GEOS3101-3801 Earth Structure & Evolution: School of Geosciences

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School of Geosciences


A/Prof. Patrice Rey, Dr Adrianna Rajkumar

Dr Nicolas Flament, Tim Chapman, Rhiannon Garrett
Course synopsis

GEOS3101: The Earth’s continental crust is the cepts and content presented in this unit are es-
product of tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic sential knowledge for geologists and geophysi-
processes operating since Earth’s formation. cists and provide a conceptual framework for
This unit focuses on the body of knowledge and their professional practice. Students wishing to
techniques that enable an understanding of specialize in the field and become professional
these processes. GEOS3101-3801 is divided geologists will normally need to expand upon
into metamorphic petrology and processes the knowledge gained from this unit and either
(weeks 1–5), and tectonic processes (weeks 7– complete an honours project or progress to post-
13), with a component of fieldwork (between graduate coursework in this field. 

week 5 and 6) and a group 4-minute video pres- The use of a laptop/tablet (with the MATSCOPE,
entation (week 12). No lecture or pract in week app for microscope work) is strongly encour-
6, to make up for time spend in the field. The aged. Students are invited to use during the
main topics presented in this unit include: analy- practicals their knowledge of Matlab or Mathe-
sis of igneous and metamorphic rocks and miner- matica, or their open source equivalents: Oc-
als under the microscope; textural analyses; sub- tave, SciLab, Python or R.
duction and extreme
metamorphism, During extensional tectonics, the
Earth lithosphere breaks
mechanisms of heat
and the asthenosphere
and mass transfer, the
rises, advecting heat to
mechanical behavior shallow levels. Decom-
(i.e. rheology) of Earth pression melting of the
materials, and causes hot asthenospheric mantle
beneath Mid-Oceanic-
and consequences of litho-
Ridges explains the forma-
spheric deformation. Practi- tion of the oceanic crust. (im-
cal classes are designed to age @ PhD candidate L. Mondy).
enable students to be compe-
tently and independently identify the common
crystalline rocks in hand-specimen; to gather GEOS3801: It has the same objectives and is
and interpret the structural field data which en- suitable for students who wish to pursue as-
ables the determination of the structural style pects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is re-
and deformational history presented in particular stricted and selection is made from the appli-
tectonic settings, and to understand and inter- cants on the basis of their performance at the
pret petrological and structural data in terms of time of enrollment. Students who elect to take
thermal and mechanical processes. The con- this unit are required to pursue independent
work to meet unit objectives.

Learning outcomes & graduate attributes

Learning outcomes: Following @ P. Rey data and relationships and pro-

completion of this unit of study, vide a valid explanation or inter-
and provided that students attend pretation;
all classes and complete all re-
•9/ use computers effectively to
quired work, it is expected that stu-
process, visualize and analyze
dents will be able to:
data, and perform simple numeri-
• 1/ identify common rock form- cal calculation;
ing minerals (magmatic and meta-
•10/ work collaboratively in a multi-
morphic) in hand specimen and
cultural team environment;
thin sections;
•11/ write concise technical re-
•2/ interpret common mineral tex- ports;
tures, finite strain fabrics (i.e. fo-
liations and lineations), kinematic •12/ present engaging scientifc
indicators, and the relative timing seminars.
of mineral growth and fabric development;
•3/ understand the tectonic, metamorphic
and geochemical processes involved in key
geodynamic settings, their products and be
aware of assumptions underlying their inter-
•4/ calculate the continental geotherm from
observation of surface heat flow and rock
content in heat producing radiogenic ele-
•5/ understand the various modeof litho-
spheric deformation (extension, contraction,
strike-slip) and how the affect the tempera-
ture and pressure evolution of metamorphic
•6/ understand the relationship between the
elevation of the Earth’s surface and depth
denstiy profile;
•7/ when presented with a geological prob-
Magmatic foliation is a granite. The long potash feld-
lem, observe and interpret the key geological
spar is about 6 cm long. (image @ P. Rey, Finland).

Learning outcomes & graduate attributes
Graduate attributes encompass the qualities making students strong contributing members of professional and so-
cial communities. They relate to a graduate’s attitude or stance towards knowledge, the world, and themselves. These
are understood as a combination of five overlapping skills or abilities, the foundations of which are developed as part
of specific disciplinary study. For further details please refer to this Science faculty website.

Graduate Attributes (
A Research and Inquiry
Apply scientific knowledge & critical thinking to identify/analyse problems, create solutions, & improve
A1 practices. 1 to 8
A2 Gather, evaluate and deploy information relevant to a scientific problem. 4, 5, 7
A3 Design and conduct investigations, or the equivalent, and analyse and interpret the resulting data. 4 to 7
Critically examine the validity in scientific argument and discourse, & evaluate the relative importance
A4 of ideas. 1 to 8
B Information Literacy
Use a range of searching tools (such as catalogues and databases) effectively and efficiently to find
B1 information. 4 to 8
Access a range of information sources in the science disciplines: books, articles, patents & company
B2 standards. 1 to 8
B3 Critically evaluate the reliability and relevance of information in a scientific context. 1 to 8
B5 Use information technology to gather, process, and disseminate scientific information. 4 to 8
C Communication
C1 Explain and present ideas to different groups of people in plain English. 9 to 11
Write and speak effectively in a range of contexts and for a variety of different audiences and
C2 purposes. 10, 11
C4 Present and interpret data or other scientific information using graphs, tables, figures and symbols. 4 to 11
Work within a team, & take individual responsibility within the group for developing and achieving
C5 group goals. 10, 11
C6 Take a leadership role in successfully influencing the activities of a group towards a common goal. 10, 11
D Ethical, Social and Professional Understanding
Demonstrate an understanding of the significance and scope of ethical principles, both as a
D1 professional scientist and in the broader social context, and a commitment to apply these principles 10
when making decisions.
Appreciate the importance of sustainability and the impact of science within the broader economic,
D2 environmental and socio-cultural context. 1
E Personal and Intellectual Autonomy
Evaluate personal performance & development, recognise gaps in knowledge and learn
E1 independently. 4, 10
E2 Demonstrate flexibility in adapting to new situations and dealing with uncertainty. 4, 10
Reflect on personal experiences, and consider their effect on personal actions and professional
E3 practice. 4, 10
E4 Set achievable and realistic goals and monitor and evaluate progress towards these goals. 1 to 11
E5 Demonstrate openness and curiosity when applying scientific understanding in a wider context. 1 to 11


