ( ~ w~.Zj)Wo if Z* <0. Thus, the actual
sharing rule between the investor and his creditor is that r/ •
the investorrt receives
W0 max[0, Z*] and the creditor receives W0 min[(~ 1 wj - 1)R, ~i w~Zj] =
W0[(E ~ w~ - 1)R - max(0, - Z * ) ] . Therefore, personal bankruptcy creates,
de facto, a set of securities with payoffs that are non-linear functions of the
returns on the n underlying risky assets.
Under the terms for borrowing and short selling in the unconstrained case,
the investor's end-of-period wealth is given by Z*Wo. Under the same terms,
but with bankruptcy, the investor receives W0max[0 , Z*]. In effect, the
bankruptcy provision guarantees that the value of the investor's portfolio is
never negative, and the provider of that guarantee is the investor's creditor.
That is, the payoff pattern to the investor is as if he held the unconstrained
portfolio, Z*Wo, together with a "portfolio-value" guarantee with payoff
W0 m a x [ 0 , - Z * ] . But, of course, the lenders of securities and cash recognize
that they are implicitly supplying this guarantee to the investor and realize that
if Z* < 0 , they will receive less than their promised payments. They will
therefore charge for the guarantee.
Let F(Wl,..., w,) denote the price charged by creditors for a guarantee
security with payoff function m a x ( 0 , - ~ 1 wi(Zj- R ) - R). As will be dis-
cussed in Section 8, this payoff function is identical to the one for a put option
(on the portfolio) with a zero exercise price. F-> 0, and we assume that the
price schedule is a twice-continuously-differentiable
function. F = 0 only if
creditors believe that prob{~ 1 wj(Zj - R) + R < 0} = 0, and F j ( W l , . . . , w,) ---
OF(w~,...,w,)/Owj=O, j = l , . . . , n , if p r o b { E ~ w j ( Z i - R ) + R > 0 } = l .
To capture the effect of personal bankruptcy and ensure the non-negativity
of end-of-period wealth, we require that the investor must always purchase a
guarantee security on his underlying
risky-asset portfolio. n The payoff function
to one "unit" is ~ l w j ( Z j - R ) + R + m a x ( O , - E 1 wj(Zj- R ) - R)=
max(0, ~ wj(Zj - R) + R) and the price per unit is 1 + F(wl,... , w,). The
return per dollar invested in each unit is thus max(0, ~7 wj(Zj- R)+ R)/
[1 + F(Wl,..., w,)]. The portfolio-selection problem taking account of per-
sonal bankruptcy is formulated as:
max . . . . .
{w~ . . . . . w.} 1
534 R. Merton
If the price schedule {F} is such that an interior maximum exists, then the
first-order conditions for the optimal portfolio, (Z* = ~ 1 w~(Zj - R) + R), are
given by
EIV'(Z,)| ~ . . . . . R =0 (4.6)
L l,*
where V is the strictly risk-averse utility function such that Z e is the associated
optimal portfolio. We can rewrite (4.6) as:
{ ( n
G(Ze)max 0 , ~ w ~ ( Z j - R ) + R
)}/ R
where E o and E o are the corresponding expectation operators over dQ. By
inspection, (4.9) is the classic present value formula with discounting at the
riskless interest rate. Because (4.9) applies for any choice of ( W l , . . . , w,), it
follows that the expected return (as measured over the d Q distribution) on
every traded security is the same and equal to R. Hence, dQ is a "risk-
adjusted" distribution for all traded securities. In the development of their
utility-based pricing theory for warrants and options, Samuelson and Merton
(1969) call d Q the "util-prob" distribution for security returns. Although all
investors have the same dP, d Q will, in general, be different for each investor.
Under the pricing assumption of (4.7) and (4.8), we have the following
connection between the set of optimal underlying risky-asset portfolios with
personal bankruptcy and the unconstrained efficient portfolio set, q re.
n e e
Theorem 4.15. If, for every Ze(=--~ 1 w j ( Z j - R ) + R ) E q * , the portfolio-
guarantee price schedule in (4.5) satisfies (4.7) and (4.8) for wj = w~, j =
1 . . . . , n, then for any strictly concave and increasing U, there exists a solution
(w~ . . . . , w*) to (4.5) such that Z* E ~e.
Proof. Consider any strictly concave and increasing U. Let Z** denote the
return on the associated optimal unconstrained portfolio, (w 1 . . . . , w, ), for
initial wealth W o. From (2.4), E { U ' [ Z * * W o ] ( Z ~ - R)} = 0, j = 1 . . . . , n, and
hence, Z * * E k ~ e. Therefore, by hypothesis, (4.7) and (4.8) apply for
G = U ' [ Z * * W o ] / E { U ' [ Z * * W o ] } and wj --w**
j , j = 1 , .. . , n . F r o m ( 4 . 7 ) and
536 R. Merton
Provided that the solution to (4.5) is unique, under the hypothesized condi-
tions of Theorem 4.15, any set of portfolios, ( X 1 , . . . , X m , R ) , that spans We
will also span the set of optimal underlying risky-asset portfolios {Z*}, which
take account of the personal bankruptcy constraint.
To motivate the pricing schedule given in (4.7) and (4.8), we posited the
existence of a default-free intermediary that buys or sells put options on any
security or portfolio. This assumption implies a very rich set of available
risk-sharing financial instruments for investors. Although sufficient, such a set
is not required for the hypothesized conditions of Theorem 4.15 to obtain.
Suppose, for example, that no put options are traded, and the intermediary
issues only portfolio guarantees as part of a unit containing the underlying
risky-asset portfolio and restricts each investor to the purchase of only one type
of unit. If borrowing and short selling are permitted, this is no more than an
institutional representation for the lenders of securities and cash, and there is,
otherwise, no expansion in the set of risk-sharing opportunities for investors.
Nevertheless, provided that prices charged for the guarantees satisfy (4.7) and
(4.8), Theorem 4.15 still obtains. Moreover, (4.7) and (4.8) are consistent with
competitive-equilibrium pricing provided that the intermediary is default free.
Theorem 4.15 will not apply for portfolios in ~e such that there is no
feasible investment strategy for the intermediary to ensure no default if it
charges a finite price for the portfolio guarantee. Two models in which such
feasible strategies always exist and Theorem 4.15 applies are the Arrow-
Debreu complete-markets model and the continuous-time, intertemporal
model. Indeed, Theorem 4.15 was first proved by Cox and Huang (1989) in the
context of the continuous-time model. However, the effects of the non-
linearities induced by personal bankruptcy on the spanning theorems for the
static model of this section are not as yet fully worked out.
