Awareness and Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Primary School Teachers in India
Awareness and Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Primary School Teachers in India
Awareness and Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Primary School Teachers in India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Anil Shetty on 09 July 2015.
Background: The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has increased in recent years. This is
because of greater awareness and newer, more effective diagnostic criteria. However in India and other
developing countries ASD is underdiagnosed and awareness is poor.
Objective: To assess knowledge and awareness about ASD among elementary school teachers and the
variables influencing that knowledge.
Methods: 326 teachers were given a self -report questionnaire and knowledge was assessed based on
their response. Socio-demographic history was also elicited.
Results: 95.7% of the teachers were aware of autism. Only 21% had adequate knowledge. 71 teachers
had prior training on ASD. Teachers with more experience and prior training performed better.
Conclusion: The teachers had poor knowledge of ASD. Teaching experience and prior training were
positively correlated to knowledge.
12 Repetitive phrases at odd or inappropriate times, like singing an advertisement jingle 93 (29.8%) 219 (70.2%)
How to cite this article: Shetty A, Rai BS. Awareness and knowledge of autism spectrum disorders
among primary school teachers in India. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014;4(4):80-85.