Assessment: The assessment for this course is based on formative and summative assesse-
ments. Late assignments are penalized 10% per day (weekends and holidays included).
To satisfactorily complete the course, all formative and summative assessments, including field
work, have to be completed to a minimum grade of Pass to avoid an Absent Fail.
* Faculty policy: In cases where a student fails to submit a compulsory task and/o fail to get a Pass, the final
marks awarded should be the maximum that the student is entitled to, up to 49. This attracts an “Absent
Fail” grade.

Assessment types Indiv. / Group Due date Return date (days) Weight

Week 1a Skills based evaluation Individual end of session 7 4%

Week 1b Assignment Individual Week 2 7 1%
Week 2 Assignment Individual Week 3 7 1%
Week 3 Skills based evaluation Individual end of session 7 4%
Week 4 Assignment Individual Week 5 7 1%
Week 5 Skills based evaluation Individual end of session 7 4%
Field Excursion Demonstrations Group (2) end of session 14 15%
Week 7 Assignment Individual Week 8 7 1.5%
Week 8 Assignment Individual Week 9 7 1.5%
Week 9 Assignment Individual Week 10 7 1.5%
Week 10 Assignment Individual Week 11 7 1.5%
Week 11 Small test Individual end of session 7 14%
Week 12 Demonstrations Group (3) Week 12 NA 7.5%
Exam period Final exam Individual Exam period NA 42.5%

Compulsory Attendance & Pre-lecture work: Attendance to lectures and practicals is compul-
sory unless there is a clash with other USyd UoS, or unless special consideration has been
granted. Students must come to the lecture prepared by reading the lecture notes and complet-
ing pre-lecture activities.


Special Consideration - Students who have a serious illness, or have experienced misadven-
ture which may affect their academic performance in this Unit of Study, may request that they
be given Special Consideration. Brief illness and minor misadventure will not warrant Special
Consideration. Application for Special Consideration must be submitted within three working
days of the due date of the assessment or examination for which consideration is being sought.

Special Consideration Application pack from the Student Information Office of the Faculty of Sci-
ence or from the following Faculty of Science website:

Kyanite-bearing schist from the Entia gneiss dome (Harts Range, central Australia). @ P. F Rey

Marking criteria

Marking and Distribution of Grades: Marks for achieved a high distinction level of achievement for
the assessment tasks and grades awarded for the the majority (>75%) of the assessment tasks
unit will conform to the University’s assessment poli-
Fail (Below 50%)
cies and procedures. A recent change to this policy
requires that marks be awarded relative to a set of Work may fail for any or all of the following criteria
standards that describe a graduated hierarchy of No answer or response is provided
the levels of achievement. The marks assigned to Does not address or otherwise answer the ques-
the various grades pass, credit, distinction, high dis- tion
tinction remain as they were prior to the change in Contains numerous minor errors or presents a sig-
the policy. The grades are described below along nificant misconception
with the criteria that will be used to identify the vari-
Presents irrelevant material
ous levels of achievement. Note the acknowledge-
ment of the several sources (e.g. SLS 2014) from No evidence of research or analysis
which these grade descriptors were modified; given Presents a significantly inaccurate or flawed argu-
below, see section on plagiarism). ment
In reference to these grades students should note The answer is incomprehensible or difficult to un-
that: derstand due to significant problems with grammar,
expression or structure
a) all marked assessment tasks, with the possible
exception of practicals, will normally contain an at
least one item that will enable the full range of Pass (Between 50% and 64%)
achievement levels to be demonstrated, although Work awarded a passing grade will usually achieve
students should note that some, and perhaps the the following minimum standards or present the de-
majority of the individual items, activities or ques- scribed characteristics
tions presented in each of the assessment tasks will
An appropriate but superficial answer or response
be intended to establish that students have
is provided
achieved a pass or credit level of achievement.
Presents relevant material in a superficial manner
b) that distinctions and high distinctions would nor-
or in a simplistic descriptive style
mally only be awarded to students who have per-
Correctly identifies key point or points (facts) but
formed at a high level in all assessment tasks – in
does not develop an appropriate explanation or argu-
this context ‘performed at a high level in all assess-
ment if this is required
ment tasks’ means that distinction students will have
achieved a credit minimum in all individual items of Contains some minor errors or presents minor in-
assessed work and will have achieved a distinction accuracies and misconceptions
level of achievement (or better) for the majority Little or no evidence of in‐depth analysis or deep
(>75%) of the assessment tasks. High distinction understanding of the concept
students will have achieved a distinction minimum in
all individual items of assessed work and will have