An alternative approach to the development of non-trivial spanning
theorems is to derive a class of utility functions for investors such that even
with arbitrary joint probability distributions for the available securities, inves-
tors within the class can generate their optimal portfolios from the spanning
portfolios. Let ~u denote the set of optimal portfolios selected from ~ f by
investors with strictly concave yon Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions
{Ui). Cass and Stiglitz (1970) have proved the following theorem.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 537
Theorem 4.16. There exists a portfolio with return X such that (X, R) span ~ u
if and only if A i ( W ) = 1/(a i + b W ) >0, where A i is the absolute risk-aversion
function for investor i in ~u.17
17For this family of utility functions, the probability distribution for securities cannot be
completely arbitrary without violating the von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms. For example, it is
required that for every realization of W, W >-a/b for b >0 and W < - a / b for b < 0. The latter
condition is especially restrictive.
18Anumber of authors have studied the properties of this family. See Merton (1971, p. 389) for
1gAs discussed in footnote 17, the range of values for a1 cannot be arbitrary for a given b.
Moreover, the sign of b uniquely determines the sign of A'(W).
538 R. Merton
such that non-trivial spanning of ~ does not obtain, then there are no gains to
financial intermediation over the direct sale of the distribution estimates.
However, if non-trivial spanning does obtain and the number of risky spanning
portfolios, m, is small, then a significant reduction in redundant information
processing and transactions can be produced by the introduction of mutual
funds. If a significant coalition of individuals can agree upon a common source
for the estimates and if they know that, based on this source, a group of mutual
funds offered spans W e, then they need only be provided with the joint
distribution for these mutual funds to form their optimal portfolios. On the
supply side, if the characteristics of a set of spanning portfolios can be
identified, then the mutual fund managers will know how to structure the
portfolios of the funds they offer. We explore this point further in Section 9.
The second point concerns the riskless security. It has been assumed
throughout that there exists a riskless security. Although some of the specifica-
tions will change slightly, virtually all the derived theorems can be shown to be
valid in the absence of a riskless security.2° However, the existence of a riskless
security vastly simplifies many of the proofs.
The two most cited models in the literature of portfolio selection are the
time-state preference model of Arrow (1953, 1964) and Debreu (1959) and the
mean-variance model of Markowitz (1959) and Tobin (1958). Because these
models have been central to the development of the microeconomic theory of
investment, there are already many review and survey articles devoted just to
each of these models. 2~ Hence, only a focused description of each model is
presented here, with specific emphasis on how each model fits within the
framework of the analyses presented in the other sections. In particular, we
show that these models are special cases of the spanning models of the
preceding section. We also use the Arrow-Debreu model to re-examine the
portfolio-selection problem with the non-negativity constraint on wealth.
Under appropriate conditions, both the A r r o w - D e b r e u and Markowitz-Tobin
models can be interpreted as multi-period, intertemporal portfolio-selection
models. However, such an interpretation is postponed until later sections.
The structure of the A r r o w - D e b r e u model is described as follows. Consider
an economy where all possible configurations for the economy at the end of the
period can be described in terms of M possible states of nature. The states are
2°Cf. Ross (1978) for spanning proofs in the absence of a riskless security. Black (1972) and
Merton (1972) derive the two-fund theorem for the mean-variance model with no riskless security.
2~For the Arrow-Debreu model, see Hirshleifer (1965, 1966, 1970), Myers (1968), and Radner
(1972). For the mean-variance model, see Jensen (1972a, 1972b), and Sharpe (1970).
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 539
Proposition 5.1. There exists a riskless security, and its return p e r dollar R
equals 1 / ( ~ 7 Hi).
Proof. Consider the pure-security portfolio that holds one share of each pure
security (Nj = 1, j = 1 , . . . , M). The return per dollar Z is the same in every
state of nature and equals 1 / V 0 ( 1 , . . . , 1). Hence, there exists a riskless
security and, by Assumption 3, its return R is given by 1 / ( ~ 7 / / j ) .
Proposition 5.2. For each security j with return Zj, there exists a portfolio o f
pure securities, whose return p e r dollar exactly replicates Zj.
which is the same for all states. Hence, Zp is a riskless security, and by
Assumption 3, Zp(O)=R. Therefore, V 0 = l , and Z J ( O ) = Z j ( O ) , O=
1. . . . , M .
Proposition 5.3. The set o f pure securities with returns (X1, . . . , X~4 ) span the
set o f all feasible portfolios that can be constructed from the M pure securities
and the n other securities.
The proof follows immediately from the proof of Proposition 5.2. It was shown
there that V0 -- ~1 IIkZ:(k) = 1. Multiplying both sides by Vj0 and noting the
identity Vj(k)-= VjoZj(k) j, it follows that Vj0 = ~1M IIkVj(k ).
However, by Theorem 4.13 and Proposition 5.3, it follows that the {Vj0} can
also be written as:
Vjo~__ 1 1 R , j=l,.., ,
n , (5.2)
where Oik is the i-kth element of O x 1. Hence, from (5.2) and Proposition 5.4,
it follows that the (aij) in (5.1) can be written as:
From (5.3), given the prices of the securities {H/} and {V/0}, the {aij } will be
agreed upon by all investors if and only if they agree upon the {Vj(i))
While it is commonly believed that the Arrow-Debreu model is completely
general with respect to assumptions about investors' beliefs, the assumption
that all investors agree on the {Vj(i)} functions can impose non-trivial restric-
tions on these beliefs. In particular, when there is production, it will in general
be inappropriate to define the states, tautologically, by the end-of-period
values of the securities, and therefore investors will at least have to agree on
the technologies specified for each firm. 22 However, as discussed in Section 4, it
is unlikely that a model without some degree of homogeneity in beliefs (other
than agreement on currently observed variables) can produce testable restric-
tions. Among models that do produce such testable restrictions, the assump-
tions about investors' beliefs in the Arrow-Debreu model are among the most
To perhaps provide further intuition about the solution of the portfolio-
221f the states are defined in terms of end-of-period values of the firm in addition to "en-
vironmental" factors, then the firms' production decisions will, in general, alter the state-space
description which violates the assumptions of the model. Moreover, I see no obvious reason why
individuals are any more likely to agree upon the {~(i)} functions than upon the probability
distributions for the environmental factors. If sufficient information is available to partition the
states into fine enough categories to produce agreement on the {~(i)} functions, then, given this
information, it is difficult to imagine how rational individuals would have heterogeneous beliefs
about the probability distributions for these states, As with the standard certainty model,
agreement on the technologies is necessary for Pareto optimality in this model. However, as Peter
Diamond has pointed out to me, it is not sufficient. Sufficiency demands the stronger requirement
that everyone be "right" in their assessment of the technologies. See Varian (1985) and Black
(1986, footnote 5) on whether differences of opinion among investors can be supported in this
542 R. Merton
max ( ~M
i P(j)U(Nj)+A[W o - ~///Nj]
+ ~ TjNj},
where P(O) is the investor's subjective probability for state 0 and )~ and
3'1, - - -, YM are Kuhn-Tucker multipliers.
