Esclanda Epithets
Esclanda Epithets
Esclanda Epithets
PdD English
Homeric Epithet
Usually called an epithet or a Homeric epithet, but sometimes called a Homeric
epitaph, it is one of the most noticeable features of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Epithet comes
from the Greek for putting (something) on (something). It is a tag or nickname that can be
used on its own or together with the real name, depending on other features of the Greek
Purpose and Use
Epithets add a bit of color and also fill out the meter when the name on its own
doesn't quite fit. In addition, epithets serve as a mnemonic device reminding listeners that
they have, indeed, already heard mention of the character. The epithets, generally compound
adjectives, are picturesque, which certainly helps make the assignment of character to epithet
Most of the important people in the Iliad have a special epithet that serves as an extra
name. Athena is the only one described as glaucopis 'grey-eyed'. She is called thea glaukopis
Athene 'goddess grey-eyed Athena' and also Pallas Athene 'Pallas Athena'. On the other hand,
Hera shares her epithet leukolenos 'white-armed'. Hera does not, however, share the longer
epithet thea leukolenos Hera 'goddess white-armed Hera'; nor does she share the
epithet bouopis potnia Hera 'cow-eyed mistress/queen Hera'.
Homer never calls the Greeks 'Greeks'. Sometimes they are Achaeans. As Achaeans,
they receive the epithets 'well-greaved' or 'brazen-clad Achaeans'. The title anax andron 'lord
of men' is most often given to the leader of the Greek forces, Agamemnon, although it is also
given to others. Achilles receives epithets based on the swiftness of his
feet. Odysseus is polutlos 'much-suffering' and polumytis 'of many devices, crafty'. There are
other epithets for Odysseus beginning with polu-'many/much' that Homer selects on the basis
of how many syllables he needs for the meter. The messenger goddess, Iris (note: the
messenger deity is not Hermes in the Iliad), is called podenemos 'wind-swift'. Perhaps the
most familiar epithet is the one used for the passage of time, rhododaktulos Eos 'rosy-
fingered Dawn.'
Son of Laertes
Laertes’ son
Raider of cities
The strategist Odysseus
Wily Odysseus
The man skilled in all ways of contending
Resourceful Odysseus
The man of many resources,
He of many twists and turns
Much-enduring Odysseus
Great-hearted Odysseus
Sacker of cities
Wise Odysseus
Great glory of the Achaeans
Odysseus, the master mariner
Mastermind of war
Hotheaded Odysseus
The man of action
The great teller of tales
Man of exploits
Man of pain
That kingly man
Odysseus the hero
The great tactician
Cunning Odysseus
More to come…
Epithets describing Teachers
Thompson the bald
Carter, king of the comb-over
Darth Holcomb and/or The Incredible Holcomb