Answers can be understood but may be poorly Distinction (Between 75% and 84%)
worded or somewhat flawed due to poor grammar, Work awarded a distinction grade will usually
expression or structure achieve the following minimum standards or present
the described characteristics
Credit (Between 65% and 74%) Accurately answers the question in a convincing,
Work awarded a credit grade will usually achieve confident manner
the following minimum standards or present the de- Presents relevant material accurately in a concise
scribed characteristics manner or with the facts well‐integrated into a com-
An appropriate, accurate and reasonable detailed prehensive explanation or argument
answer or response is provided Accurate quotation and/or source identification
Appropriate key point or points (facts) and/or con- when appropriate.
cepts clearly presented without significant errors or Evidence of extensive independent research
misconceptions Evidence of extensive critical analysis of concept,
Presents relevant material concisely with facts and/or innovative perspective on the topic, and/or
clearly integrated into the explanation deep understanding of problem
Accurate quotation and/or source identification Answers are well written, with clear structure and
when appropriate. cogent expression
Evidence of some independent research or critical
analysis of concept or problem High Distinction (Above 85%)
Answers are easily understood with both clear ex- Work awarded a distinction grade will usually
pression and structure if appropriate achieve the following minimum standards or present
the described characteristics

In the deep crust, metamorphic processes of and deformation processes feed into each others. Deformation affects the orien-
tation of pre-exisiting minerals and controls the orientation of new metamophic minerals to form finite strain fabrics such as
foliations and lineations. In turns, metamorphism change the mineralogy of rocks and therefore their physical properties includ-
ing their strength which affects how they deform (image @ D.L. Whitney).

Accurately answers the question in an impressive, compelling, or highly persuasive manner
Presents relevant material accurately in a thoroughly convincing or forceful manner or with the facts well‐inte-
grated into an extended and comprehensive explanation or argument
Accurate quotation and/or source identification when appropriate.
Evidence of exhaustive independent research
Evidence of extensive critical analysis of concept, and/or innovative perspective on the topic, and/or deep un-
derstanding of problem
Answers demonstrate striking originality, an innovative approach, or impressive analytical skill
Answers are exceptionally well written, with excellent structure expression
Is otherwise exceptional in some way

The completion of all of the assignments contributes to the Graduate Attributes set by the University of Sydney:

Graduates of the Faculty of Science will be able to create new knowledge and understanding through the proc-
ess of research and inquiry, use information effectively in a range of contexts, work independently and sustaina-
bly, in a way that is informed by openness, curiosity and a desire to meet new challenges, hold personal values
and beliefs consistent with their role as responsible members of local, national, international and professional
communities, recognise and value communication as a tool for negotiating and creating new understanding,
interacting with others, and furthering their own learning. The assessment tasks of this unit are intended to col-
lectively enhance the above graduate attributes.

Thin sections of metapelitic rocks under the microscope showing kyanite (on the left), andalusite (center), and garnet-
staurolite and chloritoid (on the right).

image @ Håvard Berland

Recumbent fold from King Oscar Fjord (Norway), from the Caledonides orogeny (490-380 Ma).

Criteria Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Be able correctly identify and
As for pass, and be able predict As for credit, and correctly interpret As for distinction, and show a flair in the
describe common minerals and
Rock and mineral and account for whole rock nuanced relationships (timing and interpretation of nuanced relationships
mineral associations forming
identification compositional depencies on growth, igneous petrogenesis, (timing and growth, igneous petrogenesis,
common igneous and metamorphic
mineral assemblage. metamorphic grade variations). metamorphic grade variations).
Correctly interpret textural and As for distinction. An exceptional level of
As for credit and include accurate
whole rock geochemical As for pass, and be able to achievement will be indicated from detailed
detail. An advanced level of
relationships in common igneous interpret the timing of mineral and accurate work, and demonstrate an
achievement will be indicated from
Petrographic analysis and metamorphic rocks1, basic growth stages including prograde, exceptional level of understanding of
careful accurate work indicating a high
petrogenetic dependencies and the peak and retrograde metamorphic complex relationships. Evidence of
level of understanding of complex
effects of metamorphic facies stages. independent reading and initiative will be
variation on mineral assemblage. shown.
Demonstrate the ability to account As for pass, and be able to
As for credit, with accurate detail,
for major geochemical distinctions demonstrate a critical As for distinction. An exceptional level of
and the structure will be well
Mineral and rock between Earth’s core, mantle and understanding of geochemical achievement will be indicated from
constrained with an appropriate
geochemistry crust, and the major processes methods bearing on models for accurate work and the resolution of
amount of data. An advanced level
leading to elemental variation in upper mantle and crustal complex relationships.
of achievement will be indicated.
common crustal rocks. geodynamic processes.
As for credit, with accurate detail, As for distinction. An exceptional level of
Marking criteria