From (5.4), the first-order conditions for the optimal portfolio {NT} can be
written as:
Because U ' > 0 and U " < 0, we have from (5.5a) and (5.5c) that
Thus, from (5.7), only the multiplier 2~* need be found to complete the
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 543
solution for the optimal portfolio. Substituting for N~ from (5.7) into (5.5b) we
have that
0 = Wo - ~ / / j max[O, G ( A * I I i / P ( j ) ) ] . (5.8)
where A** is the multiplier associated with the budget constraint (5.5b). As in
(5.8), A** is determined as the solution to:
0 = W o - ~, H j G ( A * * I I j / P ( ] ) ) . (5.10)
between the promised payments to the investor's creditors and the value of the
portfolio. From Proposition 5.4, the equilibrium initial price of such a guaran-
tee, F[W0], is given by:
F[W0] = ~ / / j max[0, - W * * ( j ) ]
Proposition 5.5. I f ( Z 1. . . . . Zn) are the returns on the available risky se-
curities, then there exists a portfolio contained in ~mv with return X such that
(X, R) span ~Fev and Zj - R = a j ( X - R), where aj =-cov(Zj, X ) / v a r ( X ) , j =
1, 2 , . . . , n.
The proof follows immediately from T h e o r e m 4.9. 23 Hence, all the properties
derived in the special case of two-fund spanning (m = 1) in Section 4 apply to
the mean-variance model. Indeed, because all such investors would prefer a
higher expected return for the same variance of return, ~ v is the set of
all portfolios contained in l~min, such that their expected returns are equal
to or exceed R. Hence, as with the complete-markets model, the m e a n -
variance model is also a special case of the spanning models developed in
Section 4.
If investors have homogeneous beliefs, then the equilibrium version of the
mean-variance model is called the Capital Asset Pricing Model. 24 It follows
from Proposition 4.5 and T h e o r e m 4.7 that, in equilibrium, the market
portfolio can be chosen as the risky spanning portfolio. From T h e o r e m 4.8, the
equilibrium structure of expected returns must satisfy the Security Market
Because of the mean-variance model's attractive simplicity and its strong
empirical implications, a number of authors 25 have studied the conditions
23In particular, the optimal portfolio demand functions are of the form derived in the proof of
Theorem 4.9. For a complete analytic derivation, see Merton (1972).
24Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), and Mossin (1966) are generally credited with independent
derivations of the model. Black (1972) extended the model to include the case of no riskless
ZSCf.Borch (1969), Feldstein (1969), Tobin (1969), Samuelson (1967), and Chamberlain (1983).
546 R. Merton
under which such a criterion function is consistent with the expected utility
maxim. Like the studies of general spanning properties cited in Section 4, these
studies examined the question in two parts. (i) What is the class of probability
distributions such that the expected value of an arbitrary concave utility
function can be written solely as a function of mean and variance? (ii) What is
the class of strictly concave von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions whose
expected value can be written solely as a function of mean and variance for
arbitrary distributions? Since the class of distributions in (i) was shown in
Section 4 to be equivalent to the class of finite-variance distributions that admit
two-fund spanning of the efficient set, the analysis will not be repeated here.
To answer (ii), it is straightforward to show that a necessary condition is that U
have the form W - b W 2, with b > 0. This member of the H A R A family is
called the quadratic and will satisfy the yon Neumann axioms only if W -< 1/2b
for all possible outcomes for W. Even if U is defined to be m a x [ W -
bW 2, 1/4b], so that U satisfies the axioms for all W, its expected value for
general distributions can be written as a function of just E(W) and var(W)
only if the maximum possible outcome for W is less than 1/2b.
Although both the Arrow-Debreu and Markowitz-Tobin models were
shown to be special cases of the spanning models in Section 4, they deserve
special attention because they are unquestionably the genesis of these general
p e r i o d so as to m a x i m i z e 26
w h e r e wi(t ) is t h e f r a c t i o n o f his p o r t f o l i o a l l o c a t e d to s e c u r i t y j at d a t e
t, j = 1 , . . . , n. B e c a u s e t h e f r a cn t i o n a l l o c a t e d to t h e riskless s e c u r i t y can
always b e c h o s e n to e q u a l 1 - ~ wj(t), t h e c h o i c e s for wi(t ) . . . . , wn(t ) a r e
It is a s s u m e d t h a t t h e r e exist m state v a r i a b l e s , {Sk(t)}, such t h a t the
26The additive independence of the utility function and the single-consumption good assump-
tions are made for analytic simplicity and because the focus of the chapter is on capital market
theory and not the theory of consumer choice. Fama (1970b) in discrete time and Meyer (1970)
and Huang and Kreps (1985) in continuous time, analyze the problem for non-additive and
temporally-dependent utilities. Although T is treated as known in the text, the analysis is
essentially the same for an uncertain lifetime with T a random variable [cf. Richard (1975) and
Merton (1971)]. The analysis is also little affected by making the direct-utility function "state-
dependent" (i.e. having U depend on other variables in addition to consumption and time). See
Merton (1990, ch. 6) for a summary of these various generalizations on preferences.
27This definition of a riskless security is purely technical and without normative significance. For
example, investing solely in the riskless security will not allow for a certain consumption stream
because R(t) will vary stochastically over time. On the other hand, a T-period, riskless-in-terms-of-
default coupon bond, which allows for a certain consumption stream, is not a riskless security
because its one-period return is uncertain. For further discussion, see Merton (1970, 1973b).
281t is assumed that all income comes from investment in securities. The analysis would be the
same with wage income provided that investors can sell shares against future income. However,
because institutionally this cannot be done, the "non-marketability" of wage income will cause
systematic effects on the portfolio and consumption decisions.
548 R. Merton
where " m a x " is over the current decision variables [C(t), wl(t ) . . . . , w,(t)].
Substituting for W(t + 1) in (6.4) from (6.2) and differentiating with respect to
each of the decision variables, we can write the n + 1 first-order conditions for
a regular interior m a x i m u m as:
where U c =- OU/OC, Jw =- OJ/OW, and (C*, w~) are the optimal values for the
decision variables. As in the static analysis of Section 2, we do not explicitly
impose the feasibility conditions that C * -> 0 and W >-0. Henceforth, except
where needed for clarity, the time indices will be dropped. Using (6.6), (6.5)
29Many non-Markov stochastic processes can be transformed to fit the Markov format by
expanding the number of state variables [cf. Cox and Miller (1968, pp. 16-18)]. To avoid including
"surplus" state variables, it is assumed that {S(t)) represent the minimum number of variables
necessary to make {Zj(t + 1)} Markov.
3°Cf. Dreyfus (1965) for the dynamic programming technique. Sufficient conditions for existence
are described in Bertsekas (1974). Uniqueness of the solutions is guaranteed by: (1) strict
concavity of U and B; (2) no redundant securities; and (3) no arbitrage opportunities. See Cox,
Ingersoll and Ross (1985a) for corresponding conditions in the continuous-time version of the
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 549
To solve for the complete optimal program, one first solves (6.6) and (6.7)
for C* and w* as functions of W(t) and S(t) when t = T - 1. This can be done
because J[W(T), S(T), T] = B[W(T), T], a known function. Substituting the
solutions for C * ( T - 1 ) and w * ( T - 1 ) in the right-hand side of (6.4), (6.4)
becomes an equation and, therefore, one has J [ W ( T - 1 ) , S ( T - 1 ) , T - 1 ] .
