Bearing Wall Masonry

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JKAU: Eng. Sci., vol. 5, pp. 61-76 (1413 A.H. / 1993 A.D.

Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls

Department of Building Science and Technology,
College of Architecture & Planning,
King Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT. Loadbearing masonry walls are slender compression elements

subjected to in and out-of-plane bending. The static behaviour of such ele-
ments is studied and a computer program (DESW) for their analysis and de-
sign is developed so that it is possible to perform parametric study on wall
systems. The parametric study can include the effect of wall dimensions,
slab type, percentage of solid area, mortar bedded area, area of grout, type
of masonry (brick or block), artd the percentage of vertical reinforcement.
It is concluded that the hollow wall section, in which grouted cells and steel
bars are placed one meter apart with face shell mortar bedding, is the most
proper system for low and medium-rise masonry buildings in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.

1. Introduction

Although the infilled reinforced concrete frame structures are expensive and have
shown problems of cracking and spalling of the plastering, they are dominant in both
low and medium rise buildings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This system uses ex-
tensive form work, it doesn't utilize the bearing capacity of the walls, and its shallow
support·ing beams require high steel percentages. From the structural, construc-
tional, and energy points of view, loadbearing masonry buildings rank superior to
the frame buildings(1]. The walls act as partitions and load carrying structural ele-
ments with excellent thermal and acoustical insulation properties. Exterior surfaces
are finished surfaces while the interior ones can be painted directly or treated in a
number of ways. The hollow nature of walls allows for vertical communication of
utilities and reinforcement. All form works are eliminated by using precast slab sys-

62 F. Aboul-Ella

terns bearing on the masonry walls[2,31. Reinforced walls can serve effectively as shear
walls in resisting bending and shear forces due to lateralloads[4,Sl, because the rein-
forcement increases the ductility of these walls.
A research project[6] has been conducted at the College of Architecture, King Fai-
sal University, aiming to introduce the masonry systems to the Saudi Construction
Industry. In this project the Canadian code for masonry design (7] , which is more mod-
ern than the American code[8], was considered to be the starting code for the design
and new development of masonry systems in Saudi Arabia. This is because of the sig-
nificant amount of masonry research that has been conducted in North America.
Both Canadian and American codes are based on the working stress design method
which is simple and has proved its adequacy in providing conservative design with
satisfactory performance. It is hoped that through more experimental research work
and experience in practical applications using local materials and construction
techniques, adequate data base will be available which will allow the evaluation of
design parameters and help develop the Kingdom's own code.
This paper deals with the analysis, design, and behavior of loadbearing masonry
walls and presents design aids for these walls in the form of a computer program. The
program can analyze up to five load combinations and returns the required masonry
compressive strength!~ for design. The wall section could be solid, hollow, partially
or fully grouted, reinforced or unreinforced, and the mortar bedding can cover only
the face shell or the whole section.
The behaviour of selected walls of two and ten storey buildings, using different
wall sections, has been studied and presented; from which general conclusions have
been drawn.

2. Analysis

Bearing wall masonry buildings are rectangular box-like arrangements (Fig. I-a)
of block or brick masonry that effectively carry the induced dead and live loads to the
foundations without the help of columns or frames. In such structures, lateral loads
due to wind or earthquakes are resisted by the bearing walls acting as shear walls .con-
nected by rigid reinforced concrete floor slabs (diaphragms). The shear wall system
utilizes floors as diaphragms to distribute the lateral forces to the walls according to
their flexural and shear stiffnesses.
Each loadbearing wall panel (Fig. l-b) is subjected to the folowing internal forces:
1. Axial load P due to dead and liv'~ loads.
2. Bending moment My and the ~orrespondingshearing force V) around the weak
axis of inertia y-y. This moment and shear are due to :
(0') Slab's dead and live loads.
0) Perpendicular wind pressure (for external walls).
c) P - a effect.
The moment My due to the slab loads depend on the type of connection between
Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls 63

Internal Forces

~I due to My due to
My due to
P-t. effect d~ad+live
loads ---

FIG. 1. Typicalloadbearing wall building and panel's internal forces.
64 F. Aboul-Ella

the slab and the wall as shown in Fig. 2. In a hinged condition the moment M is a re-
sult of the load eccentricity (Fig. 2-a) while in a fixed condition My can be ciculated
assuming rigid connections between the walls and the floors(9) (Fig. 2-b). A simple
way of doing this is to assume a floor slab moment at the face of the support equal to
W . PIl2 and to distribute it among the walls (Fig. 2-b), where W is the load per unit
length of the slab and I is its span.


