Exciting New Technologies For A Green Future
Exciting New Technologies For A Green Future
Exciting New Technologies For A Green Future
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Received: 15 Aug 2021; Received in revised form: 15 Sep 2021; Accepted: 22 Sep 2021; Available online: 30 Sep 2021
©2021 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— New technologies refer to two emerging as well as booming concepts like Green technology
and Green Marketing. Green technology means the technology which is environmentally friendly
developed and used in such a way so that it does not disturb our environment and conserve natural
resources. Green technology is referred to as environmental technology and clean technology. Unlike the
technological ways in recent decades green technology is almost material science-based. Relying on the
availability of alternative sources of energy.
Keywords— Green Future, Green technology, Green Marketing, Green Computing, Solar Energy.
6. Generation of Energy from the waves benefit the environment speeding their implementation and
7. Vehicles that do not emit gases creating new careers that truly protect the planet. Several
recent developments coming from the high-tech sector are
8. Harnessing Solar energy
the result of the anxiety revolving around green technology
9. Vertical gardens and farms and making environmentally friendly machines. As we
10. Natural gas boilers know computers are hard to recycle and or rarely recycled
as today's computers are made with a considerable amount
The solar power industry is growing at an astonishing
of lead, cadmium brominated fire retardants, and plastics
speed and aims to achieve enough solar capacity and use
that can lead to toxic breakdown products.
green technology in the industry. There is another example
where we can see, green technology has been adopted and Green computers or Green Computing refers to
that is Green Computing referring to environmental and encouraging environmentally sustainable computing, it
sustainable computing. Today’s focus is shifting towards involves the practice of designing, manufacturing, using,
designing, manufacturing using, and disposing of and disposing of computers and associated subsystems
computers and other electronic devices efficiently and effectively and efficiently with almost no impacts on the
effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. environment. Research is still going on into the key areas
More attention is being given to the recyclable and in making green computers as energy-efficient as possible.
biodegradable dependability of obsolete products and Efficient computer technologies are being developed to
industrial wastes. Using the Green technology industry is promote them as environmentally friendly machines.
on the rise as consumers around the world, as well as many Computers and related types of equipment have been
car manufacturers, are actively involved in developing responsible for much of the global warming as amongst
green technology that can be applied to their products. other reasons. Sophisticated power savers, hibernation
Green technology in the industry will influence a lot on the modes, and laptops just take minute nips in energy rather
development as almost everyone seems to realize the than guzzling from the plug. The extensive adoption of
harmful effects of Greenhouse gases and Global warming liquid crystal displays has given way to substantial savings
on the environment. by replacing less efficient cathode-ray tube technology.
Green computers promise to be completely carbon neutral
Goals of Green technology
in coming years with means reduced emissions, ideas of
This picture talks about the goals or functions of green solar power work stations are already floating which will
technology. They reduce (fuels, waste, energy cut down on annual electricity costs through more energy-
consumptions, etc.), recycling (of paper, plastic, cans, efficient equipment and operations. The fast-paced
batteries, clothing, etc.), renewing (renewing energy such technological world of today sure has a green lining not
as wind energy, water energy, solar energy, bio-fuel, only with these environmentally friendly machines saving
Sewage water, etc.) Refuse (the use of plastic bags) and everyone's money, but they will also take a long way to
responsibility. protect our precious planet.
The Objective of green technology that is intended to
achieve first is Sustainability. Sustainability means
meeting the needs of society in a way that can continue
indefinitely in the future without damaging or depleting
natural resources. In short meeting present needs without Wind energy is called pure green technology. The
compromising the ability of future generations to meet wind is atmospheric air in motion, these are caused by
their own needs. Another major goal is cradle-to-cradle solar energy but these are not the direct form of solar
design the major what you call the impact of green energy, it is an indirect form of solar energy because they
technology will be attending the cradle to Grave cycle of are created not only by the sun's uneven heating of the
manufacturing products, by creating products that can be atmosphere and also due to the irregular surface of the
fully reclaimed or reused. Another goal is source earth and Earth's rotation. That also plays a part in the
reduction. Reducing waste and pollution by changing the creation of winds. So this wind flows and this motion
patterns of production and consumption. Another goal is energy of the wind is harvested by the modern wind
Innovation that is developing alternative technologies turbine which is used to produce electricity how does wind
where fossil fuel or chemical-intensive agriculture has turbine convert this energy in winds into electricity? wind
been demonstrated to damage health and the environment. the turbine converts the kinetic energy of the winds into
Another goal is Viability. That means creating a center of mechanical power because of the rotation of the turbine
economic activity around technologies and products that which is mechanical power. This mechanical power can be
used for specific tasks, for example, there are simple tasks technology, trees are replanted, waste is managed and
like grinding the grains, pumping water, or a generator that recycled. This ensures that the affected ecosystem can start
can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power again, and this time remains conserved. This helps to
homes, businesses, schools, etc. The force of the wind that ensure that a lot of plant and animal species don't go
makes these turbine blades spin and the kinetic energy of extinct.
the wind is converted into mechanical power by turning The Earth needs protection and green technology can
the blades and this energy is tapped or harvested and with help in providing exactly that to the planet we all depend
the help of a generator is converted into electricity. A wind upon to live.
farm is a large land in which many are wind turbines
installed. It is used for the large-scale production of
electricity because when there are so many wind turbines III. CONS OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY
the whole output of these wind turbines is harvested and 1. Expensive to Implement.
are coupled together to get electricity on a commercial
2. It is very challenging to spread awareness
extensively about Green technology.
Pros of Green Technology:
3. There are no known alternative chemical or raw
1. Purifying of Water: material inputs.
Green technology purifies water. The scarcity of pure 4. There is no known alternative processing
drinking water is a major concern. Through the use of technology.
various technologies, a lot of campaigns have been
5. No guarantee about performance impacts.
successful in providing people with clean drinking water.
