M e N T o R I N G B o o K L e T
M e N T o R I N G B o o K L e T
M e N T o R I N G B o o K L e T
For use by Coaches in consultation with their Mentors
Coach Name:
Mentor Name:
In my search for personal and professional improvement mentors continue to play a pivotal role.”
Chris Fagan, Senior Coach, Brisbane Lions, AFL
Mentor Guidelines for the Coach and the Mentor
“Mentoring – developing insight to turn hindsight into foresight!”
Ann Rolfe, Mentoring Works
Selecting a mentor
Factors to consider when selecting your mentor include:
• Their experience in and knowledge of the sport
• Their understanding of coaching pedagogy (i.e. how to teach people to coach)
• Their ability to communicate with you one-on-one.
• Their willingness to be involved as a mentor – they must be motivated to help you to
• Their ability to commit sufficient time to the mentoring process – as you will see in the
next section, the commitment for the AFL Level 2 Coach Accreditation is not onerous!
Level 2 Mentoring Requirements
Whilst mentoring is an ongoing process, for the requirements of the Level 2 Coach
Accreditation, you need to (a) engage a Mentor (could be more than one) and (b)
document four conversations throughout the season as follows:
A. Pre-season when planning – to assist with the development of the Season Coaching Plan
B. In season – after a training session (where the mentor observes the coach) to reflect on
coaching practise (Mentor completes the Observation Training Session Template)
C. In season – after a match (where the mentor observes the coach) to reflect on matchday
coaching (Mentor completes the Observation Matchday Coaching Template)
D. Post season - to review how the season went and key areas to improve and/or develop
for the following season
Remember, your Mentor/s could be another coach, someone your respect around the Club
and/or a friend who has good interpersonal and communication skills. They don’t have to
be a more experienced or a higher accredited coach!
Whilst each conversation will be guided by you as Coach and your identified goals and
Coaching Plan, the following four templates provide some guidelines and reflection
questions for you to complete and submit following your post-season conversation with
your mentor.
The two Mentor Observation Templates mentioned above are available to download from
the CoachAFL Level 2 Portal (together with this booklet). You can then email or print the
templates for your Mentor so that they can complete them during the training and
matchday observation sessions.
The completed booklet and Observation Templates MUST be signed by you and your
Mentor Coach and then uploaded to CoachAFL for sign-off by the State Coaching Manager.
Refer also to Appendix 1: Questions to Guide the Mentor: Coach Reflection Process – before
each mentor observation and reflection session.
A. Pre-Season Conversation with your mentor – Developing the Season Coaching Plan
NB: Use the Season Plan Template provided at the face to face course component as a reference and seek advice
from your Mentor to assist with its completion before submitting via CoachAFL.
1. List 2-3 coaching strengths that you want to maintain and demonstrate this season?
2. Outline 2-3 areas you would like to further develop in your coaching this season?
3. What measures have been put in place with your Mentor to address and monitor both 1
and 2 above?
4. Looking at your Season Coaching Plan, outline two initiatives that you will commit to
from any of the six Coaching Competencies that are new and will enhance your
Mentor Coach
B. In-Season Conversation with your mentor – after observing a training session
1. Outline the key focus for the session that you asked your Mentor to observe and help
you to reflect on?
4. Objective information offered by your mentor coach to assist your reflection and
5. What will you now go away and work on and how will you achieve this?
Mentor Coach
C. In-Season Conversation with your mentor – after observing you coaching on game day
1. Outline the key focus of your coaching that you asked your Mentor to observe and help
you to reflect on?
3. What aspects of your game-day coaching did not go so well and why?
4. Objective information offered by your mentor coach to assist your reflection and
5. What will you now go away and work on and how will you achieve this?
Mentor Coach
D. Post-Season Conversation with your mentor – Season in Review
Use your Season Coaching Plan to reflect on how you went according to your key focus
areas and actions for the season.
1. KEEP - What worked well in your coaching this season and you will keep doing?
2. STOP - What didn’t work so well in your coaching and should be stopped?
3. START - What could be included or improved in your coaching practise (training and
game day) to enhance the development and performance of your players?
Mentor Coach
APPENDIX 1: Questions to Guide the Mentor: Coach Reflection Process
The following prompt questions will provide a useful way of helping you self-analyse and
reflect in general or specific situations.
Prompt questions related to communication:
1 What impression do I give? What sort of role model am I? Does it match my
philosophy? What is my style? Am I loud and bossy? Am I gentle but assertive?
Am I too formal or too informal? How well do they respond to me? How
approachable am I? Do I use their names? How much do I know about each
2 What non-verbal communication do I use? Is there too much? How is it helpful or
is it distracting? Does it match my verbal communication?
3 How do I communicate? Do I do a lot of telling? Do I talk more than I listen? If
so, what is the reason? Are my instructions always helpful? When are they
helpful and when less helpful? Do I use questions? Are they open or closed? Do
I wait for an answer? How well do I really listen? Are my instructions clear? How
often do I check the players have understood my instructions and explanations?
4 Do I offer more praise than criticism? When? Under what circumstances? How
often do I give appropriate and informative feedback? How effective was it?
NB: Permission & excerpts taken from “Mentoring Demystified”, Ann Rolfe, Mentoring Works