ECEN 460: Power System Operation and Control

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Fall 2019

ECEN 460

Power System
Operation and Control

Dr. Won Jang

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o Select the school (Texas A&M) and the course (ECEN 460)
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Attendance test on eCampus by 1 pm

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ECEN 460 Motivation:
A Vision for a Long-Term Sustainable Electric Future
In2000, the US National Academy of Engineering
(NAE) named Electrification as the greatest
engineering achievements of the 20th century
o Afterelectrification:
automobiles (2), airplanes (3),
water system (4), electronics (5)
o Electricity has changed the world!

For the 21th century, the winner

could be “Development of a
sustainable and resilient electric

infrastructure for the entire world”

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Simple Power System
o Source of power
o Ideally with a specified voltage and frequency

o Consumes power
o Ideally with a constant resistive value

Transmission system
o Transmits power
o Ideally as a perfect conductor

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Electricity System Overview by DOE 2017 ECEN 460 - Spring 2020 5
Power System Examples
Electricutilities range from quite small, such as an island, to one
covering half the continent
Four major interconnected AC power systems in North American,
each operating at 60 Hz ac; 50 Hz is used in some other countries.
Microgrids can power smaller areas (like a campus) and can be
optionally connected to the main grid
Airplanes and Spaceships: reduction in weight is primary
consideration; frequency is 400 Hz.
And more: Ships, submarines, automobiles, battery operated
portable systems
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North America Interconnections
4 NA interconnections
8 NERC reliability regions

ECEN 460 - Spring 2020 Electricity System Overview by DOE7 2017

Electric Interconnections in Texas


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No ideal voltage sources exist
Loads are seldom constant
Transmission system has resistance, inductance, capacitance and
flow limitations
Simple system has no redundancy so power system will not work if
any component fails

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Electric Systems in Energy Context
Class focuses on electric power systems, but we first need to put
the electric system in context of the total energy delivery system
Electricity is used primarily as a means for energy transportation
• Use other sources of energy to create it, and it is usually converted into
another form of energy when used
About 40% of US energy is
transported in electric form
Concerns about need to reduce CO2
emissions and fossil fuel depletion are
becoming main drivers for change
in world energy infrastructure
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Electric Systems in Energy Context
About 40% of our energy is consumed in the form of electricity, a
percentage that is gradually increasing. The vast majority on the non-
fossil fuel energy is electric! Biomass, 4.8 Wind, 1.9

Hydro, 2.5
In 2015 we got about 1.9% of Nuclear, 8.6

our energy from wind and 0.6% from solar Petroleum,

(PV and solar thermal), 0.2% from geothermal Natural Gas,

Coal, 16
Total of 97.5 Quad; 1 Quad = 293 billion kWh (actual), 1 Quad = 98
2015 US Energy Pie
billion kWh (used, taking into account Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review, July 2016


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The World

Source: EIA, International Energy Outlook 2016

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Historical Perspective: Summary
Early 1900s saw increasing electricity usage and development of
large utilities companies
The 1970s were riddled with inflation and environmental concerns as
well as introduction of competition (to some extent)
Dramatic restructuring took place in 1990s/2000s, with many states
adopting competitive markets and “open access transmission” policy
Current efforts have been focused on smart and clean electricity

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History of Electric Power
Firstreal practical uses of electricity began with the telegraph
(1860's) and then arc lighting in the 1870’s
1880’s – Edison introduced Pearl Street dc system in
Manhattan supplying 59 customers
1884 – Sprague produces practical dc motor
1885 – Invention of transformer
Mid 1880’s – Westinghouse/Tesla introduce rival ac system
Late 1880’s – Tesla invents ac induction motor
Chicago World’s fair in 1893 was key demonstration of electricity
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The Current War

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History, cont’d
1893 – Three-phase transmission line at 2.3 kV
1896 – ac lines deliver electricity from hydro generation at Niagara
Falls to Buffalo, 20 miles away; also 30kV line in Germany
Early1900’s – Private utilities supply all customers in area (city);
recognized as a natural monopoly; states step in to begin regulation
By 1920’s – Large interstate holding companies control most
electricity systems

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History, cont’d
1935 – Congress passes Public Utility Holding Company Act
(PUHCA) to establish national regulation, breaking up large interstate
utilities (repealed 2005)
1935/6 – Rural Electrification Act brought electricity to rural areas
1930’s – Electric utilities established as vertical monopolies
Frequency standardized in the 1930’s

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Regulation and Large Utilities
Electric usage spread rapidly, particularly in urban areas. Samuel
Insull (originally Edison’s secretary, but later from Chicago) played a
major role in the development of large electric utilities and their
holding companies
o Insull was also instrumental in start of state regulation in 1890’s

