DSC Overview
DSC Overview
DSC Overview
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• They have an instrument output proportional to heat
flow (i.e. power). All DSC instruments display heat flow
as their primary output. This is a condition for DSC and
is met by all instruments carrying the DSC label.
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thermometers used in the instrument in question do not
generate a voltage output themselves, their response
depends upon the 23 mA current (i) passing through them
and the temperature sensitivity (R). R can be obtained from
standard tables; a value of 0.24% /K at 157°C, (the calibration
temperature of most DSC instruments) can be used (18).
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measurement of the heat or energy content of various “It is not possible by inspection of an unlabeled thermal
chemical and physical reactions. In a typical classical analysis peak to determine which sort of apparatus was
adiabatic calorimetric experiment, a chemical reaction may used....”(17). Moreover, there are almost no applications
be carried out in a sealed container insulated from heat where one instrument obtains data and the other does not.
losses to the outside world. From the known heat capacity Articles abound in the open literature on the ability of a variety
(Cp) of the insulated container and its contents, and the of equipment, based on differing operating principles, to
small measured change in temperature (ΔT) of that system, make equivalent measurements (21,22,23,24). Outstanding
the heat content of the chemical reaction (ΔH) can be research (21,23,25) has testified to the equivalency of results
calculated: obtained on instruments of both types. In addition, such
respected institutions as the Drug Standards Laboratory and
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) have
stated the equivalency of results obtained on both instrument
The experiment is usually designed so that the change in types (22,26,27).
system temperature is kept small, usually several Kelvin. Under
such conditions Cp is a constant. GENERIC USE OF DSC
Such experiments have given rise to the definition of the Despite attempts to limit the definition of DSC to devices
calorie as the unit of measurement for heat content or based on the temperature servo technique, DSC is used
energy: calorie— the amount of heat necessary to raise the in the open scientific literature as a generic phrase. All
temperature of 1g of water at 15°C, 1°C. other titles have faded into historical interest although one
occasionally still sees QDTA used. C. B. Murphy’s biennial
In DSC, the temperature excursion of a sample seldom review of thermal analysis uses the phrase DSC generically
exceeds a few tenths of a degree. It is clear, then, that DSC without differentiating the type of instrument used and
instruments operate well within the conditions of classical includes DSC under the DTA heading as a quantitative
calorimetry from which thermodynamic data is almost technique (28,29,30,31,32).
exclusively obtained.
Virtually all thermal analysis manufacturers who make
This comparison of DSC to classical calorimetry needs one quantitative calorimetric measurements, market their
other amplification. In classical adiabatic calorimetry, heat instruments under the title of Differential Scanning Calorimetry
losses from the sample to the environment are kept to a even though operating under different principles. These
minimum. This concept is most nearly met in differential include: TA Instruments, Mettler, Perkin-Elmer, and others.
temperature DSC instruments since the sample is totally
surrounded by a uniform temperature environment. It is the SUMMARY
temperature of this environment which is programmed during
the course of the experiment. Thus the sample “sees” only We have shown that all Differential Scanning Calorimeters,
an environment whose temperature is very near that of its regardless of method of measurement, measure the same
own, thereby reducing to a minimum emissivity, atmosphere quantity, namely, heat flow into (or out of) a sample. It follows
thermal conductivity, and other potential heat losses. This that the name should be used generically and applied
produces the remarkably stable baseline performance of to all measurements of this type rather than limited to
the instruments of this type. measurements made on a particular instrument.This position
is supported by:
On the other hand, temperature servo instruments suffer from
thermal conductivity and emissivity losses, thermal gradients • equivalence of measurement
and thermal atmosphere convection because the sample • general usage in the open literature
chamber (in which the sample and reference materials • similar temperature excursions of the sample
are located) is thermostated at constant temperature (20). • comparison to classical calorimetry
This means that the sample sees a constantly changing
environmental gradient during the course of an experiment.
Obviously this is far afield from the standard adiabatic
calorimeter and can lead to poor baseline performance
of temperature servo instruments if not corrected for by
electronic baseline compensation.
