Spinal Cord Pathology: Ronald C. Kim
Spinal Cord Pathology: Ronald C. Kim
Spinal Cord Pathology: Ronald C. Kim
Ronald C. Kim
2 • Spinal Cord Pathology
paraplegia following atheromatous embolism to the
anterior spinal artery at spinal T10.
Rheumatoid Disease
Myelopathy may develop in subjects with rheumatoid disease,
either as a result of direct involvement of the spinal cord or its
coverings by the disease process (i.e., in the form of vasculitis or
of rheumatoid nodule formation), or, more commonly, as a result
of disease of the cervical spine (11). Vertebral column disease is
typically the result of subluxation, most frequently atlantoaxial
but sometimes subaxial. Atlantoaxial subluxation may occur
either in a forward or in an upward direction; in the former
circumstance the spinal cord may be pushed against the ante-
rior wall of the spinal canal, resulting in a triangular spinal cord
contour as seen in transverse sections, with a central pattern of
damage (Figure 2.12).
(21, 22). All are characterized clinically by LMN weakness, are- in which case the myelin that is formed is of peripheral rather
flexia, fasciculations, absence of sensory signs, and EMG evidence than central type.
of denervation. The classical infantile type (type I SMA or
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) is lethal and results in death at age
3 to 18 months. The chronic infantile type (type II SMA) is more Neuromyelitis Optica
slowly progressive and may be associated with survival into adult- Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a relapsing, polyphasic inflam-
hood. Patients with the chronic childhood type (type III SMA matory demyelinating disorder that appears to be separate and
or Kugelberg-Welander disease) progress very slowly and may distinct from multiple sclerosis. The vast majority (90%) of
have near-normal life expectancies. affected subjects are women, and the median age of onset is
Pathologically, in the severe infantile form, there is profound toward the end of the fourth decade. The optic neuritis and
nerve cell loss and astrocytosis within the spinal anterior horns myelitis may occur either sequentially or simultaneously, and over
and brain stem motor nuclei, with atrophy of motor nerve roots. half of patients develop permanent visual or ambulatory impair-
Skeletal muscle shows denervation atrophy. ment within 5 years of onset (24). A highly specific serum autoan-
tibody (NMO-IgG) has been identified that binds to the water
channel protein aquaporin 4, which appears to play a major role
Multiple Sclerosis in water homeostasis within the CNS.
The histopathologic substrate of NMO is a necrotizing optic
The vast majority of patients with multiple sclerosis will show neuritis and longitudinally extensive myelitis in which an admix-
clinical and pathological evidence of spinal cord involvement, ture of demyelination and cavitating necrosis, an inflammatory
usually in association with manifestations indicative of disease at infiltrate containing many neutrophils and eosinophils, and
other sites. In a sizable proportion, spinal cord dysfunction, in vasocentrically distributed immune complex deposition are typ-
the form of spastic ataxia, spastic paraparesis, or impaired pro- ically observed (25, 26). NMO also appears to occur in associa-
prioception or vibratory sensation, may predominate. tion with certain other autoimmune disorders, notably systemic
As is the case elsewhere in the CNS, the characteristic patho- lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome.
logic finding is the presence of sharply circumscribed foci of
demyelination with relative sparing of axons (23). These lesions
may be visible on inspection of the surface of the spinal cord and TOXIC/METABOLIC MYELOPATHIES
may be associated with gross atrophy. As seen in transverse sec-
tion, their boundaries bear no relation to gray-white matter Postangiography Myelopathy
interfaces or to fiber pathways (Figure 2.16). Active plaques are Postangiography myelopathy is an uncommon event and is
typically associated with perivascular “cuffs”of lymphocytes and typically encountered following aortography or, less frequently,
plasma cells, axonal swellings, and lipid-laden macrophages. If vertebral angiography. It is a consequence of inadvertent admin-
several lesions are present, they may be in different histological istration of contrast material directly into the spinal circulation
stages of evolution. Within old plaques the concentration of through radiculomedullary feeding arteries. Clinical manifesta-
oligodendrocytes is sharply reduced.“Shadow plaques” are those tions (paraplegia or quadriplegia) appear within hours. Patho-
in which the staining density of the myelin is only partially logically, there is centrally predominant necrosis that damages
reduced, and they represent remyelination with formation of most of the gray matter (2). The arterial supply and venous
short, thin myelin internodes. Foci of demyelination near nerve drainage are intact. Margolis and his colleagues reproduced the
root entry zones may undergo remyelination by Schwann cells, myelopathy by injecting sodium acetrizoate (Urokon) into the
aortas of dogs and concluded, on the basis of this work, that dam-
age was the result of toxicity rather than ischemia (27).
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Figure 2.26 Spinal intramedullary metastasis of small cell
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Figure 2.27 Ischemic perivenous microcystic
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spinal T7, particularly dorsally and laterally, owing to
show a greater degree of nuclear pleomorphism, with a higher venous obstruction by metastatic prostatic
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