Demonstrate the capacity to lithological variation will be well achievement will be indicated from
Correctly discriminate rock
identify and interpret rock constrained with an appropriate accurate work and the resolution of
Tectonic context associations reflective of common
associations reflective of common amount of data. An advanced level complex relationships. Evidence of
tectonic environments.
tectonic environments. of achievement will be indicated independent reading and initiative will be
from accurate work. shown.
Demonstrate the capacity to As for distinction. An exceptional level of
Correctly resolve a best case
resolve a best case argument As for credit, with accurate detail, a achievement will be indicated from
argument pertaining to common
Logic in incomplete pertaining to common igneous, considered and well presented accurate work and the resolution of
igneous, metamorphic and tectonic
datasets metamorphic and tectonic issues argument at an advanced level of complex relationships. Evidence of
issues and present a coherent
and present a coherent argument achievement. independent reading and initiative will be
argument bearing on a case study.
bearing on a case study. shown.
Demonstrate an understaning of
As for Pass, and be able to As for Credit, and be able to
Earth’s thermal structure and the
explain: the significance of various explain: how the geotherm evolves
possible range of temperature at As for Distinction, and be able to write
parameters related to the definition following a tectonic event and
the Moho. Be able to: calculate the critical, well-articulated and illustrated
of the steady state geotherm; the predict PTt paths followed by
Heat transfer steady state continental geotherm reports, calling upon knowledge from other
difference between steady state various part of the continental
and the temperature and heat flow sources (other Unit of Study, research
and transient geotherms; and use crust; and independently figure out
at any depth, and follow a publications, books ...).
a given mathematical recipe to the mathematical solution to solve
mathematical recipe to solve
solve a heat problem. a heat transfer problem.
temperature problems.
As for credit, and be able to:
As for Pass, and be able to
calculate the various forces AND to
explain: the origin of the various
Demonstrate an understaning of be able to predict whether or not
tectonics forces AND the origin of
Earth’s density structure and to these forces can drive deformation;
gravitational volume forces, AND to
know the maximum magnitude of mathematically derive the value of
be able to explain how these
tectonic forces on Earth. Be able the gravitational forces from
forces can oppose or enhance
Dynamics to: draw the various tectonic forces application of the principle of As above.
each other; in which circumstances
and gravitational volume force on a isostasy; explain how the geotherm
extensional tectonics can be
realistic sketch; and follow a may impact on tectonic and
coeval with contractional tectonics;
mathematical recipe to solve gravitational forces; and
and use a given mathematical
dynamic problems. independently figure out the
recipe aimed at solving a dynamic
mathematical solution to solve a
dynamic problem.
As for Credit, and be able to:
As for Pass, and be able to construct the rheological profile for
Demonstrate an understaning of explain: the various rheological continental and oceanic
Earth’s viscosity structure. Be able behaviours using concept of strain, lithospheres AND be able to
to : list the various rheological strain rate and stress, AND to be evaluate their respective integrated
behaviours, AND to be able to use able to explain the sensitivity of the strength; explain the concept of
Rheology As abov
simple analogue models to various rheological behaviours to brittle-ductile transition, AND to be
illustrate them; and follow a pressure, temperature, fluids, etc; able to explain how this transition
mathematical recipe to solve and explain and to use a given changes with temperature and

board site. Common minerals: those forming common igneous and and metamorphic rocks, as examined in practical exercises.
mechanical problems mathematical recipe aiming at strain rate; and independently
solving a mechanical problem. establish a mathematical solution

1 Common igneous rocks: those defined in the IUGS classification of igneous rocks (Le Bas & Streckeisen, Journal of the Geological
Society of London, 148, 825–833, 1991). Common metamorphic rocks: refer to glossary from Vernon & Clarke (2008) given on Black-
to a rheological problem.
Course schedule


LECTURES  -­‐  Two  1-­‐hour  lecture  per  week LABS  -­‐  Two  2-­‐hour  session  per  week  
WEEK Mondays:  10.00  am  to  12.00  pm Mondays  -­‐  1  to  3  pm  or  3  to  5  pm
Carslaw  room  408 Madsen  Lab  332  or  336
Module  1:  Mineralogical  &  Petrological  EvoluPon  -­‐  Dr  Adrianna  Rajkumar  
Week  1 IntroducPon;  asymmetry  in  petrology Mineral  textures  in  crystalline  rocks  
Week  2 Petrofabrics  and  parents MetapeliPc  rocks  and  the  PT  spectrum

Week  3 Elements  in  acPon Retrograde  reacPon  textures  

Week  4 Equilibria  &  equilibraPon;  extreme  metam. SubducPon  metamorphism  

FracPonaPon  effects      |    South  Coast  Exc.  8-­‐11  
Week  5 Petrology  in  field  work
Week  6 South  Coast  Exc.  8-­‐11  April    |    No  lecture  no  pracPcal

Module  2:  Tectonic  and  Tectonophysics  -­‐  A.  Prof.  P.    Rey  and  Dr  N.  Flament

Week  7 Heat  generaPon  and  transfer Heat  generaPon  and  transfer  

Week  8 Isostasy  and  gravitaPonal  forces Isostasy  and  gravitaPonal  forces  

Week  9 Tectonic  forces Tectonic  forces  

Week  10 NoPon  of  rheology NoPon  of  rheology  

Week  11 PracPcal  Exam  (summaPve  assessment) PracPcal  Exam  (summaPve  assessment)

Week  12 Video  PresentaPon

Week  13 Revision

Submitting reports - When submitting your duce the PDF size before sending it. 5/ In-
reports via email : 1/ Use your USyd email ad- stead of naming your report “practical_re-
dress. 2/ In the email subject please refer to port” choose this format “UniKey_U-
the UoS and the practical ID (e.g. GEOS- oS_Lab_nb” e.g “prey_geos3101_Lab3”. 6/
3101 Report Week 8). 3/ Send your reports as When using the assignment box, write the
PDF (Portable Document Format). PDF was date of submission, otherwise penalty will be
invented to facilitate the sharing of docu- counted from the due date up to the date
ments across platforms via the Internet. 4/ Re- when your report was collected.

Plagiarism policy

Plagiarism policy - Please ensure you

have read the University of Sydney Plagiarism
Policy which can be accessed from the follow-
ing website:

Y [001] c


Hardcopy submissions must include a signed b

copy of the Student Plagiarism: Coursework - [100]
Policy and Procedure Compliance Statement
form which can be downloaded from the
School of Geosciences website:
 Understanding crystallography is paramount to understand
the physical properties of rocks. The elastic properties of olivine, which makes > 60% of the Earth’s mantle, largely
cahon.shtml control the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth
interior. This image shows the speed of P-waves propagating
All electronic assignment submissions must in- inside a crystal of olivine. The fast direction (red) corre-
sponds to the [100] crystallographic axis, whereas the slow
clude the text provided in the Student Plagia-
direction (purple) is the axis [010] (image @ P. F. Rey).
rism: Coursework - Policy and Procedure Com-
pliance Statement form.  The text must be un-
changed except for the students' name(s) and
submission date and must appear on the first
page of any electronically submitted assign-
ment in order for the assignment to be consid-
ered acceptable. The form is available as a
word document from the School of Geosci-
ences website:
 @ Cross-polar view of a metamorphic schist from European

cahon.shtml Alps (Val D’Aosta, Italy). The mineral assemblage consists in
glaucophane, phengite, garnet, clinozoisite and rutile. You
explore this thin section here:
NB: Mandatory use of Turnitin- The University
has mandated the use of text-based similarity 1a/index.html?x=23.46&y=11.54&zoom=0&s=0
detecting software (Turnitin) for all text-based
written assignments. 