Using (6.6), (6.7), and (6.4) one can proceed to solve for the optimal rules in
earlier periods in the usual "backwards" recursive fashion of dynamic program-
ming. Having done so, one has a complete schedule of optimal consumption
and portfolio rules for each date expressed as functions of the (then) known
state variables W(t), S(t), and t. Moreover, as Samuelson (1969) has shown,
the optimal consumption rules will satisfy the "envelope condition" expressed
i.e. at the optimum, the marginal utility of wealth (future consumption) will
just equal the marginal utility of (current) consumption. Moreover, from (6.8),
it is straightforward to show that Jww < 0 because Ucc < 0 . Hence, J is a
strictly concave function of wealth.
A comparison of the first-order conditions for the static portfolio-selection
problem, (2.4) in Section 2, with the corresponding conditions (6.6) for the
dynamic problem will show that they are formally quite similar. Of course,
they do differ in that, for the former case, the utility function of wealth is taken
to be exogenous while, in the latter, it is derived. However, the more
fundamental difference in terms of portfolio-selection behavior is that J is not
only a function of W, but also a function of S. The analogous condition in the
static case would be that the end-of-period utility function of wealth is also
state dependent.
To see that this difference is not trivial, consider the Rothschild-Stiglitz
definition of "riskier" that was used in the one-period analysis to partition the
feasible portfolio set into its efficient and inefficient parts. Let W1 and W2 be
the random variable, end-of-period values of two portfolios with identical
expected values. If W2 is equal in distribution to W1 + Z, where E ( Z [ W1) = 0,
then from (2.10) and (2.11), W2 is riskier than W1 and every risk-averse
maximizer of the expected utility of end-of-period wealth would prefer W~ to
W2. However, consider an intertemporal maximizer with a strictly concave,
derived utility function J. It will not, in general, be true that Et{J[W~, S(t +
1), t + 1]} > Et{J[W2, S(t + 1), t + 1]}. Therefore, although the intertemporal
550 R. Merton
maximizer selects his portfolio for only one period at a time, the optimal
portfolio selected may be one that would never be chosen by any risk-averse,
one-period maximizer. Hence, the portfolio-selection behavior of an inter-
temporal maximizer is, in general, operationally distinguishable from the
behavior of a static maximizer.
To adapt the Rothschild-Stiglitz definition to the intertemporal case, a
stronger condition is required: namely if W2 is equal in distribution to W1 + Z,
where E[ZI W1, S(t + 1)] = 0, then every risk-averse intertemporal maximizer
would prefer to hold W 1 rather than W2 in the period t to t + 1. The proof
follows immediately from the concavity of J and Jensen's Inequality. Namely,
Et{J[W2, S(t + 1), t + 1]} = E,{E(J[W 2, S(t + 1), t + 111Wl, S(t + 1))}. By Jen-
sen's Inequality, E( J[ W2, S(t + 1), t + 1]IW1, S(t + 1)) < J[E( W2 [W~, S(t +
1)), S(t + 1), t + 1] = J[W~, S(t + 1), t + 1], and therefore E,{J[W2, S(t + 1),
t + 1]} < E,{J[W1, S(t + 1), t + 1]}. Hence, "noise" as denoted by Z must not
only be noise relative to W1, but noise relative to the state variables Sl(t +
l ) , . . . , Sm(t + 1 ) . All the analyses of the preceding sections can be formally
adapted to the intertemporal framework by simply requiring that the "noise"
terms there, e, have the additional property that Et(e I S(t + 1)) = Et(e) = 0.
Hence, in the absence of further restrictions on the distributions, the resulting
efficient portfolio set for intertemporal maximizers will be larger than in the
static case.
However, under certain conditions, 3I the portfolio selection behavior of
intertemporal maximizers will be "as if" they were one-period maximizers. For
example, if Et[Zj(t + 1)] -= Zj(t + 1) = E,[Zj(t + 1)1 S(t + 1)], ] = 1, 2 , . . . , n,
then the additional requirement that E,(e I s(t + 1)) -- 0 will automatically be
satisfied for any feasible portfolio, and the original Rothschild-Stiglitz "static"
definition will be a valid. Indeed, in the cited papers by Hakansson, Samuel-
son, and Merton, it is assumed that the security returns {Zl(t) . . . . , Zn(t)} are
serially independent and identically distributed in time which clearly satisfies
this condition.
Define the investment opportunity set at time t to be the joint distribution for
{Zl(t + 1 ) , . . . , Zn(t + 1)} and the return on the riskless security, R(t). The
Hakansson et al. papers assume that the investment opportunity set is constant
through time. The condition Zj(t + 1) = Et[Zj(t + 1)lS(t + 1)], j = 1 , . . . , n,
will also be satisfied if changes in the investment opportunity set are either
completely random or time dependent in a non-stochastic fashion. Moreover,
with the possible exception of a few special cases, these are the only conditions
on the investment opportunity set under which Zj(t + 1) = E,[Zj(t + 1)]S(t +
1)], j = 1 . . . . , n. Hence, for arbitrary concave utility functions, the one-period
analysis will be a valid surrogate for the intertemporal analysis only if changes
in the investment opportunity set satisfy these conditions.
32See Latane (1959), Markowitz (1976), and Rubinstein (1976) for arguments in favor of this
view, and Samuelson (1971), Goldman (1974), and Merton and Samuelson (1974) for arguments in
opposition to this view.
33These introductory paragraphs are adapted from Merton (1975, pp. 662-663). See the books
by Duffle (1988), Ingersoll (1987), and Merton (1990) for development of the continuous-time
model and extensive bibliographies.
552 R. Merton
now. This time scale is determined by the costs to the individual of processing
information and making decisions, and is chosen by the individual. Third, there
is the planning horizon, which is the maximum length of time for which the
investor gives any weight in his utility function. Typically, this time scale would
correspond to the balance of his lifetime and is denoted by T in the formulation
The static approach to portfolio selection implicitly assumes that the in-
dividual's decision and planning horizons are the same: "one period". While
the intertemporal approach distinguishes between the two, when individual
demands are aggregated to determine market equilibrium relations, it is
implicitly assumed in both approaches that the decision interval is the same for
all investors, and therefore corresponds to the trading interval.
If h denotes the length of time in the trading interval, then every solution
derived has, as an implicit argument, h. Clearly, if h changes, then the derived
behavior of investors would change, as indeed would any deduced equilibrium
relations. 34 I might mention, somewhat parenthetically, that empirical re-
searchers often neglect to recognize that h is part of a model's specification.