6. Lack of human resources and skills.
2. Recycling:
Green technology helps manage and recycle waste
material. It allows it to be used for beneficial purposes. IV. GREEN MARKETING OR ECO
This technology is used for waste management, waste MARKETING
incineration, and more. A lot of recyclable material has Green marketing is making a product and selling
allowed individuals to create plant fertilizer, sculptures, those products which are environmentally friendly, which
fuel, and even furniture. are reusable, recyclable, and easily disposable, and so on.
Purifying the Air: Green marketing also refers to the selling of products or
services by highlighting their environmental benefits. It
Dealing with carbon emissions is another focus. While
can also be called eco-marketing or environmental
the human race is improving in terms of various
marketing, and consumers recognize such brands by terms
technologies. Automobiles, factories, etc. are emitting a lot
like 'organic,' 'eco-friendly,' 'recyclable,' or 'sustainable'.
of carbon that is detrimental to the planet. Green
The term green marketing gained prominence in the late
technology helps to reduce carbon emissions and purify
1980s and early 1990s. The concept of Green marketing
the air. This allows people and other living things to
appeared as the after-effect of human's negative impact on
breathe properly.
our planet. Brands illustrate how they change their
Conserving Energy: missions and practices from revenue driven to
Energy is being conserved through the use of such environmentally aware through business processes that
technology. Alternatives to devices that use a lot of have minimal impact on the environment.
electricity or fuel are being introduced to the public. The It is a process of selling products and services based on
use of electric cars is on the rise, especially in the UK. their environmental benefits. Such products or services
People using environment-friendly devices and appliances may be environmentally friendly or produced and
are encouraged. While installation of such devices, namely packaged in an eco-friendly way.
solar panels, might be expensive for some people but the
• Green referring to just recyclable or
benefits it offers with regards to reducing bill expenses are
decomposable materials.
tremendous in long term.
Rejuvenating Ecosystems: • Green Marketing = Corporate Social
Green or Clean technology is also being used to breathe
life into ecosystems that have sustained a lot of damage • Green and sustainability concepts are
due to human involvement. Through the use of this incompatible with modern marketing.
• Green reflects purity that is purity in quality and Advantages of Green marketing
dealings. • Energy Savings
• Natural resources are limited and human wants • Slowing down Global warming
are unlimited. It is important to utilize natural
resources efficiently and effectively without • Reduction of Air Pollution
wasting and achieving organizational goals. This • Less Soil Pollution
can be made possible only by utilizing green
• Less Water Pollution
• Reduction in Plastic Pollution
• Green Marketing is a new paradigm in the
marketing literature. • Green-tech may save natural resources
• Green Marketing is a holistic approach towards • May allow us to feed more people on a global
integrating marketing within the pillars of scale
sustainable development. • May protect the poorest amongst us
• Green Marketing is not simply a separate path but • Waste reduction
is the parallel approach to marketing like
• Effective Recycling
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
• Sustainable Energy Production
• New Business opportunities
MARKETING • May strengthen a company’s brand value
Green marketing a need to Today • Tax Benefits
It is well known that increasing production and
business activities are polluting the natural environment of Disadvantages of Green marketing
the world. As resources are limited and human wants are
unlimited. Marketers must use resources efficiently so that • High R&D Costs
organizational objectives are achieved but not at the cost • High implementation Costs
of noninterest among people around the world regarding • Green Technology is still immature
the protection of the natural environment. People are
getting more concerned about the environment. As a result • Technical issues
of this, the term green marketing has emerged. Hence • Implementation will take many years
marketers are feeling their responsibility towards
• High Product costs
protecting our environment and which in turn signifies the
importance of green marketing. • Lack of knowledge of the general public
Not only marketers but consumers should also have • Some companies may not survive the
concerned about the environment and consumers are also competition
changing their behavioral patterns. Nowadays individual • Job losses
as well as industrial consumers are becoming more
• A sophisticated regulatory framework required
concerned about environment-friendly products. They are
using green products which are produced through green • Everything that is labeled as green is not green
technology. The global Green Technology and Sustainability
Importance of Green marketing market size is expected to grow from USD 11.2 billion in
2020 to USD 36.6 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual
1. Protection of Environment
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 26.6% during the forecast period.
2. Public Health The increasing awareness related to environmental
3. Corporate image concerns and the growing concerns and the increasing
4. Competitive Advantages number of consumers and industrial interest towards the
use of clean energy resources are driving the adoption of
5. Educating Customer green technology and sustainability solutions and services
6. Responsible Corporate Citizens in the market (According to Global Forecast to 2025).
Global investment in green technology has been
increasing by almost 20% over the last few years in
different sectors like energy, innovation, and
manufacturing. With more pressing environmental
problems across the world like energy shortages, global
warming, pollution, rising urban population, and others.
And also Individuals, small and big companies, and
countries are looking into the future to see how greener
technologies can be adapted in which can help to change
the world.
Finding a way to curb our huge reliance on fossil fuels
and reduce pollution depends on how we develop new
green technology and more eco-friendly solutions. We
need alternative and more efficient solutions to shape the
future which will help in conserving our precious
environment for our upcoming generations.
[1] Bright Green Future, Gregory Schwartz, First Edition
2021, Design Publishing.
[2] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/green_tech.as
[3] https://www.green-technology.org/
[4] https://tecamgroup.com/10-examples-of-green-
[5] https://www.electropages.com/blog/2019/09/what-is-
[6] https://emagazine.com/an-introduction-to-green-
[7] https://walterschindler.com/7-green-technology-
[8] https://www.green-technology.org/green-technology-
[9] https://tecamgroup.com/10-examples-of-green-
[10] https://www.research-in-