____ ---1.- Slab

a) Hinged Conditions for both Mdl and H ll .

- - , Wall
bulltbefore removal e=O.3 .. 0.5
of ISh ores

east in situ slab:

lL "o",n eMF

b) Fixed Conditions for both Mdl and M11

built after
removal of shores
:.:' ... ; ~"'~.' ....

east in situ Preeeast slabs

R.C slab

e) Hinged Condition for M and Fixed for M •

dl ll
FIG. 2. Effect of floor-wall connections on My.
Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls 65

It is a good practice to consider the hinged condition (My = P · e ) for the bending
moment from dead loads (Mdt) and fixed condition for the bending moment from
live loads (MIL)' This is because the wall above the slab is often built after the removal
of shores and also it is the common practice for precast slabs (Fig. 2-c). The precast
Tee slab produces less moment (hinged condition for both dead and live load mo-
ments) but it is not practical for residential buildings. The cast in place slab with wall
built before removal of shores (Fig. 2-b) produces undesirable moment (fixed condi-
tion for both dead and live load moments) and therefore it is not a recommended for
practical applications.
3. Bending moment M x an·d shearing force Q (Fig. I-b) due to parallel wind loads.
Mx requires three dimensional analysis of the entire structure to be accurately c.alcu..
lated, but a simplified analysis in which the external lateral loads are distributed
among the walls according to their relative rigidities and their locations from the
center of rigidities (torsional effects) can be accepted for simply arranged build-
ings (6).

3. Design

Up to five cases of load combinations can be developed and, therefore, should be

considered in design. These load combinations are:
1. Load P and moment My from dead and total live load + moment M x from paral-
lel wind (allowable stresses are increased by 33 % ) .
2. P and My from dead loads + M x from parallel wind.
3. P and My from dead and reduc~d live loads.
4. P and My from dead and total live load + My from perpendicular wind (allowa-
ble stresses are increased by 33 % ).
5. P and My from dead loads + My from perpendicular wind.
According to the coefficient method described in the Canadian code(7), the walls
allowable vertical load P can be estimated as shown in the flow chart of Fig. 3 in
Am = mortar bedded area, Ce = eccentricity coefficient, Cs = slenderness coeffi-
cient, e = virtual eccentricity, f ~ = ultimate compressive strength of masonry at 28
days, Fa = the tabulated allowable axial compressive stresses in masonry, fa = the
calculated axial compressive stress, f b = the calculated flexural compressive stress,
Fb = the tabulated allowable flexural compressive stress normal to the bed joint, F t =
the tabulated allowable flexural tensile stress normal to the bed joint (Table 1), and
P = allowable vertical load.
The slenderness and eccentricity coefficients are given in reference [7] and pre-
sented here in Fig. 4-a in which :
h = effective height of wall, t = effective thickness of wall, e1 = the smaller virtual
eccentricity occurring at the top or bottom of a vertical member at lateral supports;
and ez = the larger virtual eccentricity occurring at the top or bottom of a vertical
66 F. Aboul-Ella

Walls Allowable Loads

(Bending about one principal axis)
(usually My)

Plain masonry reinforced masonry

e/t< 1/3 e/t< 1/3

Block 1 Block 3

If hIt =<20
Unity Equation may
be used i.e

eft > 1/3 e/t > 1/3 or

a value that will
produce te~slon in

Block 2

Block 4
If fb+fa/C s ~ Fb (a) The critical section force
and fb-'S-f a < Ft (b) coordinates
H/Cs and Pies
Then P can be determined shall not fall outside the
from (a) or (b) using linear transformed section H-P
elastic behavior. allowable resistance curve
If (a) and or (b) are not

satisfled the section is not
safe and it has to be changed
P/Cs HIe;,

FIG. 3. Flow chart for allowable loads of walls.