For example, in Theorem 4.6 the returns on securities were shown to have a
linear relation to the returns on a set of spanning portfolios. However, because
the n-period return on a security is the product (and not the sum) of the
one-period returns, this linear relation can only obtain for the single time
interval, h. If we define a fourth time interval, the observation horizon, to be
the length of time between successive observations of the data by the re-
searcher, then the usual empirical practice is to implicitly assume that the
decision and trading intervals are equal to the observation interval. This is
done whether the observation interval is daily, weekly, monthly, or annually!
If the frictionless-markets assumption (Assumption 1) is extended to include
no costs of information processing or operating the markets, then it follows
that all investors would prefer to have h as small as physically possible. Indeed,
the aforementioned general assumption that all investors have the same
decision interval will, in general, only be valid if all such costs are zero. This
said, it is natural to examine the limiting case when h tends to zero and trading
takes place continuously in time.
Consider an economy where the trading interval, h, is sufficiently small that
the state description of the economy can change only "locally" during the
interval (t, t + h). Formally, the Markov stochastic processes for the state
variables, S(t), are assumed to satisfy the property that one-step transitions are
permitted only to the nearest neighboring states. The analogous condition in
34If investor behavior were invariant to h, then investors would choose the same portfolio if they
were "frozen" into their investments for ten years as they would if they could revise their portfolios
every day.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 553
the limiting case of continuous time is that the sample paths for S(t) are con-
tinuous functions of time, i.e. for every realization of S(t + h), except pos-
sibly on a set of measure zero, limh~o[S~(t + h) - Sk(t)] = 0, k = 1 . . . . . m. If,
however, in the continuous limit the uncertainty of "end-of-period" returns is to
be preserved, then an additional requirement is that limh_,0[Sk(t + h) - Sk(t)]/h
exists almost nowhere, i.e. even though the sample paths are continuous,
the increments to the states are not, and therefore, in particular, "end-of-
period" rates of return will not be "predictable" even in the continuous-
time limit. The class of stochastic processes that satisfy these conditions are called
diffusion processes• 35
Although such processes are almost nowhere differentiable in the usual
sense, under some mild regularity conditions there is a generalized theory of
stochastic differential equations which allows their instantaneous dynamics to
be expressed as the solution to the system of equations:
where Gi(S, t) is the instantaneous expected change in Si(t ) per unit time at
time t; H 2 is the instantaneous variance of the change in Si(t ), where it is
understood that these statistics are conditional on S(t)= S. The dqi(t ) are
Wiener processes with the instantaneous correlation coefficient per unit of time
between dqi(t ) and dqj(t) given by the function "%(S, t), i, j = 1 . . . . , m . 37
Moreover, specifying the functions {Gi, H;, r/ij }, i, j = 1 , . . . , m, is sufficient
to completely determine the transition probabilities for S(t) between any two
dates. 3s
Under the assumption that the returns on securities can be described by
diffusion processes, Merton (1969, 1971) has solved the continuous-time analog
to the discrete-time formulation in (6.1), namely:
max E 0
l f0 U[C(t), t] dt + B[W(T), T] / . (7.2)
35See Feller (1966), It8 and McKean (1964), and Cox and Miller (1968).
36(7.1) is a short-hand expression for the stochastic integral:
where Si(t ) is the solution to (7.1) with probability one. For a general discussion and proofs, see
It6 and McKean (1964), McKean (1969), McShane (1974), and Harrison (1985).
37fo dq~ = qi(t) - q~(O) is normally distributed with a zero mean and variance equal to t.
38See Feller (1966, pp. 320-321) and Cox and Miller (1968, p. 215). The transition probabilities
will satisfy the Kolmogorov or Fokker-Planck partial differential equations.
554 R. Merton
where aj is the instantaneous conditional expected rate of return per unit time;
ori is its instantaneous conditional variance per unit time; and dZj are Wiener
processes, with the instantaneous correlation coefficient per unit time between
dZj(t) and dZk(t ) given by the function pj~(S, t), j, k = 1 , . . . , n. In addition
to the n risky securities, there is a riskless security whose instantaneous rate of
return per unit time is the interest rate r(t). 41 To complete the model's
dynamics description, define the functions /xi~(S, t) to be the instantaneous
correlation coefficients per unit time between dq/(t) and dZj(t), i = 1 . . . . , m;
j = l . . . . . n.
As in the discrete-time case, define J by:
subject to J[0, S(t), t] = I f U[0, r] dr + B[0, T], which reflects the require-
ment that W(t)= 0 is an absorbing state.
39Karatzas et al. use the dynamic programming technique. Cox and Huang use an alternative
method based on a martingale representation technology. As discussed in Merton (1990, ch. 6),
this method is especially powerful for solving optimization problems of this sort.
4°Merton (1971, p. 377). dP/P~ in continuous time corresponds to Zj(t + 1) - 1 in the discrete-
time analysis.
41r(t) corresponds to R ( t ) - 1 in the discrete-time analysis, and is the "force-of-interest"
continuous rate. While the rate earned between t and t + dt, r(t), is known with certainty as of time
t, r(t) can vary stochastically over time.
42Unlike in the A r r o w - D e b r e u model, for example, it is not assumed here that the returns are
necessarily completely described by the changes in the state variables, dS i, i = 1 , . . . , m, i.e., the
dZj need not be instantaneously perfectly correlated with some linear combination of
dql . . . . . dqm. Rather, it is only assumed that (dPI/P~ . . . . , dP./P,,, dS~ . . . . . dS,,,) is Markov in
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 555
The continuous-time analog to (6.4) can be written as:
1 1 1 1
o = uc[c*, t] + - J w [ w , s , t] (7.6)
where vkj is the k-jth element of the inverse of the instantaneous variance-
43See Merton (1971, p. 381) and Kushner (1967, ch. IV, theorem 7).
556 R. Merton
Theorem 7.1. If the returns dynamics are described by (7.1) and (7.3), then
there exist (m + 2) mutual funds constructed from linear combinations of the
available securities such that, independent of preferences, wealth distribution, or
planning horizon, investors will be indifferent between choosing f r o m linear
combinations of just these (m + 2) funds or linear combinations of all n risky
securities and the riskless security.
Proof. Let mutual fund #1 be the riskless security; let mutual fund #2 hold
fraction 6 j ~ ~ v ~ j ( % - r ) in security j, j = 1 , . . . , n, and the balance ( 1 -
1 fii) in the riskless security; let mutual fund #(2 + i) hold fraction 6 ji -= ~ij in
wT(t)W(t) = K ~ v k j ( % - r) , j = l, . . . , n . (7.9)
A special case of this condition occurs when the investment opportunity set is
non-stochastic [i.e. either H i = 0, i = 1 , . . . , m, or (a i, o-q, r) are, at most,
deterministic functions of time, i, j = 1 , . . . , n]. Optimal demands will also
satisfy (7.9) if preferences are such that the marginal utility of wealth of the
derived-utility function does not depend on S ( t ) (i.e. B i = 0, i = 1 . . . . . m). By
inspection of (7.6) this condition will obtain if the optimal consumption
function C* does not depend on S(t). In direct correspondence to the
discrete-time finding in Section 6, the only time-additive and independent
utility function to satisfy this condition is U [ C , t] = a(t) log[C(t)], a preference
function which also has the property that C * ( t ) > 0 and ~ * = 0.