The Team

Staff Contact Information

Lecturers Room Tel Email

Patrice  Rey Rm  408  Madsen  Bld   9351  2067 [email protected]

Nicolas  Flament Rm  416  Madsen  Bld   9351  7576 Nicolas.fl[email protected]

Adrianna  Rajkumar Rm  407  Madsen  Bld   9351  8199 [email protected]

Tim  Chapman Rm  407  Madsen  Bld 9351  8199 [email protected]
Rhiannon  GarreK Rm  414  Madsen  Bld 9351  8093 [email protected]

σzz The formation of moutain belts and orogenic plateaux is the result of oro-
genic processes occurring during and after the convergence between litho-
spheric plates. These processes includies oceanic and continental subduc-
sphe tion, and collision between continental lithospheres. These processes led
t litho
σxx to crustal thickening responsible for the higher elevation of moutain belts
σyy and plateaux. Other processes also contribute to the high topographic ele-
m antl vation of orogenic domains including the removal of thickened lithospheric
mantle , and deep mantle upwelling. Following these orogenic processes,
and even after convergence has ceased, other processes unfold contribut-
ing to warming-up the orogenic domain and its waekening to the point
where the orogenic domain collapses under its own weight. The spreading
of orogenic plateaux contributes to the exhumation of deep crustal rocks
(often partially melted) into gneiss domes, and it also contribute to the
shortening of adjacent regions (images @ P. F. Rey).

Plateau (70-km-thick crust)

Foreland (40-km-thick crust)
Brittle crust

Ductile crust

4 Moho
6 5

Recommended books and more ...

Ben van der Pluijm and Stephen Marshak, 2004. Earth

Structure An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tecton-
ics. WW Norton & Company. Second Edition.
Bucher, K. & Frey, M., 1994. Petrogenesis of Metamorphic
Rocks. Springer.Comprehensive rewrite of Winkler’s dated
but valued text.
Deer, Howie & Zussman,1992. An Introduction to the
Rock Forming Minerals, 2nd edition. Longman.Standard ref-
erence for mineralogy and mineral chemistry.
Dickin, Radiogenic Isotope Geology. Cambridge.Recent
text for isotopic petrology and geochronology.
Kearey & Vine, 1990. Global Tectonics. Blackwell.Excellent
summaries of geodynamics, though a rewrite will be re-
leased in 2008 (Kearey, Vine & Klepeis).
Marshak, S., 2008. Earth, Portrait of a Planet, 3rd edition.
Norton & Co., New York.This is the recommended first year
text and covers many basic issues very well.
Rollinson, H.1993. Using geochemical data.
Longman.Great summaries of isotopic petrology, geochem-
istry and the uses of trace element data in petrology.
Spear, F.S., 1993. Metamorphic Phase Equilibria and P-T-t paths. Mineralogical Society of America,
Monagraph.Detail on what the title suggests, but this will take some time for you to get in.
Van Der Pluijm, B.A. & Marshak, S., 2004. Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology and
Tectonics. A great book for undergraduates.
Vernon, R.H., 2004. A practical guide to rock microstructure. Cambridge.
Vernon, R.H. & Clarke, G.L., 2008. Principles of Metamorphic Petrology. Cambridge.You received a
preliminary copy of Chapter 1 last year, attached is Chapter 2.
Wilson, M. 1989. Igneous Petrogenesis, A Global Tectonic Approach. Chapan & HallChapters 1-3 pro-
vide an excellent petrologic background.
Winter, 2001. Igneous and metamorphic Petrology.Good coverage of some fundamental issues.
Yardley, B.W.D., 1989. An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology. Longman.An excellent and compact
reference. (in the search engine enter education to find didactic papers) (interactive 3D crystal models and more)

South Coast Excursion

Introduction- The objective of this excursion is to introduce you to advanced techniques in the
analysis of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks at the outcrop scale. The South Coast
of New South Wales between Moruya and Bega offers some spectacular exposures of Early to
Middle Devonian igneous suites, Ordovician turbidites and complexly deformed Cambrian to De-
vonian sedimentary sequences. Together they form the Late Ordovician Namoora accretionnay
complex of the Lachlan Orogen. The excursion involves four intensive days of analytical exer-
cises designed to improve your skills at outcrop analyses and the interpretation of geological
processes at the mesoscale.

Exercises- Group and individual exercises will include the following:

• Analysis of igneous minerals, igneous rocks and igneous processes at Bingie Bingie Point.

• Analysis of sedimentary facies, depositional environments (and possibly exotic terranes) in
rocks at Bateman’s Bay and Narooma. 

• Analysis of superposed structural fabrics in deformed greywackes at Bermagui.

• Critical interpretation of rock relationships on a macroscopic scale.

Assessment - This excursion is an important part of the GEOS3101 course (10% of final mark)
and attendance is mandatory unless a Special Consideration is granted. You will be divided into
groups to complete some exercises, but assessed individually. Each working day will involve
specific exercises. Your as-
sessment for the exercises will
be based on the following: (1)
participation in the exercises
and discussions, (2) quality of
the map, sections, sketches
and written interpretations pro-
duced for each exercise.
Bingie Bingie (16.6%), Potato
Point (8.4%), Narooma
(16.6%), Tathra (16.6%); Ber-
magui (33.3%), Malua

... South Coast Excursion ...