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REFERENCES The essential parts of the DSC are a sample at temperature
TS, its container at temperature TSH, and a temperature
1. E. S Watson, M. J. O’Neill, J. Justin, and N. Brenner, Anal. programmed source at temperature TB. Heat will flow
Chem., 36, 1233 (1964). between these positions at a rate di/dt depending on
2. A. P. Gray, Am. Lab., 3, 43 (1971). the temperatures involved and the thermal resistances
3. H. E. Bair, Polym. Eng. Sci., 10, 247 (1970). connecting the positions. The sample and its container
4. S. M. Ellerstein, Anal. Calor., R. S. Porter and J. F. Johnson have a heat capacity CS. Since the calorimeter operates
(eds.), Plenum, 279 (1968),. differentially, a similar description can be developed for the
5. R. F. Schwenker and J. C. Whitwell, Anal. Calor., R. S. Porter reference side of the cell. Figure 4 illustrates this description
and J. F. Johnson (eds.), Plenum, 249 (1968). schematically.
6. V. Crescenzi and F. Delbin, Intern. J. Protein Res., 3,
7. B. Miller, J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 11, 2343 (1967).
8. G. Beech, J. Chem. Soc., (A), 1903 (1969).
9. W. W. Wendlandt, Thermal Methods of Analysis, John
Wiley 193 (1974).
10. T. C. Daniels, Thermal Analysis, John Wiley 122 (1973).
11. R. A. Baxter, Thermal Analysis, R. F. Schwenker, Jr., and P. D.
Garn (eds.), Academic Press, 65 1969.
12. D. J. David, Anal. Chem., 36, 2162 (1964).
13. E. S. Watson and M. J. O’Neill, U. S. Patent 3,263,484 (1966).
14. S. L. Boersma, J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 38, 281 (1955).
15. J. L. McNaughton and C. T. Mortimer, Thermochemistry
and Thermodynamics, H. A. Skinner (ed), Butterworth, 1
16. Perkin-Elmer DSC-2 Manual.
17. Perkin-Elmer, Thermal Analysis Newsletter No.9 (1970).
18. H.F. Stimson, J.F. Swindells and R.E. Wilson, American Figure 4: Calorimetric Schematic
Institute of Physics Handbook, D. E. Gray (ed), McGraw-
Hill, 4-1 1963.
19. M. J. O’Neill, Anal. Chem.,47, 630 (1975). If we make the simplifying assumptions that the calorimeter
20. P. L. Privalov, V. V. Plotnikov, and V. V. Filimonov, J. Chem. is symmetrical and that thermal resistances are identical on
Thermodynamics, 7, 41 (1975). the reference and sample sides at any given temperature;
21. A. Doelman, A.R. Greggs, E.M. Barrall II, Paper No. that the temperatures of the sample, reference, and their
77, American Chemical Society National Meeting, containers are uniform; and that the flow of heat from sample
September 1, 1976. to reference can be neglected, then the response of the
22. L. T. Grady, S. E Hays, R. H. King, H. R. Klein, W. J. Mader, D. K. calorimeter can be described with the aid of heat balance
Wyatt and R. O. Zimmerer, J. Pharm. Sci., 62, 456 (1973). equations and thermal ohm’s law relationships.
23. E.F. Palermo and J.Chiu, Thermochim. Acta, 14, 1 (1976).
24. W.J. Miller, W.H. Foester and F.E. Freeberg, J. Am. Oil Chem. If we assume a sample undergoing an exothermic transition
Soc., 46, 341 (1969). giving up heat energy at a rate dH/dt, then the appropriate
25. B. Wunderlich, Physical Methods of Chemistry, A. equations are:
Weissberger (ed), Vol. 1, Part 5, John Wiley, 427 (1971).
26. ASTM Method D-3417 “Measurement of Heats of Fusion
and Crystallization of Polymers by Thermal Analysis.”
27. ASTM Method D-3418 “Measurement of Transition
Temperatures of Polymers by Thermal Analysis.”
28. C. B. Murphy, Anal. Chem., 48, 341 R (1976).
29. C. B. Murphy, Anal. Chem., 46, 451R (1974).
30. C. B. Murphy, Anal. Chem., 44, 513R (1972).
31. C. B. Murphy, Anal. Chem., 42, 268R (1970).
32. C. B. Murphy, Anal. Chem., 40, 380R (1968).
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We can combine equations (2) and (3), and (1) and (4)
Solving equation (8) for dTS/dt and substituting into (7) yields:
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