By inspection of (7.9) the relative holdings of risky securities, w ~ ( t ) / w * ( t ) ,
are the same for all investors, and thus, under these conditions, the efficient
portfolio set will be spanned by just two funds: a single risky fund and a
riskless fund. Moreover, by the procedure used to prove Theorem 4.9 and
Theorem 4.10 in the static analysis, the efficient portfolio set here can be
shown to be generated by the set of portfolios with minimum (instantaneous)
variance for a given expected rate of return. Hence, under these conditions the
continuous-time intertemporal maximizer will act "as if" he were a static,
Markowitz-Tobin mean-variance maximizer. Although the demand functions
are formally identical to those derived from the mean-variance model, the
analysis here assumes neither quadratic preferences nor elliptic or normally
distributed security returns. Indeed, if for example the investment opportunity
set {aj, r, o'q; i, j = 1, 2 , . . . , n} is constant through time, then from (7.3) the
return on each risky security will be log-normally distributed, which implies
that all securities have limited liability.44
In the general case described in Theorem 7.1, the qualitative behavioral
differences between an intertemporal maximizer and a static maximizer can be
clarified further by analyzing the characteristics of the derived spanning
As already shown, fund #1 and fund #2 are the "usual" portfolios that
would be mixed to provide an optimal portfolio for a static maximizer. Hence,
the intertemporal behavioral differences are characterized by funds #(2 + i),
i = 1 , . . . , m. At the level of demand functions, the "differential demand" for
44See Merton (1971, pp. 384-388). It is also shown there that the returns will be lognormal on
the risky fund which, together with the riskless security, spans the efficient portfolio set. Joint
lognormal distributions are not elliptical distributions.
558 R. Merton
risky security j, zlD~, is defined to be the difference between the demand for
that security by an intertemporal maximizer at time t and the demand for that
security by a static maximizer of the expected utility of "end-of-period" wealth
where the absolute risk-aversion and current wealth of the two maximizers are
the same. Noting that K = - - J w / J w w is the reciprocal of the absolute risk-
aversion of the derived utility of wealth function, from (7.8) we have that
L e m m a 7.1. Define:
d Y i = - d S i - ( ~ 8j~--~f-*/dPJ r d t ) + r d t )
The set o f portfolio weights {6~} that minimize the (instantaneous) variance o f
dY~ are given by 6 j = ~q, j = l, . . . , n and i = l . . . . , m.
Proof. The instantaneous variance of d Yi is equal to [H/2 -- 2 ~1 ~ jHio-jtzij
* q-
E n
1 E n
1 6j6kO)k].
* "f Hence, the minimizing set of (6~} will satisfy 0 = -H/o)k~q +
E ln a *ko)~, j = 1 , . . . , n. By matrix inversion, 6jt = ~'q.
The instantaneous
rate of return on fund # ( 2 + i) is exactly
[r dt + ~1 ~ q ( d P / P j - r dr)]. Hence, fund # ( 2 + i) can be described as that
feasible portfolio whose rate of return most closely replicates the stochastic
part of the instantaneous change in state variable Si(t), and this is true for
i=1,... ,m.
Consider the special case where there exist securities that are instantaneously
perfectly correlated with changes in each of the state variables. Without loss of
generality, assume that the first m securities are the securities such that d P J P i
is perfectly positively correlated with d S i, i = 1 . . . . , m. In this c a s e , 45 t h e
demand function (7.8) can be rewritten in the form:
45As will be shown in Section 10, this case is similar in spirit to the Arrow-Debreu complete-
markets model.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 559
Hence, the relative holdings of securities m + 1 through n will be the same for
all investors, and the differential demand functions can be rewritten as:
46This behavior obtains even when the return on fund #(2 + i) is not instantaneouslyperfectly
correlated with dSr See Merton (1990, ch. 15).
560 R. Merton
47For further discussion of this analysis, descriptions of specific sources of uncertainty, and
extensions to discrete-time examples, see Merton (1970, 1973b, 1975, 1977a). Breeden (1979) and
Merton (1990, ch. 6) show that similar behavior obtains in the case of multiple consumption goods
with uncertain relative prices. However, C* is a vector and Jw is the "shadow" price of the
"composite" consumption bundle. Hence, the corresponding derived "hedging" behavior is to
minimize the unanticipated variations in Jw.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 561
non-linear sharing rules has important implications for both corporate finance
and the structure of equilibrium asset prices• For this reason and because
derivative securities represent a significant and growing fraction of the out-
standing stock of financial instruments, CCA is a mainstream topic in financial
economic theory•
Although closely connected with the continuous-time portfolio models ana-
lyzed in the previous section, the origins of CCA are definitely rooted in the
pioneering work of Black and Scholes (1973) on the theory of option pricing.
Thus, we begin the study of derivative-security pricing with an analysis of
option securities•
A "European-type call (put) option" is a security that gives its owner the
right to buy (sell) a specified quantity of a financial or real asset at a specified
price, the "exercise price", on a specified date, the "expiration date". An
American-type option allows its owner to exercise the option on or before the
expiration date. If the owner chooses not to exercise the option on or before
the expiration date, then it expires and becomes worthless•
If V(t) denotes the price of the underlying asset at time t and E denotes the
exercise price, then from the contract terms, the price of the call option at the
expiration date T is given by max[0, V ( T ) - E] and the price of the put option
is max[0, E - V(T)]. If there is positive probability that V ( T ) > E, and positive
probability that V ( T ) < E, then these options provide examples of securities
with contractually derived non-linear sharing rules with respect to the underly-
ing asset•
Although academic study of option pricing can be traced back to at least the
turn of the century, the "watershed" in this research is the Black and Scholes
(1973) model, which uses arbitrage arguments to derive option prices. It was,
48Black (1987) gives a brief history on how he and Scholes came to discover their model.
562 R. Merton
dV = a V d t + rrV d Z , (8.1)
1 2•r2r,
~o- v r n + r V F 1 - r F + F 2 = 0 (8.2)
subject to the boundary conditions:
(a) F(0, t) = 0 ,
(b) F / V b o u n d e d , (8.3)
(c) F(V, T) = max[0, V - E l ,
If w(t) is a right-continuous function and P(t) denotes the value of the portfolio
at time t, then, from Section 7, the dynamics for P can be written as:
d F = [ ~1
V 2 F11 + a V F 1 + F2] dt + FIV~r d Z . (8.6)
5°It6's Lemma is for stochastic differentiation, the analog to the Fundamental Theorem of the
calculus for deterministic differentiation. For a statement of the Lemma and applications in
economics, see Merton (1971, 1973a, 1982b, 1990). For its rigorous proof, see McKean (1969, p.