Friday 8th April-

AM: Depart in front of Madsen building at 9:30 am. Anticipated total travel time: 6 hours.
PM: Mapping & analysis of plutonic rocks of the Moruya batholith at Bingie Bingie Point (I-type
granitoids). Shopping in Narooma.
Saturday 9th April- Bring field lunch
AM: Stratigraphic analysis of rock exposures at Potato Point and Narooma.
PM: Evaluation of exposures near Tathra
Sunday 10th April- Bring field lunch
AM-PM: Mesoscopic structural analysis of superposed ductile fabrics and folds at Bermagui
Monday 11th April- Bring field lunch
AM: Stratigraphic analysis of rock exposures at Malua Bay
PM: Return to Sydney; estimated arrival at Sydney Uni - 5 pm

Accommodation- We will spend each night in caravan parks, there will be no camping. Please
bring a warm sleeping bag or your own bed linen. Cooking facilities will be available but you
must provide your own food - opportunities for shopping will be arranged. 

April 8-11th: Island View Beach Resort, 7323 Princes Highway Narooma NSW 2546 ph: 1800
465 432, GPS: -36.246085,150.141151

Equipment to bring- Field boots, daypack, 2 litre water bottle, hat, sun glasses, sun screen,
rainjacket, geological hammer, hand lens (10X), map clipboard with waterproof covering, tracing
paper, blank white paper for cross section drawing, field notebook, pencils, erasers, scale and
protractor, coloured pencils. Download the FieldMove Clino app (free on iTune app store or here: to your tablet or phone. Some of the areas we will visit are in Na-
tional Parks, in this case no hammer is allowed. It is NOT acceptable to wear thongs whilst com-
pleting field work. You will need a geological hammer for many exercises on this trip and for the
Geos3008 Field Geology and Geophysics excursion. You should buy a quality Estwing hammer
from the company Prospectors. Be prepared for working in cold weather, wind and rain.

...South Coast Excursion

Accommodation and transport fee-

The cost of the trip ($250 inc GST) is
payable to the University. Retain a re-
ceipt as proof of payment.

Assumed Knowledge - To success-

fully complete this field excursion you
should be familiar with the following
concepts and tasks: 

• Measuring strikes and dips with a
compass, phone or tablet device. 

• Plotting the orientations of lines and
planes on a stereonet canvas. 

• Identification of Bouma sequences
and palaeocurrent indicators. 

• Identification and classification of
main igneous, sedimentary and meta-
morphic rocks. 

• Construction of structure and stra-
tigraphic sections. 

• You should have already download
the FieldMove Clino app, and be fa-
miliar with measuring & plotting data.

Litho-structural map and cross-section of the eastern Lachlan Orogen (Foster and Gray, 2000, Annu. Rev.
Earth Planet Sci., 28, 47-80)

Video Presentation Week 13

In week 12, students working in group of 3 will deliver a 4 to 5 mn-long video presentation on a sub-
ject of particular interest to them but relevant to GEOS3101-3801.

1. INTRODUCTION - Don’t be fooled

by the short length of the video which is
requested from you. To produce a mean-
ingful 4 to 5 mn-long video you will
have to go through, understand and di-
gest a relatively large volume of informa-
tion. Only then, you will be able to pre-
sent your topic in an engaging, concise
and articulate manner. Please, keep in
mind that these videos aim at senior un-
dergraduates, not first year students.

Your video must be delivered, in an

Internet-compatible format, on a USB
(Universal Serial Bus) key, along with a
one-page summary. To be safe, please
provide your video in various formats
(avi, mpeg, mov, etc). A webcam, a basic
movie editor and some imagination are
all you need to build an engaging pod-
cast presentation.

Plate margin fragmentation and the detachment of continental

ribbons can be seen as the product of mantle wedge dynamics.

1/ Introduction - effective in laying the groundwork, its significance 5 %
2/ Delivery - well-articulated, effective transitions, smooth and well paced 10 %
3/ Grammar and word choice 5 %
4/ Timing: Finish in time allowed 5 %
5/ Summary/conclusion - reinforced key points 5 %

Video Presentation Week 13


1/ Could you read / comprehend them? 10 %
2/ Sequence - was it appropriate? 5 %
3/ Effectiveness in supporting conclusions 5 %


1/ Logic- logical and smooth progression from problem through study to result 10 %
2/ Significance - new and useful contribution? 10 %
3/ Relevance- of presented material to the task 10 %
4/ Conclusions - well-supported and documented 10 %


1/ Questions - Measure the audience interest 5 %
2/ Replies - well handled 5 %

NB: Humor is one way to engage the audience. Keep in mind however that the prime objective
of this exercise is not solely to entertain your audience, but to teach and learn.

Choose your your topic carefully (see list in the next section) and send to Patrice
([email protected]) the title of the topic you have chosen and the name of your

Video Presentation Week 13

Each individual chapter from “Van
Der Pluijm, B.A. & Marshak, S., 2004.
Earth Structure: An Introduction to
Structural Geology and Tectonics”
can used as a basis for a 4-5 mn video
podcast, in addition to the following
broader topics:

Mantle Convection and Mantle Dynamics

Tackley, 2000: Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics: Toward an Integrated Physical and Chemical The-
ory. Science, v.288, 2002-20007

Romanowicz, B, Yuancheng Gung, 2002: Superplumes from the Core-Mantle Boundary to the Litho-
sphere: Implication for Heat Flux. Science, v. 296, 513-516.

Zhong, S, and M. Gurnis, 1995: Mantle Convection with Plates and Mobile, Faulted Plate Margins. Sci-
ence, v.267, 838-843.