TABLE 1. Allowable stresses for walls[7].

Type of Axialcomp. FI~xural comp. Flexural ten.

masonry Fa Fb F,(kPa)

Plain brick 0.25 f~ 0.32 f ~ 250

Reinf. brick 0.25 f~ 0.40 f~ -

hollow 160
Plain concrete 0.25f~ 0.30f~
solid 250

Reinf. concrete 0.25 f~ 0.33 f~ -

Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls 67

member at lateral supports (Fig. 4-b).

The ratio ell e2 is positive when the member is bent in single curvature and negative
for double curvature. When e t and or e2 are equal to zero elle2 is assumed to be zero.
For each wall panel and for each case of loading the allowable load must be greater
or equal to the actual applied load. Another way of checking safety is to calculate f ~
assuming that the actual load is the allowable one. Then the calculated I ~ (the re-
quired) should be less than the available I ~ of construction.
In the calculations of stresses the following notes should be considered :
1. For plain masonry and when e/ t < 1/3 and where the virtual eccentricity in
members produces cracking in the cross section, assuming that the masonry does not
resist tension, then the stresses fa and f b shall be based on the reduced area of the
cracked section (Fig. 5-a).
2. For plain masonry and when e/ t > 1/3 the stress shall be calculated as follows:
a) The maximum compressive stress shall be calculated using the specified gravity
load divided by the slenderness coefficient, Cs ; and
b) The maximum tensile stress shall be calculated with the axial component of the
gravity load reduced to 80 % of its specified value.
Walls subjected to bending about both axis (i.e., Mx and My) have a similar proce-
dure which is described in the code[7].

4. Computer Program DESW

Based on the adopted code procedures, a computer program has been developed
by the author. The program calculates first the loads and bending moments (My) for
the desired panel for the five load combinations mentioned above and then returns
the required compressive strengthf~ for each case. The available f ~ should be grea-
ter than the maximum required one otherwise the wall section has to be changed.
The program follows up the steps of the flow chart of Fig. 3. Some common wall sec-
tions that can be analyzed by the program are shown in Fig. (5-b).

5. Behavior of Walls

Masonry walls can carry substantial axial loads but they can only carry small out-
of-plane bending moment. In order to study the behavior of masonry walls under
vertical and lateral loads, exterior walls of two and ten storey buildings (Fig. 6) are
considered for parametric study. The study includes the effect of slab type, percen-
tage of voids, area of mortar, area of grout, wall thickness, and percentage of rein-
forcement onl~ . The dimensions and the loads are assumed, from practical applica-
tions, as follows:
- Floor dead load (hollow block slab) 6kN 1m2 •
- Floor dead load (hollow core slab) 4kN 1m2 •
- Roof dead load (hollow block slab) 5 kN 1m2 •
1.0 1.0 C/'I

0.8 0.8

Ce Cs

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
o 10 20 30 40

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 eft (h/t)= slenderness ratio :'t1

Eccentricity Coefficient C Slenderness Coefficient C <::t'
e s C
e or e e or e
l 2 l 2

e2 > e1 II Single
1 h
ve e /e
(±) ve el/e 2 l 2

{ ..
or 8
2 e
or e
or e
then e /e =0
1 2
FIG. 4. Eccentricity and slenderness coefficients.
Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls 69


a) Cracked



_ ...iIIIIl....

A. .
~~Ir-IT SEC)






FIG. 5. Types of wall sections.

- Roof dead load (hollow core slab) = 3 kN / m2 .

- Floor live load = 2 kN / m2 .
- Rooflive load = 1.5 kN / m2 .
- Wind pressure = 1 kN / m2 .
- M x ' for each panel, is calculated separately and fed as input data.
- Span of the one way ribbed slab = 5.0 m.
70 F. About-Ella

a) . Two Storey Villa

First Floor Plan
I,I 1:200


Wall under
-+1""f!-------t11l6,.-fQhtTrn--------r Con sidera ti on

b) . Ten Storey Building

========~ Typical Floor Plan

'. L 8m
\.-Jall under
-r----- - 2'J.O m ~ Consl.'d oration

FIG. 6. Plans of two and ten storey buildings used as examples.