564 R. Merton
debtholders will receive their promised payment B and the equityholders will
have the "residual" value, V ( T ) - B. If, however, V(T)< B, then there are
inadequate assets within the firm to pay the debtholders their promised
amount. By the limited-liability provision of corporate equity, the equity-
holders cannot be assessed to make up the shortfall, and it is clearly not in
their interests to do so voluntarily. Hence, if V(T)< B, then default occurs
and the value of the debt is V(T) and the equity is worthless. Thus, the
contractually derived payoff function for the debt at time T, fl, can be written
Provided that default is possible but not certain, we have from (8.10) and
(8.11) that the sharing rule between debtholders and equityholders is a
non-linear function of the value of the firm. Moreover, the payoff structure to
equity is isomorphic to a European call option where the underlying asset is the
firm, the exercise price is the promised debt payment, and the expiration date
is the maturity date. Because min[V(T), B] = V ( T ) - max[0, V ( T ) - B], the
debtholders' position is functionally equivalent to buying the firm outright from
the equityholders at the time of issue and simultaneously giving them an option
to buy back the firm at time T for B. Hence, provided that the conditions of
continuous-trading opportunities and a diffusion-process representation for the
dynamics of the firm's value are satisfied, the Black-Scholes option pricing
theory can be applied directly to the pricing of levered equity and corporate
debt with default risk.
The same methodology can be applied quite generally to the pricing of
derivative securities by adjusting the boundary conditions in (8.3) to match the
contractually derived payoff structure. Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1985b) use this
technique to price default-free bonds in their widely used model of the term
structure of interest rates. The survey articles by Smith (1976) and Mason and
Merton (1985) and the books by Cox and Rubinstein (1985) and Merton
(1990) provide applications of CCA in a broad range of areas, including the
pricing of general corporate liabilities, project evaluation and financing, pen-
sion fund and deposit insurance, and employment contracts such as guaranteed
wage floors and tenure. CCA can also take account of differential tax rates on
different types of assets as demonstrated by Scholes (1976) and Constantinides
and Scholes (1980). Although, in most applications, (8.2)-(8.3) will not yield
closed-form solutions, powerful computational methods have been developed
566 R. Merton
to provide high-speed numerical solutions for both the security price and its
first derivative.
As shown in Section 4, the linear generating process for security returns
which is required for non-trivial spanning in Theorem 4.6 is generally not
satisfied by securities with non-linear sharing rules. However, if the underlying
asset-price dynamics are diffusions, we have shown that the dynamics of
equilibrium derivative-security prices will also follow diffusion processes. The
existence of such securities is, therefore, consistent with the hypothesized
conditions of Theorem 7.1. Hence, the creation of securities with non-linear
sharing rules will not adversely affect the spanning results derived for the
continuous-time portfolio selection model of Section 7. Using a replication
argument similar to the one presented here, Merton (1974, 1977b) proves that
Theorem 4.14, the Modigliani-Miller Theorem, obtains under the conditions
of continuous trading and a diffusion representation for the dynamics of the
market value of the firm.
51This section is adapted from Merton (1989) and Merton (1990, ch. 14).
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 567
52With diffusion processes and proportional transactions costs, investors cannot trade continu-
ously. T h e reason is that with continuous trading, transactions costs at each trade will be
proportional to IdZl, where d Z is a Brownian motion. However, for any non-infinitesimal T,
~ [dZl = ~ almost certainly and hence, with continuous trading, the total transactions cost is
u n b o u n d e d with probability one.
53This model also appears in Merton (1978) where the cost of surveillance by the deposit insurer
is, in equilibrium, borne by the depositors in the form of a lower yield on their deposits. If all
investors can transact without cost, then none would hold deposits and instead would invest
directly in higher-yielding U S T bills. Thus, to justify this form of intermediation, it is necessary to
assume that at least some investors face positive transactions cost for such direct investments in the
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 569
who can trade continuously at zero marginal cost, then the equilibrium prices
of financial products equal the production costs of the lowest-cost producers. In
this competitive version of the model, equilibrium prices for derivative-security
products are given by the solution to (8.2) with the appropriate boundary
conditions. Merton (1990, ch. 14) shows that in this environment a set of
feasible contracts between customers and intermediaries exists that allows all
agents to achieve optimal consumption-:bequest allocations as if they could
trade continuously without cost. Thus, in this limiting case of fully-efficient and
competitive intermediation, equilibrium asset prices and allocations are the
same as in the zero-transactions-cost version of the model. However, mutual
funds and derivative securities provide important economic benefits to inves-
tors and corporate issuers, even though these securities are priced in equilib-
rium as if they were redundant. With these remarks on the robustness of the
model as background, we turn now to the issues of general-equilibrium pricing
and the efficiency of allocations for the continuous-trading model of Section 7.
where O/1 is the expected return on the market portfolio; a i is the expected
return on a portfolio with the maximum feasible correlation of its return with
the change in state variable Si_l, i = 2 , . . . , m + 1; and the {Bij} correspond to
the theoretical multiple-regression coefficients from regressing the (instanta-
neous) returns of security ] on the returns of these m + 1 portfolios. (10.2) is a
natural generalization of the Security Market Line and is therefore aptly called
the Security Market Hyperplane.
Let d X i / X ~, i = 1 , . . . , m + 1, denote the instantaneous rate of return on the
ith portfolio whose expected return is represented on the right-hand side of
(10.2). It follows immediately from the definition of the {Bgj} that the return
dynamics on asset j can be written as:
dPj/Pj = r(t) dt + ~ B,j(t)(dX'/X i - r(t) d t ) + d e j , (10.3)
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 571
where flkC =--cov[dC, dPk/Pk]/var[d(~]. Thus, from (10.8) a security's risk can
be measured by a single composite statistic: namely, the covariance between its
return and the change in aggregate consumption. Breeden (1979, pp. 274-276)
was the first to derive this relation which combines the generality of (10.2)-
(10.4) with the simplicity of the classic Security Market Line. 54
If in the model of Section 7 the menu of available securities is sufficiently
rich that investors can perfectly hedge against unanticipated changes in each of
the state variables S I . . . . . Sm, then from Lemma 7.1 var(dYi)= 0 for i =
1 , . . . , m. From (10.6), unanticipated changes in each investor's optimal
consumption rate are instantaneously perfectly correlated with the returns on a
mean-variance efficient portfolio and therefore, are instantaneously perfectly
correlated with unanticipated changes in aggregate consumption. This special
case analyzed in (7.11) and (7.12) takes on added significance because B reeden
(1979) among others has shown that intertemporal equilibrium allocations will
be Pareto efficient if such perfect hedging opportunities are available.