Scoppola, B, D. Boccaletti, M. Bevis, E. Carminati and C. Doglioni, 2006: The Westward Drift of the
Lithosphere: A rotational drag? G.S.A. Bulletin, v.118, 199-209.

Conrad, C. and C. Lithgow-Berteloni, 2002: How Mantle Slabs Drive Plate Tectonics, Science, v. 298,

Cizkova, H., J. van Hunen, A. P. van den Berg, 2002: The Influence of Rheological Weakening and Yield
Stress on the Interaction of Slabs with th 670 km discontinuity. Earth Planetaru Scince Letters, v.199,

van den Berg, A., P. E.S.G., Rainey and D. A., Yun, 2005: The Combined Influences of Variable Thermal
Conductivity, Temperature- and Pressure-Dependent Viscosity and Core-Mantle Coupling on Thermal
Evolution. Earth Planetary Science Letters, v. 149, 259-278.

Video Presentation Week 13

Coltice, N., B.R., Phillips, H. Bertrand, Y. Ricard and P. Rey, 2006: Global Warming of the Mantle at the
Origin of Flood Basalts over Supercontinents. Geology, 35, 391-395.

Continental Break-Up and Sedimentary Basins

Gernigon, L., S. Planke, J.C. Ringenbach and B. Le Gall, 2006: Tectonic and Deep Crustal Structures
along the Norwegian Volcanic Margin: Implications for the “Mantle Plume or Not” debate.

Gernigon, L., J.C. Ringenbach, S. Plank, and B. Le Gall, 2004: Deep Structures and Breakup along Vol-
canic Rifted Margins: Insights from Integrated Studies along the outer Vøring Basin (Norway). Marine
and Petroleum Geology, v. 21, 363-372.

Gernigon, L., F. Lucazeau, F. Brigaud, C. Ringenbach, S. Plank, and B. Le Gall, 2006: A Moderate Melt-
ing Model for the Vøring Margin (Norway) Based on Structural Observations and a Thermo-
kinematical Modelling: Implications for the Meaning of the Lower Crustal Bodies. Tectonophysics,
v.412, 255-278.

Geoffroy, L. 2005: Volcanic Passive Margins. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, v.337, 1395-1408.

Corti, G., M. Bonini, S. Conticelli, F. Innocenti, P. Manetti and D. Soukoutis, 2003: Analogue Modelling
of Continental Extension: a Review Focussed on the relations Between the Patterns of Deformation and
the Presence of Magma. Earth Science Reviews, v.632, 169-247.

Corti et al., 2003, Geophysical Research Letters

Wijns, C., Weinberg, R., Gessner, K. & Moresi, L. 2005: Mode of crustal extension determined by rheo-
logical layering. Earth Planetary Science Letters v. 236, 120-134.

Rey, P. 2001: From Lithospheric Thickening and Divergent Collapse to Active Continental Rifting. in
Miller, J.A., Buick, I.S., Hand, M., and Holdsworth, R.E., (eds), Continental Reworking and Reactiva-
tion, Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.184.

Mountain Belts Processes

Wittlinger G., P. Tapponnier, G. Poupinet, Jiang Mei, Dhi Danian, G. Herquel and F. Mason, 1998: Tomo-
graphic Evidence for Localized Lithospheric Shear along the Altyn Tagh Fault. Science, v. 282, 74-76.

Shapiro, N.M., M.H. Ritzwoller, P. Molnar and V. Levin, 2004: Thinning and Flow of Tibetan Crust Con-
strained by Seismic Anisotropy. Science, v.305, 233-236

Royden L. H. B. C. Burchfield, R. W. King, Erchie Wang, Zhiliang Chen, Feng Shen and Yuping Liu,
1997: Surface Deformation and Lower Crustal Flow in Eastern Tibet, Science, v. 276, 788-790.

Rey, P., O. Vanderhaeghe, and C. Teyssier, 2001: Gravitational Collapse of the Continental Crust: Defini-
tion, Regimes and Mode. Tectonophysics, v. 342, 435-449.

Boutelier, D., A. Chemenda and C. Jorand 2004: Continental Subduction and Exhumation of High-
Pressure rocks: Insights form Thermo-mechanical Laboratory Modelling. Earth Planetary and Science
Letters, v. 222, 209-216.

Stockhert, B., and T. V. Gerya, 2005: Pre-collisional high-pressure metamorphism and nappe tectonics at
active continental margins: a numerical simulation. Terra Nova, v.17, 102-110.

Tikoff, B., C. Teyssier, C. Waters: 2002. Clutch tectonics and the partial attachment of lithospheric layers.
EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 1, 57–73.

Rey, P. and N. Coltice, Geology, 2008: Neoarchean lithospheric strengthening and the coupling of
Earth’s geochemical reservoirs. Geology, v.36, 635-638.

Duclaux, G., Rey, P., Guillot, S., and Ménot, R.P., 2007, Orogen-parallel flow during continental conver-
gence: Numerical experiments and Archean field examples: Geology, v. 35, p. 715–718.

Rey P., and G. Houseman, 2006: Lithospheric scale gravitational flow: the impact of body forces on oro-
genic processes from Archaean to Phanerozoic. In Buiter, S. J. H. & Schreurs , G. (eds) 2006. Analogue
and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-Scale Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
253, 153–167.

Heat Generation and Heat Transport

Anderson, D. 2005: Energetics of the Earth and the Missing Heat Source Mystery.

Burg J.P. and T.V. Gerya, 2005: The role of viscous heating in Barrovian metamorphism of collisional oro-
gens: thermomechanical models and application to the Lepontine Dome in the Central Alps. J. Metamor-
phic Geology. v.23, 75-95.