Public Utilities Holding Company Act (PUHCA) of 1935

essentially broke up inter-state holding companies
o This
gave rise to electric utilities that only operated in one state
o PUHCA was repealed in 2005

Formost of the last century electric utilities operated as vertical

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Vertical Monopolies
Within a particular geographic market, the
electric utility had an exclusive franchise
In return for this exclusive franchise, the utility
had the obligation to serve all existing and Transmission
future customers at rates determined jointly by
utility and regulators
It was a “cost plus” business Customer Service

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Vertical Monopolies
Within its service territory each utility was the only game in town
Neighboring utilities functioned more as colleagues than competitors
gradually interconnected their systems so by 1970
transmission lines crisscrossed North America, with voltages up to
765 kV
Economies of scale keep resulted in decreasing rates, so most every
one was happy

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History, cont’d -- 1970’s
1970’s brought inflation, increased fossil-fuel prices, calls for
conservation and growing environmental concerns
Increasing rates replaced decreasing ones
As a result, U.S. Congress passed Public Utilities Regulator Policies
Act (PURPA) in 1978, which mandated utilities must purchase power
from independent generators located in their service territory
(modified 2005)
PURPA introduced some competition

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History, cont’d – 1990’s & 2000’s
Major opening of industry to competition occurred as a result of
National Energy Policy Act of 1992
This act mandated that utilities provide “nondiscriminatory” access to
the high voltage transmission
Goal was to set up true competition in generation
Result over the last few years has been a dramatic restructuring of
electric utility industry (for better or worse!)
Energy Bill 2005 repealed PUHCA; modified PURPA

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Average Prices of Electricity

US EIA / Annual Energy Review 2011 Figure 8. 10

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Utility Restructuring
Driven by significant regional variations in electric rates
Goal of competition is to reduce rates through the introduction of
Eventual goal is to allow consumers to choose their electricity supplier

Vertically integration Deregulation



Distribution Distribution

Customer Service

utilities had an “obligation to serve”

“obligation to serve” is now a market function
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The Goal: Customer Choice
Electricity rates comparison in Champaign, IL

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State Variation in Electric Rates
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Prices change with location …


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… and time


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Supply Demand Patterns
The BEFORE scenario The CURRENT scenario
MW thermal generation MW load

time time

Additionalgeneration • Renewable generation

capacity maintained as patterns are harder to
reserves understand *Source:
ECEN 460 - Spring 2020 29
 Can range in size from less than one watt to 10’s of MW
 Loads are usually aggregated for system analysis
 The aggregate load changes with time, with strong daily, weekly
and seasonal cycles
o Load variation is very location dependent

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Example: Daily Variation for CA

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Example: Weekly Variation

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Example: Annual System Load


MW Load 20000




Hour of Year

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Load Duration Curve
A verycommon way of representing the annual load is to sort the
one hour values, from highest to lowest. This representation is
known as a “load duration curve.”


0 1000 HRS 7000 8760

Load duration curve tells how much generation is needed

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Monitoring is Crucial!
Large and complex hardware-software systems are used for real-
time operations and control
o Energy management system (EMS)
o Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

Frequency is closely monitored and maintained around 60 Hz

o Areacontrol error (ACE) is measure for frequency excursions as well as
deviations from scheduled interchanges – ideally, it should be zero
o Automatic generation control (AGC) implements PID control to keep ACE =

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Operation and Control
Economics and reliability are the key drivers in power system
operations and control
Economics leads to large optimization problems for
o Resource scheduling via unit commitment
o Least-cost dispatch of available generation

requirements typically entail no violations of physical limits
and voltages and frequencies within prescribed bounds
o Continuous monitoring
o Hierarchical control architecture

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Sequence of Operations

ON/OFF dispatch reference

decision signal set-point
unit economic automatic real-time
commit- dispatch: generation grid
ment: MIP SCOPF control dynamics

day- minutes- real-

ahead ahead time
forecast forecast data

days minutes seconds real-time

time scale for operations
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Frequency Regulation

Evolution of system frequency following loss of 2600 MW of generation

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The Result for California electricity crisis in 2000/2001



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August 14th, 2003 Blackout

Read the blackout report:

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The Smart Grid
The term “Smart Grid” dates officially to the 2007 “Energy
Independence and Security Act”, Title 13 (“Smart Grid”)
• Use of digital information and control techniques
• Dynamic grid optimization with cyber-security
• Deployment of distributed resources including
• Customer participation and smart appliances
• Integration of storage including PHEVs
• Development of interoperability standards

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