This efficiency finding for general preferences and endowments is perhaps
surprising, because it is well known that a competitive equilibrium does not in
general produce Pareto-optimal allocations without complete A r r o w - D e b r e u
markets. Because the dynamics of the model in Section 7 are described by
diffusion processes, there is a continuum of possible states over any finite
interval of time. Therefore, complete markets in this model would seem to
require an uncountable number of pure Arrow-Debreu securities. However,
as we know from the work of Arrow (1953) and Radner (1972), an A r r o w -
Debreu equilibrium allocation can be achieved without a full set of pure
time-state contingent securities if the menu of available securities is sufficient
for agents to use dynamic-trading strategies to replicate the payoff structures of
the pure securities. Along the lines of the contingent-claims analysis of Section
5~Although equilibrium condition (10.2) will apply in the cases of either state-dependent direct
utility, U(C, S, t), utilities which depend on the path of past consumption, or models with
transactions costs for the consumption good, (10.8) will no longer obtain under these conditions
[cf. Grossman and Laroque (forthcoming) and Merton (1990, ch. 15)].
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 573
8, we now show that if perfect hedging of the state variables is feasible, then
the Radner conditions are satisfied by the continuous-trading model of Section
By hypothesis, it is possible to construct portfolios whose returns are
instantaneously perfectly correlated with changes in each of the state variables,
[dSl(t) . . . . . dSm(t)], as described by (7.1). For notational simplicity and
without loss of generality, assume that the first m available risky securities are
these portfolios so that d Z i = dqi, i = 1 , . . . , m.
With subscripts denoting partial derivatives of H, with respect to
(S 1. . . . . Sin, t), let II(S, t; S, T) satisfy the linear partial differential equation:
=[~IIjHj(aj-r)/%+rVldt+~,HjHjdq j, (10.10)
dH=(½~HiHjrhjlIq+~,[GJIj]+F/m+l) dt+~,IIjHjdqj.
1 1 1 1
But, II(S, t) satisfies (10.9) and hence (10.11) can be rewritten as:
55Under mild regularity conditions on the functions H, 7/, G, a, ~, and r, a solution exists and is
574 R, Merton
56Of course, with a continuum of states, the price of any one A r r o w - D e b r e u security, like
the probability of a state, is infinitesimal. The solution to (10.9) is analogous_to a probability
density and therefore, the actual A r r o w - D e b r e u price is II(S, t ) d S ~ . . , d S m. The limiting
boundary condition for t = T in (10.9) is a vector, generalized Dirac delta function.
57The derivation can be generalized to the case in Section 7, where d Z , ~ + ~ , . . . , dZ,, are not
perfectly correlated with the state variables by adding the mean-variance efficient portfolio to the
m + 1 portfolios used here. As shown in Merton (1990, chs. 14 and 16), such a portfolio must
generally be included as part of the state-space description if these path-independent pure
securities are to span the entire optimal consumption-bequest allocation set. Cox, Ingersoll and
Ross (1985a) present a more general version of partial differential equation (10.9), which describes
general-equilibrium pricing for all assets and securities in the economy. See Duffle (1986, 1988) for
discussion of existence of equilibrium in these general models.
Ch. 11: Capital Market Theory 575
and a short position in two call options with exercise price E, where the
expiration dates of the options are the same. If options are available on a
security whose price V(t) is in one-to-one correspondence with the state
variable, then the payoff to a state-contingent claim which pays $1 at time T if
V(T) = E and $0 otherwise, can be approximated by 1/d units of a butterfly
spread. This approximation becomes exact in the limit as zl--~ dE, the infinites-
imal differential. Breeden and Litzenberger thus show that the pure state
security price is given by (a2F/aE 2) dE, where F is the call-option pricing
function derived in Section 8. Under the specialized conditions for which the
Black-Scholes formula (8.9) applies, the solution for the pure state security
price has a closed-form given by e x p [ - r ( T - t ) ] q b ' ( x 2 ) d E / ( o - E X / - T- S t).
In the intertemporal version of the A r r o w - D e b r e u complete-markets model,
there is a security for every possible state of the economy, but markets need
only be open " o n c e " because agents will have no need for further trade. In the
model of this section, there are many fewer securities, but agents trade
continuously. Nevertheless, both models have many of the same properties. It
appears, therefore, that a good substitute for having a large number of markets
and securities is to have the existing markets open more frequently for trade.
In addressing this point as well as the robustness of the continuous-time
model, Duffle and Huang (1985) derive necessary and sufficient conditions for
continuous-trading portfolio strategies with a finite number of securities to
effectively complete markets in a Radner economy. As discussed in Section 5,
the A r r o w - D e b r e u model permits some degree of heterogeneity in beliefs
among agents. Just so, Duffle and Huang show that the spanning results
derived here for continuous trading are robust with respect to heterogeneous
probability assessments among agents provided that their subjective probability
measures are uniformly absolutely continuous. In later work [Duffle and
Huang (1986)] they derive conditions where these results obtain in the more
general framework of differential information among agents. 58
Although continuous trading is, of course, only a theoretical proposition, the
continuous-trading solutions will be an asymptotically valid approximation to
the discrete-time solutions as the trading interval becomes small. 59 An in-depth
discussion of the mathematical and economic assumptions required for the
valid application of the continuous-time analysis is beyond the scope of this
chapter. 6° However, actual securities markets are open virtually all the time,
58Other research in this area includes Williams (1977), Hellwig (1982), Gennotte (1986), and
Dothan and Feldman (1986).
59See Samuelson (1970) and Merton and Samuelson (1974). Merton (1975, p. 663) discusses
special cases in which the limiting discrete-time solutions do not approach the continuous-time
6°Merton (1982b, 1990) discusses in detail the economic assumptions required for the con-
tinuous-time methodology. Moreover, most of the mathematical tools for manipulation of these
models are derived using only elementary probability theory and the calculus.
576 R. Merton
and hence the required assumptions are rather reasonable when applied in that
In summary, we have seen that all the interesting models of portfolio
selection and capital market theory share in common, the property of non-
trivial spanning. If, however, a model is to be broadly applicable, then it
should also satisfy the further conditions that: (i) the number of securities
required for spanning be considerably smaller than both the number of agents
and the number of possible states for the economy; and (ii) the creation of
securities with non-linear sharing rules by an individual investor or firm should
not, in general, alter the size of the spanning set. As we have also seen, the
continuous-trading model with vector diffusions for the underlying state vari-
ables meets these criteria. Motivated in part by the important work of Harrison
and Kreps (1979), Duffle and Huang (1985) use martingale representation
theorems to show that with continuous trading these conditions can also obtain
for a class of non-Markov, path-dependent processes, some of which do not
have continuous sample paths. 61 It remains, however, an open and important
research question as to whether in the absence of continuous trading these
criteria can be satisfied in interesting models with general preferences and
6~If the underlying dynamics of the system include Poisson-driven processes with discontinuous
sample paths, then the resulting equilibrium prices will satisfy a mixed partial difference-
differential equation. In the case of non-Markov path-dependent processes, the valuation condi-
tions cannot be represented as a partial differential equation.
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