Rey, P., P. Philippot and N. Thébaud, 2003: Contribution of mantle plumes, crustal thickening and green-
stone blanketing to the 2.75–2.65 Ga global crisis Precambrian Research, v.127, 43-60.

Coltice, N., B.R., Phillips, H. Bertrand, Y. Ricard and P. Rey, 2006: Global Warming of the Mantle at the
Origin of Flood Basalts over Supercontinents. Geology, 35, 391-395.

Rheology of the Continental and Oceanic Lithospheres (2 topics)

Kohlstedt, D.L., B. Evans and S.J. Mackwell, 1995: Strength of the Lithosphere: Constraints Imposed by
Laboratory Experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research, v.100, 17587-17602.

Fernandez, M. and G. Ranalli, 1999: The role of rheology in extensional basin formation modeling. Tec-
tonophysics, v. 282, 129-145.

Burov, E.B. and A.B. Watts, 2006: The Long-Term Strength of Continental Lithosphere:”Jelly Sandwich”
or “Crème Brûlée”? G.S.A. Today, v.6, 4-10.

Jackson, J. 2002: Strenght of the Continental Lithosphere: Time to Abandon the Jelly Sandwich? GSA To-
day, v. Sept, 4-9.

Pysklywec, R. N. and A. R. Cruden, 2004: Coupled crust-mantle dynamics and intraplate tectonics:
Two-dimensional numerical and three-dimensional analogue Modeling. Gcubed, v.5, 1-22.

Unworth, M.J., A.G. Jones, W. Wei, G. Marquis, S.G. Gokarn, J.E. Spratt, and the INDEPTH-MT team,
2005: Crustal rheology of the Himalaya and Southern Tibet inferred from magnetotelluric data. Nature,
438, 78-81.

Watts, A.B. and S. Zhong, 2000: Observations of ¯exure and the rheology of oceanic lithosphere. Geo-
phys. J. Int. v.142, 855-875.

Dyksterhuis, S., P. Rey, D. Müller and L. Moresi, 2007: Effects of initial weakness on rift architecture. In
Karner, G. D., G. Manatschal, and Pinheiro, L. M. (eds) Imaging, Mapping and Modelling Continental
Lithosphere Extension and Breakup. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 282, 443 – 455.

Tectonic Forces and Body Forces

Wittlinger G., P. Tapponnier, G. Poupinet, Jiang Mei, Dhi Danian, G. Herquel and F. Mason, 1998: Tomo-
graphic Evidence for Localized Lithospheric Shear along the Altyn Tagh Fault. Science, v. 282, 74-76.

Hammond W.C. and W. Thatcher, 2004: Contemporary tectonic deformation of the Basin and Range
province, western United States: 10 years of observation with the Global Positioning System. Journal of
Geophysical Research, v.109, 1-21.

Hammond W.C. and W. Thatcher, 2005: Northwest Basin and Range tectonic deformation observed
with the Global Positioning System, 1999 – 2003, Journal of Geophysical Research, v.110, 1-12.

Flesch L.M., W.E. Holt, A.J. Haines and Bingming Shen-Tu, 2000: Dynamics of the Pacific-North Ameri-
can Plate Boundary in the Western United States. Science, v.287, 834-836.

Lallemand S. and A. Heuret, 2005:
On the relationships between slab
dip, back-arc stress, upper plate ab-
solute motion, and crustal nature in
subduction zones. G-Cubed, v.6, 1-

Huisman R.S., Y. Y. Podladchikov,

and S. Cloetingh, 2001: Transition
form Passive to Active Rifting: Rela-
tive Importance of Asthenospheric
Doming and Passive Extension of
the Lithosphere. Journal of Geo-
physical Research, v. 106, 11271-

Davis and Kuznir, 2002: Are buoy-

ancy forces important during the for-
mation of rifted margins?. Geophys.
J. Interior, v. 149, 524-533

Husson, L. and Y. Ricard, 2004.

Stress balance above subduction: Ap-
plication to the Andes. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 222, 1037-1050.

Rey, P. 2001: From Lithospheric Thickening and Divergent Collapse to Active Continental Rifting. in
Miller, J.A., Buick, I.S., Hand, M., and Holdsworth, R.E., (eds), Continental Reworking and Reactiva-
tion, Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.184.

Rey P., and G. Houseman, 2006: Lithospheric scale gravitational flow: the impact of body forces on oro-
genic processes from Archaean to Phanerozoic. In Buiter, S. J. H. & Schreurs , G. (eds) 2006. Analogue
and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-Scale Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
253, 153–167.

Rey, P., O. Vanderhaeghe, and C. Teyssier, 2001: Gravitational Collapse of the Continental Crust: Defini-
tion, Regimes and Mode. Tectonophysics, v. 342, 435-449.

Duclaux, G., Rey, P., Guillot, S., and Ménot, R.P., 2007, Orogen-parallel flow during continental conver-
gence: Numerical experiments and Archean field examples: Geology, v. 35, p. 715–718.

Earth’s Structure ...

Jiahua Chen, Science 8 Jan. 2016: Subducting slabs bring oceanic plates (blue) into the deep mantle. The slabs de-
flected at the 660-km discontinuity form layered convection within upper mantle and transition zone. The slabs pene-
trating into the lower mantle reaching the core-mantle boundary form whole-mantle convection. Plumes (red) rise from
the core-mantle boundary, bringing materials that are enriched in incompatible elements relative to the expected man-
tle average back to the 660-km discontinuity. Some of them penetrate through the discontinuity, whereas others are
deflected and may produce secondary upper-mantle plumes. Shear localization induces interconnected weak layers
(IWL) along the slabs or plumes as well as the top and bottom of the lower mantle, yielding a less efficient mixing for
the central LBF (load-bearing framework) part of the lower mantle (the reason for long-lived geochemical reservoirs).
Illustration: C. Bickel/Science


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