Behavior of Masonry Loadbearing Walls 71

- Thickness of face shell Tsh = 0.04 m.

- Thickness of web T w = 0.05 m (see Fig. 5-b).
- Ratio d / t ='0.5
- Steel ratio. = area of steeUgross area of masonry = 0.2 % •
- The rest of data are shown in Fig. 6.
- Experimental data presented in reference [6] shows that local production can
have prism compressive strength higher than 12 MPa. Therefore a value of 12 MPa is
considered as the available ! ~ .
The six types of wall sections shown in Fig. 5-b are analyzed. The results are pre-
sented in Fig. 7, 8 and Table 2 in which the value of maximum!~ , from the five cases
of load combinations, are plotted against wall thicknesses.

TABLE 2. First safe wall section for hollow core slab buildings (J ~ in MPa).

Two storey Ten storey

panels panels
section 1 2 1 10

(em) f~ f~ t(cm) f~ f~

1 35 3.9 2.1 27.5 9.9 1.7

2 35 2.9 1.7 30.0 7.2 1.3
3 25 3.6 1.8 25.0 6.3 1.2
4 20 8.6 7.4 20.0 9.9 4.8
5 20 8.5 7.2 20.0 8.5 4.7
6 20 8.1 6.5 20.0 6.4 4.2

In the absence of significant axial compressive force the design of plain masonry is
governed by the allowable tensile stresses (Table 1) which makes the walls of the
upper floors require more thicknesses than the lower ones. This can be seen from
Fig. 7 of the two storey villa with hollow block slabs. For example, while the wall sec-
tion 1 with 25 cm is safe for the first wall (ground) the upper wall requires 30 cm to be
safe. Under lighter dead loads from hollow core slabs this upper wall requires 35 cm
(Table 2) which greatly reduces the required f~. On the other hand, design of rein-
forced masonry is usually governed by the available f ~ since the amount of reinforce-
ment can be chosen according to the induced bending moment.
From Fig. 7, 8 and Table 2 the following conclusions, for low and medium-rise
buildings, can be drawn.

5.1. Maximum f~
All maximum!~are less than 9 MPa for the two storey villa and 12 MPa for the ten
storey building (except wall section 1 with thickness less than 30 cm, which is not
practical for ten storey buildings). That makes most of the available local products
suitable for masonry construction and supports the implementation plan suggested
72 F. Aboul-Ella

in references [6, 10] for the use of loadbearing masonry in residential buildings in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


MAY. '1
Wall Panel No. 2


0 ...... WALL SEC.
a) Wall panel No • 2
:I 8.00 t+++t
+ ...........


8.00 t

i 2

100 1~ 200 eo 300 J!IO ~o 4eo


MAX. fl
Wall Panel No. 1


0 ...... WALL SEC.
-t 3m .R=5m

~ e.oo f'-to++ot
+ ..........

~ -4-
z Wall panel No. I

~ 4.00


FIG. 7. Maximum required compressive strength!~ versus wall thickness (two storey villa).
Behavior 01 Masonry Loadbearing Walls 73

Wall Ponel No. 10 .

10.00 a) Wall panel

o ......

t+++t 4-
6 3m+
j; e.oo '=5m

100 250 JOO .. 400

- !tOO


Wall Ponel No. 1

0 ...... WALL SEC. 1
....... 2
'7.80 ....... 3
:I ......... 4
............. 5
E ,....... 6
,z.eo 4000Q".. I Sm
-·... -- . . ---0
".... ',
..... '+ b) Wall

7JJ1J " '::. ....... " .... 50
..... " --6-
-..- -
... -...3
__ • - ...

i 2.10


FIG. 8. Maximum required compressive strength f ~ versus wall thickness (ten storey building).
74 F. Aboul-Ella

5.2. Minimum Thickness of Unreinforced Masonry

Two Storey Villa

Minimum thickness is 30 cm (35 cm *) for hollow masonry (wall sections 1, 2) and
25 cm for solid masonry (wall section 3).

