Abstract Inventory Management

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Inventory Management System (IMS)


This project is aimed at developing an Inventory Management System (IMS) for a departmental store.
This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, update the inventory based on the sale
details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports periodically etc. This is one
integrated system that contains both the user component (used by salespersons, sales managers inventory
managers etc) and the admin component (used by the administrators for performing admin level functions
such as adding new items to the inventory, changing the price of an item etc).

This system runs on multiple terminals, offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to a common

Functional components of the project

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you find appropriate can be
added to this list. And, in places where the description of functionality is not adequate, you can make
appropriate assumptions and proceed.

There are registered people in the system (sales people working in the shop, inventory managers, admin et
al). Each one of them may have some exclusive privileges (admin, for example, could create new users to
the system whereas sales people cannot).

1. A sales person should be able to

 login to the system through the initial screen of the system

 change the password after logging into the system

 see the status of the inventory, i.e., whether a particular item is available or not etc
 search for a particular item by typing the initial letters (‘app’ for example may bring up
the item ‘apple’ in the top) or by category-wise (apple, for example, may be looked up by
going through the category ‘fruits’)

 enter the items purchased by a customer and produce a bill for the same (the bill will
have a unique sale id, date, time, item/quantity/price details etc)

 cancel the produced bill, in case of error in entering the details, and produce a new one

 take back an already sold item that is not satisfactory to the customer (the shop allows
that) and produce a receipt for the same

 inform the inventory manager about the items that are not available, so that they can be

 inform the sales manager about any exceptions (such as an item is being purchased, but it
is not available in the system)

 get help about the system on how to use the different features of the system

2. The inventory manager should be able to

 login to the system/change his password after logging in etc

 check the status of the inventory

 see the reports from sales people about items that are not available and need to be kept in
the inventory

 validate the inventory against the sales done in the previous day (whether the items that
are sold and the change in the inventory for the corresponding items match etc)

 generate inventory reports of the items category-wise, price-wise etc

 generate inventory-trends (like how is coffee powder stock changing over the month)

3. The sales manager should be able to

 login to the system/change his password after logging in etc

 check how many bills have been generated in the day so far

 check how much money is transacted in the day so far

 check how many bills have been cancelled so far in the day(due to wrong entry by the sales

 check how many items have been returned so far in the day

 check for any exception reports from the sales persons and correct it by contacting the
inventory manager

 generate sales-trend graphs for each of the item (like how is apple selling in the last one

4. The administrator should be able to

 login to the system and change his password after logging in

 add new users to the system

 add new items/categories to the inventory (‘grape’ may be added to the category ‘fruits’
or a new category such as ‘vegetables’ may be added)

 change the price of an item


This project is aimed at developing an online Sales and Inventory Management System (SIMS)
for a departmental store. This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, update the
inventory based on the sale details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports
periodically etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component (used by
salespersons, sales managers inventory managers etc) and the admin component (used by the
administrators for performing admin level functions such as adding new items to the inventory, changing
the price of an item etc).

This system runs on multiple terminals, offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to a common


1. Existing System

Online Sales And Inventory Management System (SIMS) deals with online communicating
between all users in this system. In the existing manual system huge expenditure and a lot of time is spent
in collecting the inventory information and doing the bill based on category he choose. So, there is a need
for an integrated automated system, which has some centralized control over the entire process.

The following drawbacks of the existing system emphasize the need for online sales and
inventory management system:

1) Conventional system makes use of huge amounts of time for providing the information about the
inventory to the manager.

2) Difficulty in tracking and retrieving data from the related inventory. So, there is a need
computerization. With computerized systems paper work drastically reduces, data retrieval becomes easy,
duplication of work is avoided.

2. Proposed System

The proposed system consists of full on-line data entry with online validations on field and
referential checking. The goal of this system is to bring down the workload with the increased efficiency
and to speed up the activities. The major activity of Online sales and inventory management system is to
provide online communication between the users of the system. Auto generation of emails as soon as the
inventory manager or sales person or sales manager is required to send a mail to the administrator ,
intimating if any problem occurred due to their work.
The other advantages are:

1. Availability of the information immediately after data captures.

2. An integrated normalized relational database will be maintained for the process.

3. Pre defined queries for generation of any specific enquiry purposes.
3. Objective of the System

The objective of the Online sales and inventory management system is to provide better
optimization and cost reducing for the users of this system.

System Specifications

Hardware Requirements:-

 Pentium-IV(Processor).
 256 MB Ram
 512 KB Cache Memory
 Hard disk 20 GB
 Microsoft Compatible 101 or more Key Board

Software Requirements: -

 Operating System : Windows

 Programming language: JAVA1.5

 Web-Technology: JSP

 Front-End: HTML, Java Script

 Back-End: Oracle 10g

 Web Server: Apache Tomcat.

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