Mixtape Memoir For English

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The Mixtape

2014 – Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana


2017 – Key by C418 https://youtu.be/05UM-i4PuOY

2018 – Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Mixtape Memoir

(2003-Present) 2019 – La Lambada by Kaoma

By: Priscilla Ceja https://youtu.be/QmuGxskzBQw

2020 – Carry On by Fun. https://youtu.be/Jq8fv8t2CPI

Smells Like Teen Spirit Key
2014 2017

This song could also represent any age between 6 to 12, This song represents only the first part of this year. The

but it was mostly during this specific year that this song had the second part of this year does not count because that is when I

strongest effect. During this time, my dad and I would drive moved to high school. I haven’t even finished high school yet,

around in his truck dropping off and picking up my siblings but for all the time that I have been here, it has been a very

from school. My dad had always had the weirdest taste in “traumatic” experience. The time before I came to high school

music, and during this time I didn’t understand how he could was like the calm before the storm. During this time, I was very

like rock; all I could hear was a bunch of screams, drums, and happy with my life; I had good friends, little homework, all the

unharmonious notes. During this mess of music, I could always time in the world, and few worries. I chose this song to

clearly remember this song coming up (Hey now, hey now, hey represent the former part of this year because it is such a calm

now, hey noooow); it would always come up at least once song. It has a low, slow beat that is a bit bittersweet; I was

every car ride. I don’t know why, maybe it was all the time I happy to move on to the next chapter of my life, but I was also

spent listening to this music, but it started to grow on me. I a bit sad to leave behind my care-free days.

actually started to like it, and I found comfort in this music

because it reminded me of my dad. Now, I have grown to like

all the music my dad listens to, from Reggae to Heavy Metal.
Bohemian Rhapsody La Lambada
2018 2019

My freshman year was just like this song, a I LOVE this song! And I don’t even know what it says.

rollercoaster. The least I can say is that high school is not what This entire song is in Portuguese. However, I like it a lot

I was expecting. I had been expecting to make new friends, and because it has such a good beat, and no matter what mood I am

I did, only to find that they were not trust-worthy. I had been in, it has never failed to make me get up and dance. Although I

expecting good grades, and I did get good grades, but at the am Mexican and this song is Portuguese, this song reminded

cost of my free-time and sleep. I had been expecting more me of my Hispanic heritage; it was almost obligatory that I had

freedom to hang out and have fun, and I did get more freedom, to shake my hips to the beat. I chose this song for this year

but it was not fulfilling or as fun as I thought it would be. The because this song reminded me that life is good no matter what.

good news is that although this year was terrible, it was also This song’s beat and lively tune reminded me that although life

good for me, and necessary for me in a sense because it taught can get us down sometimes, we should still enjoy everything

me so many life lessons. That is why I chose a song with a life has to offer, from the little things to the big victories.

rollercoaster beat rather than a sad beat; the highs were

learning, growing, and changing as a person because of what I

went through. This year made me feel terrible, but if I could

choose to change it, I wouldn’t because I would not be the

same person if it hadn’t been for this learning experience.

Carry On

This song has helped me through a lot. It has taught me

that we should always keep going on and giving it our all

because in the end, we will be ok. Although it did have

meaning for me throughout the whole time I’ve been in high

school, I think it has the most meaning now, during the

pandemic. This song has the most meaning now because it

applies not only to me, but to the whole world. Right now,

everyone is going through their own struggles and trials, and

this song reminds us that we must “carry on” with our lives.

The lyrics that hit me hardest from this song are, “Woah my

head is on fire/ But my legs are fine/ After all they are mine”.

What these lyrics mean for me is that even though we have a

million things going on in our head (my head is on fire), we are

fine and can keep going because ultimately we have what

matters most (my legs are fine/after all they are mine).

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