Ten Storey Building

Minimum thickness is 27.5 cm for hollow masonry (wall sections 1 of Fig. 8-b as-
sumingf~ maximum of 12 MPa) , 27.5 cm (30cm *) for wall section 2, and 22.5 cm (25
cm*) for solid masonry (wall section 3).

5.3 Minimum Thickness of Reinforced Masonry

Two and Ten Storey Buildings

Twenty centimeter wall thickness is safe for wall sections 4, 5, and 6. Therefore
wall section 4, in which mortar covers only the face shell while the grouted cell and
steel bars are placed 1 meter apart is recommended because it is the most practical
and at the same time is more economical than the other two sections.

5.4. In General
Comparing reinforced and unreinforced masonry sections, the reinforced wall
with 20 cm (section 4) is preferable than the unreinforced 30 or 35 cm walls. This is
because reinforcement increases the ductility of the wall and hence its resistance to

6. Conclusion

Loadbearing masonry is a feasible cost-efficient building system for the Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia. Its advantages, analysis, design, and behavior are discussed in this
paper. The Canadian code, which is based on the working stress method, has been
suggested to be adopted in the Kingdom until its own code is developed after an
adequate data base becomes available. Based on this code parametric studies, using
a specially developed computer program, are presented in the paper to facilitate the
design of loadbearing walls.

The study was supported by a research grant from King Abdulaziz City for Science
and, Technology (KACST), which is greatly acknowledged.
List of Symbols

Am Mortar bedded area; that is net cross-sectional area at mortar joint.

Ce Eccentricity coefficient.
Cs Slenderness coefficient.

*Numbers in prakets are for hollow core slab.

Behavior 01 Masonry Loadbearing Walls 75

d Effective depth of wall section.

e Virtual eccentricity.
e1 The smaller virtual eccentricity at the top or bottom of a vertical member at lateral support.
e2 The larger virtual eccentricity at the top or bottom of a vertical member at lateral support.
f:n Ultimate compressive strength of masonry at 28 days.
fa. b The calculated axial compressive and flexural compressive stresses respectively.
Fa, b, t The tabulated allowable axial compressive, flexural compressive, and flexural tensile stresses
h Effective height of a wall.
M Bending moment.
P Axial load in wall, allowable vertical load.
t Effective thickness of wall.
Tsh Thickness of face shell.
Tw Thickness of web.


[1] Fereig, S. and Horn, M., Introduction of reinforced masonry system to Kuwait building industry,
Third North American Masonry Conference, Vniv. of Texas at Arlington (1985).
[2] Hamid, A., The use of loadbearing block masonry in residential building construction in Egypt, Pre-
sented in: The Conference on Safety of Structures, Ain Shams University, Cairo, April (1988).
[3] Hamid, A., Loadbearing masonry construction, Proceedings of a 4-day Seminar on: Cost-Efficient
Building Systems and Their Adaptability to Residential Building Construction in Egypt, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Jan. (1985).
[4] Hamid, A., Harris, H., Drysdale, R. and Suter, G., Engineering Masonry, Lecture Notes for a 2-Day
Practice-Oriented Course, Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. (1982).
[5] Hart, G. and Englekirk, R., Earthquake Design of Concrete Masonry Buildings, Prentice-Hall Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1982).
[6] Meddallah, K., Aboul-Ella, F. and Numan, M., A Study of one of the Building Systems Currently in
Extensive use in Saudi Arabia, Research Project AR 1/24 Conducted at King Faisal University, Col-
lege of Arch., Dammam and Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Tech., Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, Final Report, Rabi I (1410 A.H.).
[7] National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Masonry Design for Buildings, CAN3-S304-M84, Nov.
[8] American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 531-83. Building Code Requirements for Concrete
Masonry Structures, Detroit, Michigan (1979).
[9] Hendry, A.W., Wall/Floor-Slab Interaction in Brickwork Structures, New Analysis Techniques for
Structural Masonry, Proceedings of a Session Held in Conjunction with Structures Congress '85,
Chicago, Illinois, Sept. (1985).
[10] Medallah, Kh., Aboul-Ella, F. and Hamid, A., The use of loadbearing masonry in residential build-
ing construction in Saudi Arabia, The Fifth Canadian Masonry Symposium, Vancouver, B. C., June
76 F. AbDul-Ella

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